#and about the not making medic a twink thing..
triptychofvoids · 5 months
I love the way you draw Medic, he’s just so perfect in your style 💕 and thanks of course for not making him a twink, I’ve seen too much fanart like that 🥹
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danke sehr~ im glad you all like it!!
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punkitt-is-here · 3 months
I just wanted to say as a transmasc your post about looking like your relatives when you transition has helped me a lot. I always knew that I wouldn't look like an anime twink bc I'm 5'2" and built like a mini fridge, but seeing the transphobe talking point of "hrt won't make you look like an anime character" turned on its head and made into a positive thing not only alleviated some of the dread I have about T, but also made me even more excited about medical transition. I can't wait to look like my dad or grandfather!
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Genuinely would love to know what you think that trans women have in common with femboys
Well for starters we have the shared desire to take estrogen to alter out bodies and, short of that, dress and act more femininely/as woman/however you wanna phrase it. In a time of "anti-drag" bills and restrictions on access to hormones i hope i don't have to point out how these shared desires back us all into the same corner.
Look a lot of people replying to my post have assumed I'm defending a lot of wild shit i never mentioned in the post. Idk which twitter femboys pissed y'all off so much but I never said we have to court any particular group, especially not some creeps online who harass us.
But I'm deeply deeply worried by this growing sentiment among transfems on here that anyone else doing transfemininity different from us are just a grifters or aping our identities. Not only because we should respect others but girl how many of us went through a phase of being feminine boys before realizing we were trans women. Hell, i know so many girls on here who identify as both trans women and feminine men.
I'm not saying we are all exactly 100% the same. As i said in the post we have differences in identity and what we like to be called and that does shape our communities. But when that's the only substantial difference that any of us can come up with then i can promise you that the world at large does not care. They want to strip all of us of our rights and healthcare all the same.
What we have in common is that we exist on the same spectrum of transfeminine gender, far closer to each other than some would like to believe. And so when i see a website full of girls who seem more focused on how annoying the people next to us are than how we're all in immediate danger then forgive me for thinking we need to course correct.
Especially when i see so many of us defaulting to the same rhetoric of "they're terrible fetishists engaging in immoral behavior" that the christian right uses against us. You can think sissy kinks are weird and creepy but how are these arguments any different from the blair whites of the world raging against anyone who's not a Medically Diagnosed Dysphoric True Transexual. Cause so far the only substantial thing i can make of the arguments against me is "they're not using the right pronouns that allow them to say femboy" which is just saying they're doing transfemininity wrong and therefore they're bad.
This is getting to be longer than i wanted lol but I want reiterate that we don't need to ally with anyone who doesn't wanna ally with us. Whatever racist transphobic femboy twinks on twitter and 4chan y'all keep talking about are not who I'm talking about. What I'm wanting to point out is that there are people on here who are already in our communities. People who call themselves boys and girls and both and everything else in between who's transitions and identities are not that different from yours or mine. And right now this insistence that they are doing it wrong and are therefore our political enemies is driving and wedge where there doesn't need to be one. I promise we can all just make out and have puffy nipples together
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another-delta-lover · 3 months
Tip for guessing tf2 ships:
If the person draws sniper slightly buffer, or thicker, or slightly taller, or anything that isn't categorizable as a "depressed tired of everything twink", they almost definitely ship Bloody Suit/Knife Party (Sniper x Spy).
Why? You might ask. It's really simple!!
EVERY SNIPER SHIP IS BASED ON HIM BEING A DEPRESSED TIRED OF EVERYTHING TWINK! He is the twink of the relationship???? Making him not a twink is a WAR CRIME.
Soldier x Sniper? Sniper is the twink
Pyro x Sniper? That butch lesbian (pyro) ain't no twink! Sniper is the twink.
Demo x Sniper? You guessed it! Sniper. Is. The. Twink.
Heavy x Sniper? Do I have to explain myself?
Engie x Sniper? That butch lesbian (engie) ain't no twink! Again! Sniper is the twink.
Medic x Sniper? If you make medic the twink in this one, 😁 I'm not friends w you. SNIPERSTHETWINK
Sniper x Sniper? Twink²
Now you might ask: "but delta! What about Speeding bullet?? (Scout x Sniper)"
Well, my lil child, that ship is based on BOTH OF THEM BEING TWINKS. The thing is, scout serves more cunt than Sniper, Sniper is just there.
In bloody suit however, Spy has to balance shi out bc they both too twinkle twinkle little star. They make Sniper taller and bigger and/or they make Spy smaller and SKINNIER(I THOUGHT THAT WASN'T POSSIBLE.)
Sometimes they make them accurate, but I'm talkin about specific cases XDD.
I wanted to get that out of my chest😭AHHSJAHEAB
(imagine this in a really unhinged tone of someone desperate for some mercy bc of guessing so many ships)
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solid-white · 4 months
Canon vs Fanon [TF2 edition]
Okay so I finally got to reading the tf2 comics after being gone for 7 years and never having read the comics, so here's a comparison between Fanon and Canon:
Fanon: The mercs all care for each other and are like a family (but who doesn't love some found family?)
Canon: They could give two shits about if they die or not. The only ones that actually "care" for the team is arguably Ms. Pauling and/or Scout. Even then they have their separate reasons for why they're sticking around around. They refer to and think of each other as coworkers. Though they're friendly with each other and do think of each other as work friends (helping each other out, making jokes with one another)
Fanon Demoman: a drunkard who's excessively flashy and eccentric. Ruins a lot of stuff by being drunk and shares the same braincells as canon Soldier.
Canon Demoman: A pretty chill guy when he isn't in battle. He's also pretty serious when it involves matters he needs to be serious about (ex. Having to go undercover in the lead paint town). Overall? 8/10 character. Currently my favourite besides Pyro.
Fanon Pyro: (will refer to Pyro as him) Sometimes his childish trait overlaps with his violent nature, the opposite spectrum happening as well. He's also sometimes depicted as being unaware that he's killer. Loves the team and sees all of them as family. Non-intellegent.
Canon Pyro: He's very much aware that he's a freak of nature. He's a gentle mix of childish and pyromaniac. Is actually pretty intelligent, having gotten a company rich in a matter of 6 months. Won't hurt people just cuz, only does so when it's a job or they dislike fires, and when he does, makes sure the person suffers because it's fun. Extremely chaotic. Barely interacts with the team (besides Engie) outside of jobs.
Fanon Scout: Childish, yaps, reckless, dies a lot because he's the runt, narcissistic, and doesn't know how to do anything (idiotic). "Erpy derp, me twink scout. Will not hurt you because bad." (Depicted as non violent). Comic relief. Doesn't get along with any of the mercs due to his childish nature, particularly Sniper and Heavy.
Canon Scout: Likes to yap a lot, has a brash attitude, and is self-centered/egotistical. He's also in deep denial that Spy is his father. He isn't book smart, but he's smart enough to know how to play his cards right (persuasive when it comes to things he wants). Knows how to drive. "And brother, I hurt people!" (Enjoys hurting others). Pretty close to Sniper (Hangs out with him outside of work/buddy-buddy with him. Ex. The fist bump, Sniper jokingly smiling at Scouts joke during expiration date, etc) he's arguably the only one who's truly buddy-buddy with the entire team.
Fanon Heavy: Big beefy guy who doesn't have a single brain (that assumption has corrected itself over time). He's also obsessed with sandviches, will pummel Scout if they're even in the same vicinity, and gay for Medic and will go out of his way to be close to Medic.
Canon Heavy: Intelligent (Russian literature PHD), doesn't speak much unless spoken to, serious and has a 24/7 stone wall expression. Only gets annoyed with Scout because of his constant speaking, willing to die for Medic and sees him as a close friend (now I understand where all the ship art came from). And loves sandviches.
This is getting long and I'm tired. Will continue analysis soon.
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tommyboweinabowtie · 2 months
if you havent seen tommy's instagram stories today about his body journey, weight and self esteem GO DO IT NOW
ok but like TW about body image and mental health talk but like, he talks about it in mostly a positive way i just had to screen record the whole thing because it resonates so much with me i don't think I'll be able to post the whole video here because it was a couple minutes long and tumblr video player hates me but just a few points - He doesn't like people commenting on his body, even if people think they are complimenting him. Most compliments kinda backfire and also he is a comedian, talk about his performance, how funny he is, not about his appearance! - Calling someone fat doesn't even make sense, fat is adipose tissue and everyone has it, what makes one person fat and not the other, what are you trying to say about his body? - He talks a little about his medication and mental health journey, and how it affected his weight gain/loss. So yeah, people gain and lose weight but that is just one thing about their body and health, and you have no idea how they are feeling, so don't comment on their body. - he's been through a lot in the last like six months or so, and he had ups and downs and he is better now and the way he feels is super positive about the whole thing, like even if he has days he doesn't feel fine he's still glad he's alive and he chooses to be happy and how he'll react to things. - he also said something about his ass won't quit so he has to stay a little thick, he has to match it and that he's trying to "twink death / daddy-ify / himbo" the situation even if it takes time.
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i-need-some-advice-on · 2 months
I am really concerned about some friends of mine involved in a predatory friendship
I’m a young college student and two of my friends have been hanging out with a much older guy. We’re all 20, this guy is fucking almost thirty.
We met him through our college’s paranormal club. I did NOT know he was that old so all of us hung out a few times since we were all super into the same shows. We thought he was our age. At his age he still looks like a twink and doesn’t seem out of touch like other 30 something’s so the possibility that he was so much older never entered out minds.
He seemed like a really cool guy then we found out his age when one of my friends (who had a crush on him) asked him out. He turned her down, because he thought the age difference was inappropriate and also because he’s apparently gay and has a boyfriend.
What disturbs me though is that both of my friends are still hanging out with this guy after this happened! She said she wanted to still be his friend but it just seems weird to me for a 29 year old to be hanging around with people our age or mingling with young adults on a college campus at all! They wonder why I no longer come with them when they hang out and idk what to tell them!
We also ran into his boyfriend who’s like 25. I’m kind of uncomfortable around his bf too because he’s so much older than us but I’m also worried about him because with him dating a 25 year old and hanging out with 20 year olds is a clear indication he’s trying to prey on younger people and his boyfriend could just be a perfectly normal guy who was unlucky enough to be roped in.
Anyway this is totally inappropriate. My friends say it’s purely platonic but I’m not comfortable with the situation and it also makes me uncomfortable that there are so many middle aged people on campus because it makes the rest of us more vulnerable to things like this happening. I do not think they should even let people over 23 into any of the clubs or classes.
I actually confronted him yesterday and asked him why he was still in college at his age. He gave me some bullshit about having a “serious medical condition” in his teens and 20s that made it hard for him to live independently or go to college and only just got it under control within the last couple years and he’s getting a bit of a late start in life. I don’t know.
It sounds suspicious to me, like he’s trying to make up a sob story to make me pity him because when I asked him to elaborate he said he wasn’t comfortable talking about it.
In any case he shouldn’t even be here. Even on the off chance it’s true and he’s not trying to do anything he should not be here. I want to report him or something but I don’t know how! What should I do?
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dionysism · 2 months
wanna go more in depth for your hatred about tsoa? is it really REALLY inaccurate? im start to get more into greek mythology and many recommended that book to me besides the obvious ones like the actual materials
(btw i love your posts mwa mwa stay hydrated)
sure! yes it is very inaccurate. let me just say though its been like 3 years since i read it and i'm currently out of state so i don't have it on me to skim through but perhaps one day i will reread it just to make a whole masterpost on everything i hate about it. maybe not tho because it was agonizing enough on the first read 💀
also let me put a trigger warning here i will be mentioning sexual assault in this post because it's in the book and i'll be referring to that scene
so i have a lot of issues with it let me try to organize my thoughts... her characterization is my main issue. just terrible. also i feel like her writing is like.... weird or unfitting sometimes. like theres a scene where patroclus (who is like... 11 or 12 at this point maybe younger) says achilles is "still plump with childhood" or something (again probably not the exact quote its been a minute but something similar) which is just not how 11 year olds talk about other 11 year olds? its supposed to be from patroclus' perspective and i just feel like when shes writing him as a kid he still sounds, thinks, and talks like a grown adult. sometimes he doesn't even sound like patroclus he just sounds like madeline miller.
which brings me to her characterization of patroclus in general. just fucking horrific was her inspo troy (2004)? she made him this medic twink who only heals and even when he finally does fight in achilles armor its like he gets kills on pure luck and you're supposed to be shocked. patroclus in the iliad is 1. older than achilles and 2. a great warrior! this is why achilles lets him don his armor in the first place because he KNOWS how good patroclus is on the battlefield. also patroclus has anger and rage of his own! he is not a smol uwu baby don't PISS ME OFF! his kill count crazy. idek where she got the medic thing from there's like one (1) scene in the iliad where patroclus helps an injured solider in the camp but he is most certainly not the medic of the greeks. he's dull in tsoa. he has hardly any personality outside his love for achilles.
next is her thetis. this, i think, enrages me more than anything else. thetis is a character of grief. thetis is a goddess who, for all her power, is ultimately unable to change the fate of her son. she may be a little overbearing at times, but NOTHING like how she is in tsoa. madeline miller makes her a homophobic (?) helicopter abusive mother (i say ? on the homophobia because im not sure if it was homophobia or if she just hated patroclus specifically. if it was homophobia the stupidity of making an ancient greek god homophobic speaks for itself) thetis doesn't even hate patroclus in the iliad, in fact, thetis is the one who preserves his body and keeps it fresh and prevents it from rotting while achilles waits for his new armor and then goes out to fight hector. she tells achilles he could lay there for a year and she would keep him unchanged. in tsoa, she forces them apart, and tells achilles if he does not sleep with deidamia, she will never let him see patroclus again. this is insane to me. thetis would not set her son up for s/a and force him to sleep with someone against his will. and mind you this occurs after she's already stated clearly that thetis is a victim of rape herself. i assume this is madeline miller's way of asserting that achilles has no attraction to women while still being able to have his son in the plot later. this again, is stupid to me. if you want to argue achilles may have been gay, fine, homosexuality was complicated in ancient greece and you could potentially make the argument his sleeping with women was to uphold a reputation but i think it's more accurate that he was probably just attracted to both. however i think you can make him explicitly gay in a retelling without adding sexual assault to his story. i also find this especially distasteful because in actual antiquity achilles is the one committing sexual assault. (if i had a nickel for every time madeline miller made a character who canonically assaults someone else a victim of s/a while removing the fact they commit it themselves from the story i'd have 2 nickels. which isn't a lot, but it's weird that it happened twice, right?) in general i find it very weird how madeline, on multiple occasions, demonizes a woman from mythology and makes her into a villain she simply is not. this y'alls "feminist retelling" author? oh okay.. i guess! (her deidama is an antagonist in this too, as a hysterical jealous Other Woman)
i also felt she imposed too many modern standards/heteronormativity onto achilles and patroclus' relationship. like i said with patroclus, making him the weak defenseless healer and achilles the badass warrior. very much giving one is strong and masculine and the other is nurturing and feminine. changing the aspects of their other relationships so its like they've only ever loved eachother and no else which isn't necessary. achilles and patroclus could (and do, in the iliad) sleep with other people and it would not diminish how intense and true their love for each other is!!
over all she sanitized the story, flattened it and butchered all the characters with a sprinkle of fetishization and misogyny on top. the book is frankly boring and underdeveloped too. this is honestly not as in depth of a review as i would like to give but like i said i don't have access to the book at the moment so i just stuck to the core grievances i remember having
(also thank you, you stay hydrated too!! <3)
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mychlapci · 3 months
Have you read that fic where Rodimus accidentally gets his dick melted, so he gets a new one and Ratchet has to “crash test” it, because it’s apparently a standard procedure?
We need to expand this topic, we need more shenanigans like: Rodimus get addicted to his best friends wife’s pussy, but he doesn’t want to screw up his amica bond, so he keeps getting dick upgrades just to have Ratchet test em. Meanwhile, Drift just found out like… after the tenth upgrade, that dick testing is even a thing, and that it is the most experienced medic’s duty…
that sounds familiar. I think I’ve read that, yes.
Rodimus fucking up and getting addicted to fucking his best friend’s wife is sooo funny. He knows he shouldn’t. That Drift could cut his spike off and convince every single doctor aboard to NEVER attach it back if he ever found out. But hey, Rodimus is just... getting mods! And the doctor on site is always supposed to test them out to make sure they are no obstructions or anything. He’s technically not doing anything wrong. Ratchet would have stopped him, if that was the case, right?
I wonder how Drift would feel if he found put that spike mods have to get tested out hands on. He could probably put two and two together and realize that Rodimus has been going to Ratchet to get modded a lot lately. Listen, there’s drama potential, but I think it would be much hotter if Drift just got Incredibly turned on by it. Possesive and mad, yes, but his energon lines burn at the thought of Roddy and Ratchet fooling behind his back. Of course, Ratchet might not see it as fooling around, although it’s unlikely that he hasn’t been fully aware of Rodimus’ intentions since like, mod number three, so really Drift can only blame Roddy... Not that he actually says anything. He just stews in it. Angrily jerking off thinking about that little twink fucking his wife’s pussy... Thinking about how hot it would be if he started fucking Ratchet one night and he could feel someone else’s cum squelching out around his spike... wondering if Roddy can even satisfy Ratchet properly, or if he should finally step in and teach him...
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terminasoulscramble · 4 months
AU Character Skills
Tanaka, Yellow Mage
Thought the yellow mages were like a confidence thing, went to the dungeon expedition cause he thought it was a self development retreat, found nas'hrah and begrudgingly accepted magic as real.
-Rugged Good Looks
-Spice Forge
-La Danse Macabre
Daan, Salesman
After his parents left him, he turned to odd jobsinstead of working for the baron, some of which were not legal. He however still met elise but it was more of a week long fling. Later on, he found his way to a job as a typewriter salesman. He is still equally miserable.
-Typewriter Toss
Samarie, Therapist
Was spared from the worst of the ninth circle because the mob saw potential in her. She ended up with Marina, but had complicated emotions about loving her as her girlfriend but fearing her as her boss. She resented the jobs they had her do, and ultimately ran away. She started an independent therapy practice, using her mind reading abilities to help people.
-Mind Read
Leviticus, Dark Apprentice
After Marina left, Father Domek still wanted a kid to mold in his image, so he adopted the first kid he could find who looked vaguely like marina, adopting him as his new son and heir. Trans levi is canon in this au, Domek was relieved to finally have a son, he is a trans inclusive radical misogynist
-Warding Sigil
-Melee Proficiency
-Slow Metabolism
-Bury the trauma
Abella, Lieutenant
One way or another joins the NLU, ends up getting sent on a deep cover espionage mission to put down the Kaiser. He kept avoiding her, as if he somehow knew, so when she caught wind of the endgame for the Bohemia campaign, she deserted and tried to cut him off at Prehevil.
Henryk, Dreamer
After family friend Pavel Yudin moved in, nothing in this man's life has gone right. Pav outshines him in every way, and his family loves him more doesn't believe in his dreams of becoming an ac-tor. He has tried to deal with this problem in various ways, failing in increasingly unlikely manners. In short, he wants this twink obliterated. Traveling to Prehevil is just the best way to kill him without suspicion. Plus, if he gets a role in that new movie being made, all the better.
-Undergrowth Awareness
-Killing Intent
Olivia, Hunter
Following her injury, she was visited by a yellow-clad family member she's never met who helps her become more independent from her family. Her relationship with her sister was still strained, but for the opposite reasons. Her sister was suspicious of this supposed family member, but Olivia thought it was just jealousy. Now, she makes money as a big game hunter
-Gun Proficiency
-Devour (can't be gained through intro)
Marcoh, Field Medic
Marcoh faked his way into a job as a medical assistant, eventually being drafted once the war started. He did his job dutifully, up until the first whispers of the war having ended, making a mad dash to reunite with his sister.
-Organ Harvest
-Fast Attack
Marina, Mobster
Marina's mom suspected that Domek wouldn't give up on making her a dark priest, so she sent her off to live with an uncle for a bit. This uncle had a debt to the mob, which he repayed by giving them Marina. She was adopted by a man named Ricardo, who claimed she was the child of one of his many mistresses. She bided her time, slowly gaining the fear and respect of her peers, eventually arranging an accident for her adoptive father at 14. She did not end up taking power, but instead installed a puppet leader to keep her spot for a bit. It was around this time where she met Samarie and saw potential. She rescued her from the ninth circle and put her to work in interrogation, eventually catching feelings. When Samarie betrayed those feelings by leaving, she was furious. She is now in Prehevil to tie up some loose ends, being her father, and upon learning she's here, her ex. This is basically a sold to the mob wattpad story taken 100% seriously.
-Precision Stance
-Counter Stance
-Order, Charge!
-Order, Defend!
August, Biologist/Broadcaster
Basically David Attenborough, never home for different reasons tho. Loves nature and photography, known to spend hours getting the perfect shot. Slightly less buff than he is in canon, due to less parkour.
-Advanced Botanism
-Leg Sweep
-Camera Flash
Karin, Mechanic
Was ousted from her job as a reporter due to digging too deep, and now works as a mechanic. Connected to the NLU by learning about their meeting place and quite literally breaking down the door to beg to join, but she won't admit to the last part.
-Short Circuit
-Bob and Weave
Pav, Chef
After getting too close to the Kaiser and losing an arm in an incident he won't talk about, he layed low at his old buddy Henryk's place, paying for his stay by working in his restaurant/hotel. He quickly picked up cooking as a skill, even starting to see Henryk's parents as his own. When they die, Pav will get the hotel, and Henryk will get most of their money and non-hotel posessions. They are on their way to the Big City™ to get their ducks in a row.
-En Garde
-Adrenaline Rush
-Perfect Guard
O'saa, Dark Priest
Instead of joining up with the yellow mages, O'saa found his way to the Vatican and became a dark priest. Trading one group of selfish bastards for another.
-Greater Occultism
-Advanced Occultism
Caligura, Boxer
Fucked with the wrong person and got demoted to a grunt, being sent to the meat grinder boxing ring, somehow survived each time.
-Escape Plan
-Bare-Fisted Proficiency
-Quick Jabs
-Poison Tip
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crowscadence · 9 months
BSD as things I’ve heard in band
Tachihara: Who wants to do some carpool kareoke?!
Akutagawa: I’d rather you skin and boil me alive
Yosano: They were like “should we medicate her?” and I said no because I didn’t want to lose my sparkle
Ranpo: I don’t have to worry about that because my sparkle is autism
Kunikida: *sigh* I’ve been afflicted by Dazai’s bullshit
Dazai: hey scoot over a bit
Chuuya: no you’re not my master
Dazai: actually I am, be my dog
Dazai, holding just the head of a dog-shaped cookie jar: Isn’t he cute?
Atsushi: Dazai why do you have a dog head
Dazai: The rest of the body is in my bag :)))
Atsushi: That doesn’t make it any better-
Dazai: Hey, did you hear who just got asked out?
Chuuya: Who?
Dazai: You *finger guns*
Atsushi, running from Akutagawa: Help, I’m being attacked by a wild emo!
*15 Dazai and Chuuya arguing over the plural of penis*
Mori: you two are making me question my life choices
Nikolai: What if edible p*rn was a thing?
Sigma: please never say those words in that order ever again
Dazai, after a mission: You know Atsushi you’re really not beating those furry allegations
Atsushi: yeah I saw that one coming
Kenji: Going to Paris without seeing Versailles is like going to New York for the first time and not seeing the Tilted Towers
Kyouka: …Kenji that's from fortnite
Yosano: well you may be the best walking condom ad I’ve ever seen
(This quote would fit so many)
Ango: nothing like a government website to keep you up at 2AM
(this was from my band director)
Kunikida, talking about Dazai: The fact that he’s not responding to my texts right now is bull because there’s no way that sleep-deprived, caffeine-addicted twink isn’t awake
Dazai: this is the face of a professional
Atsushi: that’s the face of a fucking idiot
Kunikida, talking about his headcanonned college experience: do you know what kind of foul things come out of frat guys’ mouths?
Dazai: no but I know what foul things probably go in them
Akutagawa: I must be a poison type because I can’t stop fucking koffing
Dazai, mocking fyodor: what’s the point of saying meow if it’s not in a Russian accent?
Dazai: I dunno about you but Tom Riddle could grease my cork
Dazai: never thought I’d see the day when I’d be handcuffed in the band room but okay
Ranpo, putting on sunglasses inside: gotta rep that autism
*Dazai bitching and moaning about sore muscles*
Atsushi: be glad for the pain, it means you’re alive
Dazai: bitch you know I’m suicidal
Dazai, holding up a brightly colored Hawaiian shirt: oh my god guys this is the shirt I wore to emergency therapy after trying to off myself
Albatross: do y’all think I could pull off a black turtleneck or would I just look like that kid from The Incredibles
Atsushi, walking with his hoodie pocket full of tuners: I’m like a marsupial with my tuner babies
Dazai: Listen that song is a banger, but with all those weird time signatures I think that playing it would make me wanna kill— shit I forgot I’m not allowed to make that joke anymore
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blubushie · 3 months
Yikes, reading some of these messages hit a little too close to home.
I'm a trans man, and my relationship with masculinity has been more rocky as recently. I started T and realized I have much more dysphoria than I realized because I was ignoring it. And I've experienced my fair share of transphobia.
I've had classmates say (jokingly, I know) that I'll start becoming entitled, and a misogynist because I started T. In a university level queer studies class, they all had certain distaste for men. The expectation was that they would shut up and not talk over the woman's experiences (to be fair, I was one of 2 men in that class). Even one of my closest friends has issues with hating men that I've meant to bring up (I'm the exception because I'm trans and don't really look like a man most of the time). But I've always brushed it off, saying that "trans women have it worse" or "this is what I get for becoming the 'enemy'".
It took me a long time to even admit I was trans because I know that men were "the enemy" and I was betraying people by becoming one.
That anon who said that he didn't want to become a Twink, oof I relate to that. It wasn't until I got into TF2 that I realized what kind of form I wanted (Engineer and Soldier being major players in this realization).
You are the only one I've ever really seen talking about masculinity. Like ever, and I've been in queer spaces for a very long time. It's comforting to know that my struggles are real. And aren't being brushed off as "well xxxx have it worse." (I know. I know other trans people have their struggles and should not be treated as irrelevant. I know that. But I never see anyone talking about masculinity. It's treated as a disease almost).
I'm rambling, but I guess I just wanted to say thanks. I rarely talk to anyone on the Internet, content to just observe, but you've really made me feel seen. So thank you
I don't wanna be the one to break it to you, but if someone says they hate men and say you're an exception because you're trans or don't look enough like a cis man, it's because they're transphobic and don't see you as a "real" man. And that will change when you start passing and getting clocked as male, and it'll especially change when you express any joy in what testosterone is doing to your body or any joy in being perceived as male. You're most likely an exception because they don't see you as a man yet even though you are one.
Additionally I don't know how long you've been out, but since you're just starting on T, this means people have probably been clocking you and IDing you as female most of your life. Which means you have every right to discuss women's issues and misogyny because you have been subjected to misogyny. NO ONE gets to just erase your lived experiences growing up in a female body and being subjected to misogyny just because you are now openly identifying as male.
And we don't choose our gender. We're born this way, remember? You're betraying no one by "becoming" a man because you were born a man. At most you're making a choice to change your body to ease the symptoms of an illness—gender dysphoria—and I don't see anyone copping shit with depressed people for taking antidepressants. You're not on some random drug, you are specifically on a medication to treat an illness that you have. If people don't like that because of what variant of that illness you have, they can get fucked. They are not worth your time.
You are 100% valid in your experiences and feelings. I'm glad that I can offer a safe space for you to speak about those things.
Also, if I can suggest, it might do you some good to join a club of some kind with a lot of men where you can see masculinity be celebrated in a positive light instead of demonised. I'm not sure if you're into hunting or fishing, but those are my best suggestions. An archery club, a hunting club, a fishing club, etc. Hang out at your local bait shop looking like a sad puppy and some old fart'll find you and invite you fishing.
Chookas, mate. Keep your chin up. You're doing fine.
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greenunoreversecard · 3 months
hi hi i came across your work a lot and i love it
i was wondering if you could do a ftm reader with barty crouch jr where the reader hasn’t done anything yet to medically transition besides top surgery (so no bottom surgery or testosterone) and it’s that time of month and they are feeling super dysphoric and just a bunch of fluff. if you’re comfortable with it please.
have a lovely day and i will return *evil gremlin laugh* bye!
A/N;I'll try, it's late.. almost 1am and I'm 🍃 rn.. ERM also lowkey basing off of my own experinces
Warning: slightly spicy suggestions, strong language, innuendos and explicit phrases(?) sorta got a enemies and lovers vibe, readers kinda a snarky asshole
Guess im a vampire- Barty Jr. X FtM! Reader
i shuffle uncomfortably in my bed, the room dark. I shuffle again as another wave of sharp, pulsating pain envelops my lower stomache. My grip on the heating pad tightens.
Fucking bloody Mary has decided to have a trampoline party on my... non wanted parts.
Not only does it slightly hurt my ego and absolutely destroy me mentally, it also decides to fuck me, and not establish a safe word.
As I shuffle again, feeling my insides shift as nausea hits as well as another wave of pain, my door essentially flies open, lock broken into firey pieces of metal, I see none other than resident "chalk dyed tips, emo twink" Barty Jr.
"Guess what I heard from Regulus that heard from Pandora that Heard from Evan?"
"what? Why are you all playing telephone?" I say, slowly sitting up, hair messy and a tired look on my face.
He leans on the doorframe, a mischievous glint in his eye. He raises a brow.
'He's not going to tell me unless I guess. Typical'
"Lucius and Narcissa broke up again?"
"Bellatrix comes out as being is in a lesbian relationship?"
"No, but that is in my Christmas bingo card so I fucking hope" He replies as he saunters over to my bed, plopping down next to me, although for some reason a bit more... Gently?
"They found out about when we-"
He glares at me.
"B, they can't hear us"
"they always hear us"
I sigh, and roll my eyes, although a bit more happier than earlier.
"Just tell me"
"Well, firstly I lied about hearing it through the grapevine, I just wanted rumor ideas-"
I snort a laugh, typical. He playfully glares at me.
"Evan told me this morning that you woke up in bloody sheets, and then we snuck into the library to get a gender book thing, and we looked at like-" He whispers the next word; "menstruation-. And like all that. and I asked Narcissa, -because you two are friends- how to help because he said you looked in pain, which, she said try coke,' that cheers most people up' and so we were gonna buy some, but Evan asked Pandora and-" he shuffles, sitting up and shoving a plastic bag for you.
You look at it causiously, but eventually give into temptation and look inside. Some hygiene products, a box of cigs, some candies and chocolates, paracitimol and... A box of lube?
You hold it up with a questioning gaze
"in case the thing gets stuck to the..." He gestures vaguely to your crotch.
"when you stick it on, the diaper, it's on your who-ha"
I laugh and cover my mouth.
"it's- it's not stuck onto my vagina, Barty. It's stuck onto the fucking underwear."
I laugh again, and Barty's head tilts lightly digesting the information.
I laugh again, before wincing from a harsh pain.
he looks confused, before remembering something, then gets off my bed.
He gestures to the bathroom.
"Wash up, get the vampire hoodoo off then come back over and we can try fucking round with a radio to become possessed."
I laugh lightly, yawning and respond: "Guess I'm a vampire now. Can I ask why?" I stretch,making sure the heating pad stays locked in position.
"Because Blood"
I raise my eyebrow. "Blood? What about it"
He shrugs. "Blood means vampire"
"Didn't you-"
"Never, not me wrong guy."
I quirk an eyebrow, and He shrugs.
"I'll be a vampire if your a vampire"
He rolls his eyes, head lolling backwards, he huffs over-exaggeratedly.
"if that means you fuck off and shower than sure" He grins sardonically.
I glance at the bathroom, before nodding and slowly getting up, which he ends up helping with and collecting some clothes for me for a shower; all because "we don't want grandpa to die".
After I shower, I come out, having had Barty essentially shove some pain killers down my throat, im feeling a bit better, but still tired. I find Barty, who is on his bed, with all of my blankets as well as his. He looks up as hee hears the door open, before quickly beckoning me over, he's laying down, so I join him in the same position.
He clears his throat.
"we can cuddle. Platonically, because I know your poor heart couldnt handle romantic"
I snort a laugh.
"it's not gay if we wear socks"
"I'm wearing only one, does that mean I'm bi?"
"what type of monster only wears one fucking sock?"
We continue to bicker as Barty gently maneuvers me to a position comfortable for both of us. We're pressed against one another. This isnt the first time this has happened.
We talk, and play some records and eventually fall asleep to Evan walking in with a camera.
That'll be a tomorrow issues.
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transmascpetewentz · 10 months
A Short Guide To Writing Gay Trans Men
So a few disclaimers before I start:
I'm not going to talk about anything sex-related here because 1) people have made other guides and google is your friend & 2) I'm not very comfortable with it.
I am just one person, and due to the fact that I am white and thin and perisex, I will definitely have blind spots. If you want more information about intersections that don't apply to me, ask someone who it does apply to!
I did get lots of messages from trans guys giving me advice on this, but nonetheless I do not speak for absolutely everyone.
There will be very little info here on how to accurately write medical transitions because that's not something I've experienced. Google is your best friend on this one.
This is not a complete post. I will keep adding to it as time goes on. If you're seeing this post reblogged by someone else, click on the original to see if I've made any additions or corrections before you send me that anon hate and/or comment telling me to kill myself.
What Not To Do
When there is a trans male character written by a cis person, especially a cis man, there's a very solid chance that he is going to check off at least 9 of the following boxes:
Neurotypical or LSN neurodivergent
No nuance given to his identity and expression
Sexuality not specified or elaborated on
A cis person's love interest
2 dimensional transmasc stereotype
Usually small and feminine, but not actually femme
Gay transmasc characters written by cis people are very difficult to find because cis authors will often not specify the sexuality of the trans man dating a cis man or elaborate on his connection to the MLM community. This is because many cis authors believe that writing a gay trans man is just writing a woman but switching one of the genders. This is, of course, not true, and there must be more care taken to provide nuance and create a more accurate (and non-dysphoria-inducing) representation.
Moving Past The White Twink Stereotype
This is one of the most basic bars to clear for a cis person writing a gay trans man, and yet so many continue to fail at this very simple task. Ask yourself: is your gay transmasc character a white, hairless, thin person? If the answer is yes, that's not inherently a bad thing, though it may be good to reflect on why you want to create a character like this if this is the only type of transmasc representation you write.
The biggest thing you need to do here is to give him a set of defining traits. Not physical traits, not even gender expression traits. Just personality. What kind of person is he? How does he cope with the transphobia in this world (unless you're writing a fantasy universe without transphobia)? How does he act towards strangers? How does he approach people of different genders? What is his outlook on cis people? Once you have the basics, it's time to think about his physical appearance & expression and how that has impacted his life and his personality.
You also want to avoid the trope where a gay trans man's personality is undeveloped and he is treated as an object for cis men to help them advance their character arcs. It's fine for trans men to serve a purpose like that in the story, but they need to be their own individual humans.
Writing Sexuality
If your trans male characters date men, and I cannot reiterate this enough, make them be open about their homosexuality or bisexuality. Give them a sexual orientation and make them be proud of it. Of course, not every gay trans man is going to identify heavily with a masc/fem role in gay male relationships, but you should seriously consider whether or not your character would.
Additionally, don't follow the flawed line of logic of "trans man -> vagina -> bottom -> fem/femme." It's fine to make your gay trans male characters fem but please, I swear to god please give them a good reason for being so. If you do make your character femme, be very cautious to use language that doesn't trigger actual trans men's dysphoria. Don't constantly point out the character's physical features that may be associated with femininity unless you're making a point either about his dysphoria or about how society treats him or maybe about how he comes to accept his body. However, please be extremely careful with the last one as this trope has been used in so many transphobic portrayals.
Have your gay trans male character exist in gay spaces with other gay men (both cis and trans). Have him be open about being a gay man specifically. Give him cis gay male friends. Give him trans gay male friends. Don't allow your reader to ignore the fact that he is very much a gay man.
For the love of all things good, please do not write your gay trans male character's dysphoria as "from the day I was born, I knew I was born in the wrong body. I have had no internalized shame or guilting into making me doubt my transness, and it was obvious that I was not a woman." That's not how anyone's dysphoria works, even if they did know from a young age that they were born in the wrong body.
For gay trans men specifically, most of us end up realizing we're trans around either age 12 or age 20. This doesn't mean he has to be exactly that age, but that's generally the safest age to have your character's egg crack. Of course, you can sprinkle in signs that he's trans since he was a young child, but I know a lot of gay trans men and I have yet to meet one who has known since birth and has had no doubt in his mind about it. However you can and should write older gay trans men, even some who find out they're trans in their 40s or older. Representation of older trans people is seriously lacking compared to how many there are.
Don't make your character the stereotype of a straight trans man who doesn't face the specific intersection of being trans and gay. Facing this intersection does affect something even as personal as dysphoria. Many of us will have self-doubt, believe that we're disgusting fetishists of gay men, or simply exist as women in gay spaces for a time. You also have to take into account gay beauty standards & your character's upbringing to figure out what they're likely to be most dysphoric about.
hi :3
That's it for now. I'll keep adding to this post as I get feedback and suggestions. If you want more advice, feel free to send me an ask. When I get enough asks about things, I'll make an FAQ post answering some of them.
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victimsofyaoipoll · 1 year
Round 1
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Propaganda Under Cut
Nyota Uhara
She's Spock's canon partner in AOS, and I get it because they're not a great couple, but she gets villianized in fic so much. They constantly make her an asshole (which totally has nothing to do with her being black /sarcasm) and abusive just for the crime of dating a man headcanoned as gay. And I mean, I think Spock is gay and her being a love interest was unnecessary but still! She's cool!
Oh my god so in the Star Trek reboot she’s Spock’s girlfriend and the fandom has no idea what to do with her??? Like she is ALWAYS either such a bitch or like the mom friend? And there is so much more to her character than that? But they always break down her character AND find a quick and easy way to break up her and Spock. I’m not even mad at that but at least treat their relationship with some weight instead of just being like ‘it never mattered’. People can love multiple people throughout the course of their lives. You know that right? Just because you loved someone before doesn’t make your new love any less special. And even headcanoning Spock as gay… you realize he doesn’t need to be attracted to Uhura for their relationship to have mattered, right? Even if he confused friendship for romantic attraction, him feeling such strong friendship and openly expressing it is so monumental for him!!! 
she's dating Spock, who people ship with Kirk, so fans have decided that it's horrible writing and "really, they're just defending her, the movies turned her into just a love interests," which is not at all true. The movies do so much more for her to the point that the fans who have only seen the movies think that the main characters are Kirk, Spock, and Uhura instead of the Kirk, Spock, McCoy of the original series. Also having a black women being shown as being desired and loved in mainstream media, particularly by one of the most popular characters of all time, is a good thing, not making her "just a love interest"
Keiko O'Brien
Certain People I Could Name insist on shipping her husband with the annoying twink doctor Julian Bashir because of the friendship they develop over the series. I maintain that O'Brien would never cheat on his wife, let alone with another man, and the response is often "they're in a polycule together!!!" which is even more out of character. Everyone please show my girl Keiko some more respect 😤
Wife of chief engineer Miles O'Brien, who is shipped with the chief medical officer, Julian Bashir. Show itself veered into misogyny regarding her and her marriage, manifesting as Miles constantly complaining about her and her encouraging him to go hang out with Julian and leave her and their daughter alone. Fandom responded to this by creating the "O'Brien polycule" including Keiko, Miles, Julian, and first officer Kira Nerys (who has another strange semi-romantic subplot with both O'Briens). Really, though, it just exists to have Julian/Miles without reckoning with Miles having to cheat to get there. I, too, was guilty of this in the past. Keiko had the potential to be a very interesting character (and started to be, early in the show) but it was never realized. She deserved better :(
keiko is a lovely lady and astrobotanist who had a whole romance with and married the more main character miles obrien but now frequently people sideline her to (semi-jokingly?) ship miles with his friend julian. she’s not the best written character and she deserved so much more from the narrative, but it still feels weird that the fan joke about her is always how much she is constantly encouraging her husband to cheat on her (which to be fair does happen a few times but not That much)
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enm-enthusiast · 8 months
The Exhibitionists' Club Ch. 7 - Sebastian Part 1
Cruel and Unusual Punishment
Last chapter followed Sebastian's boyfriend Thomas entering a male arousal study for extra credit, and ended up being milked by his insanely hot anatomy professor, and now he confronts his lover with the possible desire to have sex with the older man...
"Wait...you mean professor, ass of a Greek God, Ethan?" I said in response to Thomas bursting into the dorm room and shouting about how much he wanted to fuck a professor on campus.
"...yes" he said, meekly.
His eyes looked downcast, like he was ashamed. My heart sunk in my own chest and beckoned him over to me. He closed the door behind him and practically jumped into my arms on his bed. As I caressed his soft, wavy black hair I worked out the words I wanted to say:
"Babe, your going to run into certain guys that you are extremely attracted to, its natural. Like, there's a few bros in my Frat I'd love to bend over but I know I can't not just because they're straight, but also because it'd complicate things too much" I said.
He looked up at me, those sweet and sad puppy dog eyes never failed to make my heart melt.
"I won't forbid it, but I do want you to be careful, okay? don't do anything to get yourself hurt or in trouble, you got it?" I said.
"Don't worry Seb, I have it all handled" he said, smiling so warmly I couldn't resist kissing him, his warm velvety lips inviting further exploration which caused a stir in my groin.
But....I had somewhere to be, I had to get back to the Frat house and clean up my room and study for the rest of the night before bed. So I reluctantly pulled away before I found myself pounding away inside him once again.
He had a slightly pouty look on his face as I got up, but I merely smiled in return and said "Don't give me that look mister, you were supposed to strip down as soon as you got home, remember? be glad I didn't spank you again as punishment" I finished and a deep blush flooded his cheeks.
"I'll let it slide this time, but next time that ass is getting both a pounding AND a spanking, and I don't think you want both in a row" I said, giving him a mischievous wink as I closed the door behind me and started down the stairs of Thomas' dorm building.
I didn't tell Thomas this, but I was having some problems with the Frat lately ever since I bested the president, a real prick named Eric at a strip wrestling match in the Rainbow Room. The whole thing happened because of pledge week where we had to do one dare no matter how bad it was, and the vide president had dared me to wrestle Eric but I got to choose the time, place, and rules.
Eric lost. Badly. He ended up naked before his entire frat, who made sure to take plenty of photos of their senior's humiliation. He had been so angry lately, he was pissing off everybody and by extension some people were avoiding me because I was the source of his ire.
I got the impression that many of the seniors and other officers had grown increasingly tired of Eric's antics, I felt they were waiting for the proverbial straw. Until then I did my best to avoid Eric when I could, even try to apologize for things going so far but to no avail and I got the distinct feeling that he was planning some sort of payback.
Thomas already had enough to worry about with all this medical study business (which I found kinda hot, in a way) that I didn't want him to worry about me, besides I could take care of myself.
I was completely lost in my own thoughts as I walked across campus towards the frat houses I passed by a few security patrols. I recognized a few since I had recently landed a position as a student assistant to help pay my college expenses. This time it was that cute, blonde twink named....Daniel? and a bigger, beefy muscle dad named Jack who filled out every inch of his uniform which never failed to make me drool.
I waved at them politely but moved on without speaking a word, I had precious little time left in the day. I began walking up the steps to my two-story frat house and to my surprise there was a lot of noise going on inside. I heard loud, angry shouts coming a male voice from the main living room and a few others shouted back in response.
I opened the door and walked in and suddenly I heard the words much more clearly:
"-should be here to defend himself, you have no right to just go through a brother's room without him present or reasonable suspicion of banned items" I heard the vice president James say, who was unusually a nerdy tall kid with glasses and short brown hair. He was the smartest guy here and everyone knew it, and if Eric wasn't your atypical "popular jock" he'd be president instead.
"I have every right if I have personally witnessed him smuggling banned items into said room, and because those items were indeed found in his room, he needs to be punished accordingly" Eric, I now realized, said.
I felt a slight sense of dread as I suspected who he was talking about and slowly entered the living room and all eyes turned to me, some in sympathy, others in indifference to Eric's latest bullshit. James was up in Eric's face, and the latter had a sinister smirk that grew wide upon seeing me enter.
"Ah, the guest of honor has arrived, tell us brother Sebastian, why did I find *these* in your room today?" Eric said and held up a bag of weed in his hand.
My blood boiled as I realized what he was doing, I was being set up! but I wasn't going down without a fight.
"What?! But I've never seen that before, did you find a lighter, a bong or anything I could use to smoke all that with?" I said, as a point of fact. Some of the guys turned to whisper with each other, they seemed split on the issue.
"It's not just me, I have witnesses who say they saw you bring this bag into your room, besides myself" Eric said, and smugly gestured towards another frat brother, a junior named Casey who was reputed to be one of Eric's rivals. He also pointed to another guy next to him, Henry who was another freshman, rather fresh-faced and right now he looked like he'd rather be anywhere else right now. I was starting to feel the same.
"Hold on Eric, first let's hear it from them personally before dealing out any punishments" James said, and gestured to the two guys to come forward. Eric seemed a little annoyed at James's interference but said nothing in response, letting the boys speak for him.
"Now, did you or did you not witness Sebastian smuggle this into his room?" James asked them both.
"We both did, he came home late one night after seeing that boytoy of his, me and Henry here saw him slip the bag inside his room, isn't that right, Henry?" Casey said.
I clenched my fist at the way he talked about Thomas, but instead I bore my eyes right into Henry's who could barely look back at me and flinched every time. He knew full well what he was supposed to say was a lie, I only hoped that his conscience was stronger than his fear of angering the frat president.
"y-....y-yes, we both saw him" Henry said, his eyes glued to the floor like he was a child being scolded by his parents.
"But...that's a lie! can't you see James? they're both up to something!" I yelled in my defense, my face red.
James looked at both of them for a few long moments, scrutinizing them and asked one final time if that was indeed what they saw and they both repeated their stories, word for word.
The vice president finally turned to me with a look of pity and sympathy, one that wished he could stop this but his hands were tied, and said "I'm sorry Sebastian, but in light of this...you need to be punished" he said and folded his arms in disgust.
"That's right James, and as Frat president it is up to me to determine what befits our brother's crimes" he said.
"Don't forget Eric, first punishments should be handed out lightly, don't do a repeat of last year or I swear I'll..."
"You'll what? Report me? I will count that as interference in the performance of my duties as president, and I'll be extending Sebastian's punishment to you if you do" He said, viciously.
"Fine Eric, have it your way, freshman clear out this is not something you'll want to see" James said, giving me one last look of sympathy and escorted the Freshman out. Some of the sophomores and juniors left too leaving just me, Eric, and a majority of the seniors.
"Alright Sebastian, as punishment for smuggling of banned substances your clothing privileges have been revoked for two weeks. Strip." Eric said.
My eyes widened and I couldn't help but laugh a little despite my rising anxiety.
"Excuse me? What the fuck do you mean 'clothing privileges'?" I said.
"You heard me Sebastian, when freshman are punished we take all of their clothes and force them to walk around the house naked except for when they leave, I won't say it again. Strip." he said, this time more forcefully.
I looked around the room and noticed that some of the seniors were circling me like vultures, Eric's little sycophants no doubt, ready to jump at his command if I disobeyed.
Realizing I was trapped, I reluctantly, and very slowly I grabbed the hem of my shirt and lifted it up over my head, exposing my bare torso to everyone. A few of the seniors grabbed my nipples and twisted them, I slapped their hands away and felt heat flush in my face.
"I didn't say stop, drop your pants. Now. Or we do it for you." Eric said, stepping closer to me threateningly, along with his cronies.
I held my hands up before lowering them down to the hem of my pants and started unzipping them and to my embarrassment and shock...I realized my cock was beginning to stir within my boxer briefs!
I didn't stop but I felt a sudden feeling of humiliation as these guys might just be about to see my fully erect penis...I tried to ignore it but as I lowered my pants down my legs and stepping out of them I was sporting a very prominent bulge which I was quick to cover up.
Unfortunately, Eric noticed.
"What you hiding there Seb? or what are you...*not* hiding?" He said, chuckling derisively, his cronies mimicking him. He stepped closer to me, and we were face to face, my own expression was defiant despite the redness and when he said:
"Drop the undies." He said.
"Come on Eric, please don't make me do this" I said and Eric was about to call his brothers into action when I stepped in and slowly, every so slowly I slid my last garment down my legs. I felt my cock springing to life and my fully erect cock slapped against my stomach and was already leaking!
I stood back up, fully naked as the seniors gathered up my clothes and I attempted to cover myself but Eric was having none of it. "No no, keep your arms at your sides" he said but this time I wasn't having it.
"What the hell Eric? I'm not showing you guys my dick" I said.
"Awww, he's shy, let's help him come out of his shell you guys, grab him!" he said and on command I had two guys pounce on me, grabbing my arms and forcing them away from my crotch, exposing my erect penis as each of them held my arms behind my back. My dick was 7.5 inches long fully hard, cut, and was a caramel shade of tan that matched the rest of my body.
"Wow, he's not so little after all, we might need to change that" Eric said and I whipped my head towards him on confusion.
Suddenly he slapped my hard dick, and I groaned as he did it again, and again, and again. Tears stung the back of my eyes as my dick throbbed with pain and yet somehow was still leaking precum.
"Ha, not so mighty now, are you?" Eric said.
"He's crying like a little baby!" One of the seniors said.
"We should shave him smooth, make him into a little bitch boi" another said.
"Quiet you two, no, I got a better idea in mind for him" he said and nodded to one of the other seniors nearby who ran off to get something.
"What are you going to do?" I whimpered and my face was flooded with embarrassment and humiliation as I stood there naked and exposed in front of practically half of the entire frat! and if they kept to these rules I'd be showing myself off naked to them for two weeks...
"Just completing your punishment dear Sebastian, don't worry your pretty boy head about it" Eric said, ruffling my hair.
The other senior came back with a small bag and and reached inside, my eyes widened in horror as I saw him produce a cock cage from it and hand it to Eric and renewed struggling against the guys holding me, my cock deflating to the point it swung between my legs as I did so.
"Eric, come on this is going too far now, stop this" I said.
"No dear Seb, I decide when we stop, now then, Taylor!, Pierce!, shave his crotch so the cage will fit better" he said.
I felt my anxiety increase a hundredfold, my heart beat thunderously in my chest as the two guys on either side of me let go and walked to the front of me and each of them took out small electric razors from their pockets and didn't waste any time in shaving my crotch, already I could feel my man hair being forcefully taken from me.
I started to realize just how much this was planned in advance, I hadn't stood a chance the minute I walked in here tonight. Now here I was, stripped of all my clothes, and was being shaved of all my pubes.
Their razors cut through my bush like a hot knife through butter, I looked down in abject horror as they kept moving my dick to reach around my crotch, the stimulation was getting me hard again.
I wasn't especially hairy, but it still took them a minute to shave my bare crotch completely smooth, all the guys proceeded to practically point and laugh which just made my balls shrivel up and my face flooded with shame and embarrassment.
"Where's your man-hair? wow, what a loser!"
"His cock looks like a kid's cock, not like a real man's"
"If he didn't have such a big dick, it WOULD be a kids cock!"
I heard guys shout from all over, and Eric picked up on that last one and said "Don't worry guys, time to shrink him down to size, this cock cage here is specially designed to absolutely restrict blood flow to your dick while allowing you to piss freely without getting it dirty."
"And just how long are you making me wear this thing?" I asked.
A bunch of the guys started shouting off random different lengths of time. Eric ignored them all until they quieted down and said "I think....a month ought to teach you to learn your lesson" he said.
"Eric...you can't do this!" I said in protest but no matter how much I struggled I couldn't stop him as I felt Eric grab my dick and begin to wrap the cage around my cock. I had gone soft again and before it had a chance to get hard, he fit the cage right onto my manhood and proceeded to lock it with a key that he wrapped around his neck.
I looked down and saw the cage was small, round and made of metal and like Eric said put pressure on the base of my shaft which prevented any sort of blood flow. My face flooded with red once more, as well as anger, but the guys finally let me go and I fell on the floor in surprise.
The guys all began filing out, some of them muttering 'loser' and 'bitch' under their breaths, and maybe they were right, Eric had won. Here I lay, my clothes and dignity stripped away from me, Eric gave me one last look of triumph before leaving me there, completely humiliated, and I was left to stew in my shame.
I slowly got up and tried to make it up to my room, as soon as I reached the 2nd floor I heard a voice behind me say "Seb, over here" and I turned to see James come out from behind a corner at the top of the stairs.
"Please James, I just want to go to bed before anyone else sees" I said and James gave me a flat look in response.
"Show me" he said.
I guess there was no point in trying to hide it, soon enough I would be the laughingstock of the entire frat, so I moved my hands away from my crotch.
"Wow, that son of a bitch really did it again" he said, chuckling angrily.
"Wait, what do you mean *again*?" I said.
"Eric did almost the same thing last year to a sophomore who embarrassed him, no one dared contradict his blatant manipulation of the house rules, but I couldn't do anything about it then, I thought as vice president I could...but its still the same now" James said, sadly.
"He is *not* getting away with this" I said, baring my teeth.
"I never said he would, but I realize I can't do it alone now, I'm going to need your help" he said, smiling slightly.
"Help with what?" I asked.
"I'm not sure yet, but somehow Eric needs to be dealt with, play along for now until I can come up with something more, stay low if you can, but...I'm sorry I couldn't do more" he said, before finally walking away.
I walked the rest of the way to my room in silence, I decided I needed to trust James, he seemed decent enough and right now anything seemed better than Eric. I opened the door and my faint glimmer of hope was gone as I found my room stripped bare of any clothing, my cock cage clinked as I took the first step inside and just sat on my bed.
I looked down and the humiliation returned as I felt my smooth crotch and poked at the cage, I only hoped Eric would be satisfied by this, I just had to make it through the next two weeks and I'd get my clothes back at least.
I opened my phone, which Eric's cronies had left behind along with my wallet, and saw my text chat bubble with Thomas and thought about calling him, telling him what happened but right now I just needed to sleep. But as fitful sleep came, finally, I swore to myself that Eric would regret the day he messed with me, and by the time I was done with him he'll be remembered as the president who lost his frat.
End of Chapter Six.
Author's Note: Uh oh! the tables have turned on Seb at last as he finds himself at the mercy of Eric and his cronies, find out what else is in store for poor Sebastian as he faces the two most humiliating weeks of his life.
Keep an eye on the current timeline I have setup which you can see on my recent Tumblr posts, and in the meantime please enjoy this latest installment, and have a great week!
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