casliveblog · 7 months
Custom Toonami Block Week 167 Rundown
Spy X Family: The Cruise Ship arc is finally over and the first half of the episode is just the family reuniting and getting into hijinks together which is something I have missed a bit in the more story-heavy past few episodes. It’s also kinda funny when Yor suddenly realizes she hasn’t slept in four days and just fucking passes out in the street. When they get back Anya’s of course ready to brag about her trip but she goes to an illuminati kid school so everyone else like got to the moon with SpaceX or something during their vacation so she just starts half giving out details she shouldn’t and half just straight making shit up which just makes her look like a huge dork while Becky tries to console her despite having a way better vacation because Becky is indeed a good girl. Yuri comes to the house after a few more shots around the cast of giving out souvenirs and shit and Anya has to tell everyone she made a fool of herself by lying at school and we get the definition of irony by having three adults living various secret lives telling her lying is bad and they just kinda let the episode end on that awkward silence and it’s probably one of the best comedic moments of the show.
Inuyasha The Final Act: It’s weird going straight from OG Inuyasha to The Final Act because originally there was five years between them but they really do pick up right where the original left off and has more plot development in one episode than the whole past season had. The plot’s basically at the point where all loose jewel shards have been accounted for so now it’s that period in the video game where you have to go back and do all the side quests you’ve been putting off. Hakudoshi’s infused Goryomaru’s soul into Moryomaru and is in full Betray Naraku mode, sending himself, Kagura and Moryomaru after the three remaining sources of non-Naraku jewel shards. It’s funny because Naraku knows this is coming and is watching it on Kanna’s Mirrorvision and is just holding Kagura’s heart the whole time ready to fucking kill her when her betrayal stops being funny. Hakudoshi goes after Kagome’s shard since she and Inuyasha are fresh off Kagome returning with the well and he… just kinda grabs it? Like damn it was that easy? Remember when half the original series was the gang owning half the jewel and Naraku trying to take it, like these guys can’t hang on to shit now, also this is the second time Hakudoshi has had the chance to stab one of Inuyasha’s allies and instead just steals their shit they were protecting right near their heart like I guess being part Naraku means you keep people alive for future manipulating. Meanwhile Moryomaru goes after Koga’s shards but he’s stopped by Kikyo, and Kagura tries to hunt down Kohaku who’s in the middle of his determination arc and Kagura catches the feels before she can kill him and ends up defending him from Hakudoshi. This kinda comes a little out of nowhere but Kagura has slowly grown more empathetic over the series and she can probably relate to someone wanting revenge on Naraku even though they realistically have no chance, like I think Kagura knows even with four jewel shards, Hakudoshi beating Naraku is kind of a pipe dream like the dude’s bricked up in his Final Form and has like 98% of the jewel I don’t think four shards will be the difference maker. Inuyasha’s group save Kagura and after a whole arc of her basically sorta helping them they essentially see her as an ally now and when Hakudoshi abducts her she tells them the Baby is inside Moryomaru and like… wouldn’t the only way to kill Naraku be killing the baby and they just made a superpowered demon armor for it? Like if I remember right the idea was to absorbed Naraku and become a hive mind with the Baby in control of the Moryomaru part being the main body since they see Naraku’s heart as his true essence but like if you really wanna kill him just stab that baby, I guess it’s basically Hakudoshi’s twin so he doesn’t want to do that but still this is a lot of complicated trickery for a simple task but then again that is kind of Naraku’s MO. Hakudoshi’s there gloating like ‘Naraku has Kagura’s heart in his hand and I’m basically invincible since my heart’s also The Baby so sucks to be you and I’m immortal’ and Naraku does the funniest thing ever and just fucking disperses the Saimyosho around Hakudoshi and lets him get sucked up by Miroku’s Wind Tunnel, proving when he has to be nerfed in 90% of situations because this show would be so short otherwise, it’s really fucking funny and like the only time the Wind Tunnel is allowed to be plot relevant so it’s one of my favorite scenes in the series.
Moryomaru attacks Kohaku but the group come and save him and both Kagura and Kohaku basically decide that they don’t want to become party members, Kagura because she’s basically a dead girl walking and the only reason she’s not dead already is because Naraku likes making her squirm, and Kohaku because even though Sango knows he remembers her now, until he feels redeemed for killing their family he can’t bear to look at her and be reminded of all the pain he’s caused. The Final Act really ramps up all these character arcs that have basically been stalling in the background and it’s kinda cool like the story progress was so slow in the original I sometimes didn’t notice when it was happening like Kohaku’s arc kinda came out of nowhere for me because I wasn’t paying attention the first time and his story bits were so far apart but it’s legit one of the most important elements of The Final Act and the convergence of all those disparate story threads is something I really appreciate about Inuyasha as a series even if getting there is a bit of a chore sometimes.  
Castlevania: Lisa is a girl that wants to learn medicine and as anyone who’s been to medical school can attest you have to get through your stint of climbing into Dracula’s castle to learn the forbidden arts, that’s just how medicine works. Now since Lisa is a charming not like other girls ballbuster of mythical creatures, Dracula likes her and takes her up on her ‘try liking humans’ offer like sure, what does he have to lose from a tiny bit of vulnerability. Now unfortunately because this is at the beginning of the series and not at the end, that goes about as well as you’d expect. The Church find damning evidence on Lisa, BEAKERS AND SCIENCE FLUIDS, that’s definitely fucking Witchcraft and Judge Frollo ain’t having it (I don’t remember this guy’s name and I’m hoping he dies soon so he’s Frollo for the moment). They burn her as a witch and the one lady that mourns her death tells Dracula and he’s just like ‘okay I have one fuck in me left to give and that is you seem like a nice lady so get as far the fuck away from this city as you can’ and just becomes a superinferno of rage and goes to tell Frollo and the gang in his best Wizard of Oz impression that they have one year to either get the fuck out of town or kiss their ass goodbye because it’ll take him a year to summon a video game style horde of the damned and make this like the intro to DOOM. Alucard is not happy about this and is like ‘not all humans bro’ and Dracula is having none of it so they fight, almost like Alucard is doing the opposite of everything Dracula does, like he’s the… inverse somehow, like he’s… Dracula backwards. So a year passes and the town’s having their big ‘fuck Dracula we’re still here’ party and it’s like maybe Alucard won and there won’t be damnation… then it starts raining blood and Dracula’s just like “MOTHERFUCKERS WHAT DID I SAY YOU HAD ONE JOB!” and proceeds to unleash a demonic storm of torment and rage upon a world that deserves it in the name of someone who would’ve wanted no part of it. Meanwhile we cut over to Goatfuck Nowhere and a bunch of drunks are like ‘Man fuck the Belmonts, they’re no lineage of video game protagonists I tellyawhat” right in front of Trevor Belmont.
Jujutsu Kaisen: So it turns out Cursed Energy does really just work like Nen and the more drawbacks you give the stronger the technique. The barrier keeping everyone out is actually being held up by two old fucks and a punk from outside because that makes the barrier stronger if they’re outside and even stronger if they’re more likely to be seen. That makes sense and all but I feel like they’ve never been able to really get through Veils unless Gojo shatterpoints one from the top so like was all of that necessary? Feel like you could’ve still been inside and used it as a stall tactic or maybe been outside but in a less conspicuous spot and it’d be strong enough but we’ve got plot to do I guess. But yeah turns out the old fucks are just bad because ‘wah Gojo’s All Might and now we can’t do heinous crimes anymore’ like it’s really dumb and I hope they die horribly, though I do find it funny the entire curse ecosystem literally revolves around Gojo like he’s a Mary Sue but like for canonical reasons that deliberately fuck the entire world over. So yeah Ino’s fighting the punk and the old lady and his power is doing that thing where you put your head in your jacket except his lets him summon demons, I don’t remember being able to do that, anyway the granny turns the punk into Megudad and he beats the shit out of Ino and rips off his demon face hood, I’m guessing her transfiguration doesn’t copy techniques so turning someone into this world’s Rock Lee is probably the best you can do. Meanwhile Megumi and Yuji are fighting the old man and I think they did this power in Medaka Box at some point because it turns out he blocks strong attacks and amplifies weak ones so ideally you send a mid-tier fighter after him and he’s a goner but Megumi and Yuji are able to basically just turn off their energy and beat the shit out of him which is satisfying but for as gruesome as I know this arc will get I was kind of hoping for more for such a piece of shit.
Zom 100: It’s finale time and Akira figures out a cool loophole to Higurashi’s ultimatum that I didn’t think of right away but figured out like a minute before the reveal which is kind of what you want in a reveal. They use the makeup artist who was working on the zombie movie to make Akira up like a zombie and fake Higurashi out so they can get his dad back, pretty good solution all things considered, like I said last time the moral is the best way to make your parents proud is by living well but I also didn’t think they were just gonna sit there and let Akira’s dad die. We get a quick rundown of Higurashi’s backstory and it’s appropriately sad before he gets turned into a zombie and gets some semblance of peace. The gang manages to break out of the village with the help of the treehouse guy from like five episodes/six months ago and they turn out to be great at helping rebuild the village. Akira’s dad’s gonna be fine he just needs some Preparation H but everyone gets to write down their own endgoal items for the bucket list as well as a bunch of random shit they wanna do along the way, like the barrel scene in One Piece but if it was told by a rambling person with ADHD. Akira’s planned to find a cure for the zombie virus… sort of, it’s basically just doing the shit he was already doing but with the vague idea of maybe finding a cure in the background. So yeah, the finale’s as dumb and silly as we’ve come to expect from this show and it made me cry a little and smile a lot so good stuff.
Frieren: Beyond Journey’s End: This one’s a little hard to describe because I think anyone who knows anything about this series already knows the premise because that’s its main selling point so I don’t want to spell it out and be repetitive. Frieren is the mage of your standard dot jpg RPG/D&D group and after they kill the demon king or whatever Frieren’s just like ‘alright I’m out, I’ll check in every few decades to make sure you’re not choking on water or however humans die’ and by the time she comes back her pseudo-love interest Himmel is like a week from death and all they can do is give him a last hurrah before he goes and Frieren realizes she’s wasted the entirety of a human lifetime not connecting with someone she really cared about. The strange thing is it’s implied they have a way to contact her because like she came back for Himmel’s funeral (either that or he died like RIGHT after the meteor shower idk) and they just… didn’t? Like they seem to be coordinated enough to all gather together when they need to but no one thought about calling her up in the last 50 years or maybe it’s just coincidence. I also quite like that they establish their journey itself took ten years, that’s a reasonable amount of time for an epic D&D campaign and it also means that they’re not just teenagers by the end like Himmel’s at least 20-30 something so him dying when he’s like 70-80 isn’t terribly outlandish even though he looks like the youngest of the group. Frieren takes a short sabbatical of like another ten years until their priest friend is almost dead, (she seems to have a habit of showing up right before someone’s ready to die) and he’s just like ‘okay I know I said I wasn’t a pussy scared of dying last time but being old really sucks so can you translate this tome of immortality and also look after my adoptive daughter, kthxbye’ and I’m just waiting for this tome to be an ancient jokebook or some shit or some horrendous fate worse than death, it’s definitely one of the two. We also get introduced to Fern who’s a little Kirito in training because she’s like eight and already overpowered as fuck. Frieren doesn’t wanna just yeet her into the world with her and get a tiny purple-haired Rika Furude lookin girl killed so she’s just gonna stay and train her while she’s around.
Vinland Saga: We continue the Saga of the Madness of Daddy Canute and turns out the country’s fucking broke because Canute needs a thousand dudes watching his back every second from a combination of general paranoia and being the dick that invaded England and let his own brother die. So Canute’s plan is to requisition farmland and basically just be like ‘this belongs to the king now, thanks’ and by sheer coincidence, Ketil’s farm is the first on his chopping block. Also by sheer coincidence, Ketil’s arrived to visit King Harald only he’s already fucking dead (second show in a row where the person shows up right around when the person they wanted to see dies) and unsurprisingly Olmar gets into a fucking fight with this guy named Thorfinn but we’re just gonna call him Bug-Eyes to not confuse him with regular Thorfinn. Turns out Bug-Eyes is Leif’s adopted son since he’s been traveling around adopting Thorfinns hoping that he finds the regular Thorfinn and just so happened to trip over the guy that currently owns him… man shit before long-range communication was wild you just had to globehop and hope you find the one guy out of millions you were looking for, I can’t even find my friends in a crowded convention hall without a phone. Anyway Leif may or may not be going to Ketil’s farm but in the meantime Ketil’s meeting with Canute and doesn’t know they’re about to jack his farm. Olmar gets up during the meeting and begs to go to war with Canute and does things with a sword that are so wildly wrong that even though I’ve never held a sword in my life it made me cringe. Still he’s lucky Canute’s currently in need of an idiot to hold hostage to make the transition to requisitioning Ketil’s farm go smoothly so yeah looks like Canute’s going straight to Evil King territory and we’re likely gonna see his and Thorfinn’s storylines converging real soon.
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americanahighways · 1 year
Video Premiere: Jaye Madison “Ride or Die”
Video Premiere: Jaye Madison “Ride or Die” @jayemadisonband #americanahighways #mirrorvision #rideordie @melissalclarke
Jaye Madison – “Ride or Die” Americana Highways brings you this video premiere of the duo Jaye Madison’s song “Ride or Die,” from their forthcoming EP MIRЯOR: Vision, which is due to be released on May 19. MIRЯOR: Vision is the second EP of a three part series.  It was produced and mixed by Mikal Blue, and co-produced by Dean Dinning. It was engineered by Eric Boulanger and recorded at Revolver…
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sensum-lab · 6 years
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@selmousa wearing 77denari Socks. Thanks for this beautiful pic! ✨😍 • • #77denari #socks #sockstyle #socksdaily #screenprintedsocks #mirrorvision #ss18collection #handmade #madewithlove #madrinitaly
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abalonetea · 5 years
Happy STS!! How do Polynya and Ginia manage their long-distance relationship? I'd love to know more about them! (i'm chauceryfairytales btw!)
hi @chauceryfairytales! thank you for the ask! I don’t talk about these girls often enough!
they send each other bird-dragons a lot! they use Polynya’s albatross-dragon the most. his name is Basil, and he’s very no nonsense and very fast. they send each other letters and care packages all the time!
Ginia is always sending over succulents and air plants for Polynya, and she sends back parcels of salt water tea, and aurora stones. and any time that Polynya is in the Capitol for work, she makes sure to schedule a few extra days to spend with her lovely girlfriend.
Ginia very rarely goes out to visit Polynya, because the severe cold out there makes her leg ache. presently there’s a new technology in the works called Mirrorvision, and while it doesn’t come into play much until the sequel, they do eventually get one of those - this lets them send each other what amounts to selfies-turned-to-gifs of each other.
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instagrampuppies · 5 years
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I've finished the latest custom mirror. #puppy #puppylove #puppies #doglovers #doglover #love #lovedogs #loveit #lovepuppies #mirrorvisions #mirrorart #mirror #glow #glowinthedark #artstudio #art_we_inspire #artoftheday #artlife #art🎨 #artist #artgallery #artpop #artwork #artistsoninstagram http://bit.ly/2KEMocb
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chemvalleyts · 9 years
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Playing in the dirt. #advrider #mirrorvision
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anthdelacruz-blog · 11 years
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Wet Republic #Aokify #BlueShades #MirrorVision #TenSheetsAD #SomeManyLadies #LasVegas #EDM #EstebanAoki (at Wet Republic Las Vegas)
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sensum-lab · 6 years
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77denari _ “Mirror Vision” Socks Exhibition @theyellowrome _ 10/05/18_ h:19:00/00:00 #77denari #socks #screenprintedsocks #talisman #sockstyle #sockslover #design #artisanal #artisanalwork #exhibition #collaboration #vision #mirrorvision #handmade #fun #madewithlove #madeinitaly
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