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KALI ADHIRA, BETA @sirenxsong
MICHAEL “MIKE” FOTHERGILL, DELTA. @michaelcardellerp
Where Calamity is known for its rebellion; history has seen every shade of it and thrives in the chaos better in some places, than others. Much like how individuals swim in anarchy for hours without needing reprieve and some drown in it.
The werewolves of the Lywayerers pack didn't become because the witches deemed it so. For every loyalist wolf, every mother-loving; obeying creature for the witches came the few that simply… didn’t. Those shunned for not seeing the bigger picture - or perhaps they did and it wasn’t in line with the ideations of the masses. It’s never quite clear, just like how the beginning of the Lywayerers isn’t written anywhere in any book, scripture or scroll.
It’s just known, that one of the most unhinged wolves to be created; birthed like the anti-christ that fought against every witch given order to the point of its own destruction; termination of its existence when its rogue-like mannerisms could not be changed or influenced. Anarchy was born; wolves don’t like to see those they’re allied with destroy them; the witches killing one of their creations as an act of discipline worked for some as a reminder.
Others, it came across as they were really just that expendable; foot soldiers that were dying on the lines where witches sat back and watched them burn.
The Lywayerers are just known to be formed of those with views that go against everything else; the psychotic, the insane and unruly make up the ranks of the pack. Have a third eye adorning the side of their throats as they have a complicated belief that they are all seeing; that they are the ones with vision; the bigger picture for the future that isn’t pure revolution around the Mother and her earth.
There's more than just that.
Whilst they have a hierarchy - the only structured thing about them, it’s somewhat, respected in the sense that unruly and undisciplined wolves generally need a leader to guide them away from being their own ends; making an enemy of the wrong person, entering unprepared into another wolf pack’s territory; lone wolves do not survive.
But a crazy pack of vicious ones? They stand on their own for that.
It isn’t clear how they formed, or who first structured them; just that the death of a anarchist wolf shook the respect for the witches enough and those who disliked it, left and became part of the not-quite-exiled wolves, but certainly not the liked.
They have a large, ‘all seeing’ eye tattooed on their throats in their disjointed belief that they are the greater ones; the ones that don’t follow another species alliances. They enjoy the chaos of their own company.
With the lack of controlled discipline, comes the alerted senses; they’re extremely good on a hunt; notorious for it in fact, the loose cannons when shifted.
The Natural Witches don’t generally consider them darkness in which to be purged quite the same anymore, rather, prefer to pretend they don’t exist until they directly become a threat.
99% of them are volatile as hell.
And they generally like it.
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MAX ROPER, EXILED. @calcmityys
Lone wolves Omegas don’t have a pack, whether that be by choice or incident. Omegas are typically unwelcome in any pack territory unless a kinder alpha is present. Omega’s are physically weaker than pack members, the magicks binding the pack don’t exist in an omega.
Packless, without any support from Lupis and the packs that trawl it. They are weaker, lone werewolves that have been torn from their rank and usually struggle to find a place they belong in the world. Abused by more powerful wolves - and creatures, they are independent to the ranks, but that's sometimes costly.
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JAXON REED, BETA @thejaxon-reed
ASYLYN BISHOP, DELTA. @aslynxxbishop
The first bitten were not bitten at all. But created by magic - bordering the edge of what is natural and what isn’t. Sacrificial is some of the Natural Witches in casting parts of the spell that made them; though, necessity (so they thought) was forging new creatures to stop the first blooded from the havoc enacted on the earth. They never did learn from past mistakes, thus is the cycle.
These new werewolves were named The Syndicate.
Laurent Moreau, as history is told, was the first Alpha of the werewolves, he belonged to the Syndicate that were the allied force of the Natural Witches; a safeguard for the Earth since their former creations; the Vampire were staining it red.
These werewolves were born loyalists, unable to break away long enough for independence for themselves, but, the driven in details of their existence (as told by the witches) were that they were the barriers between light and dark; the guardians that were to purge the creatures plaguing the land and bring the ‘normalcy’ back.
With Laurent leading them into countless battles, it seemed never-ending; a constant shift in power, the death and destruction on both sides that negated what they were planning to do to begin with; protect the Mother’s earth. A unified bond that all understood; marked with a tree of life tattoo, inked into their shoulders surrounded with a spiral that reminds them that what they know about magic; the witches, is that they’re dedicated to the cause; purge the darkness, and they believe there’s more in the beyond.
Life after death, something more waiting for them that the Mother would reward them with for servitude to her and the Naturals.
Laurent Moreau’s untimely death sparked anarchy that tore apart the system that had stood for years undisturbed. A rogue werewolf defecting from their ranks; one Teun Kaelstrom that forged a path that went against what was known for the wolves, tore apart Moreau in a battle that is rumoured to have lasted hours and near killed them both.
Kaelstrom came out victorious and with that, the first Alpha known to man was finished - only replaced by a witches new bestowment on another. After this event, werewolves began to realise they were not fixed by one route to serve and ally with the witches, some, abandoned their posts - others, went mad with new information, driven away to vigilantism and insanity that left a third wolf faction to fend for themselves, these were later doted Lywayerers. The Syndicate fell; it’s name rewritten into Syndico in its memory. A stark reminder that death holds meaning as it always has, Laurent’s Syndicate forever etched into the history of every wolf of how Calamity’s trio of warring werewolf packs came to be.
Syndico’s continue to try keep to their ‘purpose’, to side with the witches as their creators; magic they still half convince themselves could be eradicated if enough of them deemed it. But they are not as soft on the earth as the Kaelstrom’s, finding that they know there is something after their own deaths, that they can stay a route of independency whilst using the alliance with Natural witches to benefit them.
Laurent Moreau is a household name to the werewolves, he is renowned in the story of how the werewolves divided - who first led them into wars and battles; a man who is idolised for being the first to control the unknown of blood vs. bite in the wars.
Syndico’s wear their spiralled tree of life tattoo on their shoulders; only the ranking members have them.
They are the most strongly allied pack of the Natural Witches due to their lineage and history with the Syndicate when compared to that of the Kaelstrom’s and the Lywayerers.
Most firmly have the belief that because they remain to have souls despite their given magical blood, they will pass over to something else; a better place that isn't the end.
They have a more aggressive approach to conflict with the vampires, though, this is not necessarily heavily felt the same way by all the pack members.
They see the Lywayerers as defective wolves and have near alienated them from any kind of involvement with the Syndico pack; they’d rather face an enemy alone than ask the unruly, psychotic wolves for any assistance.
Some of the older wolves, who were raised with the stories of old, probably hold grudges by default against the Kaelstrom’s for how the wolves divided.
Oldest wolf pack; the original pack birthed the Syndico’s.
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ENRIQUE “LOBO” VASQUEZ, GAMMA. @enriquevasquezlobo
After the era of the first bitten and the formation of Laurent’s Syndicate; the protectors of the witches tirelessly warred with the first blooded and found that casualties were the only inevitability. Teun Kaelstrom, a then warrior - a father, in amongst the fray saw something else emerging from the thick of war.
Something had to change, the way Teun looked to his family, the same magics running through their veins and fear for the future of subjecting his children to the witches kill order on the vampires. It left him with a mindset that he couldn’t continue to play protector for the witches without considering his family - his friends that would eventually fall to the nightchildren and their bloodlust.
It had also been very clear what happened to werewolves upon defecting from their creators and how quickly lone wolves perished. Teun instead relied on what he knew best, the things that weren’t utilised in some irony about how the Natural Witches often spread words of wisdom on the Mother’s Earth and yet didn’t use her gifts, the earth itself. Elements that he fast adapted to and utilised in a way that nobody else thought to.
Thus, spurs the backbone of the Kaelstrom ideologies, that nature is one with them; for them to have as theirs. Assists them in hunts and focusses their senses as though they’re closer to the Mother herself and that is is not only for the witches to have control over. Whilst the loyalty to them is there, they remain as Teun Kaelstrom himself always thought of them as; a collision of elements, the wave eaten by the fire yet both cancel one another out. Equally dangerous on their own, a tsunami like heatwave when put together.
That is the way of the Kaelstrom and Teun himself, founded a pack of his own with those beliefs.
His method to pull it off, to this day, is questioned by outsiders; that to gain rank as an Alpha to his own pack - broken away from the Syndicate to forge his own path, with his family in mind was only going to ever be earned by the death of another of his kind, by his hand.
But, consumed by his belief to be better than the Syndicate, he did claim the rank by force; guided by the Mother and the elements beneath him, attuned to the world and able to form his own pack with a different approach to the war; a new age that wasn’t all about blood and terror.
One designed and inspired by family and a yearning for peace. Though, Teun was aware that in his lifetime, it would never be reached; but it was a start. And as expected, the rivalry as he gained followers to be his Betas were not all that welcoming from the other vastly larger wolf pack of the Syndicate.
The Kaelstrom pack would be allied with the witches, but only with the acceptance that they had respect for their choice in the earth’s resources. Their family comes first, everything else, second.
Teun Kaelstrom founded the Kaelstrom pack and fathered four children.
Ranking members of the Kaelstrom Pack where the tattoo on their forearms depicting a wave consumed by flames for their belief in being one with the elements.
They are attuned trackers and are the best adapt to changing environments thanks to their understanding of nature’s offerings.
Familial orientated, the pack, like all wolves is a family. But they are usually very intensely dedicated to this. A servitude to what Teun built in his rebellion for his own pack.
They remain allied to the witches, but are calmer - more independent of them in many ways in comparison to the past.
Of the three packs, Kaelstroms are noteably more equipped for harsher terrain and appear to handle adversity naturally as though together they have nature’s blessing for what they stand for.
Keen hunters and gatherers.
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Ask the Admins / Answered / NOVA
Supernaturals are universally affected by the ore silveriron in all forms; gas; liquid and solid. It is considered the purest form of metal and acts like a negator on all abilities that are magic made/born. 
If a wound is inflicted via silveriron, the injury would affect the person the same way it would someone normal/mortal and their healing capabilities would be just the same as a humans. It burns supernatural skin on touch, and it is one of the only metals that would leave scars on skin of usually fast healing creatures. 
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is there any species everyone would like to see more of? and/or types of characters?
Heyo! Thanks for the question, we actually answered something similar with most wanted species yesterday HERE along with some FC suggestions if you need any! But the members majority were favouring Fae and Merfolk! With Witches and Wolves coming in at third. 
As for types of characters, I’ve asked the members for their input and they’re throwing out some ideas, in the meantime, I’d love to see some more:
Nephilim characters; Praesuls especially that act as guardian characters for the unawakened I would really enjoy seeing! We definitely have somewhere for them! A nice balance to some of the grittier characters we have a lot of!
For some reason, I’d really love for their to be some diversity in religions, so some priests or preacher characters that seem to have some form of group (I don’t want to say cult but, they believe really hard about something and act like a god in themselves) and think it’s for the greater good and that kind of thing. 
Even in a dystopian state, we still need emergency services that are perhaps side-lined to the crazy would be fun, called on to something that is near inexplainable and with that perhaps some PI’s or rogue detectives that double as hunters but aren’t affiliated with the Hideout! 
But also, soft little pre-innocents (because nothing stays that way here, really, sorry.) that are getting their first taste of the real world; I want to see turning points in lives on the dash, why is this person like this, please, give me it all! 
Is it going to sound ridiculous if I want the bog-standard, struggling to get-by types that are good hearted and kind, but have to do unspeakable things to continue living; tangled up in bad places, we recently just acquired a demon mob boss, so perhaps there’s some potential for connections there! Lord you don’t want to be owing monsters favours, oof!
For tropes in summary of my own personal biased opinions, I would massively lean on the softer, more hero like individuals that aren’t out to be rulers or world dominators, people who are getting by underneath the insanity but have an awareness to the dangers of the world. Bar workers, dancers, someone who’s the on call for the vampire cleaning parade, all the wild y’know. 
Overall, those are my excited to see choices off the top of my head, definitely something on the lighter side of Calamitous! But of course, we’d welcome all! 
So, for a fast summary of the members chaotic shouting at me, we also have some ideas here with: 
N I C E  P E O P L E
Scientists & Hunters 
The typical “Why can we not all live in peace” individual. 
Mer’s that are not of Royal calibre! 
Again, many shouting for softies they can love on!
Fallen creatures that are regretting/struggling with their fall, conflicted!
We also have WC page for further ideas! 
Thank you for coming to my ramble, if you have anything else, or you have further questions, please let us know! We’d love to hear them! Thank you again!
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Do you guys have an abundance of LGBTQ+ characters here?
Hey! Thanks for the question! We welcome all LGBTQ+ characters; no discrimination here. There’s a variety within Calamitous and we encourage diversity and inclusion for both members and muses. 
If there’s ever anymore queries, please don’t hesitate to hit us up!
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do you have any lesbian or bi characters taken?
Hey there! Among the many characters that we have here in Calamity, there’s definitely a good portion of them that are part of the LGBTQIA+ community. And of course, we welcome all types of characters!! 
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Hi. This could be a long shot but I used to rp on jcink and I left it almost a year ago to take a break as I found the communities very toxic. I miss my characters and I forgot you there were rp communities on tumblr! I have never rp'd on tumblr before and I'm not sure how it works, as in where is the actual place where written character posts are or where members chat? I'm a newbie to tumblr rp and would love to join. I would appreciate some advice on how to start! xx
Hey there! Thank for for taking the time to reach out to us, we’re more than happy to try our best and give you to tumblr RP rundown! Sorry to hear you had a poor experience elsewhere - rest assured, if you want to be part of Crooked, we don’t bite! (We even have Game Nights !)
A summary of what I’ll try cover: 
Your blog is where you post as your muse/character per se, you can reblog musings and anything you like about your character(s) on here for the group to see. 
Your replies/roleplay interactions are also on here where you can post responses to open starters and engage in all that’s happening! (If you don’t use discord - we use it as our OOC platform, your OOC communications will go on your blog(s) too!)
So, to begin, the way the process of on the dash RP-ing works is generally: You create a tumblr account separate to your personal/main. You can use a little trick in the sign-up process to avoid creating new emails and losing track. For example: 
[email protected] can be used for your personal tumblr escapades! And then, for an RP one, you can use the same email, but format it like this: [email protected]. (It still goes to your same inbox, but it allows you to have multiple accounts - if you’re using them for different groups.)
I already feel like I might have lost you a little here - so, let me continue off this topic... we can always help you set-up later! 
Once you have a tumblr account, you can then decide if you want to keep it organised in the sense of individual character blogs or if you want to compile multiple characters onto one blog; then use the tumblr tagging system to make it clear which you’re using if you have gathered a few muses! We have a mixture in the group who use Mumu blogs (multi-muse) and those who use individuals - it’s purely personal preference! Despite using a Mumu myself here in Crooked, I generally prefer individuals because it makes it a little easier to keep up with the replies I may owe! 
Alrighty, so there’s that ramble added... It’s honestly much simpler to navigate than I may be making it out to be - my apologies! Essentially, you reblog interactions at your pace and create new ones for those to engage in and your threads are you ongoing interactions. If you would like some examples, I’ll list the admin blogs below so if you wanted to have a quick scroll for examples of how we kind of interact - there’s not really a right or wrong way! 
@crxxkedevil , @twistedxpromises & @eternallyxcrooked 
These listed above are all mumu blogs - so we have multiple characters we have compiled into a single blog, whereas we have members that have a main blog and then add side blogs for each picked up OC character. But you should be able to see the method of roleplay in each of these. There is also no rule on length or tense you write in ... you’ll see some variation, I’m sure. As long as it’s understandable and we can gauge interactions, you’re on for a win! Hurrah! 
I feel like that’s the getting started basics kind of covered? Everyone has their own tumblr tagging system on their posts to be able to retrieve former interactions and such. 
A beneficial program (I’d recommended getting.) is a free add-on for google chrome browsers called XKit as it offers the ability to edit posts once they’ve been posted and you can reblog just the newest interaction instead of swarming the dash with previous/repeat engagements. Honestly, if you haven’t realised I’m Queen of the Rambles - you... do now... but truly, we’re all friendly and willing to help you every step of the way! You’ll pick it up in no time, I’m sure! A lot of information and step-by-steps are covered in sections of the Main blog that might give you some insights beyond my explanations! 
As for discord, this is the OOC platform we use for out of character interactions and general day-to-day conversations. (Also, game nights... and lots of other chaos.) It’s also free and is available on both mobile & desktop. There’s no obligation to be part of the server there - but you’re more than welcome to get to know your fellow members and RP-ers! Helps with plotting threads and interactions too.
As a last addition: we’ve broken down the process a little on the Navigation page (Mobile Navigation, here.) so you’re able to look at things pre-application and then post-application to try encourage an ease of access for all. Hopefully by looking at some blog examples of ours and having a meander through the CrookedSoulsRPG main blog that you should find some helpful resources. We also have a resources blog, here if you want to look at gifs and icons... especially if you’re potentially not used to using gifs/icons/gif icons in your interactions, we try to where we can and there’s many faces for inspiration if you haven’t acquired an arsenal of faces yet! 
Thank you again for sending this in! I hope that this somewhat helped you in your starting up process? If you need clarification on more, you’re more than welcome to hit us with all the messages you like, or if you want to pop in an application if you think you’e got the ropes and an idea of what muses/characters you wanna throw into the Crooked world. A quick read down our guidelines to check they’re all good for you and you’re away! 
We’re more than happy to continue helping you through the process in any way we can - we’re all very welcoming! Please, don’t be shy! Believe me, we’re all been there before, we all start somewhere! 
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hi, how dark would you consider this rpg? i am very into dark themes and can’t seem to find a group that sates my need lately. thanks!
Hello there! In regards to our dark and mature themes, I would check out our TRIGGER page just so you know the spectrum of what’s writeable on our dash and what requires tagging as well as what we do not permit. I think we’re very fair about what we allow to be on our dash in regards to some of the more twisted characters we have.
We’ve just dropped our Winter plot a couple of hours ago too, which I would call on the wholesome side. However, our members definitely seem to think chaos will come of it. You can check that out HERE. 
I swear everyone is participating of their own free will. And not because of darker reasons.
Generally, we have a nice balance in Calamitous and if you wanted to discuss specific plot ideas or potential things you want to write that aren’t clear anywhere on our main, you can message us off anon to discuss! We’re here for it!
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I just want to say that this group of writers are absolutely amazing people who have done nothing but be supportive, kind, and understanding. I love y’all so much.
Aw, you are so sweet and kind! I can definitely speak for all of us that we honestly appreciate and love every single one of you. We are so happy you guys joined and are able to have fun with us!! <3
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Hello! I was wanting to look into this group more thoroughly but I’m mobile most of the time and was wondering if you planned on adding a navigation link to your mobile theme?
Heya! If you try this link here, it may be more mobile friendly, with minimal hiccups! Please do let us know if you encounter any issues, thank you! 
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Is this active?
Hello there, beautiful anon! Since we officially opened our doors yesterday, we are not currently active. However, us admins, as well as our new member, are creating our character blogs and they will be followed on the main shortly. 
We really hope you don’t let that deter you from joining! We’d love to see more people around here :)
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Hello! I saw that ian somerhalder is banned but he apologized for the polemic things he did, you can look for it on the web jf you want, do you think it’s possible to make him playable?
Ayo! So thank you for your ask, whilst we are noting that Ian Somerhalder has apologised for his actions. Both of the admins do not feel comfortable with making the face playable at this moment and we cannot imagine we will anytime in the future.
If you would like to further discuss the reasons for that, we’d appreciate and IM conversation. We don’t bite! 
Thank you again, peace ! 
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Is your taken fc’s updated? there’s some i couldnt find in the characters page
The taken page is definitely updated! The character page, however, is still being updated as our members resubmit their character’s information. If you look at the masterlist, it’ll reflect the taken page. And if you have any other questions, please let us know!
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What species could you need more of?
Ayo! Thank you for the Q! I asked the people for their most wanted species to get the group opinions and it’s a mixed bag! They’re all wanted, of course! And we’re greedy.
Humans are a big one, never too many of those running amok! Some more in the Hideout division would be fun, but we welcome those rogues and wanderers unaffiliated too! 
Fae were shouted out, little tricksters and chaos causers! But sweet innocents are also found amongst the Faelings. 
Werewolves, specifically, the Lywayerers as they’re lacking; the more chaotic and rebellious of wolves on the Southside. 
Also mentioned were the Demons, we’ve yet to get a few more of the Envy and Sloth sin bearers!
There’s also a shortage of Nephilim around! Give me some police-like individuals that wanna act like smiters that purge the darkness! Mwhahaha! (Evil laugh not all that accurate of a Nephilim... but uh.. that was all me...)
Also, Natural Witches, gimme gimme, we want some Lightbringers that act under the High Sage! 
And since we’re just out here naming half the damn species, Vampires... I’m biased, give me all those too...Kira’s gonna say Merfolk, so... yes! We want them too!
Thank you again for the message! Anything else we can whip up answers to or ask the group, let us know! We’re around! We’ve also got a WC Page HERE if you want some more inspo! Peace! 
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