#milan ydkj
captainnait · 3 months
Idk much about timezones, but it's already march 26th for me, which means. . . it's Bob Headrush day!! Yay :D
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Aaand also bonus drawings from week or so ago. . . 🐐
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Had an idea and rolled with it 😎
Full Version under cut
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wrongydkjquotes · 4 months
“Cut me some slack, okay? Can you two even begin to imagine 500 uninterrupted hours of consciousness? Forget Mole People! About halfway through, I swore I saw the face of God! Until I realized it was just the night janitor, Milan. On the plus side, I gave him a hell of an ego boost. Man was riding that compliment for days."
- cookie masterson
(Source: Kayaba, Sword Art Online Abridged)
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bliz-lol · 2 months
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Fan art for @captainnait
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aneloquentloser · 4 months
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Bob ‘Graphic Design Is My Passion’ Headrush
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Just started working on my Bob design and the sound design in Headrush is GREAT. I also love the post-game segments they’re so interesting,,, only putting these thoughts here cause I saw you were disappointed with Bob’s dismissal in the fandom in general and was wondering your thoughts on the game/any tips for host designs
tip 1: don't make them twinks
tip 2: probably more helpful advice- I have a small compilation of all the canon visuals the boys mention for themselves in the games. it's an ever expanding thing ofc and you don't need to account EVERYTHING but it's like. good to reference when wondering how close you can get to canon y'know. No shame in going "eh I'd rather not include schmitty going bald". I'm not a cop. Just determine why you feel that way.
quote from my friend also
For designing ANY host, including Bob, my tip is to either watch MULTIPLE gameplay videos or play the games yourself (or audio hunt like I do). Get a feel for the environment the characters are in, and the kinds of things they'd say. Not just doing one round, but multiple. I'd also recommend looking at and studying real people, how they're shaped and how they look. If you wanna go fantasy route you can, but shape language is important for conveying characters.
As for the game, Headrush is my third fav game! The Ride, Sports, and then Headrush. I love all the zany colours and the number segments (even if they are gross) and I think the cast (Bob, Baby Diva, Milan, Old Man, and Sam- the director) are so much fun in their bottled universe. I'd DIE if they made another Headrush, even if they made it streaming themed, like a knock off TikTok (Bobby could make it work) If anything Headrush in a streamer platform makes more sense than YDKJ. Plus they could make episodes that you select like those custom download Quiplash 3 games so it's like "questions for pre teens" or "questions for teens" or "questions for everyone" I'd have so so much fun. ONLY if Andy came back to the booth tho. I'd be pissed off if we got Headrush 2 and it was hosted by Cookie or Schmitty. I mean it!
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gerard5d · 2 years
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these three guys
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captainnait · 3 days
Night Owl Bob HC:
He'll usually call the others up late at night/early in the morning because of loneliness...
...unfortunately, the others are never too thrilled at Bob's late night/early morning calling...except MAYBE Milan
4:34 pm, 6/19/2024
Ohhh, real. He'd be probably the type to call in the most random time ever lol
And yeah, Milan might act all annoyed about it, just like the others, but he def secretly enjoys giving sad and lonely Bob attention 💥
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captainnait · 4 months
Me? Obsessing over one of the most unpopular games in an already pretty niche series? Pfft, ridiculous. . . Anyway, please, play Headrush, it's really fun—
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captainnait · 7 days
(Decided to reuploded this post because literally no one saw it. . . Oh well. Might as well tag @whocaresifwearecrazy since they could be interested in this idk)
Something that literally no one asked for - a TTwM compilation!!
I enjoyed gathering all the questions for this one. I'm not sure if I found *all* of them, but. . . Yeah. Some clips (4 out of 13) aren't mine, so I left the source in the description.
Also I wrote a little analysis/commentary thingy for all of these, which you can read down below. It's mostly just me rambling about Bob and Milan and how stupid these two are, so don't take it too seriously. I just— I just need to get this off my chest, okay 😭 also sorry for the broken english in some of these. I was half-awake when writing lol
Anyway, would really appreciate if you watch this compilation. I might do some others in the future idk. Enjoy 💖💥
As for commentary, here it is ✨
"Ode to a Garbage Can": I put this one first in the compilation, because (imo) it shows Bob's and Milan's overall dynamic perfectly - Bob tries to be as positive and supportive of Milan as he can (although with a mild success), while Milan. . . Well, he's just being himself - extremely forward and harsh, but, in the end, not minding Bob's attitude, and even engaging in a playful back-and-forth with him. It's simple, it's nice and it's going to be a repeating pattern.
. . . Aaand it's probably the most analytical I'm going to get here. Probably.
Anyway, can't say much else about this one. They're silly
"A Crappy Question": Bob here sounds so genuinely guilty 😭. And the fact that he immediately tries to make up by helping Milan with his classes— it's pretty wholesome. . . Milan slapping the living shit out of him in the end isn't tho lol
"Get Your Finger Out of Your Nose": Milan calling out Bob on literally anything is also the main point of a lot of these. And, tbh, if I worked as a janitor somewhere, where mfs like any of ydkj hosts work, I wouldn't be so happy either bruh
Anyhow, the gross out humor in the end is nothing unusual for this game. But damn, the way Milan said "chucklehead" at the end. . . He loves that idiot I'm sorry 💥💥💥
"Urinal Chips and Dip": Bob being an idiot and getting what he deserves will NEVER not be funny to me
"Wait a minute, is this a trick question? 😠" "For you? Yes 🙄" I can't with them—
Also Milan helping Bob out a bit at the end was surprisingly nice. . . And uncommon too
"Swapping Spit": Milan calling Bob "host boy" at the start caught me off guard completely when I first heard it. And yet, somehow, he gets even more wild with the nicknames later on in the other questions lol
"Moron? Hey! >:[" Bob sounds so hurt here 😭 i like to imagine that before that he wasn't catching any insults from Milan at all up until this point. He's clueless like that
"Ugh, Milan! Why do you say things like that?" "To make you blush" Okay that's just straight up flirting—
Also Bob doesn't sound so opposed to that huh. . . Interesting. I wonder when this is going to come up again—
Ahem. Anyway, "Bob-friend" is such a great nickname, 10/10, amazing job, Milan.
Bob's "MILAN! WHAT? 😨😳" is literally my favorite thing ever
"Please? Look, begging is not gonna help, my friend" yup, I figured
(I'm not even going to comment on the last few lines lol this is already too much)
"Seven Minutes in the Broom Closet": And just when you think it can't get gayer than the last one. . . This title. What the fuck are they doing in the closet—
Bob mistaking alliteration with liter is just so him
"Haha, you said pee :D" this man literally has a mind/humor of a toddler
And yeah, Milan leaving Bob confused with his words/sayings is. Everything
"I'm Not Your Chew Toy": I'm pretty sure this is the shortest question in this category in terms of dialogue
I love that this one highlights just how patient can Bob be with Milan's rather snappy attitude (which, to be fair, is pretty reasonable for him to have)
"Gift Ideas from the Bathroom": This one. This is my favorite question in the whole game probably. . .
Milan calling Bob "Robert" (which continues running joke of Milan calling Bob different nicknames). Milan sharing his collection with Bob, who seems to be not only interested in it, but also wants to implement it in the question. Bob being a clumsy ass moron and dropping the jar, with Milan following with his (almost) catchphrase "I'm not cleaning that". Milan sharing his culture with Bob and feeding him a homemade soup, with Bob being absolutely joyful and excited to learn new things from his favorite person (while also being taken care of by said person). Milan's little "jerk" at the end, that sounds just a bit too soft to sound like an actual insult, and more like an affectionate pet name. I love this. This is amazing. If this isn't not one of the most wholesome moments in ydkj series, idk what is tbh
"Little Red Outhouse": "Hey Milan, how you doing? Good to see ya 😁" "It's a pleasure for you to see me 😇" "Yeah, i— Uh what? 🤨" This is one of my favorite exchanges between them. Milan has such a way with words sometimes idk. . .
Not much to say about this one, except the fact, that Milan washes Bob's microphone in the toilet bowl, becomes much more disgusting when you know, that in one of the questions Bob smooches his microphone. You're welcome 😇
"It Happens to the Best of Us": Crying Milan is the last thing I expected from this game, but here we are ig. As much as I feel sad for him, I can't deny that his crying voice is incredibly stupid (/pos)
"It was a horribly sad incident which took place today" I like how even when he's distraught he still tries to flex his english skills. What a king
The way Bob instantly goes "yes sir" right after Milan tells him to shut up is just. . . 😭 no comments
"Don't Forget to Wipe": Ah yes, the one where Milan blackmails Bob. Anyway
"Hm, would you like to know" THE WAY HE SOUNDS HERE I— 💥💥
Also the way Milan interrogates Bob here is just so funny to me. He's like an annoyed and slightly disappointed owner that find out his dog made a mess in the living room again. . . Weird comparison, but oh well (I've been writing this commentary for way to long)
"There's a Swosh™ on My Tush": I love this one. Mf just plays basketball in the middle of his work day and that's it. No disgusting twist, just basketball
. . . Well, except the last few seconds, where Bob straight up drools on Milan's shoes. . . Like a dog—
Okay, nah, that's it, that enough of these guys for me today istg
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captainnait · 2 months
Aaand the guest/side characters of Headrush as well, because why not 💥
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A few headcanons for these men down below + character dynamics chart 💥💥
• "I am not cleaning that up"
• The most irritable janitor ever.
• He spends almost all of his free time studying english. Sometimes he even reads study books while on work!
• Lives close to Bob's place, so sometimes they have sleepovers at each other's apartments. (🏳‍🌈?)
• Bob loves to ask him about cool polish words/phrases that Milan could teach him. He doesn't mind it.
• Dreams about having his own show (someday, buddy, someday)
• "Another day, another paycheck"
• Businessman at heart. Cares about ratings and popularity of the show more than anything.
• He is, however, pretty friendly and even "buddy-buddy" with his coworkers and employees.
• . . . Although he does love to tease Bob, just because he finds his reactions to be hella funny.
• Definitely has a "#1 boss" mug which he keeps at his office.
Old Man:
• For an old man he's incredibly active and talkative.
• Loves to tell his life stories to others, even to complete strangers. No one really listens to him, of course. (except Baby Diva. Sometimes)
• Is, indeed, Schmitty's biological father. He does, however, forget it often, so don't even try to ask him about it.
• Was a baseball star in his youth. Still pretty good with bat.
• Don't talk to him before he took his meds. This is a WARNING.
And here's a relationship dynamic chart! There's quite a lot, but I think it's comprehensible. . .
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Of the main 5 YDKJ hosts, which are the ones that know languages other than english? I'm sure there's some kinda lore for all of them but I regrettably don't have the time to go through all thr voice lines (plus i wanna hear ur HCs on the matter too)
Schmitty speaks and understands Klingon according to the Guilty Pleasures ep of L!F!F! which has to be the most insane Schmitty fact that isn't offensive to the brain.
Both Guy and Buzz confuse Spanish for German. I have zero idea why this is a shared fact. I asked my friend who is a German teacher to help me with an intro line Guy says that's supposedly in German, and they informed me he's speaking German but with terrible syntax.
Cookie uses French phrases with fairly accurate pronunciation, but he does not pronounce Spanish properly (if you play Vol. 3 and Sports, both hosts pronounce "Boca Raton" differently. Guy's pronunciation is correct)
Nate, Guy, Cookie, and Schmitty all properly and accurately use Yiddish, but I think Nate does it the most accurately and often. The only time Guy says it is in the previously mentioned Boca Raton question, which you need to get incorrect to trigger.
Not a main 5 host, but Bob says something in what I ASSUME is Italian during an exit phrase for Headrush, but I genuinely cannot understand him. I think he thinks he knows Italian. He does not.
As for headcanons
-I figure Cookie knows enough Italian to curse you out in it, but nothing conversational.
-Guy canonically HATES Latin (Laywers floor), but pronounces it all effortlessly, which makes me think he actually knows Latin, he just hates hearing other people use it
-Due to relationship to Nate, Buzz also knows some Yiddish, but refuses to use it due to his nasal voice
-Still not a main 5 host, but I like to believe Milan taught Bob some basic/random Polish. Like Bob will ask a random word and how to say it in Polish and Milan begrudgingly tells him. Love wins.
-Every host knows at least one swear word and "penis" in a different language.
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1. And it’s great! I’m drinkin’ it up.
2. Agreed, Cookie does work a lot, he’s the only host to have more than two different game franchises (YDKJ, Fibbage, Fakin’ It). Obviously it falls back with the “wow he works a lot. but also he half-asses a lot in YDKJ”. As well as- well, Buzz is dilligent to the point of being headstrong and Guy is described by external sources as “The hardest working G/guy in trivia” when they could have used any other adjective to describe Guy for the pun. He loses out on Diligence just for not being as dedicated as as the others. Cookie (and the other hosts but to a lesser extent) is exceptionally hedonistic, he makes that fact very obvious in a variety of lines. I guess it’s done in such an endearing way it doesn’t appear as annoying.
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[Trash Talkin’ With Milan segment]
(in response to a wrong answer)
Bob: No, and you can call it being a virgin, I call it “Waiting for marriage”. You know, that holy stuff or whatever
Milan: Bob, we’ve been married for almost two decades.
Bob: Have we?
Milan: Canonically no, but emotionally yes. I still have that mood ring you gave me a while back. It’s... somewhere.
Bob, quietly: Can we talk about this after the game?
Milan, normal register: You brought it up, not me.
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You may call Guy a himbo, but literally all the YDKJ hosts are himbos. Only difference between them is how angry they are. (I mean Cookie has some VERY ditzy moments {especially during Fibbage} and you CANNOT look me in the eyes and tell me that Quiplash Schmitty isn't a total himbo! Nate? Truth Talk 23/7. Buzz? CCC {maybe even a bimhim}.) You may say "but anon, the others are scrawny and/or overweight" but fun fact: if you're defined as good looking, himbo! I mean, if you have any objections...
let me personally break it down
Nate: Truth Talk 23/7 doesn't make him dumb, he's being paranoid not ignorant. Someone freaking out during a thunderstorm worried an axe murderer is going to get them isn't stupid for being wrong, they're just scared. Besides, Nate's dumb for actual reasons. The "the c in 'wrong' is silent" comes to mind. But it's mostly an act because no way does he actually believe that. Besides, Nate is a twunk.
Guy: Yes. Depends on your interp obviously, but he matches the definition of an attractive yet unintelligent man. Guy has a few brain cells and he dedicates all of them to sports and his love of cute squeezable things.
Buzz: Buzz isn't stupid, he's a flustered ditz. I mean it's logical he gets overwhelmed during CCCs because he wants to make a good impression on the celeb and that comes with Buzz ass kissing them, of which most notice and think he's annoying. Buzz is really good at math and there's very few times where he genuinely doesn't know what he's talking about. Sure there are lines of malapropism, but he self corrects quickly.
Cookie: Sure. I can't deny Cookie is stupid. He has a lot of brainless moments- sadly for the Fibbage bit I haven't seen as many Fibbage lines as I would like to. But sure, if we use Himbo Lite, Cookie hits the boxes of attractive yet unintelligent. Cookie has plenty of bright moments but god... he doesn't not want to spotlight them.
Schmitty: He is stupid as all hell, you don't even have to reduce it to just Quiplash Schmitty. The issue is Schmitty has to be attractive and he's- hey. Put down the gun.
Bob: Same as Cookie, in that he fits Himbo Lite. Bob isn't even close to as smart as Cookie though, very scatterbrained and sad. Probably has more of a heart of gold than Cookie though, Bob's threats are so hollow and his love for Milan is so palpable.
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Ydkj hosts as Disney villain songs. Do it you coward. /j
why am I being threatened? I'm so cute Nate: "Cruella de Vil" from 101 Dalmatians. There's no less than like, 5 lines that are just "Nate's an asshole and everyone hates working with him" and I can definitely imagine someone being petty enough to write a song about how much of Nate acts like a bitchy and spoiled princess.
Guy: "Gaston" from Beauty and the Beast. Because, I mean, come on. Guy's ego isn't that big, but he is just as unstoppable. Plus I can see Guy enjoying the concept of singing about himself and in toe people singing about him.
Buzz: "Good Doggie, No Bone" from The Fox and the Hound 2. 1. Shut up, I love this song, I don't care if the movie isn't good 2. I didn't actually know this song was a villain song until I looked for villain songs. Dixie is more of an antagonist than a villain, because I think she was right to be upset. Anyways I think it could fit Nate just as well, but the anger of the song says Buzz, since Nate kind of wanted to be replaced, but moreso in hindsight.
Cookie: "Humiliate the Boy", from Aladdin. While a cut song, this sort of uh. content, fits within Cookie's sort of sadist sense of humor. If you can call it humor past a certain extent
Schmitty: "Hellfire" from Hunchback of Notre Dame. Schmitty has a lot of personal issues with love and sex and his constant sinning (such as him admitting outright that he's had affairs). I mean the others do too, but it hits different with Schmitty, since he talks about it so much more per capita.
Bob: "What's My Name" from Descendants 2 "Jayden that's cheating" I don't care, even if it was. There are in fact a lot of lines that Bob makes comment about his name and people getting it wrong which is funny since his name is so. Simple. He's also isolated from the main series and has his own "crew" which fits within the song's meta. Also there's a rap breakdown that Milan can have, since Milan really wants to be a DJ based off the bit in the credits.
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(Conspiracy Anon)
Man, y'all talked about Schmitty a lot after I went to bed!
In one of your tags you said that Schmitty's your least favorite host, and after I thought about it a while, I realized that Schmitty might very well be my favorite; not because he's that endearing or anything (I actually thought he was kind of an arse in The Ride), but because he's so dang unlucky and miserable that it's almost entertaining wondering what he's going to do next to screw himself over. Like, a rough childhood not knowing his biological father and going to catholic school, getting divorced at least twice and left at the altar, a less-than-ideal work environment at Jellyvision with 4 other hosts he can barely stand, and eventually getting temporarily absorbed into Binjpipe, only to be kidnapped by a serial killer once he gets free? This guy's life is a sick joke and I am laughing along to it. Poor little meow meow (affectionate).
(Conversely, my least favorite host is probably Cookie. Not because of his personality, but just because he shows up so often. It's like that phenomenon where you say a word so often that it doesn't sound real, but applied to a whole person.)
Fascinating. My reasons for host preference are far too complex for even myself to really evaluate in terms of numbers, but I guess each host falls on a 1-10 spectrum for each of a number of categories
How much I like his voice (Guy and Bob obviously get the highest scores, while everyone else falls in between with Buzz being the lowest)
How much they seem like they want to be there (obviously varies between games for some hosts)
How free they are with actually interesting lore (Nate is SUPER low with this one in Vol. 1 giving me so little to work with, while Schmitty lands low as well because I don't find his lore interesting)
How good they are with canon interactions (I just cannot get Vol. 1 to give me enough FOF so he ranks low here. Other hosts have great FOF/CCC or guest host interactions and you get so much from their personalities from them. I don't recall as many guest host things with Schmitty tho, maybe there's more in the games I've played less. Bob is exceptionally high because every interaction he has with both Milan and Old Man are a delight)
How much I would tolerate hanging out with them if they were real (Nate and Guy high, Buzz medium, everyone else low)
General vibe from the stock incorrect guess responses (some are funny, some feel lazy or random, others are alarming [GUY])
How much do they give me to work with (how married do they feel to their lore)
How fun their themed levels feel (hits in with The Ride, Schmitty has very forgettable levels compared to more iconic early levels, tho I did completely forget Guy's level Predators because nothing especially stood out. Additionally I LOVE Sports, enjoy but not overly TV, and am not a fan of Movies)
How gay (straightforward)
other miscellaneous fan implements and analysis
By every sense of the world Guy SHOULD be my fav but I've always recognized Cookie as it since he just has that Charm, especially in Jellyvision Cookie before he got mega depression. Maybe Guy really is my fav but I have hang-ups identifying him as such. In a 'but Cookie SHOULD be your fav' way.
(also if you were curious, Cookie and Schmity both host about the same amount of times of main YDKJ games [since no one talks about, say, the wii version]. excluding any game overlap between the two, Cookie hosts Movies, Vol. 3, 2011, 2015, and Full Stream, while Schmitty hosts TV, L!F!F!, Mock 2, 5th Dementia, and The Lost Gold. Schmitty was the go-to host post The Ride after all, it's just the modern games that Cookie took over for)
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