aeniqmata · 2 years
long shot, but if anyone has the contact info for the blogs @vacuumslugger-deactivated202209 or @milkteamedley-deactivated202209, can you make sure they are ok? I just noticed their stuff missing and wanted to make sure that they had a support in place if smth happened. 
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angelxblossoms · 2 years
Ah, they’re finally here. It’s been a long journey from Inazuma to Liyue Harbor by boat, but at least it was worth the trip. The only thing she wishes for is that there would be a space where she and Ayato can have more privacy, but alas, not much to be done considering the size of the boat.
Climbing off the boat with Ayato's assistance, Setsuka starts glancing around her surroundings, taking in the sights and the sounds around them. It looks like the citizens are more at ease now than when she came here, so that's good. Following behind them are the retainers employed by the Kamisato clan and Setsuka's personal attendants.
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"Hey, Setsu! Kamisato-dono!" A familiar voice called out.
Turning her attention to the source, she soon found herself immediately lifted off her feet, now in Yuta's arms, being spun around. Oh god, here we go again... It didn't take too long before the tall male stopping in place and curved his lips into a mischievous grin, making his way near the edge of the port.
"Yuta, what are you doing?" She asked, looking quite concerned.
He then scares her a bit by swinging his arms back and forth, making it look like he will toss her into the water. Flailing within his hold, Setsuka immediately squeals, not finding this humorous at all!
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"Ayato, stop him, please!" She cried out.
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supportingfire · 2 years
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                  the first time he leaves the teahouse, the sun feels warm on his skin. almost as warm as the smile ayaka gives him, the hug she bestows on him with a grateful laugh. if they both cry a little, they don’t say a word about it. she takes him and sayu for a meal, and thoma finds himself just looking at people as they walk by. he hadn’t even been a fugitive for long, but it still felt like a little too long to be cooped up in a place you were only meant to come and go from. she tells him all that’s happened since he went in hiding, how the decree is abolished and visions were being returned to their owners. thoma can feel his own at his hip, a warm comfort he can vividly remember almost losing...
                   the thought is stored away, for now. ayaka assures him her brother will be home, and after they finish their meal, they head back to the estate. the lady of the house is ushered away not long after, another retainer requiring her attention. they hug again, and thoma smiles after her. 
                  the urge to clean the estate as soon as he’s back is a hard one to ignore, but thankfully thoma’s mind is a little muddled all things considered. first, he wants to lay in his own bed. he wants to find ayato, too, tell the man what’s happened since he was gone and assure the young lord he’s alright. they haven't seen each other in weeks, after all. 
                 his quarters - a wing of the estate with his own bedroom, living area, and kitchenette - are lightly decorated. a few balloons, some streamers, but the most notable was ayato himself, sitting in the dining area while he sips at a tea cup. there’s a kettle in front of him, and a few tea cakes set out. 
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                 “...my lord?” thoma isn’t expecting to see him here, though he’s not at all displeased, “is this...for me?” // @milkteamedley​​
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anemxvisions · 2 years
@milkteamedley​ 💚 - like for a starter 
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The little ninja was up for once, legs swinging back and forth while she sat on the deck railing of the Kamisato estate. She seemed to be pondering something and indeed she was. Just Sayu’s luck the one she needed to ask this important question to arrived.
“Mister Ayato do you think sleeping is actually not making me grow taller?” She has been doing it for years and nothing, barely an inch from last year. Could all the sleeping be doing the opposite affect?
Crafty as Mister Ayato was he tend to never really lie all that much. Sayu could have asked Yae Miko but refrained.
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frxst-flxke · 2 years
❰❰ SUPPORT ❱❱ sender comforts receiver after a loss / traumatic event (did someone say the Kamisato siblings losing their parents)
(Did someone say break my HEART/lh)&
" Onii - chan , when are mommy and daddy coming home ? "
That had been her initial question . Ayaka , at first , was in blissful ignorance that maybe her parents had gone to somewhere nice , like a holiday . She knew her father was poorly and didn ' t understand why when he left ( later , she realised he had died ) , she would see her mother and big brother crying . When her mother ' s health started to deteriorate , she thought they had both left to get better ! Oh , the innocent minds of children ! Ayaka would wait for her mother to appear every night to read her a story , getting more and more upset when another maid appeared .
Why was her brother so upset ? She would see Ayato every now and again , rushing around in corridors and locking himself away in his room or daddy ' s office . She was told she was never allowed in there , so she was slightly jealous of Ayato . Every now and again , she would catch glimpses of her big brother , red eyes and tear stained cheeks . Ayato never cried ! That then made her ask the question . Parents disappearing and Ayato starting to cry ? Something bad had happened .
When she had first asked the question , she saw the way her big brother ' s face twisted in pain and grief before he tried to hide it . But Ayaka had seen . Her little hands grabbed Ayato ' s in fear and worry . " mommy and daddy . . . Are okay ? Onii - chan , say they ' re okay ! " Ayaka yelled , tears starting to fall from her once hopeful and happy eyes , tainting her cheeks as they made their way down . When Ayato explained they were now angels , she cried harder , shaking her head , heaving sobs leaving her trembling lips as she tried to focus on something else , anything else , but reality .
Suddenly , she wasn ' t so jealous of Ayato . Ayaka had never felt more alone than in that singular moment .
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cryoexorcist · 2 years
@milkteamedley​ | event starter
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“I still don’t understand the significance of leaving poems everywhere. Was that a game for the others to play to revisit history?”
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zorkaya-moved · 2 years
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“ You can say that I have experience with Fatui strategies. They haven’t changed since I left the region, it seems. They won’t attack again. The kid is also safe, so please, lower your weapon. I am not your enemy, I’ll drop my weapon as well if it’ll make you believe me. ”
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stcllariis-a · 2 years
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{ @milkteamedley liked for a starter! }
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     “do you always have ingredients for a milk tea drink on you? so you can make one whenever you want?” 
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ofwonderment · 2 years
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‘Big Bro Ayato’ this, ‘Big Bro Ayato’ that... She swore that their ‘fearsome’ leader was just an over-sized puppy dog instead of an oni... She watched from the tree as the two finally parted ways, there was a heavy roll of her eyes as jumped out of the tree.
“So, Commissioner, just what are your intentions? Why haven’t you just told him who you are already?” Was she being a little protective of her leader, probably, but it wouldn’t change things quickly.
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@milkteamedley​​ inquired: 10)  receiver sprained their ankle so sender sweeps them into their arms to carry them to get treated. (For Jean)
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Carrying Prompts—No Longer Accepting
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“Commissioner, really, I am alright. You do not need to—” Her words were caught off as the woman hissed at the pain stemming from her foot. She wasn’t even standing up and there was such pain… Nothing she couldn’t handle, of course, but quite the annoyance nonetheless. Plus, it meant she wouldn’t be able to walk on her own for the time being lest she make the wound even worse. 
She needed someone to carry her, but that didn’t mean she wanted anyone to. Especially not someone who had their own matters to tend to. Jean understood that sometimes one had to rely on others, but that didn’t mean she usually embraced that truth. Even at home in Mondstadt, she would shut herself in her office and work day in and day out on paperwork without allowing anyone else to help her. Perhaps that was her greatest struggle. 
With that thought in mind, Jean sighed and stopped struggling. How embarrassing...but necessary, she supposed. “I apologize for being an inconvenience to you, but I do appreciate your assistance. Thank you.”
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angelxblossoms · 2 years
Starter for @milkteamedley
Tsubaki, Setsuka's mother, extended an invitation to her and Ayato for a family event at the Fujisaki estate to celebrate their upcoming union since it was overdue due to their schedules. Luckily, Ayato's responsibilities as Yashiro Commissioner have been slowing down, granting them an opportunity to go visit her family for the time being.
They would only be staying there for a few days since there will be moments when unpredictable situations will arise, but at least they'll be closer to the Tri-Commissions.
As soon they first stepped onto the grounds of the esteemed estate, a tall male was waiting for them, or Setsuka. He looked so familiar to her, but she couldn't place her finger on it...
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"Setsu!" He called out.
He soon ran over to the young missus, quickly picking her up in his arms, and spun her around as he let out a jovial laugh.
Surprised at the sudden motion, she immediately clung to him to prevent herself from falling before he slowly stopped as a happy-go-lucky grin appeared on his face.
"Yuta...?" She calls out.
"That's right. It's been a long time, Setsu." He grinned.
Setsuka honestly couldn't believe that she was seeing her older brother figure here, right now, since he's been living in Liyue for a couple of years now, so she was definitely caught off guard by his sudden appearance.
Immediately noticing Ayato, Yuta placed Setsuka back down on her feet in front of him before politely lowering his head.
"Nice to meet you, Kamisato-dono. I am Akechi Yuta, Misako's nephew and Setsu's close confidant." He introduced.
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anemxvisions · 2 years
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“No fair! I wanted a boba tea to!”
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melatoninburst · 2 years
preestablished: accepting
FRIENDS.   childhood friends  /  work friends  /  family friends  /  recently friends  /  turning antagonistic  /  turning into something romantic  /  stable  /  falling apart  /  friendship of need  /  friendship of circumstance  pen - pals or internet friends  /  coworkers  /  partners  /  other . ( I can see Ayato and Shanice having a relationship where he’d be one of the rare few she’d indulge in intellectual conversation with! Other than that, I can see her trying to be drinking buddies with him or her attitude providing him amusement - )
ROMANCE.   childhood sweethearts  /  newly entered  /  soulmates  /  skinny love  /  unrequited from my muses side  /  unrequited from your muses side  /  friends with benefits  /  awkward  /  fading  /  turning  toxic  /  toxic  and  destructive  /  other . 
FAMILIAL BOND.   sibling bond  /  older sibling figure to your muse  /  younger sibling figure to your muse  /  parental figure to your muse  /  parental figure to your muse  /  guardian figure  /  legal  guardian  /  other . ( a family sort of thing, where they’d absolutely not allow anyone else to be half as dry with them as they are but are constantly arguing like siblings?. )
ENEMIES.   dangerous to themselves  /  dangerous to others  /  unpredictable  /  passionate  /  rivals  /  petty  /  developing into a sexual tension  /  developing into a romantic tension  /  based off family matters  /  based of circumstance  /  based of professional matters  /  based of misunderstandings or lies  /  other . ( I think there’d certainly be some conflicts on interests between them leading to harsh words or passive aggressive actions maybe? )
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arkhein-steorra · 2 years
@milkteamedley​ like for a starter. || Status: Not Accepting
“Ah, my lord! A pleasure to see you!” Thoma said, cheer heavy in his voice as he hoped it didn’t give away any of the nervousness he felt. Naturally he knew it was mostly undo but he couldn’t help himself.
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“I’m sorry to bother you,” but, “I have a favor I must ask of you.”
Could he really call it such? He wasn’t entirely sure but now that the words had left his mouth there was no doing it over so he purposefully wasted no more energy worrying over it.
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inyvat · 2 years
[ BESIDE ]:          sender sits next to the troubled receiver at a social event so that they don’t have to feel alone.
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"Ayato…" Lumine looked over at Ayaka's older brother who had just sat down next to her. She gave him a smile thaat didn't reach her eyes and looked out.
"I'm sorry. Am I bringing the party down?" she asked. "I don't mean to. It's kind of hard for me to be happy right now." But she didn't get up and move away. She stayed there and watched the how the moonlight played with everything. It was pretty, she couldn't deny that.
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fireshot · 2 years
@milkteamedley​​        (birthday starter call)  
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“A-Ayato  ...    you  remembered  my  birthday?”        she  hadn’t  expected  that  ..  being  the  busy  man  that  he  was  --    it  didn’t  seem  likely    yet...  here  he  was!!!        
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