#migraine is gone as I hit post- fuck it's a foresight dream- why not tell me which tribe??? why?!?!
taviokapudding ยท 1 year
Not again, damnit- my head hurts
I really hope that dream I just had during my nap wasn't a warning, prediction, or foresight again
I just spent like 15min googling to make sure so I know it hasn't happened yet, so a precaution, if you're from a native american tribe that's planning to go to DC or invited to travel by plane to DC this year
I just had a horrifically graphic nightmare of a group of young adults & several older members going for an event? Dinner about climate change was the specifics I did get. The plane crashes as they're leaving due to engine failure and all 15, no, maybe 12, die.
Based off the formal wear it has to be later this year in November/December? I did keep seeing some Christmas Trees but I've never seen the decor and arrangement before - Jill has a specific style. Maybe not the White House? Maybe the crash happens over a pine like forest but I'm mixing it up. I know for sure it's winter because there is snow.
Anyways- that's all I got for specifics and unlike last time where I saw BLM protests happen a few days before they occurred and nobody got hurt, this one ends horribly. Don't trust the DC chartered private military plane.
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