#misery loves company - morzan
ravarui · 5 months
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Crimson red
Shiny silver
Spilled blood
Burning fire
Shoulder length, slightly wavy black hair
Polished armor (Only during battles)
Riding boots
Zar'roc, a crimson red sword he always carries with him
A wedding ring, from his marriage with Selena
A small dagger, hidden in the inside of his boots
A left-over shard of the egg his dragon hatched from
Glaring, an unsettling gaze due to his heterochromia
Crossed arms over his chest
Cocky stance, ready for a fight at any time
Sneer and disgust at those who are weak
Remnants of a battlefield, fires burning, corpses littering the ground
Open sky, the illusion of freedom as he flies on his dragon
Spilled wine over a desk, papers ripped and furniture demolished
Blood dripping down his blade while he laughs
tagged: @todesgeduld (Thank you)
tagging: @shellcrack @medicus-felini @heavens-sin @winterexinferna @ithring and whoever else wants to do it, just steal it c:
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ravarui · 7 months
@shellcrack continued from here
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Blood is wiped from his face as he stalks over to Miriam, a grim expression on his face. She just had to cut his fun short with her little magic trick hadn't she? His crimson blade was still in his hand and he hadn't bothered to clean it yet, quietly hoping for more enemies thinking they could get the better of them. He loved seeing the horrified expressions when he sliced through their armor as if it was nothing. Stupid fools, for thinking they could take on a dragonrider in a swordfight. Especially him. He had always prided himself in his skill with the blade, preferring the close combat instead of magic.
"Why should I thank you if it wasn't necessary? I had everything under control!" His grip tightened around the hilt of his sword and he spat on the ground, ignoring the sigh coming from Rigath. The blood-red dragon loved a good fight as much as he did, but he did agree with Miriam that his rider was reckless sometimes.
He finally sheaths the blade with a roll of his eyes. "We're fine." His wards had protected him from most of the incoming arrows. "As if any of these idiots could lay a hand on me in a fight. You elves are always so goddamn skittish. Where is the fun in fighting from a distance?"
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ravarui · 6 months
“ i am being perfectly fucking civil. ” @morzan
The unruly son Always Accepting @ithring
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"Watch your fucking tone with me, boy!" Their little argument was already drawing the attention of several others, not that he cared about their opinion in the first place. If they knew what was good for them they best kept to themselves and their mouths shut.
His son however was a complete other matter. With his own mind for once not clouded by alcohol, he could already feel the headache forming. Morzan should have ignored the call for attendance, but the king had been adamant and he knew better than to refuse his old friend. Something about keeping up appearances, not that he had listened. It didn't interest him in the slightest.
"For once in your goddamn lifetime, behave! And don't cause me more headaches!"
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ravarui · 6 months
do you lie awake at night to come up with all your witty replies for the following day? ─ law @ morzan
Memes I once reblogged Accepting @isutoburu
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"It ain't like I have anything else to do." His voice is laced with sarcasm and he glares at the doctor. His injuries may be healing, but he was still weak, depending on the help the two men were currently offering him. And while he hated it, it sure was better than being dead.
" 'sides, your snoring is awful. Makes me wanna suffocate you in your sleep." It would at least mean some peace and quiet.
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