#miklan (derogatory)
sleepy-bear-tm · 1 year
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Fate is a cruel thing, is it not?
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silkhy-john · 1 year
Wait wait wait:
The Seven Husbands of Evelyn Hugo but Evelyn Hugo is Sylvain Gautier
(Stay with me I promise you I have good reasons)
Gonna preface these by saying that some stuff won’t be paralleled directly e.g. Evelyn’s fear for the power her father held over her fate. Also this is a bunch of head canon and loose-ish interpretation of canon I.e. don’t agree if you don’t feel inclined to. Okay:
- Sylvain wields sex as power just like Evelyn. Unlike Evelyn, though, he also wields it as power against himself.
- Evelyn creates Evelyn Hugo to take the stardom and fame she wants. Sylvain creates an alternate persona to eventually take his father’s place as margrave and maybe earn his approval (plot twist: margrave Gautier does NOT give Sylvain his approval. Ever.)
- Sylvain is bisexual and is around the one he [romantically] loves most passionately for a while. It takes hearing someone else saying “Felix is gay” to make him realise that oh yeahhhh I’m attracted to him (same as how Evelyn figures out how she feels about Celia)
- Sylvain goes to great lengths to hide his relationship with Felix cause of what his father did to Miklan; Evelyn hides her relationship with Celia because of what they’d face if ever they were found out.
- Sylvain’s best friend is Ingrid, who is, I want to say, demisexual? There’s a lot of whispers about her being ‘unlike other women’(derogatory) because she shows no interest in marrying a well-off man, etc etc. She marries Glenn to beat the allegations, Glennjamin dies, she’s back at square one, etc etc. What I’m saying is that Ingrid is our Harry.
- Felix loves Sylvain and is willing to lose his place as heir to his father’s seat if it means being able to be together with him publicly. He’s also be really mean about the things Sylvain does to keep up appearances. Celia vibes basically.
- Sylvain eventually marries Ingrid and they get… a child? Children, maybe. Felix marries Dorothea (greatest songstress of Adrestia. Now that I’ve reached here I realise SHE could be Evelyn Hugo. Welp. On we move.) Same set up as John, Celia, Evelyn, and Harry.
- Sylvain has the tits and Felix has the ass. This point exists purely because of what Evelyn says about her and Celia in that one photo (Evelyn is all tits, Celia is all ass)
- Dimitri is present as a friend to both Sylvain is Felix. He isn’t too sure what’s going on with them half the time, but he’s got spirit.
- Rodrigue is against Felix’s proclivities until he realises that he’s on the fast track to pushing away Felix, thus losing his second son. Also he realises nothing makes Felix happier than Sylvain. Also it helps him come to terms with his maybe romantic feelings for Lambert (honestly Lambert and Rodrigue, Loog and Kyphon… it just feels like David and Jonathan from the bible. I will not expound.)
- Together, Dimitri and Rodrigue manage to make the push needed to make the church of Seiros less and less involved in decisions of the state (the church made the law that goes something like “Only those who can bring heirs forth may hold seats of power”. You know.)
- Everyone dies before Sylvain. Irony is that every one of them says, in one way or another, that he’s taking his life fast.
- Instead of getting someone to write his biography, Sylvain writes it on his own. The catalyst is an extremely hurtful letter his father left Sylvain, one to be opened ONLY after his [Sylvain’s father’s] death.
- Sylvain’s father lives the longest of anyone around Sylvain. A vile character through and through imo.
I have a bunch of other stuff in my brain but I’m tired so uhhhh. Yes, I’m aware that there’s no Monique. I’m sure there’s someone who can fall into that role, though I feel like a Monique would be unnecessary. I also haven’t mentioned how many spouses Sylvain has, but I’d like to think that Ingrid is his last spouse ever.
I wish I could write this but ummm… Maybe I will one day. If this scratches your writer brain just right, you’re more than welcome to write something with it :D
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owainbradys · 4 years
Fallen Banner prediction checklist:
As devised in a gc with @maid-of-the-golden-deer, @gerolau and @ridersbane
Anankos [ ]
Anankos!Gunter [ ]
Loptr!Julius [ ]
Hegemon Edelgard [ ]
Crest Stone Dedue [ ]
Crest Stone Miklan [ ]
Orson [ ]
Future Past!Morgans [ ]
Draco Zombie Morva [ ]
Risen King Chrom (Derogatory) [ ]
Marla and Hestia duo [ ]
Velezark!Darios [ ]
Manakete undergoing Draconic Madness [ ]
Vallite Arete [ ]
Vallite Sumeragi [ ]
Vallite Mikoto [ ]
Vallite Scarlet (I'm depressed) [ ]
Ashera [ ]
Beast!Marianne [ ]
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sleepy-bear-tm · 2 years
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Nothing ever stays the same
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sleepy-bear-tm · 1 year
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"I'm sick of you blaming me for something I never wanted."
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