#minors please unfollow
frostise · 6 days
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just a friendly reminder: i'm going to clean out some inactive/abandoned blogs who have followed me from last year and a few months ago. to those who've engaged with my dm's, inbox, tagged posts, threads and have liked/reblog/comment on my posts: you don't need to worry about being soft blocked. to those who haven't gotten back to me yet: i'm sorry but i tried everything to be approachable and received radio silence on your end. i'm just too stressed to be dealing with this because i really wanna interact with yall sm ♡ but yeah. this isn't a personal attack or anything. i just interact more with moots who have engaged with me and kf the most and me popping into your inbox is my way of showing interest ♡
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korrasamibottles · 3 months
i really like your writing advice, especially around repression and emotions!💗 do you have any tips for writing sexy stuff?🫠
YAY I'm glad you liked it😊 I'm putting the whole thing under a cut this time because uhhh because I feel like it.
Firstly, writing smut is really really difficult (for me, at least), and what's considered "good" is so sooo subjective--the exact same sentence could be hot to one person and completely cringe to another. There's really no way to make everyone happy, and there's "right" or "wrong" way to write, so just have fun and do what feels right to you!
Second, I think what I said here about emotions and repression also applies to writing about sex--to me, describing what a particular sensation feels like or how someone's body reacts to something makes the story feel more immersive.
Here are some other things I've found helpful:
1. Trying to avoid overly-clinical terms for body parts. I don't want people to feel like they're reading somebody's gynecological health chart instead of smut (that might kill me. actually.) so I don't go for words like "vagina" or god forbid "mons pubis." Personally it's really easy for me to think of words I don't like, and a lot harder to find words I do like, so at this point I just try to get away with not actually giving the genitalia a name at all--I just describe them. Not sure how effective this is, or if people like it, but I'm doing it anyway🤷‍♀️
2. Remembering that it's about the entire body, not just what's going on between the legs. Skin gets extra sensitive, people get flushed, they sweat, their heartbeats accelerate. Adding little details like that make sex scenes both more realistic AND hotter, at least in my opinion. Like I said, everything is subjective, and opinions vary wildly!
3. Keeping track of where the limbs are at all times!! It's really easy to get carried away and accidentally give characters extra hands or make them bend in ways that aren't possible for the majority of humans. I usually pick through sex scenes with a fine-tooth comb several times to catch any stray legs and fingers, and have been known to pace around making various obscene hand gestures until I'm confident that the logistics make sense. Don't worry about it👀
4. Remembering that unless they're total strangers just hooking up for fun, there's going to be some sort of emotion involved. Maybe the characters love each other, maybe they hate each other, maybe they hate themselves, maybe one of them has unrequited feelings and it's tearing them up inside. I think that describing the emotional aspect of sex goes a long way in making things feel realistic without subtracting from the Hotness Factor.
I hope this helps!! And remember that I don't really know anything about anything, I am but a mite living on a grain of sand floating through the big dark universe, so you don't have to listen to me. Also you're the only one who gets to decide if your writing is good💖
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seth-burroughs · 6 months
People are actually telling others to fucking die over shipping Makoto with Yomi because he... looks like a child. While being an adult. What the fuck is going on on rain code tumblr
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creekfiend · 1 year
Wow I just caught up on the "culturally christian" "discourse" due to being the type of jew who is allergic to being Part Of Jumblr and uh
I would be more than willing to have some good faith discussions w non-Jewish atheists about their feelings about the imprecise use of this term; with people who have Christianity Trauma who politely request to not be Called Christians even if that is part of their cultural background or upbringing (I am happy to not do this & always try to say ppl from culturally christian backgrounds because like... identity and Christianity are complex and I know and love a lot of people who have been horribly hurt by Christianity and I don't think it is productive or kind to insist to those people that they be aligned in some way identitywise with the institutions that have hurt them! As a jew I understand trauma very well and a lot of interacting with people and groups who have a lot of trauma is meeting them where they are, imo. I think it's important to do that.
But (you knew the but was coming)
I am UTTERLY BEWILDERED that even the people who are on the side of "this term is useless and you are stupid for using it" who seem to have like, interesting philosophical perspectives and mostly seem to not be engaged in outright antisemitism themselves ARE NEVERTHELESS happily rubbing shoulders w people who call jews and anyone who believes in anything "unscientific" 'fairytale cultists' and who happily assert that the very act of believing stuff that cannot be Obejctively Proven is like, oppressive and harmful
And if ppl are on your post saying antisemitic things and you do not block them or go "hey whoa uhhh let's not do that" then I don't trust you!
And like also
A lot of the jews participating in this discussion are getting violent anons calling them kikes and saying they should die in horrible ways!
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deancrowleycas · 11 months
It is weird to be in the Mishafucker community when everyone is like “I want dark Harvey to do things to me” meanwhile I am like “he looks so pretty when he’s being strangled by himself” there is definitely something deeply wrong with me
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xieyaohuan · 6 days
Thanks for the heads-up @deliciouskeys re the reposted art, which I have deleted. Since I won't be reblogging the originals, I feel like I now need to clarify I've moved to a reasonably strict no interaction with people I know are minors policy on tumblr because it's probably the best option for me. So I'm not not reblogging the originals out of malice or because I don't like the art but as a matter of policy.
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kishavo · 1 month
would any of you prefer that i tag content with nsfw language? like, #sex mention, or something? i'm desensitized to it but i realize that seeing dirty words on your dash without warning can feel like a jumpscare for some.
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suppuration · 1 year
oh good another fandom that has chosen a common noun for their ship contraction
reminder that it's fandom etiquette to create a nonexistent term from combining the names of the ship: not just to make it easier to search for, but also to make it easier to exclude from searches
making your ship have a real word for a term just really is bad fandom hygiene
something like glimmbow is way better than glow. something like stellch would be better than starch
i am not the fandom police, but i am absolutely a Fandom Old who remembers when this wasn't just preferred behavior but it was actually required to follow certain standardization rules for ship terminology, and i am definitely of the preference that my search functions actually work like intended...
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ofalltheginjoints · 1 year
the 18+ in my bio is not a recommendation btw. it’s a requirement.
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Please unfollow me if you or a minor or younger than 21.
It has come to my attention that I have quite a few followers who arent adults.
Please unfollow me, because I dont feel comfortable with minors seeing my progress pictures!!
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pennielane · 2 years
to all my american followers affected by the overturning of roe v wade, i am so sorry. and to all my american followers who will continue to be affected by regressive, antiquated supreme court majorities, i am so sorry. my inbox is a safe place for you to vent if you need to.
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geeshiewiley · 11 months
actually does anyone have any recommendations or experience with non bullet sex toys. thoughts opinions etc i might go back to the store an hour after i left and make a return
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cheolhub · 1 year
dont like, reblog, comment on any fics or send me any asks if u dont have ur age on ur blog like be SERIOUS
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tony-caito · 1 year
Just a gentle reminder that minors should not be following me!
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dibsonhoodie · 5 days
Just so all the new followers know (bc I haven't opened tumblr in eons and especially have not checked my notifications)
I will not follow back, as this is not my main account, and many of yall are probably minors or don't have your age in bio. My main is 18+ because I am, so I won't follow anyone back if you're not an adult
/gen /neu
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rinneverse · 1 month
hey psa i’ve noticed an influx of followers that don’t have ages in bio so once i’m off work today the Purge begins . pls put ur age somewhere accessible on ur blog if u don’t want to be blocked!
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