#mikey is in LOVE with u dummy
asuitsuyu9 · 2 years
mikey, after they hang out together: so let's go on our next date on sunday
takemichi: our next date? we had other dates? wait... do friends go on dates?
mikey: *silence* takemichi do you know that we are dating?
takemichi: ....since when?
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nothums-from-tj · 2 years
I am deprived of Rasey content bc brain rot is real. As they say: if you want content you gotta make it yourself </3
Unfortunately I have only seen up to early-ish s3 so Mona is not included as I have not met her. That said, I give u 2012 Rasey hcs:
at the start of their relationship they try to keep things rough/“casual” so like there was no gentle moments it was just essentially roughhousing (their usual things) with romantic intent until they accidentally fell asleep together once and Casey found out Raph is a sleep cuddler and his heart absolutely melted, even when Raph woke up Casey kept his arm around him and they just stayed like that for hours until Casey told him that he’s so adorable being all snuggly and he got so red about to push Casey off and dismiss this vulnerable moment but Case kept him close and kissed his head and now Raph can’t get enough it’s his favorite thing
Raph teases Casey so bad, like not even in a s/xual context he’s just so playfully mean and Casey sometimes pulls a scene and acts like it’s the worst thing he’s ever heard when it’s really just annoying at worst (“LOL Casey I can’t believe you have a crush on me” “you’re literally my boyfriend” “so embarrassing 4 u”)
Casey texts Raph while he’s in class all the time, sometimes it’s dumb selfies from ridiculously unflattering angles (typically from under his desk) though it’s usually complaining about a class, teacher, or classmate; if he stops responding suddenly, especially while he was still typing, he knows his phone was confiscated and he always thinks it’s so funny
I’m torn on whether they’d set one another’s contact names as super sweet/sappy things (“my darling🥰” “baby boy❤️” “babe🖤” “sweetheart💕” “my love” “my baby” “forever and ever” among other variations) or if they’d be legitimate insults in the most affectionate way (“dork” “loser” “dummy” “geek” “nutjob” “screwball” among others) bc Raph is the romantic however they’re also both besties and I at least think Raph could go in either direction; either way they’d both set contact photos as the least flattering images they could find if each other
based off of @cloudywithachanceofautism’s hc of them refusing to go to bed angry w each other: it happened One Time on accident after this rule was set, Casey was at a game that night and his phone died when he thought it was charging (bc we love technology /s) and having both entirely forgotten about whatever they got mad at earlier during the game and not realizing his phone is still dead, he just went to bed after getting home; meanwhile Raph was calling nonstop for at least an hour or two after the time he knows Casey gets home from his games and was nearly having a breakdown (not that he’d ever admit it) bc he doesn’t want their relationship to get ruined over something so dumb and he started spiraling a little; Casey realized his phone was dead after he woke up and once it was charged enough to turn on and saw like 114 missed calls from Raph he remembered the argument and he calls him first thing profusely apologizing and explaining the situation and they’re really fragile for about a week following
to go with the hc that ‘12 Raph can knit (from the ‘03 clip) I think he’d just knit Casey socks or gloves or something come the colder seasons, he picks on him a little for being a “softie” however he savors them as much as possible bc he thinks it’s the sweetest thing in the world (Raph knits socks for his brothers too, they’re all very appreciative)
April also got Casey into both Animal Crossing and Stardew Valley, Raph picks on him for that too and yet always watches over his shoulder when he’s playing (he’d prob marry Abigail or Sebastian in Stardew as they’re the most like Raph)
Raph manages to get into certain musicals and drags Casey right down with him (thinking “Mamma Mia!”, “Legally Blonde”, and “Mean Girls”; Mikey got him into “Hairspray” and “Heathers” too and he loves them, just don’t top the previous 3)
they do couples costumes their first Halloween together, Casey tries to get them in the dumb comedic ones though Raph keeps setting a hard boundary on that; they do gay ships instead whether or not they’re canon: Fred and Shaggy from Scooby-Doo, Michiru and Haruka from Sailor Moon, I have my own however I’ll stick to these common ones for now bc they r just as good
also when they started their relationship, while they were still adjusting to more affection they would cope by calling each other gay (“*smooch* that was gay” “you’re the one who kissed me, doofus”), and when they got a little more comfortable Casey would start saying “pog” or “that was so poggers” after they’d kiss bc he thought it was funny to see Raph so annoyed like that
behind Raph’s back, Casey would take care of or at least talk about Chompy like he were their child (Raph would probably cry a little of sheer joy if he ever found out)
from cloudywithachanceofautism’s other hc of Raph preferring words of affirmation and Casey preferring physical affection: while Raph absolutely adores having somebody who’s as affectionate with him as he is with his brothers, it’s especially when Casey says things like “it’s ok to be angry, y’know” “you wanna talk about it?” “I’ve got you, it’s ok” “I’ll take care of you” “are you ok?” “Want me to handle it?” anything to do w his mental health and anger bc these poor kids haven’t really known how to deal w it growing up, especially since Splinter isn’t the most emotional parent, and it just makes him feel seen and loved and he always melts in Casey’s arms (“if you wanted a hug you can just ask you know” “doesn’t mean you didn’t need to hear it”)
tying into the previous: Raph also still melts whenever he’s called cute or pretty however when it’s in front of his family he tries to call him lame and a sap affectionately and then he’d let himself be vulnerable with Casey when they’re alone
despite Raph being little, he’s significantly heavier than Casey given he’s nothing but muscle and his shell adds some density (plus Casey’s super scrawny), unfortunately Casey learns this the hard way by trying to be chivalrous and pick his bf up and nearly falls flat and Raph laughs for like 10 minutes straight; Casey isn’t always a fan of being easily lifted by his tiny bf though he’ll embrace it when he’s in a super sappy/affectionate moment and accept it when they’re doing like “couples’ exercises” together and Casey can be used as a weight for him to lift, it’s very funny in his own opinion
given Splinter’s time in America as a human was very brief, I would think he didn’t get to learn a lot of American customs so what the turtles grew up with was mostly Japanese culture and we know they know some of the Japanese language, probably more than what’s shown in canon too; that said, there are probably things they say or do that are confusing to both Casey and April and sometimes has to explain that they’ve just never heard of some of these things before
with that: romance and topics of love are much more conservative in Japanese culture, also the holidays are more for romantic partners rather than friends and family; so like Raph would sneak into Casey’s window Christmas Eve and be very surprised to see him not with his family for the night (not that he’s not happy to see him), or like he’ll try to find a tea stalk in his cup every single date and see if it goes vertical (superstition here) and Casey has no idea why Raph is smiling into his tea when he does, or even one of the most common showings of a couple are matching clothes so Raph will sometimes try to do it subtly when given the chance before they start dating and Casey has no idea why; Splinter thinks this is all very cute and is very proud of his kid
Casey’s the one who introduces hot chocolate to the turtles (“Casey, they’re turtles, they can’t be having that!” “Mutant turtles, April—I don’t think they even know what they can or can’t have!”) and has to eventually take it away from Raph and Mikey bc they became very hooked, Raph still tries to be extra affectionate to get it back which would probably work if it wasn’t for death glares from Leo and Splinter every time bc the last thing they need is a sugar addiction (though Splinter is very pleased about candy canes during the season bc they’re both very rare and very expensive in Japan)
Casey eventually starts to work out more for several reasons, one of which being able to pick up Raph so they eventually have strength and speed contests every time they see each other to who can pick the other up first and how high they can go (Raph tries to claim the “highest” part is unfair as Casey is literally over half a foot taller than him)
alternatively: “Why are you holding Raph like that?” “He likes to be tall.”
on summer nights, they’ll sneak to a closed amusement park just to walk around and Raph would probably play jungle gym on the rollercoasters so the two of them would just sit at the top bump of a track and watch over the city, otherwise playing whatever games that didn’t need to be shut down or need a lot of setting up so they could set it back up before they leave and maybe one or the other would steal just one stuffed animal for one another (not like a huge one, just like one of the “first tier” prizes that there’s a million of); maybe go see botanical/serenity gardens if possible, drive-in movie theaters, or like if Casey and April have some means of access to a public pool they’d probably sneak into that too (Raph getting so excited to go swimming with his turtle instincts and then takes a huge breath under water to come back up coughing and sputtering bc it’s not freshwater it’s chlorine and he didn’t know that was a thing); I just really like the thought of them doing public dates they r so cute
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enthblaze · 2 years
OH I GOT U!! it hasn't been edited yet but i'll put the edited ver in the fic 😎
"leo, i want a piggy back"
"but why?"
"you're too big."
"one can never be too big for a piggy back."
"and who said i'd be able to carry you?"
"...you're literally as strong as raph."
"remind me why, again?"
"because i want one? is that not answer enough?"
"come on, please? i'll buy you those bathsalts that got discontinued last month?"
"how will you even-"
"don't question it. now with that on the table, are you gonna give me a piggy back or no?"
"...i hate you."
"there's the big brother i know and love!"
"you would've thought mikey would be the one doing this."
"yeah, well as your Other youngest brother, i still get honorary piggy back privileges."
"that's a thing?"
"oh ho, you have no idea. now ride!"
"donnie if you say that again, i swear, i will launch you into tomorrow and then some."
"sheesh, okay short-stack."
"did you and raph switch bodies or something whilst i was sleeping? am i missing something here?"
"i'm not raph and you Know i'm not raph because raph hasn't asked for a piggy back since we were Four."
"people can change."
"raphael is not people."
"okay fair."
"now, are you gonna walk, or?"
"you asked for a piggy back."
"walking comes with the package, dummy. didn't you know?"
"no. no, i didn't."
"well, too bad. walk or i'll scratch you."
"lay off the threats, will ya?"
"you threatened to throw me earlier, this is barely anything."
"i hate being the older brother."
"you love it."
"i love it."
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fastlanehqs · 3 months
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mikey hopping on very quickly to say i am SO stoked that we have two more apps and the app count has been updated!!!!! we are making steps forward ppl! that being said, as i rest my head and wish on eyelashes for more apps, i would LOVE to see our skellies with no apps getting some love! take a looksie at THE TERRY BRADSHAW: ultra super all american perfect jock and the boyf of miss america. his life is perfect!!! or is it.... THE PATRIOT: think michael kelso but make him a farm boy! most people write him off as a dummy boot licking hick, but he's not! we love him! THE BURN OUT: the class valedictorian going through all 12 stages of gifted kid burn out at once. THE BOY NEXT DOOR: eric foreman core! his basement/bedroom is THE hang out....might possibly be closeted and unknowingly pining for the noncomformist.... if ur into that THE DIRTBAG: i mean...the name proceeds itself! a horn dog! a villain! there might be a heart of gold under all of that grime....but we don't know yet....NOT the hyde (that would be the noncomformist) of the group....he's a secret third worse thing OKAY.....now i'm logging off to get some shut eye, but not with out asking for u all to pretty pretty please leave asks and apps xoxo!
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haitanirindo · 2 years
so funny that 200 or so chapters ago takemichi decided that draken is mikey's heart. and now we finally get mikey's pov and he decided for himself that takemichi is his heart
takemichi is really the most oblivious man alive
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angrypedestrian · 5 years
I am EXHAUSTED and I have seen some GAY ASS gifsets
lets do this babyyyyyy
Once again, there is no way Ava lives in DC proper
she’s def in the burbs
prob Arlington if we’re being real
and i am
“ding dongs to doughnuts” def the turn of phrase to be used in this situation john
ray is very sweet, BUT ALSO can this show stop casually referencing a character’s alcoholism and then doing nothing about it?
it’s just cheap and i don’t like it!
either make them an actual alcoholic or just drop it cause i am tired
sara: there is literally...no on else who remotely can watch the ship. so, zari, i guess?
zari, not looking up from her phone: hmmm? you say something
love a good sara and john team up!!!
nora is an excellent addition!!!!
john shut the fuck up you are not helping
i love u gary u sweet precious moron
but thank you for this very valid reaction 
oh my god this guy on the phone 
that’s godDAMN RIGHT
my irl dragon bros!!!
Zach vs. Legends understanding of christian theology part 34899
hmmmm wonder how they handle purgatory
....not like that
and i know pretty much nothing about it, but even i know that is...wrong
Hahaha remember when the blood of christ was a major plot point?
ikea isn’t purgatory
it is hell and we all fuckin know THAT
ava’s assumption that she is dead is INCREDIBLY valid
oh mona NO, please do not bring your rpf to one of the people in the ship
Dan Didio has a doomsday clock in his office except it says “zari tomaz being canonically queer” and it is at 11:59
Dan Didio’s sniper, trained on phil: sir, can i take the shot?
dan didio, through gritted teeth: technically......no
FUCK charlie and zari’s LOOKS at each other
the Neal Mcdonough Memorial Can Get It Award this week goes to that half second look between zari and charlie
AND ALSO when the fuck did they have time to watch queer eye
zari calling them dummies i love her
john: why did we call them here again
nora: i...literally cannot remember
nora: this was a terrible idea
oh my god this dude is just doing a mikey from kimmy schmidt impression
i bet this guy can be canonically gay
Mikey T confirmed gay you’re welcome everyone
this is so FUCKING stupid
this is the stupidest thing i have ever seen in my entire life
dear LORD
i am zari’s desire for nothing but death
“you don’t even date humans” excuse me zari mick has SEVERAL human husbands
but i do enjoy that she just totally supports their furry selves
zari says furry rights
ava and gary need to go to couple’s therapy i think
legends: we just love a wacky christian theology subplot!
phil: okay, we can’t make zari or nate or ray canonically queer, what can we do this ep to really beef up the LGBTQ rep
phil: GOT IT we’ll have two women put together ikea furniture
where is phil’s glaad award??
des it’s 2019 now
and dc is too easy a target you’re not that special my dude
little on the nose with the handling our demons bit don’t we think?
nora and john arguing with each other is delicious 
i mean, there very easily could be a beebo hanging around to fix this it does seem to be the writers go to deus ex machina at this point SO
it’s not, like, an unsafe assumption john
awwww they’re having real relationship discussions this is legit very sweet
(side note i love putting ikea furniture together hire me for all your furniture needs)
sara has only seen the lion, the witch, and the wardrobe movie
again, books are for nerds
she was real into tilda swinton in it tho
and no she has NOT unpacked that thank you very much
the people DEMAND IT
$250 for a mattress SARA do you want to sleep on a ROCK
ALSO you should be REGULARLY flipping your mattress twice a year anyways!!!!
I do like that they just got older actresses instead of old age makeup thank god
pffftttt as if ava would ever make sara give up her legends polycule
ava doesn’t really participate but she’s cool with sara doing it
it’s been a real rough week for nate
but also nathaniel you are a dumbass
ACTUALLY SCRATCH THAT dan didio’s doomsday clock says “legends making any dc character canonically queer”
my gay little heart
oh shit loading a dishwasher is the ultimate test of a relationship
hint: i am the only one who ever does it right
mona is ultimate gen z
too powerful
damn girl, zari you are desperate if you will let mick help without much hesitation
you’ve read his stuff, he’s good, but not good sext good
it’s a different skill set!
sara not having an address to get mail at does not seem like a problem
this argument is so GOOD and perfect
recycling until we die tho is...an oddly specific fear
fuck courtney is so good
this show is resting on her goddamn shoulders 
gary please do not say that
Tabitha is one of the less menacing names
it’s like saying, oh shit here comes Steve! ahhhhhhhh!
wow ray drinking? that’s love bitch
that spit take is fuckin gold
fuck that made me so happy
kudos to the intern that had to photoshop all those ava boxes
that was probably not a fun day
d’aw they love each other
gary is VERY excited to join the polycule
oh shit the smoke/cloud version of neron actually looks??? good???
actual good use of cgi?? on my legends?
sara and charlie high fiving is my lifeblood
true chaos bisexuals THRIVING
sara and ava will not have any children they will have 10 dogs and an unspecified number of cats
it will be their reward for a lifetime of raising the legends
oh hey we found money in the budget for nate’s super power
zari has been binge watching brooklyn 99 with her cool coolcoolcoolcool cool
love u
those two are such lovable doofuses i’m really happy they’re being cute together
ooohhhhhh brandon is gonna get to be evil that is exciting
NEXT WEEK: Helen makes a surprise cameo! Or I guess lets hope it’s not Clytemnestra!!!!
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cow3survivor · 4 years
Ep. 13: “I Need To Make Moves Here And This Is A Big One” - Mikey
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guilt tripping everybody that voted out sammy bc that was such a weird move and shows how weak everyone really is. idk it made 0 difference to me, i honestly could care less about this round. if i get immunity, mikey is playing the idol on himself if he gets immunity im getting the idol so it really does not matter
Woo the plan worked and Sammy is gone! He seemed sad because he said he wanted to stick with me but his actions didn't really align with that. My goal is still to get Jennet and Jones out. I feel bad because Jennet is now in a position where they’ve been targeted every round of merge and a lot of that is for little to no reason. I don't really know why Lovelis tried to vote for them, or why their name came up when Daisy left, and the round Sam went home I only said their name to try and protect Lindsay. And last round their name was a decoy.... but still! They have been through a lot and I feel bad. But unfortunately because of this, they are definitely winning if they make the end. They haven’t betrayed a lot of the jury, they now have this great underdog story if they make it, and their whole game is about loyalty and honesty and all that stuff betrayed jurors jut love to vote for. Which I will say.......... it's easy to be loyal and honest when you don't align or overly strategize with half the team. It also leaves you super vulnerable to being a target sooooo I feel bad but I also feel like that's the reality of blocking yourself off to so many people. Since Sam is sadly gone, my new ideal final 5 is Lindsay, Shane, Mikey, and Jake. That will get awkward because I feel like it'll fall into 2 vs 2 and they'll all expect me to stick with them. That would be the downside to my strategy of "align with everyone and make everyone feel like you're their option" buuuut I think I'm saved by the fact that asides Jennet, I feel I can beat everyone left at the end. I don't think it's a guarantee; I'll definitely have to do a good FTC. But Shane and Lindsay have really bad social games -- Shane fights with everyone and betrays close allies for no reason and Lindsay apparently doesn't even talk to half the people left. Yesterday, Jake and Mikey both said they thought Shane would win at the end because "he's made so many moves!!!" which is ummmm not very feminist because I think everyone credits him with doing a lot more in the Daisy vote than he actually did. I feel very much like the Natalie White of this season because my relationships are really what is holding everything together. I just have to be careful that people don't see me as keeping Shane around when he's an obvious threat because that could definitely damage my chances of winning. However.... there is something that could upset that f5 and that is if this round, Jones/Mikey/Jake/Jennet all want to vote out Shane or Lindsay (again). I'm not actually that opposed to this happening because it would be very useful for me to have a close ally on jury to tell them what I did. It would also mean I don't really have to "decide" who to pick at f5 but I would still be relatively protected. However I also worry that if Jennet gets through even one more round, Mikey, Jones, and maybe even Jake will just refuse to vote them out like they did before. Mikey admitted to me he knows Jennet will win at the end but if he feels like he has no shot, he might just keep them around because they're close and that is not a great sign for me! I guess we'll see what happens with immunity. Also go me for being the last person left with no votes against them :~)
something about a white man yelling over me last night when it was my turn to speak doesnt sit right with me... i dont want to make it a race thing or a “gender” thing but .... idk its kinda taken me out of the game i dont even feel like campaigning to stay tbh...
(a little later)
soon as shane won immunity here go jessica pming me saying she hates that he won... pls that is ur ally u love the fact that he won... just admit it tired of these people playing in my face but i dont wanna play into that role that i know i fall into fairly quick
(after taking a beach stroll)
this may be my last week i fear 🕴🏾
(after taking the camera and running into the woods)
jess must think im a fool every round she “leaks” info to me and then she does the complete opposite of what she says she will. im sorry its pathetic at least this round she told me shes voting me pero its like now shes asking me if i have any alternatives that i can convince her into doing and im like... girl its one of my allies and like 5 of urs left dont play me like im some dummy .... so that u can tell them im pushing for them and give more reason for them to want me out? she not getting my jury vote for sure
jennet is the target. if they have an idol i will probably go home. i have crippling anxiety 🤩 im sorry thisbis so short there's not much to report on. there was a miscommunication between everyone that mikey caused but nothing rly came of it. im just you know how sometimes when youre abt to fall bur you catch yourself your stomach does thise little flips? thats me for the past hour. i have a bad feeling abt this, but i also have crippling anxiety so shocker
me yesterday: If Lindsay or Shane got 7th, I wouldn't be sad! me now: ummmmmmmmm no stop being silly Anyways we are all voting Jennet as of right now. I told Mikey that we were splitting votes on him and Jennet potentially (so that I could get Mikey to vote Jennet, meaning Shane or Lindsay could throw 1 vote on Mikey in the event of an idol) but then Mikey went and told everyone I said that??? Which was a weird move, I don't know if he was hoping it would blow up on me but I just admitted to everyone what my strategy was. Now it seems like they just don't trust Mikey. Which is useful for next round, if I can make it there. I also told Shane and Jake that Mikey asked me if they were threats and I'd said yes. I told Shane and Jake this so that in the event Mikey went to them, they'd already have a heads up and wouldn't be suspicious (because Mikey leaks almost everything and I felt like that would definitely happen). I also accidentally implied to Jake that Shane was targeting him?? Not really sure how that happened but there was this weird temporary blowup where Jake went to Mikey and Shane and said he heard they were saying his name. Obviously I was NOT excited for this because I was worried it would come back against me instantly so I tried to smooth things over with Shane and Jake + told Mikey it's not cute to leak info! I'm hoping that the three of them are pointing their daggers at each other and haven't turned on me but it was definitely scary for a minute. I also told Mikey Shane originally wanted Jake to go when Daisy left AND that I thought Shane/Lindsay would vote Jake out next. I can explain both of these away pretty easily to Jake (1. That vote was a long time ago and he only wanted to do it because Jake was saying Lindsay and 2. I was just saying they'd vote him out next to make Mikey comfortable) but he isn't online to give me the chance to do it and I don't want to bombard him with messages. But here's where I am 2 hours before we vote...... I'm ultra paranoid Jennet has an idol. And she knows she's going tonight. Everyone was like "don't tell her she's leaving!" and I was like???? She knows?? I'm not wasting her time pretending like I'm not considering voting for her. So now....... should me, Shane, Lindsay just vote out Mikey (or Jake?) instead? I'm hesitant to bring this plan up to anyone for a few reasons: - None of these people can keep a damn secret!! - If we flip and Mikey does vote Jennet (and there's no idol), it will be 3-3-1. Really not liking that - I don't thiiiiink Jennet would idol me out if they were to idol anyone. I'm afraid to bet on this too heavily but I really, reaaaaally hope because I'm being honest with them this round, they would see me as someone who would maybe work with them at f6/f5 (as opposed to Jake, who has lied to them and Jones who flipped last round, and Lindsay who she says she wants out). I originally!!! Thought that Mikey would never vote for me but I'm honestly not sure after today - Jake is completely MIA today, same with Jones. Jake SHOULD trust me since I've warned him whenever I've heard his name but I'm worried after the shenanigans of earlier + him not responding that he's now sketched out by me - I don't want Jennet in the f6 (sorry Jennet!) because I think if we lie to the others about who we vote, they are more likely to go to rocks for them if we vote them next time. Like right now, Mikey is not going to a rock for Jake (or vice versa) but I think both would do it for Jennet if they felt they were their only path to the end. If people go to rocks for Jennet like we might as well all pack it in now and let them win because that just shows!! How good their relationships are. The reason I'd want to switch the plan is because if Jennet has an idol,  they are absolutely playing it tonight. If they don’t have it, they don’t have it, but that means Jake or Mikey could. So like.... why not do a fake out and have a higher chance of getting the merge idol out of here? Plus if Jennet doesn't play it tonight, we can vote them tomorrow with much more ease. I'm worried people are too aware that I'm really moving things behind the scenes and are going to come for me this round. Here's where I'm hoping my strategy of be everyone's BFF / an option for everyone will help me out -- Lindsay is a bigger threat than me and has done a lot less of that work so in the event Jake and Jones DO decide to turn..... I think they'd vote for her over me. But that's not really ideal because going into a F6 with only 2/3 of my end game trio is not the look! Despite what I delusion-ly thought yesterday!
fukjlkjdsflakjsdalfskdfja i have a rlly bad gut feeling i'm going home bc its like ,, , too quiet and too straight forward, i think jessica should be going this round ? either she'll be idoled out or voted out 4-3 ya feel,, i'm just ,, my stomach hurts i need jessica to get voted out she's like ,, my only competitor in terms of gameplay style >? ya feel ? i'm not excited for whatever happens after tribal,, so maybe i throw up, maybe i get voted out , either way i'm free
Yeah so that last move was a mistake lmaooo I thought Mikey and Jennet were tighter with Sammy than they actually were 😬 so now I’m just trying to regroup from that. Seems like Jennet is the target but I feel terrible voting her out so I’m sort of at a loss. I also don’t want Mikey to be left out again so just trying to figure out what’s best for me eek 🥺
OK SO. Me Jake and Jennet are voting jessica, jones is voting jennet and Im gonna play my idol on jennet. I need to make moves here and this is a big one. Sorry JESSICA!
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talk about some of your mutuals!!!
Thank u anon ur a real one kcmdkcmd ! (I’m obviously not gonna do all my mutuals bc that’d be insane and OFC I love all my mutuals but here r the first ones that popped into my mind)
@afolieadeux - Laura… is my best fuckin friend … like she’s literally the light of my goddamn Life bitch ! She’s just always so sweet and so nice and positive and lovely and I could come up with many many more different words to describe her but none of them would like … describe her in Full bc she’s just that good u kno ? Ya. Anyone i love Laura!
@themightyfall - Zoe … is so good? Again, I could use many words to describe her yes but I wouldn’t be able to like describe her in Whole bc she’s just the Fuckin lovely !!!! She’s an amazing author, firstly, and is An amazing person in general who owns my fuckin heart ilovezoe
@petewntz - Mikey …. is dumb . That’s that. Mikey is dumb ……. and absolutely gorgeous and I am eternally grateful that I’m friends with her and that I can send her absolutely gorgeous drawings of slinkhead . She’s just a great friend aaand she’s also a shoehead dummy idiot fool !!!! 💕
@anyoneiknow - Every time I type Alex’s url his old now deactivated blog comes up first and I almost always hit that which is Dumb and :-/ smh BUT Alex is not dumb. Alex is very very kind and nice and he deserves the entire world bc he just is that good !!!!!! He reads aasbsolute garbage with me like every single day and ;___; I love him ?
@dipsith - izzy isn’t cool. (But she is super nice and honest and funny as Fuck. I’m very glad I can share like. Any opinion with her and we can have an actual adult discussion abt it bc she’s mature and !! I love izzy)
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tmntl0verthings · 7 years
レオナルド         Leo X Reader
  “Childish Love” 
2391 words
         Because I have something to Protect
Your wearing pink ruffle shorts with a mint blue shirt that said "I'm 100% mermaid" in white writing with Galaxy Vans.
     You were snickering with Mikey were hiding behind the Couch's backing peeping over the other side..waiting. "and one..two..three.." Mikey spoke softly A huge Black smoke Leaked through the Bathroom door. It busted open to see a huge figure stomp through "MIKEY!!" Raphael's voice bellowed in anger as he coughed The smoke slowly fading away. He looked around to see only Leo reading at the kitchen table as Don was making himself Cup o'noodles in the microwave. He then heard faint laughing at the couch. He marched over to the Sofa with his usual manly strut to see you covering your mouths with laughter. "Oh I see this was a team effort his eyes rose in anger as he tried to swipe Mikey then you. You ran over to be with leo. You hugged his neck Kissing his cheek. Your eyes wondered up to see Raph coming over this way "Leo bear. Raph's being mean." you whined. "And is it because you and mikey did your little pranks again?" he looked from his book to you. "what? nu Boobie. I would never." You hugged his tight Muscular arm. "hmp.." he smiled as he then saw raph next to himself "Come here! I'm gonna fix you good once i'm done with you." you hid behind Leo's side. Leo glanced at you then to raph "Raph knock it off. Just some harmless fun." "OH of course you'd stand up for her. She's your 'Girl friend' ." he sang the last part with a girly tone. "knock it off raph. Your just jealous." He sassed back. "Oh-oh your think i'm jealous of you! Ha!" "No. Not of me but what I have." "you wish!" Raphs anger grew like it could break a temperature Gadge. "Cool it Raph. your gonna get us stuck in the hashi again." Donnie whispered on the other side of the table. "Shut it Four eyes!" "Hey now that was uncalled for!" Donnie stood up for himself as he pointed at raph. "You wanna get pummeled too!" "Leo would kick your butt before you got the chance to hurt me." "Fine..(he walked over to Don) I'll start with you first.." his voice grew deeper with Fury as his eyes were cold and dark at the moment. "Raphael." splinter rose his voice "Thats enough! You treat others how you wanna be treated." his wise and elder voice educated the Red banded turtle with his walking stick creating hallow clinks against the Brick flooring. Raph backed off still fairly puffing out his anger in breathes as he then just walked away to punch a dummy in the home while walking passed it. "What got him upset today?" Splinter asked curiously "Just a harmless prank." Leo explained. "Mikey?" he asked knowing the answer already. "pretty much but y/n helped." Hearing an accomplice this time made Splinter smile with amusement. "Is that so?" he chuckled "You mad?" you asked worried "Mad? cause my sons are finally getting along with humans and Ones even dating a girl. Whats there to be mad about." You smiled at his words as you hugged Leo's neck. "Yea only one..where's my girl?" Don pouted as he put his head in his palm looking to his family to then hear the microwave beep-beep-beep. He walked from the table to open the small door letting the warmth hit his glasses accidentally fogging them. He ugh-ed as he tried to see passed it, grabbing his noodles feeling a Drop of hotness drip down and touch his rough flesh. He hissed as he still carried it down to the counter about to pour the noodles into a bowl so they cool down faster. Looking from Donnie wanting to ask but Asking questions can infuriate some people..so keeping to yourself you look at Splinter whom was speaking to Leonardo. You walked away patting his shoulder to then go over to Mikey's side of the home. "Hey" You smiled brightly feeling a rush of excitement, Usually everything with Mikey is Funny, Exciting and Fun Filled. Walking over to Mikey you see Raphael reading something in his bed above Mikey's. 'crap..' you just continued your walk pretending not to fear Raphael. "Hey Squishy!" Mikey greeted you over to his side of the room which also happens to be Raphael's. Raph looked at you for a moment then looked back at his book. "So what'cha wanna do since we already pissed of raph." Mikey laughed; you laughed with him but more hesitantly. "Come on, lets go to the skate park. No one's there and it'll be just you and me." "sounds like fun!" you cheered making Raphs lip snarl a little. Walking away with Mikey Leo walked up to you. "Where you going?" curious "Just out with my Broth'ah." you put your arms around making Mikey laugh as you smiled "where?" "skate park with mikey." "no." "What why?" "yea why!" Mikey backed you up but also why? "Cause i'm taking you to the skate park." he wrapped his arm all the way around your shoulders taking you into his warmth. "awww Leo bear.." you smiled adorably up at him as mikey pretended to choke. "shush." leo shushed playfully as he led you out "coming Mikey?" "Oh i'm still coming? alright >,< "
That night~~ "what are you doing to your pizza?" Leo asked "taking pepperoni off of it. You know i don't like sausage." "You don't like sausage?" Mikey asked as his face looked at you like you were an alien or heart broken. One of the two. "well yea.." "what else don't you like?" Mikey asked petrified. "Bacon, peanut butter--" being cut off before being able to finish your words. "What is happening to SOCIETY!" Mikey pleaded to the lord with his hands up making you laugh. "Oh god i can feel it..the earth is crumbling! Atlantis is rising once more!" "Mikey.." raph looked to Mikey getting his attention easily "Shut up." As raph put down the plastic shaker bottle of Parmesan on the table. Donnie smiled at raph's comment.    Later~~ As leo was lecturing his brothers for a new lesson coming up at the same kitchen table as you were leaning back into your chair with your knees against the tabletop. Raph had his arms crossed as Don pretty much was the only one paying attention. Mikey was falling asleep until you threw a sausage ball from dinner at his face making him blink. Raph watched as you and him were throwing it back and forth. A chuckle left your lips getting leo's attention making you cover your smiling mouth while Mikey Pretended to go back to his sleepy state. "y/n please, i'm trying to help my brothers." "Do what..Die slower?" you sassed playfully. "Y/n.." his eyes were unamused -,-  "Alright, alright. Fine." you put your hands up surrendering as you curled back up into your position. "thank you.. now I figured for when we do HaiJaku we could instead try--" his words were cut off by your sausage ball being thrown at him but instead of it hitting him He caught it as he looked at it. "A sausage ball? Really y/n. Seriously Do you take what i do in this team seriously. I work my ass off to try and get these guys in line while your throwing sausage balls! Knock it off and just grow up!" "wow dude.." Mikey commented. "You got something to say?" he looked at his brother with risen brows. "no, nope i'm good." "good."Donnies eyes were widened while raph was enjoying the first amusing thing that's happened in a family meeting. Your eyebrows narrowed as you got up out of the chair to scoot it back in. "Excuse me." you bowed mocking Leo's love for Japanese culture and also how ninjas tied into that. Leo watched you walk away and out of their home for him to exhale and rub his eyes "Dear god.." 'what have i done?' was his thought after his spoken words.
Two days of not hearing from you~~    Leo entered your apartment as lucky for him, the window was opened allowing Autumn air to fill the Cinnamon scented room. "wow.." he looked around to see your apartment was Clean. Legit clean. No messy piles of laundry, no left out plates and even the glass table top was polished. 'whats happening? did she leave to live elsewhere and now someone else lives here?' my thoughts rampaged to then see y/n leaving her kitchen that was hid away around the corner. She wore platform high heels with a tight fitting black skirt n' a puffy white shirt with pearls on. Hair in a bun. Even wearing Eyeliner and red lipstick. "Morning Leonardo." "uh morning. What are--what happened?" "what ever do you mean?" "your apartment." "Well I took your words into consideration and detailed my apartment and myself while i was at it." "what?" he asked as he leaned his head forwards with a risen brows. "Oh yes. And i must say I feel so very replenished to take such a turn on things. Thank you Leonardo." 'she's not even calling me Leo-bear.. this can't be too good..' "I uh..your welcome.." "would you like some homemade French toast. I made some this morning." "you cooked?" "Don't sound so surprised." she corrected my behavior like splinter would. 'oh god..' She walked along into the kitchen to see her butt sway side to side due the heels which..i admired very much so. She handed me the plate of French toast to break me from my concentration. "Oh gosh sorry no thank you." i apologized. Without a smile she put the plate down on the counter. She looked at me as she held her hands together with her polished nails. "y/n i'm sorry for what i said. I shouldn't have said those things. Your perfect the way you are." relaxing your posture you were getting lost in his blue eyes with your red matte lips gaping a little to show your two front teeth. "Please forgive me. It was more out of line than how you acted." after hearing 'how you acted' you straightened your posture "I see. Well Leonardo If you don't mine could you please Excuse yourself. I have much work to do." "work?" he questioned with more surprise. "Leonardo. To have money in this world one must grasp concept of earning their keep. And i plan to do so." As i blinked my made-up eyes at him. He looked dumb founded and astonished. "oh..kay if you want me too." The sounds of his weight pummel with each step along the wooden floors with metal clinking and his fabric brushing between his thighs. U clicked on your blue tooth speaker to play 'Kenny G.' As he was leaving out the window. As he finally left you slouched taking off your platforms. "ohhh" you exhaled. "thats much better" you wiggled ur toes into your carpeting; changing the music to something on Pandora.
"I dont know what to do. She seemed so adamant about being an adult and..all I did was yell at her for being herself." Leo pouted. "Leonardo. You are my best and honored student but sometimes you lack social skills. Every leader knows how to communicate to their loyal and committed team members. Y/n is no different. Find a way you can communicate to her. Get through to her in a way she can understand." nodding he understood "you understand?" "yes, father.." "i hope so. Otherwise your screwed.." his father spoke bluntly. Leo was a bit surprised but he did ask for help.
Walking into her apartment i see the place is still clean. "yn/?" You were watching netflix in your room with your makeup on all jazzed up still to then hear Leo's voice. Your eyes widened as you stood up to slip on your shoes with a cheeto in your mouth. You crunched it as you shut off netflix. "y/n?" you heard again. 'stupid shoes..' You argued with yourself. You stood up to walk over to your door gathering yourself to open your bedroom door. seeing Leo's shell facing you from afar as he looked around "Leonardo." you held your hands together. "y/n there you are. Hey I found something of yours." "Did you now?" "yea..here.." he hands you a fake real sized Lolipop without its wrapper KeyChain. Taking it from him you looked to him "Where'd you find this?" "under my bed. I was cleaning and found it. I remember when you first saw it when you and me went for a midnight walk and you fell in love with it." memorizing the keychain as you rubbed along the Red Pop part. "yea.." you smiled brightly as your red lips illuminated your whitened teeth. "Y/n I hope you know i didn't mean what i said. Your important to me. I want you there in my life by my side.." he huffed a smile. looking from your key chain to his eyes without a smile but pouty lips. "Leo I--" he interrupted your words with a step forwards, placing his hands on your jawline as his your whine lips touched his. He swore he even got drunk off them for a moment. He moved his lips along yours. You put your polish nails around his wrists closing your eyes. Letting go of your lips leaving his lips somewhat red. You smiled laughing, bringing out your real self you pointed at him "you got some red on you." He looked down as he wiped it with his wrist. Licking his lips he asked "better?" smiling you said "sure.." "Come home with me..please.." "alright..finnnneeeee." you whined as you went into your bedroom to change. Coming out you had shorts, shirt that had WonderLust written on it as you wore galaxy vans. "theres my girl." He puts his arms out for you to run into, swinging you around the apartment he stops to let you down. "one thing though." he offers. "yea?" "Don't ever be that Grown up again." his words made you snort a laugh making you cover your mouth n' nose. he kissed your forehead to lead you out the window before grabbing your keys.
Dah end
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