#might post some of Kris eventually tho
synthshenanigans · 1 year
Another hms sticker ive collected :}
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Got other ones as well that arnt CJ related too V
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untouchabyeolman · 3 years
DFTF & the gist of everything; a theory
(warning: long post, no cut)
*cracks knuckles* OKAY. so i’m about to give my two cents on the theories surrounding the comeback but this is gonna be a long one so strap in and enjoy the ride i guess??
but before i get started on the DFTF stuff i just want to do a bit of recap on the members’ powers and their counterparts back in mama era (yes i’m going all the way back bear with me). from the beginning, we are shown that each member has a special power and those from exo-k have a counterpart in exo-m and the pairings went like this:
xiumin (frost) - suho (water manipulation)
luhan (telekinesis) - kai (teleportation)
kris (dragon’s flight) - chanyeol (phoenix’s fire)
lay (healing) - baekhyun (light)
chen (lightning) - kyungsoo (enhanced strength/earth?)
tao (time control) - sehun (wind manipulation)
i think these parings are fine but for me a couple of changes could have been made to make more sense to their powers. in my opinion, i think it should be:
xiumin - suho
luhan - sehun
kris - chanyeol
lay - baekhyun
chen - kyungsoo
tao - kai
obviously, xiumin/suho make sense bc their powers are related to each other where suho’s is the foundation of xiumin’s more refined control of the element. kris/chanyeol also makes sense for the same reason. for lay/baekhyun, healing powers can reconstruct damages from wounds and even bring dying flowers (maybe even people) back to their full health. basically, lay restores a living thing’s energy. but light is a form of energy too. flowers need light to survive and so does the rest of the planet for that matter. but i think baekhyun uses that light to be able to concentrate the energy into his hands to form a beam powerful enough to blast anything in its path (who are u? tony stark??). 
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tbh, i’m still kind of unclear about ksoo’s power on whether he can actually manipulate earth (like an earthbender) or if he has enhanced strength. either way, he can shake the earth and obviously he’s more powerful on the ground. with lightning, it can travel three ways: cloud to cloud, cloud to air, and cloud to the ground. you can think of their powers as being related by how the fissures in earthquakes are similar to the patterns of lightning. kyungsoo causes the rumbling in the earth, while chen causes rumbling (thunder) in the sky (hence why they are parallels of each other in mama mv)
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for those i think should be switched, we’ll start with luhan/sehun. sehun has the power of wind but throughout the history of their powers i don’t think we’ve actually seen him have full control of his ability? in mama, he’s in the desert (this is gonna come up again later!!) with a raging tornado behind him. i mean, i guess he could be doing that intentionally but for the sake of this entry i’m going to assume he can summon the wind but he can’t fully control it. meanwhile, luhan can easily manipulate objects and we could think of this as him just actually manipulating the air around that object. luhan’s control of the air is more stable whilst sehun’s is the opposite. 
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for tao/kai i think it makes more sense for them to be counterparts since kai travels through space and while tao’s power is to stop/start time, he has the to potential to travel through time as well. these two go hand in hand because if they’re together, they’d be even stronger as traveling through time could be faulty since the time you might want to go back or forward to isn’t going to be in the same exact location as you are now. 
BUT WAIT! we’re left with 9 members so what happens now?? 
i actually made a “theory” about exo having new counterparts back in 2016 but i’m scrapping the main idea from it and will just be referring to particular points going forward. so for now, let’s go with the assumption that their counterparts are as they are in my version. this means that sehun, chanyeol, and kai no longer have their counterparts. now what?
let’s first make two assumptions: 
their powers become stronger when they are with their counterparts: like i’ve mentioned above, they’re stronger together than they are apart. but additionally, it’s a bit safer for them to be separated since they are much more easily located by the red force if they are all in one place.
if one loses their counterpart (i mean for good and not just separated by distance) then eventually, the power of the one who was lost will manifest itself in the one who is left
for (2), it would make sense then as to why in sehun’s pathcode teaser, he finds the toys floating in mid-air. at this point, he’s unaware that he’s actually the one doing this. (@raven-rin​ points out the similarities between luhan’s scene in mama with the orbs and sehun’s “planet” in the DFTF teaser photo which supports my theory that they are connected in this way). 
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in chanyeol’s pathcode teaser, he seems to have lost some control of his power whereas in mama mv, he was able to keep a small flame in his hand under control. 
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for kai, we’ve mainly see him teleporting on earth and he’s had quite a good control on his power since the beginning. but i think now, with tao’s power manifesting itself in him, he’s now able to teleport beyond just earth. we can take his mmmh mv for example too where he’s teleporting between worlds and currently, his power symbol is that of a hexagon with a keyhole in the center; he is the door between worlds and the main connection between the others. 
SO THE POINT TO ALL THIS IS there was a theory posted by @vampwrrr​ and pointed out by @loeyarc on twitter about how the members are not in their own planets but they actually landed in someone else’s. i think this could be true since xiumin is in a planet with aurora’s (baekhyun’s planet), kyungsoo is in a red planet that could possibly be chanyeol’s. kai’s might be in kyungsoo’s and baekhyun’s in a planet where there’s ice which could mean he’s in xiumin’s planet. i’m not sure about the power swapping (tho i absolutely love the idea) but i think they might have just landed in planets they were closest to. 
but i want to point out how chanyeol is in a planet that looks like a desert 
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now, this could actually be sehun’s planet in parallel to where he was in mama. sehun, on the other hand, is actually in luhan’s planet (going back to the reference @raven-rin​ made). 
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i think here, he’ll finally realize why his powers have been glitching (from pathcode) and how he now has the ability to move objects like luhan did (disclaimer 1: since not all members are present for this comeback, who’s to say they can only land in the planets of the active members’ planets??. disclaimer 2: not saying luhan is still member, he clearly isn’t. i meant for members who are enl*sted. for all we know, one or two of those planets could be chen’s or lay’s, etc.)
idk if DFTF is a pre-quel to power or a follow up but *if* the latter was the case, then the end of power makes sense. throughout the mv, we see suho, xiumin, kai, chen, chanyeol, sehun, and kyungsoo fighting the giant red force robot in possibly a different planet (i’m thinking the exos actually banded together to track down the red force themselves to get their powers back and in every planet they encounter these RF bots who keep destroying the planets they occupy) but for most it, baekhyun isn’t there fighting with them. he does show up near the end which confirms that he’s in the same place as the others but why isn’t he fighting?
let’s recall that their powers are stronger when they’re with their counterparts. if we go by the theory from lucky one that some members lost their powers, then it makes sense why none of them were able to fight off the bot with their powers alone (which they regained by defeating it in the end). i do think they are still strong at this point but their powers are weak. as for baekhyun, his counterpart is far away. lay hasn’t really been with them since monster era so he was probably playing it safe by not actively fighting alongside the others. (if he’s powerless and separated from lay then he’s the most vulnerable compared to the others)
at the end of power, we see baekhyun falling into the water/ocean. how did this happen? if exo left the planet they were in in power, it’s possible that after defeating the bot, it triggered the red force of their location. the red force then proceeds to destroy that planet in an attempt to kill exo once and for all
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(disclaimer 3: screencap is meant to show an example, not that this is exactly in the same timeline as power)
but the exos manage to escape in their ship in time but their ship malfunctions (could be hit by debris from the planet’s explosion) and they have no choice but to leave the ship. i think their ship has “escape pods” meant for each one of them as a way to escape safely in case of an emergency. but let’s say these pods will immediately head for the planet they were set to (again, kind of like a safety protocol type thing where they get sent to different locations to avoid detection from the red force). to add, say that in the chaos, the exos just went into whatever pod they got to first which is how they end up landing in different planets. 
maybe something happens to baekhyun’s pod and he has to manually eject himself from it. but we see he lands in the middle of an ocean 
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and in his DFTF photo teaser, we see he’s in a planet with ice caps and water
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you still with me? i’m about to tie everything together and finish i promise!
remember the second assumption we made? “the power of the one who was lost will manifest itself in the one who is left”. what if the red force know this? what if the reason they’ve been after exo is because of this fact? but if that were the case, where would the powers manifest in if the exos are gone? i know the lot of us skip the intro of mama but it states that an eye of red force “coveted the heart of the tree of life and the heart slowly grew dry” which meant that the tree of life is the source of the twelve force’s powers. 
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everything started with the tree of life and in an attempt to save its remaining powers, they split it in half and hid the halves from the red force. the power of the tree of life is what connects exo. but as mentioned, if one is lost, the power will continue to live inside another. if the red force destroys all of exo, the powers they possess will be returned to the tree of life and if the tree of life is whole again, the red force will in no doubt abuse its power and continue their plans from the very beginning. 
then we can say that in lucky one, it was another tactic used by the red force to extract their powers. those extracted powers were then used to create x-exo. since x-exo are under the red force’s orders, if they manage to destroy exo, their powers will undoubtedly go to their x-counterparts. but as the red force control’s x-exo they still have the upper hand once this plan is set in stone. i mention this to get us back on the current timeline seeing as DFTF may be strongly connected to power which precedes obsession. but then again, i’m not even sure about the exact order of the timeline but this is just my theory so it’s just for fun!
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minjiwritesstuff · 5 years
EXO Reaction: You Give Them A Lap Dance
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He was watching a movie to relax after a long day at the studio when you decided to take care of his stress yourself. Without any warning, you sat on him and started to move your hips, giving him a lap dance. Of course, he enjoyed it at it’s maximum and watched you with a thankful look, knowing this would lead to something else. 
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Han watched you as you sexily moved your hips for him, making sure that he looked at nothing but you but his eyes were glued to you the second you started dancing on him. When you were done, he looked at you and breathed heavily like he just finished some training.
‘‘That was hot, bao bei’‘
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He never thought he’d fall more for you but he was so wrong. You weren’t exactly the type to do this, but you wanted to show him that you were able to do it like any other girls. But in his eyes, it was so better than any other girls would do. You were looking so sexy and he couldn’t take it.
‘‘Damn, I truly have a gem’‘
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(couldn’t really find a proper gif sorry)
I think Junmyeon would be shy at first since you never did that and never gave a sign that you could do this. Maybe he’d be a bit awkward at first but not enough to ask you to stop, he’d let you continue to see what you would do next. Eventually, all of your moves got to him and he started enjoying it at it’s best. In the end, he’d be happy that you did it and would like you to do it again sometime.
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Some would think that Yixing would get shy by your actions but no. The second you started moving your hips on him, he got excited and you could tell. That only made you continue and eventually, Yixing couldn’t hold himself back anymore and stopped you.
‘‘I’m sorry but I can’t have you dancing like that’‘ he said before taking you in his arms to bring you to your shared bedroom.
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He would watch you silently, making sure not to miss any of your sexy moves. He’d secretly undress you with his eyes and he’d bite his thumb, his eyes glued to you. You wouldn’t stop, unless he asked but in all honesty, Baekhyun would NEVER ask you to stop, he would just keep watching you until he can’t take anymore. 
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We all know how pervy Jongdae can be so it would be no surprise that when you started giving him a lap dance, he would watch you with a look that screamed ‘I want you’. He would also suddenly lick his lips while making eye contact with you, so you could get all the hints that your actions would lead somewhere else.
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He didn’t think you were serious at first so he gave you the exact same look as in the gif and funnily moved his tongue, playing your game. But when he realized you were serious and that you were giving him a real lap dance, his cheeks went red and his eyes grew big. Don’t worry though, it didn’t take long that he started enjoying it and started imagining things up in his head.
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Kyungsoo would L O V E it. Absolutely love it. He wouldn’t be scared to touch you while you were moving on him and he’d let you know how good you were at it. He had a slight daddy energy while you gave him a lap dance and you loved it, let’s not lie to ourselves. Of course, this went further than just a lap dance but I think Kyungsoo would let you move for much more time than the others.
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Baby energy right there. He would be shy and maybe a bit confused at your sudden moves. It was the very first time you (or someone else tbh) did this to him and he didn’t quite understand why you felt like doing this. He didn’t dislike it, but he probably didn’t enjoy it as much as the others did. It was his first experience, probably not his last, but the next one wouldn’t happen this soon.
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DADDY ENERGY!!!! I REPEAT DADDY ENERGY!!!!! He would be just like Kyungsoo, not scared a bit to touch you or tell you how good you are at this. He’d bite his lip, smirk at you, wink, do everything to make you need him. He would also probably whisper dirty things in your ear, but like I said, Jongin has a daddy energy.
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Sehun would enjoy it in silence. He would watch you and bite his lip. He’d keep his hands to himself, sometimes putting them at the back of his head so he could completely relax. He would sometimes smirk, but not too often because tbh he’d be too concentrate on you to even move a muscle.
W O W  that took a LOOOOOOONG while before I actually posted that. Basically, I had this in my drafts since a few weeks and didn’t have any inspiration for it but here it is!! I hope you guys will enjoy it tho, it’s been a while since I last posted an EXO reaction (thanks to the anon who requested it). I might become annoying with this but really, don’t be shy to request, I really enjoy receiving requests from you and even though I sometimes take some time to make them, I will always end up doing them. Of course, I have to know the group well enough to write a reaction/imagine/drabble about them but that shouldn’t be a problem since I stan so many groups hehe 
So thank you again for the likes, reblogs and eventual requests (i hope!!!), love yall 
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idexstuck · 3 years
what is kissing various ccuers like? find out
vivian: awk af and will force ur hands up to touch her face. altho thinks its 10x more hot for u to just touch her lips not actually smooch her. might end w her trying 2 like eat ur hand killian: hes a dad. also divorced 2 times. so weird is an understatement. also full indiana dad semi-aftershave beard so double awk. altho if u like that good on ya. needless to say he kinda is occupied w trying to eradicate humanity but he makes time exceptions 4 u. lips taste like regret and $5 cedar lake beer c(d)r: again awk as hell. high energy tho. prefers little 'muah' pecks. if on lips: redbull and coffee. makeouts r rare but cdr isnt rly a ~sexy~ person (lawyer). would love love love if u initiated smth further tho! but if u are not comfy thats ok :) xiang: gravity increases in a good way like when u get underwater so far & water pressure does that thing it does where you just feel .zip'd. soft lips rating = 12/10 kris: dont try to be sexy and bite his lip you might catch his lip ring and that hurts him be careful :( otherwise also p awk but in a very endearing way pre gb emerson: apyr :) post gb emerson: his lips taste like broken dreams, expired yogurt, and porn. 0/10 but he likes to shove his tongue down ur throat and if u find that hot congrats. also will use his es. just enjoys the idea of escalation. rly hard to 'just' kiss him bc if he wasnt already horny for everyone its ESPECIALLY bad for u. ender: doesnt know what human affection is but hypothetically will not have an understanding of being normal. will try and succeed to hurt you. if you dont like it he wont be affected (MEAN!) unless he cares abt u (partner on his quest for revenge). if you like it congrats hes not abt to go bdsm and hurt u unless u ask tho eva: not interested in romance but you're special :) at first shes eh to the idea of making out bc tht takes up time but it grows on her. likes human intimacy ig. kisses are very sweet and very nice :) 20/10 jacobi: smoker so not great. also doesnt shave so not great. kinda awk and not rly in an endearing way either. you have to teach him. but hes trying ok???? juno: electric! loves kissing thinks the idea of smashing faces is weird but also AzanPog. will like it if u run ur hands thru his hair so do it :) ruth: has never been a romance guy post-HS and frankly has naught the time nor energy for it rn (except for u). so hes just kinda rusty. likes to be guided and told what to do not in a weirdo way just ig u gotta let him know cos he needs to know ur boundaries if escalation. otherwise hes super nervous. will maybe surprise kiss u if he is brave! :) holo 0302: kiss -> makeout -> devolves into (if you so desire) hard and heavy fuckin. cant really control itself enough to stop UNLESS you give the word/it senses u arent having a good time. otherwise its rly possessive of u. always wants to be the instigator. always tries to get ur clothes off as fast as possible lol tour: AWKKKKK but it is ok. she isnt for pda or hell even private da so moments are rare w her. u have 2 initiate. super duper rusty also lips chapped af. not rly one for making out tho. sometimes u get insecure like oh does she not love me and the answer is no, she does, just bad at showing it smop: weird she doesnt rly care abt romance or face smashing at all. also unphased by 99% of advances or innuendos or anything remotely romantic. have 2 tread carefully w her. first kiss probably 6mo after u started dating but shes like huh i thot we were jus rly good friends. its super sloppy and she has no idea what shes doing but its ok cos its endearing rich: need i say anything. its perfect every single time. pure euphoria. rly good kisser too. ur welc johanna: messy & sloppy af because she insists upon not initiating intimacy unless shes super inebriated. she doesnt want you to overwrite trevor in her mind so she just hopes the alcohol will get rid of the taste of ur lips. doesnt work. first sober kiss is still weird and shes rly hesitant. u got 2 feel it out w her. takes a looong time to escalate since shes uncomfortable but thats ok. when shes at that point then o ya she loves nice long chill makeout sessions. probably with the caveat that every so often she takes a massive swig of beer (remember to work out this idea with her beforehand as to not overstep boundaries). lips obvi taste like beer. sooo much jack daniels. nikolai: will never initiate intimacy. u have to sit him down and tell him its ok but he still wont. loves it if he is never in control of the scenario. would love it even more if u escalated w/o him asking and hes afraid to ask. but if u eventually deprogram him he might initiate sometimes. kisses are super weird hes not used to em. whys his mouth taste so salty wtf? clara: very clinical. she is not by any means a romantic. but still nice tho since any intimacy is a good act of opening her shell! issac: CHEFS FREAKIN KISS BABY. better than rich. even if u just have a fling u will never ever find anyone who can even just smooch u like he does. filled w emotion and also hes super nice ig so :). handles u so carefully not in a fragile way but in a loving way. mouthtaste for sure some kinda minty flavoure. or a nice wine :) reina: she makes u feel so safe. thts all i have 2 say. u are Held ingrid: are you crazy? schuyler: actually not as bad as one might think. prefers u to initiate. obvi used to be a heavy smoker and drinker so he is kinda bad for the mouth ya feel. acquired taste for sure. if u like southern men, congratulations. dr.w: go grandpa go jim: would start happy crying if u asked if u could kiss him. then would say no. ur gonna have to wait a LOOOOOOOOOOONG ASS TIME to kiss him. just be patient. notice that his acts of intimacy are skewed towards nonphysical- hes a great listener and is very attentive to u! those are good :)
0 notes
titleknown · 7 years
Advice on Making Good Creepypasta OCs
So, as it’s about to be the start of the Spookiest Time Of The Year, by which I mean the Halloween season, by which I mean the beginning of August…
Boy does Halloween season start earlier and earlier every year, and yet nobody ever complains about it like they do Christmas. I suppose that a holiday about self-expression and weirdness is probably more welcome exposure-wise than a holiday about conformity and tradition, but that’s for another post.
Anyhoo, since it’s Almost Time, I figured I might as well do an advice guide on how to make some good Creepypasta OCs. Because, when created from scratch as characters rather than emerging from a “main” creepypasta, most of them tend to be Usual Deviantart Characters + Warmed Over Slasher Movie Cliches. And while that has its charm, I think we can do better.
So, what is my advice? Follow me after the break!
One of the main problems I see is, again, there’sso much aesthetic interbreeding, hence why you see so many Deviantart-lite pasta OCs, because so many of them come from Deviantart and copy the “pattern” they see from other Pasta OCs.
Well, first off, draw directly from the source for Creepypasta inspiration. Because, despite is use widening, the term Creepypasta does bring up what I would call a “house feel,” but a lot of people don’t know where that comes from so they end up not quite understanding the core of why it feels unique.
The long and short of it is, Creepypasta draws from forteana + weird fiction. So, for the former, look at the various testimonies of IRL-type supernatural or generally strange stuff, cryptids like Mothman or the Hopkinsville Goblins; bizarre natural phenomenae like strange rains or bizarre locations; or IRL terrifying cults like the Solar Temple or the Ripping Crew, and so-on.
For the latter, Lovecraft’s always a good place to start; because despite his notoriously bad (Like, even for its day) racism, the man was always good at setting a scene and creating an atmosphere and very specific feel. And check out his contemporaries too, like William Hope Hodgson; Robert Chambers or the excellent story The Night Wire, or modern weird fiction like the manga Fourteen or the works of Junji Ito. Or check out some of the more odd horror films that fit under the lable of “weird fiction,” which I will likely eventually make their own post on, but I’ll give Phantasm; Videodrome, Tourist Trap and Suspiria as a few very good examples.
But, a lot of people draw only from fiction, so my next piece of advice would be draw from yourself. Every creator brings their particular fears and aesthetic interests to the table, it’s what makes them unique, so one might ask, “What are yours?”
To talk of other Creepypasta characters, Harmburger comes from Jonathan Wojcic’s fascination with juxtposing cartoonish whimsy with absolute nightmare with hints of social satire, and Candle Cove comes from Kris Straub’s fascination with the slippery nature of memory. Find what sorts of looks you like, but also what subject terrifies and fascinates you. Even if that results in; like; a Homestuck Troll who jumps out of toilets to grab you or a buff guy with a Jojo stand that uses illegal wrestling moves, it’s still more interesting than the usual warmed-over kinda thing.
Of course, that’s only half the battle, inspiration. The rest is thinking of the character as an isolated character, able to exist independently of a work (Which a lot of Creepypasta antagonists aren’t).
So, the advice becomes think about what makes your character different from others, rather than similar. And I’m not just talking about “Mine has a bow on it!” Look at Slender Man, Harmburger, RED, the Rake, ect. They’re all wildly different, even in terms of shillouette, so go for distinct first.
If you want a quick starting point for uniqueness, try going non-humanoid with your concept; because I’m shocked at how few non-humanoids there are as Creepypasta Ocs even though they make up a good proportion of the Iconic Creepypasta Foes. Or go even weirder and make them an abstract force; like Uzumaki’s Spirals or the eponymous “show” of Candle Cove. Tho this stretches the definition of “OC,” you’d be surprised...
And, that’s another thing, add personality; not lore. Because, a horror creature gets less scary the more is revealed about it, but that doesn’t mean that; despite what Highbrow Horror People like @afloweroutofstone say; good horror can’t come from them as characters. In fact, I’d argue that great antagonists/monsters are one of the things that makes horror great; and an area incredibly neglected by that branch of Serious Analysts who don’t love monsters, but that’s for another post.
You can give an idea of how they’d act; what they’d do in a certain situation; what their motives and possible origins are; but never fully tip your hand. Always leave a “space” in the ideas behind them to perhaps fill out later; but usually to keep a perpetual mystery. Always keep ‘em guessing, but also be sure that what they do see and what is revealed is interesting and fascinating in the way the best characters are.
And, that leads to my last idea, know what stories can be told with them. Because, as much as I love characters-as-worldbuilding-elements, when it comes to rubber hitting the road; the best way to make a character compelling is to tell the dang story with them, and given they’re meant to presumably exist in multiple stories the way the most recurring Creepypasta characters are; or heck even the most recurring characters in general like Conan or Sherelock Holmes; you need to figure out what sorts of stories they appear in and what they do in those stories.
Relevant to the point before this; there always should be enough mysterious threads that you don’t quite reveal the ends to; but in every story you use them in; the reader should have enough information to understand what’s going on in the A Plot, even if the larger world has aspects left a mystery. That’s the difference between Alien and Prometheus, and that’s one of the big differences between a good Creepypasta and a bad one...
I’ll probably be adding to this article in the future, given I’m kinda writing this in a rush via reasons of irresponsibility, so feel free to let me know what I could add or how I could do better.
And, if you want to support me, feel free to join my Patreon, where you get previews and, at the higher tiers, even polls on what you want me to do next and art commissions. I
n fact, that’s how I chose this article idea. Huzzah!
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