#mikannie week
solvcanary · 7 months
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peachykoii · 2 years
Mikannie Week II 2022
Day 2: Fantasy AU
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an anatomy of pining is a 60k+ (fully revised and updated weekly) Mikannie fic that subverts the hanahaki trope with deep research into parasitology, complemented by the illustrated field notes of Dr. Zoe Hanji, PhD.
Mikasa Ackerman/Annie Leonhart, Levi Ackerman/Erwin Smith
Hanahaki Disease / Trope Subversion / Smoking / Needles / Choking / Autopsies / Parasites / Phantom Limb Syndrome
rating: explicit
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Dr. Ackerman stepped carefully into the alley, letting the door slam behind her to lean where Annie had. In her thick white lab coat, arms crossed over her chest, the doctor stared down at Annie, miffed. Important to note here was the doctor’s unimpeachable beauty: form muscular, face angular and cutting, with glossy, ink black hair in striking contrast to her pale skin, eyes like black ice, hazardous to slip into, unavoidable and all-consuming. Gorgeous in every single way, with a stilted, off-putting manner of speech that somehow had Annie wanting more. The smart, thin-framed glasses perched on her slim, straight nose, augmented the bookish air of intelligence already radiating off her.
I hope you read an anatomy of pining 💐 please reblog if you can to reach a wider audience (I'd love to get this beyond 100 kudos this week)🙏
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viclopb-draws · 2 years
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So... uh, mikannie Week two prompts anyone ?
I forgot to post them here so: Band AU
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natsukashiibyla · 2 years
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For Mikannie Week 2022
Day 5: Goth and Prep
Day 7: Album Cover
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meikuree · 1 year
more than a grain of sand
Fandom: Shingeki no Kyojin | Attack on Titan Rating: Teen And Up Audiences  Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply  Relationships: Mikasa Ackerman/Annie Leonhart  Additional Tags: Post-Canon, Mikannie Week 2022
ao3 link
Mikasa and Annie, finding their way after the Rumbling.
Written for @mikannieweek in 2022!
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takexchi · 3 years
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Mikannie week!!
Day 5: Pinning/established relationship
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mikannieweek · 2 years
Looking for a new Mikannie Week mod!
I’m stepping down as mod, but not before I find somebody who wants to run our tumblr and twitter! Must be organized and passionate about Mikannie! It’s not a difficult job but it can be time-consuming. I’m willing to give guidance for the first event you run. Also, there can be multiple mods. Please send an ask if you’re interested :)
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whiteasy · 3 years
Blue Eyed Girl
My entry for mikannie week 2021, day 2: AU (chose Pubs AU)
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peachykoii · 8 months
Here’s a masterpost for all my Mikannie Week 2022 posts in order! Enjoy!! ☺️☺️💓
Day #1 - Canon Universe / Alternate Universe
Day #2 - Kiss / Cuddle
Day #3 - NSFW / Lap Dance
Day #4 - Marley Mikasa - Paradis Annie / Titan Mikasa
Day #5 - Wedding / Children
Day #6 - Jealousy / Soulmates
Day #7 - “Don’t Leave” / “I don’t want to fight”
+ (Extras)
Sweet & Sour✨🍍🍎🍍✨
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“When is Rinky updating her Mikannie fics?” part 2, electric boogaloo
Fight Like a Girl (ongoing): I am currently struggling to revise chapter 37 and it is now in the hands of beta readers. Update when? I hope long before AUGUST ends! I still think I can finish Flag this year! That’s my main writing goal. I’ve been having some writing fatigue during pandemic, it’s getting better. half (discontinued?): I had big plans for this Mikannie vampire and vampire hunter fic, but I’m not keen on revising the next 9 chapters and then drafting and THEN revising the 20 chapters after that. this fic was a labor of love and hyperlinks. it will sit on ao3 and I will wistfully dream of completing it for the rest of my days. maybe someday ^_^ I’m content for now that it’s remembered fondly(?) by one twitter user as (paraphrase) “that fic where Mikasa lets Annie drink her chicken’s blood” (A/N: inaccurate but close! Annie is less a vampire and more like a ghoul who unhinges her jaw like a snake! but i’m flattered to have earned this chicken’s blood legacy haha)
Hanahaki WIP (unposted): I’ve talked about this fic a while ago, which in it’s first full draft is a dozen or so semi-revised chapters. No idea when I’ll be done, but I have some promising material :) Annie has hanahaki disease and Mikasa is her clueless doctor and love interest. Will be posted AFTER I revise all chapters, so I can update weekly :) secret WIP (unposted and ssssecret): this is the fic I’m most excited about, a very dark Mikannie fic drawing on their canon hatred/rivalry. Like the hanahaki fic, I am revising it in full before posting so that I can confidently give you one chapter per week :)
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jeztereddin · 5 years
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MikAnnie week day 5: dragon
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viclopb-draws · 1 year
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For the mikannie week 2 on twitter, last year.
prompt was: angst
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ackermom · 5 years
i heard that it’s mikannie week! here’s a college au drabble in my soul sisters universe
she lets annie blow on her nails. hot air, from her red lips. not lipstick, but blooming, bleeding, chewed to bits. her lip is split, a hot red sliver; it squeezes shut when annie purses her lips together, pulling back. her head cocks to one side, her bangs falling out of her face. she sips her cocktail. contraband. 
mikasa shakes her left hand back and forth, reaching for the polish bottle. “i should kick you out for that.”
“it’s just a little whiskey,” annie murmurs over the lip of her plastic cup. at least it won’t break when she spills her drink on the carpet. “i’ve seen you do worse.”
“not in my sorority house.”
“god forbid.” 
mikasa holds her hand under the lamplight. rests her fingers on a neuroscience textbook and pops open the top coat. the polish is quick dry, but she hesitates anyway, letting her hand lie flat under the light. behind her, lounging on her bed, she hears annie swallow and lick her lips. 
“i don’t know why you’re bothering with that.”
“i want to,” is all mikasa says. she plucks the top coat brush from its bottle and holds it between two fingers. 
“you’ll chip it next week at intramurals.”
“it’s not next week yet,” mikasa replies. she starts with the thumb. a thin, evenly applied layer of gloss, and suddenly her whole finger seems to shine. velvet red. luscious. she’s being coy for no reason. catty, because can’t a woman paint her nails for a special event?
annie is still a mind reader, not matter how many plastic whiskeys she’s had. “it’s just recruitment. you don’t have to get all dolled up.”
“don’t you think a president should look her best?”
“you’re already in the sorority, silly. we’re not going to kick you out because you didn’t paint your nails for recruitment.”
mikasa glances over her shoulder. “silly? is that my new nickname?” 
annie lies on her side, one elbow sinking into mikasa’s pillow, and she holds her empty plastic cup up to the ceiling light, watching the last drop of whiskey swirl around in the bottom. she lounges, half-naked, undressed from the party earlier but redressed since the sex. in slow fluid motions, lingering but scripted, like she’s always known what she wants to do, she sets her cup aside and crosses behind mikasa to stand at the other side of her desk and pick up the red nail polish. she pops the cap.
“do me next,” she says.
the smell of the polish pierces the room. mikasa smiles and mutters, “of course.”
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meikuree · 3 years
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Mikasa and Annie sharing a quiet moment in bed. drawn for Day 6 of @mikannieweek, and inspired by Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec's In Bed
[image description: a digital illustration of Mikasa Ackerman and Annie Leonhart from Attack on Titan/Shingeki no Kyojin. Both characters are lying down in bed under a blanket and holding each other. Annie’s arm is poised upon Mikasa’s shoulder, and Mikasa’s arms are wrapped around Annie. They are kissing. /end ID]
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freckledskittles · 5 years
Mikani Week 2019, Day 1: Family
I’ve been so excited to post these since I first saw the prompts! Mikani has been near and dear to my heart for a long time, and I’ve always wanted to write for them, and here I am! I hope you enjoy <3 I have some good ideas laid out for these lovely ladies
It takes five long sips of coffee, two bites of a croissant, and a deep breath before Annie speaks. Eren and Armin have been waiting in this cafe for a while, after all, and it would be rude to keep them waiting any longer. The quicker she can get this done and over with, the better. “So,” she sighs, “I’ve been thinking about a lot lately.”
Eren sips slowly, dragging the sound out as he stares almost in intimidation. Armin, usually one to hide his emotions, perks up at her words and leans forward with an encouraging smile. “About?”
Annie sighs deeply. Her chest constricts around the words; she nearly plunges her hands into her hoodie pockets but holds back, pressing her palms flat against the table. “I want to go further in my relationship with Mikasa.”
Eren stays silent save for the slurps of his frappuccino. Armin’s eyebrows cock upward at the confession.  They hadn’t been expecting that from her, or they were thankful it wasn’t a worse option. Good. When neither of them contributes, Annie groans and curls her hand against the table.
“Look, I like Mikasa a lot, okay? I didn’t know how much I was getting into when we started dating, but…” A fond softness washes over her, and Annie thinks back to one of their first dates: walking through a museum, reading artifacts and displays, giving voices to the dinosaur skeletons. Mikasa had laughed when she gave the apatosaurus a low and funny voice; it had sounded so free, so relaxed and content, so genuinely amused. Annie could hear nothing but that sound for the rest of her life and be fine. “She’s weaseled her way into my life. She encourages me, she fights for me, she treats me like a queen. And we can lose each other at any moment, but she still…” Annie bows her head. It’s too much to imagine a life without Mikasa, and that type of vulnerability frightens her.
Lucky for her, the only ones who could understand that feeling the most are her family.
“Somehow she makes time for me.” Annie looks between them—thankfully, Eren has finally accepted what she was saying and looks at her with wide eyes, as if anticipating her next move; and Armin sits up straight with a bright grin. “I want to marry her.”
“Annie, that’s amazing!” Armin cheers. Eren blinks owlishly and doesn’t react as Armin reaches over to grab Annie’s hand. “I approve. You and Mikasa are lovely together, and you’re a perfect wife for her.”
Annie grimaces. “I don’t know about that. But I guess that’s something you and her have in common.”
“You wanna marry my sister?” Eren asks. His voice sounds distant like he hadn’t been expecting such a question.
She nods. “I wanted you guys to know before anyone else. I know our friend group is one weird family already, but you two are her brothers. I wasn’t going to do anything without keeping you in the loop.”
“You’d still ask her if we didn’t approve, right?”
“Of course.” She doesn’t need to think about it—even if, for some reason, they hadn’t liked Annie with Mikasa, she would have still gone through with her plans for a proposal.
Eren finally smiles at that, relief clearing his features, and Annie feels a heavy weight leave her shoulders. “And that’s why you’re the perfect match for her.”
Annie smiles, small but so bright, the subtle touch of her happiness for Mikasa overcoming any fears of vulnerability she may have from showing such intimate feelings. She loves Mikasa, she has for a very long time, and she wants to show her how strong that feeling is. And she believes she’s been able to do that for a long time. The last touches on an already beautiful cake would be marriage. Annie can only hope Mikasa feels the same as her family.
“Hey, you,” Reiner greets Mikasa, Bertholdt following close behind him with a small wave. Mikasa stands to greet them and smiles. She had asked them here to talk about Annie, to see if they would approve of their relationship going further. After all, those two were practically Annie’s family, and they could end up being Mikasa’s as well.
“Hey, you two,” she says. “Buy yourselves a coffee, on me. I wanna ask you something.”
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