#miki sonoda
inbarfink · 1 year
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what if the Revolutionary Girl Utena characters were pokemon trainers
I went back to the Utena tab, as one does, to brush up on my philosophy... Suddenly the question pops into my head "With Anthy's love of roses which flower pokemon would be her favorite? I bet it would be x." Then i started to think "If Anthy had "X" then maybe Utena could have "Y". "Nanami should have "C" because of that one comedy filler episode" You know the one. "Also wouldn't it be fun to create a sinister pokemon team for Akio." I literally went to sleep rolling these thoughts and potential teams around in my mind, and have spent all day working on getting the teams right.
Before I post my teams here were my rules
1.) Six pokemon for the rose crest duelists, one-three for the black rose duelists. Ruka got two
2.) All the rose bride duelists had to have at least one flower/plant/florial pokemon. This was not required of the black rose duelists or Ruka.
3.) Normally I do not let characters have legendary pokemon on their teams. But because some of these characters are Gods or embodiment's of legendary themes/tropes I put fitting legendary on the teams for four specific characters
4.) Utena was the only character I allowed a pokemon that can mega evolve. She is the one chosen to wield the power of Dios in the duels.
5.) To challenge myself I did not use any of the eeveelutions, or regional type variations (Alolan, Galar, Hisuin). These are usally heavily represented on my previous lists and I wanted this one to be more unique
In honor of pride month here is the RGU cast as pokemon trainers
Anthy Himemyia
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a team that is half cute and girly , and half very very frightening
White Flower Florgus: This one is representative of Anthy's love of flowers, whoch she incorperated into her role in the duels, as the Rose Bride. A flowery fairy pokemon that devotes itself to its gardens. The red one is to sweet to be Anthy's pokemon. Plus given that both the roses in her coffin and the one she puts on Utena are white, I think that white may be her favorite rose color.
Wooloo: Anthy used the Wool from her Wooloo (and some red fabric dye) to make the sweater she knitted and gifted Utena in season 2. I love that because there are no hints that Akio told Anthy to make Utena the sweater. Anthy chose to make a handmade gift for her friend. Utena wore it multiple times later when she and Anthy were hanging out in their room. That was a really sweet gift, and symbolic of how much the two were coming to care about each other, so I wanted to give Anthy a pokemon representative of that
Apom and Rattata: These two both represent Chu-chu, a monkey that was the size of a mouse. They can also represent aspects of Anthy's way of expressing herself during the games. How she was always handy at chores, but had what one would call a quiet and mousy nature. Apom is a shiny pink to match Utena's trademark hair, and the pink outfit Anthy dawns (leaving behind her red goddess/rose bride outfits) to go out into the world and search for Utena.
Mismagius: A ghost type pokemon that is representative of Anthy's witch persona. It's poxides entry says that it is a havic bringer that can cause people great hapiness or misery, and that some will pursue it as if their life depended on it, though owning it can sometimes have less than favorable results. A very Himemyia pokemon
Spectrier: Representative of Anthy's, now long dead, goddess persona. This beauitful, dark, spirit horse shy's away from sight and rely's on its other senses. It is also said that it can seperate a soul from a body with one kick (Similar to what Anthy did to Dios when she gave up being a goddess). Spectrier shares a connection to pokemon owned by both Akio and Utena
Akio Ohtori
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Note it was actually a lot of fun making this cutesy/sinister team for Akio.
Morella: This could be Akio's floral pokemon if you view "End of the World" as a rose duelist. I mostly picked it because it is cute and whimsical looking, but is parasitic and will drain a person of their energy when they are asleep.
Driftloom: Another whimsical pokemon. What a fun and safe looking little balloon... that leads small children astray and can cause them to go missing.
Delibird: It is his messenger. Before the final arc he mostly communicated with his students by letters. Delibird delivers them. Bad bird, bad
Palossand: Representative of Ohtori Academy. A palace and a kingdom where everyone lives trapped, with Akio as the prince who is in charage of everyone
Dusktops: A hollow husk ghost that it is unwise to get close enough to look inside of. Am I talking about Dusktops or Akio?
Glastrier: Akio's Princely white horse. A wild and crazy steed (kinda like his car), counter part to his sisters Spectrier, and also connecting to one of Utena's pokemon.
Utena Tenjou
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What pokemon are enough of hero's for our protagonist. Are flashy hero pokemon really the ones she needs?
Roserade: Utena's Floral pokemon, and her mega evolution pokemon. I like to think it started out as a little Bedew that was left for Utena after that day all those years ago when she met the prince and vowed to become one herself. Roserade is not really a princely pokemon, but Utena never actually became a prince. I think Roserade is a good representation of the revolutionary character she did become.
Spritzee: Scent seems to be an important senese to Utena. She will comment on food smells and the one thing she remembers clearly about that day is that she could smell Roses. Given her love of fragrance she would probably also love a perfume pokemon
Marowak: Utena and Marowak both lost loving parents when young. Now they have grown tough and made the decision to help each other and carry on.
Growlithe: Representation of Utena's courage and fierce loyalty to those she cares about
Corvisquire: this one represents both the dark uniform and the ingenuity Utena shows. How she descends on the games, has less experience then the other duelist, but she uses tools around her, and eventually the traits she can glimpse from the other duelist themselves, to win.
Calyrex: This is Utena's Legendary pokemon. It is connected to both Anthy and Akio's legendary pokemon, how they both need her, and the choice Utena ultimately has to make on which one she wants to be with.
Touga Kiryuu
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Touga' team is meant to be bad/dangerous but not necissarly as wicked or frightening as Akio's team
Vileplume: Touga's floral pokemon. I gave him a finale form in a 3 part evolution, similar to Utena's roserade, but of course not containing the same abilities or as powerful. I also really wanted him to have a flower that was also a poison type, because he himself is pretty poisonous.
Hitmonchan: Touga is shown to know how to box when he took out that kangeroo. So i figured since he would obviously have a fighting type pokemon, let's go with the boxing one
Purugly: He loves cats so he gets a cat pokemon. (Side note do we think he got to keep the kitten Anthy gave him for his birthday, or did it disappear after 24-48 hours, like the "gifts" Anthy sends Nanami). I decided to give him Purugly do them both having nice hair, being fairly rude, and most importantly, loving to sleep in someone else's bed.
Seviper: A snake is pokemon is another one that just fits Touga. Add that Seviper has a red sword like tail, and could maybe help Touga train, makes it Touga's perfect snake.
Yamask: Yamask's lore says it use to be a man who died. It came back as a ghost pokemon and it carries a mask that resembles the face it had as a human. I put it on Touga's team to go with Touga's own lore, and how there is all this discussion on if Touga is actually a boy or a ghost... Even if he is still alive he is kinda still a ghost, carrying a mask of the kid Saionji and Nanami remember.
Mudsdale: Touga has a horse because he wants to imitate Akio. But where as Akio's Galstrier is a beautiful and princely legindary pokemon. Touga only has a dirty mudsdale, a.k.a the one horse pokemon that is entirely based off of a regular, non magical, horse. Mudsdale can never be quite like Galstier. And Touga (thankfully) can never manage to be as manipulative and powerful as Akio.
Nanami Kiryuu
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Her magistey the princess of ridiculousness, with her loyal court of fools
Carnavine: Nanami's floral pokemon. I did not want to give Nanami a more "delicate flower" looking pokemon, as Nanami is honestly one of the least delicate girls in the anime. Carnavine, like Nanami, is clingy and snappy so I think it fits her really well.
Vespaqueen: Becasue she is the school's "Queen Bee"
Morgrem: It is a prankster, who will sometimes employ false surrenders and dirty tactics, all of which are to hide its own insecurites and lack of self confidence. Nanami and Morgrem are kindred spirits in this regard. Hopefully she and it could help each other grow to accept themselves
Piplup: It has a tough attitude and a lot of bravado, but in truth it is pretty clumsy and falls down a lot. So piplup is another pokemon who I feel like it and Nanami would get each other.
Miltank and Exeggcute: You all know exactly why Nanami has a cow and eggs. No explanation needed.
Kyouichi Saionji
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It was not my intention to give him the fluffiest team. I am laughing at it turning out that way though. Let's hope Saionji can keep himself and his teammates stocked on hair brushes
Cacturn: Saionji's Floral pokemon. He gets Cacturn because they are both green and prickly.
Fennekin: Well it is a hot headed pokemon that will have steam coming out of its fluffy ears when it gets really worked up. That certainly sounds like someone Saionji see's whenever he looks in the mirror. Also once it evolves, and starts carrying around sticks, he could teach it Kendo style staff techniques
Mankey: Saionji also needed a fighting type. I chose Mankey to represent just how Impulsive Saionji is. Both he and Mankey struggle to calm themselves down, and to stop fighting. If Saionji can ever manage to teach Mankey any control, then maybe he won't be completely hopeless himself. If not, it will at least be a funny ride.
Zangoose: Saionji got a Zangoose because Touga has a Seviper. Each of them have a rival pokemon that is always fighting with the other, but also can never help but seek the other out. I would say that is pretty accurate representation of Touga and Saionji's relationship, and how they feel about each other in their adolescences.
Farfetch: I was thinking because it carries the leak then maybe Saionji could teach it Kendo staff techniques now. Fennekin could watch. They would probably all enjoy that.
Shiny Sudowoodo: well it is bad at hiding and hates water, that is similar to Saionji. But really I gave it to Saionji because he likes poetry, and Sudowoodo (particularly its shiny form) are about the closest I could think of to a poetic looking pokemon. Another thing is that Shiny Sudowoodo looks like a tree in the fall, when things change. Change is a concept Saionji struggles with, and he needs to learn to better deal with it if he wants to leave his coffin
Miki Kaoru
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I kind of wish his team could have been bluer, but I am happy that 2 are garden creatures and another three look a bit like childhood toys. Nature and nostalgia are strong themes if Miki's
Sunflora: This is Miki's floral pokemon. He gets an actual flower based one. A sunflower caught in the Sunlight garden back when he was a child
Baltoy: So Miki is a time keeper for the student council (supposedly, as no one knows what he is keeping time on with his stop watch) and carries a lot of nostalgia for his past. So I had to give him a "time" pokemon. However he is not a strong enough trainer to command a legendary, like Celibi or Dialga. Baltoy was the only one left, but it honestly works. I like to imagine that it stays next to Miki at student council meetings and every time he presses the button on his oh-so-confusing stopwatch Baltoy will cease its spinning and speak.
Chimeco and chatot: Two music based pokemon to sit with Miki and keep him company at the piano. Chimeco will try to calm him down when he gets stressed. Chatot will repeat things: notes or phrases that it has heard Miki/his teachers say. Miki loves Chatot, but it often makes him more stressed.
Scyther: All of Miki's pokemon so far have been small and cute. But Miki is a tough fighter too. I wanted him to have pokemon he could sword train with, and that would come off as more imposing in battle. No fighting types really fit him so I got more creative. Scyther would make a pretty good fencing partner. He probably caught it in his garden like Sunflora, only he was older by then.
Male Meowstic: This one is representative of his caring yet strained relationship his sister Kozue-she has a female. Miki's male meowstic is both the male, and the more defensive of the pair, just like him.
Juri Arisugawa
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before anyone asks Juri does not have a sward pokemon because she does not need one. She already has a sword.
Lurantis: Now this is the perfect floral pokemon for Juri. It is girly without being soft or frilly. It is vivid, tough, and glamours. It is also super sharp and does its best to fool people into seeing it as someone its not. Basically it suits Juri's strengths, while also highlighting some of her vulnerabilities.
Luvdisc: Okay the romantic heart pokemon that is considered a symbol of love might seem like a strange one for Juri,given how she feels about, well, romantic feelings and all that. One I do think Juri is a romantic, but, just like with miracles, she has some trouble believing in romance after what went down with Shori. Secondly lone luvdisc's can become despondent and disheartened... which again is kind of how Juri feels, when thinking about all the things she is scared to believe in. Both Juri and Luvdisc need hugs
Cloyster: This one represents how closed off and self motivated Juri has become
Brozong: It strong steel/psychic typing suits Juri pretty well, and it being a 360 degree shield does show how defensive Juri is now. Most importantly it can summon rain showers. The culmination of Juri's arc was her locket getting broken, her forfeiting her duel as she finally lets herself cry over what she lost, then stepping into a rain shower, to try and began herself again. That was such a powerful scene for Juri, so I gave her a powerful pokemon to represent that time in her life.
Jangmo-o: Here is a little dragon that personality wise is on almost the same wave length as Juri. Both are diligent trainers, humble, yet have the pride of warriors. I could see these two taking each other far.
Mienshao: This is Juri's fighting type pokemon. One that is very graceful and elegant, as well as being a skilled, and sometimes overwhelming, fighter. Like with her Lurantis I could see this one joining her in both a battle and on the runway.
Now on to the black rose duelists. Once again they were smaller characters so I am only giving them 1-3 pokemon.
Kanae Ohtori
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Apples for the princess, fairy tales dictate she should have refused
Applin: So they are sometimes viewed as romantic gifts between people in a committed relationship. Akio gave this Applin to Kanae, who joyfully accepted it as a "symbol of their love". But another way to look at it was Akio telling Kanae his plans. Applin is a worm that burrows into the center of an apple and then feeds on the fruit to stay protected, plump, and strong. Akio is the worm. Kanae's family's academy is the apple. Kanae's Applin is most definitely not evolving into a Appletun.
Kozue Kaoru
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I imagine Kozue and her girls are out to either get their party up or throw some shade down. No in between
Female Meowstic: the sibling pokemon to Miki's male one. Like Kozue this meowstic is the aggressive female counter part to its more defensive brother.
Bellossom: Kozue is not a rose crest duelist, but she still has a flower pokemon? Okay I am not saying Kozue should have joined the student council with Miki, or competed for the rose bride, or anything like that. Bellossom is also a party pokemon. It is always dancing and chatting away with others. Kozue takes Bellossom with her when she goes out to look for new boyfriends. It is also there for her after hook-ups, when she is all alone again. Bellossom might be Miki's favorite of Kozue's pokemon. Kozue likes Miki's chatoc, because she can teach it to say phrases that annoy her brother/ scare away anyone that might hurt him.
Taillow: This is Kozue's newest pokemon. She is shown to like birds. She found this one injured, became protective of it, and took it in. She told everyone she caught it because the injuries proved it was tough in a scrap, and it is tough in a scrap, but that was still a lie on Kozue's part.
Shori Takatsuki:
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So cute on the surface, beneath that... well sometimes it is a little less pretty and a lot more messy
Psyduck: Because Shori follows people she likes/wants around like a duck, and she is driven to headaches by her own refusal to accept feelings. Both her own feelings and other peoples as well. It will be a long and stressful ride, but caring for Pysduck could possibly help Shori break this negative cycle of denial she has locked herself in.
Corsola: The tips of it spikes can be painlessly broken off and then made into pretty jewelry, that are prized as treasures. Shori deeply wants to be someones treasure, so I imagine she wears corsola jewelry a lot to try and boost her low self esteem. This also goes with Juri's luvdisc, as luvdiscs are a pokemon that love corsolas.
Phanpy: This is Shori's last pokemon, and probably her oldest. She is not able to/has no desire to evolve it. Phanpy's look like innocent little dolls, are very playful, and has a tendency to hurt those it feels affection for...Just like Shori.
Mitsuru Tsuwabuki
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Gorwing up is really so tough
Impidimp: One evolution behind Nanami's Morgrim. Like their trainers the pair get along and are good friends, but often tend to prank the other. It is a bit of a ongoing challenge to see which is the most sly and devious
Bagon: Like Mitsuru with adulthood, Bagon dreams of the day it will be a full grown Salamence, and waits for all the things it will be able to do then. Mitsuru and Bagon want to grow, evolve, and achieve their dreams together.
Love Sweet Carmel Swirl Alcreamie: I gave Mitsuru an Alicreamie because he shown to be able to cook/bake, and likes to do it for Nanami. I really was hoping that their was a chocolate version of Alicreamie, because of the symbolism of the partially eaten chocolate bar his friend leaves behind in his black rose episode. But I was out of luck. I decided to give him a Carmel Swirl Alcreamie because its cream has a bitter taste. Right now Mitsuru is at a stage where he feels very bitter about still being a little kid. I figure his Alcreamie can help him learn to mix that bitterness with other feelings/flavors to create good results. Love Sweet because Mitsuru is a romantic of course.
Tatsuya Kazami
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I hope that he got back out of ohtori again quick, and that this time he and Wakaba stayed in touch....maybe as friends, maybe as more. In the end that is up tot he two of them, not to Mikage, Utena, or Akio.
Oddish: Oddish is a pokemon that kinda looks like a onion, at least that is what Tatsuya thought when he met Oddish. It reminded him of Wakaba and how she used to call him "The Onion Prince" , so he caught it and made it his partner.
Slowpoke: Slowpoke is called the patient pokemon, and Tatsuya's best and only quality is that he is willing to patiently support the girl he loves, while waiting for the day she maybe decides to give them a chance to be something more.
Wakaba Shinohara
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You take care of everyone you meet. But who will take care of you?
Swablu: A very friendly and fearless, normal/flying type, bird that goes around with its head is the clouds and cotton covering its ears. That is definitely similar to our girl Wakaba. But it will also grow into a very strong dragon/flying type, Altaria; just like how Wakaba shows she will grow into a very strong young women one day. For now Wakuba and Swablu have got each other, and are committed to helping the other grow.
Chancy: A caring and nutruing pokemon. This one helps Wakaba take immaculate care of everyone in her life. It also tries its best to take care of her and reminder her that she is still important to it during her darker moments. Like when Saionji leaves her. Or Utena starts spending most of her time with Anthy/Akio and has less and less for Wakaba.
Shiny Skeledirge: Like Wakaba this pokemon is caring yet meddlesome. I could see them getting up to a lot of trouble that they had no business being in, but also helping a lot of people too. It likes to help wakaba with her chorus homework, and sing for Wakaba when she is feeling down. Hopefully it's powerful enough to at least intimidate the boys Wakaba does not have the sense to know are bad news. I also gave it to her because wiki says it is modeled after a tennis athlete (Tennis is implied to be Wakaba's favorite sport), and that the bird on its snout functions as a separate entity. So it was a sneaky way to actually give Wakaba four pokemon. Why is it a shiny, because Wakaba deserves a rare shiny pokemon. She was a rare bright spot in that hell school after all.
Keiko Sondo
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I got the idea to give her all bug pokemon because her episode is called Vermon.
Meadow Pattern (a.k.a Pink) Vivillon: I picked Vivillon because it is very girly and frilly, and Keiko comes off as a being a really girly girl. I picked the meadow pattern because it seemed the most romantic, and at heart this girl is another huge romantic.
Male Combee: This one is her relationship to Nanami. Nanami had a female Combee that evolved into a Vespadqueen. But male Combee like Keiko's cannot evolve. No matter how hard either Combee or Keiko work and train they are not royalty, but mere parts of the hive. Combee shares Keiko's resentment that random chances of birth seemingly made Nanami and Vespaqueen more special than them. It is just not fair.
Grubbin: Yeah here is a not so pretty, underground, grubby buggy. But there is so much more to Grubbin than appears. They are attracted to sparks of electricity and will burrow to and stay by it, until he day they can evolve and generate their own. Also when worked into a enough of a rage they are capable of causing birds that try to prey on them fly away in fear. So I am giving her Grubbin to show that of all three conies, Nanami was not able to break Keiko as totally as she did the other two, and their were moments in the show where Keiko was able to stand up to/take on Nanami.
Souji Mikage
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Yes I am calling Mikage the fourth most powerful character character in RGU. He was definitely a victor in some previous round of the duels, and for whatever reason Akio and Anthy kept their hold on him for 30 years... to use him to test future victors that won the first round to easy? I mean it is stated he used to have 100 back rose crests and flowers, but by Utena's time he only had 6 left... Off topic
Hypno: it helps him mess with the kids who come into his elevator for therapy; using its hypnotic power to pull their most jealous and anxious thoughts form their minds and mouths.
Bisharp: This one represents how professor Nemuro saw himself before meeting Mamiya and Tokiko, and what he, as Souji Mikage, became after their loss. This is a dark and steel type robot, that commands subordinates to fight underneath it, while it pushes towards its own goals.
Celibi: He slips backwards and forwards through time, while always remaing the exact same age. So I gave him Celibi because it can take itself and invited companions through time. Once he learns that there was really no way then or in the future to have saved Mamiya, can Celibi please take him back in time to tell the real Mamiya "Good bye"?
Ruka Tsuchiya
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And here is the guy who in the two episodes he was in before dying, he seemingly made himself more hated than Saionji and Touga combinded, almost as hated as Akio.
Haunter: Because haunting was a thing he liked to do before dying, and from what I have heard, possibly afterwards too. It is also possible Haunter stayed with Ruka even after his death. Admirable loyalty on his pokemons part
Hawkamo: A dragon one evolution higher than Juri's Jaogmo-o, because Ruka was always one step ahead of Juri. After he dies I imagine Hawkamo stalks around the fencing dojo, trying to pick a new trainer. It would be interesting to guess who it would pick.
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Hi everyone and welcome to the tournament for the best Revolutionary Girl Utena character!!
Notice: characters are anime only.
edit: I didn't think there would be discourse over it, but this is both a better written and you prefer them tournament. You can vote for these characters for whatever reasons you like. I made this because I was curious on who the fandom liked more. So with that in mind, please keep interactions respectful!!
first matches are:
Utena Tenjou VS Juri Arisugawa Anthy Himemiya VS Touga Kiryuu Akio Ohtori VS Tatsuya Kazami Aiko Wakiya VS Wakaba Shinohara Chu-Chu VS Mitsuru Tsuwabuki Kanae Ohtori VS Souji Mikage Keiko Sonoda VS Yuko Ohse Kozue Kaoru VS Shiori Takatsuki Kyouichi Saonji VS Mamiya Chida Mari Hozumi VS Miki Kaoru Nanami Kiryuu VS The three dudes who say "Ooooo" all the time Ruka Tsuchiya VS Tokiko Chida The Shadow girls/drama club VS Prince Dios
Second matches are:
Utena Tenjou VS Miki Kaoru Anthy Himemiya VS Chu-Chu Tatsuya Kazami VS Shiori Takatsuki Wakaba Shinohara VS Souji Mikage Keiko Sonoda VS Nanami Kiryuu Kyouichi Saionji VS Tokiko Chida The Shadows Girls/Drama Club VS Juri Arisugawa
Third matches are:
Utena Tenjou VS Wakaba Shinohara Anthy Himemiya VS Nanami Kiryuu Shiori Takatsuki VS Juri Arisugawa Kyouichi Saonji VS The Shadow Girls/Drama club
this is my first tournament thingy so I hope it goes well 😅
Have fun!
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bookoflibrary · 9 months
FAQ regarding the lore.
I will update this the more I think of questions I frequnetly recieved over the years.
Was Yoko Taro involved in the main story post-Reality? Yoko Taro has said many times in Famitsu and other interviews that he still oversees main story content with another writer, and approves and helps come up with the newer characters after release. In fact, the end to SINoALICE is the first thing he wrote when writing the plot. He was still involved with the game to some degree after release, and was also adamant to end things after the story concluded, as he wanted the game to end 'properly' with a concrete story.
On the other hand, he has confirmed that Pokelabo is in charge of weapon stories, job stories, and event scenarios.
Are Gishin and Anki evil? They are one chaotic pair, but one is for sure worse than the other. Which brings me to…
What are their goals? To collect all the desire in every world they can to create Library's true form, which would be the flesh mass. Yes, that's Library's true form in all of it's glory. Beautiful amirite? They also referred to themselves as 'administrators'. Nutcracker was a prototype of their original models. We still never found out who they report to, though as of typing this I have not done Desire ch7.
How is SINo linked to DoD/Nier? The DoD3 collab suggested Library was born from the Cataclysm, and the Library was shown to be a part of Cage in Rein. I should research this more since I have interest in his other titles. But someone else more knowledgeable can touch up on this.
I thought SINo was about resurrecting the Authors? You find out in Story of Authors that this was one of many lies the puppets tell the characters to keep going about killing each other, repeating the story, and building up sweet desire. Cinderella and Gretel's chapters make the revelation that they are inside the SINoALICE system and there is a key (you find out the key in Act of Desire), and that no amount of life force can properly bring the Authors back. Yoko has foreshadowed for years the Authors were also never coming back.
The story prior to Authors was converging timelines, crossing reality and Library, and fighting to the death to build Desire. Act of SINoALICE was the characters appearing in our reality to see the biproduct of it all, and try and fail to stop it.
There is obviously a lot more to explain and it gets a little more complicated.
Reality characters have names? Yes, a few reality characters have ages and names. Alice has conflicting information on her age, the job story says she was eighteen, but the scraps say she is only sixteen. Snow White is named Yukishita Miki and she is 23. Gretel had no name given but was said to be 17. This aligns with what is said in the game itself. Cinderella is named Haibara Takako and she is 27. Dorothy's name is Eriko Douma and she is 25. Sleeping Beauty's real name is Iori Sonoda and she is 15. She also has a canon birthday and that is Oct 29. Akazukin had no name given but she is 16. Pinocchio's real name is Hisanori Takagi and he was 14. His mother was also given a name; Naoko Takagi and she was 35.
Iori's scroll says 'Welcome, we invite you to a tale of horror' on it in chaos. Kaguya and Mermaid had no names or ages given but scraps suggest they were both in their upper twenties. The rest is assumptions based on info given. VVVV
The Conductor event says there is a clear age difference between Library Matchie and Reality Matchie. Reality Matchie had just graduated high school not long before her story takes place. We can conclude it started immediately after she graduated the fire academy training as she was just starting her job.
Aladdin is harder to guess for as there isn't hints, but he does seem older than Reality Rapunzel, who is still a college student. He also points out she is younger when he rescues her. 'Ah, that's right. You must still be a student.'
The Piggies also have no age indicated, and they have no cross or scraps. But they were said to be in elementary school when their story takes place, which makes it all the more horrifying.
Hameln is also a bit harder to figure out. He does not look very old by design, was referred to as a seinin/young man/青年 and Library Hameln was said he looked to be in his 'mid twenties.' I think it's fair to assume Reality Hameln is also around that age.
Aladdin Alter is possibly the oldest of the alts, but this is just my guess. Interestingly I don't remember him also being referred to as a 青年, though I should redo his story.
Some of the reality names are plays on their fairytale. Yukishita Miki can mean princess under the snow. Takagi Hisanori can be tall tree. Haibara Takako can be high oriented girl from the ashes. To add to the tragedy, Hisanori's mother's name can be spelled/read as 'Just a child still.'
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shinyasahalo · 5 months
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Krista Lenz | Historia Reiss/Ymir of the 104th (AOT) 4,434 fics
Asui Tsuyu/Uraraka Ochako (MHA) 3,382 fics
Diana Cavendish/Atsuko "Akko" Kagari (Little Witch Academia) 2,009 fics
Shimizu Kiyoko/Yachi Hiroka (Haikyuu!) 1,899 fics
Mikasa Ackerman/Annie Leonhart (AOT) 1,826 fics
Toga Himiko/Uraraka Ochako (MHA) 1,670 fics
Kugisaki Nobara/Zenin Maki (JJK) 1,571 fics
Haruno Sakura/Yamanaka Ino (Naruto) 1,446 fics
Akemi Homura/Kaname Madoka (Puella Magi Madoka Magica) 1,300 fics
Kaiou Michiru/Tenoh Haruka (Sailor Moon) 1,229 fics
Suletta Mercury/Miorine Rembran (Gundam: Witch From Mercury) 1,105 fics
Igarashi Sayaka/Momobami Kirari (Kakeguri) 1,098 fics
Saijou Claudine/Tendou Maya (Shoujo Kageki Revue Starlight) 1,077 fics
Ozaki Kyouyou/Yosano Akiko (BSD) 1,039 fics
Chabashira Tenko/Yumeno Himiko (Dangan Ronpa) 997 fics
Fukawa Toko/Naegi Komaru (Dangan Ronpa) 989 fics
Nishikina Maki/Yazawa Nico (Love Live!) 950 fics
Mila Babicheva/Sara Crispino (Yuri on Ice) 949 fics
Nami/Nefertari Vivi (One Piece) 935 fics
Ayase Eli/Toujou Nozomi (Love Live!) 897 fics
Asahina Aaoi/Ogami Sakura (Dangan Ronpa) 852 fics
Ashido Mina/Uraraka Ochako (MHA) 814 fics
Akamatsu Kaede/Iruma Miu (Dangan Ronpa) 805 fics
Kirigiri Kyoko/Celestial Ludenberg (Dangan Ronpa) 799 fics
Akutagawa Gin/Higuchi Ichiyou (BSD) 717 fics
Krista Lenz | Historia Reiss & Ymir of the 104th (AOT) 702 fics
Todoroki Fuyumi/Usagiyama Rumi | Miruko (MHA) 664 fics
Himemiya Anthy/Tenjou Utena (Revolutionary Girl Utena) 640 fics
Momobami Ririka/Saotome Mary (Kakeguri) 618 fics
Ieiri Shoko/Iori Utahime (JJK) 615 fics
Haruno Sakura & Yamanaka Ino (Naruto) 583 fics
Miki Sayaka/Sakura Kyouka (Puella Magi Modoka Magica) 583 fics
Akamatsu Kaede/Harukawa Maki (Dangan Ronpa) 575 fics
Koizumi Mahiru/Saionji Hiyoko (Dangan Ronpa) 573 fics
Mikasa Ackerman/Sasha Blouse (AOT) 570 fics
Amagi Yukiko/Satonaka Chie (Persona 4) 563 fics
Mioda Ibuki/Tsumiki Mikan (Dangan Ronpa) 537 fics
Jirou Kyouka & Yaoyorozu Momo (MHA) 536 fics
Daiba Nana/Hoshimi Junna (Shoujo Kageki Revue Starlight) 521 fics
Bakugou Mitsuki & Midoriya Inko (MHA) 519 fics
Sakurauchi Riko/Tsushima Yoshiko (Love Live! Sunshine) 490 fics
Mikasa Ackerman/Reader (AOT) 468 fics
Ikusaba Mukuro/Maizono Sayaka (Dangan Ronpa) 456 fics
Minami Kotori/Sonoda Umi (Love Live!) 453 fics
Erza Scarlet/Mirajane Strauss (Fairy Tail) 449 fics
Kanroji Mitsuri/Kochou Shinobu (Demon Slayer) 446 fics
Takami Chika/Watanabe You (Love Live! Sunshine) 436 fics
Imai Lisa/Minato Yukina (BanG Dream) 427 fics
Hazawa Tsugumi/Hikawa Sayo (BanG Dream) 424 fics
Asui Tsuyu & Uraraka Ochako (MHA) 424 fics
8 notes · View notes
imasallstars · 2 years
Information regarding the MOIW 2023 live has been revealed! The live will occur in the TOKYO DOME on the 11th and 12th of February 2023. This live will feature all five brands of IDOLM@STER on the stage together after 8 years.
The voice providers participating in this stop are as follows:
DAY 1&2
IDOLM@STER 765PRO ALL STARS  Eriko Nakamura (Haruka Amami), Asami Imai (Chihaya Kisaragi), Akiko Hasegawa (Miki Hoshii), Azumi Asakura (Yukiho Hagiwara), Mayako Nigo (Yayoi Takatsuki), Hiromi Hirata (Makoto Kikuchi), Naomi Wakabayashi (Ritsuko Akizuki), Asami Shimoda (Ami/Mami Futami), Manami Numakura (Hibiki Ganaha), Rie Kugimiya (Iori Minase)
IDOLM@STER CINDERELLA GIRLS  Triad Primus [Ayaka Fukuhara (Rin Shibuya), Eriko Matsui (Nao Kamiya), Mai Fuchigami (Karen Hojo)], Eldritch Loreteller [Haruka Chisuga (Ryo Matsunaga), Chiyo Ousaki (Koume Shirasaka)], Cyber Glass [Mina Nagashima (Haruna Kamijo), Rui Tanabe (Hina Araki)], Foreign Seaside [Nao Toyama (Mizuki Kawashima), Miharu Hanai (Tomoe Murakami)], from U149 [Asaka Imai (Chie Sasaki), Tomoyo Kurosawa (Miria Akagi), Hana Tamegai (Risa Matoba)]
IDOLM@STER MILLION LIVE  Strawberry Pop Moon [Haruka Yamazaki (Mirai Kasuga), Azusa Tadokoro (Shizuka Mogami), Machico (Tsubasa Ibuki)], TIntMe! [Eri Inagawa (Tamaki Ogami), Akari Harashima (Iku Nakatani), Keiko Watanabe (Momoko Suou)], HanaSakuya [Yuu Kahara (Emily Stewart), Saki Minami (Tsumugi Shiraishi), Kotori Koiwai (Tomoka Tenkubashi)], Cleasky [Asuka Kakumoto (Elena Shimabara), Chouchou Kiritani (Miya Miyao)]
IDOLM@STER SideM  DRAMATIC STARS [Shugo Nakamura (Teru Tendo)], Jupiter [Takuma Terashima (Toma Amagase), Daichi Kanbara (Hokuto Ijuin)], Beit [Shun Horie (Pierre), Tomohito Takatsuka (Minori Watanabe)], MofuMofuEn [Shogo Yano (Nao Okamura), Keisuke Furuhata (Shiro Tachibana)], C.FIRST [Yuri Ise (Shu Amamine), Masaya Miyakaze (Momohito Hanazono), Takeo Otsuka (Eishin Mayumi)]
IDOLM@STER SHINY COLORS   Hokago Climax Girls [Hiyori Konno (Kaho Komiya), Haruka Shiraishi (Chiyoko Sonoda), Mariko Nagai (Juri Saijo), Wakana Maruoka (Rinze Morino), Akiho Suzumoto (Natsuha Arisugawa)], Straylight [Yuki Tanaka (Asahi Serizawa), Eri Yukimura (Fuyuko Mayuzumi), Sayaka Kitahara (Mei Izumi)], noctchill [Yuu Wakui (Toru Asakura), Rio Tsuchiya (Madoka Higuchi), Saran Tajima (Koito Fukumaru), Miho Okasaki (Hinana Ichikawa)]
IDOLM@STER CINDERELLA GIRLS  Threat Sign [Sayuri Hara (Mio Honda), Makoto Koichi (Haru Yuuki), Teru Ikuta (Natalia)], Dimension-3 [Kotomi Aihara (Shiki Ichinose), Shiki Aoki (Asuka Ninomiya)], flamme martini [Maki Kawase (Tsukasa Kiryu), Sayaka Harada (Miyu Mifune), Satsumi Matsuda (Syoko Hoshi), Minori Suzuki (Hajime Fujiwara)], HappyHappyTwin [Hiromi Igarashi (Anzu Futaba), Rei Matsuzaki (Kirari Moroboshi)], miroir [Hina Tachibana (Nagi Hisakawa), Rika Nagae (Hayate Hisakawa)]
IDOLM@STER MILLION LIVE  Chrono-Lexica [Yuka Saito (Subaru Nagayoshi), Atsuki Nakamura (Roco Handa), Rika Abe (Mizuki Makabe)], Senkou☆HANABIDAN [Yuri Komagata (Sayoko Takayam), Nana Hamasaki (Noriko Fukuda), Yui Watanabe (Nao Yokoyama), Eri Ozeki (Minako Satake)], 4 Luxury [Arisa Kori (Kaori Sakuramori), Rie Suegara (Fuka Toyokawa), Emi Hirayama (Reika Kitakami), Minami Takahashi (Konomi Baba)]
IDOLM@STER SideM  FRAME [Kentaro Kumagai (Hideo Akuno), Kento Hama (Ryu Kimura), Takuya Masumoto (Seiji Shingen)], Café Parade [Sho Karino (Yukihiro Kamiya), Takuya Kodama (Makio Uzuki), Daiki Kobayashi (Saki Mizushima)], F-LAGS [Yuko Sanpei (Ryo Akizuki), Shunya Hiruma (Kazuki Tsukumo), Takehiro Urao (Daigo Kabuto)]
IDOLM@STER SHINY COLORS  Illumination Stars [Hitomi Sekine (Mano Sakuragi), Mayu Mineda (Meguru Hachimiya)], L’Antica [Karin Isobe (Kogane Tsukioka), Chisa Suginuma (Mamimi Tanaka), Anna Yamaki (Sakuya Shirase), Shio Watanabe (Yuika Mitsumine), Yuina Mizuki (Kiriko Yukoku)], ALSTROEMERIA [Honoka Kuroki (Amana Osaki), Ryoko Maekawa (Tenka Osaki), Noriko Shibasaki (Chiyuki Kuwayama)], SHHis [Azusa Shizuki (Nichika Nanakusa), Aya Yamane (Mikoto Aketa)]
SPECIAL GUEST  ZWEIGLANZ [Minori Chihara (Leon), Rie Takahashi (Shika)]
23 notes · View notes
kodanshamanga · 1 year
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NEW Kodansha Digital:
💔Life, Volume 8💔 By Keiko Suenobu
🏫In a last effort, they manage to contact Sonoda through Ayumu’s phone and call for help, but will he make it in time before the men lay their tainted hands on them?!
2 notes · View notes
favourite anime and anime characters part2
High School DxD- Rias Gremory, Issei Hyodo
High School Fleet-Mei Irizaki
High School Girls- Ayano Sato 
High School Of The Dead
High Score Girl- Akira Oono
Highspeed Etoile 
Higurashi-Rena Ryuugu
Hikaru no Go
Himawari- Himawari Hinata 
Hime-chan’s Ribbon 
Himesama Goyoujin-Himeko Tsubaki 
Himote House
Himouto Umaru-chan-Nana Ebina 
Hinako Note-Hinako Sakuragi
Hinamatsuri- Hina
Hinomaru Sumo- Chizuko Hori 
Hiiro No Kakera- Tamaki Kasuga 
Hisone and Masotan- Hisone Amakasu
Hitman Reborn- Chrome Dokuro
Hitohira-Mugi Asai
Hitori no Shita-Fuu Houhou
Hitori Bocchi no Marumaru Seikatsu-Bocchi Hitori 
Hitorigurashi no Shougakusei
Hokkaido Gals Are Super Adorable-Minami Fuyuki 
Honey And Clover 
Hoozuki's Coolheadedness 
Hortensia Saga-Nonnoria Folley
Horimiya-Kyouko Hori 
Horizon In The Middle Of Nowhere- Horizon Arladust/P-01s
Hoshizora e Kakaru Hashi-Ui Nakatsugawa 
House Of Five Leaves
How a Realist Hero Rebuilt the Kingdom-Tomoe Inui, Kaede Foxia
How Heavy Are The Dumbbells You Lift- Hibiki Sakura 
How Not To Summon a Demon Lord-Rem Galleu 
How To Keep a Mummy-Asa Motegi 
Hulaing Babies
Humanity Has Declined-Shujinko
Hundred-Claire Harvey
Hungry Heart Wild Striker-Miki Tsujiwaki 
HunterxHunter- Shizuku
Hyakka Ryouran- Jubei Yagyu
Hyakko-Ayumi Nonomura
Hybrid x Heart Magias Academy Ataraxia-Silvia Silkcut  
Hyouka- Eru Chitanda
Hyperdimension Neptunia The Animation-Neptune/Purple Heart 
Hynosis Mic- Iris
ID0-Maya Mikuri
IDInvaded- Koharu Hondomachi
Idol Incidents
Idolish7-Tsumugi Takanashi 
Idoly Pride- Sakura Kawasaki
Ikenaikyo-Charlotte Evens
Inazuma Eleven 
InfiniT Force
Infinite Stratos- Houki Shinonono
Innocent Venus 
Interspecies Reviewers-Meidri
In/spectre-Kotoko Iwanaga 
Intrigue In The Bakumatsu
Inu X Boku Secret Service- Ririchiyo Shirakiin, Soushi Miketsukami
Inukami- Yoko 
Inuyasha- Kagome Higurashi, Moroha(Yashahime)
I’ve Been Killing Slimes for 300 Years and Max Out My Level-Azusa Aizawa
I Can't Understand What My Husband Is Saying- Kaoru
I Coundn't Become A Hero, So I Reluctantly Decided To Get A Job- Fino Bloodstone
I Don't Like You At All Big Brother-Nao Takanashi
I Got a Cheat Skill in Another World and Became Unrivaled in the Real World Too-Kaori Houjou 
I Parry Everything 
I Shall Survive Using Potions-Kaoru Nagase 
I Somehow Gotten Stronger When I Improved My Farm Related Skills-Helen Rean
I Was Reincarnated as the 7th Prince so I can Take My Time Perfecting My Magical Ability 
I’m Standing on a Million Lives- Kusue Hakosaki 
I’m Qutting Heroing-Lili 
I’m in Love with the Villainess- Rae Taylor,Clair Francois 
I’m the Villainess so I’m Taming the Final Boss-Aileen Lauren d’Autriche 
Idolmaster-Haruka Amami,Uzuki Shimamura[IMCG], Arisu Tachibana[IMCG U149], Momoka Sakurai[IMCG U149],Kaho Komiya(IMSC)
If Her Flag Breaks- Nanami Knight Bladefield
If My Favourite Pop Idol Made It to the Budoukan I Would Die-Maina Ichii
Ikebukuro West Gate Park
Ikemen Sengoku 
Iketeru Futari
Ikki Tousen- Hakufu Sonsaku 
Ikoku Meiro no Croisee-Yune
Immortal Grand Prix 
Immoral Guild-Hitamu Kyan
In the Heart of Kunoichi Tsubaki-Tsubaki 
In the Land of Leadale-Cayna
Inari Konkon Koi Iroha- Inari Fushimi 
Infinite Dendrogram-Nemesis  
Initial D
Insomniacs After School-Isaki Magari
Interview With Monster Girls-Hikari Takanshi, Kyouko Machi, Yuki Kusakabe,Sakie Satou
In Another World With My Smartphone-Linze Silhoueska
Invaders Of The Rokujoma-Sanae Higashihongan
Invincible King Tri Zenon 
Incincible Robo Trider G7
Inugami-san to Nekoyama-san
Ippatsu Kiki Musume
Ippon Again-Michi Sonoda 
Irina The Vampire Cosmonaut- Irina Luminesk 
Is It Wrong to Try To Pick Up Girls In A Dungeon?-Hestia
Is The Order A Rabbit?- Cocoa Hoto
Is This A Zombie?- Eucliwood Hellscythe
Island- Sara Garando
Isuca- Sakuya Shimazu 
Iron Man
Irregular At Magic High School- Miyuki Shiba,Tatsuya Shiba
Isekai Cheat Magician-Rin Azuma 
Isekai Izakaya Nobu- Shinobu Senke
Isekai Quartet 
Itazura na Kiss-Kotoko Aihara
Iwa Kakeru- Konomi Kasahara
Ixion Saga DT
Izzeta The Last Witch- Izetta
Japan Sinks 2020
Jellyfish Can’t Swim in The Night-Mahiru Kouzuki/Yoru Umitsuki 
Jikkenhin Kazoku-Ashisu
Jikuu Tantei Genshi-kun-Sora Yamato
Jingai-san no Yome
Jinsei-Fumi Kujou
Jitsu Wa Watashi Wa-Youko Shiragami
JK Meshi
Joker Game 
Jojo's Bizarre Adventure-Trish Una
Jormungand- Koko Hekmatyar, Jonah
Joshiraku- Gankyou Kurubiyutei 
Jouran-Sawa Yukimura 
Juubei-chan-Jiyuu Nanohara
Jujutsu Kaisen-Nobara Kugisaki
Junji Ito Collection 
Junji Ito Maniac 
Just Because 
Juuni Senshi Bakuretsu Eto Ranger
Juuni Taisen
Juusenshi Gulkeeva
Juushinki Pandora- Queenie Yoh 
K- Kuroh Yatogami, Neko 
K-On- Yui Hirasawa
Kabaneri of The Iron Fortress-Ayame Yomogawa
Kabukibu-Maruko Janome
Kabukichou Sherlock-Mary Morstan
Kado-Kanata Shinawa
Kage Kara Mamoru-Yamame Hattori 
Kageki Shoujo-Sarasa Watanabe
Kaguya-sama – Kaguya Shinomiya
Kakegurui-Yumeko Jabami 
Kakuriyo no Yadomeshi- Aoi Tsubaki 
Kamisama Kazoku-Tenko Kamiyama
Kashigoto- Hime Gotou 
Kaijuu No.8
Kaina of the Great Snow Sea-Ririha
Kaitou Tenshi Twin Angel
Kanamemo-Kana Nakamachi
Kamen No Maid Guy-Naeka Fujiwara
Kamichama Karin
Kamierabi-Honoka Sawa
Kamigami No Asobi-,Yui Kusanagi 
Kamisama Dolls
Kamisama Kiss- Nanami Momozono
Kampfer- Akane Mishima 
Kandagawa Jet Girls-Rin Namiki 
Kannagi -Nagi/Kannagi
Kannazuki No Miko- Himeko Kurusugawa 
Kanon-Ayu Tsukimiya 
Kanokon- Chizuru Minamoto
Kantai Collection-Fubuki, Hibiki, Shigure
Karakai Jouzu no Takagi-san-Takagi-san
Karakuri Circus- Shirogane Saiga/Eleonore
Kare Kano-Yukino Miyazawa
Karin: Chibi Vampire- Karin Maaka
Karneval- Gereki
Kashimashi-Hazumu Osaragi
Katanagatari- Togame  
Kawagoe Boys Sing 
Kawai Complex Guide To Manors And Hostel Behaviour-Ritsu Kawai 
Kaze No Stigma-Ayano Kannagi 
Keep Your Hands Off Eizoukan 
Keijo-Non Toyoguchi 
Kemono Friends-Serval
Kemono Jihen-Kon
Kemono Michi- Shigure 
Ken En Ken
Kengan Ashura
Kenka Bancho 
Kenichi: Mightiest Disciple- Miu Furinji
Key The Metal Idol 
Kiddy GirlAND- Ascoeur
Kiddy Grade- Eclair, Lumiere
Kids On The Slope
Kimetsu no Yaiba- Nezuko Kamado 
King of Prism 
Kiitarou’s Youkai Picture Diary 
Kill La Kill
Kill Me Baby- Sonya
Killing Bites- Hitomi Uzaki 
Kimagure Orange Road-Manami Kasuga
Kimi Ga Aruji De Shitsuji Ga Ore De-Yume Kuonji 
Kimi Ga Nozomu Eien-Haruka Suzumiya
Kimi Ni Todoke-Sawako”Sadako”Kuronuma
Kimi To Boku
KimiKiss-Yuumi Hoshino
Kimizero-Runa Shirakawa
Kindaichi Case Files-Miyuki Nanase 
King’s Game
King’s Raid- Cleo
Kin-Iro Mosaic-Shinobu Omiya 
Kino’s Journey 
Kirby: Right Back At Ya 
KissxSis- Miharu Mikuni
Kiss Him Not Me- Kae Serinuma
Kiyo In Kyoto-Kiyo
Kiznaiver-Nico Niiyama 
Kizuna no Allele-Chris
Knights and Magic- Adeltrud “”Addy” Olter
Knights Of Sindonia-Shizuka Hoshijiro 
Kobato-Kobato Hanato
Kodomo no Jikan-Mimi Usa 
Kodomo no Omocha
Koi Kaze-Nanoka Kohinata
Koi wa Ameagari no You ni – Akira Tachibana 
Koikimo-Ichika Arima 
Koihime Muso- Kan'u Unchou/Aisha
Kokkoku- Juri Yukawa
Kokoro Connect
Kokoro Library-Kokoro
Komi Can’t Communicate-Shouko Kpmi
Komori-san Can't Decline
Kono Oto Tomare – Satowa Hasuki 
Konohana Kitan-Yuzu
Kotaro Lives Alone 
Kotoura-san- Yuriko Mifune
Koutetsu Sangokushi 
Kubo Let Me Be Invisible-Nagisa Kubo 
Kujibiki Unbalance 
Kuma Kuma Kuma Bear- Yuna
Kumamiko-Machi Amayadori 
Kuroko's Basket-Satsuki Momoi
Kuromukuro-Yukina Shirahane
Kyoran Kazoku Nikki-Kyoka Midarezaki 
Kyoto Teramachi Sanjou no Holmes-Aoi Mashiro
Kyou Kara Maou 
Kyou no Go no Ni-Megumi Hidaka
La Corda d'Oro-Azuma Yunoki,Kahoko Hino,Kanade Kohinata[LCD Blue Sky]
La Storia Della Arcana Famiglia-Felicita
Ladies Versus Butlers-Tomomi Saikyou 
Laid Back Camp- Nadeshiko Kagamihara, Rin Shima 
Lamune-Nanami Konoe 
Lance N' Masques-Yufeng 
Land of the Lustrous
Lapis Re:Lights-Ashley 
Last Exile-Lavie Head, Fam Fan Fan(LEFtSW) 
Last Period- Choco
Laughing Under The Clouds-Botan 
Layton Mystery Tanteisha- Katrielle Layton
LBX Girls-Suzuno
Le Chevalier D'Eon 
Legend of the Galactic Heroes 
Legend of Legendary Heroes- Ferris Eris
Legend of Mana The Teardrop Cystal 
Les Misérables Shoujo Cosette 
Lets Make a Mug Too-Mika Kukuri
Level 1 Demon Lord and One Room Hero-Zenia 
Level E
Levius-Natalia Garnet 
Liar Liar-Sarasa Saionji/Rina Akabane 
Lilpri-Ringo Yukimori
Life Lessons with Uramichi Oniisan-Utano Tadano
Life with an Ordinary Guy who Reincarnated into a Total Fantasy Knockout- Hinata Tachibana 
Linebarrels Of Iron- Emi Kizaki
Listen To Me Girls, I Am Your Farther- Sora Takanashi 
Little Busters-Rin Natsume 
Little Witch Academia- Atsuko “Akko” Kagari 
Log Horizon-Akatsuki, Shiroe
Locodol-Nanako Usami
Love All Play 
Love and Lies-Misaki Takasaki
Love Is Invisible by Twins
Long Riders-Ami Kurata 
Lord Marksman And Vanadis-Eleonora “Elen” Viltaria 
Lord of Vermillion- Tsubaki Manazuru
Lost Song-Rin  
Lost Universe 
Lost Village-Lion 
Love After World Domination-Desumi Magahara 
Love Com- Risa Koizumi
Love,Election And Chocolate-Nozomi Edagawa 
Love Flops-Amelia Irving 
Love Get Chu-Momoko Ichihara
Love,Chunibyo And Other Delusions- Rikka Takanashi 
Love Hina-Shinobu Maehara, Motoko Aoyama, Kaolla Su
Love of Kill-Chateau Dankworth 
Love Lab- Suzune Tanahashi 
Love Live- Honoka Kosaka, Ruby Kurosawa[Love Live Sunshine], Rina Tennoji(Love Live Nijigasaki),Kanon Shibuya(Love Live Superstar)
Love Love- Natsumi Yagami
Love Kome
Lovely Idol 
Loving Yamada at Lv999-Akane Kinoshita 
L/R-Noelle Ardelade 
Luck & Logic-Athena, Liones Yellstratova
Lucky Star- Konata Izumi
Lucifer and the Biscuit Hammer-Samidare Asahina
Luna Legend Tsukihime
Lupin The Third-Fujiko Mine  
Lycoris Recoil- Chisato Nishikigi
M3 The Black Metal 
Maburaho-Yuna Miyama
Macademi Wasshoi-Suzuho Hasegawa 
Machiko And Hatchin
Macross-Freyja Wion[Macross Delta]
Made In Abyss-Riko
Madou Soshi 
Maesetsu-Fubuki Kitakaze
Magatsu Wahrheit-Irma
Magi- Alibaba Saluja, Morgiana
Magic Knight Reyearth 
Magic Kyun Renaissance-Kohana Aigasaki 
Magic Of Stella-Tamaki Honda 
Magical Canan
Magical Circle Guru Guru-Kukuri
Magical Destroyers-Anarchy/Kirara Akabane
Magical Girl Lyrical Nanoha-Nanoha Takamachi
Magical Girl Ore – Sakuyo Mikage 
Magical Girl Site- Aya Asagiri 
Magical Girl Spec Ops Asuka-Kurumi Mugen 
Magical Girl Raising Project-Ripple/Kano Sazanami  
Magical Senpai-Senpai  
Magical Shopping Arcade Abenobashi
Magical Somera-chan
Magical Warfare-Mui Aiba
Magikano-Ayumi Mamiya 
Mahoraba-Kozue Aoba
Mahoromatic-Mahoro Andou
Mahou Shoujo Nante Mou Ii Desukara 
Mahou Shoujo Naria Girls
Mai Hime-Mai Tokiha
Mai Otome-Arika Yumemiya 
Maid-Sama- Misaki Ayazawa
Maison Ikkoku- Kyoko Otonashi 
Majestic Prince-Tamaki Irie 
Majikoi Oh! Samurai Girls- Miyako Shiina
Majimoji Rurumo-Rurumo 
Major-Kaoru Shimizu
Malevolent Spirit-Botan Nagatsuki 
Makai Ouji: Devils And Realist 
Maken-Ki- Inaho Kushihachi
Makeine-Anna Yanami
Mama wa Shougaku 4 Nensei 
Mamoru-kun ni Megami no Shukufuku wo-Ayako Takasu
Management of a Novice Alchemist-Sarasa Feed
Manyuu Hikenchou- Kaede
Marchen Awakens Romance-Snow 
Marchen Madchen-Hazuki Kagimura 
Maria-sama ga Miteru-Yumi Fukuzawa
Maria Holic-Kanako Miyamae
Maria The Virgin Witch-Maria 
March Comes In Like A Lion-Hinata Kawamoto
Marmalade Boy
Manaria Friends 
Mars Red-Aoi Shirase
Martian Successor Nadesico-Yurika Misumaru,Ruri Hoshino 
Master Keaton 
Marvel Disk Wars
Masamune-kun’s Revenge-Yoshino Koiwai
Mashle-Lemon Irvine 
Matoi The Sacred Slayer-Matoi Sumeragi 
Matchless RaijinOh
Maoyu- Maou 
Mawaru Penguindrum
Mayo Chiki- Kanade Suzutsuki
Mayoi Neko Overrun-Nozomi Kiriya 
Mayonaka Punch-Live
Mazica Party
Meiji Gekken-Senri Kuroki 
Meiji Tokyo Renka-Mei Ayaziki
Medaka Box- Medaka Kurokami 
Megalo Box 
Megaman NT Warrior
Megaton Musashi-Arshem 
Mekakucity Actors
Melody of Oblivion 
Merc Storia
Mermaid Forest 
Metallic Rouge-Naomi Ortmann
MF Ghost-Ren Saionji 
Miami Guns- Yao Sakurakouji
Midnight Occult Civil Servants 
Midori Days- Midori Kasugano
Migi & Dali
Mikagura School Suite-Eruna Ichinomiya 
Mikan Enikki 
Million Arthur- Thief Arthur 
Million Doll 
Minami Kamakura High School Girls Cycling Club-Hiromi Maiharu
Minamike-Kana Minami 
Mingling With a Priest 
Mierukochan-Miko Yotsuya
Miracle Girls
Miss Caretaker of Sunoharasou-Ayaka Sunohara
Miss Bernard Said 
Miss Kobayashi’s Dragon Maid-Tohru
Miss Kuroitsu from the Monster Development Department-Touka Kuroitsu, Akashic. Wolf Bete
Miss Monochrome 
Miss Shachiku and the Little Baby Ghost-Yuurei-chan
Mission: Yozakura Family 
Mitsuboshi Colors-Kotoha
Mitsudomoe-Aiko Kuriyama
Mix- Haruka Ooyama
MM-Arashiko Yuuno
Mob Psycho 100
Mobile Suit Gundam- Tieira Erde[Gundam 00], Lacus Clyne[Gundam Seed/Seed Destiny], Kudelia Aina Bernstein[Gundam IBO],China Kousaka[GBF],Romary Stone/Asuno[Gundum AGE]Mirai Kamiki[GBFT], Aya Fujisawa/Ayame[GBD], Shakti Kareen[MSVG], Suletta Mercury[MSG TWFM]
Modern Magic Made Simple-Koyomi Morishita 
Moetan-Ink Nijihara 
Momo Kyun Sword-Momoko
Momokuri-Yuki Kurihara
Mon Colle Knights 
Monochrome Factor 
Monogatari- Tsubasa Hanekawa 
Monster Girl Doctor-Saphentite Neikes
Monster Hunter Stories
Monster Musume-Miia
Monthly Girls' Nozaki-kun-Chiyo Sakura 
Moonlight Mile
More Than a Married Couple But Not Lovers-Akari Watanabe 
Moriarty the Patriot 
Morita-san Wa Mukuchi 
Mouryou No Hako
Morose Mononokean-Zenko Fujiwara
Mother of the Goddess’s Dormitory-Sutea Koroya
Mr Love
Mr Villain’s Day Off
Ms.Koizumi Loves Ramen Noodles-Koizumi 
Ms. Vampire Who Lives in My Neighborhood- Sophie Twilight  
Muhyo & Roji’s Bureau of Supernatural Investigation  
Mushi Uta-Shiika Anmoto
Mushoku Tensei-Roxy Migurdia 
Muteki Kanban Musume-Megumi Kannazuki 
Mutenking The Dancing Hero 
Muv-Luv-Yui Takamura[MuvLuv Alternative Total Eclipse], Katia Waldheim[Shswarzesmarken], Sumika Kagamu[MuvLuv Alternative]
My Bride Is A Mermaid- Sun Seto
My Clueless First Friend-Akane Nishimura 
My Daemon
My Daughter Left the Nest and Returned an S Ranked Adventurer-Miriam
My Deer Friend Nokotan- Torako Koshi
My Dress Up Darling-Marin Kitagawa 
My First Girlfriend Is a Gal-Nene Fujinoki
My Girlfriend Is Shobitch-Akiho Kousaka
My Happy Marriage-Miyo Saimori 
My Hero Academia-Ochako Uraraka 
My Home Hero-Reika Tosu 
My Isekai Life-Dryad 
My Instant Death Ability is So Over Powered-Tomochika Dannoura
My Little Monster-Asako Netsume 
My Life as Inukai-san’s Dog-Usagi Tsukishiro 
My Love Story-Rinko Yamato
My Master Has No Tail-Mameda
My Mental Choices Are Completly Interfering With My School Romance Comedy-Ouka Yuuouji 
My Neighbour Seki
My New Boss is Goofy
My One Hit Kill Sister-Maya Ikusaba
My Roommate is a Cat
My Senpai is Annoying-Futaba Igarashi 
My Sister My Writer 
My Stepmom’s Daughter is My Ex-Yume Irido 
My Teen Romantic Comedy SNAFU- Yui Yuigahama
My Tiny Senpai-Shiori Katase 
My Unique Skill Makes Me OP Even at Level 1-Emily Brown 
My Wife Has No Emotion 
My Wife Is The Student Council President-Ui Wakana
Myriad Colors Phantom World-Reina Izumi  
Myself Yourself-Aoi Oribe
Mysterious Disappearance 
Mysterious Girlfriend X- Mikoto Urabe
Mysterious Joker- Diamond Queen 
Mythical Detective Loki Ragnarok-Mayura Daidouji
Mystic Archives Of Dantalian-Dalian 
Nabari No Ou-Raimei Shimizu
Nagasarete Airantou- Suzu 
Nagi-Asu-Manaka Mukaido 
Najica Blitz Tactics- Lila 
Nakaimo-Konoe Tsuruma
Nanbaka-Momoko Hyakushiki
Nana-Nana Osaki 
Nana Maru San Batsu-Mari Fukami
Nanaka6/17-Nanaka Kirisato
Nanana’s Buried Treasure-Nanana Ryuugajou 
Nanatsuiro Drops-Sumomo Akihime 
Namu Amida Butsu
Naruto-Hinata Hyuga, Sumire Kakei(Boruto)
Natsu No Arashi-Yayoi Fushimi
Natsuiro Kiseki –Yuka Hanaki
Natsume's Book Of Friends- Jun Sasada
Needless- Adam Blade, Eve Neuschwanstein
Negima-Nodoka Miyazaki, Karin Yuuki[UQ Holder]
Nekogami Yaoyorozu-Mayu
Neo Ranga
Neon Genesis Evengelion
Near Death!! Ekoda-chan 
Netsuzou Trap
Neuro: Supernatural Detective- Yako Katsuragi 
New Game-Aoba Suzukaze
Nier Automata Ver1.1a-2B 
Night Head 2041
Night Head Genesis 
Night Raid 1931-Yukina Sonogi 
Night Wizard 
Nijiiro Days 
Nil Admirari no Tenbin- Tsugumi Kuze
Ningen Fushin-Curran
Ninja Kamui 
Ninja Girl And Samurai Master 
Ninja Nonsense- Shinobu,Miyabi
Ninja Scroll
Ninja Slayer From Animation 
Nisekoi- Kosaki Onodera
No Game No Life- Sora,Shiro
No Guns Life-Mary Steinberg
No Longer Allowed in Another World-Tama
Noblesse- Seira J. Loyard
Nobunagun- Shio Ogura 
Nobunaga Conserto 
Nobunaga-sensei no Osanazuma
Nobunaga The Fool- Jeanne Kaguya D'Arc/Ranmaru Mori
Nodame Cantabile-Megumi Noda
Nogizaka Haruka No Himitsu-Haruka Nogizaka 
Non Non Biyori-Komari Koshigaya
Nora, Princess and Stray Cat
Noragami-Hiyori Iki,Yato
Nourin-Ringo Kinoshita/Yuka Kusakabe 
Now and Then Here and There
Null Peta
Nura: Rise Of The Yokai Clan- Tsurara Oikawa/Yuki Onna
Nurse Angel Ririka SOS 
Nurse Witch Komugi-chan-Kokona Saionji[NWK R]
Nyan Koi-Kaede Mizuno 
Nyanko Days
O Maidens in Your Savage Season-HItoha Hongou 
Oblivion Battery 
Occult Academy-Maya Kumashiro 
Occult:Nine-Ryoka Narusawa 
Oda Cinnamon Nobunaga-Ichiko Oda 
Odd Taxi
Ojisan And Marshmallow 
Okami-san And Her Seven Companions- Ryoko Okami
Okami Kakushi-Nemuru Kushinda
Okoshiyasu Chitose-chan
Okusama Wa Joshikousei-Asami Onohara
Omae wa Mada Gunma wo Shiranai
Omamori Himari-Himari Noihara
Omiai Aite wa Oshiego Tsuyoki na Mondaiji
One Outs
One Punch Man 
One Piece-Carrot,Yamato
One Week Friends-Kaori Fujimiya 
Onee-Chan Wa Kita
Ongaku Shoujo- Hanako Yamadaki 
Onsen Yousei Hakone-chan 
Ooya-san Wa Shishunki 
Oreimo- Ruri Goko/Kuroneko
Orenchi No Fueo Jijo
OreSuki- Aoi Hinata
Oreshura-Himeka Akishino
Orient-Tsugumo Hattori 
Oruchuban Ebichu
Otome Youkai Zakuro-Susukihotaru 
One Room
OniiAi-Akiko Himenokouji
Onimai-Mahiro Oyama
Opus Colors 
Orange-Naho Takamiya
Osake wa Fuufu ni Natte Kara
Osamake-Kuroha Shida
Oshi no Ko-Kana Arima
Otaku Elf-Koito Koganei
Otherside Picnic-Sorao Kamikoshi 
Otogi Juushi Akazukin 
Otome wa Boku ni Koishiteru 
Our Last Crusade or the Rise of a New World-Mismis Klass 
Ouran High School Host Club- Kyoya Otari
Outbreak Company-Myucel Foaran 
Outburst Dreamer Boy-Mizuki Hijiri 
Outlaw Star-Melfina 
Our Home's Fox Deity-Misaki Sakura
Over Drive
Overdrive Girl 1/6-Nona 
Overtake-Alice Mitsuzawa
Pan De Peace
Pandora Hearts- Alice
Pandora In The Crimson Shell-Clarion 
Pani Poni Dash-Himeko Katagiri
Parallel World Pharmacy- Charlotte “Lotte” Soller 
Paradise Kiss-Yukari “Caroline” Hayasaka
Paranoia Agent 
PaRappa the Rapper
Pastel Memories  
Panty And Stocking, Panty, Stocking 
Paradox Live
Parasyte-Satomi Murano
Peacemaker Kurogane-Saya
Peach Boy Riverside-Sally/Saltherine Aldarake
Peeping Life TV
Penguin Musume- Sakura “Penguin” Nankyoku
Persona 4 The Animation- Yu Narukami
Persona 5 The Animation-Futaba Sakura 
Persona:Trinity Soul-Kanaru Morimoto
Pet Girl Of Sakurasou- Mashiro Shiina 
Peter Grill and The Philosopher’s Time 
Phantasy Star Online 2 -Rina Izumi[PSO2 TA], Melrandia[PSO2 EO]
Phantom: Requiem For The Phantom- Zwei/ Reiji Azuma, Ein/Eren
Phantom of the Idol-Asahi Mogami 
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meltylandartchive · 5 years
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i finally managed to draw something i ended up liking
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utenamani · 3 years
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Obvious coincidences
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animescreendump · 3 years
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Future Career Headcannons for the Characters from Revolutionary Girl Utena, after they escape Ohtori
Anthy Himemiya: Work in/ own a flower shop. Utena suggests this to Anthy herself in the show after Anthy tells her that she only wishes for a future where she can keep tending to her flowers. Anthy smiles at the suggestion.... IF not that... well I got the idea for this after reading a fanfic where Anthy is a veterinary. That would make a good second option for Anthy since animals, like flowers, where her comforts during her imprisonment as the Rose Bride. Also of course she would find Utena, and they could be together without Akio and the games getting in their way,
Utena Tenjô: A Securtiy Gaurd. So in the show Utena is very Chivalrous and wants to protect people "to be like a Noble Prince". Her intentions come from a good place and are not necessarily bad in of themselves. An active job, where she could protect/help people would be good for her. But she also has difficulty sometimes understanding the complexity of others problems, and is prone to being manipulated. I decided against suggesting "Police Officer" because then she could be manipulated again, by a more corrupted Chief/Head of Squadron. I think a security guard would be a better job for her because there is more structure and a clearer (necessary) objective. Observing a surrounding putting a stop to any fight/trouble that break out suits Utena more than investigative questioning or arresting bad guys does.
Touga Kiryuu: I believe Touga is alive in the Anime and head cannon that he grew up into a: Hairstylist. He was a bit of a hard one because I could only really think of one time in the show where he seemed like he genuinely liked or was happy doing something; and that was when he was playing with the kitten. Now he can foster stray cats on the side as a hobby/volunteer work (probably the only volunteer work he would ever do) but it won't pay his bills. So I had to think harder. Now apparently his abusive relationship with his adoptive father is cannon across the board (shudders because no one deserves that). That man is the one who made Touga grow his hair long, and one thing the fandom seems to universally agree Touga should do for himself if/when he is finally able to get away from the bad people in his life is to cut his hair short. Well I actually think that once he is free learning about all different ways to cut and style hair would be something he would really enjoy. It might also be theraputic to be in an enviroment where he gets to exsursize this knowledge/activity regualrly. Lastly hair stylists at shops can sometimes be flirty and chatty to customers, and some will act flamboyant too. I imagine Touga's chair would be pretty popular. Don't date your customers Touga
Kyouichi Saionji: A cook. Saionji might be the most unstable character in the duels. He actually got kicked out of the duels and the school,saw the world outside...came back to Ohtori on his own. Met a girl he could have a happy and healthy relationship with. Decided that was wrong/to much for him, and left her to rejoin a system he knew just wanted to abuse and manipulate him. He is both the dumbest character show and the most aware: From the upside down castle, to the more dangerous parts of loving someone, to Touga's BS, to Akio... Saionji knows it is all fake but always clings to it... except for one breif episode where he took a break and did some pretty positive things for himself... In episode 27 "Nanami's egg" Saionji decides the moon and weather are "beautiful" tonight and that he will leave school grounds on his own and go camping. He also decided to cook (a traditionally feminine role... made all the more feminine by him dawning a frilly apron) his own food. He is out of school, he unconcerned with appearing all powerful and completely masculine. He is relaxed and smiling. Nanami came up to him and tried to instigate a fight, which Saionji responded to by remaing calm and trying to gently talk her down. You have this one moment where Saionji is being completely non-toxic and its peaceful. He is still far from perfect (At least one, and possibly all, of his eggs he found on the forest floor. Not very hygienic). But still, teach the man what a grocery store is and let him cook more meals (and wear more frilly aprons). Maybe he can camp more when he has time off
.... On that note I do ship TougaxSaionji in season 3, and post show. So if they go camping together they will need a pet-sitter for Touga's foster cats. Maybe Nanami can do it? That would be a nice way for her to make up for and show growth after killing Touga's kitten from their childhood.
Nanami Kiryuu: I just mentioned Nanami so I might as well do her next. This girl is gonna want to be a T.V. Reporter. Possibly a weather girl at first, but most likely her goal would be to be a event "gossip" reporter. She is one of the most difficult ones to for groups/people to impress. and many of her questions an comments are super random and outlandish and their is no way to be prepared for what she might say/do. Her viewers though it eat it all up and consider her to be the funniest personnel on T.V. Working as the shows Lead Producer Nanami's long time, platonic, childhood friend: Mitsuru Tsuwabuki. Yeah I don't really ship these two as anything more than good friends..Their show ages aside, I notice that their relationship mostly becomes unhealthy when one tries to make it romantic. But do show genuine care for each other in a platonic sense and are kind enough that you hope their friendship lasts. So yeah instead of them becoming husband and wife with 2.5 kids, make them partners in "crime" (a.k.a buisness) with Nanami being the face and Tsuwabuki being the brains, just as it was between them in the show (as opposed to Nanami's relationship with her cronies where it was flipped).
Miki Kaoru: A math teacher/professor. I very much do not want Miki to grow up to become a concert pianist. The piano is a beautiful instrument and playing it is a wonderful skill. Since teachers do not make that much, Miki can always have a secondary side job tutoring kids in playing it on the weekends. But do not let the piano continue to be the center of his life when it is also such a symbol of his own nativity, and how he has been manipulated into serving others. Both Touga and Akio use the Piano to get Miki to do what they want in the duels. But we also learn that his father used to exploit him and Kozue as publicity tools (which sadly broke them apart). Notice that "The Sunlight Garden" is such a famous piece that even Utena has heard of it, but no one has heard that Miki is the one who originally composed it. He got no credit. He also admits that he kept playign as he started to grow up mostly out of nostalgia for when he and Kozue were younger and had an easier time getting along. Miki's academic success has always felt "just his" in a way that the piano did not, and it has more to do with his present and future than his past. Math seems like it's his best subject, and he is able to be both an effective teacher and develop a positive relationship with Utena and Anthy, when he agree's to tutor them in it. (Up until Anthy has to go and start playing that piano song.) So in adulthood I hope Miki can, not necessarily give up the piano (forget his early childhood), but give his other talents (other stages of his life) some more focus. Math Teacher/Professor Miki, who maybe tutors in music on the side.
Juri Arisugawa: Own a bowling Ally. Juri's three main extra curricular in the anime are fencing, modeling, and bowling. Fencing is her main one. She is acting head of the fencing team. My reasons for not making "Champion Fencer" her career are similar to the ones I gave for not making "Concert Pianist" Miki's. It was an talent and hobby of Juri's that was exploited by both the games and others, and is surround by so much negativity. She took up her sword to prove that miracles do not exist, even though she wishes she believed in them. Also Miki was her only friendly relationship on that Team. All her other subordinates feared her, and she was terrified of Ruka, who was known to be stronger than her. I also rejected Modeling because then Juri would work for an agent and model products that a designer or company wants to make money selling. I definitely think Juri should be her own boss, just in a less hostile environment than Ohrito's fencing team. I like what she said about bowling in "Nanami's Egg": how she does it just because she "thinks it feels good". In what I think was episode 37 Juri states "I used to only think about myself... now I cannot stop think about myself". To me her statment implies that she wants to start thinking more about things that make her happy rather than sad. Juri has got to have some money saved from modeling gigs and Fencing tournaments. Let Juri use that as Seed money to open up a bowling ally, that she can make into a play where she and other can go, and play, and just feel good/happy doing so. Make that Juri's miracle to believe in.
Kozue Kaoru: A School Guidance Counselor. For her I am going the route of "be the person you needed growing up". Kozue is protective of people. You see that in her pushing down the teacher she thought was groping Miki.... except that the teacher was not groping Miki, they were just talking. He had his arm around Miki elbow, not his backside like Kozue thought; and Miki was laughing because of a joke, not because he was being flirted with. (Has Kozue ever seen her brother try to flirt/react to flirting? Miki is a panicked, shaking, mess). Both Miki and Kozue were used in a way by adults when they kids, and then again in the duels as teens. Kozue seems to understand that they were used where Miki did not. But, she also continuously seeks out relationships where she will still be used and craves, yet rejects, more emotional ones. Examples being how she is mentioned to have several boyfriends that she is physical with but does not have any kind of emotion attachment to them. She yells that she does not need her parents, and then goes out with an adult man, the night she learns her dad is getting married again. Lastly she refuses the homemade milkshake her brother makes her saying "I cannot have anything that sweet", does she mean the milkshake or the gesture? Since she does ask for one later on I am going to wager that Kozue does not have any special dietary needs. The PoBaW line "We accept the love we think we deserve" really fits Kozue and how she allows other to love her. But she has moments of stepping away from this "I only deserve to be loved as a tool" mindset, Like when she let Miki take care of her at home after "fainting from anemia". Or the couple times she goofs off at the piano; when it is just her and trusted friends, who do not care if she is plays the key sloppy. She is making baby steps towards a healthier mindset on relationships in the show. If she can build on that, post Akio and Anthy, then maybe, like Utena, she could use what she went through to keep protecting the "Inocent children" she relates her past too.
Also Maybe she and Miki could work in the same school (NOT Ohtori, but a good school) ,and that way they could still have time together, while also doing their own thing.
Shiori Takatsuki: Well the first thing I want her to be is as far away from Juri as possible. Sorry to people who ship them, but give me one healthy or not toxic moment between them? One moment after their early childhood where one makes the other happy? One moment were being around the other doesn't make them remember just how miserable and angry they are? Pretty much every relationship in the show has some kind of skill/wealth/power imbalance between them, and some kind of love and hate balance too. Utena and Anthy are the main ones, but all the secondary characters were meant to have relationships that mirror certain aspects of UtenaxAnthy. If Touga and Saionji (who at least have some moments of working through their issues together) are a parallel to Utena and Anthy, than I always saw Juri and Shori as a warning sign to them... that if you are not careful and do not work on things then hate, jealousy, and toxicity can destroy once loving relationships. So for these reasons I do not want her to be Juri's business partner, or even run a similar business as Juri's Bowling Ally. Shori would always see Juri's establishment as better, because she saw everything Juri did as better than her, and would never be able to enjoy her own work. Instead maybe she could find some enjoyment in a completely different field. One that maybe doesn't really suit Juri in the long run. Shori is just as pretty as Juri, a little more girly, very social, and she likes being part of a team and relying on others. I think she would be a good model period, not just in comparison to her old rivial.
Wakaba Shinohara: A Nurse. Do I really need to explain this one? Wakaba is like the most caring soul imaginable. She has wonderful optimism, great bedside manner, and is not afraid to call people out on not taking proper care of themselves. Plus I could see her having romantic fantasy's about some rich and successful man coming to stay at the hospital while he was sick, and falling in love with her due to the excellent care she took of him. Let her have her day dreams. The girl would be a fantastic nurse either way.
Keiko Sonoda: It is late and I so not want to pretend Keiko was that deep or complex of of a character. She was a lackey to the queen bee. She hated being a lackey but liked being a bully, because she kept doing that even after Nanami lost her crown. Underneath all that she falls really hard for her crushes, and likes to dress up... So either she can be a housewife to a (hopefully) nice man, or maybe she can go into clothing design.
Tatsuya Kazami: A therapist/Life Coach. The Blackrose tried to manipulate his unresolved feelings for another into making him duel. Something they have sucessfully done to more than 100 others before. But despite Tatsuya's pain over learing his crush loved someone else, and Mikage (a.k.a Akio and Anthy) doing everything that has worked numerous times before, Tatsuya is able to calm himself down. He changes his persepctive and decides "You know what? I don't need to be this upset. My crush liking someone else right now isn't the worst thing in the world. They probably will not date forever. I care about her enough to stay friends and wait for her to decide to give me a chance." Tatsuya did not need a sword. He beat Mikage, depression, despair, and anger all down, with just a few minutes and a handful of sentences.
Mamiya, Mikage, Kanae, and Ruka:.... Well they all die, so they will not grow up to be anything. Very tragic. I suppose not everyone was going to be able to leave that school alive.
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Hello everyone! Characters for the third matches are selected, but once again, one contestant is missing a rival. So, once again, we will be reviving someone. The ones eligible for revival will only be those who perished during the last match.
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applepi00 · 4 years
Emi Liveblogs: Revolutionary Girl Utena Ep21, Vermin, Part I
We’re at 22 stopwatches, 18 slaps, 9 Egg speeches, and 6 Mikage speeches. To be totally honest I forgot what I was classifying as a Mikage speech back when I started this, I think it was every time he said “your only choice is to revolutionize the world.” So that’s what I counted.
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From here they look like a serious Squad™️ and I’m here for it! And then next shot we see Nanami is walking far ahead of them, visually representing the distance between her and her friends.
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I’d like to note that they offered to be Nanami’s friends before they found out she was Touga’s sister, so there really weren’t ulterior motives at first! But then they realized, and decided that because Nanami is special because of Touga, they must be special because of Nanami and decide to serve her. Aiko is the one that voices this and honey, no, none of you deserve the way Nanami treats you.
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She’s using themmmm. We knew that. Actually I wanted to point out an oddity in this episode, while this episode is visually a lot wonkier than the previous, possibly budgeting? Nanami’s eyes throughout this episode are lacking whites, not unlike when she was becoming a cow in episode 16, and well she’s acting like one in the colloquial sense isn’t she?
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At first I thought there was some animation weirdness happening here until we planned out to see Keiko’s roller skates. I love them under her pretty dress, it’s so ridiculous.
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Because Nanami is spiteful and still in that middle school cruelty phase, she sees Keiko’s excitement for the party and sends her away. It’s sort of a way to maintain control isn’t it? Even beyond the motivation of keeping people from Touga, it’s like saying I can control the people around me so I can be sure of my own standing in it. It’s not a healthy attitude but I recall being thirteen and struggling with my place in the world around me, hell im twenty and still trying to figure it out. Not a free pass but I sort of see where she’s coming from. It’s still absolutely cruel to Keiko.
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Aiko didn’t even have anything to say, hence Utena looking so done. Personally I love this look for sheer funny value and that is all.
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Anthy falling asleep standing up throughout this arc (or at least I recall it happening a few times, I could be wrong) is such a neat little detail on the second+ watch because from then on you know it’s because she’s pulling double duty around here this arc. Let the girl rest!
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Last bit before the midcard and I hate it. I hate the exaggerated size difference to show how much more power Akio has, I hate that the position lines Anthy up with his crotch. I hate everything about this conversation and Akio and his abuse thank you very much.
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yeesys · 6 years
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the bigger badges in hq 👌
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utenaaa · 7 years
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