lovecite · 1 year
Miguel 'O hara
Miguel enters into Miles universe and finds a familiar face.
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(I believe the artist is Ethobirds)
A quick short story not too long! Just a though that was running in my brain for months after watching the movie. Like what if Gabi was reborn into Miles universe . Since I don't know what happens when peoples worlds unravel. I like to believe they get reincarnated into another world!! 🥲 (please correct me if you want but enjoy the small chapter as well)
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It was a stormy night for sure.
The 10yr girl old held tightly to her blue ball as another fresh breeze swept by sending fresh water droplets upon her face. She was outside her elementary waiting for her foster parents to pick her up. She had stayed after school to get in some more practice for the upcoming match for soccer but when she had called her foster parents they had stated if she wanted to stay after to school she had better be prepared to wait hours.
Another flash of lighting made her jump the palms of her hand gripping to tightly to the already slippery ball making it slip out of her hands and roll its way down the street. If she knew her foster parents she'd know that they probably had forgotten her again. Looking back one more time down the lonely street she chased after the ball. "I should hurry get this ball and just walk home." she thought to her self as she hurriedly made her way down the street. The ball rolling ever so fast as if it held a life within itself.
The rain was starting to come down harder almost like a sheet of nonstop rain. She quickly picked up the run away ball and made it safely under stairs. Again another flash of light showing where she had ended up in. She had made it in an alley it seemed safely underneath a fire escape. ""Ay Coño!" She muttered to herself as she realized she had no idea where she had taken herself.
She was lucky her foster parents weren't around to hear her speak like that. Gabi had always wondered how she had learned those words since she didn't have the smallest idea what life was like when she was much younger. Her memory felt like it was covered in a haze with small hints of a males voice . Maybe that was the dead beat father her foster father talked about. The rain looked as if it would start to lessen . She let out a sigh a small fog collect in front of her. It was starting to become slightly cold as her soaked clothes were starting to stick her body.
"Don't give me that. He used the machine ! Ugh! Where else would it have brought him then? uh tell me that Lyla! "
Gabi froze at the sound of a voice above her. She looked up and see through the cracks of the old stairs all the way at the top of them stood a figure. The darkness shaded the figure so she couldn't see him very well. She placed the ball on the side of her and took a small step from under the stair and peered upwards. Her ears straining to hear this mans conversation.
"Its exactly as I said. He's not here judging from the scans of th-
What ? Lyla judging from the scans what?
Miguel there's some strange reading I'm getting just below your feet."
A flash of lighting lite up this dark alley way. She leaned even more out of her hiding spot to get a better view of the man above the top of this fire escape. The lighting showed her what she thought was spider man! There was no way she was seeing her hero spider man! She stepped out fully from her hiding place as a smile grew across her face in excitement.
Gabi took a deep breathe ready to yell for spiderman but it felt as if the whole ground shook under her as the figure she had thought was her hero slammed harshly In front of her the asphalt below this huge person breaking denting in. His hands were like claws as he swiped them In front of her. For some reason she was able to take a step back dodging the attack. Her sneakers slipped in a puddle making her fall on her bottom as she starred up at the figure.
It was like starring at a beast as he towered over her. He was wearing a full body blue suit that had glowing red lines in certain areas of his body. His arms were fawned out caging her in. " Y-You're not spider man!" she choked out as tears started to collect in her eyes. The image of the man before her blurred. "Lyla reading now!" The man yelled out his voice cracking it seemed. His arms lowered down to his side as he slowly kneeled down to her eye level. " P-please don't hurt me." She pleaded as she brought her arms up protecting her face.
Her arms were pulled roughly to her sides as she pulled from the floor and closer to the man she had thought was spider man. "Its not her Miguel. Miguel! Did you hear me its no-" The voice of the women grew quiet. Gabi starred at this man before her. His mask with holding his identity. Her heart was hammering so harshly against her chest as she in took his whole clothed face. The eyes on the mask narrowed slightly. His head titled slightly. The grip on her was starting to tighten. No words still passed between the two. As the beast of man held her at arms length.
"G-Gabriella." The man stated. Her eyes widen slightly . "He knows my name!!" The thought screamed in her mind. The man placed her back on her feet but still held her in his grip. "I- How is this possible?" He whispered. Gabi didn't know to move or just stay put as the tall man let her go. His big hands pawed at her it seemed. First he placed a single palm against her cheek and then patted her on top of her head.
"U-Um sir. I- I don't know who you are." She stated quickly. The man before her seemed to have stiffened in place. He stood up back to his tall height his arms hung loosely at his side. His wrist was glowing and making a ringing sound. "When universes are destroyed that should be it." He whispered ignoring her comment. Why wasn't this man answering her ? She had remembered some women saying his name. "M-Miguel sir." In that comment the mans head snapped to her quickly.
"What is your name." He demanded.
"I'm Gabi for short but Gabriella is my full name." She stated quickly. She watched as the man was standing and then instantly went to throwing a fist into the side of the building. It made a loud sound forcing her to cover her ears. He pulled his hand from the damaged area of the building. She jumped back in surprise. " Miguel! That is not your Gabriell-" " Lyla check her bio know." Miguel quickly stated interrupting the women. Before Gabi could ask anything she watched as the man brought his arm out with the watch and a light spilled out scanning her.
"Miguel before you do anything stupid-"
"Tell me now if she is her." His whispered.
"Yes this is her. But Miguel remember the canon-"
Gabi wasn't certain of what was going on and was hoping someone would save her quickly from this angry man. She watched as the angry man kneeled down again. His face pointed to her and she watched as his mask slowly started to come apart showing his face. There were angry narrowed red eyes starring at her. His brown hair and brown skin looked so familiar. He spoke finally.
" You're coming with me." He stated.
I hope you all enjoyed this small short story!! I just had this thought in my mind and just went for it. can't handle a man in pain over a loss of a child!! 😣
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