lunawritesaa · 3 years
phoenix, klavier and edgeworth on discovering their s/o has been murdered... feelings, whether they’re up for taking the case etc
this one may be a bit rough but i’m curious... and please feel free not to do it if it’s too much for you!!
interesting!! not too rough at all!
mentions of death/dying and blood!
phoenix is devastated. absolutely destroyed. he’s used to death at this point but nothing could have ever prepared him to lose you. he’s crushed. he dedicates himself to finding your killer and doesn’t sleep until he finds them. after that, he’s nothing like himself anymore. he’s colder, sadder, and sharper with everyone.
klavier is mad. no, more than mad. he’s enraged. the second he learns you’ve been murdered he bangs his fists against his office wall until they’re bleeding. he feels like his whole world has come crashing down. he wants to take your case, to bring you justice. but he knows that if he saw your killer he wouldn’t hold back. he asks edgeworth to take the case and keep him updated on what happens. once it’s over, he secludes himself even more now. he doesn’t open up to anyone about you.
edgeworth is quiet. he isn’t one to show his anger but he feels it bubbling in his chest. he takes your case. of course he does. and he’s relentless. he doesn’t hold back in court against your killer. you deserve vengeance, you didn’t deserve to die. as if he wasn’t cold enough, miles is even more secluded and harsh. it’s almost like he reverts to how he was when he was still operating like von karma. he works ungodly hours and rarely leaves the office.
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lunawritesaa · 3 years
How would Klavier, Edgeworth and Blackquill treat friend!reader when they’re having an absolutely miserable week for whatever reason?
klavier takes you out! probably to like a bar, restaurant or even just to his house to have a jam session. really just any place that he knows relieves some stress for him. plus, he just wants to relax and enjoy some time off together after the bad week that you’ve had.
edgeworth does a small gesture like making you a cup of tea and letting you vent. he’s not very good at dealing with other people’s emotions, so this is the best thing he can think of to help relieve some of the tension of the week. he’s a very good listener and also offers some good advice!
blackquill will also take you out- most likely to the whet soba so you can eat and then watch a performance while you’re there. he does his best to comfort you by distracting you from thinking about the week. so really anything that’s a nice night out that’ll make up for the bad week is what he has planned.
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lunawritesaa · 3 years
How about Phoenix and Miles with a gn s/o who is a voice actor and maybe they walk in on them doing their lines? (I'm not sure about the rules about mhm, so if there's anything wrong I'm sorry)
the rules for minihm follow basically the same rules as my current rules page. but since i’m doing this event more than actual requests i’m thinking about switching my rules again haha
would you like me to make a post detailing the rules? it’ll take only a few seconds if you’d like it. :3
phoenix has bad timing and 100% walks in on you recording at least once a week. he just doesn’t pay attention sometimes and just walks straight into your office without even noticing that you’re practicing/recording. and he somehow doesn’t learn each and every time he does it. he always apologizes profusely for interrupting, tells you that you’re doing an amazing job, and then quickly leaves. he’ll apologize even more later when you’re done too.
miles actively tries not to bother you when you are doing anything work related. if he hears you going over your lines he’ll make sure to not interrupt. he knows how he gets when he’s working- and oftentimes he hates being interrupted. so the last thing he’d like to do is bother you. he will, however, make you a nice cup of tea once you’re finished to help soothe your voice and throat!
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lunawritesaa · 3 years
Hiya!!! Would you consider writing Miles Edgeworth and Hobo Phoenix with an S/O and they are just having a late morning in bed. Nothing suggestive or inappropriate just good vibes and some soft words. Obviously don't feel any kind of pressure to deliver and I hope that you have fun writing the other minihm asks!!!
miles is a busy man who wakes up with the sun. it takes a lot of effort to get him to stay in bed later than seven. on the rare mornings he stays in bed with you he becomes really clingy. loves cuddling into your chest, peppering kisses on your collarbone and just having sleepy conversations. he’s so adorable and sleepy. and his morning voice is to DIE for.
after his disbarment phoenix had a lot of time on his hands. he tends to sleep in... a lot. and he tries to get you to stay with him every morning but you have a job and all. but the mornings where you can stay in bed with him are heavenly. cuddles galore! he wraps his arms around you, pulls you close to him and peppers your face with kisses. he 100% will fall back asleep (and let’s be honest- you will too) until trucy comes in and demands breakfast.
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lunawritesaa · 3 years
MHCM for Miles with an s/o who likes to cook often? Like sending him to work with home made lunches, making sure he is taken care of, etc? This man needs some domestic care :')
miles isn’t used to be taken care of so it’s weird for him to suddenly have someone in his life doing something so domestic for him. he’s not opposed to you cooking things for him. he’s not opposed in the slightest. he’s just not used to it. but he truly loves your cooking! he soon comes to only went to eat your food and honestly prefers your lunches to anything he could buy in a store.
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lunawritesaa · 3 years
OH!! may i ask for simon blackquill and klavier gavin being told "i love you" for the first time please?? 0: tysm!!
blackquill is really caught off guard by you saying i love you for the first time. it’s been a while since he felt so confused with his emotions. especially more confused about the fact that you love.. him? his heart rate increases and he can’t help a small smile from breaking out across his face. of course he mutters a small “i love you too” back.
klavier probably says he loves you all the time, but never expects you to say it back. you don’t have to say that you love him; he knows! still, when you do say i love you, he’s filled with joy! he smiles brightly and gives you a sweet kiss on the lips. and as he pulls you into his chest he tells you that he loves you too. very, very much.
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lunawritesaa · 3 years
Hhhhng. Edgeworth, klavier and sebastian with a s/o that has a strong personality. Like she is strong, tall and confident in herself (she also has a short temper). She also doesn't like girly things and likes to dress up more boyish. Also good at martial arts. Mini hc for them! Thank u!
miles is 100% a person who doesn’t care about looks. he could care less if you dress in the finest dresses or wear shorts everyday. he likes you for you! your confidence and strong personality is most likely what drew him to you as you’re somewhat similar in that sense. he admires it about you greatly. although you sometimes will butt heads because he can be pretty headstrong at times!
klavier literally adores you. he loves how strong you are! anytime you show off your strength he just stared at you with heart eyes oml he’s so in love with you! ADORES your confidence too! he loves confidence and thinks it’s a very beautiful trait to have. even if you have a short temper- he still really admires it about you.
sebastian LOOOOOOVES you! is in absolute awe of your strength and confidence! you make him aspire to be better because you’re so strong, beautiful and amazing! he often looks to you to be a pillar of support in his life because he feels... weak a lot. but you? you make him feel strong! you make him feel loved and protected too, and he loves that about you!
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lunawritesaa · 3 years
For MiniHeadcanonMonday, who do you think would work well with a maternal s/o? I'm talking the whole nine yards, constant self-care check-ins, reminders to eat, home made meals, things like that. Idk if you've already been asked about this, im really curious about your ideas!
sure thing!
i feel like maya would! mia was such a motherly figure to her that she felt lost when she died. she likes that you constantly check in with her and such because it really reminds her of her sister! and she all around just loves having someone by her side who makes her feel loved and appreciated. you always making sure she’s okay reminds her that she has amazing people that she loves in her life.
blackquill will never admit it but he really loves being looked after. at first he finds it kind of frustrating but honestly? he loves it a lot. he’s always felt alone so having someone who is always looking out for him makes him really warm inside. plus he totally forgets to eat and such so he kinda needs someone tot skins him to take care of himself at times.
trucy does too!! she’s never really had a mother figure in her life so it’s somewhat of a foreign feeling to her at first. but she absolutely adores the way you treat her- she feels so loved! you do so so much for her and she is always so grateful for it. loves all of your home cooked meals and always makes sure to return the favor at some point.
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lunawritesaa · 3 years
Godot with a S/O who is a scientist? Mini hc m
godot loves have deep conversations with you, especially about science. it often becomes a topic of late night conversations when one of you can’t sleep. he’s very interested in hearing your viewpoint on certain things from a scientific angle. he’s always been fond of most areas of science, so no matter what field you’re interested in he’s sure to ask you about your profession in great detail.
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lunawritesaa · 3 years
thank you so much !! i loved the simon + klavier request sm 🥺 ahfksjfs they’re my fave prosecutors!! if you wouldn’t mind, could i ask for simon catching his s/o babying + doting on taka please ?
i’m glad you liked it! they’re two of my favorite too ahh! i hope you enjoy this as well ❤️
taka is very precious to simon, so it’s rather important to him that you two get along. his heart melts when he sees you taking care of his bird companion. two of his favorite people are getting along and he couldn’t be happier. he has the most sincere smile on his face as he watches you take care of taka. he’s so in love with you, you can’t blame him for being so happy right now!
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lunawritesaa · 3 years
klavier, miles, and phoenix with a s/o who has pet/food allergies? -holmes anon
klavier is definitely the overprepare boyfriend. he carries all the needed medication and an epipen ready at any time. he’s worried for you and doesn’t want you to get an allergic reaction while out in public. he’s very cautious if you have food allergies when out in public, and has no problem saying something to a chef if need be.
miles is also a very prepared person and this definitely carries over into this aspect of your life. he asks a lot of questions when he first learns about it. and while it may seem annoying, it’s only because he really cares and doesn’t want you to get hurt. makes sure that you take all your proper medication when you need and that there aren’t anything that may cause an allergic reaction in your house.
phoenix is really understanding when it comes to having allergies. he’s been friends with a lot of people who have had them so he knows how to deal with it well! he makes sure to keep a list of all your allergies and tells the others at the office so they don’t bring anything in that could cause a reaction. like i said, he’s dealt with this before so he really handles it well! honestly the best person to have help you with your allergies
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lunawritesaa · 3 years
Wow. It’s nice to see you’re still active, and the blog has such a positive following. If you’re still doing mhm, how about the German Trio with an meeting their s/o for the first time who happens to work at the courthouse? More specifically they were court reporter for one of their trials. Please and thanks.
aww thank you! everyone here is so sweet and it makes me happy to hear you say that! i hope this is good for you :)
klavier lives for drama and what’s better drama than working alongside someone you love? he lives for working with a s/o so you can BET that his crush only festers more when he learns that you’ll be working together more, since you’re a court reporter and he’s a prosecutor. he’ll constantly wink at you during trials and send playful flirts your way in the court lobby.
kristoph is most likely drawn to you because you’re involved in the law in some way. he was instantly drawn to you and wanted to know more about being a court reporter. he becomes somewhat attached to you because of your frequent interactions and never passes up on a chance to speak to you after a trial.
franziska is married to her job. she doesn’t get out much so it’s quite comical that she falls in love with someone on the job. she didn’t intend to, but there was something about you that drew her in. she loves seeing that you’re going to report on her trials. maybe one day she’ll get the courage to speak to you outside of work.
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lunawritesaa · 3 years
hi!! may i ask for simon blackquill and klavier with an s/o who loves to cook together?? bonus if they make all sorts of different food!! thank you so much!!
no problem! ty for the request!
klavier LOVES being in the kitchen with you. in his eyes there is nothing more romantic than cooking a nice home meal with your partner. he loved making dishes from all over the world with you and just trying all new stuff. when there’s low points at work he sends you recipes he sees online and insists that you should try it for dinner that night.
simon hasn’t cooked for himself in seven years so he can be a bit clumsy in the kitchen. he doesn’t know all the techniques or terms. but if you pull him into the kitchen he’s not going to say no to cooking with you. he mostly just hovers and watches you cook over your shoulder, helping out when you direct him to do something. he finds it enjoyable! he really wants to make traditional japanese dishes with you to try because they’re his fave :)
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lunawritesaa · 3 years
I just finished season 2 of the anime, and can I say I appreciate how adorable mini ‘ziska is?!? so... what if Franziska and her SO we’re looking through pictures of each other as kids, and there was one of her at that age, and her SO tells her she’s still adorable?
she is!! she’s so freaking adorable omg
when you found the photo album on franziska’s shelf, she almost forced you to put it back. she knew that it was going to be embarrassing as hell for you to see pictures of her as a kid. but you don’t let her take it and you force her to look at the baby photos with you. she is blushing the whole time. each time that you “aww” over a picture or call her cute she gets so flustered. and when you tell her she’s even cuter now, she’s the reddest she’s been all day~
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lunawritesaa · 3 years
Gumshoe getting proposed to by his usually shy and down to earth SO
-Gumshoe anon
gumshoe will 100% cry if you propose to him. especially because he genuinely wasn’t expecting it. he can be pretty clueless at times but with you being shy he just didn’t think you’d ask him. but he’s thrilled! he’d absolutely love to marry you and totally says yes before you even have the chance to ask him because he’s just that excited.
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lunawritesaa · 3 years
Gumshoe with a grumpy male reader who is shorter than him?
Im soft for the grump with a heart of gold x literal human puppy trope lol
YAY GUMSHOE!! i rarely get asks for him so ofc i’ll write this!! and yes i love this trope too!
you and gumshoe dating comes as a suprise to everyone because, well, you’re polar opposites and all. honestly you two are such an adorable couple it’s ridiculous. gumshoe loves giving you little head pats and picking you up and twirling you around. you’re so cute to him!! he always makes it his mission to make you smile each and every day, and hearing your laugh too! he loves breaking your grumpy exterior and just making you as happy as you make him.
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