#minific by viv
gaeldricge · 3 years
I'm a total sucker for soft and sweet Kya and Aang father/daughter moments 🥺 Cause I'm a firm believer that Aang would never favor any of his children over the others. Much love all around.
Would you be willing to write a little Aang and Kya moment? Maybe them bonding over their love of travel or tea or even water bending! I feel like it's assumed Katara was Kya's main teacher but I adore the idea of Aang teaching Kya some air inspired water bending moves or something. Idk. Just love them so much 💛💙🌀
Here you are dear! For some reason I felt like writing child!Kya and that's always tricky xD but I really loved your prompt and hope you like this.
“Hey water-bean, what are you up to?”
Kya whirled around, accidentally causing the mud she was bending to scatter along the beach and barely missing Aang’s robes.
“Daddy!” She shrieked in joy and allowed him to scoop her up in his arms. “I missed you,” she whispered and pressed her little face into the nook of his neck.
“Missed you too!” Aang kissed her hair gently before lowering her down again. “So, what are you up to? Where are the others?”
The bright smile on Kya’s face disappeared and was instantly replaced by a scowl. “I don’t care where they are,” she muttered with a slight pout on her lips, looking as petulant as only a six-year-old could.
“Okay… Do you want to tell me why?”
“Izumi said I am childish! ” She stemmed her arms into her hips in outrage. Aang marvelled at how much she resembled her mother and uncle at that moment. “Why am I childish, when all she does is play with the babies?!”
Aang suppressed the urge to chuckle and said in sympathetic concern. “I don’t know sweetheart. Did you ask her?”
“Pah!” Kya shrugged and looked away towards the waves.
“What about Bumi?”
“He just laughed. He always does what Izumi wants.”
Aang nodded thoughtfully. “Are you sad?”
Kya’s expression turned pensive as she contemplated his words. “No,” she concluded, then added a little proudly, “I don’t need them. I can play on my own!”
“Good!” Aang padded her head appreciatively. Kya beamed at him but then turned her attention back to her muddy project.
“It’s not working,” she said with a dramatic air of defeat.
Aang tilted his head from side to side, trying to make out what exactly she had been trying to do. “A mud-monster?”
“No!” He felt bad at the indignant outcry. “My lover!”
“Your lover?”
“Yes, like in the song,” she explained and began to sing. “Two lovers forbidden from one another, hmm-hmmm divides their people and a mountain divides them… .” She stopped, not remembering what came next. Aang took another second to marvel at the beautiful singing voice of his daughter. “It’s Secret Tunnel.” Kya added in an impatient voice when her father didn’t react.
“It is!” Aang confirmed hastily.
“That’s our cave,” she pointed at an arch-like rock formation a few feet down the beach, “And we need to build a path so we can find each other, but,” now her shoulders dropped down again in frustration, “She keeps dripping and the shells don’t stay stuck. I mean he!”
It wasn’t the first time Kya had used female pronouns when talking about romantic interests for herself, nor was it the first time she felt the need to correct herself. It always sent a pang through Aang’s heart to think that his little daughter was already aware of how short minded society was about sexuality. Neither he nor Katara shared that opinion, and they were hopeful that Kya would learn to embrace herself the way she was as she continued to grow up.
Aang knelt down next to his slightly flushed daughter. “Oh, I see. That’s a bummer. What’s their name?”
Kya hesitated for a moment. “Duri!”
“Kya and Duri? That sounds nice!” His daughter rewarded him with another beaming smile.
“Maybe I can help?” Aang offered carefully. Even at her young age Kya had a remarkable drive for independence, she didn’t always take kindly to what she considered hasty offers of help.
She eyed her father, weighing his words carefully. “Okay,” she eventually agreed.
As Aang got up, Kya widened her stance on the wet beach and started bending mud from the ground. Aang eyed her curiously, as the muscles on her back tensed from the rigid posture. “Kya, sweetheart, what are you doing?”
“Mud bending. Like Aunty Toph.” Her voice was strained from concentrating on the form she was trying to create.
Aang watched on for another few seconds and then decided he knew where the problem was.
“Kya,” he gently put a hand on her shoulder, “Let me show you something.”
She allowed the mud to drop back to the earth without complaining and Aang waited until she relaxed a little and stared at him with wide and curious eyes.
“You see, mud is half earth and half water, just like you are half water and half air.” As he spoke Aang assumed a relaxed yet steady stance, his legs only mildly apart. “You can bend mud because it contains your element, but you have to listen to the elements inside you for guidance. I assume your usual water techniques didn’t work either?”
Kya shook her head. “They made the mud too sloppy.”
Aang nodded. “Try to copy me.”
Together they moved through several figures and motions Aang had developed over the years. Kya was barely struggling to follow her father’s movements, they came very naturally to her. He felt an almost overwhelming sense of pride.
“Perfect, water-bean! Now try with the mud.”
The concentration was visible on her little face, but the bending was done with ease. Kya squealed in joy as she was finally able to stabilize her figure. Her father also laughed in triumph.
They set to work side by side and the more her “lover” took shape the giddier Kya became. Her excitement culminated when she got to attach seaweed to Duri’s form to give her hair. “She is perfect!”
As usual Aang felt himself being so easily drawn into Kya’s happiness and grew even more joyful when he noticed that Kya wasn’t correcting herself this time.
"She is!"
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gaeldricge · 3 years
“I never imagined that someone’s heartbeat could sound so amazing.” for Kyalin 🥺?
My muse is back :) Here you go, hope you like it! And thanks for the prompt xxx
"So?" Kya asked once they entered their house. They had just returned from a visit with Opal and Bolin, who had hosted a little baby party with a few selected guests. Lin hadn’t been sure about going, she didn’t want to add extra stress on Opal, who was in her sixth month now. At least that's what she had claimed.
Lin frowned a little, but was unable to hide the sheer joy that had been emanating from her like spirit rays all afternoon.
"It wasn’t so bad, was it?" Kya persisted.
Lin shrugged and turned away to better hide her face. "No, it wasn’t."
Kya smiled at her back, deciding to leave it at that. She removed her coat and hung it up next to Lin’s in the wardrobe, then bent down to untie her boots. Her mind was distracted by reflections on how that task was becoming more strenuous each year. Soon she’d have to sit on a chair, like her mother, and probably take breaks between each shoe. She sighed audibly and was just about to bemoan her age out loud when Lin spoke again.
“I never imagined that someone’s heartbeat could sound so amazing!”
Kya looked up at her curiously, blood rushing into her head causing her to sway slightly on the spot. Without thinking Lin reached out to steady her, a big grin on her face. A big and happy grin. It was addictive.
“I have to admit that machine Varrick invented is a treasure.”
Lin was of course referring to the heart rate monitor Varrick had developed when Zhu Li was pregnant with their first child.
“Yes, it is quite remarkable technology,” Kya agreed. She still preferred listening with a stethoscope for baby’s heartbeat, but the frequency of the machine was nice and allowed the experience to become something a family could enjoy together.
Lin nodded, still wearing her uncharacteristic wide smile. She looked just like Opal had done when her aunt had laid a hand on her pregnant belly earlier that afternoon, to feel the baby’s kicks. The effect Opal had on Lin had always been undeniable. Kya remembered that Lin had been equally affectionate with Su when they were kids; there had always been much love in her and the desire to care for others.
“What?” Lin interrupted Kya’s musings. Apparently she had been staring at her a bit too long.
“You’re wonderful,” she said, making Lin blush a little. It always made her uncomfortable to receive compliments when she felt particularly emotional.
“Stop it,” she replied in her usual voice. “Get out of your shoes already, I’ll make us some tea.” She leant forward to kiss Kya’s cheek before leaving her in the hall.
Kya shook her head in a mixture of amusement and mild resignation, as she once again beant down to unlace her other boot
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gaeldricge · 3 years
My reply to the prompt request by @therealsuyinbeifong. Hope you like and thanks for the prompt :)
24. “Your hands are too cold, I’ll warm them up.”
[I changed the wording & sentence structure a tiny bit]
Kya was fighting hard against the bubble of excited laughter that threatened to erupt from her. She needed to stay quiet if she didn’t want Lin to find her in her hideout.
She plunged her bare hands into the snow, concentrating hard. Slowly she became aware of every particle of the crystals that formed the thick layers of ice and snow that covered the southern continent. It was an incredible feeling. 
Kya drew her attention away from the masses beneath her and instead reached out with her senses, searching for gaps in the pattern of the frozen surface. The formation of small warm water droplets gave away the trails that were cut into the snow by the footprints of living creatures. 
Kya didn’t have to reach far. She soon discovered the tracks left by Lin's familiar boots. They were still thawing, their creator must be close.
A snowball hit Kya’s chest. "Hey!" Her eyes snapped open and she found Lin standing a few feet away, another snowball ready in her glove covered hands and an all too self complacent smirk on her lips.
"Gotcha," she commented and threw the next ball, which Kya made crumble into its single components before it could hit her.
Arduously, Kya stood up. Her knee cracked and her hip made that horrible grinding sound like it had been doing ever since her fall at the Northern Airtemple. Still, playing in the snow like little kids had been fun.
Lin was by her side with few quick strides and she accepted her supportive arm graciously. 
"You’re lucky I was distracted, Chief."
"You’re lucky this is only a game," Lin remarked in mild amusement. 
Kya grinned. "I was looking for you," she explained and raised her hands demonstratively.
Lin gasped in shock. Not the reaction Kya had been expecting. "Kya! Your hands!"
Kya looked at them. "Oh," she muttered at their nasty red tinge.
Incredulously, Lin grabbed them and pressed the fingers to her lips, only to draw back again once she had felt their skin. "They’re too cold!"
Kya watched as the zipper on Lin’s expensive winter coat drew down a few notches, as if guided by an invisible hand. 
"What are you doing?" 
"Warming them up." Lin answered a bit gruffly, her eyes full of concern.
Kya smiled. "Love, I'm a waterbender. This," she jerked her head a little, "is my element, remember?" 
She removed her hands from Lin's chest and out of her partner's grasp. With a swift movement she scooped up some snow and pressed both her hands around it. It only took a few seconds, in which the snow glowed and turned into liquid, covering Kya's hands in water. When she allowed the water to drop back down to the ground her hands had resumed their usual teint. 
"See." She held them up for Lin's inspection.
Lin grunted with sceptical approval. Kya smiled again. "Thanks for caring for me, love. I like that."
She leant forward and pressed a soft kiss onto Lin's lips. When she moved away it was to find a satisfied smile grazing Lin's lips.
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gaeldricge · 3 years
"Here, you look hungry" for Minerva and Poppy please?
Here you go, hope you like it. Thanks for the prompt! xxx
7. "Here. You look hungry."
Poppy didn’t know how long she had been sitting in the chair. She had lost track of time, staring absentmindedly at a spot on the carpet. She was tired. Every muscle in her body ached from the stress of the past week.
The bustle of robes at her open door made her look up, a professional and welcoming look immediately plastered on her face. “Can I come in?” Minerva asked.
“Of course,” Poppy replied, hoping her voice was steadier than she felt. She quickly pretended to having been busy with her paperwork, in the hopes Minerva hadn’t noticed her moment of weakness.
“Here. You look hungry.”
Startled, Poppy blinked at the sandwich placed in front of her. It was tuna and pickles. Her favourite. And sure enough, at its sight and smell her stomach made a loud rumbling noise. She hadn’t known she was hungry.
“Thank you,” she looked up at Minerva, whose face carried a pleased expression that briefly covered up the concern she felt for Poppy.
“I am not going to ask you how you are,” Minerva said as she pulled up a chair to sit down on the other side of Poppy’s desk. “But I wanted to let you know that you’re doing a tremendous job here.”
Poppy blinked again, this time though to stop the tears that had suddenly welled up in her eyes. She hastily lowered her gaze back to the sandwich and her paperwork.
“That’s kind of you to say.”
“It is and it is the truth!” Minerva’s voice wasn’t prim and stern like it was when she was speaking with pupils. It was warm and affectionate, even though there was a strong note of firmness in them.
“I should’ve noticed earlier. I was unattentive, I could have prevented this mess.”
“These things happen. Unfortunate as they are… Miss Smithers did an exceptionally good job at hiding her condition. Even Filius didn’t have a clue and he is her head of house!” She leaned forward to reach for Poppy’s hand. “There’s no reason to blame yourself, Poppy. After all, you were able to prevent the worst.”
Poppy held tightly onto Minerva’s hand, allowing the feeling of the other woman’s skin to calm her nerves. “You don’t understand Minerva, she was here. She came with a friend who needed flu treatment. I asked her if she was feeling under the weather too, she was so pale, but she said no and I believed her. I don’t know what was wrong with me, I should’ve examined her.”
Minerva made an odd movement. For a moment, Poppy thought she would let go of her hands and by instinct she tightened her own grip even more. She didn’t want to lose the feeling of Minerva just yet. However, the other witch simply moved her chair closer to the desk.
“Poppy,” she said gently, “look at me, please.” Poppy raised her eyes to meet Minerva’s. It was an oddly emotional moment, one of the kind that gave Poppy goosebumps. “In a place like this it happens all too often that we overlook a detail or that something slips past our attention. You are still an excellent healer and person - I have complete faith in you.”
It wasn’t the first time in Poppy’s life that she received a compliment of that sort. Having worked for almost a decade as a healer now, she had had her moments of doubt and failure, but never had any words by others made her feel the way she felt now. She was sure that not even Healer Bones’s words would have had the same effect.
Poppy wanted to reach out to Minerva. She wanted to touch her, to trace her fingers along her prominent cheekbones. She wanted to press a kiss of gratitude on the other woman’s lips. She wanted it all so badly.
She gulped, trying to suppress these longings. “Thank you,” she repeated instead.
Minerva gave her one of her rare, thin-lipped smiles. Their hands remained interlocked for another moment, a moment in which neither really knew what to feel or say. It was broken by a second rumble from Poppy’s stomach.
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gaeldricge · 3 years
Can you do a small one shot of Lin getting hurt like maybe a cast on her dominant hand and she's mad XD
Thanks for the prompt, I hope you like this :)
Kya wasn’t sure whether she felt annoyed or amused. She had been standing on the threshold of Lin’s office for about half a minute, unnoticed by the woman inside. Lin was sitting at her desk, but facing away from the door. The cast was still on, which probably was a good sign, but judging by the way Lin was shaking her hand in utter anger and frustration, it was only a matter of time until she would probably cut it off.
“Hey,” Kya knocked lightly against the doorframe, announcing her presence.
The angry frown on Lin’s face only softened gradually as she looked at Kya. “Hello,” she mumbled. “Why are you here?”
Kya wasn’t perturbed by the unwelcomeness in the question. She knew it had nothing to do with her. She walked towards Lin and sat on the edge of the large metal desk before answering, “I wanted to see how you are getting along.” To make her point clearer she nodded towards the cast. “Not well, I take it?”
Lin grimaced at her words. “It’s unbearable, Kya. I can’t write and I can’t bend properly.” She curled up her fingers as if she were making a fist and one of the drawers rattled, but didn’t open. 
“See?!” Lin’s frown intensified.
Kya took hold of Lin’s hand without answering. With a frown of her own she examined the red skin around the edges of the cast and carefully palpated the bones. She heard Lin’s sharp intake of breath when she hit the base of the thumb and simply shook her head.
“I’m sorry, Lin. You will have to keep wearing the cast for at least another week.”
Lin groaned loudly. “Next time I see Korra, I will kill her!”
Kya couldn’t help but grin a little at Lin’s resigned statement. “Isn’t that the exact attitude that caused you to end up with this? Maybe you shouldn’t seek to compete with the Avatar.”
To her mild surprise Lin simply shrugged. “She challenged me, what else should I have done?”
“Hm...say no?”
Another shrug, accompanied by a faint blush. “I don’t like getting old.”
Kya smiled and lowered her face to brush a soft kiss against the palm of Lin’s hand. “Me neither, my love.”
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gaeldricge · 3 years
101 ways, #76 “I named my little plant after you.”
I can see this being funny for Kya to say to Lin and poignant for Lin to say to Kya. Looking forward to seeing what you come up with. Thanks!
I hope you like what I did with it! Thanks for the prompt :)
76. “I named my little plant after you.”
“You did what?” Kya wasn’t sure whether she had heard correctly.
“I named my little plant after you,” Lin repeated her statement flatly.
Kya laughed. She wished she were in Republic City herself right now, only to see Lin’s face as she was telling her about her day with Ikki. She wasn’t though, she was at the compound in the Southern Watertribe and only had her imagination. It was a good imagination though.
“Aw, Lin. That’s so cute, thank you!” Kya spoke to the phone, still beaming at herself.
“Why? Yours was just the first name that came to my mind.” Lin remarked, trying hard to sound casual.
Kya rolled her eyes in amusement. “Nah, I think, you were thinking of me, because you like thinking of me.”
There was a pause on the other side of the line. Kya felt her pulse quicken. Why had she said that?
“Lin?” She asked tentatively.
“What if I do?”
“What if I do like thinking of you?”
This time it was Kya who fell silent. They had been avoiding this kind of talking, no this kind of flirting, ever since she left Republic City with Korra. And now, one careless moment and she had brought them right here herself. Lin shouldn’t be thinking about her like that right now. The timing wasn’t right for them; she wasn’t right for Lin! But still, Lin admitting to her that she liked her, that she was thinking of her often… it felt so good.
“That’s good then, because I like thinking of you as well,” Kya blurted out before she could overthink it all much more.
“Good,” Lin’s relief and smile were evident in her voice. It made Kya smile as well and release that breath she hadn’t realised she was holding.
Maybe it was good.
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gaeldricge · 3 years
"You should be more careful" and Kyalin please? Maybe a reversal of roles?
Here you go :) thanks for the prompt! xxx
71. "You should be more careful"
“Could you please stop pacing? It’s giving me a headache.” Kya rubbed her temples as she spoke. 
Lin obliged and stopped but only to stand in the middle of the room, stance wide, arms crossed and scowling at the door. Kya sighed at the sight. This new position wasn’t much more soothing than the pacing, although it at least no longer added to the pounding in her head.
The healers had given her something against the pain, but it seemed to be mainly numbing the pain of her leg’s injury. Her neck and her head still felt as if someone was hammering nails into them and the spasms in her back also didn’t feel any less painful.
“What is taking them so long?!” Lin's stare at the door was so intense that Kya wouldn’t have been surprised if were trying to bend someone right through the solid wood. She chuckled quietly at the thought and regretted it instantly. Even the slight movement of her face had caused another sharp pain to sear down her spine. Desperately she tried to look around the hospital room with only moving her eyeballs. 
There was a lonely sink in the far corner. Taking a deep breath, Kya opened her senses and reached out with her bending. A feeling of triumph flooded her when she was able to sense a leak in the tap. Someone hadn’t turned it off properly and Kya thanked them with all her heart at that moment. 
Concentrating hard and breathing against the pain, she lifted her arms and bent water through the tap and towards her on the bed. She wouldn’t need much.
“What are you doing?!” The connection to the water was broken when Lin bent the tap close with a flick of her wrist. She was facing Kya now, that intense scowl still all over her face. 
Kya sagged back on her pillow, the pain overwhelming her a little. “I need water,” she began explaining as Lin rushed to her side. She opened her eyes to find her partner looking down on her with deep concern now. “They didn’t give me enough for the pain, I can’t move,” proving her point, she tried lifting her head and flinched at the ache that instantly shot through her.
Lin’s eyes widened. “Lie still,” she laid a hand on Kya’s head as if to make sure she couldn’t move. Her hand was calloused and the metal of her uniform felt cold against Kya’s skin, but it nevertheless filled her with warmth. Kya accepted the comfort without arguing and closed her eyes as Lin began tracing her face with a finger. “You should be more careful, my love.”
Kya pursed her lips a little. “Isn’t that usually my line?”
“Yeah,” Lin’s voice carried some amusement in it’s gruffness. “And I don’t like it one bit!”
“It’s not nice, isn’t it?” Kya grinned slightly.
“No. I don’t like watching you suffer like this, not being able to help you at all.” 
Kya opened her eyes again. The warmth inside her increased as she saw all the emotion in Lin’s gaze and she longed to touch her partner, to pull her closer. But the pain held her back. 
“How about you go out there Chief, and see if you can’t find a sorry little healer who is free?” 
Judging from the smirk on Lin’s face, she approved of that idea.
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gaeldricge · 3 years
A little ficlet inspired by @linguini17 :) Minerva is injured and Poppy rushes to her side. Angst with much fluff. Set during Prisoner of Azkaban.  
Poppy rushed down the halls, never minding any of the people crossing her path. Pushing through a small group of pupils she almost feared she had lost the cat, but there at the corner of the corridor it stood, meowing urgently at her. 
When they crossed the entrance hall and skipped through the large main door, she inwardly cursed herself for not having grabbed her warmer cloak. The ear piercing cry of a cat had put her right into emergency mode and without thinking much she had only called for her house elf to watch the ward during her absence. Now the cold wind hit her with merciless force. She could stop and simply conjure up a cloak, but it wasn’t really an option. Her cat guide was running down the hill, along the lake’s shore. Before they reached the great gate, the cat turned however, jumping through hedges and vanishing from Poppy’s sight. 
Confused, Poppy rushed after it, cursing under her breath as her robes got stuck on twigs. A moan from the other side made her pull out her wand and simply blow her way through the bush.
Minerva was sitting on the ground, leaning weakly against a tree stump and very well hidden from prying eyes. A group of cats was sitting around her, Poppy’s guide joined them by brushing its head against Minerva’s leg with a happy pur. 
“What’s happened?” Poppy asked quickly, taking in Minerva’s pale face. A tremor ran through the witch on the ground as Poppy knelt down next to her, pressing a hand against her forehead. It was clammy and very, very cold.
“Minerva?” Poppy whispered again, pulling out her wand to cast a diagnostic spell. It wasn’t a fever.
“I told them not to make a fuss,” Minerva said weakly. As if on cue the cats around them purred louder and one jumped onto Minerva’s lap, pressing itself hard against her. 
“Tell me what happened,” Poppy demanded gently, ignoring the complaint. “You were sick?” She had noticed the sour smell surrounding the other witch and looking around spotted what must have been the remains of Minerva’s last meal. 
“It’s nothing,” Minerva claimed and attempted to raise herself up. Poppy didn’t need to push her down, her arms gave way immediately and like a bag of stones Minerva sunk back down again.
Poppy raised her eyebrows in dismay. “I can see that! Don’t be silly and let me help you.” With a flick of her wand she conjured a glass of water. Carefully she guided it to Minerva’s lips, who promptly protested. Poppy gave her an impatient look and with heavy lids, Minerva finally nodded, accepting the help and taking a sip from the offered glass. The healer tried to ignore the unsettled feeling in her stomach as Minerva didn’t protest any further. Whatever had happened must have been really bad.
“I was in Hogsmeade,” she began with a weak voice, while Poppy continued her examination. At her words it immediately clicked in the healer’s head. There really was only one thing that might have reduced Minerva to this state. “Dementor?” A nod confirmed her suspicion.
Her insides clenching in worry and fear, Poppy resisted the urge to look over her shoulder. They were on Hogwarts grounds, they were safe. Since Dumbledore’s outburst at that Quidditch match a few months ago those creatures surely wouldn’t return. Right now all that mattered was getting Minerva back into the castle and peppering her up. 
Instinctively, Poppy’s first action was to reach into her robe’s pocket, from where she pulled out a large piece of chocolate - ever since the Azkaban guards were stationed around the school grounds she had taken to carrying chocolate with her wherever she went. She broke off a piece and held it to Minerva’s lips. It was accepted without any complaints. Next Poppy conjured up a woollen blanket and wrapped it around Minerva’s shoulders. 
The chocolate was already working, as Minerva’s cheeks slowly regained some colour. The professor still looked very shaken and haunted though. It pained Poppy to see her like that. She knew what that look meant, knew the memory Minerva had been forced to relive when the beast had attacked her. A bolt of anger also shot through her veins at that last thought.
“Here,” she gave Minerva another piece of the chocolate and then continued, “Why in Merlin’s name did they attack you? I swear these things are getting out of control!”
Minerva looked at her with unusual emotional eyes. Her hand twitched a little and Poppy would’ve loved to reach for it, to hold it securely in her own. 
“I was on the lookout for Sirius Black.”
Poppy frowned at her in a mix of anguish and reproach. “I thought that’s what these horrible creatures are here for?!” 
“I wanted to have a look around in my animagus form. As a cat I can blend in better and maybe I could’ve noticed something that might have given me a clue as to where he hides. He has to be nearby! We need to find him.” 
Still scowling disapprovingly, Poppy nevertheless had to concede to that. Black hadn’t been spotted since Halloween but the chances that he had left the area were close to zero. 
“That still doesn’t explain why the dementors would attack you.” 
Minerva sighed and rubbed her face. It was a good sign, her strength was returning. “It was that bloody dog!”
“What dog?”
“It kept molesting me. On the outskirts of the town. From what it looked like it was a stray. Ugly and dirty, and its smell was terrible! It distracted me, barked at me and none of the usual antics worked to fend it off. It was as if,” she hesitated for a moment, her eyes turning all pensieve. But then she shook her head as if telling herself that whatever it was she was thinking, was completely out of mind. “In the end I was forced to turn back into myself. I hadn’t felt them before, they were right behind me. The dog kept barking and then fled all of a sudden as the dementors drew nearer. Three of them. Oh, Poppy,” Minerva pressed her face into her palms. “So stupid and careless of me. They scooped towards me, and I had just enough time to react and chase them away with my patronus, but there was enough time for…” She didn’t have to finish her sentence.
Throwing precautions into the wind, Poppy leant forwards and took Minerva’s face into her hands, forcing her partner to look at her. 
“Darling,” she whispered, brushing with her thumbs across the familiar cheeks, still cold from the attack and the wind. “It’s over. You defeated them.”
Minerva closed her eyes and took several calming breaths. Poppy could feel her facial muscles relaxing in her hands. When she opened her eyes again, much to Poppy’s relief, their usual gleam of strength was once again distinguishable. 
“Thank you,” Minerva said quietly and took Poppy’s hands in hers to kiss them. A rustling went through the bushes around them and Minerva dropped the hands instantly. The gesture stung a little, even though Poppy too had startled at the noice. It had only been the wind though.
“Here, eat this,” to distract her fingers, the medi witch broke off another piece of chocolate and handed it to Minerva. Quietly they sat on the ground, waiting till she had swallowed the last bit. One of the cats was now also crawling around Poppy, bumping its little head against her knee in affection.
“Quite an attentive group of followers you have though,” Poppy picked up the little cat and placed it onto her lap where she began petting it. “That one,” she pointed at the cat that had guided her to Minerva, “was making quite a ruckus to get my attention.”
Minerva huffed in false indignity. “Yes, like I said, I told them not to make a fuss.” 
Poppy didn’t look at her. “I’m glad they fetched me,” she muttered as she kept focusing on the cat. 
She could hear a shuffling, which was followed by some protesting meows and then Minerva’s hand reached for her face, turning it so their eyes could meet. “You’re right. I’m glad too that you found me.” Gently she pressed a kiss onto Poppy’s cheek, sending a warm shiver through her body. While it always felt good to be kissed by Minerva, it now also reminded Poppy of her forgotten cloak and the cold wind. Suddenly she felt the chill very deeply. As if on cue, Minerva drew back slightly and whispered a spell. The blanket around her shoulders grew in size, providing enough space for both of them to cuddle beneath it.
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gaeldricge · 3 years
10/20 prompt list:
57, Kya to Lin:
You embarrassed me this evening.
Your wish is my command! Thanks for the prompt!
57. You embarrassed me this evening.
“You embarrassed me this evening.” Kya avoided looking at Lin, knowing full well her partner's scowl would only make her angrier. However, the lack of any reaction to her statement proved to be just as irritating.
“Aren’t you going to say anything?!”
“What do you want me to say? You made it quite clear that my input is not welcome.” 
Kya finally turned around. Lin’s voice had been steely, as if she were the one entitled to being angry. As if Kya had just made her look like an outright fool. 
“Excuse me?!” The usual warmth of Kya’s voice was now replaced by iciness. “Your input would have been very welcome, but you just called me a stupid little girl in front of the other White Lotus members!”
“I never said that!” Lin huffed in indignation.
“It was a figure of speech!” Kya was startled by hearing herself shout. In an attempt to calm herself, she closed her eyes, begging the spirits to give her patience.
They had been at a dinner hosted by another member of the order. Kya had been preparing for this event for weeks, it was her chance to propose her new plans to such a large number of members in leading positions. She had taken Lin with her, because she knew her plans would need funding, and the others would be more willing when they saw and heard that Lin, as a representative of the Beifong Trust, was supporting her. The two of them had agreed on all of this. And yet, when she was done with her little speech it was Lin who had had so many questions about reliability, insurance and other investment related things. Kya hadn’t been prepared for all of them and to be honest, it wasn’t her greatest forte either. But Lin had been persistent. 
The humiliation of it all. She had felt pearls of sweat trickling down her spine and into the curve between her breasts. The stares of the others, some of them pitiful and others critical, had been unbearable. Kya had tried again and again to dissuade Lin from her seemingly endless flow of questions and to signal her that they should discuss it later, in private. However, the only reaction she got was Lin pointing out that: “As an investor I need to know these things before I can even contemplate putting my money in.”
Kya's stomach cramped again at the ringing echo of those words in her head. She hated speaking in front of crowds anyway; being the centre focus and having to sell herself always unnerved her. Lin knew all this, or at least she should know. They had grown up together after all and have now been dating for quite a few years.
“Look, it is a good plan, it just needs some fine adjustments,” Lin had begun undressing herself, facing away from Kya.
Kya stared at her partner's back, not sure how to control the hurt she was challenging into anger. When she didn’t speak Lin eventually turned around again.
"Kya?" Somehow the sympathy in her voice didn’t help either.
"You saw I was failing! But instead of just holding back on your questioning until we're in private you simply kept firing! Lin, how's that supposed to help?!" Kya found herself shouting again. Anger had won.
This time it was Lin who just kept staring silently. The seconds dragged on and yet no reaction came. It all became too unbearable for Kya.
"You know what, maybe I should-"
Her sentence broke off as Lin wrapped her arms around her, pressing Kya’s trembling body against her own solid form. "I'm sorry," she whispered into the crook of Kya’s neck.
After a moment of surprise, Kya clung to Lin, allowing her frustration to slowly dissipate. 
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gaeldricge · 3 years
The prompt list is hilarious. How about any of the following for KyaLin?
119. This is by far the stupidest plan you've ever had. Of course I'm in.
199. Will you just hold still?
23. Kiss me.
260. If we die, I'm going to kill you.
Agreed! ;) Thanks for the prompts, I've been able to pick one.
199. Will you just hold still?
“Will you just hold still?”
Lin’s voice was muffled by the hair tie she was holding between her lips. 
Kya fidgeted, complaining softly when her movement earned her a sharp pull on her hair. “Ouch!”
“It wouldn’t hurt if you held still.”
Kya rolled her eyes. Her knees were aching from staying in the same position for too long. The notion was depressing, after all she had always been such a flexible person, keeping fit and healthy. But even she couldn't outrun age. She felt the telltale tingle of her foot slowly growing numb. She really needed to stretch her legs. Carefully, Kya tried to move her legs from under her body without shifting her head.
She was unsuccessful.
“What?” Kya asked innocently.
“What?!” Lin on the other hand sounded quite annoyed and somewhat aggressive. “You asked me to do this.”
“I know, I know, but,” Kya swayed a little as she tried to turn her head towards Lin without pulling at her own hair, “I’m in pain.”
Lin immediately let go of the half braided bundle of hair in her hand. “I’m sorry, why didn’t you say so?” She removed the tie from her mouth and jumped up to help Kya getting up from the floor. Lin's concern always managed to touch Kya. 
“Vanity,” Kya gave as a simple explanation and allowed herself to be guided towards one of the chairs.
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gaeldricge · 3 years
Hey, I was wondering if you would be interested in writing this prompt for kyalin from your list please? 81: you are so tiny compared to me. Thanks 🙂
Hi there! Thanks for the prompt :)
81. You are so tiny compared to me.
Kya lowered herself into the tub of hot water. As soon as her skin hit the surface did a deep sigh of content leave her lungs. Jinora’s labour had lasted a full ten hours and had kept her awake throughout the whole night. But in the end, the squishy little baby had greeted the world with a healthy loud scream and all the anxiety its birth had been causing was forgotten.
Katara had sent her back to the mainland as soon as possible and she was terribly grateful for it. She wouldn’t have been able to leave the new mother and child if no one had told her to go.
To her surprise, Lin had already been at home when she arrived there as well. She had stayed away from the excitement on the island, but had made sure she’d get a call as soon as there were any news and once her shift had been over she had decided to wait for Kya at home, knowing it wouldn’t be long till she arrived. 
"And there's more," Lin had said while Kya wriggled out of her parka and slipped into a comfy pair of slippers. 
Once she was done Lin had led her into their huge bathroom where the tub had been filled with hot water that smelled of Kya's flowery essence. 
Being pampered was not something Kya usually enjoyed, but when it was being done by Lin it was different. Just like so many things felt different when Lin was involved. Different in a good way that is. 
"Mind if I join you?"
Kya opened her eyes to find Lin standing in front of the tube wearing nothing but a thin robe that she hadn’t even bothered to tie close. The sight woke Kya up and made her heart beat faster.
“Not at all,” she replied, adding a little flirtiness in her undertone. Lin smirked and swiftly tossed her gown and climbed into the tub, squeezing herself behind Kya.
Kya settled back between Lin’s legs, a content smile already forming on her lips. Lin promptly started showering her with attention. With a washcloth she softly rubbed Kya’s arms and cleavage. When she pushed Kya forwards to do her back, Kya couldn’t help but groan a little in satisfaction.
“Good?” Lin inquired in false curiosity.
“So fantastic!” Her voice was still flat from exhaustion, but also very grateful. 
Lin put the washcloth away and Kya missed its feeling on her skin, however, it was quickly forgotten when her partner next focused on her hair. Gently she moved the long tresses to lie over Kya’s shoulder and pulled her back against her chest, then she began rubbing her scalp. 
Kya wished she could actually pur.
Later the two of them were simply floating in the tub, Lin quietly playing with Kya’s hair and Kya finally fully relaxed. She loved this feeling of being weightless with only Lin’s arms holding her secure. Half dozing she watched their intertwined limbs through the surface of the foamy water. 
“You are so tiny compared to me,” she remarked as she studied Lin’s shin that rested close to her own knee. 
“Yes, look,” Kya pointed to their legs.
“That’s just because you're hanging in here like a rag doll,” she felt Lin’s torso shifting slightly to get a better look. “It’s an illusion,” her partner concluded matter of factly.
Kya snorted. “No, it’s not. You’re tin-” She wasn’t able to finish her sentence because Lin’s tongue was gliding up her neck, settling on that little bit of skin beneath her ear. The touch elicited a surprised sigh from Kya, closely followed by a pleased moan.
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gaeldricge · 3 years
Hello! Minerva/Poppy for prompt 37 please?
Hi there! @tabbycat35 also asked for this prompt and I tried my best at writing it for the two of you. Hope you both can enjoy what I came up with! :)
37. Twins? We’re… we’re having twins?
Minerva hid a smile as she watched her brother and his wife clasping their hands together in anticipation. Poppy was kneeling beside the armchair on which Harriet was sitting. She dropped a strand of the other woman’s hair into a vial filled with a dark coloured potion. It turned green as the strand quickly deteriorated. Poppy nodded in appreciation and raised the vial a little higher so that everyone could surely see it.
“You were right,” she confirmed in her melodious voice.
Harriet grinned and Malcolm did a little jump of joy, barking out in triumph. Minerva couldn’t help her own smile from showing this time. She felt truly happy for them, even though there was that little pang of jealousy inside her as well.
“Wait a minute.” With a firm hand Poppy stopped Harriet from rising out of the chair. She pulled out her wand and flicked it in a rather complicated movement over the woman’s belly. At first it seemed that nothing was happening but then they all heard very clearly the drumming sound of a beating heart. Harriet gasped, while Malcolm was speechless.
Minerva’s eyes were fixed on Poppy however, she didn’t like the healer’s frown. “What is it?” She felt dread rising inside her own stomach.
The parents-to-be turned their focus on Poppy too now, their instant tension clearly visible. To all their relief, the healer shook her head to reassurance. “Listen,” she said and signalled them to concentrate for a moment, then continued to explain as understanding dawned on their faces, “there are two heartbeats.”
“Twins? We’re… we’re having twins?” Harriet’s shock and excitement was evident but it was drowned in another cry of joy by Malcolm. Minerva caught Poppy’s eye and they both shared a knowing look. After congratulating the couple on their news, the two women decided to give them some room to celebrate in private.
“Let’s go for a walk,” Minerva suggested. She felt like she was in desperate need of the cool Scottish breeze of spring to clear her head. Her friend agreed eagerly.
They weren’t far from the village when Poppy interrupted the reeling thoughts in Minerva’s head. “Are you alright?”
Minerva was about to simply reassure Poppy with a polite reply but then considered the situation for a moment. She wanted to be honest. “Not quite but I will be.” 
She didn’t like the frown returning to her friend’s face, she didn’t like to be the cause of any concern or even worries. Minerva heaved a deep sigh.
“You can trust me.” Poppy’s voice was soft, Minerva had always loved it.
“I know,” she took another minute to organise her thoughts, “I’m so happy for them, but this is also bringing back some unwelcome memories.”
This time Poppy remained silent, apparently weighing Minerva’s words. Meanwhile, Minerva felt her heartbeat quicken. She had never before shared what was about to come with anybody except for Albus and, of course, Elphinstone.
“I always wondered,” Poppy began in a pensieve voice. “I mean, you told me all those years ago about wanting a family of your own, and I always expected…,” her sentence trailed into nothingness as she stopped walking, staring at Minerva with wide eyes.
Minerva’s heart clenched and she too stopped walking, turning to face the other woman. Comprehension and understanding was written all over Poppy’s face, along with a strong touch of sympathy. She simply nodded, not sure whether she could trust her voice at that moment.
Poppy engulfed her in a strong and warm hug. It startled Minerva, not because it was an unwelcome move, but because she didn’t know what to make of her emotions. There was the painful memory of her plans being destroyed by a simply diagnostic spell, and the grief over losing something she could’ve never had in the first place. But then there was also this familiar feeling of security and happiness as she felt the touch of Poppy’s arms. It was like all those years ago when she fell in love with the woman who was now one of her closest friends and she enjoyed every second of it.
Minerva didn’t remember how long they remained in that position, in the middle of a trail leading into nothingness. She did remember though, that Poppy smelled of spices that day, mostly sweet ones. She also remembered the dark blonde wisps of Poppy’s hair tickling her own face as the wind kept swiping around them. And she remembered how pretty Poppy looked when they slowly separated from their hug. Up close she noticed the new wrinkles her friend had gained since the last time Minerva had had the chance to study her this carefully. She liked them. Particularly the crow’s feet on the corner of her eyes. Those wonderful grey-ish eyes, which were filled with tears.
“It’s okay,” Minerva whispered, unsettled by Poppy’s outburst of emotion. 
“I’m sorry,” Poppy replied and to Minerva’s disappointment she let go of her to wipe away the tears that were threatening to fall soon. “Why did you never say anything?”
“I couldn’t. After that healer gave us the news, I had to come to terms with it by myself. Well, me and Elphinstone together, of course,” that last bit was added as an afterthought.
Poppy contemplated her reply and then nodded. When she shivered slightly, Minerva suggested they resume their walking and they quietly continued on the trail.
“At the time it hurt so much,” Minerva eventually picked up the topic again. “And it’s still on my mind from time to time, especially in moments like these,” she gestured into the vague direction of the village where Malcolm and Harriet were probably still celebrating the news about their little wonders. “But on the main, I’ve moved on. I can have a full and happy life, even without having children of my own. After all,” a small smile was forming on her lips again, “I’m going to be an aunt very soon.”
Poppy chuckled and reached for Minerva’s hand. The touch sent another jolt of joy through the older witch and she tightened her grip on Poppy’s fingers. 
“You’re going to be a great aunt,” Poppy commented.
“You think so?”
“I know so. I’ve never met a more wondrous person than you Minerva. Whatever you do, you’re great at it and your heart is so big and strong, I-,” Minerva’s heart was beating faster with every word Poppy said and when she abruptly stopped her sentence, Minerva could swear her heart was stopping too. “Just believe me.”
It wasn’t what she had hoped to hear and she had the distinct impression that it was not at all what Poppy had been about to say. Nevertheless, the words made Minerva smile and blush slightly. 
“I would believe you anything.”
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gaeldricge · 3 years
Hi there! Can I make a request for a Minerva x Poppy with either prompt 37 or 297?
Hi! Thanks for leaving a prompt :) I've settled for the latter, though I have to warn you, it might not be what you were expecting, and I'm sorry about that. But it wouldn’t have worked for me in any other way... Hope you still enjoy this! And feel free to give me an alternative if you wish!
297. I think you might be pregnant.
“I think you might be pregnant.” Minerva stated dryly while staring at the liquid in the vial in front of her, willing it to finally change its colour.
Poppy’s reply was delayed by another coughing fit that made Minerva wish she hadn’t initiated any exchange after all. “Very funny,” was the raspy retort that carried no humour at all.
Minerva sighed, glancing over to where Poppy finally lay resting on the couch. When they had departed that morning from Minerva’s quarters, she had already had an inkling that Poppy might be doing worse than she had admitted. It was the summer break and both of them were busy trying to finish their work before they’d leave for a trip to Brittany in a few days. It would be their first holiday as a couple and Poppy had been planning it all for weeks; she wanted to show Minerva one of her favourite places on earth. So, Minerva knew fully well why she had wanted to suppress any notion of illness.
When Minerva had called in on Poppy two hours before noon, she found the other woman in a rather poor state indeed. She was coughing hard, her skin was all damp and she was shaking on her legs. Minerva knew for sure it was bad though, when Poppy fell into her arms, admitting to already having taken several Pepper Up Potions and other remedies but they didn’t help. 
Still, it was only when Minerva had promised her that she’d help with the diagnostic procedure that Poppy allowed herself to be escorted into her own quarters, which adjoined the Hospital Wing, for some resting.
Poppy was coughing again now and Minerva felt helpless, something she hated very much. She shook the vial carefully, hoping the results would show faster that way.
“It won’t help,” Poppy croaked, “just have some patience, it won’t be long now.”
Taking in a deep breath Minerva tried to summon her patience but all she achieved was inviting in some more annoyed thoughts.
And then the colour finally changed. The translucent liquid turned into a bright bluish green shade. Triumphantly, Minerva got up and briskly went over to where Poppy lay resting. The healer opened her eyes to take a good look. “It’s bacterial. That’s why the regular stuff doesn’t work.”
“Tell me what to do,” Minerva said, helping Poppy into a seating position with her free hand. 
Poppy’s breathing was a tad shallow and she promptly erupted into coughs again. Minerva made sure the vial was sealed properly before sending it back to the table with a flick of her wand. Then she put a gentle hand on Poppy’s back, rubbing it in slow and soothing circles. With her other hand she brushed away some of the grey and blonde streaks of the healer’s hair, tucking them safely behind her ear.
“Thank you,” Poppy whispered, taking Minerva’s hand into her own. 
“It looks very painful.”
“It’s terrible.”
Minerva’s heart fluttered when Poppy shifted towards her, leaning against her and resting her head on Minerva’s shoulder. Instinctively she fastened her grip on the other woman, holding her securely in her arms and was pleased at the sound of the appreciative sigh she received.
“This feels good,” Poppy murmured, her voice muffled by the fabric of Minerva’s robes.
“I’m glad,” the older witch answered and nuzzled Poppy’s hair with her nose. “You still smell good.”
Her comment earned her another pleased sigh and a squeeze on the hand Poppy was still holding. 
“So, what shall I do about your remedy?” Minerva repeated her question, wanting to make Poppy feel better again.
“Just send it to Severus, it’ll be quickest.”
Minerva pressed her lips together, uncertain of how to react. She knew Poppy was probably right, but she also didn’t like not being able to help. 
As if she had heard what Minerva was thinking, Poppy added in a tired tone of voice, “just stay here with me. Lying in your arms already makes me feel so much better.”
How could she argue with that? 
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gaeldricge · 3 years
Number 31 on the prompt list:   “They’re not your kids, back the f*ck off.”
I’m feeling some protective Kyalin 💜
Ah! You caught me off guard with that one. But just a little bit ;) I've decided to use this prompt to write a drabble that is set in a slight au/canon divergence-verse, about which I'm mentally writing fic but will probably never do it for real. xD In this au, Kya and Lin became a thing some time after the big breakup and they took in two homeless boys that were picked up during a police raid. They're brothers and their names are Mako and Bolin ;)
Thank you for the prompt :)
I think this calls for TW/CW: implied homophobia, adoption problems
(Note: boys are aged 10 & 12)
Random 31 “They’re not your kids, back the f*ck off.”
Kya couldn’t quite recall how things had turned so dramatic so quickly. They had just been celebrating the council's acceptance of their motion to speed up the adoption and now, two weeks later, she and Lin were sitting in their lawyer's office, preparing for a different fight.
It had been a day like none other when Lin's secretary had called her to come over to the precinct. They hadn’t told her what was so urgent, except that it was about the boys - no accidents though. Kya had rushed over, apprehension running high and steadily increasing when she heard Lin’s raised voice as she approached the chief’s office. The bullpens on the floor were empty, but Saikhan and two other officers were waiting at the landing of the stairs. She remembered fleetingly thinking that they looked like they were guarding the chief’s floor. Now she knew that impression had probably been right. 
When she finally reached the office, Lin stopped shouting and a look of instant relief crossed her face before she hastily filled Kya in. Mako and Bolin were sitting on the sofa in the corner, both very subdued and insecure as she noted. The other three people in the room were complete strangers, yet as Lin explained, they were the boys' grandparents from Ba Sing Sei, along with their lawyer. 
Kya remembered the feeling of being punched into the stomach by an invisible force. She couldn’t remember how she had been able to remain calm in that moment, because she had known after one look at the grandfather's face, that their whole world was about to be flipped upside down. 
They had come to take the boys home. They had spent all their yuans to find their son and then his kids and now that they had, they wanted them to live with their family in Ba Sing Sei.
Lin’s shout still rang in her ears, like an echo that kept playing a string of anxiety. “They’re not your kids, back the f*ck off.”
"How dare you? We are their grandparents, their blood!"
Kya and Lin had both jumped in front of their sons at that point. 
"But we are their family!" Kya’s voice had been full of ice.
The argument took a new turn then, a nastier turn. Like many traditionalists of Ba Sing Sei, they had a very narrow idea of family, which included one mother and one father.
This time it had been Kya who did the shouting. There were so many things she had to say to attacks like these.
In the end though it were Lin's armour and her officers who did the trick. The unwelcome visitors were escorted outside. When they all vanished on the stairs, Kya closed the door and went to look after the boys. They were shaking as much as she was. Bolin was crying and she hugged him. Mako didn’t make any sound, he was clearly thinking fast in his confusion, but he still accepted her kiss onto his forehead. 
Lin returned and the four of them took the time they all needed to calm down. 
"What now?" It was Mako who broke the silence. He didn’t need to say the remaining words of his question. They hung above them as heavy as flying rhinos.
Lin got up and went to her desk, where she picked up some papers. Kya was able to recognise the watermark of the official seal of Ba Sing Sei on one of them. 
"We'll get a lawyer. See if this is real," Lin's words lacked any hope. Kya knew she was just as scared by what had happened as she was. 
Which is why she now couldn’t remember how she found the strength to say the right thing. "They are real," Lin didn’t look at her, but she knew from her partner's posture that she knew Kya was right. "But we'll still get that lawyer." She then reached for the boys, holding tightly to their hands, "you two have a big decision to make."
Unfortunately, it wasn’t that easy. As minors neither Mako nor Bolin had the power to actually decide what to do. Legally, their grandparents had every right to take the kids with them to Ba Sing Sei, but being Lin Beifong and Kya was helpful. Their names had enough weight in Republic City to make child services reluctant to sign the papers, and thus giving the council enough time to pull the necessary strings to have the legal proceedings taking place in the city where Mako and Bolin had been born instead of the Earth Kingdom capital.
Because they would fight with everything they had to not have their family being pulled apart.
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gaeldricge · 3 years
Hey! Are you still taking prompts?
If so, can you do Kyalin with the Random 1 and 6 prompts??
Please and thank you!
Thanks for asking, here are your prompts! Hope you like them :)
Random 6 “Stop being grumpy, it’s lame.”
“Stop being grumpy, it’s lame.”
Kya hmpfed in indignation. “That’s a bit rich coming from you, isn’t it?”
Lin just raised her eyebrows and nudged Kya to make some space on the bench she was occupying in the corner of the ballroom of Ba Sing Sei’s Royal Palace. “Which is why I know for certain that it’s lame.”
Kya didn’t say anything, just kept sulking quietly. 
“There’s Cheng Maa, she’s the new minister of finances,” Lin remarked after the silence between them had dragged on for too long. Kya followed her gaze and found a young woman standing a few feet from the doorway, being greeted by Prince Wu and his entourage. “Great,” she said in a very unenthusiastic voice, “another one for you to talk to.”
Lin’s head turned and gave her a scrutinising look. “Are you jealous?” She asked suspiciously.
At her words, Kya’s anger dissipated. All of a sudden she felt silly and childish. “Not really,” she said, shrugging her shoulders. “It’s just… they’re all orbiting around you. I mean, I get why they would, but it’s annoying.”
To her surprise Lin smirked at her words. “It’s called mingling. My grandmother taught me how to do it, on such boring events as these. It’s what all society persons should be able to do.”
Kya grunted. “I’m not a society person then.” Her remark caused a dry laugh to escape Lin’s throat.
“Yes you are! Just not when you’re in a lame mood like now!”
A smile now krept onto Kya’s lips as well.
“You’re a wonder Lin Beifong. Your grandma would be proud,” she reached out to tuck an imaginary strand of Lin’s perfect hairdo behind her ear. “I am proud of you.”
Lin blushed but leant into the touch. “Come on,” she said, reaching for Kya’s hand and pulling her to her feet. “Let’s dance, show them how it’s done.”
All of her grumpiness was gone when Kya felt Lin’s hand settling on her hip.
Random 1 “Quit touching me, your feet are cold!”
Once the embers started glowing and Kya could be sure the fire wouldn’t go out again should she leave it to itself, she rushed back into the bedroom. 
Against her advice Lin had decided to come and visit her during one of the most arctic winters the Southern Watertribe had experienced in a decade. Their summers were already tough on the metalbender, even though she never complained out loud. Kya could see though, it was written all over her face. 
It had been the same the past few days, although Kya had also noticed how much effort Lin was putting into not falling into a foul mood. So, she had decided she'd try to make getting out of bed as comfortable as possible. 
And besides that, she too was beginning to enjoy the comforts of an already warm room when it was time to get up. She wasn’t getting any younger after all. 
There was also that bonus of getting to go back into a bed that was being kept warm by her beautiful partner. 
Quietly she slid under the covers and snuggled up to that very same lover. Lin didn’t wake, but rolled onto her side from where she had been lying in the middle of the bed on her back. Kya waited a moment, then followed her, chasing her heated body.
“Kya, for crying out loud, quit touching me, your feet are cold!”
Kya laughed in childish delight. “Just my feet?” She asked and slipped her hands under Lin’s pyjama top. 
Lin yelped and almost sprang out of bed from the shock. “Stop!”
Shivering, Lin gave Kya a gentle push and wrapped herself tighter into the blankets. 
“Come on!” Kya complained in a now whining voice. “I got up early to make a fire for you,” she made sure Lin was looking at her and then added, “my love.”
It worked.
Lin’s frown softened and she rolled her eyes in mild annoyance. “Alright, come here.” She lifted the blanket slightly and Kya accepted the invitation instantly.
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gaeldricge · 3 years
Are prompts still open? 😬.
Maybe a whole lot of angst mixed with mutual pining? I’ll leave the pairing up to you 😅💜
You also deserve my apologies for keeping you waiting so long!! And thank you so much for prompting me. I've decided to go with kyalin in the end, but I'm afraid the angst is much stronger than the mutual pining... still I hope you like it! :)
CW: character death
Kya gulped. She hadn’t been prepared for Toph’s scream. It was gut wrenching, even more so because it confirmed everything.
It was real. They hadn’t lied. It was real.
She didn’t want to believe it. They had been talking on the phone only two days ago. Lin had promised she’d take the week off for her. Her voice had been filled with excitement as she told Kya what she had planned for them to do.
The way down to the morgue seemed endless. Bumi was walking beside her and she knew he was there to support her, to watch out for her, but she couldn’t care less about him at that moment. Their steps on the metal floor echoed eerily around them. The whole building was quiet, even the receptionist had only dared to whisper when they handed them their visitor badges.
Laughter was ringing through Kya’s mind. It was Lin’s melodious and surprisingly high laughter, which she only produced when she was genuinely happy. Kya loved that sound, she felt it her mission to cause it as often as possible. She wondered if Lin ever knew.
They rounded a corner and found Su leaning against the wall. Bataar was with her, it looked as if she would fall should he step away. Almost everything in that stupid building was made of metal, a fact Lin had been proud of. It was her building, she controlled it, at least that’s what it had sounded like whenever she talked about it. Now the building was not even able to help her sister.
The pair didn’t look at them and Kya was glad. She didn’t want to see the pain in Su’s eyes or the deep sympathy in Bataar’s. Still, Bumi stopped in front of them. Confused, Kya realised that they were outside a door. It was thick, and again made of metal, and again it had failed Lin when it hadn’t been able to muffle her mother’s scream.
Bumi rested his hand lightly on her elbow, asking her without any words if she was ready. She wasn’t ready, but she nodded.
Sobs greeted them when they entered the room. Katara was standing behind Toph, a comforting hand on her back and silent tears running down her own face. A stream of lamenting words were coming out of Toph, but Kya forgot them later. Toph’s shuffling feet on the ground however, would forever stay in her memory. They were the feet of a mother seeking for her daughter, but finding nothing.
She would also never forget Lin’s still form lying on that cold table.
There was nothing peaceful about Lin’s corpse, no trace of that typical image of a sleeping body. It only looked wrong, as if out of place. Kya didn’t know how long she stood there, staring at Lin’s pretty face, tracing her outline with her fingers. She knew she was crying, because at one point Bumi pressed a handkerchief into her hands.
Kya wanted to say something, but she couldn’t make a sound. Not that it would’ve been of any use. Lin would never hear her say how much she meant to her, how much she loved her. She would never find out if there had been the slightest of chances after all. Their friendship had been so strong and special, and yet Kya had never dared to tell Lin that it was so much more for her. There had been moments when she had thought her feelings might be reciprocated, but the risk of asking had been too high. She had hoped that maybe this week they had planned together would bring some answers. After all, there had been that funny pause on Lin's part, during their phone call. Kya remembered the thrill she had felt.
She wished she could stop feeling anything now, but the pain wouldn’t go away. Lin’s time was over and their chances had been missed.
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