#miss mary dallam
tvb1852-1853 · 3 years
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(T.V. Brundige Diary, Jan 28th & 29th, 1852)
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In which our protagonist pays more social calls to various members of the Toy/Dallam clans, prominent families in Baltimore into which the Smiths (ThomasV's wife) and Brundiges intermarried.
Transcript & Notes:
WEDNESDAY, January 28, 1852.
Weather. Morning, clear and cold. Afternoon rather cloudy and damp .
Rose about 7 o'c, after having rather an uncomfortable night, my cough troubling me a good deal. After breakfast, I repaired, as usual, to my place of business, where I have been occupied, with my regular duties, throughout the day, without meeting with any important circumstances.
Upon my return home to dinner, found Cousin Rebecca Wilson, there, from Long Green, who dined, and will remain, with us some days. Upon my return home found my wife about going around to Uncle Jno Toy's, and I accompanied her there, and met with Mrs Chew + Miss Mary Dallam, who had just arrived from Deer Creek, remained about a half hour, when we returned home, and I passed the balance of the evening there, and retired to rest about 1/2 past 9 o'c.
THURSDAY, January 29th, 1852.
Weather. Clear, and very mild.
This day finds me in the enjoyment of my accustomed health, and comforts_ After breakfast I went to the Hanover Market to make some purchases, and from there to my place of business, where I have been engaged throughout the day. Mrs Honeywell, Miss Priscilla Toy + Miss Caroline Smith, dined with us to day, and Miss H + Miss S, together with Mr Honeywell took supper and spent the evening with us, which I passed quite pleasantly and agreeably with them,
Mr H, I find to be quite a gentleman in his manners, and I felt a good deal of pleasure in conversing with him, upon a variety of subjects, in which I found him well informed. They took their leave about 10 o'c, after which I devoted a half hour in reading the morning paper, and then retired to rest.
[Ed. Note: I'm slowly untangling the names in the diary, starting with Uncle John Toy, whose identity is certain because he made TV Brundige his executor. Mary Dallam is a first cousin once removed of Uncle John, and Mrs Honeywell is his niece. My hunch is that TV Brundige's wife Margaret, née Toy Smith, will turn out to be Mrs Honeywell's sister. See diagram below. The trouble is, my dad threw a spanner in the works by claiming Margaret's parents are a mysterious Winston Smith and Susan Coleman, who do exist, but seem to have absolutely no connection to any of these people... and why would they give her the middle name Toy?!]
Baltimore Sun Newspaper OTD: Jan 28: Reports averaged about 45 degrees; snow and ice continue to cause trouble for shipping and weather for sleighing, even resulting in a road rage accident. Jan 29 more of same. Both these papers cover maritime trade and shipping accidents, proceedings of federal and state assemblies, lectures held at Maryland Institute (local version of Royal Society) on the Franklin Expedition, and Kossuthmania (a forgotten Hungarian celebrity and champion of democracy).
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