hxney-lemcn · 4 years
Ooof i feel bad for asking but ummm can we get more Millard x reader ( reader can control color and loves painting)( I understand if you are tired of writing him so no worries) love you’re work ❤️❤️❤️
Summery: Reader uses their skill to create a painting for Millard.
tw: None
a/n: Don’t be afraid to request! I’m glad you did! I love Millard and I don’t think I could get tired of writing for him. I hope you enjoy!
wc: 0.6k
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“Millard?” I called out hesitantly. He was standing in front of the mirror in his room and I knew what was running through his mind. His hat swiveled to me, letting me know I had his attention.
“(Y-y/n)!” Millard exclaimed with surprise. “W-wha, I-I was uh.” I walked into his room and stood beside him and placed my hand on his shoulder.
“Don’t worry Mill,” I smiled sadly. “I understand.” 
I heard him let out a sigh, “D-do...could you...” I nodded my head. I stood behind Millard and put my hands on both of his shoulders. I closed my eyes and imagined how I think Millard would look. Short curly brown hair, hazel eyes, some freckles on his cheeks. I opened my eyes and there stood a colored Millard who gaped at his appearance. He touched his skin softly in disbelief. 
I painted this memory in my head to use for later reference. Millard smiled as tears filled his eyes. Slowly his image disappeared and he once again was invisible. I rubbed his back slowly hoping that it helped. 
“Thank you,” He whispered.
“Anything for you Millard,” I replied with a sweet smile. Once Millard was okay I went to my room. I got out a blank canvas Miss Peregrine was able to get me. I got out my paints and placed everything on/around the easel. 
With swift strokes I was lost in my world of art. I wanted to make this perfect, it is for Millard after all. I made sure to recreate the scene from earlier, taking time to get every detail right. 
*Knock knock*
I ignored the sound and continued painting. I wanted to finished this soon because I couldn’t wait to see how Millard would react.
The person was getting impatient and I just let out a sigh.
“What?!” I shouted.
“It’s dinner time!” An angry Enoch replied. I let out a sigh and put away my art supplies, making  sure to clean accordingly. 
It took a few days to finish the painting. Once I was done I made sure to hide it. I went to find Millard but he was no where to be found.
“Last I checked Millard was studying the pigs,” Emma spoke up. I smiled at her and nodded. I made my way down to the village, waving to people who passed me. I got to the pigs and looked around. Millard was an excellent hider, but I was a better at making him reveal himself.
“I wonder where Millard could be,” I said dramatically. “I wanted to give him a present but if I can’t find him I guess Olive would appreciate it.” 
“Present?” I heard Millard ask to my left. I let out a giggle and nodded. 
“C’mon,” I gestured him to follow me as I started to walk back to the house. 
We walked in silence, in fact the only way I knew he was with me was due to the fact that he was holding my hand. Something that wasn’t unusual for us to do. We were close friends but our bond was definitely stronger than that. 
Once the house was in view I started to run, dragging the poor boy behind me. We got to my room and I made him sit on my bed.
“Are you ready Mill?” I asked with a giant grin. 
“The most ready I’ve ever been,” He replied with what I imagined him to be smiling as well. I grabbed the painting that was in my closet. I turned around and showed him what I created. There was a deafening silence before I was embraced. I hugged back, being careful of the painting. “Thank you,” Millard whispered into my ear.
“Of course,” I whispered back. The painting contained Millard and I, both with loving smiles. Millard pulled away slowly and carefully grabbed the canvas. 
“I’m going to keep this safe and cherish it with my entire being,” He said gratefully. 
“Not as much as I cherish you!”
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hxney-lemcn · 4 years
Unbelievable — Millard Nullings x gn! reader
Summery: Set after the events of the books, Millard needs a place to stay, and Jacob knows just who to ask.
tw: None
a/n: Modern AU! Book version!
wc: 1k
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I laid on my couch. Jacobs disappearance still buzzing in the back of my head. He was my cousin and he was the only cool one in the family. I was incredibly worried about him and I refused to believe that he was dead...I mean he just couldn't be!
*Ring ring*
I looked down at my phone and the ID that showed made my heart drop down to the pit of my stomach. Jacob Portman was currently calling me. I sat up urgently and fumbled for my phone pressing the accept button.
"J-Jacob?!" I exclaimed out my eyes watering.
"Heeeeeeey (y/n)," He spoke out awkwardly. "How've ya been?"
"That's the first thing you have to say to me after you disappeared?" I shouted, some tears falling down my cheeks. "I was so scared."
"I'm sorry about that (y/n)," He breathed out, he sounded truly sorry. "I didn't mean to scare you all like that. But I'm here now...I also have a favor to ask you."
I stayed silent trying to comprehend what the hell was going on.
"Uh...please don't be mad," He started. "But do you think my friend could stay with you?"
"..." I had no words for how angry I felt at that moment. Did he even know how terrified and sad I felt when he was gone? And now he's just asking for a favor like nothing happened.
"N-now before you -"
"Jacob Portman," I growled out. "You have no clue what you put me through and then you have the audacity to ask me for something like nothing ever happened."
"I really am sorry (y/n)," He pleaded. "But this is a big deal and my friend really needs a place to stay...but lets just say he wouldn't be accepted anywhere and I know how nice you are."
I let out a sigh, "Fine but only because I love you."
"Thank you!" He exclaimed out. "I'll make it up to you I swear!"
"When is your friend going to be here?" I asked out.
Yet the other side was silent.
"...Jacob," I whined out knowing his silence wasn't good.
"We may be outside your door right now..." Jacob trailed off.
I stood up and pulled up my pants and smoothed out my shirt. I definitely wasn't ready for a person to come over at the moment. I tossed on a hoodie and made my way to the front door. Brushing my fingers through my hair I opened the door. Yet I was confused because I only saw Jacob standing there holding a suitcase.
He smiled shyly and waved a bit, "Hey."
I glared at him, "Well, where's your friend?" Jacob looked to his side at nothing and nodded his head.
"Hello, I'm Millard Nulling, at your service ma'am," Someone said. Someone who wasn't visible.  Someone who had no light reflecting off of them, or maybe the light passed through them? Yet I know that that's not possible. Th-this has to be sort of joke.
"He's invisible," Jacob chimed in.
"Is this a prank?" I asked crossing my arms. "Are you trying to become one of those stupid prank channels that are always clearly fake?"
He glared at me, "No this is real, I thought you would be more accepting."
"Wha!" I exclaimed. "Are you trying to guilt me now?! You do know that invisible people aren't exactly the norm so you must understand my disbelief!"
"I'm sorry to have disturbed you miss," Millard the invisible boy apologized. I felt bad for how I treated him and let out a sigh.
"I'm sorry if I offended you Millard," I apologized. "And please, call me (y/n)." Opening the door wider I invited the two boys into my house.
"Do you live here alone?" Millard asked.
"Yeah, my parents got me my own apartment cause I was apparently too much of a bother," I explained shrugging.
"You'll sleep in the guest bedroom," I said pointing out a door to my left. It opened, letting me know this was all real and happening.
"Thank you," He thanked taking the suitcase from Jacob. "You're very kind to house someone like me." I felt my heart crush at how he must feel so alienated in a world like ours. Jacob was right, Millard wouldn't be accepted anywhere, anywhere but here. I will make sure Millard felt like he belonged here and this was a true home.
"I have to get going now," Jacob said. "My parents don't like me being out of their eyesight much anymore."
"I wonder why," I stated sarcastically. "I'm glad your back and safe," I spoke softly pulling him into a big hug. He hugged back and then left after. I turned around facing the room which I think Millard still was in.
"Well Millard," I smiled. "Would you like a tour?"
"Of course!" He exclaimed. "Do you think it could wait a moment though? I should get changed first."
"Oh...OH!" I realized what that meant and felt my cheeks warm up. "U-uh yeah," I stuttered looking away from the room and closing the door. So I have been talking to him while he was nude this entire time, great. After a few seconds the door opened and there stood floating clothes. Old fashioned clothes. Very old fashion.
"I'm ready," Millard said slightly breathlessly.
"Well then follow me and I'll show you around," I smiled. I walked around the big apartment showing him the different rooms. I ended the tour with, "Welcome to your home Millard."
"My...home," Millard repeated.
"You are living here now so this place is yours as much as it is mine," I grinned opening my arms out. "Now how about a hug?" I noticed the shoulders of his jacket tensed and I didn't want to seem too pushy. I let my arms fall slightly but Millard was quick to take the hug that I offered him. He was still tense and awkward but the hug was sweet none the less. We pulled away and a sudden question filled my mind.
"How did you and Jacob meet? And do you know where he disappeared off to?" I asked moving to sit on the couch with Millard sitting next to me.
"Well it's a long and unbelievable story," Millard stated.
"I think I could believe anything you tell me," I laughed. "Plus I got time."
That started Millard's truly unbelievable story, and I believed every word he told me.
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hxney-lemcn · 4 years
Midnight Confessions — Millard Nullings x gn! reader
Summery: Reader has a nightmare and Millard comforts them.
tw: Mentions of death and nightmares BUT IT’S FLUFFY I SWEAR
wc: 2k
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I was one of Miss Peregrine's oldest wards. Yes, even older than Enoch. In fact we were quiet alike in many aspects, yet very different at the same time. My peculiarity was nicknamed the touch of death. Which was pretty spot on with what would happen. I touch anything living and their life would slowly drain away. So from neck to toe I wore clothing that covered me so I wouldn't accidently hurt someone.
How did I relate to Enoch? You may ask due to the fact that our peculiarities are quite different, one bringing life and the other bringing death. Well simply put our attitudes. Except I was much more nice to the others. In fact the others loved me. Well they thought of me as their downer friend but loved me anyways. Which in return made me love them 10x more than they could ever imagine. I was grateful for Miss Peregrine bringing me under her wing. The other ymbryne's thought of me as a hassle so Miss P took it as her initiative to prove them wrong. I  would do anything for her and the other children.
I was sitting in the library reading a book I quite enjoyed. That being Frankenstein by Mary Shelly. Yet the distracting sounds of children screaming right outside of the door. I became slightly irked and stood up opening the library doors. There stood Enoch, Olive and Claire. Of course.
"Please be quiet," I said outload notifying them of my appearance. "I can't even hear myself losing the will to live."
The two girls who were hugging each other turned to hug me making me panic. But I calmed down when I remember that my long dress stopped them from my curse of a peculiarity. I looked at Enoch and gave him a dead stare.
"What did you do this time?" I drawled patting the scared girls heads, thankful for my gloves I had to wear.
"I was makin sure they don't steal my homunculi again," Enoch replied with a scowl.
I let out a sigh, "Girls don't steal things that aren't yours." I then returned to look at the slightly chubby boy once more, "And Enoch, don't be so harsh on them, they may be old but their minds aren't."
"They need to grow up," He said slightly spitting.
"You interrupt my reading one more time, this book will become a lethal weapon," I threatened Enoch tapping my book to his chest.
"You could kill me in simpler ways," I heard him mumble but decided to ignore it. Enoch walked off and I focused my attention on the two girls still wrapped in my arms.
"Go on you two," I sighed out letting go of them and patting their backs. "Go have some fun outside, play with Emma or something." They gave me one last hug before running off the opposite direction of Enoch. Before I could enter the library once more someone stopped me.
"Ah, (y/n)!" The familiar voice of Millard exclaimed. "How are you on this fine evening?"
"The same as every other day," I shrugged sitting once again wanting to just go back to reading.
"Frankenstein," Millard mumbled out. "A wonderful classic." This has been going on for days...or well you know. Millard has been staying by my side like a puppy and would try to talk about anything and everything. It was unusual since I was the only person he would act this way towards. It seemed like he wanted to get to know me better yet didn't know exactly how to do it. I found it endearing and entertaining. Sometimes it got annoying though.
"One of my favorites," I replied knowing that I didn't have the heart to ignore him.
"What would you say your taste in books is?" He asked out. My who let him be so adorable. I felt a tiny smile make its way onto my face.
I shrugged, "I enjoy fiction, mostly fantasy. Dark fantasy to be more specific." Millard then proceeded to give me a few recommendations which lead to large summary's and then him fawning over books he adored. I didn't mind. I liked listening to him talk about something he enjoyed. It was even better than reading and that's saying something. It went on like this till dinner. Which lead to our bed time.
Yet I had trouble sleeping. A nightmare that has haunted me for a long time came back and it was not pleasant in the slightest.
I was wearing the usual blouse and skirt that most women wore in the days I was a child. This damn day. I can remember it so vividly. The sun shining beautifully, telling me how even on the best of days, the worst of things can happen. Then the scene changed, same day except I was inside the small apartment my family lived in. The sun poured into the house like liquid gold. It poured over me and my older sister, who stared at me with dead eyes. Dead cold eyes. I felt water rush out of my eyes as I tried to let go of her but her cold dead hands were wrapped around me, not letting go. I let out chocked sobs as she spoke to me.
"Look at what you've done (y/n)," She groaned out. "This was all your fault."
"I-I'm so sorry," I cried out. "I didn't mean to! I didn't know!"
Instead of replying she squeezed me. Squeezed me till it felt like my body was about to burst. I let out a scream and suddenly I was awake.
A gasp escaped my lips as I sat up in my bed. I felt tears cascade down my cheeks. That awful memory resurfaced as I thought about what actually happened.  I tried to cry as quietly as I felt my body shake. I still wasn't over what happened, how I fist found out about my peculiar 'talent', and I don't think I'll ever get over it. At this moment I just wanted to have someone comfort me, yet that seemed impossible. I didn't want to bother anyone plus what if I hurt them? I don't want that to happen. I left my room quietly as my cries died down. The original place I wanted to go to was the kitchen but my body brought me outside of Millard's door.
I guess I saw him as someone I could go to. Someone I could be vulnerable in front of even if I haven't before. The way he made me feel accepted and wanted was something I haven't truly felt since my sister's death. I hesitantly knocked on his door and waited for a response, if I would even get any. It was very late at the moment. Yet I heard grumbling and the door creaked open. Surprisingly he was clothed in pajamas.
"(Y/n)?" Millard asked with a groggy voice. "What's the matter? Were you crying?!" I crossed my arms and looked down at the ground suddenly feeling self conscious.
"I-uhm," I stuttered out suddenly regretting my decision. "N-nevermind, I shouldn't have bothered you." I went to turn around but Millard stopped me before I could leave. He pulled me gently into his room. He sat me on his bed and sat next to me. He wrapped an arm around my shoulders and kept me in a side hug.
"Y-you don't have to tell me, but know that you can always come to me for anything," Millard said seriously.
"Thank you," I mumbled resting my head on his clothed shoulder. This felt so right and I felt myself calm significantly. It was silent for awhile before I broke it, "I had a nightmare."
Millard stayed quiet which urged me to continue. "It...it was about how I found out about my peculiarity." I never told anyone. Only Miss P knew and the previous ymbryne I was with which was Miss Glassbill. I felt him tense, probably sensing that this was in no way good, not like he thought anything that made me cry would be good.
"I was with my sister," I started. "I got cut and she was bandaging it. There was no way I could've stopped what happened next. I had no clue I was peculiar or that I would be able to hurt people with just my touch." I felt my eyes water once more and it was hard for me to get out the rest of the story. Millard rubbed my arm soothingly and I took deep breaths and continued.
"I didn't notice that she was becoming pale. All I knew at that moment was that I felt the most energized I ever had been. It was too late when I realized what was happening. She died right of me and I'm the one who killed her," I felt my chest tighten and I covered my face with my hands. "It's all my fault Millard and I can never forgive myself for what I did!"
"Don't say that," Millard whispered out. "I'm sure your sister doesn't think that, she wouldn't want you to blame yourself. You had no clue the power you held and there was no way you could've guessed. I'm sure your sister is watching over you wanting you to move on and remember only the good memories."  
I felt so many emotions. It all came pouring down. Sadness, revelation, love, forgiveness. I felt so grateful for Millard at the moment.
"Thank you Millard," I cried hugging him strongly. "Thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you."
"I'd do anything for you," Millard said sincerely and tenderly making my heart beat irregularly. "I love you so much."
An overwhelming feeling of shock coursed through me. Which doubled when I felt his hand touch my cheek. I could feel myself absorbing his life force and I gasped out a nearly silent 'no'. I took his hand off my cheek as quickly as I could and I heard him gasp out in relief. I felt panicked as I heard him slightly pant.
"Are you okay Mill?" I asked  out hoping he was fine.
"I-I'm sorry about that," He breathed out.
"I'm the one who should be sorry," I replied covering the cheek that he previously held.
"You shouldn't be sorry about your peculiar," Millard spoke out.
"But it just hurts people I love," I argued.
"You just need to practice, I'm sure there's a way for you to control your ability," Millard explained very scholarly like. "And if I heard you right, its safe to assume that you love me back."
I felt my cheeks redden and I replied, "Y-yeah. I do love you Millard." I felt exhaustion overcome me as the need for sleep became abundant. I was about to stand up but Millard once again kept me in place.
"Stay the night?" He asked nervously.
"O-okay," I stuttered out. We laid down on his bed facing each other. I felt myself relax and my eyes closed sleepily. I felt a sudden peace hit me, like my sister was happy I was okay. I forgave myself for what I did to my sister, knowing she wouldn't want me to be so upset over it. I felt like I was on top of the world and nothing could pull me down. I knew it was dangerous but I wasn't thinking my next move through. I leaned forward slightly and gently placed my lips onto Millard's. He kissed back almost immediately and the astonishing part was that he was perfectly fine during and after. No life sucking out of him, no dying. I touched him and he was completely fine.
"Wow," Millard breathed out. I finally felt comfortable with my peculiar ability all thanks to Millard. I think I was able to subdue my ability due to strong emotions. It kind of explains the reason why my ability came when I was hurt, as a defense mechanism. I haven't touched someone after that (until Millard touched my cheek) but I also think that since I was so scared my ability was constantly 'on'. When Millard made me feel accepted and loved, that was when it turned 'off'.
Millard wrapped his arm around my waist and we slowly fell asleep. I felt the best that I have in centuries.
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hxney-lemcn · 4 years
Is This Love? (Pt. 1) — Millard Nullings x fem! reader
Summery: Reader’s friends mistreats her.
tw: None
wc: 1.1k
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I looked over to my friend Ashley. It was my 16th birthday today and it was a total bummer. My mom thought it would be rad if I had a party. What she didn't account was the fact that I only really have one. So it was mostly just family that I didn't care about.
"Yo, home skillet," I called out gaining her attention. "I wish we could bounce out of here."
"It's not that bad," She replied rolling her eyes. Her long auburn hair crimped to the max. Her green eyes held amusement and I could tell she was having some fun watching my family interact. "Plus you only get to turn 16 once."
With a slight pout I responded, "I mean yeah, but that can be said about any age you turn. Why is 16 so important?"
"Oh come on," She groaned at my pessimism. "Just think of the gifts you could get! Maybe you got a computer, how fly would that be!" The thought of getting one of the newest technologies would be hella rad, she was right about that. So I shifted my (e/c) eyes over to the table that currently held all of my presents. None seemed big enough for that and my slight shimmer of hope immediately vanished.
"No way Ash, just look at how small they all are," I said gesturing towards the pile.
"Whatever," With that said, the conversation was over. So I resided to just watching my little annoying rats of cousins argue over nonsense. I wish I could just go to my room, maybe watch Edward Scissorhands again. I let out a sigh as I stood up. I was just about to slip into the nothingness to get away from everyone before my mom stopped me.
"Where do you think you're going?" She asked crossing her arms.
Not even bothering to lie I told her, "to my room, duh."
"Well it's time for you to open your presents," She said pushing me towards the living room. I sat on the ground as everyone took seats around me, they seemed more excited about this than me. One by one I opened all the gifts. The best one by far was from my rich uncle. He got me BMW M3, it looked hella nice. The worst gift I got was from my grandma who got me a calendar for this year. I don't really need a second calendar of 1994.
Ashley took a seat next to me and smirked, "Not too bad of a haul now is it?"
"No," I mumbled standing up trying to conceal my smile. My family left slowly leaving my mom, Ashley and I to be in the house. "Wanna watch a movie? My mom rented Jurassic Park."
"Definitely," She grinned at me exposing her white teeth. I grinned back and we entered my room. Band posters (mostly Nirvana) hung in my room along with full body mirror in the corner. She jumped onto my huge queen sized bed as I put the VHS tape into the player. I laid down next to her as we began talking again.
"I still can't believe Rich would flirt with Jessica Z," Ash told me with a huge frown.
"Kick him to the curb girl, he doesn't deserve you," I said with a glare. Who could hurt her like that? She was so kind and trusting, not to mention pretty.
Ash sighed like I was a child who would never understand, "You don't get it (n/n), he's the one! He just doesn't know what he's doing."
"Mhmm," I hummed showing her I was still unconvinced.
"Well when are you gonna get a boyfriend huh?" She asked raising an eyebrow. "Y'know I heard that Austin may have a major crush on you."
I felt my cheeks heat up a bit at the thought of someone liking me in that way yet shook the feeling away, "I want to take my time, I don't need a guy."
"C'mon, loosen up a bit," Ash whined clinging onto me. "You don't need to be looking for a soulmate right away, you can just date someone for fun."
"But Ash I want to make my decision carefully," I countered. "I don't want to be dating guys just willy nilly. Plus look at me! I'm not too sure how many guys would like me."
"As if!" She exclaimed loudly. "I'm surprised all the guys aren't bowing down to you!"
I rolled my eyes, "Plus I have standards too."
A smirk formed over her face, her eyes looking a bit too mischievous for my liking, "And what would those be?"
"I think pretty boys are cuter for one," I started. "I'm more for personality though. I would want a guy who is sweet but we could have playful banter. A perfect example of my dream man is Luke Skywalker."
She burst into laughter when the name Luke Skywalker fell from my lips. "You mean that guy from Star Wars?" Ash exclaimed still laughing. "You're a total dork!" I felt myself blushing once again, this time from embarrassment.
"O-oh come on," I slightly stuttered. "lots of people like Star Wars."
"Yeah, nerds!" She said still lightly giggling. "Maybe you are hopeless." That statement seemed slightly ironic to me since the first movie was called 'A New Hope'.
"Whatever," I mumbled crossing my arms.
"Don't worry (y/n)," Ash said placing a hand on my shoulder. "I'm sure I can still find someone for you." I quickly looked at her in confusion.
"What do you mean by that?" I asked in confusion. "All the guys at school a bunch of scrubs."
"Not all of them," She spoke out in mystery. She better not do something I'll regret. "Now come one the movie is getting to the good part!"
I turned my attention back to the screen. Alan, Tim and Lex were all in the tree petting the Brontosaurus or whatever they're called. It was truly a magical scene. Yet I couldn't completely focus on the movie. The scenario of Ashley trying to get me with a guy was playing in my head...and let me tell you it never ended well. I kept fiddling with my hands as I could feel anxiety consume me. My hands started to feel chilly so I looked down only to see black. I could feel my fingers moving but there was nothing there. I started to freak out even more. Ashley looked at me with concern.
"(Y/n)?" She asked out somewhat cautiously. "What's wrong?" I looked down at my hands once more, her following my line of sight. Yet my hands were normal. What the hell happened? I could've sworn they were gone. Maybe I was just imagining it? Yeah that makes sense.
"(Y/n)!" Ash shouted taking me out of my stupor.
"O-Oh!" I responded. "N-nothing, I-uh. Yeah i-it's nothing."
She gave me a disbelieving look but nodded anyways. I let out a small sigh to try and calm myself down further. "Okay, just don't bug out on me again," She said somewhat softly.
"I'll try," I responded sounding more grounded than before.
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hxney-lemcn · 4 years
Is This Love? (Pt. 6)
Summery: Reader finds out more about herself and finds out a slightly twisted tradition.
tw: Slight cursing
wc: 1.3k
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"Let's start with why you are here," Miss P said with a gentle smile. "Miss (l/n), you are a peculiar." When she said that all I could feel was a whole lot of confusion. Was that supposed to be an insult? "A peculiar is not like the common person," She continued. "They can do something that others can not, for example Emma Bloom. She is able to conjure fire and use it at her will."
Wait a minute. So that light from the cairn (I learned from Emma that is what that cave thing was called) was Emma. So that means I'm not the only one with a power which I guess would make sense.
"S-so what exactly is my...peculiar then miss?" I asked excitedly hoping she knew herself.
Amusement was shown in her birdlike eyes as she told me, "You miss (l/n), are an umbrakinesis. The ability to generate and manipulate shadows." whoah. Okay so that explains the hand disappearing into the inky black...but not exactly the teleporting.
"Some of the abilities your peculiarity can hold are shadow travel, becoming invisible by covering oneself in shadows, seeing well in the dark, form any weapon, absorbing shadows and much more," Miss Peregrine explained. Okay so that's hella rad. "In order for us peculiar's to stay safe we live in loops. Reliving the same day over and over again," She started slowly. Okay wait what? So I'm in a loop which is the same day over again...what day is it than?
"What day is it than?" I asked curiously.
"The day is September 3rd, 1940."
Okay that's a total bombshell (little did I know that would be literal). I think I'm insane. Is this another dream? Or maybe the same dream?
"This must be a lot to take in," She nodded seeing my paling expression. "We shall continue this tomorrow, if you wish to know more about peculiar's I would direct you to talk with Millard. He is quite studious about our history. It seems that it is time for dinner, let us make our way," She spoke standing up. I looked out the window and saw the sun already setting. I stood up and followed her into the dinning room, making sure I can remember the way to her office and the stairs that lead up to my room.
In the room sat a bunch of...peculiar's that seemed well behaved for the most part. There were two empty chairs, one on each side of Emma. One looked like it was already taken so I chose the one the was pushed in.
"Polite person's do not take their supper's in the nude Mr. Nullings," Miss Peregrine scolded...someone. No one in the room was naked though...well until the other empty chair scooted back. Okay so there is an invisible kid.
"No one can see me though," I heard him grumble as he walked passed me. I ALMOST laughed. I felt like I shouldn't though. The children all seemed to be staring at me which wasn't nerve wracking at all. I didn't mean to think it...but the weirdest looking on of them was either a kid with bees all around him or the kid in a suit. I mean who wears a suit like that? I guess apparently it is the 1940s.
Once invisiboy came back wearing some clothes we begane to eat. Well more like I was pelted with a trillion questions.
"Is the future fun?"
"Do you have robot butlers?"
"Is there flying cars?"
And plenty more of the like. So I tried to answer them all.
"The future is alright. No robot butlers. Flying cars aren't a thing either." They mainly seemed disappointed which was understandable. One question stood out though.
"Who are you and why are you here?" The person who asked it looked to be about 12 and was filthy...sorry just stating facts.
"My name is Scarlette and I was supposed to be in a boarding school, but apparently I'm here for protection?" I asked more than stated. I was still processing the whole situation okay?
"What's your peculiarity?" Invisiboy asked in an excited manner.
"Uh-umb...umbra something, I can't quite remember," I muttered sheepishly. How could I forget so quickly?
"Umbrakinesis? That's amazing!" He exclaimed. Okay...not used to complements.
"Th-thanks?" I questioned again. Why couldn't I just say it normally?
"How about you all introduce yourselves now that you got to know our newest member," Miss P ordered more than asked.
First to introduce themselves was a little girl named Claire. Then Bronwyn who had the strength of up to 10 men. Next it was Emma, with Millard after...his peculiarity being obvious. Then it was Enoch who sat at the end of the table. After it was Hugh who had bees living in his stomach (how is that not uncomfortable?) and Fiona who could control plants. Then Olive who was lighter than air. Finally it was Horace who had prophetic dreams...which only sometimes came true. After everyone went to talk among themselves which made me feel left out a bit.
I finished my plate but I didn't get up or leave. I didn't know if I was supposed to wait for everyone finish or not. Yet before I could continue to freak out internally the sound of air raid sirens and planes went off. What the fuck-
"Can we show her? Can we please?" The children started to beg to Miss P. Show me what? An actual bomb? Shouldn't we hide and take cover? I didn't actually think this was the 1940s but the sirens proved enough for me.
Miss Peregrine nodded with a slight chuckle as the kids started to run out of the house. Emma left with them and I didn't want to get left behind so I followed closely. "Put on your masks children!" Her stern voice rang out. Oh no I don't have one. They all put on gas masks and I had no clue what to do.
"Here," Someone next to me said. I looked over and noticed the absence of a face meaning it was Millard. "Put it on." He handed me a gas mask and I quickly put it on trying to not hyperventilate. Not to mention this was like a terrible fear of mine, the creepy history photos of children wearing gas masks and the fear of getting hit by a bomb. Looks like I'm living that moment right now.
I felt someone pat my shoulder in a reassuring way...which didn't help at all I mean come the fuck on. "Don't worry, nothing bad's gonna happen," Millard tried to calm me down. All the kids were laughing which seemed to be directed to me which fuck them for that. I'm literally having a panic attack. Then the devil seemed to posses them all as they sang a song.
Run rabbit, run rabbit, run, run, run Don't give the farmer his fun, fun, fun He'll get by without his rabbit pie So run rabbit, run rabbit, run, run, run
The bomb fell and landed perfectly on Adams finger before the world went white. Did I die? Is this what death is like? No I still felt Millard's hand on my shoulder. So then what the fuck is going on? Suddenly the world reversed. The bomb flew back up and the sun came up and set in the opposite way. Okay so this is a loop and this is all happening. Yup I'm totally sane.
Miss P took her mask off and smiled gently to us all, "Time for bed now, Miss Bloom would you show Miss (l/n) back up to her room again?" I took my mask off and Emma came up to me.
She gave me a look of concern before asking, "Are you alright?"
"Y-yeah," I muttered still shaking from that terrible 'joke' they played on me.
"You're crying," She stated with a frown.
"She was a bit startled," Millard spoke up making me jump in shock. Forgot he was still there, he's pretty quiet.
"More like scared shitless," I mumbled to myself but I could tell they both heard.
"Well its getting late, I'll bring you to your room," With that said I was in my room staring at the ceiling. The adrenaline from the bomb was keeping me up but I just dealt with it.
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hxney-lemcn · 4 years
Is This Love? (Pt. 10)
Summery: Reader finds out the secrets of the school and hangs out with Millard.
tw: None
wc: 2k
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When I woke up my mind was oddly blank. I was just so tired and I wanted nothing more but to enter back into my already forgotten dream. Yet I got up anyways knowing that I have my first lesson with Miss P. I got dressed in just the usual and groggily made my way to her office. I gave two sharp knocks as she permitted me to enter.
"Good morning miss (l/n)," She said with a curt nod.
"Good morning," I replied back trying to hold back my yawn.
"Today we are going to try and expand your peculiarity and see what your limit is," She explained. "First lets start with drawing in the shadows, try to cover this room in darkness."
I nodded and closed my eyes trying to concentrate on the shadows to cover the room. It was hard for me due to how tired I felt but once I opened my eyes I noticed the room was dark. Yet I could still see in it.
Miss P let out a puff of smoke from her pipe, "Okay good job, you may release it now." I cleared my mind and so did the room. "Now try to absorb all the shadows in the room."
I imagined that I was like some sort of vacuum and tried to bring the shadows to me yet nothing happened. Why can't I do it? I furrowed my eyebrows and tried to focus even harder but it felt like my brain is just frizzling.
"That's enough dear," Miss P said stopping me. "No need to overwork yourself. You see our peculiarities are like muscles, if you overwork it you could be hurt dastardly. I think that's enough for today."
"Uhm, Miss P," I called out. "I have a question."
"Go ahead," She smiled.
I inhaled a deep breath before saying, "Why can't the others leave this loop?"
She let out a long sigh, "I see. The reason the others can't leave is because they would die. If they are in present time for too long they will age up rapidly and turn to dust." Oh jeeze, so once you're here you really can't leave. Wait that means I'll never see my mother again, I'm stuck here living the same day over and over again.
"You must understand miss (l/n)," Miss P told me with a stern look. "There are worse things out there that want to hurt us then just the people. This loop is here to protect us from those monsters and I can't have you endangering the other children."
"D-don't worry miss," I slightly stuttered. I just wanted an explanation. I guess I can't leave now, I do hope mom won't worry too much.
"Now how about you go eat lunch," She said with a tired smile. I got up and left to the kitchen. Y'know I haven't seen Millard around much lately, where could he go off to? I made myself a sandwich, the only other person in the room being Hugh.
"Hey," I waved. He nodded in response. "Have you seen Millard?"
"Not exactly. He is invisible,"  He replied with a smirk. Okay he's a smartass.
"Not what I meant," I said crossing my arms.
"You called m'lady," Millard spoke up out of nowhere. Must've just entered.
"I just noticed that you haven't been around in the past couple days," I shrugged going to get myself something to drink.
"That's my cue to leave," Hugh mumbled giving us both a knowing look. Good God I hope Emma didn't start any rumors, or maybe the kids just really want some drama.
"Ah see that my dear," Millard started, I could tell he seemed to be proud about whatever he was about to say next. Wait did he say my dear- "I am making the most detailed account of September 3rd, 1940. I will be seen as an amazing scholar and my work will be shared throughout loops all over the world!"
"So you study everyone on the island?" I asked dumbing it down for myself.
"Pretty much," He said.
"And you're naked once again?" I asked raising an eyebrow,  a small smile making its way onto my face.
"...yup," He sighed dejectedly. I let out a small chuckle shaking my head. "Is that really all you got from that?" I could practically hear his pout.
"No, what you're doing sounds pretty neat," I smiled cleaning my dishes.
"W-w-would you like to come with me?" He asked stuttering. Why was he stuttering?
"Sure, why not?" I asked.
"Because its a total bore," Emma laughed as she walked in.
"No it's not," Millard said defensively.
"How would she not skew your results?" Emma asked with a raised eyebrow. "She's not invisible like you."
"Did you forget she's an umbrakinesis?" Millard asked. He really wanted me to go with him huh? "She can hide herself in the shadows."
"I'm sure it can't be that bad," I shrugged drying my hands off. "When are you heading off next?"
"After I eat," Millard said making something. I sat with him and we talked a bit more about what he studies. He's gotten a ton done that's for sure, but I guess that would happen when you have nothing to do for centuries. Turns out he's almost done studying pigs, now I'm not too fond of those things but I guess it's better than nothing. After he was done we made our way down onto the island, which made me realize that I haven't seen much besides the kids home.
"You haven't had a tour of the island yet have you?" Millard asked.
"Nope," I replied, popping the p.
"How about I take you on a tour than?"
"Sounds like fun!" I laughed a bit.
"Then follow me miss," I imagined him to be bowing at the moment.
"Uhm..." I mumbled not exactly knowing how that would work out since I can't really see him.
"Oh right," He sounded disappointed. "U-uh here, just so you don't get lost." I felt someone grab my hand, well I guess that someone is Millard. I felt myself get flustered as I've never held a guys hand...or anyone's after I was seven. I nervously fidgeted with the hem of my shirt with my free hand. Millard showed me around the village and the little shops that were there. Then the beach and the green hills that were actually cliffs and I may have almost fell over. Not once did he let go of my hand and I grew comfortable. In fact I found it quite pleasant. You have to understand I felt disappointed that he let go when we got back to the house.
It was a perfect day though if you ask me.
Being here wasn't too bad. There may be the monsters that hunt us and we can't leave the loop/island, but if they could do it for so long I think I'll be good. It's been a few months and nothing much has changed. I would either play with the young ones or hang out with Emma and Millard. I've rarely seen Enoch, he's mostly in his room. I was sitting with Emma when she suddenly sat up like she had an idea.
"Let's go swimming!" She exclaimed looking over at me. "I can go gather some of the others."
"Sure," I agreed with a smile. "I haven't swam in a while."
"Great!" She smiled joyously, standing up. She offered her hand and I took it, holy fuck is she strong. I walked with her as she got Fiona, Hugh, and Millard. The only ones who agreed to come with. Fiona and Hugh were being super mushy even though I can tell they were trying to hide their relationship. They really weren't that good at it, but it's fine cause they are adorable. Millard was off in his own world, watching what he's been researching for centuries happen over once again. Meanwhile Emma was talking to me about how she once caught Horace and Enoch blushing over something.  They had me wear a dress...yes a effing dress. It was so I could blend in at the village so they wouldn't try and torture/kill me. I didn't enjoy it but I guess I'll have to endure it. Once we got to the beach I realized that we have no swimsuits to change into.
I guess Millard doesn't have to worry about that. Emma dragged me off to this weird tiny cave like thing that held some old fashioned swim suits. They were actually cute. We all changed and went into the water, what I didn't know was that you could kind of see Millard since the water didn't turn invisible. We got to the water that ended up at my waist and I wanted to go deeper. So I did just that, I went in deeper but was quickly stopped by Millard.
"I wouldn't go too deep," He started. "The waters here aren't the safest, don't know if there's a sub or not under those waters."
"Oh," I said feeling myself unintentionally pouting.
"Don't worry, we can still have a lot of fun closer to shore," He said trying to cheer me up. I wasn't sad, just disappointed. So, to try and cheer myself up, I splashed towards the void in water where Millard stood. Which he splashed me back. So I splashed him with more water which ended up hitting Emma. So she went to splash me but hit Millard instead. Well lets just say it started a major splash war. Sides were taken, me and Millard, Emma (alone), and Hugh and Fiona. It ended with us drying off on shore. I just sat instead of laying down since I hate the sand. It's rough and course and it gets everywhere. (hehehe)
We ended up just changing back into our clothes and heading back to the house. This time Millard would point out something that would happen seconds before it did. Emma just grinning at the two of us. Fiona and Hugh were sneaking small kisses on the cheek and I did my best to not squeal at how ADORABLE it was!
"Now Mr. Hidgens will glance out the window," Millard said as we passed by a house. A man with silver hair looked around before shutting his curtains. "He thinks the apocalypse is going to come any day." (I'm sure no one will get that reference)
"I can't decide whether that's creepy or cool," I smiled.
"My studies are impressive," And I'm pretty sure I boosted his ego once more.
Emma leaned over and whispered in my ear, "He's totally showing off to impress you." I felt a small blush rest on my cheeks as I covered my face a bit with my hand.
"What did you tell her Emma," Millard asked sternly when she pulled away.
"Just that you're totally boring," Emma smirked. Before they could argue anymore we reached the house. I rushed in ready to change into something more comfortable to me. I decided to just lay by myself to think a bit. Does Millard really like me like that? Or is Emma just trying to force something that would never happen? It's weird because I feel like I'm starting to gain a small crush on Millard if I'm being real. He's just so sweet but is also slightly sarcastic. It doesn't help that he HAS been trying to impress me a lot lately, or at least it seems like it. I wouldn't mind if he asked me out...I think I should get to know him some more. We may be good friends and I know a lot about him already, but I still don't know his favorite color!
Maybe that's what my goal should be, get to know Millard...even more than I do now! Yeah, and I'll start that tomorrow.
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hxney-lemcn · 4 years
Is This Love? (Pt. 11)
Summery: Reader and Millard uncover hidden feelings.
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I started hanging out with Millard more and more. Yet now he's been seemingly ignoring me. I would try to find him only to get a 'he's out' or 'I haven't seen him'. I felt myself falling for him more and more. And now? Now that I've fallen for him he's been avoiding me. I only ever see him at dinner and he only talks to Hugh. Emma has been telling me that he's just being a dumb boy and that he doesn't hate me but I'm not sure.
Since he's been avoiding me I've been staying in my room for longer. I typically just read or think on ways to get on Millard's good side. Which is what I am doing at the moment. Maybe I should...maybe I should just let him be. He obviously wants nothing to do with me. He was probably just being nice to me since I was new. Yet I swear he liked me, at least a little! I don't know what to think, I feel like crying. Look at me getting all hung up about a guy. I never thought I would and here I am.
I shouldn't be so sad about something so stupid. I shouldn't let this get me down. Yeah, I'll go make friends with Enoch. I should've done that earlier honestly. He said to not bother him, but I can tell he wants a friend deep down. Or is that just me reaching again?
I got out of my bed and walked down to the basement. I saw the walls were lined with hearts of all sizes. It made me shudder and the stench of formaldehyde did not sit well with my stomach. It reminds me of that time in high school where we dissected a frog. It was dim since the only light source were a couple dull light bulbs but I still managed to see Enoch at a table working on one of his little clay dolls.
"I thought we had a deal," He spoke out not looking away from his creation.
"I-I know but-" He cut me off.
He turned around and glared at me, "Get out."
"I wanted to see your peculiar," I blurted out trying to get some sort of connection with him.
He just let out a sigh, seeing how I was going to be stubborn about this. He went back to what he was doing, so I walked closer so I could see what that was. I stood next to him as he skillfully made a face. He then opened up the chest cavity and ordered me to get him a mouse heart. So I took my best guess and picked a jar that had tiny hearts in it. He picked one out and put it into the doll. Oh.
The clay figure stood up and looked around. Amazing! I've never seen anything like it! I felt my eyes widen as Enoch whispered something to it and it started to fight another clay doll.
"That's so cool!" I exclaimed. One of the dolls struck the other in the chest ripping the heart out. The sight of the gore caused me to get queasy but I still found it super fly. Enoch looked at me like I was insane.
"What do you mean?" He asked skeptically.
"I mean that what you can do is amazing!" I exclaimed with a smile. He looked surprised but tried to hide it.
"You're too happy," He grumbled. "It's annoying."
"Oh, sorry," I sheepishly smiled. "So this is what you do all the time?"
"For the most part," He shrugged picking up the dolls that became inanimate once more. "When I'm not harvesting hearts." I could tell he was trying to creep me out. He had so many hearts that I'm sure he won't have to for a long time.
"Could I please stay and watch," I pouted a bit hoping he won't mind.
He glared at me for a couple seconds, thinking over the options, "Fine, but only if you stop your racket and don't touch anything." I nodded my head and pulled up a stool to sit on. We sat their in silence that was somewhat peaceful...if watching a full blown doll war was peaceful. Enoch seemed to warm up to me as he seemed more relaxed as the time went on.
Then the sound of footsteps were heard. I looked behind me to see...nothing. Wait is that Millard? I felt my heart flutter and shatter at the same time. I'm happy to see him yet I'm sad that he probably doesn't want to see me.
"Oh," I heard him mutter.
"What do you want," Enoch asked coldly, his gaze meeting mine for a second before going back to his dolls.
"The bird wants to see you Enoch," Millard said dryly.
"Gah, what does she want this time?" Enoch grumbled to himself standing up. I stood up as well going to do my own thing but I was stopped by Millard grabbing my wrist gently.
"What were you doing with Enoch?" He asked somewhat harshly.
"I was just hanging out with him," I replied in confusion. Why was Millard so angry?
"I wouldn't if I were you," He grumbled. "He's no good." I started to feel angry, who does he think he is?
"He isn't as bad as everyone was telling me," I argued. "He wasn't the most nice, but he isn't that mean either."
"What, you have a crush on him?!" Millard shouted. He let out a huff and walked away, since he let go of me and I heard him stomp away. What the hell just happened? Why does Millard care so much? Wait why would he care so much?
Was Millard jealous?
I was honestly shocked when I came to the realization that Millard was jealous. It also kinda pissed me off too. He's the one who has been avoiding me so he has no right to be jealous when I hang out with someone else. What does he want me to do? Mope around my room instead?
Yet I couldn't help but feel my heart flutter at it. He still cared about me, and he still liked me, he just probably didn't know what to do. Well I can tell you this, he definitely has been going about it the wrong way. He shouldn't be giving me so many mixed signals. So I went to find him and turns out he was in the library. What else did I expect?
"Millard I want to talk to you," I said startling him from his book. I stood behind the sofa that he was sitting on and it seemed he was so in his book he didn't noticed me.
"W-what about?" He slightly stuttered out. Probably nervous about what I was going to say, he does seem like the type to avoid confrontations. I'm the same way but this situation is different.  I sat next to him and stared at where I think his eyes would be, it didn't help that he wasn't wearing a hat. I took the open book out of his hands, making sure to mark where he left off cause I'm not a jerk.
"You've been avoiding me," I said bluntly. Normally I'm not this blunt but when something irritates me I tend to say what's on my mind. It doesn't help that I've been hanging out with Enoch more.
"I have not," He replied back nervously. Oh my bird can he just...not?
"As if!" I exclaimed with a slight glare. "I walk into a room and you're outta there as soon as you can!" I could tell he was playing with his hands since the sleeves of his jacket were moving a bit. I felt bad for yelling, why can't I stay made at him? I let out a sigh trying to cool off and said calmly, "I just want to know if I did something wrong."
"No!" He shouted quickly after that left my mouth. "It's not you! Well, you didn't do anything wrong."
"But it has something to do with me?" I asked. "If you don't like hanging out with me you could've just told me Millard. I wouldn't have thrown a fit or anything."
"Th-that's not it either," He said sounding exasperated. "I love hanging out with you!" Okay now this is extremely confusing.
"Then why...wha?" I asked out confused, this was hurting my brain. Can't he just tell me what's up outright?
Millard took a deep breath before continuing, "I...I uh, I um. Ilikeyoumorethanafriend."
It took a few seconds for my brain to process what he said and I felt the surprise hit me like a truck. He like me? ME? I mean I think I have a crush on him...okay I totally do but still. I didn't realize how long I was being quiet because Millard started to babble once more about how he 'understands that I don't feel the same way'.
"Millard shut up," I said trying to keep my smile down. He really like me huh. "I like you too."
I could tell he was flabbergasted as he couldn't seem to comprehend the situation, "Y-you do?"
"Why wouldn't I?" I asked pulling him in for a hug. He hugged back and we stayed like that for awhile. The summer buzz being the only sound we heard along with the laughter of the others. The hug turned into more of a cuddle as we just laid in each others arms. Sometimes it pays for me to be angry I guess.
The door opened and revealed Emma standing behind it, "There you two are!" Millard let out a sigh and I couldn't help but giggle. "What are you two doing anyways?" She asked as a smirk started to form upon her lips.
"Well," I started not knowing exactly if me and Millard were a thing. "I think I just became Millard's girlfriend." I said looking down at him for approval.
"And I think I just became (y/n)'s boyfriend," He said back. I felt a smile creep onto my face hearing that. I never in a million years thought this would happen (I mean I am in some crazy fantasy world at the moment). If this is a dream please don't wake me up.
"Enoch owes me $2!" I heard Horace shout with glee. They were betting on us?! I laid my head on his chest in embarrassment. I felt him rub my back and I could feel the glare he was shooting at the others.
"Could we just have some time alone please?" Millard asked out with slight annoyance in his voice. I heard someone make kissing noises before they all left. Did everyone seriously come just for that? Ugh.
I felt someone place their hand on my cheek and lift my face up. I looked at where Millard laid and smiled slightly, a small blush dusting my cheeks.
"I have no clue how you do it (n/n)," He whispered.
"Do what?" I asked.
"You make me feel seen," He said softly. "Even though I'm invisible it's like you can see me." I felt my heart melt at his words. I'm glad I can offer him that.
"Because I see who you are as a person," I replied. "You're not just a brain, or an invisible person. You have your own feelings, you're funny, you're kind, and so much more." His thumb rubbed my cheek softly and I was practically melting at his warm touch. I felt like I was soaring through the sky, yet weirdly grounded at the same time.
This feeling I felt was definitely not just plain liking him. It was stronger than that. Like I would do anything for this boy. I just want him to be happy and loved.
Is this love?
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hxney-lemcn · 4 years
Is This Love? (Pt. 8)
Summery: Enoch tries to scare the reader off.
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I walked around the yard feeling much more comfortable being here. The nice summer breeze that was refreshing. The sun that fell down onto the ground providing light. It was much nicer here than in America. Well they didn't have modern technology which was hella lame. I guess it did help me appreciate nature more, it also left me bored more often. I walked back into the house after passing the garden in which Fiona stood growing some pretty flowers. I sat down on the couch in the living room staring at the ceiling.
I felt myself slowly drift off into my own little world of imagination. I wonder how the kids would react to the modern world. Why can't they? Why do they have to stay here again? I don't think I ever got an explanation for that. Why do I have to stay here? I mean I don't mind it but how long have the other been here? If the loop was created in the 1940s then they have been here for about 60 years. Jesus Christ how could they do the same day over and over again?
"Y'know this loop isn't all sunshine and rainbows," A strong accented voice rung out snapping me out of my thoughts. I looked down and saw the scowl of the pudgy 12 year old. Was his name...Eno...Eno something.
"Huh?" I questioned out loud. What does he mean by that?
"There's a reason why we can't leave and why soon you won't be able to either," He spoke out mysteriously. I noticed that he was holding a piece of clay...why? What a weird kid.
"Oh," I mumbled out not knowing how to reply. "Could you...tell me?" I asked sliding closer to where he stood so he knew I was interested in the conversation.
"Nah," He shrugged with a glare and walked towards the basement. "You should ask Millard and Emma about what happened to Victor, or maybe you could ask him yourself. He's in the last room at the end of the hallway upstairs." With that he left me alone once again in the living room.
Who's Victor? I feel a sudden foreboding sensation wash over me, like he just spoke about something that was forbidden. I was kinda curious though, what did he mean when he said I wouldn't be able to leave? Should I ask Emma? Enoch I think his name was, said that I could ask Victor himself, yet I haven't seen a Victor here. Was he just messing with me? A wave of indecision hit me and I had no clue what to do. Should I ask Miss P about it tomorrow? I mean I did start my lessons then.
"A penny for your thoughts?" Emma's voice spoke out, taking a seat next to me. Now's my chance should I ask or not? I looked at her as I was internally panicking. Yet her brown eyes seemed to soothe me to a slight calm.
"Who's Victor?" My question seemed to strike a cord in her as she froze up, her eyes widening. Oh no this was a terrible thing to do, I shouldn't of said anything.
"Who told you that?" She asked sharply, her eyes narrowing. I felt myself shrink as I wished I never said anything. I hated getting in trouble and the fact that she seemed to be scolding me at the moment made me want to cry. I didn't want to rat out Enoch though because what if he hates me then?
"U-uh," I stuttered not knowing what to do.
"It was Enoch wasn't it?" Emma seethed clenching her fists.
"Don't get him in trouble!" I exclaimed. "I don't think he meant any harm." I knew what I said was a pure lie. I could tell he wanted me to doubt this place and leave but still, I just can't be mean back to him. That would make me as bad as him, and I'm sure he has his reasons.
"Don't bother trying to cover for that weasel," Emma growled. "He's purely rotten." I'm sure that isn't true, he kinda gives me 'I don't actually hate you I'm just scared to care' vibes.
"Well that's a bit rude," I grumbled furrowing my eyebrows. "But that doesn't answer my question. Who is Victor and what happened to him?"
She let out a frustrated sigh, "I can't tell you that."
This left me confused, "Why not?" Instead of answering me she just stood up and left. Well that makes things ten times more ominous and from her reaction I probably shouldn't ask anyone else.
Or I could ask Enoch, try to get on his good side and have him explain the bad things that come with this place. I don't want to irritate him though and he seems to have a bad temper. What to do, what to do. From the way Emma talked about Enoch I'm sure no one else likes him, maybe I can become his friend...aw who am I kidding? Why would he want to be friends with  me anyways? It wouldn't hurt to try.
I decided to make my way into the basement where I last saw Enoch go. Yet I was stopped.
"(Y/n)?" Claire asked out. "Do you want to play dolls with me?" I looked over to her, her blonde curls falling neatly onto her shoulders. She gave me a pleading look with her blue puppy dog eyes. Become friends with Enoch or disappoint Claire? I could always be friends with him later on, so with that I nodded towards the young girl. Which now that I think about it...how old is she really? If they are about 60 years older than I thought she would be like...66 years old? She dragged me to the front yard where two dolls sat along with some other play things.
I personally never played dolls before so I have no clue what to do. She sat down, her blue dress puffed around her. I sat down next to her as she handed me a porcelain doll, so creepy. Guess I'll have to postpone my curiosity for the dark side of  paradise.
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hxney-lemcn · 4 years
Is This Love? (Pt. 4)
Summery: Reader is introduced to a strange school.
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I was nervous having to go on a plane alone. This wasn't my first time flying, but doesn't make it less nerve wracking. My mom had to go to work so she only helped me with my luggage and told me how to find where I need to go. As I boarded the plane (I was lucky to have a window seat), I noticed that I was seated next to a middle aged women. She seemed like she was alright so I was a bit more at ease...but still terribly anxious sitting next to a stranger.
When the plane lifted, so did the butterflies in my stomach. As the plane got higher and higher I could feel my ears pop. I opened the window on my right to see we were already in the clouds. Now only to survive for the next few hours.
I opened my eyes quickly at the feeling of someone lightly shaking me awake. Oh I feel asleep. I looked to my left and saw the same woman from earlier smile at me slightly. I saw the seat belt sign was flickering orange meaning we were landing. That seemed quick...okay I guess I slept through most of it. Once I got off and g̶o̶t̶ ̶l̶o̶s̶t̶ found my luggage I made my way towards the entrance of the airport. I was told that someone would escort me to the ferry. I looked around for any indication that someone was here for me. I saw some families reunite and what seemed to be best friends. How sweet.
My eyes almost finished scanning the crowd before landing on an older gentleman who held a sign with my name on it. I walked towards him, my luggage dragging behind me. He was dressed super formally which wasn't too unusual I guess. Now was the hard part...communicating.
"U-uhm," I mumbled as I stood in front of him and he stared down at me. Jeeze he was tall.
"You must be miss (l/n)," He stated. I nodded, not used to the formalities. "Please follow me, this way." He lead me to what seemed was a small black car, he proceeded to open the back door for me and took my luggage into the trunk. The ride was smooth and it was awkwardly quiet...okay maybe I was the only one feeling awkward but still. I stared out the window watching the strange sights. Kids seemed to be dressed differently than from America, but not too much. The scenery was quite different as well. It was more rainy and more ocean.
It took only 30 minutes to get to the ferry boarding. The formal escort helped me get the luggage onto the small boat and left soon after. I gave the ticket to the ticket master before I boarded and I was left to myself sitting on a fairly empty ferry. The rain seemed to let up and it became unbelievably sunny, a nice change of pace. I closed my eyes to take in the warm feeling, a small smile making its way onto my face. It was finally happening. I was almost to this school and so far the trip was really fun. I wonder what the other kids are gonna be like.
It took 20 minutes of me sitting by myself until the ferry started to drift to where I assume the island would be. Not many people got on after me...or where on before me. It looked like a small family was here, presumably for vacation. Then a man who seemed to perhaps be a resident of the island. The ride was dreadfully long...or maybe I was just super excited. Maybe a mix of the both. The ferry also seemed to be awfully slow, just slowly lurching forward towards its destination. Finally after what seemed to be a decade the boat lurched to a stop. The captain letting us off.
Exiting the ferry in excitement I looked around, realizing I have no way of finding the school. I was stuck on foreign land with no clue where to go. I could ask someone here...but that would include interaction with strangers. Plus I'm in Wales, what if they speak Welsh or something? Looking around I noticed a falcon of some sort flying above with the rest of the birds. Wow that's a ton of birds. I looked around, mostly seeing green hills and grey cloudy skies. It also seemed to be terribly more foggy than the mainland. This small island definitely had a depressing air to it.
For some reason I thought I would have an escort here but I didn't see anyone waiting. A frown etched it's way onto my face as panic started to set it. I kept looking around for a sign from who knows what leading me to where I need to go. Yet out of nowhere I hear a sharp "PST!" I looked to my right to see a teenage girl waving at me from the woods.
She had long brown hair with a matching pair of brown eyes. It made her seem warm for some reason. The dress she wore stood out the most though. It looked to be vintage, no one would be caught dead wearing something like that now a days. At least if you didn't want to be bullied. She waved me over and started to walk off before I even started making my way towards her.
"H-hey wait up!" I called out stumbling over myself. "Are you from the school?"
I saw her look back at me in confusion before once again motioning me to follow her, which I still was doing. "Hurry up," She spoke out, her voice slightly sharp. Her appearance may seem warm but she surely wasn't. She lead me away from the village and towards a denser forest. Was she going to murder me? Out of the blue she started to jump on certain areas, harder for me to do while carrying my heavy suitcase. She entered this weird cave looking thing, oh hell no. She thinks I'll follow her in there? As if!
"What are you waiting for?" I heard her voice ask me from the cave. "We're almost to the...school." I stood there staring at the entrance for a good minute. Not only was it a tight fit, but it was incredibly dark. My brain was red flagging the whole situation. Suddenly I saw a faint light come from the back of the tunnel. Okay I should turn around.
She reemerged from the tunnel with a slight scowl. She grabbed my hand and dragged me into the tunnel. In her other hand was...fire? Wait what. T-that's not... Okay what the hell is happening. The hand that held mine was ungodly hot. So that means she can...make fire? How is that even possible? Well I somehow teleported or something so I guess I can't say anything. We got to the back of the cave only for her to turn around and exit it. By then she let go of my hand, but she was carrying light so I didn't want to get left in the dark. Literally.
Yet instead of seeing the normal gloomy scenery like I thought I would...it was much different.
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