#minding my own business trying to enjoy amartya sen
j-femmescoli · 10 months
the bad part about reading any kind of socioeconomic literature is that fucking reagan and thatcher pop up every other page like that fucking car jumpscare video
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blograzorwit · 7 years
Jest A Minute (24/7/2017) from Subroto Mukherjee
Out Of The World-------------------------- An American rock star took his own life the other day. His fans say he was out of the world. Heck, which is so true of him today -- now that he is literally out of this world! His fans say he was mind blowing. To say nothing of blowing the ear drums as well, I guess! *** Walk Like Mumbaikars------------------------------- In this blustery monsoon, trees are toppling on pedestrians in Mumbai. So now our dilemma is how do we Mumbaikars walk? Do we walk looking up, watching out for falling trees? Do we walk looking back so some typical idiot rash driver does not ram us from behind? Or do we walk looking down so we don't fall into one of the countless potholes in the roads? You heard that song Walk Like Egyptians? Forget that. Let's try to figure out how to walk like Mumbaikars! *** Breeding Mosquitoes Or Potholes?------------------------------------------------- A female radio jockey composed a song ridiculing Mumbai's municipal corporation for the endless potholes in our roads. Incensed, our BMC struck back, accusing the RJ of breeding mosquitoes around her residence! Ho ho ho! Look who's talking! I ask you, if some poor RJ can be accused of breeding mosquitoes, why can't our BMC be accused of 'breeding' potholes in our roads? ***   Oh, just by the way, what happens when you go to lodge a complaint with our authorities here in Mumbai?  They give you a form to fill up. No matter what your age -- no matter how young you are -- this form is marked 'for senior citizens'. Why? Very simple reason for this. By the time the authorities act on your complaint -- ha -- that's exactly what you are likely to become : a senior citizen! *** Kleptomaniac/Claptomaniac--------------------------------------- My two-line review of Munna Michael : It's like they shop-lifted from Wacko Jacko's body of works like a kleptomaniac. And Tiger Shroff has perfomed like a CLAPtomaniac -- with his every move, expecting CLAPS from the audience. *** Top or Flop Star?--------------------------- Recently a famous actress was kidnapped in Kerala. But the cops were soon on to a top star who had hatched the plot to abduct and humiliate her! My question is simple. Is this guy a top star or flop star? What kind of flop actor is he? When interrogated by the police, he could NOT even play innocent and convince the cops that he played no part in the crime.   *** It's In Our DNA------------------------ In Karnatak, a top cop recently blew the lid off a scam. She exposed how 2 crore changed hands so a VIP could enjoy luxuries in prison! And how was this top cop rewarded for this? She was promptly and unceremoniously shunted off to an unimportant post! HA! See, this is what is going on in our country! Amartya Sen calls us argumentative Indians.   I think we are accepting Indians. We have acceptance in our very DNA. We accept corruption in high places. In fact, we accept corruption from top to bottom. And we accept a VIP culture without any restraints. In fact, when it comes to acting against guilty VIPs, we expect our cops to be born with a certain DNA. A DNA that stands for DO NOT ACT. *** Driving Bribing Test----------------------------- According to a report, 6 out of 10 people in India get their driving license without a test! Really? I don't think so. In fact, to get a license in our country, you need to take not just ONE but TWO tests! First you have to take a driving test. If you fail that, then you have to take the BRIBING TEST! *** East Is Waste--------------------- According to a survey, we have already wasted 7000 crores in our efforts to clean up the Ganga. But, alas, the great holy river remains no cleaner than before! As Rudyard Kipling once said, "The East is the East and the West is the West. Today if Mr Kipling were alive, this is what he'd have said, "The West is the West and our East is all about WASTE! *** TB Or Not TB?---------------------- According to a shocking expose, 18 patients lose their lives from TB in Mumbai -- DAILY! But is it TB alone? Or are there other health/medical factors that worsen the patient's condition?   Or, as Shakespeare's Hamlet would have said suspiciously, "TB or not TB, that is the question?"   *** Courage Under Fire----------------------------- Deeply saddening and disturbing! A bus packed with Indian pilgrims was ambushed by Pakistani-backed terrorists, taking the lives of 7 pilgrims! As bullets tore through the bus windows from all sides, the bus driver seized the only option left to save as many lives as he could. He slid as low as possible in his seat, floored the accelerator and drove like hell! Well, what else could he do? Even though, from his low, almost-lying-flat position in the driver's seat, he could hardly see where he was going or how fast he was going. You know, if Bollywood ever makes a film on this heroic move under such life-and-death circumstances, Salman would be perfect to play this heroic bus driver. Given the reckless way he is known to drive! *** Laughter Not Best Medicine?-------------------------------------- Oh no, it happened again! Kapil Sharma fainted on the sets of his comedy show. They say laughter is the best medicine. But if poor Kapil is fainting amid all the laughter on his show, he sure needs some other medicine! *** Other comedians crack jokes. Some jokes get laughs. Other jokes fall flat. Not so in the case of top-comic Kapil. His jokes always get laughs. His jokes never fall flat. But in the middle of his joke, he might faint and fall flat! *** Ups and Downs---------------------- We all have our ups and down in life, don't we? We sure do. Some of us have our ups and downs in business, some at the share bazaar, etc. And many of us have our ups and downs daily because we take the lift. But not too long back, our Maha CM had a most unpleasant up-and-down experience when the chopper carrying him lifted up in the air -- only down come down with a thud! *** As if that wasn't enough, our poor CM had another odd experience while he was about to board a helicopter the other day. Even before he could step aboard, the chopper suddenly made as if to take off leaving him behind! You wonder who supplies these choppers that perform such antics. And I am guessing you can tell this from the letters written on this chopper -- LHHS. I am sure that stands for Laurel-Hardy Helicopter Service! *** Phew! No Eating Crow!-------------------------------------- Now in a desperate cost-cutting mode, a major Indian airline is serving only veg dishes to its passengers. Thank God for that. Now when some poor crow gets sucked into -- and fried in -- a jet engine, the crow won't be served to you as a chicken snack! And in case you discover an insect in your in-flight meal, better not to complain to the flight crew. They will at once charge you the price for a non-veg dish! ***  
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