miggysbabymama · 1 year
At Last
the long awaited sequel to "Everyone Adores You (at least I do)" Thank you for your patience.
Summary: You've been waiting long enough to confess to your best friend but does he feel the same way?
TW: mentions of injury and blood.
Word count: 1k
Coming back to the apartment, you felt a sense of loneliness, and heartache. Desperately wishing that Miguel could see your true feelings that lie underneath the surface of your heart. He was the only one you truly desired.
You had distracted yourself with various men in the past as a way to hide yourself from the true feelings which plagued you. You had finally come to the conclusion that you were in love with Miguel, but nothing could bring you to confess. Fortunately for you, his hectic schedule as Spiderman caused you to keep a comfortable distance literally and figuratively.
"I'm to old for this" you spoke quietly to yourself. How long would it take you to confess. You were acting like a middle schooler hiding from your crush and giggling every time you made eye contact.
That is exactly how you felt when you spent time with Miguel. Nothing else mattered. You felt like an idiot for putting off your true feelings for so long but you never felt like there was a right time.
After many sleepless nights you promised yourself that the next meeting with Miguel would result in you telling him how you honestly felt.
The morning of your meetup you could feel there was something off, Miguel hadn't texted to confirm you were meeting up and you just felt strange. You continued getting ready until you heard someone knocking. As you opened the door you saw Miguel standing in front of you leaning against the doorframe. His suit was ripped in various parts while blood was dripping from his arms, side, and face. Tears spring to your eyes as you carefully bring Miguel inside to the couch.
“Who did this to you?” you say, unable to focus. Your hands were shaking as you applied pressure to his wounds.
“Don’t worry about it cariño I got it under control, it’s a few scrapes and some blood, who cares” he replied nonchalantly.
"No, tell me now, I can't handle seeing you like this." you said looking deeply into his eyes. "I care about you Miguel, I know how strong you are and this villain really did a number on you."
Miguel maintains eye contact, his face softening seeing your reaction to his wounds and lacerations. He grabs your hand and gives it a squeeze as you clean up the blood.
"¡Puta madre!" Miguel exclaims not being able to hide his emotions.
"I'm sorry Miggy" you reply trying to finish dressing his wounds quickly. Once Miguel is patched up you bring him a glass of water and some aspirin. In the back of your mind is the promise you had made to yourself, you silently curse yourself.
"Are you seriously ok?" you ask, "stay as long as you need to, whatever you need, I'm here." you say, reaching out to hold Miguel's hand.
"Si mi muñeca, I'm ok, I'm definitely better since I am here with you." he replies, "I apologize for showing up without letting you know first, there was no where else I could go with the amount of injuries I had." he continues. He looks ashamed for showing up unannounced but that is the last thing on your mind. "I knew I would be safe here." he finished.
Be safe? Here? His words register in your head as you realize that he considers you to be a safe haven. He trusts you, and you trust him.
"I'm glad you decided to come here, don't feel bad, were you afraid I would be mad?" you tell him, holding his face in your hands, your thumb brushing over his cheek.
He holds your wrist, "I was actually worried about something more serious than this." He laughs sheepishly gesturing to his injuries.
"How could you be worried about something more serious than being hurt?" you ask, trying to decipher what Miguel was trying to say.
"Um, to be honest with you, (y/n) there is something that I've been wanting to tell you for a while, I've just been acting like an idiot." Miguel says, looking downward. You rub his back, urging him to continue.
"The truth is (y/n) I'm in love with you, I have been for as long as I can remember. I thought by staying friends, those romantic feelings would stop but to be honest it only made them worse. After seeing you with so many guys I started devoting more time to my work, as a way to take my mind off you. Truth be told, I never stopped thinking of you, my heart is full of you, my whole world is you" He says, gazing at you with a look so full of love and devotion.
You catch yourself staring wide-eyed and slack jawed. Unable to reply, for the first time in a while you are at a loss for words.
"You ok (y/n)? What's the matter, cat got your tongue?" Miguel says in a lighthearted tone. "Any confessions you'd like you make?" he says nudging you gently.
Your body is still in shock, did the Miguel O'Hara just confess his undying love for you??? As you try to grapple with the news you just heard, you also try to form your response.
"Miguel" you begin, eyes welling with tears, unable to speak without sobbing into his arms.
"Querida, what's the matter? Don't you love me too? Isn't that why you're crying." Miguel says, speaking softly into your ear. His embrace becomes tighter the harder you cry.
You nod, "Yes Miguel, I love you too," you start, "I feel like such a fool for making you believe that I didn't feel the same" Miguel rubs this thumb catching the countless tears on your face." Do you even know how badly I've wanted to tell you how I felt. I always thought my feelings towards you were one-sided, imagine my surprise seeing you at my door all bloody and disheveled confessing your love for me." you say, your eyes moving from Miguel's eyes to his lips.
He shushes you, giving you a kiss on the forehead, "Don't worry about the past, mi corazón, neither of us confessed until now." he adds, "so wouldn't you say we're both in the wrong?" You laugh, still in awe of being the object of Miguel's affection.
As if he's reading your mind, Miguel brings your face close to his and kisses you, his lips taste so sweet and you begin to wonder how is it that you've gone this long without them.
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