#minhyun is lowkey done with everyone
plaidwoojin · 7 years
Monopoly with Wanna One
OK so I had this random idea and I was like “fuck art, I’m writing crack” so I made this little oneshot out of nowhere. Don’t expect it to be good or anything, I was just bored so I wrote this.
Link to AO3: http://archiveofourown.org/works/12827673
I’m posting the full thing under the Keep Reading but here is the link to the AO3 work for it if y’all want.
Zero Base is a place created for Wanna One to be themselves. That is what is said constantly by Msnake and for the most part it is true, except if you think of the fact that they are still constantly being filmed but whatever.
The boys of Wanna One really don’t play any games together, each wanting to do their own thing most of the time they are in Zero Base. But when Guanlin suddenly finds a Monopoly board on one of the shelves, you would expect that something is going to happen.
“Yes, Guanlinnie?” replied Minhyun from his spot on a beanbag, book in hand.
“I found a Monopoly board!”
The entire Zero Bse erupted in chaos. The members, who were all in different areas came rushing to Guanlin, stealing his Monopoly board. The 2 pink sausages grabbed onto the board first and proceeded to lay it down in the center of the room. Minhyun just stared at the chaos, while Guanlin, hands still out like if he was still holding on the board, just stood and stared at what he had done. “I regret everything”, he thought to himself.
All the members were gathered around the board and the process of picking pieces begins. Luckily enough, the board wasn’t one of the newer ones so they each were able to pick one piece.
“Rock, paper, scissors!” yelled out everyone, each person throwing out one of the 3 said options. Soon enough the order for who goes first and who gets first pick of pieces was decided.
(Order: Ong, Daehwi, Minhyun, Baejin, Woojin, Jisung, Sungwoon, Jaehwan, Guanlin, Jihoon, Daniel)
“I’m choosing the cat,” said Seongwoo happily. “AHHH NO!!!!” Daniel yelled. Seongwoo only smiled at his direction and exaggeratedly picked up the tiny silver cat.
“I want the dog,” said Daehwi, picking up the small dog. A few grumbles could be heard, specifically from Jaehwan mumbling how “the dog is the lucky one.”
This continued till everyone finally got their pieces. It took less time than expected, only taking around 30 minutes for all of them to finally choose their pieces and only one physical wrestle between the Pink Sausages for the race car piece, which Woojin got in the end.
Finally, the actual game started.
The first few rounds were rather normal, with Daehwi and Sungwoon getting a bunch of properties and everyone being lowkey wary of the two. It was when Daehwi persuaded Jinyoung to trade for the last orange for his light blue and a few dollars did the game really start getting hectic. Daehwi now has a full set.
“WHAT HAVE YOU DONE JINYOUNG!!!!” screeched Jaehwan as he watched Daehwi, who was the richest person cause of all the rent he received, build onto the oranges. “We are fucked,” whispered Seongwoo as Daehwi finally placed a house on Vine Street, successfully placing one house on all of the oranges.
The battle has begun.
Soon enough, Sungwoon and later Jihoon got a set as well and all order got thrown out the window.
“8,” said Daniel. He then realized what it leads to. Bond Street. Jihoon’s property with 3 houses on it. He only has $460 and 0 properties. He is bankrupt. “For fuck sakes,” he said, reluctantly passing all of his money to a smirking Jihoon. “This game is just stupid, I’m going to sleep with my babies (he means Rooney and Peter).” The center stood up and left the scene. “At least I beat Daniel in Monopoly,” said Jihoon quietly.
The game continued.
With Daehwi, Jihoon and Sungwoon having all these properties and money, you wouldn’t expect that the next one out would be one of them. Well…
“WAIT WHAT???” said Daehwi reading his Chance card.
“For each house pay $25. For each hotel pay $100”
Daehwi had 4 hotels and around 7 houses. The 2nd youngest only had around $200 dollars. “Can’t I mortgage some of my houses?” he asked. Minhyun, the unofficial banker said,”You can but you will still need to pay for all of your current houses.” Sighing, Daehwi began mortgaging all of his properties, the other Wanna One members cheering in the background. “He finally paid and only had $50 left and one house on Mayfair.
The next round when it landed on Daehwi’s turn, he gained a bit more money but it wasn’t enough for the colossal titan that is Ha Sungwoon. Daehwi gave up and just passed his hyung all of his money and properties. Sungwoon cheered as the other members internally cried as they know how manipulative and amazing Sungwoon is at Monopoly. Daehwi returned to his room after that.
“I’m tired, can I just leave the game?” asked Jinyoung. “NOPE’ exclaimed Sungwoon, “The only way you can leave is if you become bankrupt.” Sighing, Jinyoung picked up the die. It was his turn. He aimlessly rolled the die and it landed on Jihoon’s property. “OH LOOK AT THAT!” he exclaimed while quickly passing all of his properties and money to Jihoon, not even bothering with checking if he was actually bankrupt. “I’m bankrupt! See you guys in the morning!” The boy quickly left and walked to Daehwi’s room.
“He does know that that is Daehwi’s room right?”
“He does”
The remaining members left are Sungwoon, Jihoon, Woojin, Guanlin and Seongwoo. Minhyun became bankrupt but since he was the unofficial banker and person-to-make-sure-no-one-kills-someone he was just spectating.Jaehwan left a little bit after Jinyoung once he landed on Jihoon’s property. Jisung honestly just got up and left without even becoming bankrupt, so Minhyun just made everyone split his stuff up fairly.
“WHY THE FUCK ARE YOU BUILDING EVEN MORE JIHOON?!?!” yelled Woojin. “So I can get more money/” the man in question replied. Minhyun could see that Woojin was about to strangle the other. “Ok, Guanlin you are next,” he said quickly, passing the die to the maknae.When you look at it, Guanlin is probably the next person out, with him only having $45 dollars and the Dark Blue set, which he stupidly traded with Sungwoon, giving the older his 2 other pinks.
The youngest rolled the die and landed on a Community Chest. He picked up the top card and read it. “Collect $200 from the bank!’ he said happily. Minhyun gave the boy his $200.
Seongwoo was now next. He rolled the die and it landed on a 9. He moved 9 spaces and realized that he landed on one of Guanlin’s Dark Blue’s. The specific one with a shit ton of houses on. Seongwoo’s face paled and he then realized that he can’t pay the youngest. He mortgaged all of his properties to see if he could come up with something, but still, it was too little. He was bankrupt.
Quickly standing up, he threw his properties and money at the laughing Guanlin and stormed off in a very Seongwoo fashion. Minhyun was internally worrying if the group would be okay after the game is over. Also, he was wondering when he will be able to leave.
“FIGHT ME!” yelled Jihoon and Woojin. Minhyun just sat there as the two 99 liners fight over whatever they were fighting about. Sungwoon surprisingly got bankrupt by Woojin so it was just the Pink Sausages left. And honestly, Minhyun was hoping that it wouldn’t lead to anyone losing a toe but it seems like that may not happen because now the two were wrestling on the ground.
Sighing, he stood up and grabbed the forgotten board and packed all the pieces into the box. He knew that 2park aren't going to be continuing the game as soon as they start wrestling. He picked up the packed box and placed it back on the shelf where Guanlin initially found it. The older turned around to now deal with 2park but he then sees them sucking their faces off, aka making out. Minhyun just sighed and decided that he would just let the couple be alone and he returned to his room.
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kbridges · 4 years
21st birthday (pt.I)
8th member of GOT7: Ela
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July 17th 2019
Got7 just finished their concert in Santiago day before Dain's birthday in Chile but because of the time difference in Korea, it was already 17th. Chilean fans sang happy birthday and even got her a cake, she cried a bit. After the concert, they went to the hotel. The boys wished her happy birthday and after that, she went to sleep. She was sharing her room with Jinyoung this time. She loves being his roommate because he doesn't snore too much. In the morning they had a flight back to Seoul. After they arrived in Korea it was already 18th. She went to her apartment and went to sleep. 
Next day at around 11 am she got a text from Bambam saying they should meet up for a meal since it was her birthday and they didn't properly celebrate it. Bambam said they have a reservation at this one place, he texted her the address and said she should dress up pretty. She didn't bother checking out what place will they meet up. Instead, she called one of her favourite hair salons to check could they maybe get her hair done. Luckily they had time for her so she showered and went to get her hair done. She was done at around 3 pm. Then she went back to her apartment and ordered some food because she was starving. She ate and went to find a dress she'll wear. She decided on this one dress that Mark got her a couple of months ago but she never had time to wear it. 
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After she got ready she looked at the clock and it was already 7 pm. She called a taxi because she didn't want to drink and drive. She arrived at the place Bambam texted her at around 8 pm just as they told her to come. She was about to go in when she heard someone call her name. 
"Dain-ah!", a male voice said. Turning around she saw a familiar face."Ah, Wonwoo oppa. What are you doing here?", Dain said surprised. 
"Oh, well it was my birthday yesterday and we couldn't celebrate it so the boys told me to come here. By the way happy birthday to you.", Wonwoo said with a smile.
"Happy birthday to you too. But I think we're celebrating together. Because Bambam texted me this place for my birthday gathering.", Dain said smiling.
"What are they up too?", Wonwoo questioned scared.
"I don't know oppa but let's go and see.", Dain said linking her right arm with older boys left and they went inside. 
When they entered they got shocked with loud "HAPPY BIRTHDAY!" from about 40 people. Whole Seventeen, GOT7, Monsta X, Nu'est, BTS's Jungkook & Taehyung, Astro's Eunwoo, NCT's Jaehyun & Johnny, Day6's Jae & Young K, Red Velvet.
"I feel like we got married!", Dain said laughing. "Dain you are a beautiful girl but I'd rather be Jeonghan hyung's slave for the rest of my life.", Wonwoo said in the same humorous way. Everyone was laughing with them. Mingyu said it would be best if everyone sat down because the food will soon be served. Dain sat next to Joy who said that her present is yet to arrive even tho she bought her designer high heels. As they were about to eat Woo Dohwan and Kim Minjae walked in. And as nice guys, they are, they got Dain a bouquet of roses and a necklace bought by Dohwan and earings bought by Minjae. Dain lowkey has a crush on Dohwan and Joy has been trying to set them up for months now. Minjae and Dain on the other hand lowkey became bff's after Joy introduced them a year ago. 
Soon the waiters came and the food was served. Everybody enjoyed their meal and then they took a couple of pics. It was a bit of a challenge to put 50 people in one frame but they did it. It was around 10 pm when Bambam said that's is a time to party. They all agreed and went to the nearby night club in which the whole V.I.P place was reserved since they booked it for Dain and Wonwoo’s birthday party. Dain was on a mission to talk to everyone who was at the party. So first she talked with '97 line because as it looked like they organized it. She thanked them and then went to Monsta X where Changkyun was waiting for her with his arms open. Since they behaved like a couple sometimes she was trying to keep it down a bit but he's literally her in a male body so she gave him a big hug. Kihyun came right after and pulled her dress lower because it was "revealing too much", and then he gave her a kiss on the cheek like a proud dad. She also talked to other Monsta X members for a bit. 
Then she went to greet Nu'est who she knew pretty well too. She almost started crying when she saw Minhyun with them because she's not used to them being whole again. In a matter of 5 minutes Ren spilt his drink over his shirt, Baekho scared Dain from the back and she almost broke his nose, Minhyun's necklace got tangled in Dain's hair because he was back hugging her. After getting away from them she went to Seventeen who were there mainly for Wonwoo but for her too. They took a photo with her and she took a pic with her best friend Joshua. Dain then moved on to her own group and Day6 who were with them. They all decided to feed her ego and were showering her with compliments. Jinyoung did the same as Kihyun and fixed her dress. 
NCT members already left because of their busy schedule and she already talked to them. Just when she thought she's done she saw Minjae and Taehyung, she knew they are friends and haven't been in much contact lately so they're probably catching up so she just waved at them. She went to the table where Joy was sitting, Dain was thirsty, tired a bit and ready to party finally. Rest of Red Velvet was talking to other people like Yeri was talking to Seventeen maknae line, Wendy was talking to Young K and Jae, Seulgi and Irene were talking to Sunmi who just arrived. And Joy was sitting all alone. "He went go get the drinks.", Joy said. "What? Who?", Dain tried to act dumb even tho she knew Joy's talking about Dohwan. 
(to be continued...)
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hcneymilkks · 5 years
STRAY KIDS as business owners - maknae line
ayyyyy we back again with the maknae line! 
hyung line 
also my stupid computer crashed on me so i have to rewrite everything all over again im so mad i was almost done 
but anyways lets get to it
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wahh prince hyunjin
need to protect
but also deadly at times 
like bruh 
but anyways 
hes such a good dancer 
^^ maybe thats why he was put in the dance line flora like duh 
so he wants to show off his dance moves 
and what is a better way than to open a dance studio with felix and minho? 
but on top of that i can see him opening up a clothing store 
clothes: unisex
price: reasonable
hotel :trivago 
would also probably open up to online stores as well
oH?! i smell myself cooking up a clothing store au
heh when i stop procrastinating maybe i will 
since he is a dancer ofc he would want to design clothing that work for everyday use and when exercising
fashionable and practical 
probably would dress the mannequins in a style that actually attracts everyone like wow hyunjin stylist 
i lowkey see him asking HWANG minhyun (NU’EST) and HWANG yeji (ITZY) to co-own so he can call it HWANG’S Universe 
the king, prince and princess come to slay 
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aight so this han with this jisung 
^^ you get han jisung 
or peter han
yall im sorry im stupid 
lemme start 
han jisung, also known as a member or the three membered rap group 3racha, has taken over the music industry and are opening their own music shop 
but what is this i hear? 
han jisung wants to stray away from music for a while 
yes folks, he’s on a haitus to pursue his dreams 
of being a member of stray kids 
besides the point that 3racha is taking over the music industry, may as well they should just make their own company 
nah but i feel like because jisung was born in that awkward year where he can’t fully relate to 90′s nostalgia but can’t also fully relate to late 2000′s trends, he wants to bring them together
and what better way to do it than owning an arcade? 
ofc add in felix since their birthdays are literally 1 day apart, they would be good business partners 
^^ actually maybe chaotic? 
the name: HannieLee 
or no: HanLee?
something using their names 
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must protect 
tbh the only member i knew when i first got into stray kids lmao i wasnt going to be fully committed 
now i am and im cryin
but as mentioned, jisung and him are going to open up an arcade
how can we forget this boy- i mean man loves his stuffies
has way too many i can count 
so what better way to show it off than to own a stuffie store 
selling the most softest plushies ever
would probably also sell some stray kids designs 
Lowkey wanna make one now 
or have it on my shirt 
and then have the words on the back of the shirt “like mate stop procrastinating”
going back to FELIX 
the store name would want to include freckles 
so um...freckled sky 
wait thats cute good job brain 
probably would also have an online shop too
omg would also have a little place for the kids to just play with the stuffies 
and felix would sometimes join in too if there were no other customers 
im soft 
felix i h8 u because im too soft now 
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bro wtf look how cute he is 
im mf soft 
ughhhhh baby 
this boy has it all 
the looks 
the books
the brains 
the photos 
the voice
so opening up a bookstore/cafe wasn’t that hard 
even got woojin to co-own
kim’s unite!
but i feel like seungmin would also be a photographer 
not physically opening up a store but mostly online 
social media boy in the building 
hint hint, new oneshot coming soon 
will be linked here “university au”
but mostly his works would be posted online for the world to see 
will give physical copies to customers ofc 
but everyone wants a piece of the seungmin 
even scouted by modeling companies to take idols pictures 
ex. DAY6 
probably would have DAY6 photos in the bookstore and on his website because he needs to let everyone know he is a myday 
back to the bookstore/cafe 
if he worked at the cafe he would make a bomb ass caramel macchiato 
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@ this gif is so me lmao 
i cant its too funny
wat do we do wit u 
so aside from co-owning with minho on the animal shelter
idk what i feel like he would do 
i mean he said he likes children 
so maybe a daycare 
yeah that could work 
idk tbh its kinda hard thinking for jeongin 
because like idk i cant fully relate to him??? even though im only a year older
but i can see it in him that he is good with children 
would try to promote his business to take care of cute kids 
is a master with stopping kids from crying 
will make every kid fall in love with him 
would probably play around with them and be like a kid rather than actually being a guardian who just walks around and watches 
it would be so cute 
and then nap time all of the children would cuddle around him like aweeee 
idk it would just be a cute sight to see 
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chiwoopsie · 6 years
That tag where I answer 10 questions and ask 10 more :)
tagged by the great @s-lay-ing (I couldn’t not answer your questions hehe thank you thank you!)
i wanna get to know some new peeps so i’ll tag��� @scoupsadaisy @yayayaimma @bbaksu @sebongteen-trash (only if you want to ofc!)
My 10 Questions For You
top 3 songs you would recommend to a non-kpopper
What is your 2019 resolution, if you have any?
Last thing you ate?
Song/MV that got you into the kpop
If you could go anywhere in the world, where would you go and with who?
Favorite thing to do when you have a day off
What would you give your bias(es) for Christmas?
You won the lottery! Who would be the first person you tell?
Sweet or savory?
If you saw your favorite group on the street, what would you do?
1. Is there something you would change about t*mblr?
WHAT A WELL TIMED QUESTION but i’m going with my pre-community guidelines answer to make this short >> i’m agreeing with cloud about letting sideblogs send asks bc why isn’t that a thing?? and just the whole mobile app in general lol..like why can’t i see my tags in some of my posts and why can i never post things without running into an error message on there :// OH YEAH and can it not delete my links when i edit my description on mobile? thanks 
2. Your parents/siblings/very close friends get offered a tour around europe with no cost for a month or so and they ask you to come w/ them. Considering your current status, what would you do? 
Well I’m graduating uni in a couple months so if we could go then, I would be very down! But I would also probably feel the anxiety of needing a job and financial stability throughout the whole trip rip Also I don’t think I could travel w/ my parents rn bc we did go to europe for a while this summer and although I love my them a lot, I would rather travel with my sister or my friends for the time being :)
3. Your fam/dorm decides to do a garage sale. Within a quick look into your room, what would you give up for sale?
My college textbooks
4. In your personal opinion (aka not based on the trend or whatever), name artist of the year, song of the year, video of the year, album of the year.
Artist of the Year- MONSTA X 
MX IS HAVING THEIR M O M E N T RIGHT NOW  and korea needs to pay attention! LIKE THEY RELEASED THREE (2 KOREAN, 1 JAPANESE) ALBUMS THAT ARE A++ WITH BOMBASS MVS/TITLE TRACKS, PROMOTING THEMSELVES LITERALLY EVERYWHERE WITH THE WORLD TOUR AND NOW JINGLE BALL AND ARE DOING IT WITH SO MUCH ENTHUSIASM EVEN THOUGH THEY MUST BE SUPER EXHAUSTED FROM WORKING NONSTOP THIS YEAR. And not to be that person but seeing them last year and then this year in concert really hit it home for me how much they’ve improved as artists and performers (not that they were bad to begin with) so in an ideal world, I would give a big award to Monsta X ❤❤
Song of the Year- Shine by Pentagon (lol sorry cloud)
it was a debate btwn shine or love scenario for me but shine did a lot more for pentagon’s popularity and name recognition than love scenario for ikon i think (since ikon already had ~ikonic~ songs like my type, rhythm ta, etc). The song itself is cute and really easy to get stuck in your head but not in an annoying way?? Plus the choreo made the hammer dance a thing (at least in my mind) and the way it rose up on the korean charts was p cool :)
Video of the Year- Help Me by NU’EST W
ugghhh so many candidates but the help me mv floored me with the overall visuals and cinematography and someone pls tell me that im not the only one who thought of minhyun when the door opened in the last scene lmao
Album of the Year- Love Yourself: Answer
I was late listening to it but after I got started, it was literally on repeat for at least a month. Just the way the album’s organized after ‘起承轉結’ makes the flow of songs from one to another is so perfect and all the songs were so good and it’s just really great 💗
5. Do you have a hobby/personal custom of yours?
uhm i read? that’s like the most boring hobby ever but i have been reading more lately than i have done over the last couple years, although I still have trouble finishing them..But I’m currently reading a book about the rise of China’s noveau riche and basically how capitalism functions in a country ruled by the Communist Party and no one wants to know how nerdy you are megan so just say you like reading and move on to the next question
6. Name the most a mischievous thing you’ve done
7. a kpop group/artist you WISH comes off hiatus in 2019? 
f(x) and i’ll throw in pristin (ALL OF THEM) for good measure
8. recommend me ten songs 
(i don’t think we have the same tastes rip but here’s basically the songs that didn’t make it on #11 😅)
loved by highlight
one of those nights (feat. crush) by key 
right now by amber
regular (english version) by nct 127 
april fool’s by jimin (jamie) park
gone by changsub
lady by exid
roller coaster by chungha
piece of peace, pt. 1 by j-hope
no gravity (piano version) by yoon mirae
9. is there a fandom related activity you wish you were good at?
hmm i’m really curious how ppl do gfx actually..like they’re always so pretty and creative and i’m always in awe but i don’t think i have the artistic mind for it. Also, writing fics is also something I respect and lowkey wish I was good at (even tho I never tried lol) since I find the process of transmitting my thoughts onto paper really difficult and it takes me forever to write stuff in general
10. a kp*p song from this year that everyone swears on but you’re not that on board with it 
favorite by loona?? i know a lot of ppl here on the tumbles love loona but their style of music doesn’t really hit it for me..
11. top 10 kpop songs of 2018?
in no particular order:
boss by nct u
la vie en rose by iz*one
countless by shinee
running to you by seventeen
destroyer by monsta x
trivia:seesaw by bts 
i’m so sick by apink
just do it by booseoksoon
she’s in the rain by the rose
bad boy by red velvet
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lordsicheng · 6 years
w1 hyung line as dads please 👀 (astrology wise)
I usually need to check the houses on this (especially 4th/10th house), but I’ll just look into their sun/moon combo and other placements for reference~
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The soft but loud dad who is always there for his kids
Very loving and understanding as a father
Will look out for you no matter what: you’re his #1 priority
Your biggest cheerleader!!! His sun and moon combo come for a very soft, loving person who gives energy to others at the same time through encouragement
“Y/n, when you grow up I hope you become what you want to be.”
Dreams very big for his child/children
Probably the type to find some cool activities for his kids to do
Definitely the dad who comes up with traveling to places all the time
“Let’s go to Japan… wait, no, how about Hawaii?”
A softie, would only scold his child/children if he knows they have done something wrong
Probably the dad who encourages/is very supportive of his child/children the most if they want to study abroad
Lowkey the embarrassing dad who tries to fit in with the crew when your friends are around
“Why couldn’t the bicycle stand up by itself? It was two tired.”
“Dad please”
“Did you guys know y/n has a stuffed plushie in their closet? They’ve had that ever since they were 3 and calls it Mr. Snuggles″
Listens to your problems if you have any, will give you advice if you need them
Ngl, he’s gonna be loud when at home sometimes (think: Sunday mornings where he blasts music from your living room speakers and sings loudly until you’re forced to wake up and sing/dance with him)
Probably the dad to also tease his kids if they’re dating anyone
“Oh, that guy you liked from 7th grade asked you out? Ayeee do you want me to make reservations? Drive you to the meetup place? Do you need money for an outfit?”
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The dad who is like the mom
Just like Jisung, he looks out for his kids all the time
Nurtures them just as much as how their mom would, maybe even more
Naggity nag nag nag 
Aims to provide a very calm and loving atmosphere at home 
Very family oriented, puts them first before anything (Cancer moon)
I see him as the type to always make sure their kids grow up as very loving and kind
Again like Jisung, only scolds his child/children if they’ve done something very wrong but as well makes sure he tells them he loves them and is only looking out for them right after
Can be loud, tries to fit in with the generation of his kids
“Iphone… what? Last time I checked I had an Iphone 7… you’re telling me it’s XV now???”
Actually is good at entertaining people especially if they’re close to his kids/whole family so expect guests often
Worrier tbh, likely even more than the mom
*calls you while you’re still on your way home and stuck in traffic* “Where are you? Are you hanging out with friends? You didn’t tell me beforehand if so. It’s 7:30, we have to eat dinner together-”
“Dad I’m stuck in traffic”
“Oh… could you pass by a convenience store and grab some milk on your way home then please”
Gives all the love he could give to his family even if they grow sick of it
So protective, even if you’ve grown old he’ll show signs of protectiveness and worry
“Okay I know you’re about to get married, but remember to call home often okay….”
But once he sees he has given enough love and nurture to his future kids, he’ll feel very accomplished as a father and would always look at you with a warming smile
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The dad who seems serious but isn’t always is
Jokes aside, he’s probably gonna win the award for best father of the year
He balances the proper nurturing and disciplining to himself and I see him to be the type to put this to his future children as well
I also see him somewhat of a strict type– but definitely not the suffocating type of strict, more like he wants to look out for his kids all the time and makes sure they’re doing things right 
The dad who very much supports and encourages their kids to go with their dreams
His Capricorn moon can show somewhat of a placement where he values his future family’s finances, so he’d be pretty good at differentiating the needs and wants for the family– needs are a priority, wants are rewards
Speaking of finances, he’d likely gift his wife and kids often, especially valuable things if his kids have earned it (coughs a car at 18? just graduate with great grades my child)
DAD JOKES, again
Will make sure his family has a routine, like doing chores together one day and then just having lighthearted fun/travelling the next as a reward
“Alright, let’s go out of town tomorrow! But first, the kitchen needs a bit of cleaning…”
Totally would joke around with his kids often even though he can give dry jokes sometimes oops
Doesn’t force himself to fit in with the new generation as he becomes a father, but will make sure he knows what’s up and respects it fully
Nurtures his kids with so much love even if he just gives them a sentence of an advice 
Might also be prone to scolding his future kids if they lie often to him and disrespects him, especially if they’ve done something very wrong (e.g using his credit card without asking)
You? Dating? Get through your father, Minhyun, first
“Oh, I’ve heard you’re taking up engineering? Say, what do you think is the basis of having a good relationship between your course and my kid’s? Would you be able to make a great team for a business?”
Will make sure he provides the best, and only the best for his family
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The straightforward and fun-loving dad who tries to be serious
Compared to the others, Seongwoo would probably slightly more serious than the others
His sun/moon combo makes him as someone who believes that honesty is always the best policy and individuality is necessary
For short, he wants a stable and goal-oriented family in the future
Even though he shows himself as somewhat of a funny guy (still on stance that he has an air rising ok), he actually knows what he is doing and definitely makes decisions quick for his family if he believes it’s the right path
But it doesn’t mean he won’t be in for a little bit of fun, especially when it comes to his kids!
He loves fun, not gonna lie, and may not try to be more serious than usual whenever he lets loose on being with his family
Gives love as if it was always needed in the atmosphere of his home
“Love is always love and everyone deserves it.”
Always make sure there are values and independence within the family
Reminds his kids all the time to always stay humble and work hard in anything they do
His idea of a bonding session with his family? Anything, honestly. Karaoke nights, dining out, shopping, out-of-town trips, name it: He’s got it all planned and covered
“So we’re gonna go to the mall to just hang out, but make sure to not overspend. We’re gonna eat at your mom’s favorite restaurant tonight, too.”
Very thoughtful, also the type to be able to gift their children what they want if they have earned it with his trust
Likely the dad who would have a hard time trying to assure himself his kid is grown up and knows this and that about dating: would go calm one second and paranoid the next
“Be home at 10pm, alright! Don’t be like me when I was a young adult… Also don’t forget to call when you’re on your way home-”
“Dad, it’s only a movie”
“It’S oNLy A mOvIe. How would I know you’re not going somewhere else?”
Makes it a point that every step is a milestone and all goals shall be achieved within the family in the future
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The dad who aspires their children to be different
Of all the hyung line, Jaehwan would definitely be the type to not take his job as a dad seriously
Not that he’d be a bad dad, but he would want freedom to be given to his kids all the time– but at the same time, wants them to work hard on their future endeavors
Values communication within the family, would definitely try to talk to his kids very often even if he’s just asking what they’re up to (Gemini and Virgo [his sun and moon, respectively], are ruled by Mercury, the planet of communication)
Assists everyone in the family on whatever they’re doing, even if it’s their kid’s projects and they don’t have a clue on what to help out on
“Wait, you need to make a poster slogan? Oh… let me see if I can draw a butterfly or something really quick”
“No dad not a butterfly just-”
I’ve noticed Gemini placements want to show/encourage others on their own talents, so in this case, Jaehwan would definitely help his kids aspire to be inclined to music as they grow up
His Virgo moon can be quite nitpicky and overthink a lot, so he can sometimes feel the need to see perfectionism within his offsprings
Wants to make his future home an atmosphere where everyone is comfortable enough to make it seem like they never want to leave
He also values creativity within his home with the flair of simplicity
Lowkey nags too but only if he’s seeing something wrong within the family / having problems 
Expect lots of simple artworks in your home, especially statues and figurines of anything music related as he sees this as a way of showing off the family’s individual efforts and talents
Encourages their kids to always find the right time to do this and that, especially when it comes to love and work
“Are you sure you love that person? Alright, as long as they take care of you and not hurt you, I will approve.”
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The dad who wants his kids to dream big
Both his sun and moon are in Sagittarius, so I see him likely to expect his family to be very open on doing anything
He might also often not take being a father seriously as he sees himself almost like a kid at times
Values proper honesty, love and understanding in the family
Puts the needs of the family first, as always
Aspires to have his kids learn many things as they grow up, especially with his help
Most likely the dad who would encourage/make his family live abroad and start a new life
Or just move pretty often, his sun and moon shows he’s likely the type to want to “move around” a lot
Likely the dad who tries to fit in with his kids/the new generation honestly
“Oh, this gadget is new? How much is it? I’m getting one tomorrow, are those one of the ‘in” stuff kids are using these days?”
Jokes around with his family a lot, might even do pranks with them to their mom/his wife
And when his wife finds out Daniel’s gonna be all sulky when his kids say it was all his idea
“It wasn’t my idea, they told me to do it!”
“Daniel you’re a grown man”
Highkey the savage dad because he can smell bullshit right away
Values much freedom within the family, doesn’t want them to feel suffocated on the thought of having to always do boring routines
Makes sure they travel pretty often, tbh, maybe even once a week or two weeks depending on everyone’s time
Will always be supportive of his kids’ dreams, whatever they are as long as they mean no harm 
Sports? Daniel’s likely gonna teach each of his kid at least one sport at a time
He would likely scold only if his kids have done wrong, but he lets his wife do it more than him– he would much rather talk to them in a proper way if so rather than scold them
Also kind of clingy to his wife and kids, only because he wants everyone to always be together and have a home filled with love and respect
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sweetpxsin · 7 years
Wanna one : as students
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[ Y O O N ; J I S U N G ]
•That one senior that looks like he has his sh*t together but really doesn’t
•Is known for taking care of the underclassmen well whatta cutie
•Also known for being a meme half of the time
•Yawns a lot in class but is actually trying to pay attention
•Cram studies the day before any test and is a mess
•Gets excited when he passes like you can believe that he runs out of the class jumping out of joy
•Is actually super popular but doesn’t know it
[ H A ; S U N G W O O N ]
•Teases the underclassmen a lot but out of love
•the type that seems not to study yet still gets better grades than you
•Is occasionally super loud and is petty as hell when someone makes fun of him for his height
•But is really helpful and will help you study
•is popular for his spongebob imitation and echo singing
•speaking of which is also in choir
•is a goody two shoes in front of teachers but takes a complete 180 when the teachers aren’t looking
[ H W A N G ; M I N H Y U N ]
•the student that actually has his sh*t together
•nags you to study preferably with him
•Will correct the teachers with zero hesitation
•But is still a sweetheart and will give you notes if you were sick or couldn't pay attention in class
•If he notices you're having a bad day will ask you how you’re doing and will try to cheer you up
•Is actually the ideal student that everyone wishes to be and is also the class rep
•Lowkey is the teacher's favorite
[ O N G ; S E O N G W O O ]
•Is that one student that doesn’t know how to shut up and bombards the teacher with a bunch of questions
•also that one student that  gets good grades and rubs it in your face
•Will highkey laugh if you get detention; even tho he’s mostly the reason why you got it and usually has to serve it with you lmfao
•Likes to  prank the underclassmen occasionally
•Pretends he knows everything but pretends he never said anything when he get’s a bad grade
•Highkey has the highest ego in the school
•Is also hand’s down the school’s class clown
[ K I M ; J A E H W A N ]
•Spaces out in class like the longest he’s actually paid attention is 3 minutes
•But he still gets higher grades than you
•Will laugh at you if you get a lower grade than him
•is in choir, and will lowkey have a high note competition with the choir teacher both are sworn enemies
•Says he has his tie loose for fashion but really he can’t tie it
•the one student who laughs really loud so you can hear him in the next class down from his if the room is quite enough
•Also is the one student that has no idea what’s going on and has to ask Minhyun what’s going on like 90% of the time
[ K A N G ; D A N I E L ]
•Is lowkey also super lost half the time
•looks like the school’s fuckboi but is really one of the schools cutie
•Is more excited about what’s on the school's lunch menu then anything else
•Captain of the school's dance team
•Will ask you for help because sometimes he’s too shy to go up to the teacher to ask
•doodles his cats in his notebook like all the time
•also highkey has favorites when it comes to teachers
[ P A R K ; J I H O O N ]
•The one guy literally every girl has or had a crush on
•Stutters when the teacher calls on him out of nowhere
•just like his friends say he had a semi split personality cutie one second to manly in another
•shook the school when he did dancing and beatboxing for the talent show
•is called winkboy don’t fight me on this
•is shy but it’s okay because everyone loves him
•Lowkey the teachers love him too
[ P A R K ; W O O J I N ]
•looks like he’s paying attention but is 100% done with school unless there’s some fun activity
•On the school's soccer team and is captain for a pretty good reason
•Also on the school's dance team and is charismatic asf
•that one student that’s way to energetic for his own good and which usually ends with him getting himself in trouble
•gives on something that looks to hard before even attempting it
•is always pretty loud in class and tends to make weird noises
•but no one can quite really hate him
[ B A E ; J I N Y O U N G ]
•Looks cold but is actually super sweet
•Actually tries in class but gets distracted in class easily
•That one friend that steals your food but it’s okay
•Is also more excited about the school’s lunch menu and will highkey talk about it with Daniel
•After school he’s literally dead and needs a nap before doing any homework
•Is actually super loud in class if he has a lot of friends in that class
•Also ask for your notes a lot
[ L E E ; D A E H W I ]
•The school’s actual cutiepie
•Literally everyone loves Daehwi
•He’s that one kid that looks like he’s taking good notes but is really making the next bop Welcome to my Hollywood
•But when he does write notes it’s like the tumblr aesthetic type of notes
•Gave up on math a long time ago same tho
•Is super supportive of school events like pep rally’s
•Like he actually lives for them
[ L A I ; G U A N L I N ]
•the one that makes funny faces with you in class
•Stumbles over his own words alot  cutie #2
•Pretends not to know his hyungs or korean when they do embarrassing things/ embarrass him
•The schools swaggy rapper
•Is a very diligent student when Hwang Minhyun is teaching him
•Comes in clutch at the right times tbh
•Just that really nice and funny kid in class
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95825s · 6 years
member: hwang minhyun
summary: cold and quiet minhyun gets curious of the cold and quiet you :)
genre: fluff (im bad at this omg)
a/n: requested by an anon! so this is really new to this blog because a hwang minhyun was requested and i actually do ong and daniel scenarios HOWEVER i did say i could try to write for other members at my very first post, it’s just that it’s harder for me to write for the maknae line lol also i think it’s a little lacking for this because i’m not used to writing minhyun….. and it’s short huhuhu
hwang minhyun doesn’t know why he is still stuck with these other 10 guys who are twenty-four seven being loud and noisy
while him being the most sane, and quiet, preferably using the word ‘preserve’ is the best one for him
but he doesn’t know why he’s being called cold-hearted and really quiet to most people
like all he does is literally ignoring the presence of other people, and talk as if they’re nothing to him
okay so maybe he’s a little cold and quiet
“hwang minhyun” he hears sungwoon’s voice calling him, his face remains expressionless
“say something”
“about what”
sungwoon stares at him in disbelief, “were you even listening to anything we just talked about?”
minhyun shakes his head, casually drinking his cold water while sungwoon sighs
“i got paired up with y/n to do that project we have” sungwoon explains, and minhyun squints his eyes in confusion
he doesn’t know who in the world is y/n so why would sungwoon bring that up to him
the older male sighs one more time, rubbing his temples frustratingly, “i guess you have no idea who is y/n”
minhyun nods his head lightly, his eyes look at sungwoon who is currently pointing somewhere, “that’s y/n and they’re in our class”
“our class?” minhyun grows curious over the new information, he turns to see you, sitting alone at a table that’s a little further from theirs
the way you quietly eat your food while scrolling your phone makes him wonder what’s going through your head
and somehow it ends up him looking at you way longer that he expected
“hey, earth to hwang minhyun” sungwoon nudges minhyun’s arm before sungwoon’s hand waves in front of his face
“are you still staring at y/n?”
“so what’s wrong with them?” minhyun asks, ignoring sungwoon’s question as his eyes still lay on your oblivious self
“they rarely talk and literally ignores everyone… like how am i supposed to do the project with someone like that?”
minhyun stays quiet, still observing your every move, as you avoid the obvious eye contacts with people by playing with your phone
“how about trying to understand them a little?” he suggests, finally turning his attention to sungwoon
“are you serious? i can’t even understand you but at least you talk… a little” sungwoon says, half judging minhyun, half getting frustrated at you
“do you want to switch partners?”
you’re going into the library, for the meet-up with your partner, ha sungwoon, and you really don’t want to meet him to be honest
you dislike the fact that you have to talk with someone and have to act nice when you’re dying of getting out of there
but sungwoon had told you that he has something to talk about and you really hope it’s him wanting to do the project separately
but then you witness someone else waiting at the table that you and sungwoon decided to meet at and you lowkey want to shoo the person away
but all you did is stare at the person who’s head is too focused on the book he’s reading
and you’re waiting for sungwoon to come but he’s like super late and you roll your eyes irritatingly
the male finally looks up and sees you, and you both have the same expression
which is like actually just expressionless
and you both are looking at each other without saying any words at all and the male’s eyes seem like he’s trying to read you (or your mind) and you start to turn around to make your leave
and your legs just halt, like you could’ve walk away but you just… stop
“i’m hwang minhyun, i switched my partner with sungwoon so you’re my partner now” the male says, making you turn back to him
your arms cross and your left eyebrow raises, “is that all?”
minhyun becomes silent, obvious that he’s a little taken back by your reply but at the same time he feels intrigued by you
“if that’s all, then i’ll be going” your eyes left his, turning away from him before walking out of the library
minhyun reaches you out on the day when he bumps into you after the library incident, making you grow annoyance by him
you simply ignore him, giving him short answers and move on with yourself, away from minhyun
and it’s odd because you’re pretty sure the hwang minhyun is the same exact kind as you, the cold and quiet
not that you actually pay attention to him though…..maybe
but he suddenly talks average more than you, mostly about the dreadful project that you just want to get over with
and it’s worst when you figured out that minhyun is a perfectionist and likes everything neat
while you just don’t care at all
and you really don’t want to be bothered by minhyun anymore 
until one day ;)
“you’re doing that wrongly” minhyun says, his tone sounds angry but calm, and it’s the nth time you’re tired of hearing him correcting you
“what now, minhyun”
“the paper should be pasted on top, not below” 
you sigh heavily, throwing the gluestick onto the table, before you stand up, “then do it yourself”
you’re about to leave the place you both are currently at, obvious that you’re done with him
but your wrist is grabbed by minhyun, and you try to shake it away from you but he holds you tighter
“where are you going”
and you feel yourself being pulled and your eyes widen in shock because minhyun really just bring your face so damn close to his
“are you angry again”
“yes. isn’t it obvious” and you move your face away but his other hand pulls you back by the neck to look at him
“what the hell do you want, minhyun” you asks, trying so hard to remain angry, trying so hard to hide the fact that your heart is beating really fast
“i want to finish up the project” he replies calmly, like as if he’s not making you feel things that you thought you would never feel
on the other hand, minhyun is nervous and he has no idea what is he doing or why is he doing this
but he wants to do it because his heart says so, and it’s the first time that he ever listens to the heart instead of his head
“can you do it by yourself because i’m tired of you”
“tired of me?” he repeats, but his lips slowly form a smile and you really weren’t expecting that
and you weren’t expecting your face to feel very hot because of him
and the whole atmostphere just turn quiet and it isn’t awkward at all
instead it feels comforting and warm and you’re so confused with yourself because your stern look becomes softer and you’re just staring at him
and you back your face away from him again, but you go to your seat and stay quiet
and minhyun’s smile never leaves his face and he’s glad that he made you stay because
he likes you
and it’s a first that he’s so curious of someone, and that someone is you even though he just met you
like he finds you being quiet kind of attractive to him,,, and he can just look at you, admiring you when you’re quiet and his heart just flutter whenever you look at him with a question expression
and he just shakes his head, adding another silent to the whole meeting with you
and also you barely converse a lot but he likes that… and it’s weird for him to realized that he’s the one that talk more and he never was that person until he knew you
so he’s looking at you now, that’s pasting the paper on the top like what he had told you but with your face a littler calmer than before
and you both knew something is going on but you ignore it
and hwang minhyun doesn’t want that hehehe
so he grabs on your hand and you get another shock from him and you took your hand away
“do you know how much i’m intrigued by you?”
“what do you mean”
“you’re the first person to make me feel this”
and you’re so lost, so you ask him with “feel what”
minhyun smiles, “the feeling of wanting to know someone more… the feeling on wanting to care someone… a lot”
and you’re left speechless but your heart feels like it’s gonna burst any moment and you’re trying to remain cold to him but 
you feel the warmth
from minhyun
and you’re blushing, and stays quiet because you really have nothing to say back
and minhyun is fine with it honestly like it’s way better because it means you’re allowing him in
“let’s go out” minhyun blurts out confidently, his eyes stares at you and his lips are still smiling, “you know, after we’re done with this project”
“to eat?”
“to date” he says, and somehow your lips just naturally forms a smile, for the first time, and hwang minhyun is finally out from your list to be cold to
and you both just become that cold yet cute couple in campus to be honest while sungwoon is just so damn confused with what’s going on lol
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jjeehoon · 6 years
bc jenhoon isn’t a thing. for @onlyjihoons wynaut b
also are my gif making skills getting better yet pls help me 
under the cut bc it’s actually quite long oops
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cute relationship tbh
remember when he confessed to you??? i sure do
i don’t recall that you’ve ever talked to each other before then? ok maybe once or twice but probably because his friends were buddy buddy with you
so he decided to buddy buddy along 
they had found out he liked you but they kept it a secret bc they were good friends aww get me some friends like that
they started to hang out with you more for his benefit bUT they were able to keep their scheme lowkey because it was a new (and your last) semester and all of them were in a lot of your classes
o lord when it was midterms jihoon couldn’t take it anymore
on the day before like,,, a long weekend or smth he was like “daM y/n i like you” and he put up a print out of a lot of your favourite memes on your locker
let’s just say that he liked the same memes as you did bc dorm jihoon lol
and then you fell for it
maybe you didn’t like him before, maybe you didn’t see him that way before, but Damn!
once you saw “hi welcome to chili’s” you immediately fell for him my goodness
rip vine pls rebirth soon
both of your meme loving asses brought those references into your relationship
you: (driving)
jihoon: road work ahead? i sure hope it does! 
hsdfjsd i’m sorry that’s just really funny,,, it’s my favourite vine
lots of hanging out at home
mostly at your house bc 1. there’s better food and 2. woojin’s not there
since you’re the talented and wonderful (y/n) you are, karaoke with him is sO fun
singing bangtan songs and knowing the lyrics by heart ugh i love this pair of armys
speaking of singing,,, because of your talent you got into the same arts university as jihoon 
lucky u with your scholarship lol
idk the people in your class just automatically ship you and jihoon together
“eyy you’re like,,, jihoon’s s/o right”
“sure you can call me that (even though i clearly have a name xd!)”
“that’s so cute he tells everyone about you!! like yesterday he just threw up a bunch of words onto our friend group saying how much he loves your smile”
hM that was weird because he never told you that he liked your smile (ง ͠° ͟ل͜ ͡°)ง
turns out that he was too shy
No I Am Not Going To Become Soft For Him
yeah he seems outgoing and all when you’re around him but things like complimenting you just make him feel flustered djflskjfljs
so when he did say that he liked your smile he turned all re d and he covered his face and hid his smile u h hh like when he does jeojang
so then the teasing begins
“oh yeah i heard from so-and-so that you told like the whole campus that you liked my smile”
“why didn’t you tell me this earlier huh ┬┴┬┴┤ ͜ʖ ͡°) ├┬┴┬┴“
so then he can’t respond right
you take him in to give him a BI I I I IIG hug and you like ruffle his hair or something with affection
after all the teasing you thank him for the compliment and you say “uhh yeah don’t be shy to compliment me (altho my self-depreciating ass won’t take it lol) or anyone in general bc i’ll do the same boo”
it’s really cute
he thinks you’re cute
you think he’s cute
we think you guys are cute 
everything’s cute in this world ok (i’m exaggerating PLEASe don’t take me seriously) 
so you and jihoon are like,,, sitting there and watching uhhh wanna one go i guess lol
then literally 30% of the pd101 trainees come swooping in with balloons and cake and you’re just like “what”
jihoon was also like “what”
“happy birthday boyz” haknyeon goes to say hahshjdajk pls understand that joke
“but mr. joo it’s not either of our birthdays-”
“it’s your relationship’s birthday you dummy xd”
wow you both couldn’t remember your anniversary but 30% of 101 trainees remembered for you 
friendship goals ammiright that’s just a little bit over 30 trainees
like maybe a part of a trainee came in?? their legs just come in and idk
so you all just sit there watching wanna one go with 6 cakes and balloons scattered all over your house
jihoon turns off the tv all of a sudden and then y’all go “huh”
“let’s play truth or dare xD” jihoon suggests and the crowd of boys behind you just go “oooOooooOoOOOh”
you have absolutely no luck since there was both ong seongwoo AND yoon jisung within the group of trainees who remembered your damn anniversary
and yes
seongwoo got the pleasure to ask you first
“ayy (y/n) truth or dare”
“after jihoon telling everyone that he loves your smile, what do you think about telling everyone about his smile? do you love his smile?”
“bih is that a question,,, the answer is obviously that it’s frucking adorable ;;;;;;;;-;;;;;;;;”
if you hear that someone disagrees you’re gonna kick them to tomorrow night
a lot of cooing happened when you said that it was “frucking adorable”
jihoon turned into another blushing mess im
you thought things were done with you lmao there were 32 people in your living room this truth or dare game is gonna go on for ages my next turn won’t even come til morning
nOpe the started attacking you with questions
fun fun fun fun f u n !1!
and then the legendary summoner comes in
k a n g  d o n g h o
ok y’all might think he’s innocent like “o he’s such a dad look how cute he is”
buT he’s actually a wild man i’m cryinhfn
still cute tho don’t deny it
“(y/n) truth or dare”
“o my goodness not you too baekho”
so you go with dare???
“i dare you to kiss jihoon”
h o o o ooho o ohohoho 
did i mention that earlier woojin asked if y’all had your first kiss yet and you were like “uhhh no”
and you’re just there panting and dying on the carpeted floor while all of the 30% were just screaming and chanting 
jihoon x (y/n) cult confirmed
so jihoon busts in and he’s going all “bih i didn’t sign up for this”
EVERYONE pulls out their own argument and tries to persuade jihoon into doing it
you’re also in the middle of being persuaded
while you’re there, kind of dying on the floor,,, there was this bigass cENTIPEDE?? COMING YOUR WAY???
you’re suddenly jumping up and stuff and you aCCIDENTALLY step on jihoon’s foot 
now you aren’t a very heavy person, but you were wearing your sneakers inside (i do not approve as someone who grew up in an asian household insert angry face here) and he wasn’t (i also don’t approve bc he only took them off as you aren’t the biggest fan of his jordans another angry face)
“oshitoshitoshit jihoon r u ok” 
“i’m good i’m goodjglfjg”
and then out of nowhere you kiss him on the cheek h o o o 
the crowd goes WILD!
and then minhyun’s sitting beside dongho just shaking his head like,,, “no that’s not good enough”
everyone looks at him after they calmed down and they aGREE 
“do you want me to like,,”
“kiss him on the lips?” minhyun nods. “yes.”
“i h8 y’all”
so you lean in for the peck !!!
and jihoon??? through all this he’s embarrassed again
“ok jihoon i did it can you gladly kill that centipede for me now aha”
and then he tries looking for it while his face is pink
pink sausage here!
but he can’t find it so like,,, yeah
you kissed him tho that was your first kiss with him sjdfjlkgjldf
to this day you haven’t seen that centipede once but you thank it everyday for helping you guys step up your relationship 
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cannedapricot · 7 years
Christmas Shopping with! Yoon Jisung
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another installment of the chirstmas collab with @alliwannado-w1 and @jihoonslattee ft. toy store worker! yoon jisung!!
jisung works at a toy store in a mall on the second floor
and he loves it
he loves seeing children’s faces glowing in happiness after entering the store
he loves helping children find the perfect toy
when children start throwing tantrums, jisung’s the first person to rush over
the child stops crying after 5 seconds because thE FACES JISUNG MAKES TO CHEER THEM UP ARE LEDGENDARY
co-worker! sungwoon swears that jisung would marry his job if he could
everyone who’s ever visited this specific mall knows of yoon jisung
i mean, he’s the resident sunshine who glows so brightly whenever he smiles that everyone in the mall stops to wear sunglasses
he’s also the reason why every kid ever wants to go to that one toy shop lol
the boss wanted to make jisung the mascot at one point but jisung was like,
“oh no!! i’m probably going to scare people away from the shop haha!”
and that’s how sungwoon was forced into being the mascot because he was “smol and fluffy”
jisung never lets sungwoon live because of it
“oh look!!! sungwoon’s on our poster again!!11!111″
chirstmas is jisung’s favorite holiday
part of it was because of the snow and quality family time 
but mostly it was because mORE SMILEY KIDS WOULD WALK INTO THE SHOP
the shop has this thing where the staff can wrap your presents for you
and everyone h a t e s being put on gift wrapping duty
because its??? so??? boring???
they’d much rather do something else
aka find a corner where the boss can’t see you and go on your phone smh
so when the boss calls a meeting and announces that the gift wrapping duty is back!!!
all he gets are groans in response
except from jisung though
he puts his arm straight up and with sparkling eyes, he says
“uh ok i guess jisung’s on gift duty for the fourth year in a row”
but daniel and jaehwan are also selected for different shifts
jisung nearly has a heart attack when he hears that jaehwan’s also on gift duty
so jisung spends his lunch break teaching jaehwan how to wrap a gift properly and prettily :’)
jaehwan tries to learn because he doesn’t want to deal with screaming kids if he wraps their gift shittily
it doesn’t turn out as perfect as jisung’s but it’ll have to do :’’’)
jisung’s also the only person who happily wears the santa hat uniform addition 
even if the pay isn’t as high as other jobs, jisung’s content :’) 
he’s such an angel i love him
you worked at a local kindergarten!
you’ve only been working for a couple of months but the kids there absolutely adore you!!
you’d step in the classroom and everyone would rush over to hug you
the kindergarten once had a popularity vote among the teachers and you ranked first even though you were new :””)
everyone wanted to be in your class
and the other teachers are lowkey offended 
it was a tradition every year to bring the kids on a trip to the mall for them to write small wish lists to send to santa :’’’’’)
the kids were thrilled obviously
it took a while for them to calm down
but they eventually did 
you’ve never been to the mall in this area,,, so you’re kinda scared that you’re gonna get lost or lose one of the kids etc
you tried getting out of it
“hey uh cough cough minhyun? cough”
“sneeze i think i’m down with a cold”
“oh no!!!111!!1!1 would you like to take a few days off???”
“is what you think i’d say right? too bad we’re already low on staff as it is we don’t need another ‘sick’ one”
you knew that there was no point in arguing anymore :’)
on the day you were a nervous wreck
you had planned to go around the mall yesterday but that didn’t happen
thanks to your close friend suddenly dropping by
“miss y/n? are you okay?”
after herding the kids into the bus, you tried to make a run for it
but minhyun catches you with his signature “where do you think you’re going” smile on his face
then proceeds to fling you onto the bus
upon reaching the mall, the kids immediately screamed to go visit the toy store
having no choice but to do so, you bring your little group of kids towards the toy shop on the second floor
while looking at the map you have on your phone lmao
you let out a sigh in relief when you reach the store without anything happening
you tell the kids not to wander off by their own and stick close together
entering the shop, you catch a certain worker’s eye 👀👀
i mean you would catch my eye as well
it’s not everyday someone walks into a shop with 10 kids around them
but of course the shop expected your kindergarten to visit this time of year
and that particular worker slides up to your party while in the lego section
“hi! i’m jisung! is there anything you’re looking for?”
you were about to respond but the kids responded before you could
p a ni c s
jisung lets out a hearty laugh,
“don’t worry! i’m used to it”
is it getting hot in here or is it just jisung? 👀👀
jisung squats down to the little girl’s height and talks to her in the s o f t e s t tone
and you think that’s he’s possibly the cutest man you’ve ever m e t
“miss y/n!!!! stop staring at him!!”
jisung’s draws his attention from the little girl to look at you
deciding not to make you glow any more red, he says,
“hey, i’ll help you deal with the kids today yeah?”
“i’ll go tell my boss!”
he doesn’t
he tells sungwoon to cover for him
“it’s not a da t e”
sungwoon rolls his eyes
“sure ok”
and so jisung joins your party!!
y’all look like a cute family with 10 kids :’)
throughout the day, jisung’s interaction with the kids and his funny personality made you feel like melting
was it possible for a man to be this adorable??
you didn’t know but,,
jisung was also melting for you too :’)))
so when minhyun calls you and says that it’s time to leave
jisung doesn’t want to let you go
neither did you tbh
so as you herd the kids into the bus once again, jisung pulls you back for a moment
“hey,,,, uh,,,, have you done your christmas shopping yet?”
“not yet!! i’m planning to do so this sunday”
“oh!! great!! um,,, i was wondering if you wanted to do it together? sunday’s my day off too,,,”
“yES! I MEAN-- sure!”
and then jisung looks at you with the whole galaxy in his eyes
his cheeks were flushed but you had no idea whether it was because of the weather or because he was flustered
you reply with a smile and a nod of your head
he then digs through his pockets for a pen
and asks you to write your number on his hand
the pen was in the shape of a giraffe
minhyun screams for you as soon as you finished writing the last digit
“i’ll text you!!”
jisung yells as you run towards the bus, waving at him with a huge smile
he does
and you two don’t stop texting until sunday
“y/n! over here!!”
you rush over to the waiting jisung 
“i’m sorry did you have to wait for a long time?”
he smiles and claims that he just got here
and you two head into the mall
as soon as you two step in, you guys were surrounded by couples who were also christmas shopping
and it felt awkward for the first time since you’ve known jisung
“so,,, y/n, where do you want to go first?”
you randomly point at a stationary store 
and you two exit a few minutes later
with a bunch of bags in hand
jisung laughs 
and you two continue your raid of the mall
exiting a new shop with more bags each time :”)
at one point y’all entered a furniture shop and accidentally walked into the beds section
the worker there mistakes you for a couple and smirks at you two 👀👀
y’all also entered the toy store jisung works at
and jisung’s co-workers are all staring at you two
especially sungwoon and jaehwan who followed you two around the shop talking loudly about how jisung was boyfriend material
“what- i haven’t finished-”
but doesn’t forget to buy you a gift from the shop
after wandering around the mall more, you two end up in front of the giant christmas tree 
the lights casted shadows around 
and you turn to face jisung, finding him looking up at the tree with those stars in his eyes
then he turns to face you with that huge smile of his
then he suddenly pulls out a rabbit soft toy
“merry christmas y/n! here’s your present!!”
this was the same rabbit you had claimed to be staring at while you were actually staring at jisung
“you were staring at this the other day right?”
jisung thought you were laughing at his gift :(
jisung’s face lights up at this
“what do you think about today being our first day?”
“??first day??”
“yeah, as a couple”
also this was lowkey kinda shit,,,,, jisung’s actually a ray of sunshine in human form and i love him so much anyone who says he’s ugly can come fight me
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emperor-lover · 7 years
hi omg i love your minhyun scenarios so much!! cld u do one where you're both idols dating secretly but the public finds out and ships it? make it long please😘😘😘😘tyty
hi, thank you kind anon!! haha I tried making it long, and i’m sorry about the long wait! This will be in the same setting as the WGM!AU, so please read that if you haven’t yet! Enjoy!!!! xx
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soooo Minhyun and you have been dating secretly ever since the WGM break up 
But one day you get a casting call to be the 2nd female lead in an upcoming drama
you’re really excited and you tell Minhyun about it
and he’s like wait, is this for this drama??
and you’re like yeah! wait how did you know?
And he’s like, I was going to tell you tonight but I got cast as the 2nd male lead!
and you’re both like omg
you’re going to be working together
what’s great is that even the public are like omfg my faves from wgm are going to be reunited on this drama
and everyone’s so excited because it’s been a couple of years since youve publicly interacted
and you know everyone kinda goes crazy when former wgm couples even so much as walk past each other or make eye contact
so the fact you’re both going to be acting together as a couple is a big deal
your managers are wary but they trust that you’ll be good at concealing it seeing as it’s already been a couple of years and no one has found out yet
also because you two have been really good at keeping your relationship a secret ever since wgm finished
like you’d never do anything that would cause suspicion
so you’d never wear couple items out when you went to the airport in case they’d get photographed
there was only one instance where both of you had promoted albums at the same time, but even then you’d make sure to only go to each other’s waiting rooms when there would be no cameras around
the time you two had gone on a date outside you had been so very careful, and had succeeding blending into the crowd like any other couple would
luckily both of you are homebodies, so lounging around at each others dorms was fine for both of you
which is why the two of you are actually so close because you literally tell each other everything
if a day has been tough for you, Minhyun just opens his arms up and you just melt into his embrace while he sings something sweet in your ear
on days that Minhyun happens to be feeling more tired than usual, you’ll bring over some homemade comfort food and some classic movies to watch until he falls asleep
you both kinda baby each other when someone is tired or under the weather, like Minhyun will tuck you into bed if you’re the one who falls asleep first and vice versa
also both of you have A++++ cuddling skills 
every couple of months on your days off, sometimes you’d go on long drives together to the countryside, where there wasn’t as many people
you’d go on walks along the coastline and find a nice area to sit and have a lil picnic
Because of how careful the two of you were though, you weren’t too sure what to do now that you’d be acting together
So on the day of the first table reading of the script, both of you just acted as if you hadn’t seen each other since wgm
Minhyun being the crap liar he is, had been attempting to to strike up a weird conversation at one point but it was so forced both of you were trying so hard not to laugh at each other
because it was being filmed, you were slightly nervous but after the video came out, you were pleasantly surprised about the majority of comments from knetz 
oh my god, look at this it’s my fave wgm couple’s reunion
aren’t they so cute, i can’t wait to see their scenes together in the drama
even at a table reading they’re perfect for each other
i wish they were dating for real ;;;;
Shooting went smoothly, especially because the chemistry between the two of you was very very real
The way that Minhyun had been looking at you was as if honey was dripping out of his eyes
“Either he’s a natural born actor, or he’s seriously in love with Y/N”
It was the same for you though, being around Minhyun all the time at work made it easy to become very casual around him
You’d playfully hit his arm if he messed up a take, or pull a silly face at him across the room before he had to act a serious scene
Fans were becoming more and more suspicious but played it off as if you two were just super close friends (which you are)
There were also a few kiss scenes, and they were all so damn natural
Even the director was like ???
Done in one-take?? Usually it takes a few more for people who don’t have much experience with kiss scenes
but nope, “you two are just so natural, it’s almost as if you’ve done this before??”
*cue nervous laughter*
so one night you’re hanging out at Minhyun’s dorm after a long day of filming and one of the pds calls you because there’s an extra scene that they need to add in to the upcoming episode and you’re needed
At the same time, Minhyun’s phone rings and it’s another pd who is also letting him know that he’s needed for said scene
And he’s like “yes, i’ll go there right away!” 
and the pd on the phone to you pauses slightly before asking…
“Why are you and Hwang Minhyun still together at 2AM?” 
So that’s how the staff found out about your relationship
Like it was obvious to people who worked with both of you closely that the two of you liked each other, but no one wanted to assume anything
Everyone was giving you knowing smiles when you went into work and you just sighed because you knew the staffs were never going to stop teasing
Literally the littlest thing they’d squeal over
“Y/N, why don’t you sit next to Minhyun for lunch break?”
“Aw did you see Minhyun gave Y/N his jacket because it was cold!”
They drink the same juice!!! That’s so cute, what do we do? Young love must be nice
Minhyun was having a concert and some of the cast decided to go to support
so you took this opportunity to go along too
Minhyun didn’t know you were going so you were planning on surprising him
and it was such a happy night, everyone bundled in backstage congratulating him on a successful concert
And you tried to sneak past to your manager who was holding onto the flowers you were planning on giving him
but Minhyun can recognise your silhouette anywhere so he immediately knew it was you bundled up in a black hoodie trying to squeeze away from the crowd
You had just about reached your manager when you felt Minhyun’s hand wrap round your wrist gently, pulling you round to face him
“Y/N!!! Why didn’t you tell me you were coming!”
His smile was practically blinding, you had to blink a few times to snap our of your daze
and you’re a stuttering mess, gesturing to the flowers and then to him and you don’t know what to say because you’re just so freaking proud of Minhyun
and he just laughs and pulls you into a hug and everyone is like OoOOOOoOOO ;))))
And you get one of the staff to take a photo of the two of you, and you both set it as your lockscreen for good luck
Usually you were both quite sweet to each other in behind the scenes videos
for example, there was a clip where you’d been playing with Minhyun’s hand, something that you tend do without thinking which was obviously the case here because you had been staring off into space
and Minhyun had just smiled at you before flicking your forehead gently
which snapped you out of your little bubble, so you scowled up at him 
and he had just giggled before tweaking your nose
so it became this little war going on of you swatting away his hands and him trying to flick your forehead or squeeze your cheeks
That though wasn’t the key player in the reveal of your relationship
What gave it away to the rest of the world was literally the smallest detail
But of course the detective fans had managed to spot something
The stylists had been fixing up Minhyun’s hair and makeup, when one of the staff had asked what the time was
And Minhyun had checked his phone
Someone had screenshotted and zoomed in on his phone until it was a blurry af image of the lockscreen
with more detective skills, fans discovered from the clothes that the people in the pic are wearing are the clothes that you were wearing to Minhyun’s concert
so surprise surprise, big reveal everyone deducts that the two of you are dating
and your company and pledis don’t deny or confirm anything straight away
also because at that time you had been preparing for a comeback with your group
and you were so worried about it affecting the comeback and also the drama negatively
You don’t even know how to react because your phone has exploded with messages
it’s just crazy overwhelming, and it’s the same for Minhyun
and you give him a call and he’s full of apologies
“Y/N, are you ok? i’m so sorry, I didn’t realise my phone lockscreen would be seen in that shot;;”
Just listening to his voice calms you down, and you try to reassure him that it isn’t his fault
“there’s no way you could have imagined that anyone would have seen that in the shot Minhyun, it’s ok!”
“I don’t know what the company is planning on doing, but all I know is that we’ll make it through this, together.”
Minhyun tells you to go to sleep early and wait to see what your companies statements will be in regards to your relationship in the morning
you’re scared to log on to check the news and you decide to avoid it completely
but your group member comes rushing into your room with a big smile on her face
“Y/N! Read this!!” shoving her phone into your face
You take the phone hesitantly but your eyes widen when you read it
Literally pages of comments praising your relationship and how happy they are that it’s real 
Everyone ships it.
Most of your friends were surprised that you were able to keep it hidden for so long
And the two of you still try to keep it super lowkey because no one likes it when couples are super PDA
BUT at the end of the year, you attended the big awards ceremony with Minhyun and everyone was just so amazed
because damn you guys are like so hot, wtf it’s really not fair
Minhyun is wearing this reallllly nice tuxedo that does so much justice for his broad shoulders and long legs
it’s like how is it possible that these two people who have great personalities, and are such talented visuals, exist??
Life isn’t fair, where are all the other people in the world who are perfect like you guys?
So of course, it was no surprise when they announced you and Minhyun as the winners of the best couple award for the drama you were in
And Minhyun’s such a gentleman, offering you his hand when you’re going up and down the steps to collect the award
and his eyes never leave your face during your thank you speech
and both of you are just so thankful that everything is just so perfect and meant to beeeee
like wow love really does exist, don’t lose hope y’all i say as I type out these scenarios and cry because it’s so unrealistic, you can only dream
lol the ending im sorry ;;;; anyways, thanks always for reading!! 
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wannabeone-blog · 7 years
Kissing Wanna One
@woojiniee *nudge nudge* winkeu winkeu ( jihoon’s is like unfairly long but like he’s my bias so oh well. i literally had to take breaks writing this and i had to cut myself off while writing 2Parks bc they were getting too long )
Yoon Jisung
his kisses are always soft and slow
loves to shower your face with kisses
likes to keep his hands on your waist so he can pull you closer
doesn't use his tongue very often
loves lazy kisses
like when you're having a lazy afternoon and just cuddling in bed he loves to just plant one on you
because he thinks you're just so pretty in your natural beauty
will neVER kiss you when the boys are around
the babies walked in on you once and it took two hours to get him to leave the room you were in
he's really loving
Ha Sungwoon
have you seen this boy's lips
slow and passionate
loves to kiss you
likes to place his hands on your arms so he can trace little shapes on them
whines whenever you have to pull away
so he'll occupy himself with your jaw or neck
loves when you mess with his hair
he'll literally melt into your touch
and then complains later because he lost control
pecks are a rare thing
he likes to take his time
and loVES to take the lead
it boosts his confidence to see you so needy and helpless bc of something he does
Hwang Minhyun
his kisses are really loving
he always smiles before he kisses you
lowkey loves when you sit on his lap and tug on his hair
but is too embarrassed to say it so when it does happen he'll probably let out slight groans to let you know he enjoys it
if you kiss him in front of the boys
he's probably just going to start laughing awkwardly
likes to have his hands placed on your waist
compliments you shyly in between kisses
loves kissing when you're cuddling or when you're just laying on top of him
loves having you close to him
literally weak if your lips trail down his neck or to his collarbone
overall likes letting you take the lead
Ong Seongwoo
sometimes his kisses are playful or teasing
like he'll kiss along your jaw and on the corners of your mouth and then he'll just get up and leave with a smirk on his face
real arrogant that makes you just want to smack him
"what do you want? i'm confused, come on use your words y/n," he'll tease
other times he can't control himself
really likes having you pinned against the wall
or having you beneath him
he likes having full control so he can mess with you
but will eventually give in and give you what you want
his kisses are real passionate he loves to take his time
runs his free hand up and down your side causing you shiver
and you know that boosts his ego
loves if you tug at his hair or lean into him
Kim Jaehwan
doesn't kiss you a lot tbh
he'll give you little pecks on your face or everyone in a while he'll kiss your hand but other than his lips don't touch you much
he doesn't seem like the type who needs to be kissing you all the time to express his love to you
but if you initiate a kiss he'll follow through
his kisses are soft and sweet but are typically short
he loves to cuddle with you and leave kisses on your temple and cheeks
Kang Daniel
he giggles a lot when he kisses you
like if he pecks your lips he giggles almost immediately after
you'll probably have to initiate it the first time you make out
you lean in to kiss him and move your lips a little and his arm immediately finds a spot around your waist, pulling you closer to him, if not on him
loves if you drag your nails on his skin a little
his voice will "unintentionally" deepen whenever you break for air
compliments you a lot
he's a fan of longer kisses but enjoys leaving little kisses all over your face
Park Jihoon
(this is gonna be hella long this is my bOY right here)
sometimes he likes sweet and soft kisses
and other times he's more passionate a bit aggressive
and you get to experience both frequently
the first time you kissed, you initiated it
when you leaned in jihoon's hand found its way to your back, pulling you close enough to him that your legs were wrapped around his torso before finding it's way under your shirt to draw shapes on your back
while his other hand was running through your hair, occasionally stopping to pull you closer
his lips moved in sync with yours
the tastes of your lip balms mixing was overwhelming
as the kiss dragged on, jihoon's kisses started to get a little more aggressive
he pushed you down onto your bed
he started to bite at your lips and at your skin
after a while the kisses would start to become softer again and he would pull away to lay next you
his face was flushed when he saw what he had done to your lips
you never know what to expect when you kiss him
he's always really blushy when you both pull away bc he's overwhelmed by the feeling of your lips on his and he'll never fully adjust tbh
Park Woojin
this poor boy is too shy to initiate any kisses with you
even though he really wants to
and you both know it
his eyes are on your lips more than they are your eyes tbh
when you kiss him for the first time he's so shy he doesn't know what to do and when he pulls away he covers his face mumbling sorry
"it's okay, let's practice," you say pushing him down slightly
his eyes widened
you lean over him connecting your lips again, giving him the chance to do what he wants
his hand finds a place on the small of your back bringing you as close to him as he could
once he figured out what he was doing he took the opportunity to push you down to the other side of the couch, him above you know
his kisses are urgent bc of lost time
he loves nipping at your lips
when you do pull away both of you are so embarrassed you literally just stare at the ground
he asks for kisses a lot now tho
Bae Jinyoung
his kisses are real sweet n shy
the cutest honestly
bites his lips before he kisses you
sometimes will grab the back of your neck if he wants to kiss you longer but typically likes to hold your hand when you kiss
when he pulls away he likes to look into your eyes for a second before leaning into your neck and giggling
you kissed him once in front of the members and he got so shy but everyone thought it was the cutest thing
will do the cliche hair tucked behind the ear thing
likes to peck your cheeks
and your hand
Lee Daehwi
leaves pecks everywhere
showers your face with kisses when you're cuddling
likes to kiss your neck bc he knows you're ticklish and loves hearing you giggle
but it takes a lot of courage for him to kiss you
you were hanging out one day, when you realized how daehwi was looking at you, he was chewing on his bottom lip while his eyes kept drifting to your lips
you leaned in and connected your lips and daehwi visibly shivered bc you were a better kisser than he thought you'd be
gets super embarrassed when you pull away and covers his face
he'd probably scream the first time
which causes the members to come in and make sure you're okay
sometimes you kiss him in front of his members just to see him get embarrassed
he visibly shudders anytime you get that look in your eye, but assures you that he loves kissing you and that he's just overwhelmed
Lai Guanlin
he's really nervous about kissing you but tries to hide it
and actually does really well
you kissed him first
pecking his lips and telling him he was cute
but he grabbed the back of your neck and kept you there a little longer
he's a little slow on what affect he has on you
so when you pull away and your face a really red he literally has no idea what he did
tends to cup your cheeks when you kiss
and when you pull away he'd just have a giant grin on his face
and then he'd just act like nothing happened
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sugaabooga · 7 years
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Pairing: Minhyun x reader 
Genre: teacher Minhyun, bullet-point scenario
Summary/Extra: Minhyun’s your college professor. 
A/N: First bullet-point scenario so it’s prob pretty bad ahaha. But enjoy! AND PLEASE REQUEST SOME STUFF!
teacher!Minhyun would give almost no hw, but when he does, it’s probably something huge project or essay that’s worth 70% of your grade
seems like a teacher that would seem super nice( and handsome) at first, but after the first week of school, hell breaks loose
he teaches english and also computer science which makes everyone swoon
like he’s good at english and comp sci!? IDEAL MAN
would have favorites, but wouldn’t show who it is
doesn’t really fall for the teacher pets and those super annoying people that kiss up TO EVERY FREAKIN TEACHER
hates that one student who keeps interrupting the class with his psychotic laugh
but lowkey wants to become his friendly hyung
you were never a teacher pet and always kept a low profile at school
friends were never a problem, but it was never a group of friends that you had
you always had one friend that you went everywhere with and the rest weren’t that close to you
onto your meeting and interactions with MInhyun
Minhyun would be the youngest and newest professor at your uni
your friend would probably be gushing over how handsome he was
charismatic and mysterious amirite
you don’t really see the attractiveness from him (like are you blind?)
y/f/n envies you a whole lot since he becomes your homeroom teacher for the year
and wow lucky you
he’s also the teacher for your last class
you aren’t looking forward to being in Mr. Hwang’s class since there are a bunch of rumors circulating around the campus
you know like the teachers that seem super nice and all, but then do a complete 180 (or 360 according to Ong) after the first month
Minhyun is one of those teachers
So here you are walking to your first class of the day, english
You trudge into the class since you figure out that you don’t know ANYONE besides Kim Jaehwan who you’re kinda afraid of
have you heard his laugh?
you thought he was pretty weird
you weren’t wrong
but you realized it wasn’t the bad kinda weird
since Jaehwan was your friend now, the class was way less lonely
but you noticed you got in a lot of trouble
Jaehwan wasn’t the most quiet in the class
whenever you said anything whether it was funny or not, he would laugh and it grabbed everyone’s attention
including the teacher
Minhyun would have the face like he had on PD101 when Yoojung and Doyeon came to the dancing battle
from that day, Minhyun picks on you A LOT
everyone’s confused bc like…???? Mr. Hwang never does those things no matter how much he likes or hates a student
you officially hate minhyun
both as a teacher and person
but little did you know that Minhyun treated you the way he did bc he actually sorta hates you since you’re failing the class in the second week of school
and you’re kinda cute
don’t be disgusted tho
he’s two years older than you but just twenty times smarter
anyways, the next week is the worst
after your first class is over, Minhyun walks over to you with his teacher face and you’re like
bc you already knew it was bc of your grades
even if Minhyun likes you, you’re still failing his class
he offers help and you guys decide to meet on tuesdays, thursdays, and if necessary, every saturday
you were so annoyed and everyone around you could tell, so you weren’t approached by anyone for the rest of the day
except for Jaehwan who doesn’t give a crap
you end up snapping at him and after he asks if you’re okay, you tell him how you’re failing Minhyun’s class and how you’ll be spending time with your teacher re-learning the lessons
“Can you believe it!? My least favorite teacher. TUTORING ME THREE DAYS A WEEK!”
“I thought it was two days?”
“He’s gonna extend it to Saturday too if I can’t keep up.”
Jaehwan just cackles
after all your classes are over, you reluctantly trudge over to the school library
you can’t find Minhyun anywhere so you just sit at the closest table you could find
you get out your english textbook and your laptop since you’re also in his computer science class
an hour later, you feel a series of taps on your head
you jolt up and make eye contact with a slightly wide-eyed Minhyun
you realize you fell asleep while waiting for him
“Shoot! Sorry! I-I didn’t get enough sleep yesterday a-and-”
“It’s fine, Y/N.”
and you’re like
does he hate me or not??!!?!
anyway, you feel super bad and almost like guilty for falling asleep and making Minhyun debate whether to wake you up or not for an hour
but you fall asleep some more while working on answering comprehension and Minhyun has to slam a textbook down to get you to wake up
he did that one time
bc you guys are in a library and Minhyun is so mannerly that he can’t bear to disrupt everyone else
after the nth time you fell asleep, Minhyun’s so done with you
guess what he does
he takes you out for ice cream
“I think you need a break…”
You leave your stuff since Minhyun says “We’ll be coming back right after we get it.”
You just wanna go home, but you already assume Minhyun hates you enough and decide to do whatever he says
“I’ll pay, Y/N. Hurry and get your ice cream so we can finish up the lesson.”
you feel like he’s scolding you and getting annoyed, so you don’t disagree and just thank him
I mean it IS free ice cream
the way back to the library is awkward af
he’s not saying anything and you aren’t saying anything
well i mean you’re just eating your ice cream since there’s a no food rule in the library
you end the lesson faster than you expected but a part of you knows Minhyun was just done teaching you since you weren’t understanding anything
after receiving several warnings about your grades in comp sci and english, you realize how serious this was
you start trying really really hard to understand the concepts in both minhyun’s classes and the tutoring sessions
after a month passes from the first tutoring session, you feel really comfortable with Minhyun now
he’s like your adult friend
even if he’s two years older than you it’s nice to have a teacher be your friend
after two months pass, Minhyun sorta grows on you
Whenever you don’t have the after school tutoring session, you start missing him and get super depressed that day (like wtf no one does that)
Minhyun has a little tiny crush on you now since he got his feelings in control
but now you’re the one who’s mega crushing on him
You realized your feelings after Jaehwan caught you staring at Minhyun for the nth time and he told you3
you can barely focus on your work bc you keep thinking how handsome Minhyun actually was (like how did you not notice this before?)
how beautiful he was when he smiled or laughed
how charismatic he seemed when he got mad at Jaehwan
how kind he was when a student needed help
he was just so boyfriend and husband material
but your sudden blushing mess and distracted nature and staring at him leads to Jaehwan becoming highly suspicious
one day after class you’re packing up your bags when Jaehwan suddenly asks the question
“Do you like Mr. Hwang?”
*chokes on spit*
Jaehwan nods innocently and you’re like “boi how’d you know”
“It’s hard not to notice when you’re staring at him the whole entire period”
but you wonder if Jaehwan ya know
picked up some stuff on Minhyun and you
“D-Do you…..Do you….”
“Do I know if Hwang likes you too?”’
you slap his arm in surprise
“I’m not sure… I thought it was mutual at first, but…”
tbh you’re really disappointed
jaehwan immediately notices your sudden upset expression
“NO NO BUT I’M ALways wrong on these things!!”
you know he may be wrong, but you can’t help, but realize Minhyun never really did anything to show his “liking”? for you
you’re totally out of it for the rest of the day and soon, you find yourself on the ground after crashing into someone
and that HAD to be the most popular guy in the school
kang Daniel
“OhMAGAhah. I’m so sorry.”
“No no, it’s fine.”
he helps you up and then picks up your books for you (kyaayyay)
you’re about to thank him, but someone grabs your wrist and slightly pushes you back
and you see that it’s Minhyun
“Y/N. Please see me in my classroom.”
and Daniel’s just like 0_0
“Mr. Hwang seems mad… You should go. See you around!”
you wave back and head to Minhyun’s classroom since he already disappeared
like boy that man can walk
when you enter the classroom, Minhyun’s just sitting at his desk, his head in his hands
you prob did something really bad (no it’s just MInhyun being a teenage boy)
you pull up a stray chair and sit in front of him and keep quiet since you didn’t wanna make him even angrier or whatever
he finally speaks up and you DIE
“Y/N… Not as a teacher, but a close friend of yours… I developed feelings for you”
he takes in a breath and then just stares at his desk
“Aish. I just made everything awkward. Don’t worry about what I said today. You can go Y/N. I’m a little out of it. Forget about everything that just happened. I-I’ll see you in the library and please don’t feel-”
you put your finger up to his lips for him to stfu
“Stop rambling….I-I like you too”
So basically dating your teacher ain’t allowed ya know
But your tutoring sessions turn to ice cream dates and fortunately no one from your school sees you guys
only Jaehwan knows you two are dating, but it’s cute so what can he say
can i go die
ok so what happens is that Minhyun comes to the usual spot in the library one day
but he looks super worried
his teacher face is on and you’re just super scared bc he’s still your teacher
turns out Minhyun needed to talk to you about your grades
you don’t wanna know, so you ask him to tell you after you were done with your lesson
after the lesson you head out for the cute little ice cream date Minhyun always treats you to and that’s when Minhyun turns to that serious face again
“About your grades, Y/N…..”
you’re almost in tears since you know your grades are still pretty bad and you just feel so sorry to Minhyun spending all his time on you
you braced yourself for Minhyun to go on about how you needed to try harder, focus more during class, and bla bla bla
you were definitely not expecting him to give you a wide smile and say
you’re frozen for a second and then start screaming while hugging Minhyun
Minhyun’s so proud of you, he decides to buy a full on dinner instead of ice cream
like from the lowest to the highest rank in the class
that does not happen overnight without any effort
you’re so relieved and slightly mad at Minhyun for doing that prank on you, but you still love him lol
“OMG Minhyun. This is all because of you! I could just kiss you right now!!”
you honestly don’t even know what you’re saying and you don’t realize what you said until you see Minhyun lean closer to you and somewhat smirk
ok then basically you guys kiss
sry I’m horrible at describing kiss scenes blajfoaehfouwenf
but I mean the rest of your college years are really fun bc of Minhyun
you guys can’t go on many dates besides the ice cream parlor since you can’t have ppl see
that’s only college years tho
after you graduate, you head to Minhyun’s room after you finish your work and help Minhyun grade, help him prepare his lesson, clean around the room, and yeha
being a teacher, let alone a professor, is pretty hard
sometimes, when you’re both really tired you guys just take a nap on your arms on the desk, facing each other
or Minhyun falls asleep on your lap while you’re entering grades for him
so cuteeeeeeee
and ofc, don’t forget about Kim Jaehwan
turns out he really looked up to Minhyun both as a person and teacher
one day he walks in on you and Minhyun being all coupley and flirty with each other and literally vomits on the spot
he’s scarred
sometimes he joins in on your guys’ dates and just ruins every little moment you two have by fake gagging or laughing with his psychotic laugh
but you still love him
it’s so entertaining to him bicker with Minhyun (MinHwan amirite)
im not sure how to end this but
I mean
overall you and teacher!Minhyun would have a really cute and innocent relationship
sry this was horrible
first bullet-point scenario yay
okay bye
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wannaonestars · 7 years
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ahhhh thank you so much ❤️❤️ and tbh this au is rly rly cute can u imagine minhyun dressing formally with a tie and everything ashdkd
tbh minhyun hadn’t been promoted for very long so he wasn’t used to telling others what to do bc he’s so used to fooling around with minki and making fun of dongho so it just ended with him being awkward and appearing as rude
and then of cOURSE his luck would have him end up becoming project leader of a team fULL of newbies
minhyun: is this what I get for saying ur balding three weeks ago
jonghyun: no, this is for your own benefit and to train your leadership abilities don’t worry i’m sure you can do it :)
jonghyun: also I am nOT BA L D I NG
he was so nervous like he didn’t know ANY of y’all and tbh some of the members of the team look like they really rather not be here and that’s such a big hit to his confidence
you’re the only one in the newbies who look like you’d actually do work but you were seriously intimidated by this dude like.....he’s hot yes but his eyes looked so cold
first few days were such disasters nONE of your team were motivated to do anything and were always saying “oh i’ll get it done just not now”
minhyun was getting frustrated but he didn’t want to be rude and get angry so he just...ended up doing all the work
you always did yours on time and tbh u rly want to help him but whenever u suggest helping he says no thanks
he said that bc he didn’t feel that it would be fair to make you do more work than u should but :((( sadly you thought that he thought u would only be a burden so you didn’t press it
but when the deadline was in twelve hours and all your teammates literally DITCHED work you weren’t gonna let minhyun hold up that burden
it was just you two in the tiny office typing furiously on the laptops and filling out paperwork and when you finished your part you grabbed half of minhyun’s stack of papers and just started doing them
minhyun: wait—
you: sir you literally have three men’s work to finish in like eight hours i’m not letting you do this alone >:((
you: like what the heck why didn’t you just report those douchecanoes to the head of the department instead of doing their work for them it’s not fair
when he heard you say the word “douchecanoes” minhyun couldn’t help but smile and laugh and for a second you were shOOK bc that was such??? a pretty laugh??????????
suddenly the image of the cold emperor hwang minhyun washed away in your mind and replaced itself with just....a shy and cute man who just didn’t know how to interact with everyone
and bless ur soul bc the work got done so fast thanks to your efficiency 
you: tomorrow let’s tell your manager jonghyun about this and get their sorry asses in trouble
and like minhyun laughs at almost eVERYTHING you say not necessarily because you're funny but because he’s enjoying the fact that he made a bond with someone nice and hardworking and cool and funny and pretty and cute to date imeanwhat
as you two are leaving and exchanged good-bye’s minhyun suddenly asks you “how do you like your coffee?”
you tell him and ur like omg is he gonna get me coffee tmr THAT’S SO NOT LOWKEY
and just like you predicted the next morning minhyun went to your desk and handed you a cup of coffee
“cream, sugar, not too much ice right?”
those three douchecanoes got fired ofc lmao and life went on with the addition of minhyun taking you on lunch and dinner dates like that’s so soft
ofc he got teased literally every time minki passed by you two he makes these smoochy faces and heart signs at minhyun
minki even changed the group chat of him, minhyun, jonghyun, and dongho from what was originally just “homies” to “minhyun’s love life support squad 2k17″
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231 notes · View notes
soft-imagines · 7 years
Wanna One Reaction to their S/O surprising them
Synopsis: You told him you couldn’t make it to the final episode but you show up to surprise him.
A/N: I decided to be a nerd of course and sort of make them into short scenarios (sorry for making you all read so much ;-;). Also, I prepared gifs to cheer you up :) 
Jisung: You walk closer to the stage, noticing the boys getting ready for another performance. Watching Jisung during ‘Hands On Me’ was full of screams from you and you can’t wait to see what’s next. You hold up your ‘I Love You Jisung~’, looking for him. You finally spot him standing between Seongwoo and Sungwoon. Jisung smiles and waves, thinking you’re a normal fan. When you reveal your face from behind the sign, he looks shocked and he stares at you. Seongwoo finally snaps him out of it by waving his hand in front of his face. The performance starts with all of the boys harmonizing. Jisung sings his line, and he smiles sweetly at you before looking at the camera. After the heart-wrenching performance, you wait for the rankings to begin. You watch in content, silently praying for Jisung, You think about your late night call with him last night. He was saying he didn’t know if he’d really debut, but you convinced him to keep hoping and to not think negatively. Rank 10. Bae Jinyoung. You clap, already fed up with the 2-3 minute wait in between each announcement. Rank 9. Hwang Minhyun. You clap, smiling while watching everyone hug him. Rank 8.
“MMO Entertainment, Yoon Jisung!” You gasp and clutch onto your sign, but while he’s hugging the boys and nearly bursting into tears. While walking up to give his speech, you let your sign fall to the ground, nearly starting to cry. In his speech, he thanks everybody for voting for him and for letting him debut in Wanna-One. He then makes his way to his seat, hugging Jinyoung and Minhyun on the way. After the broadcast, you hurry to the waiting rooms, congratulating the other Wanna-One members as they pass. You finally find your boyfriend, hugging Samuel. You smile and watch as Samuel goes off to hug the other members. Jisung facing away from you, you tap his shoulder. He turns and immediately smiles, tears falling from his eyes. You wrap your arms around his waist as he let’s his arms envelope you and he buries his face into your hair. In between shaky breaths, Jisung thanks you for surprising him, cheering him on since the beginning.
“And I’ll never stop,” you tell him. This only makes him cry more and he thanks you for telling him to have hope. You sit on a two-seated couch and you gently pull him beside you, letting him cry into your shoulder. When he calms down a bit, you kiss him and tell him you love him, that you will always be there for him, and the two of you sit in the waiting room together, greeting, hugging and congratulating the other members and eliminated trainees.
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{Woojin’s is really long}
{Some get shorter later on, so sorry}
Sungwoon: Spots you during the ‘Super Hot’ performance even though you tried to hide within the screaming fans. You’re closer to the stage so that you can get a better view of the members. You cheer him on for being center and while he sings. You met the eyes of Taehyun, who watched the performance and slightly waved at you. While watching the performances, you look at the other fans around you, who are voting on their phones. You nearly forgot to vote, so you take out your phone and vote for Sungwoon. When the rankings approach, you become nervous as Jinyoung, Minhyun, Jisung, and Guanlin are called. You look over at Taehyun, who is as nervous as you are. Every rank is announced. All that’s left is 11. You look over at Taehyun again, who is silently praying to himself, the other eliminated trainees around him getting closer to him to comfort him. It’s between Sewoon and Sungwoon, and while you love Ponyo, you pray that Sungwoon is Wanna-One’s final member. You start tearing up, wondering if he will be the final member. You keep hoping, and you can’t make eye contact with Taehyun or look at Sungwoon right now, in fear of bursting into ugly tears in the middle of the audience. You zone out, staring at the ground, not hearing BoA’s voice until fans start screaming. You look up, watching everyone hug whoever was called out. You watch closely, spotting Sungwoon walking up. You scream in joy and cheer for him, watching as he stands at the stage to make his speech. You look over at Taehyun, who is in tears and being comforted. You can’t help but smile and laugha bit at your boyfriend’s best friend. After his speech, the final lineup bows to us and the eliminated trainees come to congratulate them. Once they’re done, every trainee bows and you clap, making your way through the fans to the waiting rooms. You find Sungwoon with Taehyun, of course, the two of them facing a camera as Yongbin walks by. When the camera goes to film others, you backhug Sungwoon while congratulating him on debuting with Wanna-One, who stays still for a moment but then turns to embrace you. He kisses your head and thanks you for coming. He’ll ask you why you’re crying and you’d tell him about how you were wondering if he would make it or not and how you were so proud of him. He’ll just chuckle, kiss you, and say thank you again. You hug Taehyun as well, who laughs.
“Did you think the Super Hot performance was funny too?” He’d ask.
You’d roll your eyes. “Only you would think about that.”
“No, but I’m being serious.”
The three of you hang out, getting occasional greetings from other trainees or Wanna-One members. Sungwoon literally just wants to cuddle, but everyone’s around, so he’s a little more shy about it. You’ll hug him, kiss his cheek and he’ll blush a lot.
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Minhyun: You probably sit in the stands that are above the stage and seats for the final 11. You watch Minhyun in every performance, cheering for him and calling out his name when he sings. You also cheer for the other NU’EST members, already praying for at least two members to debut in the final lineup. While watching the boys perform ‘Always’, you start tearing up, thinking about Minhyun’s texts he sent you while on the show. He would always text you about how it was hard work but it would pay off. He talked about the hardships he was facing and how he was hopeful about debuting because you were there to support him and the other members. You see Minki crying, wiping his tears. Then Seonho and Samuel holding in their tears. You start crying, silently sniffling so you don’t bother anyone around you. When the rankings begin you watch as Jinyoung is ranked 10. You wait for the 9th ranking.
“Pledis Entertainment...” You sit up straight in your seat.
“Hwang Minhyun!”
You scream in happiness and watch him make his speech. As the ranks continue, you lose hope in any of the other NU’EST members making the final lineup. When the rankings end, not only are you upset about Minki placing 20, Jonghyun 14, and Dongho 13, but you’re mostly upset about Minhyun debuting without another NU’EST member. You smile sadly while watching Seonho comforting Minhyun. You head to the waiting rooms, finding the NU’EST boys including Aron and S.Coups. You tell them to keep in touch with Minhyun and they pinky promise, laughing as you threaten that you won’t ever talk to them again if they don’t keep their promise. You search for your boyfriend, but you don’t see him anywhere. You spot Seonho, so you ask him where Minhyun is. He leads you to an empty waiting room, Minhyun in the corner. You quietly thank Seonho and go to comfort Minhyun, backhugging him. At first he thinks you’re Jonghyun, but then he realizes it’s you when you kiss his cheek. He looks at you and envelopes you in a hug right after. He’ll be silent while you congratulate him and tell him everything is going to be alright. You tell him he’ll have the comfort of the other Wanna-One members and you tell him you love him. He thanks you for being a great girlfriend, giving you a sweet kiss.
He also mentions that you said you weren’t going to show up, but you only laugh and say “Surprise~” while pecking his lips. Seonho comes in with food, and so Minhyun introduces you. Basically, when he’s with you, Minhyun has no worries and he knows you’ll always be with him from beginning to end. He knows that with you by his side, he’ll be able to pull everything together and be able to have a great debut with Wanna-One while the boys of NU’EST wait for his return.
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Seongwoo: Most likely spots you right away, no matter how deep into the crowd you are, You cheer for him loudly, screaming too. You don’t care how loud you’re being but you’re somewhat less embarrassed than you thought you would’ve been since the Jihoon stan next to you was screaming even louder. During ‘Always’, you watch the boys sing, nodding along and tearing up because the lyrics relate to the show. After every performance is the rankings. Now, you’re super confident about Seongwoo making it into the final lineup, but just in case, you cross your fingers and toes. When Seongwoo is finally announced as rank 5, you jump and jump with glee, squealing in excitement. While he’s making his speech, you laugh at Ong being Ong. You keep your eyes on him as everyone else’s rankings are listed off. After the rankings are finished, you immediately dart towards the waiting rooms. Daniel and Seongwoo are talking, so you creep up behind Seongwoo while Daniel lowkey rolls his eyes at you.
”You good?” Seongwoo would ask him.
“Got something in my eyes that’s it,” Daniel would reply, rubbing his eyes in response.
You laugh, realizing you were gonna backhug Seongwoo but then your plan failed. Seongwoo reaches for you, but you slip past and hug Daniel first, congratulating him on placing first. When you turn to Seongwoo, he’s pouting but he immediately steals a kiss from you and you laugh.
“What a baby,” you say.
“What a meanie. You told me you weren’t coming.”
“It’s called surprising my boyfriend, Seongwoo.”
He’ll just shrug and hug you, complaining about how much he wants to cuddle. You only laugh, telling him he can wait. You congratulate him on being in Wanna-One. You, him, and Daniel chill for a bit, a few other members jumping in here and there. Probably brags about you by telling everybody that you came just to surprise him and everyone is probably like, “what an idiot.” Cuddles with you while the guys mess around, telling you he loves you. You smile, peck his lips, and tell him you love him too. He’ll smile and peck your lips again. Every time a person walks by the two of you, he’ll keep rambling on about how you’re such a great girlfriend.
“Stop embarrassing me, ohmygod Seongwoo let me live.”
meanwhile Daniel be recording y’all.
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Jaehwan: While watching your boyfriend perform, you’re mesmerized by his vocals and you can’t help but fall for him even more. while praying for Jaehwan to make it into the final lineup, you also pray for Sewoon and Sungwoon. The Vocal Trinity was your main priority, considering you’ve known Sewoon since kindergarten, you and Sungwoon are basically best friends now, and King Jaehwan is your boyfriend.
While thinking about the phone calls all four of you would have where you listened to what they had to say about the show, you hear, “Individual trainee, Kim Jaehwan!”
You stare at BoA in pure shock while watching Jaehwan, who is also in disbelief as the boys surround him. He makes his way to the front stage, making his speech. While heading back to his seat, you smile brightly, wanting to squeeze him into a hug. You patiently wait for the rankings to finish, and you hurry to the waiting rooms once all of the boys thank the national producers. Five minutes go by, and you haven’t spotted Jaehwan anywhere. You spot Sewoon first, hugging Jaehwan, who’s facing away from you. When they pull away, Sewoon hugs you first, Jaehwan watching in shock as you tell Sewoon he did a good job. Sewoon thanks you while walking off, and you embrace a surprised yet happy Jaehwan. You feel his arms slowly wrap around your waist, as if he’s still registering the fact that you’re standing right in front of him. He’ll stare at you as you look at him. You plant a quick kiss on his lips, asking if he’s okay. He’ll nod, staring at you. He let’s a hand run through your hair, then places a kiss on your head, pulling you in for another hug. He thanks you for coming to support him, continuously telling you he loves you and that he’s so happy you came. All of a sudden, though, he’s silent. You pull away to look at him. He’s swiping under his eyes, and you giggle, wiping his excess tears away.
“Why is my boyfriend crying?” You say, watching as he smiles.
“I just... I love you so much, Y/N. I don’t deserve you.”
You’ll kiss him and grin. “You deserve the world, Kim Jaehwan.”
He smiles and gives you a quick peck. Meanwhile, Sewoon is basically cackling and fanboying a lot.
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Daniel: You make sure you’re hidden enough in the crowd to not be seen by Daniel, but you’re also close enough to get a good view of the performances. All you can do is scream to your heart’s content as you watch ‘Hands On Me’, other fangirls around you screaming as well. When 'Always’ starts playing, you intently wait for Daniel to sing, but to your surprise, he finally raps. It makes you tear up, thinking about the MMO boys. They all had a chance to debut, more than one chance, honestly. This show was one of their last chances, and only Daniel and Jisung remained, so you prayed for both of them to debut. You smile as the performance ends, watching the boys leave the stage to get ready for the rankings. The boys come out, and you’re hoping Daniel is number 1 again, but you know Jihoon is capable of taking his place. Finally, after announcing ranks 10-3, only Jihoon and Daniel remained. It’s between them for rank 1, and you watch intensely as BoA stands there, smiling.
“MMO Entertainment, Kang Daniel!”
You call out his name and squeal, overjoyed so much that you’re bursting into tears as Daniel walks up and makes his speech. Shortly after, he makes his way to his seat, as well as Jihoon. After Sungwoon is announced 11th, and everyone else’s rankings are revealed, you happily work your way towards the waiting room. There, the MMO boys (excluding Jisung and Daniel), were talking to one another and you greet them. You hug all of them and ask where Daniel is. Jaehan mentions something about Daniel being in the waiting room down the hall with Jisung and Seongwoo. You thank him while Taewoong and Jinwoo chatter about something. You hurry down the hall and burst into the room, the members of Wanna One seeming like they’re staring at you when really, it was just Jisung and Seongwoo and Woojin. Daniel’s looking at his phone, wondering why you haven’t been answering his texts. You wrap your arms around his waist, feeling him jump a bit. He’ll turn around to hug you, lifting you up off the ground and spinning you. He presses a long kiss onto your lips. He’ll ask you how and why you’re there. 
“I can’t surprise my boyfriend?”
“Yeah, Daniel,” Seongwoo cackles while Jisung drags him away.
Daniel pulls you into an empty waiting room away from the others, where the two of you cuddle and take pictures of each other or with each other. You nearly forget to congratulate him while the two are talking about Wanna One, and he thanks you, placing a soft kiss on your temple. Ong probably eavsdropping. MMO boys are also with Ong for gossip purposes.
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Jihoon: You’re sitting in the middle of the crowd, holding up a Jihoon banner. You cheer for him during ‘Hands On Me’, nearly crying when he rapped ‘yes good while doing his trademark jeo-jang. During ‘Always’, you’re amazed by how great he can sing. While waiting for the rankings to start, you look around at the other fans; some who seemed worried about their favorite trainees not making it to the final line-up. You weren’t worried at all, to be completely honest. Jihoon has always been in the top 11. While Minhyun and Jisung are called up, you make eye contact with Jihoon a few times. You look away every time and listen to the next ranking. Rank 3 came up, and you were aimlessly looking around until you met Jihoon’s eyes again. This time you lingered, but you broke the eye contact and payed attention to Daehwi, who was ranked 3. You know for sure that Jihoon is either 1 or 2. It goes to a commercial break, where you find yourself looking over Kwon Hyeob, your friend that basically introduced  you to Jihoon. He sends you a small smile whilst the commercial break ends. BoA announces rank 1 first. 
“MMO Entertainment, Kang Daniel!” 
While politely clapping, you cheer for both Daniel and your boyfriend, watching as they each make their own speech and head to their seats. After the final lineup and the rest of the ranks are revealed, the trainees comfort each other. They all bow and hug each other some more, finally leaving for the waiting rooms. You take this time to leave for the waiting rooms, walking into the first one you see. Jihoon is sitting, Jinyoung, Daehwi, and Woojin sitting around him. You watch while Seonho approaches, Jihoon standing to give him a hug. He spots you when Seonho and him pull away, his smile becoming brighter at the sight of you. He comes over and you embrace him. Daehwi and Jinyoung start to tease him, but he semi-ignores the relentless jeering, a light blush on his cheeks as he pecks your lips. 
“I knew it was you,” He whispered, letting his fingers thread through your hair.
You smile and kiss his cheek. “Surprise~ Congratulations, Jihoon.”
He thanks you, kissing your forehead. While him and the guys are hanging out, you sit right beside him, playing with his hands as he admires how cute you are. He’ll chat with the guys, ask how you’re doing, go back to chatting for a bit. Bonus: Jinyoung asks if you wink, so you do. Basically, Wanna One now knows you and Jihoon as WinkWink.
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Woojin: You probably hide yourself within the crowd well, wearing one of Woojin’s sweaters. Another weight you’re holding besides your small travel backpack is the specially baked cake (whatever kind of cake you’d like :)) your mother happily made for him and his “hakdae buddies”. The backstory behind ‘hakdae buddies’ is that you once told her that the boys verbally abuse you in a joking way (they tease you a lot). Plus, the BNM boys came over once and your mom was watching VJ Woojin videos. She was making note on how much he likes to zoom in and you told her that he always pronounces it ‘hakdae’ instead of ‘hwakdae’. Since then, the BNM boys have been ‘hakdae buddies’. Every time your mom saw a picture of one of the BNM boys or sees you, she would go ‘hakdae buddies’.
(ANYWAYS) While watching Woojin in ‘Hands On Me’, you loudly cheer for him when he raps. During ‘Always’, you would watch him, remembering the times he would call to ask you if you had a good day and if you voted for him and the other BNM boys. He would always tell you he loves you and that he’ll know you’ll always be there for him. Then you think about the rankings. Would he make it? He has to. You push the negative thoughts away, awaiting for the rankings to begin. You hope that his fans voted hard just as rank 10 is about to be announced. Bae Jinyoung. You anticipate the rest of the announcements. You mentally cross your fingers as the ranks go by. 9, 8, 7. At rank 6, you nearly stop paying attention until you hear:
“Brand New Music, Park Woojin!”
You squeal with excitement and joy as you watch your boyfriend nervously walk up. You’re a bit worried and shocked at how shaken and nervous Woojin seems. You start recording him as he holds the microphone up to his lips. While he’s making his speech, he stops a few times to catch his breath. He makes his way back to his seat, hugging Jinyoung, Minhyun, Jisung, and Guanlin. After the broadcast finishes, you look for the waiting rooms. You’re met by Guanlin and Seonho, who tell you that Woojin is waiting for you in the last waiting room down the hall. You thank them, a bit confused as to how Woojin knows you’re there. Ignoring the thought, you go on your way as the chicks giggle crazily. After approaching the door, you knock a couple of times with no response. Finally, the door opens and you’re gently taken by the hand. You’re pulled in, the door closing behind. Suddenly, you’re embraced, so you gently let your cake fall to the ground as you envelope your boyfriend in a hug. It’s silent until his breath becomes shaky. You pull away to look at him, seeing him smile, his snaggletooth showing.  
“You okay?” You ask him, taking his hands in yours.
“Just happy you’re here,” he tells you, shyly kissing your forehead. 
You place a quick peck on his lips and play with his hair while he’s blushing nonstop. A giggle escapes your lips as you pick up the cake, checking to see if it’s okay. You show it to Woojin, who smiles.
“For me?” You nod and the two of you sit on the ground. While Woojin opens the cake, you grab the candles and lighter out from your backpack. By the time the candles are in the cake, you had texted the other BNM boys to come to the room. Donghyun floats in, giving you a long hug because he’s delighted to see you. Youngmin follows, smiling. Daehwi comes in, smiling sweetly whilst closing the door behind him. After dimming the lights, the five of you circle the cake, your phone set up a few feet away recording the moment. You light the candles and congratulate them for accomplishing a lot on the show, telling them that they’re the best ‘hakdae buddies’ you could ever have. They chuckle and you sing a song that you wrote for them before the show even started because you knew that they’d make an impact on the fans and the show. The song was about the hard work they all put into the show and that no matter what happens, they’ll always be a family and be there for one another. All of the boys blow out the candles after, so you take the moment to take some frosting + whipped cream and smear it on the faces that were closest to the cake. Unfortunately, you got Youngmin and Daehwi, who bother you the most (besides Woojin of course). You get some more on your hands, smearing it on Donghyun and Woojin’s cheeks. You hide behind Donghyun, who’s protecting you even though you got frosting on his face. Woojin eventually gets frosting on your lips, and you pull him in for a sweet kiss. Donghyun fanboys and takes your phone to record the both of you.
“I love you, Woojin.”
“I love you, too, Y/N.”
While you all eat cake, jokes are tossed here and there. You ask Woojin how he knew you were there. “Your mom told me.” You laugh and he can’t help but laugh too; pulling you in for another kiss. Donghyun fanboying all over again, Youngmin hi-key loves the two of you together but says ‘get a room’ and other stuff like that. Daehwi is both. 
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Jinyoung: You’re screaming when Jinyoung comes out as the center of ‘Hands On me’. At this point, you don’t care about your dignity, you’re there to support your boyfriend like the loving girlfriend you are. You wave while he’s performing ‘Always’,while for ‘Hands On Me’, you were literally screaming. During ‘Always’, you watch watch Jinyoung, and he seems happy just being able to perform. During the rankings, you become excited, wondering what Jinyoung’s rank would be. The first rank to be announced, is rank 10.
“C9 Entertainment, Bae Jinyoung!” You scream so loud that you can barely register what  BoA says next and you can barely hear Jinyoung’s speech. On the way to his seat, he’s a cutie, waving and then sitting, a proud smile on his face. The ranks are all revealed, and the final lineup bows to the national producers. Jinyoung comes up early, giddy and excited that he had made the final lineup. He looks around and waves to fans, then bows once more and everybody is up and standing again. The eliminated trainees and the Wanna One members hug and congratulate each other. You watch Jinyoung hug the other Wanna One members and eliminated trainees. You ake this time to leave for the waiting rooms. You’re there before any of the trainees, so you hang out in the biggest waiting room. After a moment, you hear voices and you look up from your phone to see who’s all entering. Daehwi comes in first, spotting you right away while waving and smiling cutely. He motions for somebody to come in, Jinyoung stepping through the doorway. Daehwi motions towards you. Jinyoung takes a glance at you, grinning while hurrying over. As he approaches, you stand and the two of you envelope each other in a warm hug.
 “I thought you weren’t coming?” he says, pulling away to look at you clearly. “I came to surprise you, silly,” you tell him, giving him a peck on the lips. He smiles and nods, kissing your head while thanking you and telling you that he’s happy you came. Other trainees come in, greeting you as Jinyoung excitedly introduces you to everyone who passes by. 
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Daehwi: You’re farther back in the crowd as you watch the boys perfomr. While watching Daehwi in ‘Super Hot’, you can’t help but laugh at the part where him and Dongho are beside each other and he pretends to be scared. When he raps, you’re surprised by how good he is. After ‘Super Hot’ is ‘Hands On Me’, and then ‘Always’. You nearly scream when Daehwi sings his parts. After every performance is the rankings. You anticipate it, hoping that Daehwi will debut with at least one of the BNM boys. He just had to. You listen for the ranks closely. Bae Jinyoung. Hwang Minhyun. Yoon Jisung. Lai Guanlin. Park Woojin. Ong Seongwoo. Kim Jaehwan. Just as you stop paying attention and look over at Donghyun, you hear the 5 words you were waiting for all night. 
“Brand New Music, Lee Daehwi!” You nearly get whiplash when you turn your head towards Daehwi and cheer as loud as you can while watching Daehwi go up and give his speech. He strays away from looking at the camera while he speaks, and you swear he gives you quick eye contact before finishing up. He hugs the already announced Wanna One members on the way to his seat, and you can’t help but feel  proud and happy for him and Woojin. When he sits, he covers his face with his hands, as if he can’t believe he made it. After all of the Wanna One members are announced, you leave right away to the waiting rooms.  There, you spot Donghyun, Youngmin, and Moonbok. You greet them and ask if they’ve seen Daehwi. Youngmin points at the large room a few feet away and you thank him while going in. You notice Samuel and Daehwi hugging, so you stand to the side and get a bit upset. Samuel and Daehwi were great friends and Sam definitely should have debuted. They both notice you, and you sadly smile while hugging Sam first. You congratulate him on coming this far, and he thanks you, waving bye as he goes to look for Guanlin. You reach out for Daehwi, and he walks into your arms. He continuously thanks you for coming and showing him love and support. He thanks you for helping him throughout the hard times during the show. You assure him that you’ll always be there by his side. He gives you a kiss on the forehead, and the two of you say ‘i love you’ to one another. Daehwi embraces you again, and after a moment, you suggest that the two of you look for Somi. He agrees, taking your hand and leading the way. 
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Guanlin: Like other fans, you questioned Guanlin’s hair during the ‘Super Hot’ performance, but you shook it off to enjoy the stage. You’re laughing nonstop at the troublemaker reference, and then at Guanlin’s ending pose. After the performances, you watch as the boys line up accordingly for the rankings. You carefully listen, hoping Seonho and Guanlin aren’t separated. “CUBE Entertainment, Lai Guanlin!”It takes you a moment to register what BoA said. When you hear fans screaming, you cheer along with them. You look over st the boys hugging Guanlin, Seonho pushing through to get to his hyung. You can’t help but laugh. When Guanlin is speaking, you want to tease him right then and there, but you figure you can save it for later. The final lineup is decided, and you sigh, looking over at Seonho, who only claps and smiles for his hyungs. After spotting Seonho comforting Minhyun, you find Guanlin hugging little Woojin, then Sungwoon. Once all of the trainees and members bow to the national producers, you make your way to the waiting rooms. You spot Seonho and Guanlin hugging. Seonho’s facing you, and he waves while leaving Guanlin to hug you. Guanlin looks shocked as you embrace the small chick. You tell Seonho he worked hard.
“I’m still upset about you two being separated,” you sadly say.
“We’ll keep in touch,” Seonho promises, giving you his signature sweet smile. He suddenly gets distracted by the snacks in Minki’s arms and you laugh as he follows Minki, turning to your boyfriend who’s still surprised that you’re actualy standing in front of him. 
“Surprise~!” You throw your arms around him, burying your face into his shoulder.  You pull away with a smile growing on your face, letting a hand run through his hair. You congratulate him and he thanks you, kissing your nose. You tell him you’ll take him out to eat whenever he can, and he agrees under the condition that Seonho can’t come along. 
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all-about-wannaone · 7 years
Wanna One as Princes [Part 2]
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Once again, I am back with the second part of this series and for some reason, this was a little harder to write. ^^;; I’m not sure what happened, but the ideas did not flow as well so I hope that this does not become an awkward read. D: Nevertheless, I tried my best to capture their characters in real life and put them into my writings, and with that, I wish you guys a happy reading experience from the second part to this request by @theresnowarinbasingse! 
PART 1: Yoon Jisung, Ha Sungwoon, Hwang Minhyun, Ong Seongwoo
Kim Jaehwan:
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Another prince who nobody would have guessed either that he was part of the royal bloodline.
Often gets mistaken for a typical government official or a scholar, because he always carries this book around in his hands.
The lowkey prince who is often found in the city centre reading his book (I wonder what) and listens out for the problems in society.
Puts in his input into political conversations while reading and nobody knows who he is, apart from the fact that he’s someone whom they always see at the fountain and is “extremely smart”.
Reads the people’s letters sent to him and combined with whatever he has heard or seen on the street, he gets quick and efficient work done.
The people are relatively happy and peaceful, but they are a little sad that they can never thank the prince himself. (He was right under their noses the entire time)
Not only wise, but extremely talented.
Participates in talent shows that the community organises and everyone knows him as a “Vocal God”
Always gives his winnings to others under an anonymous tag or charity.
Terrible at combat and would probably suit the marching band more but tries his best anyway.
When he likes a girl, he would be THE cheeseball and make use of his vocal talents to express his love for her.
Depending on his mood, he would either set up a stage in the city centre or give her a personal performance when the two are alone.
Probably leads to a quick mutual kiss or just two blushing beings waiting to make the first move.
 Kang Daniel:
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Carries a noble aura, so people can suspect that he’s of royal descent.
Is often seen walking with a skip in his steps and a bright smile on his face, occasionally waving to the people of the town.
Everybody knows him as that smiley noble whom they can trust and be comfortable with in sharing their problems and concerns.
Champions for the rights of animals and is always seen with a pouch of food for stray animals. (Probably started an organisation for their protection too)
Effective and efficient solutions to rectify the people’s problems, but it does not go without some effort from society themselves.
Fosters a close-knitted, peaceful, hardworking and resilient society where everyone stands together in the face of adversity.
Another all-rounder; looks exuding charm, great personality, talented in both sports and arts (namely ball games and dance) and obtains scholarly achievements.
Good combatting skills and can handle a range of weapons in practice, and definitely in battle.
Confessions to a girl he likes would probably be the cheesiest, yet cutest thing EVER.
Will not say it openly but will show it through his actions (the way he treats you, buys you random gifts etc.) and also the type to lend you his 60cm wide shoulders to lean on.
Will probably take his girlfriend stargazing to say, “I need the starshine in your heavenly eyes after the day’s great sun.” and would later say, “I like this, don’t you think? I like…. us.”
 Park Jihoon:
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Blessed with good genes and a mature aura, everyone knows that this boy has to be a part of the royal family, because there’s no way not to be for his case.
Doesn’t really carry any fixed expression when he walks around town, but it tends to be gentle and a little awkward when people bow and greet him out of respect.
But still bows back awkwardly anyway and pulls off his signature small smile that makes the girls’ hearts flutter.
Older citizens fawn over him and tend to pass him home cooked food whenever they see him around, invites him over for meals and basically treats him like their own son.
They would naturally open up to him and he would take all their concerns to heart, mentally taking notes while his bodyguard also listens in to take them down physically.
Doesn’t speak very much, but provides comfort and security with the people he interacts with.
Will go back to the palace almost immediately with a troubled heart, but a determined mind, to sort out all the troubles that his people face, while comparing notes with his personal bodyguard.
Might seem like a gentle being who can’t kill a fly, but he does not tolerate incompetence when it comes to settling societal issues (has probably fired a few government officials)
A little on the naive side sometimes, explaining the need for a bodyguard to prevent him from making rash decisions.
His community is hardworking, honest, peaceful and grateful towards their rulers.
All in all, he is a gentle and quiet being, serious with his work, has a soft spot for the children and the elderly and always attains top grades with ease.
Is a little clumsy with the sword because of his relatively small stature (and the lack of strength), but has an affinity with the bow & arrow and throwing knives, utilising them with deadly accuracy.
His bodyguard still tries his best to tutor Jihoon with the sword, and thankfully, he is getting better (as long as he works a little more on his upper body strength).
At this point, he sounds like a tsundere, but he actually does show it when he likes someone with the way he behaves and acts around her.
Would think he’s obvious with his crush and doesn’t feel the need to say it, until friends start commenting why they are not together and the reply is because they have not talked about it.
When he realises this, he would talk to the girl once the two of them are alone to his favourite hilltop, overlooking the scenery of the town and say, “If only I knew that all I needed to do was ask, we would have started dating a long time ago.”
 Park Woojin:
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If everyone in the list was mistaken as either a scholar or a noble, Woojin would be none of those.
He would be assumed as a lost and awkward teenager trying to find his place in the world because of his naturally shy behaviour.
Doesn’t really appreciate crowds so he’s not found often in the bustling city centre and is instead found in the outskirts or the quiet side lanes when he wants to find his quiet time out of the palace.
Quite a naive boy, so his personal bodyguard always ensures that he is kept safe and unharmed, especially when he’s accidentally approached by gangsters for trespassing their self proclaimed territory.
Luckily, he knows how to defend himself with hand-to-hand combat (to everyone’s surprise) and can probably handle a group of 5 men on his own.
Hears and learns a lot more by spending his quiet time outside the palace, especially when it comes to the people and writes them down in his handy notebook (before he forgets) and comes up with a plan there and then on how to solve it.
People often see what he has done for them and wonders who is the kind soul; suspects it’s the royal family’s doing but are equally doubtful because they rarely write about their problems and the family is hardly seen out of the palace. 
Woojin will be sitting in a nearby corner, listening to the people reacting to his doings with smiles and shouts of joy, bringing a smile to his face and a sense of relief, before continuing on his way.
Also has a soft spot for children and would often play with them if they follow him around; always has snacks hidden in his outfit and gives it to them.
Is adored by the older community too and receives treatment similar to Jihoon (I mean, he’s a literal bean)
Kind, gentle and shy, but gets things done quickly and efficiently (also to everyone’s surprise); exudes quiet maturity, is well read with the country’s politics, laws and appreciates the finer things in life (especially the Arts)
Extremely skilled in hand-to-hand combat, but hates the use of weapons due to his nature of preferring to avoid conflict using such deadly weapons; is trying to build up on his confidence and courage but finds it extremely difficult at times.
His quiet nature carries on to his love life too, but eventually opens up to show more of his playful side when he knows her well enough and knows that he would not be judged for just being himself.
Leaves subtle hints here and there (plays with her hair, giving compliments, crafting gifts) but these are hard to notice for her, and he eventually gets frustrated.
Thankful for his supportive friends but freaks out and blurts out “I like you.” instead of that entire paragraph that he had prepared beforehand, but the girl won’t mind and if she was exactly like him, the response would either be “I like you too.” or a shy kiss on his cheek.
And once again, that is all for today! :) I know this was posted a little late but it is 2am where I am now and I would just like to apologise for the inconsistencies in lengths. ;; Might do an edit to this list when I can but I hope that it brought a smile to all your faces as you imagined the Wanna One members in royal garments and being all prince-like. ^^ Will hope to post Part 3 tomorrow and that will contain the final members Bae Jinyoung, Lee Daehwi and Lai Guanlin! :)
Requests will still be open for this week so do drop in an ask or a message to see more lists like these! ^^ Hope to see more of you guys there and thank you once again for taking the time to read these! ^^ 
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wanna-17 · 7 years
Who would love to have a sexy girlfriend more than cute mtl?
omg this is a hard one bc they’re all so young and tbh i feel like most of them would prefer cute but i’ll do my best 
just my opinion but ok tbh out of all of wanna one i reckon it would be daniel but i can imagine daniel wanting a really sexy girlfirend but also one thats just lowkey and natural and cute so ??? i guess the rest of the hyung line and everyones honestly  like babies to me im 98 liner lmao so like for the young ones i can only imagine with like their cute middle school crushes HAHAH sorry i hope this wasn’t done too badly :/ thanks for requesting
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