zukkacore · 1 year
Me trying to explain to other DR fans that togakure don’t believe in commitment or marriage but if they did they would be extremely divorced. Divorced and in a situationship but divorced all the same
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vijaykumar2019 · 4 years
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saavikams-blog · 8 years
@mindlogic ♥’d
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          there’s shame that burns within her at just how much she FEELS around other vulcans. it’s almost as though she is on display, each move watched with far more scrutiny than would be if she were full blooded vulcan. as it stands, saavik holds great admiration for the lieutenant commander before her, but within her is a hurricane of nerves she’s certain are betrayed on a face she fights to keep composed. any human would be fooled, her control a practiced one, but there are gaps in her knowledge that give her a shameful streak of volatility. with rigid posture she stands at attention, deliberate fingers interlocking with one another at her front.   ❝ nothing to report, ma’am. however, I do have an inquiry, if I may. ❞   certainly those were far from RARE, and despite the nerves she so hated possessing, she couldn’t stop herself from speaking up.   ❝ it does not pertain directly to my duties, however I feel the answer may aid me in the long run. ❞
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zherka-archive-blog · 8 years
      HIS BACK IS RAMROD STRAIGHT,   hands  clasped  firmly  behind  him.  nothing  in  his  physicality  suggests  anything  other  than  perfect  composure,  but  emotion  pulses  through  his  veins.   pain.   grief.   uncertainty.   his  mind  is  a  whirlwind  of  sorrow,  memories  of  his  mother  flashing  to  the  forefront  of  his  thoughts.   spock  stiffens  against  the  onslaught,  the  fingers  of  one  hand  tightening  mercilessly  around  his  captive  wrist.  a  fight  for   c o n t r o l .  focus  shifts  to  his  companion,  head  tilting  minutely  to  the  side  in  recognition.   
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      ❛    lieutenant  commander.  i  wish  to  express  my  sincerest  GRATITUDE  in  regards  to  your  invitation.   the  presence  of  a  companion  such  as  yourself  on  such  an  expedition  is.... greatly appreciated.   ❜    THANKS ARE UNNECESSARY,  something  inside  him  counters  immediately,  yet  spock  makes  no  move  to  rectify  his  statement.   perhaps  it  is  a  manifestation  of  his  terran  heritage,  perhaps  a  transference  of  sorts  from  his  time  spent  in  great  proximity  to  such  a  large  quantity  of  humans.  whatever  the  source,  he  knows  t’palia  will  understand.      /    @mindlogic
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komihn-blog · 8 years
it takes time to prepare meals by hand, a step most officers do not need to take in the day thanks to synthesizers ... but gestures should be made when a birthday comes around. t'palia has prepared a platter - foods as close as possible to those from their home ( the plomeek soup is her mother's recipe ). " happy birthday, spock. "
home has variable meanings when you reside upon a starship set to scale the stars. home doesn’t resonate when the planet you once knew is destroyed, its death an act of sanctified retribution by a man forsaken in his own time. home is no longer tangible   ;   a concept in an existence focused solely for comfort, for peace, for sanity. there is no home to return to. the sands he has scaled in youth are gone. the house he grew and learnt and aged in is only a memory coveted as if sacred. the vulcan people have little, yet they set to gain so much more in the years to come. he should be thankful as much had survived as it had. ( HE DOESN’T FEEL THANKFUL FOR FEELING THE PHANTOM ARMS OF HIS MOTHER WRAP AROUND HIM. HE DOESN’T FEEL THANKFUL FOR THE MOURNING HE HAD DONE. HE DOESN’T FEEL THANKFUL FOR THE EMPTINESS WHERE ONCE WERE HYMNS AND PRAYERS THAT UPLIFTED THE KATRAS OF SO MANY. ) he should be thankful. he should.he isn’t. yet time and energy, focus and resolve, are pushed to other things. there are monumental achievements ready to be completed, praised. there are new discoveries to document, find. there are new experiments to be done, explored. where there is death there is always life. ( A CONCEPT FORGED IN THE STARS THEMSELVES, IN THE VERY CREW WHO CONTINUE TO SACRIFICE FOR THE GREATER GOOD. ) vulcan’s demise took with it so much, letting ancients crumble and homilies go unanswered. even with their historical, religious sites gone   ;    the lives of their ancestors lost   ;   the lives of children fated to never grow old locked within memory, they rise. they rise and they rise and they forge themselves a path from endurance and strength and the resolve in knowing this is not their end. ( THIS IS NOT A MOMENT OF SORROW, BUT ONE OF ACCEPTANCE. ) they are a people burdened with a death that should never have been. he forgets that. he forgets that he and t’palia are two souls whom each carry their own weights. be it upon their shoulders, chests, hearts. he forgets that. he forgets she has suffered just as he.he forgets that she, perhaps, is thankful. he forgets that not all have lost hope. perhaps it is the loss of his mother, the woman who encouraged without haste, that hastens his own attitude of feigned indifference. ( OF REPRESSING THE SORROW HE STILL HEARS ECHO WITHIN THE MINDS OF THOUSANDS, MILLIONS. )forgive him, he thinks as eyes light upon the gift. forgive him, his lips almost say as he looks to her with astonished gaze, open with not only wonder, but with a thankfulness he had supposed too precious for a child such as he to hold. 
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         ‘   my birthday is hardly a means for celebration.   ‘   so cynical, yet voice is softened, rough as it were in his moments close to death. this intimacy remains hard to navigate, yet there is an obstruction in throat as he gazes, lost and lost and lost and he swears, he swears, there’s no coming back from this.this is what finding home feels like. ( THIS IS WHAT IT MEANS TO FIND SOLACE. )lips quiver in slight, hardly noticeable yet present all the same. there is so much emotion, so many elements warring inside, swirling into some tidalic wave he doesn’t truly know how to control. he cannot cry, yet voice is thicker now, damaged by her kindness, her unrelenting understanding. he knows, then, that t’palia will be a woman he respects and admires for the rest of his life. he knows, then, that she will be known as the one who led the people to their salvation, who saved the lambs from slaughter. ( PROVERBIAL, YET PROFOUND. ) she will always hold a place in his heart. she will always be more than subordinate. and he is thankful. he is content. itar-bosh.                                                       ‘   th'i-oxalra, t’hai’lu. would you ... be interested in dining with me?   ‘
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klingonblood-blog · 8 years
mindlogic replied to your post: me:  wants a full klingon verse me: look @ how...
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( u get #bonus beautiful klingon icon ok )  bc YES KLINGONS ARE HELLA BADASS.  
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astramessiah · 8 years
BOLD any which apply to your muse !
remember to REPOST ! feel free to add to the list !
red  //  orange //  yellow  //  green //  blue   //   purple   //   pink   // beige   //   fire  //   ice   // water   //   air   //   earth  //   claws   //   fangs  //   wings   //  gold   //   diamonds   //   grass // leaves   //   trees  //  roses   //   metal //   iron  // rust  //  rain   //  snow   //  lace   //  leather  // silk   //  velvet  // denim  //   cotton  //  sun   //   moon   //   stars   //  blood  //  dirt  //  mud   // silver   //   steel  //   sugar   //  salt   // pepper   //   lavender   //  glass   //   wood  // paper   //   wool   //  fur   // smoke   // ash   //   cigarettes   //  cigars  //  candy   //   bubbles   //  ocean   // city scape   // bruises  //  scars   //  wind  // spices  // light  // dark  //  paint  //  lingerie   // charcoal   //  wine   //  phone   // hard liquor //  sweat //  tears   //   dust  //   lips   //  smiles   // bare feet   //   hats   //   canine   // feline   //  coffee  //   tea   //  books   //  photos   //   sketches   //  analog   //  digital   //  clockwork   //   scratches   //  petals   //  thorns  //   hay   //  glitter   // heat //  cold  //   steam   // frost   //  dewdrops   // candle  //  sword   //  dagger //   arrow   //  staff  //  hammer   //  axe   // shield   // spikes  //   sand (nnoooooooo)   // rocks  // roots   // feathers   //  pearls  // rubies   // sapphires  //  emeralds   // amethyst   // herbs   //   waves   //  lightning   //  sunlight  //  moonlight //  rainbow   //   money   //   clay   //  stone   //   brick   // lions  //  wolves   // black   //  white   //  birds   //  eyes   //  hands  //   flowers   //  angels //  heaven // holiness  // hell //  medicine  // needles  // sharp objects  // guns  //  mechs //  dragons  // pastels  //  dreams // poetry  // video games  // hacking  //  neon  // distorted images  // spiders  // insects  // deep water //  elysium  // graveyards //  death // resurrection // nature  // churches // priests // crosses//sacrifice  // skulls //  nymphs // strings //  instruments
tagged by:  @ahphra ♥︎ tagging: i’mma do the first seven people on the dash so @dualsuns, @shadcwpreacher, @spunstories, @mindlogic, @directorkrenniic, @xstrange, @kveljast
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goworkable · 8 years
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(via MindLogics – Php and mysql development | GoWorkable - Global Business Finder)
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astrohail · 8 years
mindlogic replied to your post “nyota uhura and the mysterious vanishing eyebrows”
there they go
they’re finally free
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mindlogicsus-blog · 7 years
Top 5 most popular websites in the world
There are numerous websites in the world and every website has importance but a few websites are the most popular websites in the world. So, in this article, I would like to describe five most popular websites in the world.
1. Google
Alexa lists Google as the most visited website in the world. Google is a multinational technology company that concentrates on the internet related products and services. The headquarters of the Google is in the California, USA. The services and product of Google include online advertising technologies; cloud computing, search, software, and hardware. In 1998 Google was founded by Larry Page and Sergey Brin.
2. YouTube
YouTube is a video sharing website that is a second most popular website in the world. The headquarters of YouTube is in San Bruno, California. Steve Chen, Chan Hurley and Jawed Karim are the founders of the YouTube. In November 2006 Google bought the site for $1.65 billion. In these days YouTube operates as one of Google’s subsidiaries.
3. Facebook
Facebook is social networking site based in Menlo Park, California. On February 4, 2004, the Facebook website was launched by Mark Zuckerberg. Facebook may be accessed by a large number of laptops, desktops, computers, mobile phones over the internet and mobile networks. After creating a Facebook account, users can share images, videos, articles and much more.
4. Baidu
Baidu, Inc. is a Chinese web Services Company based in Beijing’s Haidian District. Baidu offers many services such as search engine for websites, images, and audio files. Robin Li and Eric Xu established Baidu in 2000. Alexa lists Baidu as the 4th most visited website in the world.
5. Wikipedia
Wikipedia is a free online encyclopedia which permits each user to edit articles. Wikipedia is the largest and most popular general reference work on the internet. A non-profit Wikimedia Foundation owned the Wikipedia. On 15 January 2001, Wikipedia was launched by Jimmy Wales and Larry Sanger. Wikipedia has a lot of high-quality articles on various topics.
Google, YouTube, Facebook, Baidu, and Wikipedia are the top five most popular websites in the world.
So finally, I would like to say that Mindlogics is one of the most trusted web development companies in the United States.
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mindlogicsus-blog · 6 years
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MindLogics is best known for website design, coding, development and digital marketing services. We offer professional web design, development, and digital marketing services to help businesses work better and achieve their goals. http://www.mindlogicsinc.com/
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