#might post this whole sketch page later we'll see
triptychofvoids · 5 months
I love the way you draw Medic, he’s just so perfect in your style 💕 and thanks of course for not making him a twink, I’ve seen too much fanart like that 🥹
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danke sehr~ im glad you all like it!!
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whatsvert · 1 year
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(his favorite pickles are dill pickles)
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astressedartist · 8 months
Blog #1 - Heads
Oh goodness, the start. It seems rather scary, don't it? Well, lets start it together. :D
Heads can be complicated. Some might get too big. Others too small. I'm a digital artist, so I make heavy use of the transform tool, but that doesn't mean I didn't start traditionally. We'll go through both of this one, much like every other one following.
First up, how do we start? Well, anyone whos anyone will tell you to make a circle, but how? Let's grab some paper and start. For circles to be used in heads, many people -myself included- will tell you to pick an area on the page to start. But where? Well, how big's your drawing going to be? Small? Chibi? Realistic? Your in the wrong blog post for that last one.Start with analyzing your page. How big is it? Mine is 9x12 but you can use anything. A corner of some math homework your supposed to be working on. Scrap paper with old work on it. Doesn't matter.
Find the area you want the top to be. Then, circle away. (Video as reference)
Next, we get to add guidelines. This one also has some thinking to do. But we'll start with front facing as its easiest.
For this one, and for my style specifically, I set my guides just slightly off center. See the slight bend? Not many people do it, but I do. Positive, it helps with shaping and plotting certain features. Negative, its really not the greatest start. It's very obviously a light turn and that's not technically front facing. 
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Now. What do we do from here? Well, make the face, obviously :D
Can't start placing features without the overall shape now can we? I start with the lower face, or, cheeks. I make a little line at the horizontal guide and then bubble it out. I bubble it all the way down to a point, where the chin will be. From there, I guide it up to the other side of the guideline and made a slight bump. I then go back to the start of our chin and shape around our messy circle. For this, I added an ear -which is just a little semi-circle, but you don't have to for now. 
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And there we go. We have our head. Can slap a face on it if you'd like, but that'll be a different post. Faces can be weird and I typically don't add faces till I'm done anatomy. Since this drawing/doodle will be our reference throughout our journey, faces will -unfortunately- not be till later. One step at a time.
Until then, here are some other references I used to follow till I got used to making my own heads.
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(Reference Link: https://drawingref.com/head/)
References on a side note are, and I cannot say this loud enough, NOT BAD. How are we to improve if we can't learn from each other? Tracing? To an extent. If it'll help you learn, go for it. If you try to turn a profit, leave. That's not kind or right of you.
Practice makes perfect. Its okay to have a whole page in your sketch book dedicated to just one thing to practice with. We all have it.
With that being said, till next we meet. Have a fantastic and bubbly day my dear Stars.
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