#does milan have a tag? well he damn better i love this guy
captainnait · 7 months
Me? Obsessing over one of the most unpopular games in an already pretty niche series? Pfft, ridiculous. . . Anyway, please, play Headrush, it's really fun—
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chappedandfadedvds · 4 years
Nov 14th, Saturday 19:48
„Oh my god. It is all Sander’s fault. I didn’t mean to vent on purpose. Nooo.“ Robbe whined into his microphone as he had been succsessfully voted off by the remaining three crewmates. Jens wasn’t one of them, he had been killed cold-blooded by his best friend in the first minute behind the goddamn tank. His body had never been found, to everyone’s surprise as his name had been greyed out with Aaron’s murder discovered a moment after.
They always switched back between games to their zoom chat, while the players remained in the lobby, waiting for a new session to start. So Jens did.
„I have literally done nothing.“ Sander laughed, kissing the top of Robbe’s head, before resting his chin back on top of the mop of hair, staring again onto the pages of his book. If the couple was one thing, it was physical and clingy. Both of them, not one better than the other. Jens thought amused, watching Robbe struggeling to reach for something out of frame. 
He was sitting between Sanders legs, his back against his boyfriend, who had wrapped his arms around Robbe’s middle, reading a book he hold in his hands resting in Robbe’s lap. Who himself had his laptop placed as close as possible up on his legs. The mouse probably on his right side in order to play. To Jens it looked a bit messy and uncomfortable, but they didn’t seemed to mind. If he was honest he had seen them in weirder positions before. Fully clothed. Luckily. 
„No I’m pretty sure you are to blame.“ Robbe insited, but grinning, knowing he was just looking for any excuse he could get. And his poor boyfriend was around to take it. Obviously Sander did without batting an eye.
„Well, then it must be true. Please accept my deepest apologies.“ His best friend, for the love of god, giggled in response. An unjustified righteous smile on his lips. Another kiss pecked onto his temple as Sander leaned around, as much as it was him allowed to from that angle.
„God, I’m not single, but if I do feel like it right now.“ Zoë voiced what many probably thought, Jens included. Not even Senne argued her case. Both boys, Sander and Robbe, dared to shrug almost simultaniously, causing them to be even more assured of their superiority.
Sometimes Jens thought they needed to be reminded that the world wasn’t just turning for them, but on the other hand they also were the slight proof that fated love might really exist.
„Another?“ Jana asked, absolutely addicted to the game. It had been a spontaneous idea really, as the broerrrs were contemplating what to upload to their channel if they all couldn’t meet up together to shoot something. So gaming it was. And from there it kinda spiralled into all of them now deeply engrossed in round after round of Among Us. They had footage for days.
„Fuck yea!“ Moyo exclaimed, followed by everyone nodding, before he added: „Had anyone heard anything from Lucas or Luca?“
It sounded a bit funny, a bit like a broken record at the end.
„Lucas posted something about his mom, I think.“ Amber said, looking for her phone to check. Jens knew that Lucas had texted them that he was out for today’s group plans. Jens also knew that it definitely was because of his mom. She was home til tomorrow and Lucas had been so excited, chatting away on the phone while he cleaned his flat in anticipation this morning.
Jens had done laundry in the meantime, both of them almost shoked when Lucas’s frontdoor was opened. They had talked for over two hours. About nothing really. So they quickly had bid goodbye, Lucas promising to come over late tomorrow, after he had brought his mom back to the hospital. Jens already missed him. 
„He has plans with his mother.“ Senne confirmed, having been faster than Amber. „And Luca told us, she’d join us at eight. Which would be almost now.“
„Then I’d say let’s wait for her? I’m gonna get something to drink, all the yelling in chat while voting is not good for my throat.“ Yasmina declared, already leaving her seat at her desk and walking away.
„Oh Robbe, I actually wanted to ask you something.“ Jens was reminded out of nowhere suddenly, catching the full attention of his best friend, who looked at him expectantly. So he continued: „My mom wanted to invite you over for dinner. She misses you, I think. And I suggested to her that we could all cook something together. If that’s alright with you, how does Tuesday sound?“
„Sounds great.“ Robbe agreed, Sander’s eyes glancing up from his book.
„Just this once, and he better be returned in perfect condition.“ Sander demanded, like the overprotective boyfriend he sometimes was, mostly to everyone’s and his own amusement. He winked at Jens right after, who nodded and replied in all seriousness with a strict „of course, home before curfew“. 
„You two are ridiculous.“ Robbe shook his head with a sigh. „Just text me, when I should be there and if I should get anytihing on the way. And tell your mom that I’m excited to see her again as well.“
„You adore us.“ Jens quickly stated before his attention was pulled away from his best friend.
Yasmina had just arrived back infront of her camera when Luca joined their chat and to everyone’s suprise there was a pretty blond girl next to her, seizing their whole attention,
She had stunning grey eyes, her nose pierced and both her arms tattooed in fine lined flowers. Her hair long and wavy and a bit wild as it covered her shoulders. She looked really good, Jens had to admit. A couple weeks earlier and them being at a party, and he definitely would have tried his luck.
„Ooh, you’ve got comapny? Gonna be a long night, huh?“ Zoë teased knowingly grinning at them, leaving Jens a bit lost at their non-verbal conersation, as everyone stared excited into their camera’s.
„Eh, hi, who are you?“ He asked, and immidiately the group started laughing. Only Moyo seemed to be on his side of utter confusion. Which wasn’t much of a relief, given he wasn’t the greatest resource of knowledge and gossip either within their circle. Even Robbe snorted, leaning his head back against Sander’s chest. His best friend was in on it apparently, as Jens lacked some vital piece of information.
„That’s Maxime duh. Just her girlfriend of two month.“ Noor pointed out incredulous, and as if to prove a point the couple in question faced each other giggling, only to present the chat with a passionate kiss, leaving no room for doubt or interpretation.
„Excuse me, what? I thought she dated a guy. Damn, my bad.“ Jens apologetically smiled, feeling silly now, remembering all the messages in the group. He was sure that he must have not read some of them. No girl had been mentioned...but then neither had been a boy, it dawned on him slowly. Always talking about a crush or date for the night. For sure the name must have come up, but Maxime became Maxim in his head without question.
„You should really start changing your heteronormative assumptions there, young man, now that the gays are taking over the group!“ Milan shouted overly excited and very much jokingly, as he winked into the camera. Yet still joined by enthuastic whoos and laughing from Robbe and Sander, and Luca and Maxime. Making Jens bite hard down on his lip, as he was willed to say things he couldn’t take back. And he was not prepared to come out to the entirety of his friends via a zoom call, only to defend his pride. That wasn’t quite the right reason for it, nor fair to Lucas.
He had to admit though that a girl on Luca’s side hadn’t crossed his mind even in the slightest, thus Milan wasn’t really far off with his statement. Back with Robbe he also strictly had believed his secret person to be a girl. Never once looking at all the signs that surely must have been there. All in all he apparently hadn’t changed much over the last year despite everything. Jens probably should work on that.
„Sorry! Honestly. It’s great to meet you, Maxime.“ He continued trying to make up for it. Also to get back to chat about anything else but dating really. Jens was saved by an angel called Jana taking control over the group, as she started a new game, once Luca had logged into the game and her crewmate character appeared in the lobby.
Fate truly was on his side today. 
Jens was an imposter this time and that would only mean one thing:
Robbe would be the first to die.
__ __ __
tagged: @odi-et-amo85, @tayspots
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Long-Distance Call- Part 3
Pairing: Dean x Reader
Word Count: 1,780
Warnings: Typical Supernatural violence, language, angst, blood, you know the usual
Author’s Note: I do not own anything from Supernatural. All credit goes to their respective owners. Any and all comments on these are appreciated. I really want to hear what you guys think about this one!
Feedback is the glue that holds my writing together.
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After you got back to the motel room, Sam and Dean rushed in not long after you. You blurted out what happened to you and the same thing happened to Dean with his dad. You didn’t know what this meant and you looked at Sam but nothing happened to him. You bit your lip and started to pace the floor as Dean did. Sam sighed and he sat at the table, watching you and his brother.
“Dad? You really think it was Dad?” He asked his brother first.
“I don’t know, maybe.”
“Well what did he sound like?”
“Like Oprah! Like Dad, he sounded like Dad, what do you think?” Dean snapped and Sam rolled his eyes.
“What did he say?”
“My name.”
“That’s it?”
“Call dropped out.” Dean sighed.
“Same thing happened to me.” You said and the brothers looked at you.
“Well, why would they ever call in the first place?” Sam asked, confused about this but slightly upset he didn’t get a call from his dad.
“I don't know, man. Why are ghosts calling anybody in this town? But, I mean, other people are hearing from their loved ones, why can't we? It's at least a possibility, right?” Dean asked, looking at you and you nodded. You knew this was weird but this was your mom calling you. There had to be a reason. Was she in danger? Were you?
“Yeah, I guess?” Sam sighed.
“Okay, so what if... what if it really is your dad and my mom? What happens if they call back?” You asked Sam with wide eyes.
“What do you mean?”
“What do we say?”
“Hello.” Sam shrugged.
“Hello?” You asked, dumbfounded.
“That’s what you come back with? Hello?
“Uhh…” Sam stuttered and Dean scoffed, grabbing his jacket and headed for the door. He left but you didn’t go after him. You bit your lip and sat on the bed, looking at Sam with worried eyes.
“What if it’s my mom?” You whispered.
“I don’t know if it is,” Sam said truthfully. “I mean, it could be but…”
“What do you mean? That was her, Sam. Her voice and everything. She suffers in Hell because of me. What if something bad happened to her or what if something bad is going to happen to me? What if she’s calling to warn me?”
“That is a possibility…” Sam sighed.
“It’s nothing else. It’s her and she’s trying to call out to me.” You sighed, laying on the bed, a million thoughts running through your mind. What would she want? Why would she be calling you? How could she be calling you? Maybe the number is out of date because it’s what spirits use to contact their loved ones. You didn’t know what to think. All you knew is that you had to be prepared for when she calls back and when Dean gets back from wherever he went.
Later that day, Dean did come back and by then, you had gone over every possibility over why your mom could have called you. You were still laying on the bed, staring at the ceiling while Sam typed away on his laptop. He stopped talking to you about what he was finding when he realized you weren’t actually listening to him.
“Find anything?” Dean asked Sam.
“After three hours I have found no reason why anything supernatural would be going on here.” Sam sighed. Dean looked over at you but you didn’t take your eyes off the ceiling.
“Well, you know, you’d think a Stanford education, a glass-is-half-full girl, and a high school hook up rate of zero point zero would produce better results than that.”
“Hilarious.” Sam rolled his eyes. Dean looked over at you and paused his conversation with his brother so he could focus on you.
“What’s up with her?” He asked, walking over to you.
“She’s been like that ever since you left.” Dean sat on the edge of the bed and put his hand on your leg.
“Sweetheart?” You slowly looked away from the ceiling and into Dean’s eyes. “You okay?”
“I’ve gone over every possibility for why my mom called me. None of them end well.” You sighed, sitting up.
“Well, I can’t answer that or why my dad called me but I know one thing for certain… You’re looking in the wrong places.” He directed his attention to Sam.
“And what are the right places, Dean?” Sam asked. Dean stood up and took out a pamphlet from his jacket pocket. He handed it to Sam with a smirk.
“Milan, Ohio. Birthplace of Thomas Edison.” Sam picked up the packet and leafed through it.
“Yeah, right. So what?”
“Keep reading.” Sam scoffed at this but does as he’s told. He sighed, not finding anything but then his eyebrows go up when he hit the jackpot.
“What is it?” You asked, noticing his reaction.
“You're kidding.” Sam said and Dean raised his eyebrows, smiling.
“What did you find?” You asked, moving to the edge of the bed, curious.
“Edison’s spirit phone. It’s used to contact the dead and it’s here in this town.” Sam said and you raised your eyebrows. Maybe this was actually your mom calling you then.
“Well, what are we waiting for? Let’s go.” You stood up and grabbed your jacket.
You got tickets for the next tour and a young female guide shepherds a tour throughout the place.
“And we're walking. And, here we have one of the museum's most unique and treasured possessions. Thomas Edison's spirit phone. Did you know that Mr. Edison, as well as being one of America's most beloved inventors, was also a devout occultist? Ooh!”
“What's with the quote-y fingers?” Dean whispered to you and Sam but the question was ignored.
“He spent years working on this, his final invention, which he was convinced could be used to communicate with the dead. Pretty spooky, huh?” The guide said with a smile, checking her watch. She motioned for the group to follow her but you, Sam and Dean stayed behind. Sam took out the EMF reader and held it over the spirit phone but nothing happened.
“Anything?” Dean asked, on the watch out for prying eyes.
“Nothing.” Sam sighed, putting away the EMF reader.
“What do you think of this?” Dean asked you and Sam.
“Honestly?” Sam answered. “It kinda looks like an old pile of junk to me.”
“It’s not even plugged in.” You said, needing this to be the real deal because then you could talk to your mom.
“Maybe it didn't work like that.” Sam shrugged.
“Okay. Maybe it's like a radio tower, broadcasting the dead all over town.” Dean speculated.
“Could be.”
“You know, this caller I.D. is 100 years old, right? Right around the time this thing was built.” You pondered.
“Yeah, but why would it all of a sudden start working now?” Sam asked.
“I don't know. But as long as the moldy are calling the freshers around here it's the best reason we've got.” Dean answered.
“Yeah, maybe.”
“So, maybe it’s really my mom. Maybe it’s really John.” You said hopefully but Sam didn’t share your enthusiasm. Sam sighed but didn’t say anything. You knew he didn’t believe any of this was real but you had to have hope that is was.
Later that night, you couldn’t sleep. Sam was sleeping like a baby in his bed but you were wide awake. You looked over at Dean to see his eyes open.
“Can’t sleep?” You whispered.
“No, my mind is racing.”
“Yeah, same. I just keep waiting for a call back but she doesn’t call at all. This is all I ever wanted, you know? To hear her voice and to speak to her. I don’t know what this means but it has to mean something, you know?”
“Yeah, I know.” Dean whispered.
“Look, if we’re going to stay awake all night, I’m going to get us some snacks from the vending machine.” You got up, taking your phone with you as you left the room. As soon as you did, your phone rang. Not looking at the caller ID, you answered it, hoping it was your mom.
“Is this really you?” You got tears.
“It’s really me, sweetie.” You let them fall at the end of her sentence.
“Mom, you have no idea how much I miss you. I’m so sorry.” You leaned against the wall and slid down it as your tears leaked out of your eyes.
“Why are you sorry?”
“I got you killed. It’s all my fault. You’re in Hell because of me and soon, Dean will.” You bit your lip to keep in your sobs.
“That’s why I’m calling. Look, I know what Dean did for you. Now, I’m not happy that he did it but what’s done is done.”
“What do you mean? Can you help him?” You hung onto her every word.
“I can’t personally but the demon that holds his contract is near you and you can kill him. That will break the deal. Dean won’t have to go to Hell. I know of an exorcism that will kill a demon.”
“What? Mom, that’s crazy. An exorcism can’t kill a demon.”
“This one can. And I also know this demon wants you but I’ll be damned if he gets to take my baby away.”
“Mom, I miss you so much.” You whispered.
“I know baby, I miss you too. It’s too late to save me so save Dean, okay?” You nodded even though she couldn't see you.
“Okay, what’s the exorcism?” You asked and she began to tell you. As soon as she was done giving everything you needed to know about the demon near you, the call got cut off.
“Mom?” You asked but no one was there to answer. You heard a door open and you looked to see Dean exit. He looked at you with his phone in his hand and you knew John called him. He sighed and closed the door, sitting next to you.
“Did she call you?” He asked.
“Yeah, she did. Dean, she says the demon who holds your contract is here. Like, here, here.”
“I know, my dad said the same thing to me.”
“She gave me an exorcism that will kill him and that will break your deal. We have to save you.” You pleaded with your eyes.
“I know, my dad told me the same thing. We should go to sleep and then tomorrow we can get ready for this.” He stood up and you nodded, taking his hand. You got up and walked back into the room where you finally could sleep.
Series Rewrite Junkies:
@helllonearth @deanwnchstr @caseykitten6 @quixoticcat @supernaturalblogging @notmoose45 @crowleysminion @mina22 @tahbehonest @oreosatmidnight @seninjakitey @flyonlittlewinchester @earthtokace @gingersnapped13 @superrandomnatural @my-wayward-heroes @stevetrevorstardis @supernaturallover2002 @teamfreewillsstuff @gucci-daddario @22sarah08 @gh0stgurl @put-my-favorite-record-on @rhiannonj79 @onlydeanandjensen @bloodyvoodoo @morgannope
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alainawriteswwe · 7 years
Pride and Prejudice and Wrestling – Part 2
Characters: Seth Rollins x Reader, Cesaro, Dean Ambrose
Summary: When a superstar Hollywood actress (The Reader), interacts with WWE Superstar Seth Rollins at Monday Night Raw, sparks fly. Can Rollins overcome his pride and convince the reader to take a chance on him when she’s still recovering from a nasty scandal caused by her cheating fiancé?
Warnings: Lots of flirting, angsty longing and maybe some bad words
Tags: @caramara3 @hardcorewwetrash
– Part 2: Now Don’t F*ck It Up
She was as sexy as she looked in her movies. Feisty too. That was a pleasant surprise. And Seth Freakin’ Rollins does not like surprises, unless I am doling them out at the end of a steel chair.
She could give as well as she could take with her cutting words and I liked that in a woman. She was strong and that made our interaction fun. A good adversary, one that is up to your level and causes you to challenge your plans and make better ones, is always hard to find.
It was obvious that she wanted me. She couldn’t hide that despite the fact that she’s a great actress with two Oscars on her mantlepiece. The body never lies. I saw the way she looked at me. The way her teeth scraped that plump bottom lip of hers in longing when she thought I didn’t see her looking.
And now I was looking forward to our next sparring match. There was no doubt in my mind that Sasha was going to convince our guest from tinseltown to hang with us after we left the arena. Most nights after a show, if we weren’t on the road immediately, people went out for a meal or to a club. If I wanted to be social, I went to a club on my own for a drink. If I was lucky, maybe I would not come back to my hotel room alone. But most nights it was going out to dinner with Cesaro or straight to my room to tweak my performance for the show and plot how I could be even better tomorrow.
But tonight, I was going out with the usual crew. Karaoke was the contest, bragging rights were on the line and it would be my pleasure to dish out some stinging comebacks to our Princess. Honestly, I couldn’t wait. But first, I had a show to do.
Monday night Raw started thirty minutes ago and the gorilla was a hive of people going to and fro. Promos and backstage segments were being filmed, superstars were being called for their turn in the squared circle. Professionals were working hard to give the WWE universe the best show possible.
It was one of the reasons I loved being here. Why I fought so hard and climbed over every obstacle to get to the main roster. It was all about being in that ring, man. Hearing the roar of the crowd and giving them everything you had. The chance to show your talent against the best in your field and to climb for that next championship.
Everyone thinks that because matches are, hmm, let’s say pre-determined, that putting a belt round your waist doesn’t mean much. That’s a lie. I scrap every night at house shows trying to show the people upstairs that the championship should be on me. That I can carry this company. And while I might not have a belt to sling over my shoulder right now, with a little focus, some great promos and a interesting angle, I know it is just a matter of time before I will be back in the title hunt. I just have to make sure I am ready. No distractions.
My Hollywood Princess, well, she is definitely a distraction. But a temporary one. Tomorrow, I will be leaving Miami for home, and little miss feisty will be going back to Hollywood to have people fawn over her. Oddly, the thought wasn’t as pleasing as I first thought it would be.
“Have you seen her?” Cesaro asked as he handed me a bottle of water backstage so I could wet my hair.
“You know. Our guest tonight. She is gorgeous. Much tinier in person than she appears on screen.”
“Man, you do know the movie screen makes her much bigger.” Cesaro rolled his eyes and sipped his pre-match pressed juice.
“Besides, I didn’t notice her that much.” I took the cap off the water, letting it fall down the back of my hair in a controlled fashion. I always took care to scrunch the ends with my hand to keep water flying everywhere like I was a dog coming out a bath.
“Don’t lie to me, Rollins. Everyone backstage is buzzing about your meeting with her earlier tonight.” The Swiss Cyborg paused. A grin filling his handsomely chiseled face. “Besides, I know your secret.”
I put the water bottle down. Daring my friend with a look that said he shouldn’t go further with this.
“You have a crush on her.” I tried to put my hand up in protest but Cesaro swatted it away.
“You can’t hide it from me Rollins. You always watch her movies if they are available on long haul flights, whether its some blockbuster space saga or romantic comedy or a historical drama. You talk about how great a actress she is all the time. You also read that scandal about her with great interest.”
I narrowed my eyes. Cesaro is fantastic, a great friend on the road but he could also be a little too accurate with his observations. He always had a opinion, Swiss neutrality be damned.
I put my hands on my hips in a defensive stance. “Enough about the scandal. I only paid attention because she was treated like crap and she didn’t deserve it.”
Cesaro considered this, then continued. “Ahh, protective.” He patted me on the shoulder. “Just make sure I get my wedding invite. I will need a custom suit made and I need to give my tailor in Milan advanced notice.”
Damn. Now Cesaro was teasing me. A good natured ribbing but still. I didn’t like it. Why was he pushing with this?
I shrugged. “It’s not like that. I just,” I sighed. “I know what its like to have your name, your reputation dragged in public.”
“Well maybe you could console her before you leave for Iowa and its beckoning cows. Give her advice.”
“I don’t have any good advice.”I hung my head. “I caused my scandals. She didn’t.”
I shuddered internally, like I do whenever I think about that time. The initial sex scandal almost ended my career as well as my engagement, but Hunter had been understanding while still being irate. I had caused the company embarrassment. Bad publicity. I had ruined the official website’s social media stream with my “leaked” nudes.
The dressing down was severe and in that one chilling moment, I saw my lifelong dream floating away. No, not floating. I was throwing it away. For a woman. Twelve years of hard work, injuries, and achievement put at risk over a beautiful girl.
Hunter chalked it up to being on the road. Being lonely and making poor decisions at midnight when inhibitions are low and consequences seem impossible.
But there were no excuses. I had been wrong. I cheated. I also thought I was in love. That the risks were worth it. But I just got burned. And I burned people I cared about. My now ex-fiancee, my mom. Even my dog Kevin who was now living between two homes. Losing him in the “divorce” was honestly the hardest.
No. Not true. Nothing was worse than having to explain this kind of scandal to the people you care about. To tell your mom who loves you dearly that this is not a clipping from a newspaper that she wants to put in the scrapbooks she has had of you since you were a kid.
“What are you guys talking about?”
I turned and saw her there. My Hollywood Princess. And now I suddenly realized why Cesaro asked if I had seen her.
To say she was gorgeous standing there in front of me was a understatement. She was wearing her outfit for our segment. It was my shirt. My Kingslayer shirt. Modified to make it as sexy as possible. The fitted t-shirt was now cropped to show off her extremely toned abs. It stretched teasingly across her breasts and fell off one shoulder which just made me want to touch her. How was it possible for her to make shoulders sexy?
She paired that with black leather leggings that seemed poured on to her long legs and a pair of silver high heeled sandals. Her wavy shoulder length hair was now super straight and all sleek and shiny. I wanted to grab it in my hands and pull her head back for a deep kiss. The makeup ladies had given her a real rock n roll look with her eye makeup. Smoky eyes, Sasha told me it was called once.
Suddenly I wanted to pull our guest into a private locker room and indulge in this thing simmering between us. Her wearing my shirt did something to me. Proved that somehow the universe was saying she was mine. I could feel my body begin to respond to her. Oh no, no, no. Not now. I needed to be professional now and I cannot go out to the ring with a hard on. Think of something, anything but her. Who won the main event of Mania in 1993, 2000, 2005, 2008, 2010.
Cesaro spoke up. “Are you ready to be a WWE Superstar?,” he asked her.
“Sure. If Seth can do it then anyone can.” She looked at me with the smuggest grin. Is that what I looked like when I did it?
Cesaro doubled over in laughter. “I like you,” he said to her between deep guffaws.
Then he slapped me on the back. “You’ve met your match, Rollins. It’s about time.”
“Yeah. Yeah.”
I turned to look at her one last time before she went through the curtain. She looked excited, but also anxious, and nervous. I wanted to give her a hug. Tell her to take a deep breath and enjoy it because it will be over in a blink of an eye.
Then her music hit. The generic music for all guests on Raw. I gently grabbed her shoulders, pushing her through the curtain. “Don’t f*ck it up, Princess.” Then she was gone.
I could kill him. But he had literally given me the push I needed. When the music hit, I panicked. I was going out there to be embraced or booed by the WWE universe. The moment I felt Seth’s strong hands embrace me and push me towards the curtain, I knew I had to buck up. Put on the mask of confidence I had developed as a actress.
The music was generic but the pop from the crowd was unexpected. There was loud cheering, whoops. I made my way down the ramp, strutting and waving at the crowd as images of me from my latest movie appeared on the screens flanking me on either side.
I approached the ring, being careful as I ducked under the ropes with my heels and then I was being interviewed on Miz TV. The segment went well. Miz and I got into it as he got upset that I did not consider him a true Hollywood A-lister. Then he disparaged my Seth shirt saying it was obvious I had poor taste if I was a fan of the Kingslayer.
Hit Seth’s music to a huge pop. He came down the ramp like he owned the place and strutted into the ring, taking The Miz down in a verbally blistering promo. I felt proud of him as he came to my aid, even if it was only in service of this feud.
When the Miz verbally dealt me a low blow with a reference to my recent scandal, Seth stepped forward to punch him but not before I could get there first, landing a punch with my fist on the A-lister’s perfectly square jaw. The Miz played it for all it was worth and it was suddenly a brawl as the Miz and his Miztourage started wailing on Seth while I got in a shouting match with Maryse.
And then Dean’s music hit and the arena erupted. He came out to support Seth and they started to wail on The Miz and his cronies, even though the numbers were not in their favor.
Maryse and I slid out of the ring, watching the fight with awe. Then, after the dust settled, The Miz challenged Seth and Dean to a handicap match for later in the show.
But that didn’t stop me taunting Maryse and her husband from the apron, which caused Seth to slide out the ring and sling me over his shoulder. He carried me up the ramp, his arms securing me by the back of my knees while I continued yelling at Maryse and The Miz. Dean followed behind us, taunting them as well.
When we got back through the curtain, Seth did not put me down. He looked at me from over his shoulder. “You know what, I think I enjoy throwing you over my shoulder and carrying you off.”
I just sighed. Could he see my annoyance when I was literally upside down? “Caveman instincts kicking in, huh.”
He gave that little hyena like cackle he was infamous for. “Something like that.” He paused a second. “You know, you did good out there, man.”
“Why do you say that? You’re always calling me, man.”
He shrugged his shoulders even though he was still holding me. “I don’t know. It’s just an expression I use.”
Even though he could not see it, I threw my bottom lip out in a pout. “Well I am not a man.”
“That is definitely true from where I am standing.”
He swatted my butt lightly with his hand. I should have been offended but secretly, well, I really liked it. What would it be like for him to continue doing that? A good and proper spanking with his large hands continually making contact with my ass?
I was going to interject, to complain about his manhandling of me, especially in a space that anyone could walk by, but he cut in.
“You are definitely not a man. You’re a Hollywood Princess. All spoiled and pampered. I bet you have two assistants who do your every bidding. They fetch you lattes, and listen to your every command.”
“Put me down!” I rained my fists on his back.
He chuckled. “As you wish Princess. I am sorry you have to be around such a uncouth servant.”
Seth began to put me on my feet, letting me slide slowly down the front of his body until I was staring up at him. I was kinda bereft that he had put me down even though I asked for it. I felt, well, secure in his arms all high in the air. It was a feeling I had not felt since childhood.
I looked up at him. He looked dangerous. His hair all wild, and wet, a wayward strand stuck to his cheek. His eyes were looking at my lips like they were the best temptation in the world. I wanted to lean up. To have him meet me half way by leaning down and kissing me. I licked my lips in anticipation greedily. I felt my chest rise and fall. My nipples tighten. My core heated, begging me to give it what it desired. Seth.
My hands were still on his chest. I was jealous he was still wearing his Burn It Down t-shirt. I wanted to feel him with no barrier between his skin and my hands. I knew what he would be like underneath that shirt. Hard muscles and sculpted abs that I could explore for hours with my fingers, my mouth and my tongue before dipping a bit lower.
I closed my eyes and parted my lips in anticipation of a kiss when Dean blew the moment by coming through the curtain. I stepped away from Seth who was still looking at me intently with soft brown eyes.
“Wow! That was great.” Dean cracked his knuckles and stretched his neck. Can’t wait for later.” He slapped Seth on the back. “We will give ‘em all a great match tonight.”
Then Dean looked at me. “You did great kid. A real natural out there. I wonder if you could actually wrestle, given the chance?”
I blushed at that. Me, wrestling with proper theme music, gimmick and outfits. Me as a “diva” cutting promos and pulling submission holds on Alexa Bliss for the belt. How wild would that be? But it would also be an insult to those women and all their hard work if I just rolled up one day and started wrestling for the hell of it.
“Oh I like the fight scenes in my movies, learning the fight choreography and stuff but that’s way different than being in a ring. I would worry I’d hurt someone.”
I looked at Seth who considered my words before speaking in a huff. “You should also be scared of getting hurt yourself.”
He grabbed a water bottle and set off to the back where a curtained area had been cordoned off for interviews. “Let’s go, Deano. We’ve got a promo to shoot with your wife.”
And then they were off. But I watched the interview and backstage vignette they filmed from a distance. It was funny and poignant as Dean still tried to confess to Seth that he didn’t care about him despite his actions to always have his back. That they were no longer brothers to the bone as Booker T called them.
The puppy dog look Seth gave the camera when he was rejected by Dean squeezed my heart even though I knew it was all an act for the cameras. I still wanted to go to him and make it better with a kiss or two or twenty. But like Dean, I was also guarding my heart from the Kingslayer.
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rhina988 · 7 years
Indecent Proposal - Chapter 1
I got an amazing request from @legolasothranduilion to start writing this story, and the idea was so incredible that I couldn’t deny it. I honestly hope you’ll like my interpretation of your vision, and that you (and the rest of you guys) will enjoy reading it. 
By the title itself you may figure out what the story is going to be about, but I won’t reveal anything juicy. :)
Feel free to comment, and leave feedback, and thanks for reading.
Melody’s POV
“These fucking reporters will seriously drive me crazy one day”, Jared said and tossed the tabloid across the yard.
“I told you not to go to that after party, but you just had to, didn’t you?” Emma bickered at Jared not looking away from her iPad. I swear this woman was a robot. And one of my idols for sure. She’s working 24/7, and Jared doesn’t even try to make it easy on her. 
“Don’t I deserve some fun? Can’t I relax the way I want to? No, because being a rock star and an actor, director and everything else I do just puts me under the spotlight that I don’t even want to be a part of” Jared was frustrated and started pacing across the yard. 
“Melody, would you please take care of the next week’s flights and hotels? I have to take care of this weeks errands” Emma asked me, still being all in her iPad.
“Of course, no problem” I said and immediately started browsing through available flights. Jared had to travel to New York, and later to Milan so I was helping Emma arrange everything. She hired me as her assistant almost a year ago, since she was too wrapped up with planning her wedding, and of course dealing with Jared’s job and life. She needed all the help she could get at the time. And now she got used to having me around, so I stuck around. Hopefully for a long time.
Jared wasn’t so pleased with that decision of hers at first, but since she really had too much stuff going on, he decided she could hire someone, but the final decision had to be unanimous. Which basically meant that he’s the one deciding who’s in and who’s out - as always. That man always had his way with everything. It’s either Jared’s way or the highway. 
“Melody...? What do you mean... Emma, are you even listening to what I’m saying? ” Jared started to freak out and raised his voice at Emma.
“I can’t take your drama right now Jared. I’m in over my head with work, and you are wining like a little girl. You made this mess, and I’ll fix it as always, just stop the drama. Please!” Emma said seriously and gave him a stern look.
“I’m not making any drama. I’m pissed for a reason. This is the third damn news this week, and they’re turning me into a freaking playboy. And I didn’t even kiss any of those girls, let alone something else. You know I hate these kind of shit.” Jared started hissing at Emma.
“If I said I’ll fix it, I’ll fix it” Emma raised her eyebrows and pointed her finger at him letting him know she’s serious.
“Fine. But why is Melody doing your work? She’s supposed to be doing small stuff you can’t do, not something so big as my flight. Do you want me to end up in Michigan instead of Milan?” Jared was determined to insult my competence, which he used every opportunity to do. 
He did like my resume, and he approved Emma’s choice to hire me, but he was never fond of me. I could tell. I just didn't know why. I was always quite and inconspicuous, I never gave him any reason to dislike me. Still, he was never pleased when I was around.
“Stop being an ass. She does her job flawlessly, and I completely trust her. You should start doing that too.” Emma defended me as every time before. She was wonderful and I loved working for her, even though technically I was working for Jared. Still, he never gave me any orders, so I just pretended I worked just for Emma.
“Whatever. How do you plan on fixing this?” Jared rolled his eyes and crossed his arms over his chest.
“Come with me” Emma said and started going inside “Melody, you can stay here. Finish the job and you’re free for today.”
“OK” I said and continued to look through flights.
Jared’s POV
“So, what do have up your sleeve Em?” I asked her and sat on the couch.
“You’re gonna get married, that’s what” Emma said with a straight face.
“Ha ha ha ha, that’s a good one. ” I said and laughed like crazy “Now, seriously. What’s the plan to get me out of this paparazzi, tabloid, mess?” I expected a serious answer this time.
“Did I stutter the first time? You’re going to get married.“ Emma said and raised her eyebrows at me. Not making any funny face. She was dead on serious.
“You’re joking right?” I started looking around “Did Shannon put you up to this? You’re pulling a practical joke on me, aren’t you? ” I said and looked at Emma still looking at me without a single frown on her face.”OK, you’re serious”.
I stood up and started walking through the living room.
“Look, it doesn’t have to be till death due you part. It can be a temporary solution. You’ll announce that you’ve actually been engaged for quite some time, and that these last reports were really hurting her so you decided to make it public. Even though you wanted to keep her as hidden as possible, this was the final drop and you decided to tell everyone you’ll marry her soon” Emma had this all figured out apparently. But I was still a bit dizzy from the whole idea.
I didn’t say a word, since I was trying to think this through, and I couldn’t even begin to imagine that solution of Emma’s.
“So? What do you think?” Emma asked and looked at me pacing through the room.
I sighed, and ran my fingers through my hair, putting my hand on my mouth and closing my eyes.
“I’m not sure... I guess it could be a good fix up... The rumors would stop for some time.” 
“They’d stop for good. Especially if you start going everywhere with your wife, instead with the guys. This way they couldn’t have anything on you.” Emma was trying to convince me to do it. 
“Yeah, I guess you’re right” I said and set next to Emma on the couch “But who should I ask to marry me... Well, fake marry me”
“No, no... the marriage will be legit. The city hall, party, everything.. It has to be real, otherwise nobody would believe you”
“I know that, but the two of us wouldn’t really be married at home, or anywhere else. For the public is one thing, but everything else would all be fake” I said and covered my eyes with my hands, taking a deep breath.
“Right.” Emma said and tapped my back trying to make me feel less stressed.
“So, we still have to find the bride. I can’t think of anyone that would actually do it.” I said and looked at Emma expecting her to have the solution, as always.
“I can” she said and wiggled her eyebrows “Melody.”
I immediately started laughing “Good one, Em“ I said and nodded, still smiling a bit “Seriously, who did you have in mind?” She didn’t say a word just smiled at me and leaned her head to the left. “You’re serious right now? Melody? Your assistant, and the last girl on Earth I would even consider dating, let alone marrying. Have you completely lost your mind?” I was baffled by her choice.
“Think about it, she’s the perfect pick. Quiet, nice, smart, hardworking, trustworthy, pretty, knows everything about you and your world, handles everything around here... Plus, she has no family, so she wouldn’t have to explain anything to anyone, which makes this plan even better and easier to work out. Who knows, you might even end up falling for her” Emma said and nudged me. 
“Yeah, right, like that would ever happen” I said and couldn’t believe what she just said “Wait, what do you mean has no family? I didn’t know that...” I said in shock.
“That’s because you were too busy trying to find her a flaw. And she doesn’t have any.”
“But, how do you even know she’ll accept the proposal. I mean, she clearly knows I’m not her biggest fan, so we’ll have to tell her everything, right?”
“Yes. We’ll keep her in the loop, that’s the only way you can execute the plan without a mistake. And if she doesn’t accept it just for the sake of helping you, we’ll offer her money. That she definitely won’t refuse.” Emma’s really a pro. I couldn’t believe she had everything thought through.
“Wow... This is just... ” I sighed and started to think about everything.
Was I really ready to make my first, and possibly only marriage, with someone I barely knew, let alone cared about? Were all those headlines worth this trouble? What if they figure out everything, and on top of that, I turn out to be a liar, which I am actually ready to be just by accepting Emma’s suggestion. But if the public finds out everything was a lie, my entire carrier could go down the drain. Not to mention my family, the band and my friends. What would they think of me? There’s simply too much at stake. But then again, Melody is kind of a real sweetheart sometimes, even though I don’t really like her that much. She does have the cutest smile, and that innocent look that sometimes makes me think that there are still pure, kind and honest people in this world. This is gonna be a tough decision to make.
Read Chapter 2 
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Hope you enjoyed it.
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