#missing Afterl!fe hours
hyacinth-04 · 3 years
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I’m hurting
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Quincy with an Angel!Reader
A magenta and black butterfly lands on a leaf, causing it to rustle tentatively under its weight. My, it’s one of the first insects to visit the garden, during the magical hour of Dawn, no less!
(As you can probably tell, I’m playing around with a concept for the blog. This is my first post for Afterl!fe and I have two more ideas in the works, but feel free to send in a request or general ask to my inbox! I’d love to interact with more people in the fandom~ Anyways, hope you’ll enjoy these headcanons!)
When you tell him you're an angel, it takes a moment for the information to sink in.
"Wait... Huh?!"
Sure, he gets annoyed by your occasional righteousness and chiding (you were simply keeping everyone in line) but never really connected it to this (he also likes you, so that might've muddled his senses as well)
When Quincy makes his peace with it (you‘re still the same person he knows regardless) he starts to see the obvious signs that he's missed before
He calls it dumb and distracting when you glow or float from being in a good mood, but actually finds it to be an oddly calming/cute sight. It's also easier to read you since he's aware that random sneezing indicates negative thoughts.
Him comforting you is a developing skill, but he tries his best, taking reference from how he's seen you console others in the past.
You help Quincy with being more open about his softer emotions (sensitivity, showing weakness), while spending time with him gets you more comfortable with expressing 'unpleasant' ones like distaste and anger (this essentially strikes a healthy balance in the end) - The first time the other guys see you angry? He's so proud and they are so surprised and kinda scared (an angel's fury is not to be trifled with)
You are not a pushover by any means, despite your regular stance of being generous and kind. It takes a bit of time to witness you condemning those attempting manipulation, but he admires how you’re standing tall for yourself and not letting them do whatever they want
Some of the others might tease him for falling for an angel (“it sounds like the plot of a novel, how romantic~”), but his rebuttals to them never target you personally, instead insulting them for even bringing it up (it’s a small detail but is telling of how he cares - something that only a few of his peers will pick up on)
If people try to mess with you he’ll take it as a personal challenge, perhaps spiking their food with hell-level spices as a sneaky way to teach them a lesson. His arsenal of magic would be pretty useful for this as well, if the situation calls for it.
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