#millardo peacecraft
quotablefanfiction · 8 months
“…I’m not going to ask,” Zechs decided eventually. “I think I’m afraid of the answers I’d get.” “You’re demonstrating excellent judgement there.”
Zechs and Duo (chp. 35)
Demon of Justice by Mel and Christy (link) Gundam Wing/War God – Teen – Duo Maxwell/Heero Yuy, Quatre Winner/Trowa Barton #Crossover #Alternate Universe #Magic #Angst #Incomplete
An accident on the battlefield with an experimental weapon sends Wufei to an alternate universe - a VERY alternate universe.
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armandg · 2 years
Wing Gundam Zero Versus Gundam Epyon
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alphaikaros · 3 years
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✨The Prince and Princess of the Stars ✨
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ms-camucia · 5 years
90s Anime Will Save Me
All right, if my boy Zechs Marquise/Millardo Peacecraft can go on the hero/villain rollercoaster he did in Gundam Wing and go out on THESE words:
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and then THIS:
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But YET:
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...then dammit, we have to assume that Rey is as passé about Ben’s death as Noin was about Millardo because they both know their formerly bad space husbands are somehow still alive, despite all outward appearances. Otherwise, it’s just cruel.
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itsagoodtouch · 5 years
// okay so obscure fandom time! I think you'd do a fucking epic Treize Kushrenada or Millardo Peacecraft. Hell a Chang Wufei seems right up your alley from gundam wing ( ah the 90's are calling me ) if not? Definitely gimme some of that big Reinhardt energy. -shrugs into the atmosphere shyly-
👀👀👀 ill have to look these folks up
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jinsai-ish · 4 years
Title: Days of Wrath
Rating: PG-13 (? - references to violence)
Characters: Zechs, Heero, Duo, Relena, Trowa, Sally, Quatre, Wufei, Treize
Summary: Taken from the Requiem mass, the Dies irae (day of wrath) section, broken into a series of ficlets for the pilots and co.
Dies irae, dias illa
Solvet saeclum in favilla,
Teste David cum Sibylla.
Quantus tremor est futurus,
Quando judex est venturus,
Cuncta stricte discussurus!
The betrayed and outraged Millardo Peacecraft. A boy who had been burned away with the corpses of his family and resurrected into the iced-over composure of the man known as Zechs Marquise. No, not iced-over. A crust rather, a shell of hardened lava under which surged a magma of fury at those who had stolen from him.
Vengeance, vengeance, vengeance. Revenge. Patience.
He had waited, biding his time with Treize. They were ever so careful, laying the stones just right so that they would scatter into a controlled chaos when the time came, so that they’d topple in the proper direction when they were given just the right push.
Noin knew it was coming. Since the first time she recognized him, sitting several rows in front of her in the lecture hall scratching notes in margins of his textbook on battlefield maneuvers, she had known what was inevitable. She didn’t even need to see his face. She recognized him from his back, and she had determined that when the time came, she would keep his back always in her view.
Because it would come.
Because this day it had come and no god of the earth or sky or sea would sway Zechs from his vengeance. No, they would deliver it to him, the wind speeding him on his way. This day the Alliance would quake and Noin and Treize would both stand aside and watch his back as it raced forward, the eruption at last giving the ruins of the Sanq Kingdom a proper burial in ash and dust.
This day he presided over the court of war and he would have his justice!
This day, this day of wrath
Shall consume the world in ashes,
As foretold by David and the Sibyl.
What trembling there will be
When the judge shall come
To weigh everything strictly!
...too long for tumblr! Read the rest at ye ancient journal!
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hawaiiangurl8o8-blog · 13 years
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alphaikaros · 3 years
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Zechs x Noin
happy 6/9 day!
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alphaikaros · 3 years
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alphaikaros · 3 years
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Zechs Merquise
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alphaikaros · 4 years
Gundam Wing Fanon
Where the whole main and secondary characters are invited to Relena's birthday party. And the boys sneaked to watch a HeeroxRelena walk at the garden. And they are all smiling like they are rooting for their bro to make a move on the princess.
And then there's Zechs glaring at Heero, and Heero glares back, and Noin came to grab Zechs out of the scene, like some kind of kid got grabbed by his mom lololololol
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roloko-karlstein · 12 years
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Zechs please keep that mask off bby. <3
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