I've followed her across almost all my blogs and enjoyed her writing and the passion she had for bringing Bruce to life. I sincerely regret not getting to know her better. We spoke a few times ooc and she heard me out about things weighing down in my life and it meant a lot.
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aintyourpuddin-old · 9 years
five times kissed
yall sent these in forever ago and i havent finished a single one because im awful at mushy gooey physical romance scenes so sORRY but im gonna publish what i have anyway so i can clear out my drafts before moving blogs
1. They’re still learning. Pamela still pushes her arms away more often than not, Harley still apologizes too much. But they’re getting better. Practice makes perfect, after all. And Harley doesn’t mind being the one to move first every time.
Really, she doesn’t.
She knows that if she gives Ivy enough affection, eventually, she’ll get used to it. So that’s precisely what she does. She gives praise, she gives pet names, she gives hugs, she gives kisses, she gives little touches to the small of Ivy’s back or her thigh or the back of her hand.
Today, Ivy’s reading on the couch, and today, Harley leans right over the back of it and kisses her on the cheek. Her lips barely even brush green skin. Easy, simple, slow.
She doesn’t get three steps back on her way before Ivy’s hand is around her wrist and she gets pulled back down.
2. “I’m done.”
Harley’s crying, all dribbling make-up and trembling lips and wet, shivering voice choked out over a lump in her throat. She cries like a little kid. It’s embarrassing and painful to watch.
“I’m done,” she says again. “I’m done. You don’t-- you don’t love me, you don’t care, I’m DONE, I don’t need this from you--”
Ivy can’t move. Harley is turning, Harley is stepping, Harley is putting on her jacket and gathering what little possessions she has. Ivy is terrified.
I DO LOVE YOU. It’s buzzing in her head like static. I DO CARE. I LOVE YOU. I LOVE YOU. IT HURTS. I HATE IT. I LOVE YOU.
“Don’t,” is all that comes out.
“Don’t WHAT? Don’t stand up for myself? Don’t let you walk all over me? Don’t exist in a way that isn’t beneficial to you getting your rocks off?” Harley snatches a mug off the counter-top and hurls it at Pamela. “I HATE YOU!” She looks around for something else to throw, and a second later there’s a butter knife sailing by Ivy’s head. “YOU’RE SO GODDAMN SELFISH! I DON’T NEED THIS! I DON’T NEED YOU!!”
Harley scans around her frantically for other weapons, and when she doesn’t find any, her eyes snap to Ivy. She runs. She sprints. Her arms are out and she’s winding up to punch and she is so sick of everyone trying to control her--
“WHAT ARE YOU GOING TO DO ON YOUR OWN, HUH?” Ivy shouts, ducking and trying to move out of reach. “WHAT ARE YOU GOING TO DO? GO BACK TO ARKHAM? GO BACK TO THE CLOWN?”
“I DON’T KNOW!” Harley’s fist leaves a dent in the vine-covered wall, strings of green clinging to it when she pulls away. “I DON’T CARE!”
Harley can’t punch anymore; she’s got branches and creeper vines piling onto her arms and holding her in place. She tries to kick Pamela, and her legs start to get overgrown, too. She tries to bite through them and one lashes her across the face. It leaves a bleeding line on her cheek.
Harley looks. She opens her mouth. She can’t say anything. Her lips move, like they’re trying to form words, but nothing comes out. She tries. She fails. She tries again. She fails. She shuts her mouth and fresh tears start to well up in her eyes.
Ivy moves closer, and the vines loosen and recede.
“I do love you,” she tells Harley. It almost sounds nervous. “I do.”
Harley, now curled up in a little ball and crying silently on the floor, nods in defeat. Ivy kneels and smooths blonde hair away from her face, before pressing a gentle kiss to Harley’s forehead.
“Come on. Let’s get you cleaned up.”
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harharhxrleya · 9 years
who throws things in a fight ? Both of them, but more frequently Harley.who goes to their parent’s house for a weekend when things get bad ? Neither of them really. Harley is unlikely to flee when things go sour (because she’s already fled from the Joker to Ivy in the first place)who wants to have children ? who doesn’t ? if both do, how do their goals differentiate ? I think they both want them? But Ivy can’t and Harley’s not sure. And then for Harley there’s the entire thing of the Joker not making a suitable partner to raise a child with...who is more adverse to physical contact ? Ivywho hates/dislikes their neighbors the most ? Ivy doesn’t have neighbours and when together they will stay at Ivy’s. However in a strange-hide-out situation - Harley has one specific person she has a problem with, where as Ivy hates everyone that surrounds them.who hates/dislikes their significant other’s family ? Neither? Like, Ivy doesn’t really have family - and Harley’s not exactly brought Ivy back to meet mom and pops.who is most likely to leave when things get rough ? Harleywho thinks their partner turned out a different person than they thought ? Ivy - when she met Harley she probably didn’t think she’d end up caring for this silly little human.who is more likely to cheat ? This is a bit like - well. They’re not official? I’d say it’s maybe... Harley is obviously gonna always go back to the Joker, but between him and Ivy, harley is unlikely to look elsewhere, whereas Ivy may stray further afield. who is the more experienced ( sexually or otherwise ) ? Broadly, Harley has had more partners. who hates/dislikes their significant other’s friends ? Ivy, bc she doesn’t have friends for Harley to hate.who wants to go to social gatherings the most ? Harley, Ivy doesn’t like to mingle needlessly.who is most likely to be dishonest ? It depends on the situation, but Ivy. Harley is likely to lie to k herself from trouble re; the Joker or who broke that thing,who is more emotionally closed off and how does this affect their partner ? Ivy, and Harley just remains as clingy and needy as she always does. who is the dessert person ? Harley.who is more conservative ? As in - who dislikes change the most? It depends what change we’re talking about. The annihilation of the human race to allow plants to flourish? Harleys probably against that more. A progression of their relationship or returning to a certain clown-like-lover? That’s the kind of change that upsets Ivy.who hates/dislikes oral sex ? In the relationship? Neither.
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incubabe · 9 years
Ѡ yolo
[txt: unknown contact]: very avant-garde. most folks don’t bother putting a color              filter over their nudes. but i like it. very earthy. very green. i don’t think              you meant to send these to me. maybe watch your fingers when you              sext.             you’re gorgeous, though. keep my number. ;]
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aintyourpuddin-old · 9 years
// okay so Harley would love if joker and ivy got over hating each other and became a big happy triangle but REALISTICALLY do you think it'd ever happen, what with ivy hating his butts and also just not being attracted to men in general?
nAAHHHHHHHHHHHH. no way, man. i think the only way joker and ivy would ever become anything close to friendly is in the parenthood au, because they’d both be wrapped around francake’s widdle chubby finger-- but even then, getting ivy to actually be okay with the whole situation would be like pulling teeth. she’d be horrified and probably intend to cut ties entirely with harley until she saw her in the hospital with frances. after that, she’d be the cool aunt and she and joker would kind of bond over babysitting franny and jj together while harley was out. they wouldn’t like each other, but they’d accept that they’re both in it forever now and they’d stop actively throwing shade for the sake of harley and the kids.
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parturicnt-a · 9 years
@stillmanlierthanyou said: im left with more questions than answers
@misanthrcpist said: // i stg it’s the most hamfisted 90s anti-drug psa to ever exist and if i remember right it’s a THREE ISSUE arc too
y EA H LMAO it’s 3 issues and at the end tim drake gives this huge long-winded speech to a bunch of his college classmates about how Drugs Are Awful and you should Never Do Them and like..... not once does it even......... touch on..... the idea..... that drug addicts are probably taking drugs and getting high to cope with other problems in their lives......... and that a lot of drug-related problems could be alleviated by decriminalizing the way the us government and law enforcement deals with addiction...................
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harharhxrleya · 9 years
"i like the view"
Harley had been planning on getting dressed - It was rare that she rose before Ivy - and given the miracle that Ivy was still snoozing hen she woke up, she’d wanted to leave her in peace. But it appeared that wouldn’t be happening. 
Glancing over her shoulder at Ivy, Harleen dropped her clothes back to her ground. “Really, Red?” She asked, tone teasing and light as she stretched her arms above her head. 
“Well... I like what I see too. Shall I come back and join ya?”
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offbrandbatman-blog · 9 years
fatehaschosen replied: so s edruuctiilve
serductiiverly touche s
misanthrcpist replied: // what is an icon psd?
what i mean is those icon edit downloads people have that touch up the color and tend to make icons a bit brighter and cleaner looking.  sometimes people add textures, but i just want to touch up the color if i can  8^y  i’ll probably have to go looking around for one that works, but it never hurts to ask lmao
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aintyourpuddin-old · 9 years
// idk why it bothers me so much when people apply a punk aesthetic to ivy because, like, idk??? i just don't see it fitting her at all? but then again it ain't like it's a big or popular thing i just see stuff every now and then and it kinda bugs me which it shouldn't 'cause it's just other people doing their thing but
listen.............. i love u and i will support u no matter what..................... but she’s literally an angry hippie from seattle, the birthplace of grunge
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“For someone who claims to be so close to plants, you seem to be quite unaware of what all of them want.” 
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psyclownsis-a-blog · 9 years
“Hey, you awake?”
Send “Hey, you awake?” for my muse’s reaction to yours climbing into their bed
Not really, no. But she rolls over, eyes still closed, and gropes around until her hands find Ivy’s arm-- then she rolls back to her original position, pulling the arm around with her and holding it snugly across her chest. Good luck disentangling yourself from that.
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moderndaysavagery · 9 years
// I still want to give a ventrue or nosferatu blog a try sometime.
Victor is, luckily, on good terms with most Nosferatu. The Ventrue on the other hand he hates with a passion because they get in his way. Though Ventrue are infinitely easier to play I think, because they tend to be more human. They look human, and have mostly human needs and desires. 
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