Kougi-san Aqourstoon manga i want read but i don't understand japanese well I am From Turkey Will you translate please? 😢 I am sorry if you are busy
Wow Turkey!! Hello!
The Aqourstoon manga is a doujin work  for Comiket 93 that’s around 50 pages or so! And sadly, I’m not able to get the entire doujin. However, there is a 25 page preview of it on Pixiv. If you're happy with just that, I can translate it! Just let me know! ^^
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athyrabunlord · 7 years
YouMari 1
sorry, the Prompt List Bliplet request is already closed.
However, there’s a pending YouMari request, hope you’ll enjoy it!  (*・ω・)ノ
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ookaminoki · 8 years
Happy Birthday ^_^
yay thank \^^/
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athyrabunlord · 7 years
I love your arts so cute ^-^
thank you! (*/ω\)
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Helloo do you have twitter i want to be friends with you is it okay? 😁
Awww, of course we can be friends ^^
My twitter info is on this blog’s About page! The only reason I’m not saying outright is cus I actually don’t want a bunch of people following me at once? Ahaha, but it’s easy enough to find for people that are willing to go look at it!Send me a DM on twitter once you find me! 
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