livelivefastfree · 7 years
So what exactly is the burnerswap AU? I've been going through everything in your tag (here and splickedy) and from what I can gather it's delightfully angsty but I'm still not quite sure what's going on?
It’s basically just me going “what if the bad guys were the new Burners, and the Burners are now bad guys?” And in theory it’s about the  new baby villains being Burners and protecting the brave  new City In The Sky that is Deluxe.  They’re all assholes, it’s great.
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So theoretically they’re what it’s about, but literally every time I try to write/draw content for it, I get really sidetracked by Mike and Chuck, AS USUAL.    
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The only way I could figure out to make Mike a villain was to coerce him into it, so!  Kane Co. has been using a delicate system of guilt, emotional blackmail and flat-out lying to keep both of them doing the company dirty work.  And they’re never allowed to see or talk to each other and they missed each other SO MUCH
……………..and once they get reunited they’re so so touchy-feely, just, the grossest old married ex-villains, and the new Burners HATE it 
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((Red used to work with/for Mike, and has a HUGE hate-crush on him.  Duke is hugely embarrassed by “cheesy, sappy bullcrap” AKA genuine emotion.  Abraham would never admit it, but he thinks of Mike as a father-figure and does not want to think about him making out with his husband.  Jacob and Kaia are the only ones who have any chill about the whole thing, because Jacob is a nice dude who’s happy for them and Kaia thinks the whole mess is hilarious.)) 
and there’s SO much emotional suffering and separation anxiety and making out, and anyway that’s the stuff I can’t stop writing/drawing 
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I don't know how much that helps, but I tried haha.  The heroes–>villains and villains–>heroes thing is the main point but the muckles is what actually happened, so………so.  Yeah.  U/////////U
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narniasecretsanta · 7 years
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@minncompany secret santa for @pippindear: Nigerian-Japanese Edmund
I originally planned to give you something quite different, but unfortunately my computer shut down and I lost hours of work ;;;w;; Once I recovered from the devastating loss, I pulled myself together and drew this :D What a wild ride. I hope you like it!
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minncompany · 6 years
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narniasecretsanta · 7 years
Queen Lucy the Valiant
@jstar97 secret santa for @minncompany
The sun started to sink in the sea, painting the sky in lavender, crimson, and gold. Most of the others on the Dawn Treader retired to the interior of the ship to eat. But Lucy wasn’t hungry. She quickly excused herself. Edmund found her looking at the sunset, leaning against the breeze.
“Hey, why aren’t you inside?”  
“Not hungry. Nice match earlier.” “Thanks. It felt good to hold a sword again.”
“I imagine it did.” Lucy mumbled as she rested her head in her arms.
“Okay Lu, what’s wrong? We’re in Narnia, on a great adventure, and you’re all gloom. If it’s about Eustace -” “It is not about Eustace. Speaking of which, where is he?”  
“After complaining for about ten minutes about how unsanitary it was to eat with animals, he went to hide under his covers after Reepicheep did that tossing-an-apple-and-cutting-it-in-quarters trick. Mumbled something about, ‘barbaric chew toys’ or something like that. Anyway, if he’s bothering you, we could always leave him on the next island or something. He’d make a nice snack for some giants or sea monsters-”
“Edmund!” Lucy stood up straight and slugged her brother.
“Ow! I was kidding. I’m not that awful. He’d probably scare them off anyway with his bad breath. I’d call it dragon’s breath but that’s an insult to dragons. And I bet he’d be tough and chewy.”
“That’s not nice.” Lucy said sternly but she couldn’t help but smile. “But for the record, I bet he’d taste like the rear end of a Minotaur.” Erasmus, the Minotaur watchman scheduled for the nightshift, happened to be passing by. “Your majesties, if you’re talking about your landlubber of a cousin, then I’d say my behind would make a finer meal,” was all he said before heading towards the mast.
The two dissolved in laughter. When they finally recovered, Edmund reminisced, “This was just like the time we defended Galma from the Ettins. It happened in the middle of the Ettinsmoor War -” “Susan kept court and met with diplomats,” Lucy continued, “We went with Peter to defend Galma after receiving word that the giants were using the River Shribble to ambush the island in the middle of the night.” “You came up with the idea to use empty ships with burning masts to terrify them out of the water onto dry land where ground troops were waiting for them. And then you came up with that quip about General Achard.” “'You should take a lesson from the giants. Height doesn’t make up for brain capacity.’ By Aslan, his face turned every shade of red.”  
“You always knew how to win a fight.”
Lucy’s smile faded and she crossed her arms, “'Knew’ is the key word. Besides, giants and generals are easy.”
Edmund ruffled her hair. “Why so down all of a sudden? Why’s little Lu miffed?”
Pinching her thumb and forefinger for emphasis, she replied. “That word. ‘Little’. I was a queen who planned attacks and fought battles and won wars. Aslan and all of Narnia called me 'Queen Lucy the Valiant’. But now I’m back to being little Lu. Half the time, people treat me like a porcelain doll.”
Combing his hand through his hair, Edmund let out a short laugh. “Wow, you sound like me back home.” “If we’re going to be completely honest, you were worse. I didn’t go on about it 24/7.” “So why didn’t you?”  
Lucy took in a deep breath. “Because I knew Aslan has a plan. I trust him.” She turned back to watch the now carnelian sun sink deeper into the sea and the sky’s varied canvas shift to a deep blue. “But watch you fight made me itch to get my hands on a sword again.”
“Why don’t you? You can always ask for a sword.”
“I don’t know. I guess I was afraid of making a fuss. We’re trying to find missing lords and sail to the edge of the world. Add that and the mountain of unknown wonders waiting for us and my problem seems pretty small. And I don’t like lording over people. I want to prove that I’m, I don’t know, worthy.”
“Of holding a sword?” Edmund asked incredulously.  
Exasperated, she rubbed her temple. “No, of…being called Queen Lucy the Valiant.” Her voice dropped to a whisper. Her gaze pierced the distance as if searching signs of a fading memory in the horizon.
“Now you sound like Peter. And you’ve already proven that. Whether we were at Beruna or Galma, whether we were facing Ettins or Telmarines, it was your bravery that pushed us to succeed. You found Narnia. You found Aslan. History books are filled with tales of how Queen Lucy defeated ogres and trolls and monsters. And when this ship gets back, they’ll write about how Queen Lucy helped defeat slave traders at the Battle of Narrowhaven.” He looked back at the cabins. “Plus, it takes a special kind of strength to be kind to a beast like Eustace. No matter where or how old you are, you’ve never stopped being Queen Lucy the Valiant.”
Lucy smiled. “You’re a good brother.” “I try to be. And next time you feel like that, talk to me. Sometimes you try to be a little too valiant.”
“I will.” A smile crept on her face. “Now that we’re being completely honest, you could have won that sword fight.”  
Edmund smirked as he dramatically bowed. “Please explain, Valiant Queen.”
Grabbing a nearby mop, she showed the sword positions.  “When Caspian was coming towards your head, you could have gone into fifth position to counter.”
Grabbing an adjacent broom, Edmund countered. “But then he could have an opening to attack like this.”
“Ed, you have to use second position -”
From the Crow’s Nest, Erasmus stopped staring at an uneventful sea and looked down to see the two young sovereigns dueling. He had read the history books and seen the tapestries and heard the stories. Still, he couldn’t help but be amazed as the little slip of a girl skillfully countered every one of her brother’s moves and delivered some blows of her own. As the last of the sun’s rays bathed the deck in rich gold, he saw in the girl’s stead a warrior laughing in the face of the wind.
He saw Queen Lucy the Valiant.
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