#miss my girl but also i'm not in a hurry to play that dlc
allmothered · 1 year
hannah how dare you log on here and not tell m,e
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snailfen · 2 years
oi! 9 and 14 for the salty asks?
9. Most disliked character(s)? Why?
hmmm... ok i didnt think this was gonna be a hard one! then again, everytime i get a question like this i have a hard time coming up with an answer.
Oleana and Rose are up there for their writing 100%. I don't like how Oleana is just a crazy secretary in the games. im so so SO happy about her Twilight Wings Episode; but i really wish that we saw this in-game (then again i havent. seen the dlcs AT ALL so if she does show up again... i wouldnt know lol). Rose is just.... a mess. Like, I see people debate whether he's good, or bad, or morally grey, but thats the thing- I feel like his character is all OVER the place and he was just. Done so badly. I'm ok with these two otherwise but when it comes to their character writing its just. help me
Professor Bellis(?) From Pokemas. Why do you use so many languages in your dialogue PLEASE
Paulo, at least his character arc rn. Please DeNA just hurry up and make him evil already or whatever its taking forever. also give my girl Tina some time to shine on her own.... i love Paulo but DeNA drawing this out longer than it needs to be.
Can't think of any other characters I'd say I actually dont like for once.
14. Unpopular opinion about your fandom?
i need every single fandom member on twitter to move to tumblr STAT im not logging back on there for pkmn content /hj /lh
People can complain about how no one hates pokemon more than pokemon fans, or how pokemon fans are never satisfied, but thats because these games are just... disappointing coming from GameFreak.
Like, ok, I wouldnt call Pokemon Legends: Arceus terrible. I thought it was great! It was really fun and I played it for MONTHS. But theres issues that reflect how badly the time constraints are on the games quality: Its storyline and graphics aren't the best, they arent complete shit but they are pretty disappointing coming from a 90 billion dollar game development company.
I'm not saying that means they should be perfect at making games, I'm saying that means they should have the time and money to create something at least enjoyable in every aspect. Another example with SwSh: Good graphics, great character design and beautiful environment design for the towns, but oh my god did the plot of the game suffer.
PLA also came out with no Pokemon HOME compatibility as well as BDSP, which is also disappointing: you think that these games would have compatibility soon after release but that didnt come out until May 18th, approx. 4 months after PL:A came out. IIRC, Sun and Moon got Bank compatibility 2 months after their release. These games are coming out missing core features and adding them so much later! It's disappointing.
With ScVi coming out tomorrow (despite being leaked COMPLETELY) I can't say my hopes are too high about it, and its likely I'll have to wait until Christmas for it to see the whole thing for myself. ScVi apparently began development in 2019, but unless it can reflect that it's been given the time it needed, they have GOT to stop cranking these games out every year.
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