#minhyuk is developing!!! yay!!!!
rkminhyxk-blog · 7 years
♔ moving on (out) ` solo
“yes, really.”
“are you sure? what about the restaurant? naeun? then there’s chewie, i really don’t thin---”
“yes, i’m sure! we will be fine, minhyuk. the restaurant is fine, naeun will help out more and take the dog on walks. you’re not being kicked out, you know. you're keeping your key and you’ll visit us. often.” 
“i know, i know,” he mumbled, fingers ruffling through his hair as he shook his head in an attempt to sort out his own thoughts. minhyuk’s honestly not sure what he expected. did he think he would move out on his own before his grandmother finally brought up the topic herself? he didn’t fully know, but he’s not all that surprised when she actually does. he knows it’s common for kids to live at home after graduating and sometimes for years after, but minhyuk was now 20 and if he wanted to be more independent like he so desperately wanted to be, he needed to move out and find his own place. he needed to take control of his own life! find his destiny!
“why don’t you look into snu? or yonsei? i think you would do well at university.”
“i’ve been thinking about it,” he reassured, his head nodding thoughtfully as light red circles where forming on his face from where minhyuk’s hands had been resting for a little too long. “i just... i don’t know what i want to do yet. i don’t know what i can do yet, and..” he sighed and sat up, pursing his lips slightly as he looked towards his grandmother. “the last thing i want to do is waste money to study when i have nothing i want to study. that sounds selfish, doesn’t it?”
the truth of the matter was that minhyuk did know what he wanted to do, he just didn’t know if he could do it. he had already spent months on end since the fall for improving his skills in hopes of landing an audition, and what did he have to show for it? nothing. yet. but could they even afford minhyuk’s dream of debuting? simply becoming a trainee seemed like such a far off hope when no progress was being made. having already been a trainee once before made it feel like minhyuk could jump back into the scene so easily! well... he wasn’t exactly having that sort of luck.
performing was something that had been minhyuk’s focus since he first began singing, and he was finally reminded of how good it felt to be on stage at the spring festival only a few months ago. the aching want minhyuk had to preform just wasn’t enough; was he really trying his hardest whenever he went to the practice room? 
a hand coming to rest on the upper half of his back pulled the male from his thoughts, this time sighing and rubbing his hands over his face as his grandmother spoke, “we will support you no matter what, minhyuk. you don’t have to figure everything out right now. what is meant to happen will happen--- but in the meantime, think about finding a cheap apartment. and eat! i worked hard on this meal!”
right. okay, minhyuk. 
one thing at a time.
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monunilight · 7 years
Being Together is Enough
Reader x Minhyuk (Monsta X) 
Fluff | Drabble Collection
Word Count: 1,160
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Dating Minhyuk is definitely interesting and always keeps you on your toes. But you wouldn’t trade it for the world. 
You were home alone for the day, so you decided to do some deep cleaning of the apartment while Minhyuk was away. You put in your headphones and blasted some fun music while you set to work, starting in the kitchen and moving on from there.
Somehow, the cleaning had turned into a dance session once you had hit the living room. The vacuum was abandoned while you did a very poor rendition of the dance to BTS’s “Fire”. Your music was so loud and you were so intent on nailing the dance, that you didn’t notice when the front door opened and someone slipped inside, planting himself just outside of your field of vision.
After your solo, you collapsed to the ground, panting and regretting how often you skimped on any sort of cardio workout. You closed your eyes, trying to focus on being able to breath normally again.
When you felt someone sit on top of you, your immediate reaction was to try to push them off you. But Minhyuk caught your arms before you could, a wide smile plastered on his face and his belly shaking with laughter. You ripped your headphones out of your ears, your face already turning beet red.
“How long have you been here?” You demanded, still a little short of breath.
His whole-hearted laughter, which you normally loved, only made you a little irked now. “Around the first chorus.”
“Why didn’t you stop me?” You smacked at his chest weakly, relaxing back onto the ground.
“It was too adorable watching you dance and you were so focused too. There’s no way I could have interrupted.” You rolled your eyes at him, he could be such a cheese sometimes.
After a moment of just laying there, Minhyuk still sitting on top of you, he added, “So, can I get an encore now?”
You had called in sick to work today, which you never did. But you had been up all-night vomiting and didn’t feel well enough to crawl into bed until 4 am, which is when you called and told work there was no possible way for you to make it in today.
It wasn’t until noon that you woke up again, and you were ravenous. You rolled out of bed, in search of clothes to put on instead of your stale-feeling pajamas. The first thing your hands landed on was one of Minhyuk’s t-shirts. You normally avoided wearing them, you always felt bad stealing his clothes, but today you didn’t care. He was off on a trip for work anyway. You threw it on and it ended up stretching all the way down to almost your knees, so you were set to wander to the kitchen.
You were just scrambling some eggs and making toast when the front door was thrown open.
“Honey, I’m home!” Minhyuk yelled, walking in with his suitcase and backpack in hand. He banged his way into the room, which made you flinch a little from a dehydrated headache you had developed. “Is that one of my shirts?”
You looked down at his shirt, then back at him, and shook your head slowly.
He chuckled. “Y/N, it goes down to your knees. That can’t possibly be your shirt.”
“I’m sick, ok? Leave me be.” You mumbled, turning back to your eggs.
“You’re sick?” He gasped, and he was immediately hovering over you, turning you this way and that so that he could try to find the problem. “Why are you cooking then? You should be in bed!”
“I was hungry, and I didn’t think you were supposed to be back until tomorrow night.”
“Well, go lay down right now! I’ll finish cooking.” He gently replaced you at the stove.
You didn’t move, though. “I’m fine, Minhyuk, really. You must be tired from travelling, you should go lay down.”
He shook his head firmly. “Not when my baby is not feeling her best. Now, go lay down before I make you, and I’ll bring this to you when it’s done.”
You rolled your eyes at him but gave up on protesting. You trudged back to bed, regretting how stubborn your boyfriend was but thankful for how kind he was to you.
You appreciated that Minhyuk insisted on setting aside time to go grocery shopping together every week whenever it was possible. But, you really felt like it was more tiring than if you had a toddler with you instead.
“Y/N, can I get this?” He asked for what felt like the fiftieth time. He was now holding a tub of ice cream and had on his puppy-dog eyes that he knew you couldn’t resist.
“Why do you need ice cream?” You asked, just like you had everything else.
“We can eat it tonight. I was thinking we could watch a movie, maybe even get a bottle of wine to go with it.”
You chuckled, finally an idea he had that was good. “Sure, let’s get ice cream and wine.”
“Yay!” He smiled wide, throwing the ice cream into the cart and already wandering off to find the wine too. You chuckled to yourself. Sometimes his playfulness was tiring, but in the end, it made most of your days much better.
You were sound asleep, dreaming of a peaceful forest. But suddenly the world was shaking, and you realized that it was actually you being shaken awake.
It took a moment, but you fluttered your eyes open and saw Minhuk’s eyes just an inch from your own. You yelped, crawling back just a little bit. “What are you doing?” You demanded, now wide awake from the scare.
“Come with me.” He stood up from the side of the bed where he was crouching.
“Minhyuk, it’s two a.m., where are you going?” You called after his retreating figure. You still rolled out of bed, pulling a blanket around your shoulders as you did.
He didn’t say a word as he padded down the hallway to your balcony. You followed, swearing that there had better be a good reason he was dragging you out of sleep for this.
“Look.” He said once you joined him outside, pointing up to the sky. You followed his finger, looking up to the stars. They were shining brightly, a clear night. When your eyes focused a little better, you noticed that a bunch of the stars were moving, falling. A meteor shower.
“Wow.” You sighed, leaning back into Minhyuk as he wrapped his arms around your waist.
You two watched the shower in silence for a solid ten minutes, staring at the beauty of the night sky. When it seemed like the majority of it was over, you turned in Minhyuk’s arms to face him.
He smiled down at you gently. “Was that worth getting up for?”
“Most definitely.” You placed a peck on his lips. “I love you and your weird antics, Minhyuk.”
He chuckled, pulling you just slightly closer. “I love you too, Y/N.”
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yehetno · 7 years
got my eyes on you (because you are cute)
sanha/minhyuk, vampire!sanha, hunter!rocky, floof?
~700 words
Sanha is not exactly known for making the best choices.  There are one too many stories from his days in high school that prove his flawed decision-making process, most notably The Incident.  Without revealing too much information, his creation, his genesis story if you will, involves alcohol, his sire, and his technical death. (He is pretty lucky that Myungjun took him under his wing and showed him the ropes of vampirism; his sire, whoever that is, couldn’t even be bothered to see if their fledgling survived the transition.)
So, when he hears a pair of fellow students discussing the variety of popular culture lore surrounding vampires, he sort of inserts himself into the situation.  
“I mean, how scary would that be?  A vampire compelling you to present yourself to him,” the girl says, hugging her arms to her chest with an exaggerated shiver.
Sanha snorts, and the chatting pair turns to him.  The girl and Minhyuk.  (Look, the details surrounding Sanha’s, well, infatuation with Park Minhyuk can be condensed to him always smelling nice and actively offering his insight into the assigned readings.  He has good analysis regarding the mythical elements of literature and oh those dimples. The point, if you’ll let him get back to it, thank you, is that every since he-who-shall-not-be-named, Sanha had to find a new crush and his heart settled on Minhyuk.)  
The girl looks offended that Sanha has an opinion, but he has to follow through on his comment since he was caught eavesdropping.  “Vampires can’t compel people to do anything.”
Minhyuk raises an eyebrow.
Sanha continues digging his own grave, “Besides, why would a vampire even need the theoretical ability to compel someone anyway?  In this day and age, there are many ways to obtain blood without disrupting actual people.  It would be so much safer to not interact with humans and drink stale blood.  Plus, that assumes that vampires are bad people; they’re simply people with different dietary restrictions.” 
They stare at him, dumbfounded by his defense of vampires.  Sanha purses his lips and makes up a lie to escape, “Would you look at that, someone is calling me.”
He presses his phone to his ear and promptly rises from his seat to exit the room.  He hurries to the bathroom and grips the counter, looking at himself in the mirror, “Why’d you do that?”
He grabs his cheeks and bemoans his idiocy, “In front of Minhyuk?”
The door to the bathroom opens, and Sanha almost asks the dude to leave.  However, he sees Minhyuk in the mirror with an arm raised, sharpened wooden stake in hand.
Sanha whips around and asks, “Are you trying to stake me?”
Minhyuk falters, the steeled look on his face softening in confusion, “You are a vampire...”
“Where’s your proof?” Sanha fights back, but he does realize that he is not quite subtle with his peculiarities.  Besides, his immediate accusation of attempted murder gives anyone with a set of ears an idea of where his head is at.
Minhyuk drops his arm and gives Sanha an ‘are-you-serious’ look, “The quote-unquote tomato juice, constantly correcting the perceived inaccurate depictions of vampires, and your ex-boyfriend said you told him and went as far as showing him your fangs.  Do you want me to continue...?”
“So being a vampire is a death sentence suddenly?” Sanha cries.  He wishes that Minhyuk was anything but a hunter; this development severely hinders the possibility of a date.  “I already died once, I think that’s plenty of dying for one person.”
Minhyuk stands there, “I’m just doing my job, dude.”
“Yeah, well, I’ve got my eyes on you from now on!  And not just because you’re cute.”
Minhyuk blushes, and that’s when Sanha realizes that he said that out loud.  Sanha grimaces and clears his throat, looking away from Minhyuk.
“I guess, I won’t try to kill you again then,” Minhyuk mumbles, looking at the tile floor, shifting between his feet.
“I would appreciate that.”
“But I will be keeping my eyes on you.  And that is partly because you’re cute.”
It is Sanha’s turn to blush, and blush he does.
a follow up that no one asked for. yay! appreciate socky being weird about flirting when rocky just tried to kill sanha.  appreciate.
i would love feedback, but whatever floats your boat.  have a good one!
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indiepoptime · 7 years
i have 20 min before class so i’m gonna do this instead of writing the rest of my paper haHA PRIORITIES
EDIT: finished after class, also while i should be writing my paper
i was tagged by the lovely @gottabemelody
Rules: Answer 30 Questions then tag 20 some blogs <-- 20! haha no
1. Nicknames: none, name’s jamie
2. Gender: Female
3. Star sign: Pisces
4. Height: 5′4″ (163 cm)
5. Time: 2:44 pm EDIT: 7:42 PM
6. Birthday: March 14
7. Favourite bands:
K-Pop/K-Rock: BTOB, DAY6, BTS, Seventeen (SVT), AKMU, KNK, Mamamoo
Western: Little Mix (#1 loves of my life), Fifth Harmony, Eisley, Seafret, Kodaline, First Aid Kit
8. Favourite solo artists: 
K-Pop: don’t really listen to solo artists, although i like ailee and eric nam’s voices
Western: Bishop Briggs, LIGHTS, Vera Blue
9. Song stuck in my head: Missing You (BTOB)
10. Last movie watched: Spirited Away
11. Last show watched: haven’t watched anything in a while, last show i legit watched was Agents of SHIELD, but the last show i kinda watched sort of over my brother’s shoulder was The Defenders (Marvel)
12. When did I create my blog: this one? early August I think. I’ve been on tumblr for 4 years though lol. 
13. What do I post: BTOB, BTS, DAY6, Seventeen, Little Mix, some other groups, drawings of said groups
14. Last thing googled: APA PURDUE for my paper lol
15. Do you have other blogs: yep! art blog (non-kpop) @quiversarrow writing blog @jamieanovels inactive main blog @missmorgana haha
16. Do you get asks: haHA NOPE never have probably never will
17. Why did you choose your url: because i like indie music, i like pop music, and so therefore it is always indiepoptime with me
18. Following: 185
19. Followers: 151 (thank you!!!)
20. Favorite colors: lavender, teal, pink
21. Average hours of sleep: probably average around 6-7 hrs but i range from 10 hrs on a good day where i can sleep in to 2-3 on a bad one (yay insomnia!)
22. Lucky number: 12
23. Instruments: used to play piano, also used to play violin (which i gave up on because i never figured out how to hold the bow right LOL)
24. What I am wearing: my chloe bennet fight like a girl t-shirt (profits went to women’s healthcare in haiti! yay!) and a green skirt
25. How many blankets I sleep with: 2, quilt and a flatsheet
26. Dream job: storyboard artist/visual development artist for some kind of animation, writing & publishing novels and short stories on the side! unrealistic, i know, but a girl can hope right?
27. Dream trip: idk, my family does so much traveling that i really just want to stay home lol
28. Favourite food: there’s this Chinese stew that roughly sounds like woogunzhangwang and it’s literally the best thing on earth. it has a lot of weird ingredients in it though, so most people think i’m nuts when i tell them it’s my favorite food XD
29. Nationality: American, although I’m ethnically Taiwanese-Chinese
30. Favourite song right now: I Need Somebody (Day6), Red Lie (BTOB)
tagging @strawberryboo @squirrel-minhyuk @kwangie @svt17-carat @wonpilimiri @jahehyung and anyone else who wants to do this! only do it if you want to :)
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Monsta X as: kids you are babysitting
Request: __
A/N: Nobody requested nothing yet, but this is the first post on the blog! Yay! Hope you enjoy!
Shownu: •Very good boy. Just stares at you with a cute face. Still doesn’t knows who you are and why his parents are gone but doesn’t say nothing. Just very suspicious eyes. •You get surprised everytime he does something he shouldn’t, and yeah, he will do it. He just looks inofensive, he isn’t. •Breaking plates sounds in the kitchen, DVD playing with nobody watching, late night and he is outside playing with the neighbors cat. •And when you try to ask him what is he doing, or that he shouldn’t be doing it he would just “….”. He somewhat thinks he is independent. •Very cute and kinda scary kid. But is amusing.
Wonho: •Doesn’t stops asking for food. He wouldn’t be asking that much to his mom, but he thinks you would believe him if he said “Of course we eat ramen every one hour in this house.”. We are not buying it, Hoseok. •He really likes playing and talking, ok? Please give him attention. If you want to just sit on the sofa and watch TV while he is around: no. He would sit by your side and be turned to you. He would talk A LOT, stutter a lot in a pout mouth and would smile when you looked at him and showed interest in talking to him. Very soft kid you would love to babysit. •And he probably loves to be put to sleep. Doesn’t sleep. He lay down, you cover him in blankets and kiss his forehead and he smiles. Then you got out of the room and BAM he is there. “Put me to sleep again.”
Minhyuk: •You already know. You looked at his face and you knew it. I hope you really like playing around and have good ears. •He didn’t even payed attention to your introduction, when his parents said “Y/N is going to babysit you today” his brain understood “Y/N is here to be your slave”. •But even thought he had a very assertive personality, like, he choose what you two would play, when you two would eat, tell you his bed time, he was very respectful with you and knew when to listen. •Everything with him is on speed, he ate super quickly LET’S GO TO PLAY, NOW ANOTHER GAME, ANOTHER ONE and sleept. You didn’t needed to tell him that it was time to sleep, he probably sleep on the floor with a toy on his hands. •Probably the type to develop a crush on you but never find out what a crush is.
Kihyun: •He would be a difficult child. He likes being contradictory. You’re babysitting him? No, he will babysit you. •"What will we eat?…. I don’t want that.“ •But is just because he loves to get a reaction out of people, and annoyence is the reaction that amuse him the most. Whenever your eyes shakes or you took like 3 seconds to awenser he would smile like if he was watching a show, and is so pure. You will probably develop a crush on this cutie. •He is a show-off. All the time he would run to bring something to you to show you, or tell you a story about something super cool he done. He can even sing some Pororo song and think he rocks. He probably did. •I can believe Yoo Kihyun invented a pure type of cocky smile. •Sleeps with plushies.
Hyungwon: •Do you wanna be friends with this kid? Don’t lose your time. •He will only be affectionate towards you when you’re asleep. The type to get out of his bed (Would either wake up out of nowhere or don’t sleep because he doesn’t trust you) and see you sleeping on the couch and poke your cheek. He would hold a smile to himself and go back to bed. Yeah, that’s his affection. •He would just stare at you and wait for you to decide what you two should do. His parents told him to obey you, and he is very respectful. After you give him the food he would wait you say “now eat”, when he was bored he would stare you and prey that you would finally sugere a game to play or put a movie. Doesn’t says nothing if you don’t ask. •But he loves it when you ask. Like Wonho, he enjoys talking. He awenser everything very shortly, but because of his tone of voice you can tell he just wants you to randomly talk about himself. •He is a boy of a plushie and a blanket. He walks around the house with it all the time. Probably a rabbit (Or that’s how I imagine it aaaah cute). •Really likes when you tell stories. Is the only thing you can do to make him smile, and his smile is a so heart warming. When there was those awkward silences you would look around and search about something to made up a storie and he would love it. “So there was a stories about an ant who saw a potato and it said…” •Would totally have a crush on you. His heart was very very soft when he was young and he falled in love, out of love and in love again with you a lot of times per day. And he even talked to his friends about it “I think I will marry YN one day… No, no, no. I won’t… No, I maybe will”
Jooheon: •He is a mix of some of the members. Very hyper, very assertive and contradictory. You would ask him to apologise to you a lot of times. Just imagine, he would put his hands behind his back, low down his head and say in an loud audible “I am sorry, YN.” •He would ask for a lot of candies. Not really ask, he would say “Give me a candy.” in a demanding way but would accept if you said no. For a period of time. Then he would ask again. •But would steal the candies if you didn’t gave him, and would always try to get out of the house to play around even if it was very late. He would bend on the doorknob, point to outside and say “let’s go.” The Lee family teached him how to apologise but not how to ask, it’s incredible. •But he would be the one who wakes up your protective instinct the most. He just haves zero morals, what can be bad, but also is the purest thing in the world. He also gets scared very easily. When you let him alone for a few seconds he would scream while running from somewhere and hug your legs saying “There was something in the dark!!” and walk hugging your legs when he was scared of something. Asks you to sleep with you.
Changkyun: •He amuses you. •He randomly gives small smiles to the air and you just watch amused and scared wondering what is this genious thinking. •Very shy at first but tries his best to show you a smile from time to a time so you see that he is good person because he just wants a friend. •Doens’t likes games that you need to jump around too much. Probably likes to drawn you while talking to you. He is very good with poems too (They aren’t actually good poems, but he is a kid who can make poems really quickly this is already something super nice.). •You would be the one asking to come back soon when his parents come home because his company is really cool. •But he gets grumpy very easily. Pouts and crossing arms would be very common and it would make you confused because it never has a reason. He is just moody. •Very moody. He gets grumpy and sometimes cuddling. He wouldn’t ​say nothing or show an embarrassed face, he just feels like it so he hugs you and sleeps there. He is the coolest kid you will ever meet.
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