#afterl!fe x you
xxxninjaxxx23 · 2 months
A journey towards redemption
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Jill’s unsuccessful moment in becoming the new final girl has resulted in her death. Now offered a second chance, she must face her demons and earn her freedom at a chance of a new life.
Born again (October 11th 2011 12:30 AM)
Dewey rubbed the bump on his head as he went to go check on Gale “She was standing right behind me.”
“They always are” was the last thing Jill heard before being shot clean in the chest.
‘No, No! Not like this….how did she even hear me? Th-this can’t be how it ends? I was so close!’
Jill felt her eyes getting heavy and her breathing slowly weakened as she collapsed into complete darkness. 
Sidney checked Jill’s pulse, making sure she was dead “Well I guess that’s it then. What do you want to do with her Sid?” Dewey said.
(Jill’s pov) I felt some cold droplets land on my face, waking me up from my sleep. “Huh? Ok that’s weird…I got shot in the chest ‘probably where my heart is’ and I’m still alive all of a sudden?” Then I remembered. “Oh That’s right! Ghostface armor. Sidney didn’t shoot me in the head. Pretty stupid on her part, I thought she learned her lesson after the last five she fought. Can’t believe she made it this far.
“Oh whatever all I can say is, she better sleep with one eye open once I get out of this hospital. I’m gonna kill her then finish off Gale and her stupid husband.” I notice that the hospital is very dark and quiet. Hmph! Seems like they left me here but damn could they at least keep the lights on! I can’t even see two feet in front of me!
Shit. I need to hurry and get out of here. Dewey and Judy must have left to go get backup, why both left instead of one staying here is just beyond me. “Everyone is pretty much a moron in this town….where the hell is the light switch?!”
I groped the wall, feeling around for the switch until I hit a spot on the wall that lit up the room a bit. “Finally! Ok time to move Jill.” As my eyes adjusted to the light, I almost passed out again when I found out I wasn’t in the hospital
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“What……the……FUCK?! What is this? I seriously have no other words for- ok I need to find the exit.” I walk around trying to find something that resembles a door and as I did, the floor started to make noise when you walk into a puddle.
I hate to do this but “Hello? Dewey…..Gale? Anybody?!” I said, looking around.
Still looking for the door, I call out a few more times but still no answers. I’m starting to get really freaked out here “Ok guys stop it! Enough with the silent treatment, just arrest me and be done with it. Sick fuckers, just show yourself! Do you hear me!!!! Look I surrender ok! There I said it...I SURRENDER!!!” I held out my hands, hoping someone would show up and put handcuffs on me.
(????? Later)
(Plays along with the dialogue)
I don’t even know how much time has passed but i think I’m stuck here for a while, can’t find a door and it’s this same picture everywhere I walk. There’s nothing here, nothing!
Feeling defeated, I sat down and hugged my knees, burying my face in them. I close my eyes but every time I did, I’m reminding of the things I’ve done.
‘I started to feel sick for putting on the mask and killing my friends, my mother just to replicate a stupid movie my spoiled bitch cousin somehow got famous for and….Charlie. The one who answered my request, carrying me to the finish line only for me to backstab him just to take all the credit.
I guess I know what it feels like to be truly alone now. Instead of just taking a step back and ignoring Sidney, enjoying the last year of my high school along with slapping some sense into Trevor, I end up shot and left for dead in this dark desolate place.
Even though Sidney and her friends survived, I doubt they want anything to do with me…then again it’s the same group that left me here to die. I deserve it though, I don’t need forgiveness from them or for anyone I hurt.
I look around for a bit “Come to think of it, where is Charlie? Is this hell or am I somewhere worse than that?” I felt my stomach rumble, great! Ever since I been planning that movie with Charlie, I haven’t had time to eat or drink anything.
“Well since there’s no food here, I guess I’ll just starve to death and end up back here again. Another thing to add to my everlasting punishment”
I shook my head and tried to find something “edible” or even close to that. As I touched the wall, my hand broke through “feels like water again, and not just the floor this time.”
I heard whispers behind me in the distance, causing me to whip my head around “Sidney? That you?”
The voice whispered again a bit louder, aside from all the mumbling I only made out a few words “Murderer” “Liar” “spoiled” “cruel” “waste of space” I rolled my eyes
“Hey I get it. Shut the fuck up already!” Then the voice turned into a high pitched screech which was enough for me to cover my ears and sprint out of there. As I was running, I felt a pair of hands shove me to the ground.
I picked myself
up to find my mother standing over me with the bloody knife and an evil grin
“Welcome home sweetie.” She said before being stabbed then gutted from behind by….Charlie! I stepped back a bit
“MOM!” Charlie turned in my direction and charged at me with the knife raised, luckily I found a gun on the floor at the last minute and shot him.
The gun disappears from my hand and so does Charlie. Unfortunately the voices didn’t and continued to whisper in my ears. ‘Sigh’ “Just shut up already! Jesus!” Then I felt a hand on my shoulder but I quickly shoved it away
“Whoa! Hey, take it easy cousin, it’s me.”
“S-Sidney?” I said not turning around.
Then I heard a scoff “Oh real mature! Do I sound like I have a feminine voice? Well except for my employers, such assholes they are.”
I rolled my eyes “Ok fine, you don’t have a girls voice but if you’re not Sidney then who are you?”
The person turned me around 
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“Hello Jill”
(3rd pov)
Jill took a glance at the man who removed the ghostface mask “Um I’m going to ask again…who the hell are you? Another shitty ghostface killer?
Roman glared at his cousin in offense “First of all I am NOT shitty! Second, yes I was one of the Ghostface killers and a damn good one too. Unlike you kids who needed a partner to fall back on, I did all my work solo.
Also you got some nerve to be disrespecting me when all you did was sit on the sideline letting your boyfriend do all the work, then killing him as payment. What a disgrace to the mask.
“Dumbass! There’s always two killers, one makes the calls while the other sneaks in and goes for the kill. Thats how it’s always been with Ghostface.
Roman laughed, shaking his head “No sweetheart. Both killers shared the work 50/50. You didn’t even help Charlie most of the time. He carried you the whole way and you still lost.”
Jill rolled her eyes “Ok so what? At least I was smart enough to manipulate someone into doing my own bidding and disposing of him when I didn’t need him anymore. How dirty did you have to get your hands before you bit the dust?”
She then continued “I got my moment In the spotlight and would have gotten away with it because I’m hot and charismatic.”
Roman tossed the mask on the ground “I’m both of those things too and even so, did you really think you could successfully replicate Billy and Stu’s work while covering it up as the final girl/my sister? Your plan would have failed regardless from all the things your prints were on.”
Jill was stunned “sister?!” She studied him again and noticed his features looked a lot like Sidney’s. ‘If he’s Sidney’s brother that that means
“You-your Roman bridger.”
“The one and only” he said.
Jill nodded “Ok “Roman” since you’re the only one here. Do you mind telling me where I am and if I could get of out of here?”
Roman clicked his tongue “Sorry cousin…you see, you’re actually dead. Sidney shot you In the heart and your stuck down here in this void forever. Well-“
Jill freaked out, grabbing Roman by his shoulders and shook him “What?! No?! No this isn’t happening, this is not happening!” She started to sweat a lot and her breathing was becoming rapid. “You got to help me. Please help me!”
“JILL! Calm down and let me finish! Take a deep breath and have some dignity”
Jill managed to calm herself and took a few deep breaths before sitting criss crossed, eager of what Roman had to say.
(Roman’s pov) Alright, now that my psychotic child minded cousin has calmed down, time for me to do my job. “Here. Let me feel your forehead.”
Jill moved back as I extended my hand to her “Why? I don’t have a fever-“
“Just do it” I said.
“Alright alright….weirdo” Jill said but I ignored her comment and absorbed her thoughts with a touch of her forehead.
Jill kept here eyes closed but winced a little when she heard a whoosh 💨 Keeping my hand on Jill’s forehead, I see her deep thoughts and what really drove her to become Ghostface. “Mhm, just as I thought.”
“What?” Jill said, opening her eyes.
“Your thoughts, your regrets, Ghostface, I can read all of it. Actually I can SEE all of It.”
Jill stood up “I’m not sure if I believe that or weirded out by what you said. Actually I’ll go with both.”
Roman chuckled “The point is, I know how you REALLY feel. You never wanted to be Ghostface or enjoy your little “fame” that came with it.”
Jill opened her mouth but Roman shook his head “Jill….you hate yourself, you hate yourself for what you’ve done. You hate that my sister’s favoritism pushed you off to the side from your friends and mother.”
Roman tilted Jill’s chin up towards him “You hate that it’s eating you up inside and all you could do was let it.”
“Roman….I didn’t feel that way in the beginning. Why are you just telling me this now? What gave you this idea now?”
“You started to feel regret when your failed movie idea cost you everything. Your friends, Kate Roberts…..Trevor” Roman smirked at the last name.
Jill didn’t respond, instead she turned away.
“You can’t lie to yourself Jill. You miss them a lot and as for Trevor, seems like you still have feelings for him.”
Jill still didn’t respond.
“Jill….talk to me, we’re cousins and I want to help you with the little time I have left”
(Jill’s pov) 
Hearing that, had me turn around. I took a deep breath “it’s true….everything you said is true, especially with Trevor.” I swallowed a lump “But it’s so weird because he cheated on me yet these feeling for Trevor never went away.”
I shook my head “I guess that fucker still left an imprint on me.”
I felt a few tears coming on “Kirby and Olivia were there for me when that happened and my mom took us to go see that movie I was begging her to watch.
Even before Trevor, they’ve all done so much for me even if I didn’t give them anything in return.”
Roman reached his hand out “Jill.”
I pushed his hand aside “No Roman, don’t!
Then the floodgates opened “I get it. I should have never been Ghostface, I had no real reason to. God I had it all! I had friends, a loving mother who even though kept taking about Sidney, she made sure I never miss a meal…she kept me in a warm home too.”
Then came the voice cracks “The moment I put on the mask, I have destroyed, ruined, and killed everything I had and loved…..I have nothing now.”
(3rd pov)
Roman looked down at his cousin who now had her face buried into her hands, sobbing. He looked up for a moment
“What if I told you there was a way you could redeem yourself?”
Jill looked up “What? What do you mean?” She asked, rubbing her eyes.
Roman smiled “What I can offer you my dear cousin is a do-over. It will reverse everything that’s happened on the month of the murders. You will start from when you woke up in your bed, waiting for your friend to take you to school.”
Jill looked confused “Going back in time? Is that even possible?”
“Down here…..anything is possible Jill.”
Jill wiped the last of her tears away “Ok. If it’s possible….then I’ll do it, thank you. I won’t be Ghostface ever again and I’ll do whatever it takes to stop Charle, you can count on it.”
Roman fixed his robe up a bit “I hope you can. This is very dangerous and a huge risk. If Charlie kills you or you fail to stop the murder spree, you will die and this time wake up in a place 10x worse than hell and here.”
Jill felt her blood run cold but kept a calm posture
“Ok….i understand. I have to earn my redemption.”
(Roman’s pov)
I moved back a bit and snapped my fingers, which made a big mirror appear in front of us.
“Yes. This looks like an ordinary mirror but it’s actually a portal. In order for this to work, you need to find all the lost souls in this realm and send them back through this mirror, they’ll be able to go through it.”
“Wait what? Lost souls, Roman what are you-?”
“I’m talking about the victims you and your partner murdered. Because of your desperate need for unnecessary fame, their souls ended up here.”
Jill was taken back “B-but I thought they went to heaven!”
I pinched my forehead a bit “Unfortunately it doesn’t work that way Jill, it wasn’t even their time to go. You both ended up cutting their lives so short that they ended up here.”
(Jill’s pov)
I felt a pain in my stomach when I heard that. Damn, I didn’t know my victims got sent here. But I wasn’t really thinking about the consequences was I?
“Ok so the victims are all here and it’s my job to lead them back here?”
Roman nodded “Once you find all the lost souls, you can go through this portal yourself and the do-over will begin. You will be resurrecting the people you killed in the past as well, probably should have made that more clear but don’t forget that also includes…..ugh, Charlie.”
I nod “No one except you will remember everything that’s happened but you must do your best to keep them safe.” Roman said.
“Ok, I’ll do whatever it takes to keep my friends and mother safe.”
Roman reached into his pocket the robe had and pulled out a flashlight. “It’s going to be dark out there, this will help you see what you couldn’t see before with your own eyes.”
I thanked Roman and took the flashlight. I turned it on to find a huge dark hallway that seemed endless in the distance. I was about to be on my way until I heard Roman’s voice call out
“Wait! I do have one more thing to tell you. Tread carefully on your path because
You are not alone down here.
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To be continued
Music goes to Emil “Ace” Macko.
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Hello! You may know me from my other blogs. Well, i made a new one, cause I have no sense of impulse control, and I think he need more writing blogs specifically for crossover ships.
About Mod Apathetic
Just call me Mod Apathetic, or Apathetic!
I am an adult
I am a Fudanshi, Himedanshi, Profic, and Anti-hara!
Pangender probably, Any pronouns (no she/her)
My ao3 is ApatheticCrossovers, all requests and stuff will be archived over there!
I also plan on posting original fics here too!
My other blogs are @/Syrups-edit-corner (Edit requests), @/Syrups-fanfic-cafe (General requests), and @/Spookyscaryships (Edit/stim request blog run by both me and my friend)
If you aren't if I write for a certain fandom/topic, just ask please! I have anger issues and I will get extremely aggressive
Crossover ships (Obviously)
Age gap ships (Including Minor/Minor age gaps, Adult/Adult Age gaps, and Minor/Adult age gaps)
Shipcest (Mainly headcanons cause, yaknow, crossover ships rarely have canon shipcest)
Alternate universes (Including "what if Character A was a canon character in Character B's universe" and Isekai type scenario's)
Yandere content
Ot3's (no more than 3 characters please!)
Same Source/Series Ships (That included characters from two different games in the same series, and two different shows that take place in the same universe. This rule can be worked around if its an ot3 involving a character from a different source/series)
Satire/Joke ships (I have nothing against these types of ships, they just personally make me feel insecure about my own ships, since I take a lot of comfort in crossover ships /lh /gen.)
Things about active S/H (Things about recovering from S/H or brief mentions of it are fine!)
RPF/Stuff involving real people (Stuff like c!mcyt characters and musicals where the characters are based on real people are on thin ice /srs)
Drug Use/Abuse (Again, recovery is fine) [note: This rule does not and never while apply to weed. Weed is super cool /hj.]
Anything considered Unsanitary/generally gross (if you aren't sure if something would apply to this rule, please ask)
Ace Attorney
Angels of Death
Animal Crossing
Afterl!fe (yes, even if the fandoms kinda dead)
Baldi’s Basics (+ mod/fangame characters)
Bendy and The Ink Machine
Boyfriend to Death (Both 1 and 2)
Break In 1/2
Cookie run (Both Ovenbreak and Kingdom)
Danganronpa (all main games + UDG)
Doki Doki Literature Club
Doors (Roblox)
Five Nights At Freddy’s series (+ Fangames)
Friday Night Funkin (+ Mods)
Happy Tree friends
Hazbin Hotel
Helluva Boss
Henry Stickmin Series
Huniepop (both 1 and 2)
Identity V
Inanimate Insanity
Junji Ito
Madness Combat
Minecraft Storymode
Monster Prom
Mortal Combat
My Little Pony
Obey Me! Shall We Date
Object Terror
Rainbow Friends (Roblox)
Roblox Myths
Riddle School
Saints Rows series
SCP Foundation
Smile For Me
Sonic Series
South Park
Sr Pelo’s Spooky Month
Steven Universe
Tankmen Series
Telltales TWD Games
The Backrooms
The Nightly Manor
Therapy With Dr. Albert Krueger
Undertale (+ Au’s)
Vincent: Secret of Myers
Welcome Home
Yandere Sim
Your Turn To Die
Zardy’s Field
And more that I currently can’t remember :p
Dream SMP (Characters, never the streamers)
Genshin Impact
Pizza Tower
Sparklecare Hospital
Super Danganronpa Another (1 & 2, mainly 2)
Twisted Wonderland
Probably more that I, again, can't remember.
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Hopeless Romantic Part 2 (Millie May x Amy Rose x Moxxie)
Barbatos [Obey Me] x Yuri [DDLC]
Beast Boy [Teen Titans] x Steven Universe [SU] SOulmate AU Headcanons
Vector [Sonic the Hedgehog] x Alphys [Undertale] NSFW
Hellborn Artic Owl!Rarity [MLP] x Stolas [Helluva boss]
Fischl [Genshin Impact] x Gundham Tanaka [Danganronpa] NSFW Headcanons
[Ao3 Inbox]
Yuri [DDLC] x Noelle Holidy [Deltarune]
Donut Joe [MLP] is accusing Soarin's [MLP] new boyfriend, Drago [Animal Crossing], of stealing from his shop, and Soarin doesn't know who to side with.
Glamrock Freddy [FNaF] x Audrey Belrose [Huniepop] NSFW
Golfball [BFDI] x Tennisball [BFDI] x Test Tube [II] Headcanons
Monika [DDLC] x Senpai [FNF]
Collin [Helluva Boss] x Lila [Spooky Month] Short Fic
That's all! Feel free to request stuff from me! I'm always looking for new crossover ships to write about! /gen
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baeshijima · 4 months
aside from hyv games what other fandoms are you a part of :0
this might not be what u were asking for but im just going to list all the media i enjoy and its going to be long bc im... in a lot... and these are only the ones i can remember ;w;
some other gaming ones are:
wuthering waves
lord of heroes (my ride or die for like. 4years. i lov u.)
ensemble stars
path to nowhere
lovebrush chronicles (waited forever when it was for all time in sea servers and not global 😔)
love and deepspace
pokemon (childhood fr fr)
collar x malice (i need to play it again... for my husband yanagi aiji...)
afk journey
a3! (rip global 😔)
+more that i cannot remember rn ;w;
as for animanga :
yona of the dawn (s2 when.... the manga alone isnt enough...)
jjk (unfortunately)
wind breaker
black clover (i need to get back into it for my husband nozel..)
haikyuu!! (i need to rewatch it for the millionth time for wakatoshi...)
prince of stride: alternative (ALSO NEED TO REWATCH MY LOVES KYOSUKE AND TOMOE)
kamisama kiss
my happy marriage
a sign of affection
the apothecary diaries
spy x family
dr stone
record of ragnarok
attack on titan (kind of?? havent watched the last couple of seasons but i was still in it and kind of am...)
+more that i cannot think of rn aha 🧍‍♀️
miscellaneous :
alien stage (am always unwell but the official arts they post either make me feel better (read: the actor au) or make me feel worse (read: esp ivans inner thoughts abt till ;w;))
a shit ton of manhwa that would be its own post entirely bc there are too many 🫡
a shit ton of kdramas that would probably also be its own post as well 🫡
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sorcerer-edits · 1 year
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welcome to sorcerer edits! it's run by mods gojo and mahito [intros here]
we have a variety of sources we don't mind tending to, and some of these sources may be a bit questionable, but we consume media critically and don't always agree with the views shared by them or the authors.
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our main focus is kin edits and these are the types of edits we make!- - moodboards
- stimboards
- icons/pride icons
- character colorpicked flags
- general headcanons [*sources listed only]
we appreciate specification on if you prefer manga/anime icons!
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Broad Sources;
- Animal Crossing
- Chainsaw Man
- Demon Slayer
- Devil is a Part Timer
- Genshin Impact
- Legend of Zelda 
- Obey Me
- Puella Madoka Magica
- Pokemon
- Spy X Family
- Vocaloid
- Dungeon Meshi
General Blacklist;
*specific characters and ships which will be denied upon request
- abusive ships
- real people (including youtubers/yt based fandoms such as smps)
- triggering content
- religious content (characters may have religious themes)
- harry potter
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- basic dni criteria
- proship/profic
- kink/nsfw/18+ only
- anti-kin
- factkin (irl people)
sources and personal blacklists continue under the cut (long post)
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- Black Clover
- Blue Exorcist
- Cautious Hero
- Cells at Work
- Cowboy Bebop
- Death Parade
- Dream Daddy
- Erased
- FE3H
- Indigo Ignited
- Kaiju No. 8
- Little Witch Academia
- Lord of Heroes
- Luck & Logic
- Mission: Yozakura Family
- Monster Prom
- Noragami
- Ouran Host Club
- Persona 5 & Royal
- School Judgement
- Seraph of the End
- Solo Leveling
- Studio Ghibli
- The Magnus Archives
- The Promised Neverland
- The Rising of the Shield Hero
- Twin Star Exorcist
- Xenoblade Chronicles 1, 2, & 3
- Yuri! On Ice
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- Afterl!fe
- Battleblock Theater
- Beastars
- Blood Soup
- Bludgeoning Angel
- Castle Crashers
- Charon
- Code Geass
- Cookie Run
- Danganronpa
- Digimon (manga/anime) (some games)
- Food Fantasy
- Girls' Last Tour
- Gregory horror show
- Hatoful Boyfriend
- Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure (all parts manga/anime)
- Junji Ito
- Kaiba
- Mob Psycho 100
- Mystic Messenger
- Omori
- One Piece
- Petshop of Horrors
- Rengoku Dead Role
- Repurpose
- Sanrio
- Somali and the Forest Spirit
- Tiger & Bunny
- Toilet-Bound Hanako-Kun
- Panty & Stocking
- Elden Ring (@fellmargit) < go there!
personal blacklists
- Makima (CSM)
- Joseph (DD)
- belphegor, diavolo (OM)
- giomis
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Hello! Finally another afterl!fe imagines, I'm so happyyy ^^ May I request 80 with Noah, Licht and Sian please? Thankyou ^^
80: I wish you could see yourself through my eyes
I hope you’ll like this! Thanks for requesting ^^
“Careful,” Noah helps pick up some books from the pile in your arms, chuckling fondly. “Our manager is hard at work again, huh?”
You adopt a sheepish grin at that. The books were stacked so high you could barely see in front of you. “Well, I have to do my best with my duties.” Feeling lighter now, you reposition the items to a more comfortable position, starting to move toward the storage rooms. “Everyone is working hard to fulfill their wishes, so I feel like I have to keep up somehow.”
He frowns at the tired tone in your voice. “Have you been overworking again?”
“Um…” You’re not sure how to answer; should you spare him with a white lie?
Noah reads your expression, speaking gently. “You’re doing more than enough, you know that? We all admire you for looking after the entire department and tolerating us.” He settles into a soft smile. “If only you could see yourself through my eyes, dear manager.”
Uneasiness creeps in as you examine the flyer Licht handed you. You feel bad, but you have to tell him sooner rather than later.
He notices that you don’t seem as excited as he’d thought you’d be. “What’s wrong, darling? Is everything alright?”
“I…” You sigh, combing a hand through your hair. “I don’t think you should bring me as your date.”
Before he could misunderstand, you quickly continue. “It’s not because I don’t want to spend time with you! It’s just… I don’t look the best in yukata.” Heck, you weren’t even sure how to put it on or even style it. “And I’ve never been to japanese festivals like these before… I might just become a hindrance to you.”
Licht smiles kindly, taking your free hand. “Hey, it’s alright. You don’t have to go if you don’t want to.” Though there is one thing he has to clarify. “But just so you know, you’d never be a hindrance to me. In fact, I wish you could see yourself through my eyes, then you’d understand how lovely you are.”
You and Sian were hanging out in the music room, where he’s let you look over a song he’s drafted. You’d been giving constructive criticism and cooing over his work, which he knows he should think on too much since you’re just a genuinely nice and sweet person, but god you just look so cute from his spot across you-
“I wish you could see yourself through my eyes,” he all but mutters out, hidden behind his notebook but keeping his eyes on you thoughtfully.
Unfortunately for his health, you heard him. You jumped a little and stare at him in surprise, not expecting that compliment. Ah, is that your face burning? You hope it isn’t showing on your cheeks. “I- I’m sure you don’t mean that…” You try to wave it off, averting your eyes, suddenly feeling much more timid than before.
Sian’s own face is dusted with a bit of red, but he otherwise maintains his cool. Pouting slightly, he responds in the same quiet tone. “Well… I kind of did. But it doesn’t matter, anyone would agree that you’re a great person. Even that nerd Cyrille, though he’d say it in some dumb complicated way."
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hyacinth-04 · 4 years
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kirrstan · 4 years
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Lmao Sei slays
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vikwriting · 2 years
Hello! I like writing scenarios x reader so this is a blog for it ^^
The characters I most know of (enough to write about) are from:
Ensemble Stars!!
Twisted Wonderland
Obey me!
And counting...
If you want a character from any other source feel free to request! I may know them but didn't add to the list or it would be endless (anime counts too, I watch a lot haha)...
You can send just a simple idea (e.g. date with x character, cuddles with x character) which will be written in bullets, or a whole situation which will be in the form of a short fic or drabble.
Every request will be taken as gender neutral unless specified otherwise. No explicit NSFW for the time being, but things like yandere or angst are welcome.
Requests are always open, but I won't assure the time it'll take me to write it.
I think that would be all, please feel free to request ^^ I'll begin writing self indulgently as requests come in and then I'll go with those ^^
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syrups-fanfic-cafe · 3 years
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Hello! You may have known me as @/Syrups-Writing-corner, and well, you might know what has happened to it. But, I’m back again, this time with a cafe theme and a new blog (cause tumblr staff won’t give me my blog back). Things will be the same as last time, but, I’ll still remake this pinned with everything for anybody who’s forgotten.
About Mod Syrup
Mod Syrup is fine!
I am adult, but I still dk how nsfw will go
I’m a Fundanshi, Himedanshi, Profic, and Anti-hara!
Selfship friendly
Currently questioning gender, probably pangender though, any pronouns besides she/her
Aspiring Mangaka
My Ao3’s are ApathicAuthor (Non-problematic writing), and ProblematicApathic (Problematic Writing).
All my headcanons and imagines will be archived to this book right here. If you want to find my past headcanons from my previous blog, they are also kept there.
What I will write:
Imagines/short fics
Problematic dynamics
Canon x canon
Canon x reader
Canon x reader x canon
NSFW/Smut (again idk how well it'll go but I can t r y)
What I won’t write:
Angst without Comfort (angst with comfort is ok)
Things like S/H, Suicide, and Domestic Abuse (will write comfort and recovery headcanons/fics for said topics)
Real Person Fiction/Stuff involving real people
Drug Use/Abuse
Anything I find especially gross or unsanitary.
Crossover ships (I now have a separate blog for that
Fandoms I will write for (bold is sources I’m confident writing, italics is sources I’m embarrassed writing, but will still happily write for):
Angels of Death
Animal Crossing
Afterl!fe (yes, even if the fandoms kinda dead)
Baldi’s Basics (+ mod/fangame characters)
Bendy and The Ink Machine
Boyfriend to Death (Both 1 and 2)
Break In (Roblox)
Cookie run (Both Ovenbreak and Kingdom)
Danganronpa (all main games + UDG, No fangans)
Doki Doki Literature Club
Doors (Roblox)
Dream SMP (Characters, never the streamers)
Five Nights At Freddy’s series + Fangames
Friday Night Funkin + Mods
Genshin Impact
Happy Tree friends
Hazbin Hotel
Helluva Boss
Henry Stickmin Series
Huniepop (both 1 and 2)
Identity V
Inanimate insanity
Madness Combat
Monster Prom
Mortal Combat
My Little Pony
Obey Me! Shall We Date
Object Terror
Rainbow Friends (Roblox)
Roblox Myths
Riddle School
Saints Rows series
SCP Foundation
Smile For Me
Sonic Series
South Park
Sr Pelo’s Spooky Month
Steven Universe
Tankmen Series
Telltales TWD Games
The Amazing Digital Circus
The Nightly Manor
Therapy With DR Albert Krueger
Undertale + Au’s
Vincent: Secret of Myers
Welcome Home
Yandere Sim
Your Turn To Die
Zardy’s Field
And more that I currently can’t remember :p
Note: if you do not see a source on this list, please ask me first if I write for it, as I only write for fandoms/sources I’m familiar with. Any requests for characters from sources that are not on the list will be deleted.
Abia from Huniepop
AloeCy/ Aloe Cookie x Cyborg
Romantic Carol x Whitty/Wharol
RaspRose/ Raspberry mousse cookie x Rose cookie
Romantic Bad x Sapnap
Romantic Ruv x Sarv
Sarah from Huniepop
Starving Artist Mod
Starecrown mod
You condone harassment for any reason
Any Radqueer/Radqueer adjacent labels
You participate in cancel culture or cringe culture.
Anyways, thank you for reading the pinned, and you can now request something from me!
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gaetoeinhaler · 4 years
rules for hetalia
rules for soul eater
rules for afterl!fe
since my other one didn’t work well (the links weren’t working), here’s another one. i apologize to any of those who had trouble with it. ^^’
make sure to check HERE. its my fandom list which shows what fandoms im in and what characters i will write for that fandom. PLEASE LOOK HERE BEFORE REQUESTING!
key ;
fluff - 🌸
smut - 🔥
angst - 💧
crack - ⭐️
- not meant to be friends ; when (y/n) can’t put up with being known more as a replacement for the brothers’ deceased sister instead of them seeing her as herself | all brothers & female reader | 💧
chats ;
- chat 001 | female reader | ⭐️
- why him? ; after seeing how happy you seem to be with diavolo, lucifer can’t help the ache in his chest | gender nuetral reader + hanahaki warning | 💧
- punishment ; after a fight, and being neglected, jealousy only bubbles inside of lucifer as he sees you with his brothers and decides he has to claim what is rightfully his | female reader + genetalia | 🔥
- minecraft ; after he catches (y/n) up late at night playing a game, he gets offered to play and does so | female reader | 🌸⭐️
- daddy ; after an accidental slip up from (y/n), lucifer decides he needs a well needed break | female reader + genetalia | 🔥
- my little bunny ; whilst occompaning mammon for a photo shoot, (y/n) feels herself slowly becoming aroused with what mammon’s wearing, leading to mammon smelling and taking care of her | female reader + genetalia | 🔥
- sensitive ; a switch of dominance in bed when (y/n) finds levi’s skin and tail to be more sensitive than she thought | female reader + genetalia | 🔥
- by the ocean ; (y/n) took a little vacation to escape her thoughts to the ocean, only to find a little someone there | female reader + merman!levi | 🌸
- games ; (y/n) introduces levi to the glory of human world games | female reader | 🌸
- hentai ; when (y/n) catches onto some hentai manga and sites levi has been searching and looking at, she decides to confront him about it | female reader & genetalia | 🔥
- root beer float ; when her friends tried to set her up with one of their friends, she wonders if this is what love feels like | female reader + 50’s au | 🌸
- unnamed ; as maddie comes to devildom and requests that satan and lucifer be her escorts, (y/n) can’t stop the jealousy that bubbles inside her | jealous female reader | 🌸
- virginity ; maybe, loosing your virginity to the avatar of lust was a wonderful idea | female reader + genetilia | 🔥
- midnight snack ; too hungry to move, and knowing that (y/n) is just a horny as he is, beel decides he found his midnight snack for the night | female reader + genetalia | 🔥
- 7MIH ; dragged into playing a silly little game ends up into a confession | collab | gender neutral reader + second pov | 🌸
- studying ; stuck helping his girlfriend study, belphie finds himself at the perfect opportunity to have sex with her | female reader + genetalia | 🔥
- together part 1 | part 2 | part 3 |
- brat ; with (y/n) having that sort of attitude, especially at dinner, belphegor can’t hide how aroused he is by it and decides to take action | female reader + genetalia | 🔥
- birthday surprise ; when the others have forgotten about her birthday, it seems diavolo remembers and makes sure its one to remember | female reader | 🌸
- dungeon Necessities ; deciding to open up with what barbatos is into, he ends up giving his s/o a wonderful time | male reader + genetalia | 🔥
- mistake ; when a moody (y/n) makes the mistake of yelling at the wrong person, she gets a punishment | female reader + genetalia | 🔥
- birth my children ; when (y/n) brings up the thought of a family to her husband, he couldn’t help but agree | female reader + genetalia | 🔥
- dungeon Necessities ; deciding to open up with what barbatos is into, he ends up giving his s/o a wonderful time | female reader + genetalia | 🔥
Headcannons ;
NedSwe Headcannons | netherlands x female reader x sweden dating headcannons nsfw & sfw | female promouns & genetalia | 🔥🌸
- 2pJapan Headcannons | 2pJapan x gender neutral reader/maybe female reader if you squint dating headcannons sfw & nsfw | second pov | 🌸🔥
stories ;
oneshots ;
stories ;
INSANITY || death the kid x female reader [mentions of death, self harm, strong language]
prologue | part 1 | part 2 | part 3
headcannons ;
oneshots ;
stories ;
headcannons ;
period drama noctu || female reader || when the manager gets her period
period drama diluculo || female reader || when the manager gets her period
period drama hesperide || female reader || when the manager gets her period
oneshots :
chats :
- house maid please || chat 001 || after spilling her drink, reader/manager officially now has a jungle gym ; aka sei housemaster
- death traps || chat 002 || when a lil shit of a person leaves legos outside reader/manager’s door
- 420 plant version || chat 003 || smoke weed everyday 2.0 but with a plant
stories ;
- DECISIONS || gender neutral reader + crewmates || interactive story
chapter 1 | chapter 2 | chapter 3 | chapter 4
oneshots ;
headcannons ;
oneshots ;
headcannons ;
- ryuk, namikawa, & matsuda with a artist s/o || gender neutral || 🌸
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soileh-edts · 3 years
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Requests are open!
Side blog I’m managing which contains mhyk card/official art: @mhyk-archive
Hello! My name is Sol and it’s nice to meet you—virtually at least!
This may be an editing blog and all but I don’t mind talking so feel free to talk to me about anything you like or a common interest between us 2. Especially if it’s some mobage/manga that I take requests for!
Name: Sol
Age: 16
Age: 16
Mbti: INTJ-T
(I’m obviously a minor so if that makes anyone uncomfortable, please feel free to block/unfollow)
Details about the blog and rules:
This is mainly an icons blog which will occasionally maybe feature wallpapers and gifs. It’s sfw—nothing to worry about on that part.
(Also this is a little unrelated but my notes under every edit of my mine usually contain rambling so feel free to skip those.)
I’ll be taking requests for icons, moodboards and wallpapers (but for wallpapers please make sure that the character has official art (at least three.).
The mobage character requested needs to have enough sfw official art so I can make edits for them. If they don’t, I’m afraid I’ll be unable to fulfill your request.
If you request one character, I’ll probably make 9 icons for them—with enough officially images/art available.
With 2 characters requested, I’ll do 6 icons—three for each.
However with more than 2 characters requested, I’ll do maybe 1 or 2 for each, depending on how many there are.
The maximum characters requested in one ask/request cannot be more than 5 but in in some cases where a game or group maybe has 9-10 (not more than that) characters, i don’t mind a single request for it and I’ll be make one icon for every character.
In case of moodboards, you can ask for a character (of course), a game (like the theme/vibe of the game) or a group/band from a game (like northern wizards from mhyk or undead from enstars or winter troupe from a3! (these are all my favorites if you couldn’t tell heh.). Also being specific is really helpful so I won’t mind that and you can request a scenarios as well (though I don’t do character x character sorry.).
If there’s confusion in any rules or anything I’ve talked about so far, feel free to send an ask whether they’re open or not, I’ll get to it later if they’re not.
Mobages I take requests for:
Mr love queen’s choice
Twisted wonderland
Mystic Messenger
Paradox live
Ensemble stars
B project
Obey me!
Genshin impact
Ayakashi Romance Reborn
Dangerous fellows
Black star theater starless
Almost any other Joseimuke/otome/idol game. (These exclude games featuring girls as idols/leads etc since I haven’t played them.).
If you’re unsure of whether I take requests for a specific mobage/manga unmentioned above, feel free to send an ask!
Also I don’t tolerate any hateful/rude asks, so please be civil. Otherwise have fun requesting!
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YES I WANNA SEE HEADCANONS FOR AM OBEY ME AND AFTERL1FE CROSSOVER THAT SOUNDS AMAZING but also like can you imagine Ells reaction to mc knowing a high ranking angel and Luke???
Oh boy, that post would be a long one! Keep a lookout because I'll probably have that up soon. If you have any other specific crossover requests, send them my way!
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😇 When Ell finds out that the manager is friends with Luke and met archangel Micheal, his mouth drops wide open and stars appear in his eyes. It's his dream to meet such high-ranking angels, but he doesn't think it's possible for a low-rank like him. The fact that he knows someone that knows these angels is enough for him.
😇 Although it lingers on the back of his mind, Ell doesn't bring it up (unless the manager starts it first). Once they do, he gobbles all of their stories. Ell listens with intense concentration, asking the manager an additional 10 questions for every detail they mention. Half of him lives vicariously through the manager while the other half creates scenarios in his head about his own interactions with the angels, emitting light rays from his body.
😇 Is it possible for Ell to admire the manager more than he currently does? Apparently so. If the manager was able to go to the Celestial Realm and meet such amazing angels, then that speaks volume about their character-- right? After all, they wouldn't let just anyone meet with the archangel Micheal. The manager must be some special, godly human that is the epitome of good character.
😇 If the manager offers Ell the chance to meet Luke, the soul reaper is going to be at a loss for words. At first he'll deny the opportunity as he doesn't want to take up Luke's time. After all, Luke is an important angel that is probably busy with higher-rank angel things that Ell couldn't even fathom. But as the manager insists on having Ell meet Luke, the young soul reaper cannot hide his excitement. The very thought of him being in the same room as Luke makes him giddy, emitting more blinding lights.
😇 All is well until the day before their meeting. Ell would be beyond nervous, sneezing left and right. What if he says something stupid? Luke is going to think that he's a total idiot. What if Luke asks Ell to show off his angelic abilities? The only thing he was good at was making some light-- and he hadn't even fully mastered that! Luke would laugh at him, tell all his angel friends, and Ell would be the laughing stock of the Celestial Realm. Maybe he shouldn't have agreed to this meeting. He let's another round of sneezes.
😇 But it's too late as the manager has already brought the two angels face-to-face. Ell fiddles with his fingers before giving a nervous, but bright introduction. He offers his hand, rambling that the manager always takes about the angels. His heart is pounding and another sneeze is tickling his nose. All he can do is hope that Luke, a super high-ranking angel, likes him. No pressure, right?
I wanted to include a formal meeting between Ell and Luke, but I thought that would be too long. Let me know if you all want to see that interaction!
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Your afterl!fe x obey me crossover is so good!!! It got me thinking about how the reapers would react to Mammon calling the manager "his human" and saying he was their first 😳
🥺🥺🥺 You are too nice, anon!
And now that you asked that, I am curious, too, so behold:
The Reapers Reacting to Mammon Calling the Manager “His Human” and  Saying That He Was “Her First”
A.K.A “The Soul Reapers Are Very Good at Jumping to Conclusions”
Ell is an uncomfortable mix of dubious and nervous.  He gave up his title of an angel for a chance to be with the Manager: now she’s gone off to be the property of a demon, allowing him to call himself “her first?”  No, no, Manager wouldn’t!  ... Right?
I reckon I should prob’ly congratulate him or somethin’ thinks Jamie.  He only has a vague idea of what “first” means—it probably had something to do with “makin’ love,” which causes him to blush, before he decides that Manager has more sense than to do that with a troublesome demon.  ‘Sides, ‘ts not like Manager’s a human, anyway—she’s an Otherworlder like the rest of us, so we’ve got her all to ourselves.
Ghilley is cackling at this announcement.  Ufufufu, her ‘first?’ By the God of the Celestial Realm, he was the first Soul Reaper of the 14th Department—being the first of whatever this demon was to the Manager means nothing to him.      
Version 1 — Licht cannot fathom what Mammon means when he dares calls the Manager “his human” and himself “her first!”  Was his darling tainted by this wretched demon?  Had his baby lamb been coerced into something so heinous?  He loved her either way, but for his darling’s honor, he resented Mammon with every fiber of his being—to the point where even harmlessly flirting with him seemed repulsive.  
Version 2  — Oh, “her first,” was he?  Licht could live with that.  Really, why make things a competition?  If his darling consented, then there really was no problem, was there?  He’s content with being her third or fourth or whatever the number was.  But Mammon calling her “his human,” was too much.  His baby lamb was was her own human—er, Otherworlder!
As soon as the words enter his ear, Theo grabs Licht’s rifle and heads to the Devildom.  No thoughts, no feelings inhibit him as he makes his way to avenge the good name of his Manager.
June congratulates the Manager.  Surely if she is "first,” then she must have won some amazing competition and been bestowed a great honor!
As prince of all, Louis is pretty sure that makes the Manager his “human.”  “Foul demon, thou art mistaken!  The Manager can belong to none other than I!”  (He doesn’t know why Manager punches him in the stomach for this statement.)
Ethan makes the appearance that he doesn’t care (“He is only a demon.  You need not worry about his words, ma’am.), but inside, he is incensed.  How dare someone as unworthy as Mammon say such words to the Manager!  Such scum should never have even laid eyes on her in the first place, much less claimed her as his own!
What the—?  Surely Mammon couldn’t mean “first” like that, could he?  I—it wasn’t like Sian cared about what that dude said, no way!  And, well, anyways, it wasn’t as if all these implications had an effect on him, hell, no!  Sian was only worried for the Manager’s well-being and good name, that’s all!  He wasn’t feeling any sentiments of jealousy, or anything!
Cyrille doesn’t really know how to say anything against Mammon’s claims because the demon is just so cool.  Sure, he much preferred his plain red coat and harness over the demon’s absolutely badass fashion-forward denim-and-aviator-jacket combo, totally!  He may have stared at it in not-jealousy for so long that he forgot the entire point of the confrontation.  
What the bleep did that annoying demon say about Big Sis?  Kati was going to bite him next time he saw him, and bite him hard!
Noah wonders if this whole thing is a big misunderstanding, and, by way of common sense, asks Mammon what he means by that.  When Mammon explains that being “her first” meant that he was the first demon that the Manager made a pact with and nothing more, he is satisfied, even though he can’t help the twinge of jealousy that flares up.  Noah somewhat resents Mammon for calling the Manager “his human,” because really, that’s untrue as the Manager is no one’s but herself’s. 
Nine is lost.  Like Noah, he is intelligent enough to ask for elaboration on what Mammon means by calling the Manager as such, but, even still, he doesn’t fully know where he stands on the issue.  No one can really tell how undecided he is, for he keeps such a calm front, but he is quite in emotional turmoil on the inside.  Nine knows everyone is entitled to their secrets, but how long had the Manager been bent on keeping this one?
“Three cheers for you, boss!”  Day thinks Mammon Bro is super cool and it must be super cool as well for the Manager to have him as her “first,” whatever that meant!  Maybe they’d have cake and games to celebrate, heehee!
Kirr is relieved.  He doesn’t know what business this demon has in being her “first”—whatever that entailed, he could not guess—but he, unlike the other Soul Reapers takes comfort in knowing this information.  In the forest, the first hunt of the season is always unsuccessful, as animals have yet to grow comfortable to their new environment and are more skittish than usual.  Kirr’s heart is full with this knowledge, for Mammon being the Manager’s “first,” means he is merely expendable and not worth much at all. 
This must be the greatest dishonor of all! thinks Aitachi.  To be claimed by a demon as his own!  To be robbed of one’s own humanity!  Poor Miss Manager!  He has half a mind to perform a cleansing ritual that is sacred to his tribe on her, but she only laughs and says not to take Mammon too seriously. 
Youssef takes a page from Noah’s book of maturity and thoroughly examines Mammon’s words when he explains what he means by saying that he is “her first.”  He is troubled but only a moment, for the whole ordeal is quite benign in nature.  “Dear, as long as you’re not hurt by his words, then there’s no reason for me to worry ... right?”
Being someone’s first must have a lot of value, Mori wagers.  While he kind of wishes that he had the value of being the Manager’s “first,” he can’t dwell on it, however, for instead, he has to inquire of Mammon how much it would cost to get himself one of those demon pacts the Manager apparently has ... it seems like having one could be very useful.
Quincy laughs and laughs and laughs at what Mammon is trying to insinuate.  He is fully aware that he means demon pacts when he says “first” and cannot believe that Mammon would try to make it sound lewd just to lay claim on the Manager.  That being said, he’s considering offering a pact to the Manager, too.  Why?  “None of your business!” he says with a blush.
For some reason, Verine’s heart feels weaker at Mammon’s words, and he feels faint.  He blames it on his condition, punctuating the statement with a bout of coughs, but he knows that his words are just a delusion.  How could he have been so stupid to think that he, sickly and bothersome as he was, could be anything special to the Manager when she was consorting with handsome demons on the regular, it seemed?
(Please note that for all AFTERL!FE content, I will be using she/her pronouns, as that’s what’s presented in the game.  For regular Obey Me! content, I use they/them.)
Hopefully, that didn’t suck too much.  I apologize for any spelling mistakes, for I’m sure that there are many.
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bkgmaid · 4 years
shinsou falling in love
shigaraki comfort text: handling his quirk
bakugou falling in love
shigaraki opening up to you comfort text
poly headcanons with ishimondo
pegging nagito
dirty whispering with souda
first time with fuyuhiko 
ryoma X reader with a cat
fuyuhiko/kazuichi first time realizing they're in love with you
femdom with gundham
femdom with mondo
poly headcanons with soudam
shy reader straddles shuichi, kokichi, and souda
first time with gundham
poly relationship with gonta and ryoma
soudam with fem top
keiji with a high school gov teacher s/o
keiji picking up a self conscious s/o 
yandere keiji, gin, and kai headcanons
v-day with jumin
makeout with nine
youssef confessing to you
makeout with ethan
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"kiss me goodbye?" with Licht, Noah, and June? Ty~
Licht is about to leave through the portal for a mission, but pauses as a thought occurs to him. He can't possibly leave without a special gesture or endearing line! How could he have forgotten to do such a simple thing?
The soul reaper quickly turns and approaches you, wearing a smile tipped in mischief that has you raising a brow.
"Kiss me goodbye?" Licht asks charmingly, taking your hand in his.
"Hey! Can you not? We need to go!" His comrades scold him.
"But how could I leave my love in such a cold manner?" He spares them a cheeky wink. “But if you darlings are jealous, I can shower you with affection later.”
How dramatic… But you suppose it's also a little endearing. Faking exasperation and telling him to be careful, you give him a chaste kiss, sending him on his way. The gesture seems to have given him an energy boost - there's a bounce in his steps as he calls out to you one last time before being dragged through the portal by Sian. Hopefully they don’t break into a fight on the other side…
“Seems like this vengeful spirit is more powerful than usual.” Noah says as a way of greeting. “We have Ell and Youseff though, so things should be fine.”
It’s not like him to worry about these things… You rise from your desk. “I take it you’re done with prep, seeing as you're here?”
“Yep, all that was left is getting motivation from visiting my favorite person.” He smiles, coming closer. “So… Kiss me goodbye?”
“So that was why you mentioned it’d be dangerous…” You shake your head bemusedly. “You don’t have to find excuses to ask for a kiss, you know?”
“But it feels more justified this way,” his tone isn’t too convincing or serious. “I’m taking the time of our beloved manager, after all.”
“Careful, you’re starting to sound like Licht.”
“First you compare me to a grandpa, now a flirt? I can’t seem to win no matter what.”
Despite the banter, your next sentence rings true. “Just be yourself, maybe?”
“Hmm… I’ll take that into consideration.”
“You should. I’m quite sure it’s foolproof.” You finally lean in to close the gap.
"Hmm..?" You look up in surprise. "June, you haven't left with the others yet?"
"Nope~" He waits for you to put down your documents and face him. "There's something I need to do!"
"Which is?" You play along, a smile pulling at your lips.
He grins, pointing to his cheek. "Kiss me goodbye?" 
The boy must’ve picked this up from the movie yesterday… You can’t remember the script exactly, but attempt to replicate the mood.
You give June a peck, winking as you retract. "Get those spirits good for me, will you?"
"Of course, haha! I'll be back before you know it! May the scars on my skin honor my great deeds-” He starts to leave, pumped up.
At those words, you forget your work for a moment. “Try not to get hurt, please?”
June stops to pivot around, flashing you a thumbs up. “It’s fine, I don’t feel pain no matter how the wound may look!”
“That’s not my point! June!” He’s already gone. Good lord… Maybe you should message Theo to keep an eye out?
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lvlcurrent · 4 years
I wonder if they might change them later? I'm all for the VAs trying out new approaches and growing, honestly I think it's admirable they went through the effort of rerecording and give it their best all over again, but I think that while there are some things quality wise that are better on the new ver, the old one also had many pros, more than anything it was more unique and felt personal with it's nuances and quirks. (1) 🌻🐥
So I think that in the future, maybe (hopefully) the voices could be polished to recover some of the old qualities with the added growth of the VAs. Obviously not immediately, the already worked so hard x) but yeah it'd be my best outcome. After all, I gather the VAs are new, no? It'd be awful if they felt trapped stunted with a performance they are not satisfied with, that knocks out passion out of oneself real fast🌻🐥 
I'm still dealing with the loss of afterl!fe so honestly the voice change was a kick on the guts while I was already on the floor. I don't blame the va's I'm thankful for their efforts, I just don't do well with changes on this kinda stuff 😿 so yeah rip my dumb ass 
you bring up a good point in that VA’s may have felt trapped in a performance they weren’t happy with 😮 ! that is an eye opener and i respect their decision but it’s just imo satan’s change was the most drastic compared to his brothers, like sure levi sounds a little more meek, asmo a little more cute, mammon speaks a bit faster too in the update but satan’s change was so jarring it’s hard to adapt to it right away like the others/// I agree with how you said the performance was more personal and unique 💯💯
i replayed some old calls and i can see hear there’s more confidence in the performance but yeah a lot of his previous personality and vocal quirks have just disappeared... he now sounds really airy (almost like he’s exhaling the words? idk//) plus in terms of story i think in comparison to lucifer especially his voice contrasted it very well showing off their differences. lucifer’s smooth soft and low voice vs. satan’s mid-range somewhat energetic voice (also, his quirks in speaking contrasts lucy’s smoothness well imo!!  like how he pronounces consonants like ‘t’ and ‘p’) satan’s voice quirks were what really drew me to him haha i could rant abt it all day but i’ll spare you😳😅///
i don’t think they’ll do a 3rd rerecording in the future, so we just have to accept it and move on (change is hard for me too so don’t worry 🤝) the change isn’t bad imo but I think this reaction is bc we’ve spent so long with their original voices and got attached (but who can blame us!!). but who knows! maybe with time we’ll be surprised and happy with the changes today, only time will tell
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