#minaki ibu
hetamyuist · 7 months
i am going to be honest and say that a big part of my hostility/deep dislike towards tenimyu 3rd is because people keep harping on about how that season is the best thing to happen to tenimyu and every single time i check the thing out for myself i am deeply underwhelmed or straight up disappointed. "Tenimyu 3rd has the best hyotei!" When ikumi isaka can't even hit the notes yuushi is supposed to hit? When he can't even get yuushi's vibe right? Akishin is like, stellar at playing yuushi compared to him and akishin was extremely mid. Not to mention that dry af team party like hello?? Did we watch the same actors??? Also how can you say that tenimyu 3rd is the best when both goto dai and minaki ibu flopped in rikkai nats? Minaki ibu especially like what the fuck did you people watch him sing that rendition of closed eye and still genuinely thought something like that is forgivable? Are you people for real??? There are people with taste and it is not the tenimyu 3rd stans i fear!
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leenaevilin · 3 years
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[Announcement] Sanrio Kawaii ミュージカル『From Hello Kitty』(sanrio kawaii musical from hello kitty)
the show will be running from July 26th 2021 to September 26th, 2021 (Tokyo) @ IHIステージアラウンド東京 (IHI Stage Around Tokyo)
Takasaki Shouta as Young Man / Strawberry King (青年 / いちごの王さま) Gotou Dai as Young Man / Strawberry King (青年 / いちごの王さま) Miyagi Koudai as Young Man / Strawberry King (青年 / いちごの王さま)
Hashimoto Taito as Nakayoku Heart (なかよくハート) Minaki Ibu as Nakayoku Heart (なかよくハート)
Iwaki Naoya as Omoiyari Heart (おもいやりハート) Tazuru Shougo as Omoiyari Heart (おもいやりハート)
Sano Mashiro as Kawaii Heart (かわいいハート) Matsui Haruki as Kawaii Heart (かわいいハート) Kugimiya Rie as Queen of Darkness (闇の女王) Kiuchi Shiori as Queen of Darkness (闇の女王) Fujimori Renge as Queen of Darkness (闇の女王)
homepage twitter natalie
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jptenipurifan · 4 years
Seigaku 10th, Minaki Ibu
Boy have I been loyal to Fuji actors in Tenimyu consistently for all previous generations. 
But Minaki...
SOLELY BASED ON SINGING AND DANCING - I have concerns as to why he was cast as Fuji. Especially for NATIONAL TOURNAMENT.
Closed Eye and Boku wa Kawaru are incredibly demanding songs. People’s expectation are going to be quite high. I was so disappointed when I see 10th’s performance...
Closed Eye (Seigaku 10th)
There is so much auto-tuning! It is jarringly obvious that he didn’t hit most of the notes correctly. The dance was lackluster as well. The duet with Tezuka had no chemistry...
I know comparison isn’t fair, but if we look at Yata and Tawada from Seigaku 7th
Tenimyu is so famous now. Young boys all over Japan fight for this previous chance to become famous overnight. Why Minaki???
I sincerely apologize for the negativity I just needed to let this out. I saw no online resource of Fuji from Seigaku 10th and when I finally found something, it just let me down so hard.  
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imperfekti · 5 years
Tennimu Supporters Club vol 17 - Minaki Ibu profile
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Minaki Ibu (Fuji Shuusuke)
Birthday: 24th December From: Tokyo Bloodtype: AB
Favourite food: Kaki (persimmon)
Favourite onigiri filling: Mustard roe
Favourite 4 kanji expression: 電光石火 (denkou sekka) = lightning speed
Favourite movie or series: Kimi no na wa (Your name), Keiji Yugami
Favourite music: Micheal Jackson, Bruno Mars
Favourite animal: Dogs
Favourite season: Spring
Best subject in school: Mathematics
Best cooking: Miso soup
Current obsession: Morning shower
Country you want to visit: America
What you wanted to become as a child: Spider-Man
A thing you will definitely do everyday: To review practice
A thing in which you don’t lose to anyone: Mental toughness(?)
A message for your teammates: Let’s make this the best Seigaku!
Your favourite Tenipuri character (besides the one you’re acting): Atobe Keigo
Your favourite scene for your own character: Doing Tsubame gaeshi for the first time in vs Fudoumine
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Seigaku vs Hyoutei will run from 12th of July to 25th of September 
Source : 
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[Music] ミュージカル『テニスの王子様』3rdシーズン 全国大会 青学 vs 立海 前編 (musical tennis no oujisama 3rd season zenkokutaikai seigaku vs rikkai zenpen)
the CD was released on January 29th, 2020☆ ☆ ☆
☆ CD         ♪ Amazon ☆ CD         ♪ CD Japan
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fymyu · 4 years
Tenimyu 3rd season: Seigaku Juudaime
Echizen Ryoma: - Akutsu Nichika 
Tezuka Kunimitsu: - Aoki Ryo
Oishi Shuichiro: - Ezoe Takanori
Fuji Shushuke: - Minaki Ibu
Kikumaru Eiji: - Taguchi Tsukasa
Kawamura Takashi: - Iwata Tomoki
Inui Sadaharu: - Takenouchi Daisuke
Momoshiro Takeshi: - Ookubo Tatsuki
Kaidoh Kaoru: - Nakajima Takuto
Horio Satoshi: - Ryuga
Kato Kachiro: - Nakamigawa Toshiki
Mizuno Katsuo: - Okuda Yumeto
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nuisancehelicopter · 4 years
Stuff from Minaki’s (current myu! fuji) Birthday last Dec. 24, 2019
Yuki Kaida greeted him
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Group pic after their Osaka Performance!
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Yukimura Pose with Toshiki (current myu! Yukimura)
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A prince since birth XD
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Hapoy Birthday Ibu Minaki!
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sambart93 · 6 years
2018.07.20 Tenimyu: VS Hyoutei Nationals [Review]
I really shouldn’t have gone to this but I damn got a ticket and I damn went xD I really shouldn’t have though but it’s Higa AND Miura...I just had to!
Official Website here Official Twitter here Press Coverage 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 DVD PreOrder here and here, BR here and here
Akutsu Nichika as Echizen Ryoma Aoki Ryo as Tezuka Kunimitsu Ezoe Takanori as Oishi Shuichirou Minaki Ibu as Fuji Shuusuke Taguchi Tsukasa as Kikumaru Eiji Takenouchi Daisuke as Inui Sadaharu Iwata Tomoki as Kawamura Takashi Ookubo Tatsuki as Momoshiro Takeshi Nakajima Takuto as Kaido Kaoru Ryuga as Horio Satoshi Nakamigawa Toshiki as Katou Kachirou Okuda Yumeto as Mizuno Katsuo
Miura Hiroki as Atobe Keigo Isaka Ikumi as Oshitari Yushi Kobayakawa Shunsuke as Shishido Ryo Kitano Satsuki as Mukahi Gakuto Tamura Shogo as Akutagawa Jirou Yamazaki Shogo as Taki Haginosuke Yamaki Takanori as Kabaji Munehiro Watanabe Aoto as Otori Chotarou Utsumi Akiyoshi as Hiyoshi Wakashi
Muto Kento as Kite Eishirou Yoshizawa Tsubasa as Kai Yujirou Iwaki Naoya as Hirakoba Rin Raita as Chinen Hiroshi Takata Makoto as Tanishi Kei Sonomura Masashi as Shiranui Tomoya Matsui Haruki as Aragaki Kouichi
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Overall: This was so good!! I am so glad that I went!! It was so good. It was absolutely amazing. It's difficult to explain but the story just entirely suited my taste and it was well acted and the songs were all great and I enjoyed pretty much all the characters which is unusual for me xD And the best part about the stage was definitely the bench interactions!! The bench interactions were amazing!! I couldn't stop watching them! I also loved how dark this stage was compared to others and previous ones. I felt like the atmosphere was really heavy for this one, or that I was just so completely engrossed in the whole thing this time around. And I got to see Hiroki in action again which was great! Also I was looknig forward to seeing this new Seigaku Gen - or at least went in with a clear mind and no pre-bias - and I enjoyed their performances so much -- they even got me crying a few times! This. Was. Great! Rating: 8.5/10
This'll be split into the two parts of the play and then some extras or whatever.
Some of the Higawaris that I remember were mostly from Higa: FAS: 太ってる あなたにオススメ シェイプアップ F&D: fitness and diet All were aimed at Tanishi obviously xD
As I said before, I couldn't take my eyes of the bench. Especially Jiro, he really caught my eyes during this stage. I spent more time watching what he, and the rest of Hyoutei were doing, rather than what was happening in the main plot and story xD Some things that Jiro did that caught my eye were:
☆Jiro falling backwards while sat on the steps and falling asleep onto Taki xD ☆Jiro dancing during Gakuto's pair song. ☆Jiro being so supportive of his other members and just never stopping!
Other things I spotted from other members on the benches were: ☆Eiji giving Taka a racket and then when it was taken away from Taka just after, Eiji tried to hide from him but Taka stormed over and held onto his shoulders and Eiji just stood in shock like 'omg what is he going to do to me!!' it was really cute and funny.
Speaking of Seigaku: I really like this new Seigaku already! Which is good!! Inui‘s actor can sing really well and he sounded so great! I like this new Seigaku so much that I actually felt sympathy for the Seigaku members; Tezuka's solo was so good and so dark!!! I was crying for Tezuka during his match!! That NEVER happens with me! And Fuji’s solo at the end of part one (Heavy Rain) was so good!!! He sounded great! Also when Fuji and Atobe were dancing together!!!! I ship it!!! They looked so good together! It was great! Also, Momo’s actor is good but his voice feels a bit too low that it’s kinda suffering during the songs he sings.
The day I went, there was only one mistake and the entire audience died of laughter for a good minute which ruined the moment but it was funny: Just after his match when he returned the the bench, Gakuto slipped down the stairs a little and because it was this silent moment between Tezuka and Kabaji, everyone heard and everyone's attention went there. The audience died laughing. All of Hyoutei kept it together during this moment but poor Eiji’s actor was looking over at what happened and he cracked up laughing too. But kudos to pretty much everyone keeping it together and acting completely normal. But for some reasons all the audience just found it so amusing!
Other comments:
☆I love how DARK this stage it! For some reason Tenimyu always seemed like this happy, clappy, fun and games stage but for some reason I found this one SO dark and I absolutely loved it!! I really do enjoy dark plays.
☆Higa are the very first to enter the stage and straight away they are hilarious. They come in from the sides on stupid boats and come down either aisle. Once they get out of their tiny boats (by the way, one is being dragged behind by a rope and ring xD) and on shore, they started rapping. HIGA DID RAPPING AGAIN! It was great! And what was even better is that they got the entire audience to clap along to their song! Which I really appreciated!
☆The first three opening school songs were so strong and so good!! I enjoyed every single one; Higa then Seigaku then Hyoutei. They were really powerful and so enjoyable to watch!
During the breaks between the two arts, I ran out to buy Kaido and Jiro's bromides. I got about 30 minutes into part one before I was like 'duh goddammit I love Kaido! I should've picked them up straight away!' and then damn Jiro came along and my brain went 'shit this kid is too cute! I must support him and get his bromides!' Jiro has always been cute but I've always thought no one would ever out-do was Tomorun did as Jiro but damn Tamura is so cute as Jiro! He's so bouncy and hyper and so funny. Speaking of Jiro; more Jiro adorableness:
☆Jiro sleeping between Oshitari's legs. ☆When Jiro fell asleep on Otori and Atobe, and Atobe lifted Jiro's hand (that was touching his leg) in disgust and pushed it off himself xD ☆Jiro making fun of Eishiro Buchou was absolutely hilarious! He just kept going because the audience were dying of laughter. And then some members were like 'Oi.. OI!' and trying to get him back to the bench.
Jiro needs to be protected. Jiro is a sweetie. Jiro is amazing xD
More Higa moments and Higwaris:
☆During the end of one of their appearances, Rin hit Buchou on the head but when Buchou turned around, Rin had already slipped past and gone off stage, so he thought Kai did it, so he grabbed Kai by his shirt collar and dragged him off stage. Kai's toes were like tiptoes as he was dragged off stage xD ☆There was another moment when the (I think) Buchou said something and Tanishi got really angry and went to attack him but then Shiranui grabbed Tanishi's arm and pulled him back so that Shiranui could attack; Tanishi was super shocked by the strength Shiranui had and the audience cracked up laughing from the twist of events that Shiranui was the strong one in the group. Luckily Aragaki stopped Shiranui from attacking and got him to back off xD ☆Towards the end of the stage, Higa had to break a watermelon with their eyes closed, but they all failed so Eishiro said he would show them how it's done, but instead of a watermelong, Shiranui (I think) pretended to be it and when Buchou went to hit the watermelon, he caught Buchou’s hand and of course Buchou was dumbfounded xD
Lets talk about the giant final match shall we because the entire final match was amazing!
☆Nichika’s pronunciation with all the English lines was really good!! ☆When Echizen and Atobe were having an evil laugh showdown, Atobe's laugh was so gooood!! HOMG... ☆When Echizen threw his cap and Kaido caught it oh so perfectly! I was so impressed with how flawlessly he caught it! ☆Now can we talk a little about Hiroki’s butt? Because damn it was so damn obvious in those shorts!! He has such a good butt! Even from 3rd balcony, I could tell he fit nice and tightly into those shorts...  ☆And ohhhmyyyygoooddd can we talk about the amount of hip rolls he did during this damn stage and in different songs and stuff!!! Oh my... ☆Huge kudos to both the boys during the final match because even watching it, I as getting exhausted for them! It goes on for so long and they're constantly running around the stage and Hiroki is doing all his ballet jumps the entire time and stuff! Damn Hiroki must have been exhausted after that!  ☆The final match between Echizen and Atobe was so intense and so much dancing and performance. Just damn. I absolutely loved this entire last segment of the stage. So intense, so well choreographed, so well performance and presented. It was phenomenal.
Other comments:
☆Ohhhhh I teared up during the Golden Pair song and I really, really don't like Golden Pair in general, but even they got me in the feels this night!! Which just shows already how much better this gen is! ☆I really liked all the doubles duet song. And all the songs in general I really got into and enjoyed! ☆Just before the final song, the ending is with all the school's songs remixed and it was great! ☆BUT the encore song and dance is silly in my opinion. It was ridiculous. ☆During the EnCore, Kai came to our side!! I have had the best luck with him seriously... ☆During the EnCore song, Echizen was slacking off to the right side of the theatre, and when Tezuka saw him and Echizen got worried and began to move away from him. ☆Kaido made it back on stage just girigiri right at the end of the EnCore song xD ☆I realised today that I like Tenimyu when it’s dark. Like this stage is dark as fuck. But one thing did ruin it, and it was infact Echizen's song. It was a bit too happy clappy and just ruined the dark mood in my opinion xD just keep it ALL dark!! xD ☆Now I know this is going to sound hypocritical but I appreciate that the very end of stage ended on a funny note. Echizen came on stage with a razor and some classical music started playing and Echizen started doing ballet moves towards Atobe but then obviously Taki comes on stage and says he'll sacrifice his hair so begs Echizen not to shave Atobe's xD I think we needed something like this AT the end to just bring us all out of the story and back to reality a bit.
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And there we go!
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leenaevilin · 4 years
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[Announcement] ミュージカル『テニスの王子様』3rdシーズン 全国大会 青学 vs 立海 マラソン (musical tennis no oujisama 3rd season zenkokutaikai seigaku vs rikkai marathon)
you will be able to watch both shows @ youtube (for 24h only!!!)
◎ ミュージカル『テニスの王子様』3rdシーズン 全国大会 青学 vs 立海 前編 (musical tennis no oujisama 3rd season zenkokutaikai seigaku vs rikkai zenpen) [May 30th, 2020 ~ 5pm]
◎ ミュージカル『テニスの王子様』3rdシーズン 全国大会 青学 vs 立海 後編 (musical tennis no oujisama 3rd season zenkokutaikai seigaku vs rikkai kouhen) [May 31st, 2020 ~ 5pm]
it’s FREE!!
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leenaevilin · 4 years
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[Update] ミュージカル「テニスの王子様」コンサート Dream Live 2020 (musical tennis no oujisama concert dream live 2020)
main visual ↑↑↑ & cast update under the cut^^
Akutsu Nichika as Echizen Ryoma (越前リョーマ) Aoki Ryou as Tezuka Kunimitsu (手塚国光) Ezoe Takanori as Ooishi Shuuichirou (大石秀一郎) Minaki Ibu as Fuji Shuusuke (不二周助) Taguchi Tsukasa as Kikumaru Eiji (菊丸英二) Takenouchi Daisuke as Inui Sadaharu (乾貞治) Iwata Tomoki as Kawamura Takashi (河村隆) Ookubo Tatsuki as Momoshiro Takeshi (桃城武) Nakajima Takuto as Kaidou Kaoru (海堂薫) Ryouga as Horio Satoshi (堀尾聡史) Nakamigawa Toshiki as Katou Kachirou (加藤勝郎) Okuda Yumeto as Mizuno Katsuo (水野カツオ)
Tateishi Toshiki as Yukimura Seiichi (幸村精市) Tazuru Shougo as Sanada Genichirou (真田弦一郎) Isawa Takuma as Yanagi Renji (柳蓮二) Gotou Dai as Niou Masaharu (仁王雅治) Oosumi Yuuta as Yagyuu Hiroshi (柳生比呂士) Ooyabu Taka as Marui Bunta (丸井ブン太) Kawasaki Yuusaku as Jackal Kuwahara (ジャッカル桑原) Maeda Ryuutarou as Kirihara Akaya (切原赤也)
Mashiko Atsuki as Shiraishi Kuranosuke (白石蔵ノ介) Andou Shuutarou as Koishikawa Kenjirou (小石川健二郎)   Emoto Kouki as Chitose Senri (千歳千里) Morita Rikito as Konjiki Koharu (金色小春) Yatsu Tsubasa as Hitouji Yuuji (一氏ユウジ) Chida Kyouhei as Oshitari Kenya (忍足謙也) Mori Ippei as Ishida Gin (石田銀) Hirono Ryouta as Zaizen Hikaru (財前光) Hiramatsu Raima as Tooyama Kintarou (遠山金太郎) Saki Masato as Watanabe Osamu (渡邊オサム)
Aoki Soramu as Tachibana Kippei (橘桔平) Kento as Ibu Shinji (伊武深司)
St. Rudolph:
Satou Yuugo as Kisarazu Atsushi (木更津淳) Oohara Kaiki as Fuji Yuuta (不二裕太)
Morita Touya as Sengoku Kiyosumi (千石清純) Kawakami Shouta as Akutsu Jin (亜久津仁)
Isaka Ikumi as Oshitari Yuushi (忍足侑士) Kitano Satsuki as Mukahi Gakuto (向日岳人) Utsumi Akiyoshi as Hiyoshi Wakashi (日吉若)
Yashiro Takuya as Aoi Kentarou (葵剣太郎) Futaba Kaname as Saeki Kojirou (佐伯虎次郎)
Mutou Kento as Kite Eishirou (木手永四郎) Yoshizawa Tsubasa as Kai Yuujirou (甲斐裕次郎) Iwaki Naoya as Hirakoba Rin (平古場凛) Raita as Chinen Hiroshi (知念寛) Takada Makoto as Tanishi Kei (田仁志慧) Sonomura Masashi as Shiranui Tomoya (不知火知弥) Matsui Haruki as Aragaki Kouichi (新垣浩一)
Moriyama Eiji as Echizen Nanjirou (越前南次郎)
homepage twitter natalie
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leenaevilin · 5 years
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[Announcement] ミュージカル『テニスの王子様』3rdシーズン 全国大会 青学 vs 立海 前編 (musical tennis no oujisama 3rd season zenkokutaikai seigaku vs rikkai zenpen)
the DVD/Blu-ray will be released December 21st 2019☆ ☆ ☆
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leenaevilin · 5 years
[Video] ミュージカル『テニスの王子様』3rdシーズン 全国大会 青学 vs 立海 前編 (musical tennis no oujisama 3rd season zenkokutaikai seigaku vs rikkai zenpen)
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leenaevilin · 5 years
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[Announcement] ミュージカル『テニスの王子様』3rdシーズン 全国大会 青学 vs 立海 後編 (musical tennis no oujisama 3rd season zenkokutaikai seigaku vs rikkai kouhen)
the show will be running from December 19th, 2019 to December 24th, 2019 (Tokyo) @ 日本青年館ホール (Nippon Seinenkan Hall) December 28th, 2019 to January 12th, 2020 (Osaka) @ メルパルク大阪 ホール (Mielparque Osaka Hall) January 17th, 2020 to January 19th, 2020 (Miyagi) @ 多賀城市民会館 大ホール (Tagajoshi Bunkakaikan Main Hall) January 24th, 2020 to January 26th, 2020 (Aichi) @ アイプラザ豊橋 (Ai Plaza Toyohashi) January 31st, 2020 and February 2nd, 2020 (Miyagi) @ アルモニーサンク 北九州ソレイユホール (Al Monee Thunk Kitakyushu Soleil Hall) February 6th, 2020 and February 16th, 2020 (Tokyo) @ TOKYO DOME CITY HALL
Akutsu Nichika as Echizen Ryoma (越前リョーマ) Aoki Ryou as Tezuka Kunimitsu (手塚国光) Ezoe Takanori as Ooishi Shuuichirou (大石秀一郎) Minaki Ibu as Fuji Shuusuke (不二周助) Taguchi Tsukasa as Kikumaru Eiji (菊丸英二) Takenouchi Daisuke as Inui Sadaharu (乾貞治) Iwata Tomoki as Kawamura Takashi (河村隆) Ookubo Tatsuki as Momoshiro Takeshi (桃城武) Nakajima Takuto as Kaidou Kaoru (海堂薫) Ryouga as Horio Satoshi (堀尾聡史) Nakamigawa Toshiki as Katou Kachirou (加藤勝郎) Okuda Yumeto as Mizuno Katsuo (水野カツオ)
Tateishi Toshiki as Yukimura Seiichi (幸村精市) Tazuru Shougo as Sanada Genichirou (真田弦一郎) Isawa Takuma as Yanagi Renji (柳蓮二) Gotou Dai as Niou Masaharu (仁王雅治) Oosumi Yuuta as Yagyuu Hiroshi (柳生比呂士) Ooyabu Taka as Marui Bunta (丸井ブン太) Kawasaki Yuusaku as Jackal Kuwahara (ジャッカル桑原) Maeda Ryuutarou as Kirihara Akaya (切原赤也)
Kento as Ibu Shinji (伊武深司)
St. Rudolph:
Oohara Kaiki as Fuji Yuuta (不二裕太)
Kawakami Shouta as Akutsu Jin (亜久津仁)
Miura Hiroki as Atobe Keigo (跡部景吾) Utsumi Akiyoshi as Hiyoshi Wakashi (日吉若)
Takada Makoto as Tanishi Kei (田仁志慧)
Mashiko Atsuki as Shiraishi Kuranosuke (白石蔵ノ介) Hiramatsu Raima as Tooyama Kintarou (遠山金太郎)
Moriyama Eiji as Echizen Nanjirou (越前南次郎) 
homepage natalie
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leenaevilin · 5 years
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[Pic] ミュージカル『テニスの王子様』3rdシーズン 全国大会 青学 vs 立海 前編 (musical tennis no oujisama 3rd season zenkokutaikai seigaku vs rikkai zenpen)
main visual ↑↑↑ update^^
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leenaevilin · 5 years
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[Announcement] ミュージカル『テニスの王子様』3rdシーズン 全国大会 青学 vs 立海 前編 (musical tennis no oujisama 3rd season zenkokutaikai seigaku vs rikkai zenpen)
the show will be running from July 11th, 2019 to July 21st, 2019 (Tokyo) @ TOKYO DOME CITY HALL July 26th, 2019 to August 12th, 2019 (Osaka) @ メルパルク大阪 ホール (Mielparque Osaka Hall) August 17th, 2019 and August 18th, 2019 (Aichi) @ 豊田市民文化会館 大ホール (Toyota Shimin Bunka Kaikan Main Hall) August 31st, 2019 and September 1st, 2019 (Fukuoka) @ アルモニーサンク 北九州ソレイユホール (Al Monee Thunk Kitakyushu Soleil Hall) September 7th, 2019 and September 8th, 2019 (Miyagi) @ 多賀城市民会館 大ホール (Tagajoshi Bunkakaikan Main Hall) September 19th, 2019 and September 29th, 2019 (Tokyo) @ TOKYO DOME CITY HALL
Akutsu Nichika as Echizen Ryoma (越前リョーマ) Aoki Ryou as Tezuka Kunimitsu (手塚国光) Ezoe Takanori as Ooishi Shuuichirou (大石秀一郎) Minaki Ibu as Fuji Shuusuke (不二周助) Taguchi Tsukasa as Kikumaru Eiji (菊丸英二) Takenouchi Daisuke as Inui Sadaharu (乾貞治) Iwata Tomoki as Kawamura Takashi (河村隆) Ookubo Tatsuki as Momoshiro Takeshi (桃城武) Nakajima Takuto as Kaidou Kaoru (海堂薫) Ryouga as Horio Satoshi (堀尾聡史) Nakamigawa Toshiki as Katou Kachirou (加藤勝郎) Okuda Yumeto as Mizuno Katsuo (水野カツオ)
Tateishi Toshiki as Yukimura Seiichi (幸村精市) Tazuru Shougo as Sanada Genichirou (真田弦一郎) Isawa Takuma as Yanagi Renji (柳蓮二) Gotou Dai as Niou Masaharu (仁王雅治) Oosumi Yuuta as Yagyuu Hiroshi (柳生比呂士) Ooyabu Taka as Marui Bunta (丸井ブン太) Kawasaki Yuusaku as Jackal Kuwahara (ジャッカル桑原) Maeda Ryuutarou as Kirihara Akaya (切原赤也)
Mashiko Atsuki as Shiraishi Kuranosuke (白石蔵ノ介) Andou Shuutarou as Koishikawa Kenjirou (小石川健二郎)   Emoto Kouki as Chitose Senri (千歳千里) Morita Rikito as Konjiki Koharu (金色小春) Yatsu Tsubasa as Hitouji Yuuji (一氏ユウジ) Chida Kyouhei as Oshitari Kenya (忍足謙也) Mori Ippei as Ishida Gin (石田銀) Hirono Ryouta as Zaizen Hikaru (財前光) Hiramatsu Raima as Tooyama Kintarou (遠山金太郎) Saki Masato as Watanabe Osamu (渡邊オサム)
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