mimondee · 2 years
Tarot readings update
Hello, everyone! Moni🧚 here! I'll start by telling you that I really appreciate your attention and your interest. I was so happy to see that a lot of you came to our blog for help or guidance. Really didn't expect to have a huge number of messages and requests from you. I am really content and grateful for everyone's request. It gave me the opportunity to give you guys clearance in your situation and also helped me grow and learn a lot of new stuff.
It was a great experience, especially for a new tarot reader like me. As Dee mentioned, we also needed some time to figure things out. While being on hiatus I have managed to create a plan for my future activity as a tarot reader.
This next week I am going to post an update on the activities that I have planned for my readings and for you.
I just can't wait to interact again with you guys! Thank you again for your support, for your donations, and interest! See you soon!
Wish you only the best!
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mimondee · 2 years
―― important update!
Hello everyone! Dee here coming with the update that I've promised in the quick notice. I hope you'll bear with me on this one since there are a couple of things that I want to say. Before continuing, I want to make it clear that this is coming from my side only. Moni is not part of this update as what I want to say is connected strictly to me. I'll use this opportunity to say that when she has updates on tarot, she will make a post about it! With that detail out of the way, I'll move on to the actual topic which I'll put under "Keep reading" as this might turn out long. Will do my best to keep it as short as I can.
First of all, I want to apologize for the radio silence. We pretty much went on a hiatus of sorts without posting anything regarding that. What happened was that we both ended up in a burnt-out state so without realizing we drifted away from this blog. This leads to my next point. During this unannounced hiatus, I've looked back on this entire experience I've had here with this blog, with all of you, with the free readings and the interesting questions I've received astrology-wise. All of these coming together and making me question what and how I want to approach astrology from this point on, and most importantly, what exactly I want to give. Writing astrology content was fun, really fun, but truth to be told, it doesn't feel satisfying enough for me as it lacks real interaction, I guess. What I mean by that is that I realized I really want that "instant feedback", like when you talk with someone about something and they talk with you back. So after a lot of thinking, debating with myself, and weighing in a lot of other factors I've come to a decision. That decision I've made is that I will start streaming and one part of my streams I want to dedicate it to astrology where I want to talk about topics related to it, but also to interact with you, if you decide to join me when I'm live. I'll still do free readings (astrology and oracle) which will be announced in advance as they'll take place on the stream, just like I will answer questions that I receive here or on my other social media accounts (there's a link that contains the other accounts below). So if you're interested in this path I'm about to take, feel free to send me questions you would like an answer to from me, as well as suggestions for what you would like to see me talk about. Since I still have to update my section on this blog with the new information, I'll use this post to share another way in which you can keep up with updates regarding this new adventure of mine outside of tumblr [click here for link]. Currently still sorting out stuff regarding this, but will keep you posted. With all of this being said, thank you for your support and I hope you'll be interested in joining me on this new adventure of mine. If you have any questions regarding this, please don't hesitate to throw a message my way! Have a wonderful day/night and thank you for taking the time to read this!💜💜 - Dee✨
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mimondee · 3 years
Hello everyone! This is a just a reminder that our free readings are OPEN. For astrology and oracle free readings, check [HERE]. For tarot free readings, check [HERE]. Using this reminder to also mention and emphasize that: -> reading our rules for requesting is a MUST. Those rules can be found in what has been linked above. -> failure to do so will just end up with your request being rejected -> if you find yourself confused or whatever by those rules, just send a message and ask about what confuses you instead of requesting something that has a high chance of being rejected
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mimondee · 3 years
――𝐌𝐈𝐌𝐎𝐍𝐃𝐄𝐄 𝐔𝐏𝐃𝐀𝐓𝐄 march 8th, 2022 Hello everyone! How have you been? We're back and we're bringing a couple of changes with this "comeback", as mentioned in the post before our short break. Once again, thank you all for the requests you've sent during our first "session" of free readings. It was an amazing experience that taught both of us a lot of things, not only how to approach our practices, but also what works for us and what doesn't in terms of organization and requirements. The current changes are based on the experience we've gained from that session. I'll quickly update you on what changed and what's new. -> as you might've noticed we have a new icon and a "logo" of sorts! this is the first change. -> free readings are still happening, but they will be limited. both of us will take 40 each. apart from free readings, we're also introducing paid readings. more information on both free and paid you can find HERE and HERE. -> our old pinned post is gone, replaced by a new one that's clearer and has only the important stuff. -> astrology and tarot masterlists have turned into ASTRO-ZONE and TAROT-ZONE. Both of these new posts will contain all the relevant information regarding astrology/tarot. And this is for the quick update. Check our pinned post if you want to know all the details!
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mimondee · 2 years
――free readings update
Hello everyone! Just wanted to let you all know that Dee's free readings are CLOSED❌ until further notice. Thank you for your messages and support!
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mimondee · 2 years
✨――QUICK NOTICE Hi guys, Just wanted to let you know that in 1 hour I'll be live HERE (link in the source too) talking about my experience with astrology and playing Astrologaster which is apparently a story-driven game where you use astrology so I'm looking forward to seeing what this one is about! Feel free to tune in if you're interested!!💜💙
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mimondee · 2 years
Hey everyone! Just wanted to let you know that we're still around, currently running on queue since we're kinda on a hiatus of sorts. There are some things that I want to update you on so in the next couple of days, I'll make a post that will explain everything. These updates will come from my side only and will be related to how I'll proceed further with this blog, with astrology and everything else. Thank you for reading this! - Dee✨
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mimondee · 3 years
――EXAMPLES OF FREE ASTROLOGY/TAROT READINGS REQUESTS ‼️Since there seems to be a general confusion about how to do this or people simply not sending everything or sending the wrong thing, I thought it's a good idea to just create 2 examples that portray how to request a free astrology reading or a free tarot reading from me. -Dee✨
――"FREE ASTROLOGY READING REQUEST" EXAMPLE ■ USING THE ASKBOX TO SEND THE REQUEST - You either go on mimondee mainpage (picture 1) OR if you're on phone or some other device where the askbox link doesn't show up, you can use the link from the pinned post (picture 2)
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■ YOUR CHART IN THE “WHOLE SIGNS HOUSE SYSTEM” - below you will find a short tutorial on how to astro.com. This one provides a very clear picture of the wheel+aspects table, hence why I strongly recommend it. It also doesn't require you to register. Click HERE for the link of astro.com.
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■ 1 QUESTION - doesn't matter if it's an actual question or just a general overview, context is IMPORTANT. I repeat, context is IMPORTANT.
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mimondee · 3 years
――free readings update
Hello everyone! Just wanted to let you all know that Moni's free readings are CLOSED❌ until further notice. Thank you for your messages and support!
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