#mine looks like a hot mess it's so embarassing LMAO
strawberrinoz · 6 months
can we pls normalize not having a visually pleasing farm.... pls..
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astrito · 1 year
Completos are a Chilean variant of the hot dog, one of many variants in Latam. The most common form you'll see in the streets or small restaurants (don't eat a completo for 5 dollars, you're getting scammed.) is the Italiano, named after the colors of Italy's flag.
The Italiano is comprised of a bun, a sausage which can be boiled or fried, optionally chucrut (sauerkraut, finely chopped lactofermented cabagge), diced tomatoes, mashed avocado, mayonaise, ketchup and finally, mustard. Of course, you can leave out any ingredients you don't like, but that's the blueprint.
Now, why the hell am I giving you this piece of mildly interesting Chilean trivia?
I put this under a read more because it's so cringe... (I'm literally not doing anything bad) (Still embarassed) (Still gonna share because I liked it)
Right now I'm waiting for my 9PM bus (at 7PM lol) (edit after writing: 8PM! jeez) but even before that, like an hour ago, I rushed to the nearest restaurant, and as always, the completo is a saviour because it was the cheapest thing I could get.
Gosh I was really hungry or it was really really good. Great, even. The mayo was homemade, too!
I was silent while eating and this thought popped into my head, "Shaplin would love to eat a completo." (SHAPLIN JUMPSCARE)
I really love her and if I tried to deny it I'd look even more deranged, lmao.
Thinking of that made me remember all the party nights eating and making 'em, and aaah... it's a really sweet drawing idea.
Right now I imagine my sona and Shaplin having the kitchen be an absolute mess, because I could have said "Yo. We should make some of these things I eat back home" and Shaplin foolishly agreed, knowing she can't even make Mac and Cheese... plus even if the food I cook is good, it's at the expense of clean spaces hehe 😔
Then, after everything is made (and the kitchen has been cleaned before Swatch could have an aneurysm looking at the mess), setting up the table for so many Swatchlings sounds funny, but at the same time kind of cute! They're a big family <3
Aside from the completos the arrangement I assume would be the same as one where people eat hot dogs (if you even do?! I have no idea!!), Snacks and sauces, sodas... Monster. (I'm normal about that energy drink leave me olone!!! /j)
Eating and making conversation, joking around as it's usual. It warms my heart to think about that.
Now it's less about the food and more about the people you've made it for.
I believe cooking for and having something to eat with someone is a great way of expressing affection, so these ideas are. Yeah. They're heartwarming, as I've said before 🥹
After eating? Oh, I really love playing videogames. I love Mario Party so you bet I put that before anyone else could even think of the console WKEJWKKEJW
Remembering Francis and Queen it's really funny to me, believing Shaplin would pick Princess Peach LMFAO. I of course, will always go with my boy Luigi >:)
(On that note, Colette would pick Rosalina! Her reason is "She looks like a very nice lady!!" while mine is that because her color is Cosmic Latte and Rosalina's whole character revolves around space, it only makes sense, don't you think?)
...Anyway, at this point I'm only rambling! Which isn't bad, not at all, but there's the point where I'll start making 0 sense!
I'm sorry for being SOOO normal about that bird. It will happen again 😔🙏
Astro OUT‼️‼️‼️
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barnesbabee · 4 years
can you pls provide more detail on the wooyoung story? i am curious
that one was my friend
so in my city we have this professional volleyball team and they always hire foreigners or people from the mainland, so they’re not from around here
and they’re SO hot
and me and this particular friend of mine would always be drooling whenever we watched their games
and whenever we went out they would also be in the same club so we’d always be like 👀👀👀
but in her case it was always platonic because she had a boyfriend
until she and her boyfriend broke up 
when they broke up she and 2 or 3 friends from our group went out to drown the sorrow or whatever and the players were there and she got shitfaced
and she ended up starting to talk to one of the players and it ended up in them going to his house 
they didn’t shag when they got there she just died on his bed lmao 
but she told me when she woke up and like 10am she just say this huge French dude in his underwear and she was like??????????????????
so she just kinda,,, left, really embarassed and she had like 40 missing calls from her dad and her parents had been going around the island with the car looking for her
and she just showed up like :)) 
yeah,,, that was it :) 
if you think I’m chaotic, problematic and dysfunctional you should try living with all 30 of us 
its a mess but its so fun I have so many memories
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littlespoonevan · 7 years
Please,,, can we get something with Even embarassing Isak by talking about their sex life or something to the boys? Like just casually reminding 'phew guys you're glad you didn't visit us yesterday u know' and Isak is like EVEN!!!!
anon said: Can you write something with shy isak, I love your fics
anon said: prompt : isak hiding his face from even by hugging him cause he got embarassed or something
ok i’m combining these bc welllll, it’s relevant lmao. i got that first message after even posted the afterglow pic on isak’s instagram (this is a million years late i’m sorry) so i figured it’d probably be best to do a follow up to that asldkjfhsj i hope u like it!!!!!
When Isak approaches the boys in the schoolyardbefore class with Even in tow he’s instantly met with three matching smirks.
“Halla?” he greets confusedly.
If possible, their grins only get wider and Jonaswaggles his eyebrows suggestively, nodding between him and Even. “Good day offyesterday?”
Magnus and Mahdi both let out a burst of laughter atthat before attempting to smother it and Isak freezes.
The fucking Instagram.
He’s going to kill Even.
He huffs, dropping Even’s hand to throw his arms upin exasperation as all three of them give up on any pretence of maintaining aserious expression and break down into a fit of snickers. When he hears Evenlaughing quietly beside him he elbows him, feeling his face heat up. As much ashe’s come a long way in terms being comfortable with PDA he still gets fuckingshy. Especially under the scrutiny of his friends’ amused expressions.
“I still can’t believe you posted that,” he grumblesat Even who lets out a noise of mock indignation.
“Excuse me! You didn’t take it down!” he exclaims,draping an arm around Isak’s shoulder and reeling him in close to kiss the topof his head. “I’m sorry, baby.”
The apology loses a little bit of its meaning whenEven’s eyes are still gleaming playfully as he grins down at him.
The boys’ laughter subsides somewhat and Mahdi nudgeshim. “Relax, dude. You’re the only one getting it on the regular; that’ssomething to be proud of. We’re just messing with you.”
Isak relaxes a little at that, letting an involuntarysmile spread across his face as he leans into Even’s side, still tucked upunder his arm.
“But seriously though,” Magnus says after a moment. “Wasit before or after?”
“Magnus!”Isak groans, turning into Even completely and burying his face his in his chestto hide his flaming cheeks. Why are his friends like this?
Amid all the raucous laughter, Even’s voice can beheard loud and clear. “It was after.”
Scratch that. Why is his boyfriend like this?
“Even!” Isak yells, slipping out of his arms to shovehim half-heartedly.
“Magnus wanted to know!” Even protests with a laugh asif that’s a valid reason.
Isak narrows his eyes at him, shaking his head inutter bewilderment. “You two have the weirdest friendship; you’re not allowedto hang out anymore.”
“Hey!” Magnus complains but Isak ignores him, tryingdesperately to fight his smile as Even’s hands fit to his waist in an attempt topull him in again.
“Forgive me?” Even murmurs, a wry grin on his lips asIsak takes an involuntary step closer.
Isak heaves a long-suffering sigh, rolling his eyes. “Imean, I guess.”
Even bites his lip around his smile, darting in for achaste kiss that Isak can’t help reciprocating after approximately one second.He has willpower of steel.
He’s just starting to enjoy himself, reaching up towrap his arms around Even’s neck when the boys clearing their throats breakshim out of his reverie. He pulls back from Even, turning to see Jonas shakinghis head amusedly.
“You think the picture’s bad, Isak, but it’s nothingcompared to shit we’ve seen you two do in real life,” he snorts.
“He has a point, man,” Mahdi chimes in, followed byMagnus’ emphatic nod – though he looks more delighted than anything else.
Isak looks from one face to the next before rollinghis eyes to stave off the blush rising in his cheeks again. “Whatever. My boyfriend’shot, let me have this.”
Jonas holds his hands up in surrender just as thewarning bell sounds. “All yours, bro.”
Yeah,he thinks as he looks back to Even’s smiling face. All mine.
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bbangjaes · 8 years
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:’) aw thank you so much i loved making those
i think i know exactly what you’re trying to say, coming right up!
(also i’m really really sorry this took so long i desperately need a new laptop bc mine is trash and keeps not working well when i try to write)
SF9 SCENARIO: Them Saving You From A Conversation You Want To Get Out Of
Have no fear, Binnie is here. He would be very in tune to your eye signals because he’s always getting lost in them (oooooo smooth, mik *high fives self*). This literal father would swoop in and attack the person you’re talking to with distractingly bad dad jokes or something while you made your escape. But, since he’s wickedly charming and just plain great to look at (srsly this guy has the most blindingly beautiful smile i’ve ever laid eyes on), he might struggle to them get himself out of the conversation. After some very kind listening and thoughtful nodding, he’d somehow manage to weasel his way away from the person that you so desperately wanted to get away from and get back to you. You’d be worried that he was mad at you for making him sacrifice himself for you but just the opposite would be true. He’d be a complete sweetheart about it and ask you if you were okay (i swear he’s such boyfriend material heart eyes emoji).
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I feel like this meme would front like he knew how to save you but, in reality, he would have no clue (smh what a loser amiright amiright). You’d be signaling to him with widened eyes and he’d be super confused at first like ???? fuck you doing but would then finally understand why you looked like your eyes were bulging out of your head after a bit. He’d try and think up ways that he could help you and would settle on a plan of action that he was very confident in (oh jeez, here we go). He’d stroll on over to you and the person that you were talking to and put his arm around your shoulders. He’d very smoothly apologize for interrupting and calmly say that he had to steal you away for an important matter. You were looking at him with heart eyes like he was your hero. That is, until he crumbled right before your eyes. The person who you were talking to would ask what the “important matter” was and, unfortunately, your genius boyfriend would not have considered the possibility of that question coming up in his master plan (i really do love him i swear). After a moment of panic, Inseong would make some noise like a frustrated child and just sort of drag you away from the person without another word (i’m rolling idk why i made this like this but i thoroughly believe that inseong would be a hot mess).
(ignore the funny ass captions but i feel like he’d be this level of shook/confused)
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This honey would know right away that his baby was in trouble (i feel like he’d have some crazy “my gf is in danger” sense or something). He would zoom at the speed of light to come save you from the conversation. He’d probably use his smarts and come up with a v v v convincing excuse for the other person to have to leave. Jaeyoon would tell them some bullshit like that someone else needed them at that exact moment so they couldn’t initiate their conversation with you and that they better get to steppin. That person would fall for his diversion immediately and you would be free. Jaeyoon would have saved the day like a true angel but this little shit would stick his face out to you and look like he was waiting for something. You’d give the cute headass a kiss on the cheek and he’d consider the favor returned (idk why but i just imagined how unbelievably soft his cheek would be to kiss… i gotta go now).
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No need to worry, Lee “Extra” Sanghyuk will come to your aid. That is, after he embarasses you. I’m almost certain that he wouldn’t even know that your eye signals to him were signals. He would practically scream to you from across the room to ask you wtf was up with your eyes or some shit like that and you would be completely justified to facepalm at this moment. After he noticed that you weren’t just trying out some new eyelid exercises, he’d realize that you wanted out of the conversation that you were trapped in and he’d “skillfully” get you out of it. He’d scream again, “JAGIYA. COME QUICK. I’M NEEDY… FOR… FOR YOU.” (that may or may not have been a dirty reference and no, i’m not the least bit ashamed of it ok maybe i am pls forgive me) Completely mortified from the confused look that you were getting from the person you were talking to and the amused looks that you were getting from the other members, you turned red as tomato. Usually you’d scream back at him to shut up when he did stuff like that (which would be v often) but you were so desperate to get out of the conversation that you were in that you smiled at the person across from you and excused yourself. You walked over to Dawon and gave him a death glare that practically burned right through him. Wising up real quick, this boy would gtfo and fast (rest in peace dawon it was nice knowin ya bud).
(ayyyyy lmao it’s my gif)
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This boy is lowkey the most awkward human to ever exist so he’d be a confused noodle boy trying to help you (a lil off topic but also not, i honestly feel like zuho is also a v shy bun around people he doesn’t know but that could just be me). I feel like he too would not get your eye signals right away and would be a little puzzled, wondering why you were looking at him funny (i can see him being super confused lmaooooo). After he realized that he didn’t have something on his face or a bug in his hair or some shit, he would have a look of pure relief. You’d furrow your eyebrows at him to further hint that you needed his help and he’d try to frantically think of a way to get you away from the person talking to you. Juho would then kind of just noodle his way slowly over to the two of you and smile a little at the person across from you. He’d proceed hesitantly to ask them some random question that was so weird and out of nowhere that they’d stop mid-sentence just to stare at him in confusion. You’d already slipped away and you looked back at Zuho while he just stood there like a statue until the person got fed up and left. Your knight in shining armor would then look at you for approval and to check and see if you were okay like a kind boyfriend (he’s so pure i swear pls protect him from all danger).
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Rowoon’s spidey mom senses would be tingling at rates off the fucking charts and he would instantly know that you needed him (i’m laughing out loud rn bc i just picture the funniest look of worry spreading over his face). But, instead of formulating a plan of action ahead of his rescue mission, he would be next to you before he even knew what was happening. I feel like he’d be shook and not even remeber moving his legs to get over there or some crazy shit like that he’d be so fast at getting to you (it’s the freakishly long legs, man). He’d politely notify the person that you were talking that you were needed elsewhere and that he was very sorry for any inconvenience that your absence would cause. Due to Rowoon’s freakishly beautiful visuals and sparkling charm, the person would not question him, say goodbye to you, and leave. This concerned boyfriend would then make sure that you were unharmed and hold you tight to his chest v protective-like.
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Tae would be smooth af and would have you out of there in no time at all. He’d tune into your eye signals right away and would know just what to do (like it’d be scary how well he’d handle this shit). With a beaming smile, he’d make his way over to you and stand at your side. He would then greet the person that you were talking to and engage them in conversation, utilizing his sunshiney personality and dazzling smile (which is legit crafted from pieces of the sun n pure happiness i s2g) to distract them so that you could sneak away. Once you were safely out of range, he would expertly make up an excuse for him to leave and politely say goodbye to the person. The person that you didn’t want to talk to wouldn’t know what hit them and would be on cloud nine from just having an interaction with the literal angel that is Yoo Taeyang (as anyone would be) and you would be free. The two of you would probably then celebrate with a cute asf bubble tea date or some shit like that.
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This weirdo would have a rather… unconventional way of getting you out of the conversation. Hwi would see the distressed look in your eyes and try to figure out what the hell you were trying to tell him for a good 10 minutes or so and would eventually get it. He’d then think for a second before he executed his master plan. He would walk up behind the person that you were talking to while they were speaking to you. You would widen your eyes at him and he’d just put a finger over his lips to tell you to not alert the enemy of his presence. He’d then scare the living shit out of the person by screaming and touching their back quickly (lmfao i’m geeked). The person would be shocked and Hwiyoung would signal to you to get out of there while they were registering what the actual fuck just happened to them and you’d be able to escape. By the time the shocked victim of Hwiyoung’s attack got their heartbeat back to a normal speed, the two of you would be long gone (*sings* eojjeomyeon urin BONNIE AND CLYDEEEEE ok i’m done).
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Tbh I feel like it’d be more likely for something like this to happen to Chani himself (like I can totally see him accidentally getting himself into conversations that he’d rather die than be stuck in all the time lmfao poor thing). But if it was his boo thing in this situation, he would try his hardest to save you. He’d hesitantly come over to where the two of you were talking and stand calmly by your side. After listening to two or three sentences from the vigorous speaker across from you, he’d suddenly and dramatically point in the direction opposite of the two of you and shout, “WHOA, WHAT IS THAT?” And when the person talking turned around to try and see what the fuck he was pointing at, he’d grab you by the arm and run like hell. Once you guys were in the safety of literally anywhere that wasn’t there, you’d give him a kiss of the cheek and call him your hero while he was still out of breath from hardcore sprinting. The lil bun would blush but then front like he was tough shit and say, “Oh, that? That was nothing.”
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