#mistress kahlan
data-reel · 1 year
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Legend of the Seeker - S1xE8 - (Denna) ~ Original Air Date: January 10, 2009
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omgsquee2001 · 6 months
Chapter 2: The Kingdom of Aurea
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As she stood on the ship, taking her family and their daemons to Aurea, Elodie stood on the bow of the ship, staring off into the cold sea. Xena, haven taken the form of a Sugar Glider, Xena's second favorite form, was sitting on Elodie's shoulder, nuzzled into her side.
"What do you think will happen, Xena?" Elodie asked, turning her head to look at her daemon. Xena looked up at her mistress.
"I don't know, Elodie. But whatever happens, know that I will be right by your side." She said. Elodie smiled and gently stroked Xena's head with her finger, Xena closing her eyes in content. Floria walked over, Valerie, haven taken the form of a Bearded Dragon, Valerie's second favorite form, clung to the front of her mistress's dress. Floria looked at her sister.
"Elodie, what's the matter?" She asked. Elodie sighed, not looking at her sister.
"Nothing." She tried to reassure. Floria wasn't tricked. Valerie spoke up.
"Kahlan says that it's natural to be nervous about meeting your new husband and his daemon." Valerie said. Floria nodded.
"Val's right. It's perfectly natural." She said. Elodie sighed and looked at her sister and her daemon.
"They're strangers. Xena and I have never even heard of the kingdom of Aurea until Father and Kahlan sprung this on us. Who knows. The Prince's daemon might jump at the chance to hurt Xena." She said. She lifted her hands up and gently took Xena off her shoulder, holding her daemon close to her chest. Xena nuzzled into her mistress's hold. Lady Bayford walked out of the cabin, wrapped in a red blanket, looking for her step daughter's and their daemons. Her face fell in astonishment and she and Arya walked closer to the bow of the ship.
"Oh! Are you crazy? What are you two doing up there?" Lady Bayford asked in astonishment. "Come down here." She said. Arya sighed and looked up at her mistress.
"Lady, it is quite alright." Arya said. Lady Bayford looked down at her daemon.
"It is not alright, Arya," she said. "This is how Elodie wants her prince to meet her?" Lady Bayford asked, wrapping the blanket around Elodie's shoulders. Elodie wrapped the blanket around Floria's shoulders as well. "Scared, cold as a corpse. Nose all drippy and wet," she chided. "And, your daemons in forms that don't fit that of royalty." She said. Elodie looked at her Step Mother.
"Xena and Valerie are allowed to be in any form that makes them feel comfortable." Elodie defended. Lady Bayford sighed.
"I want Arya to be comfortable as well, but, sometimes, I must put respect over comfort," she said. She looked down at Arya. Arya gave a sigh of dissatisfaction. Golden dust swirled around Arya's form. In the place of a snow leopard, stood a golden Lioness. Lady Bayford nodded in approval. She looked back at her step daughters. "What have I been telling you this entire trip?" She asked. The sisters sighed.
"First impressions are everything." The two said together. Lady Bayford nodded. She then looked at the girls' daemons. Floria looked down at Valerie.
"Val," she said. Valerie looked up at her mistress and nodded. Floria gently took Valerie and set her on the cold deck of the ship. Just as Arya had done moments before, Valerie transformed into a young lioness in a swirl of golden dust. Sighing in slightly frustration, Elodie looked down at Xena. Xena nodded.
"It's okay." Xena said. Elodie gently pick up Xena and set her down. Xena shifted into a lioness. Suddenly, there was the sound of a horn blowing. Looking at each other, then looking up, they saw the man in the crow's nest blowing the horn. The crew and the sisters looked in confusion and slight fear as the ship sailed into a thick fog. Lord Bayford walked out of the cabin with Kahlan at his side, now taking the form of a proud lion.
"Kahlan and I have good news, girls." Lord Bayford said. Lady Bayford, Floria, Elodie and their daemons turned to face the Lord and his daemon. Lord Bayford looked down at Kahlan, smiling. Kahlan nodded, turning to look at the young girls and their daemons.
"The captain informs Lord Bayford and I, we approach Aurea's coastline." He said. Lord Bayford nodded.
"It should be any time now." Lord Bayford said. As Lord Bayford and Lady Bayford were smiling and thrilled, Elodie could not say the same for her. Xena looked up and narrowed her eyes. Through the mist, there appeared to be the figure of what seemed to be a dragon. Xena breathed in aw and fear.
"Elodie." Xena said. Elodie looked down at her daemon, then up at what she was staring at. Elodie narrowed her eyes.
"Father." She said. Lord and Lady Bayford frowned, looking at the statue as well.
"What in the world?" Lady Bayford asked, astonished.
"It looks almost, almost like a,"
"A dragon." Floria finished for her father. Indeed, there stood the stone statue of a dragon. Its teeth, sharp and ready to tear into flesh. Its claws sharp and ready to grab. In its open mouth, a torch was lit, symbolizing its burning fire. On the dragon's back, sat its daemon. the only color on the daemon, was its golden, reptile like eyes. The dragon like scales on its body were dull and gray. Its hair, normally the color of the dragon's scales, was long, but devoid of color. The daemon's eyes seemed to glare right into Elodie's soul. The sound of a deep, haunting horn blowing through the fog made the statues even more ominous. Lord Bayford placed a hand on Lady Bayford and Elodie's shoulders.
"It's okay." He assured. Lady Bayford chuckled in delight. Elodie looked down at Xena. Xena looked up at her mistress and gave a sigh. Just like her mistress, she felt slight unease. Floria and Valerie stared in awe as they sailed passed the lands teeming with crops. Lush trees, dark and light green leaves dotted their healthy branches. Nestled in the grass, they could spot blues, reds, yellows and purples of wild flowers growing, adding more and more beauty to the kingdom of Aurea. Elodie took a deep breath. There was no turning back now.
As the golden carriage carried the Lord, Lady, their daughters and daemons, the Chamberlain walked down the steps to greet them. At his side, stood a Great Pyrenees. The daemon's goat was brushed and clean, not a tangle to be seen. The Chamberlain and his daemon bowed.
"My Lords, my Ladies," the Chamberlain greeted. "Be welcome to the Kingdom of Aurea." The Chamberlain said.
"The royal family and their daemons are at prayer," the Chamberlain's daemon informed. "But word has been sent of your arrival. In the meantime, your rooms have been made ready." The Chamberlain's daemon informed.
"If you will follow us, Hector and I will show you to your rooms." The Chamberlain said.
Xena had to admit. The castle they were walking through did have a certain beauty about it. However, there was something that didn't sit right with the daemon. The fact that each daemon, save for the servants daemons, had to be in the same exact form as the rest of the royalty, even though they weren't even related. Xena much preferred to be in her snow leopardess form. That was the form she took when Elodie was first born, and that was the form she felt most comfortable in. She felt like she was someone else's daemon, having to pretend.
"Is this a dream?" Floria asked. "If so, can I move in and never wake up?" Floria asked, very impressed with the castle. Lady Bayford looked at Floria with a frown. She shushed the youngest Bayford.
"If you want these people to think we belong here, you can't act so easily impressed." Lady Bayford scolded. Floria sighed and continued to look around quietly. Lord Bayford looked at Elodie.
"What do you and Xena think, Ellie? Hmm?" Lord Bayford asked. Elodie gave a small smile.
"I think we had a rather limited definition of wealthy." Elodie said. She looked down at Xena. The daemon looked up at her mistress and smiled.
"I agree." She said. Lord Bayford and Kahlan chuckled at the girl and her daemon. Birds and their tiny human daemons flew past, the birds tweeting as they spoke words unheard by the human ear, only sounding of beautiful songs. The Chamberlain and his daemon walked up to two beautiful golden doors. Intricate flowers spread on vines towards each corner of the door. The Chamberlain opened the door, he and his daemon walking through first, standing off to the side to allow the others in.
"I pray this is to yours and your daemon's liking, my lady," the Chamberlain said. Elodie and Xena stared in aw at the beautiful room in front of them. "A bath has been drawn and supper has been carried hence." The Chamberlain explained.
"At first light, my master and I shall return to convey you, to meet His Royal Highness. Henry, Prince of Aurea, and his daemon, Kion." Hector explained. Elodie chuckled softly. Xena looked up at her mistress and gently nudged her hand with her head. Elodie smiled down at her daemon, thankful for Xena's presence. Lord Bayford, noticing Elodie's unease, walked up to his daughter.
"Is something wrong?" He asked. Elodie looked at her father.
"Xena and I hope he and his daemon are kind." Elodie said. Lord Bayford nodded.
"And well read." Xena pointed out. Floria looked at her older sister.
"Handsome?" Floria asked. Elodie smiled and gently pinched her sister's cheek, making the two laugh. Lord Bayford looked at his daughter and wife.
"Let's all give Elodie and Xena some privacy." Lord Bayford said. use the time to settle in, as we all could." He said. Kahlan nodded.
"Yes. They could use the time to settle in, as we all could." Kahlan said. Lady Bayford smiled.
"Oh, indeed. Come, Arya." Lady Bayford said, looking down at her daemon. Arya let out a low growl as she followed. Floria looked down at Valerie.
"Let's go, Val." Floria said. Valerie let her body brush along side Xena's and a small show of love. The two let out small purrs. The Chamberlain closed the door behind the group, leaving the girl and her daemon alone. As they looked around, Xena took this time to shift into her Sugar Glider form, knowing that no one from the royal family was around. She scampered from the golden table, up Elodie's arm, and rested on her shoulder, sighing in relief. Elodie smiled at her daemon.
"Feel better?" She asked. Xena smiled.
"Much." She said. Elodie walked over to one of the tables that held pomegranates and grapes. She picked up one of the dark purple grapes, popping it into her mouth and chewing. She gave her reflection a small smile. Picking up another grape, she handed Xena a grape.
"Here." She said, handing the grape to her daemon. Xena took the grape thankfully and started munching on it. Walking over to the balcony, Elodie and Xena walked out and breathed in the air. Over in another tower, another, beautiful young girl walked out onto her balcony. Beside her, sitting on the railing, sat her daemon, taking the form of a beautiful Main Coon cat. The two girls locked eyes and smiled kindly towards one another, blissfully unaware of what was to come.
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tbookblurbs · 9 months
Wizard's First Rule - Terry Goodkind
TW/CW for rape, SA
0/5 - I'd give this negative stars if I could. Poorly written, weirdly rape-y for the ENTIRE book, misogynistic, derivative, unimaginative magic system, 15-20 pages dedicated to BDSM sexual assault? Save yourself the time, energy, and brain cells.
Where to start? Ah, I know! Let's start with the fact that this book is a blatant rip-off of the Wheel of Time (I just read Eye of the World, so I can confirm). Even if it weren't following the plot beat-by-beat, its unimaginative at best. Everything you read here has been done better by someone else. The parts that aren't lifted from Eye of the World are poor copies of Tolkien's work (which WoT is also guilty of ... but that's for a later post).
Goodkind's writing style seems to consist mostly of just narrating. There is minimal dialogue. There is technically action. But mostly, there's the author telling you exactly how the characters are feeling and why they might make the decisions they'll make with no evidence to WHY that might be true. You don't get to experience any of this for yourself. Richard and Kahlan allegedly fall in love within 24 hours of meeting each other, but without the author telling you this every other page, you'd never know based on how they act with each other. I saw them as colleagues at best, despite the professions of love at the end. Personally, I'm convinced Goodkind has never been friends with a woman.
Beyond this, Kahlan spends ALL of her time bemoaning the fact that she can't be in love with a man properly without forcing him to fall in orgasmic love with her. I'm being 100% serious here, that's the beginning, middle, and end of her magical powers. She rarely talks about having friends or family, and when she does, that singular friend is the main character of an anecdote about sexual assault. Lovely.
Richard, on the other hand, doesn't ever seem to BE thinking. Goodkind tells you that he is the most special boy to ever live and that also, twist! he's the product of rape. His power is *waves hand* Truth and no, that is never explained.
This is all without even TOUCHING the BDSM plotline which, frankly, does a disservice to anyone who has ever engaged in kink. It's all hot women in leather who are torturing our protagonist to feel pain and the men (yes, it's always men) usually die from the experience. But Richard, being the most special boy to ever live, is different. He has this experiences, sleeps with his mistress under dubiously consesual circumstances, and defeats her with the power of falling in love with her, because she was actually just a nice girl with issues this whole time. Oh, also a key point of these women is that they're tortured into becoming torturers. The whole plotline is absolutely miserable and that still leaves about 30% of the book left. I almost quit right then.
One of the few joys of this book was Zedd, but honestly, if you've read one whimsical wizard, you've met him already. He doesn't hold a candle to Gandalf or Yoda or any other quirky magical mentor.
To conclude! I hated this book, will never read another one of Goodkind's book, and I hope and pray that none of you will ever be subjected to his writing.
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lawofnines · 3 years
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“Pain is the one experience common to every living thing. It unites us.”
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nefertiris · 7 years
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#tag urself, i’m cara and shota (insp.)
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Rescue me, Confessor
Confessor!reader x the whole Legend of the Seeker gang (Platonic)
(Please note: since Confessors are female, she/her pronouns are used to describe the reader)
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As you sat languishing in the dungeon of the Mord’Sith, you wondered if you’d ever see the sun again. Hearing the clink of metal as you turned your head, you reached up to touch the radahan around your neck. A tear rolled down your cheeks in shame. What use was a confessor who couldn’t control her own gift?
A noise that sounded like footsteps caught your attention, and you strained against your chains to see who it was. It didn’t sound like your supposed new mistress. It had taken the Mord’Sith several weeks to get close to breaking your strong will, which had surprised them as you were outwardly very meek and defenceless.
“She’s wearing white. She must have broken someone.” Your head snapped up as you heard an unfamiliar voice talking about your captor. Would you be rescued?
The intruders made themselves known as they stepped into the light, and soon you heard the clang of a sword against the screeching of the agiel. Slowly, you slinked back to the wall, huddling into yourself and gripping the torn and bloody fabric of your confessor’s dress into a little ball in your hands. You waited with baited breath until the fight was clearly over, tears of relief rolling down your face as you realised that the Mord’Sith had lost.
The clink of your chains alerted the intruders to your presence, and you shrunk back as far as you could as four people approached you. A young man put the sword of truth into his halter, and began to come toward you, intending to take your cuffs off. Although you knew he must be the seeker, you were frightened, and you kicked out at him to keep him away.
“It’s alright, it’s okay, we’re trying to help.” Your eyes flicked over to a dark-haired woman, and you instantly relaxed a little as you realised she was one of your own, the mother confessor. The seeker tried to remove your chains again, and you jerked away with a cry. “Richard, let me.” Kahlan said, holding her hands up to show you she was harmless, “You’re safe with us, we won’t hurt you.” She spoke to you so kindly, so gently, and as she slowly took hold of your hands in the chains, you finally allowed yourself to let go of everything that happened to you, and you began to sob onto her shoulder.
“Zedd, can you remove them?” Kahlan asked, as she held you softly in a hug, rubbing your back soothingly as you let it all out. You felt the release of the chains as your hands fell down to your sides, and you cried out in pain at the stiffness you felt having had your hands bound for so long. “We can’t take her anywhere like this,” Richard added, looking at your cuts and bruises with concern. “I can deal with the worst of it, my boy.” You looked up at the wizard, a small hopeful smile on your face that he could maybe give you some relief from the pain. He waved his hand, and you patted the areas of the worst cuts, smiling as you felt the skin had been healed. “Thank you,” you whispered, your voice too hoarse to express your gratitude any louder.
“Wait,” Kahlan turned to the others as she pulled away, “she’s wearing a radahan.” The fourth member of your rescuers, who strangely was a… Mord’Sith, moved towards your former captor, clearly searching her for the key. “Got the key,” the Mord’Sith said, brandishing it in front of the mother confessor. “Thank you, Cara.” Kahlan took the key from her, and reached towards your radahan to unlock it.
“No!” You cried, clasping your hands around the keyhole so she couldn’t get to it. “Please don’t.” Kahlan turned to look at Zedd in confusion. He slowly bent down to your level, “why not, my child?” He reached out to comfort you, but you squirmed away. You couldn’t let anyone but Kahlan touch you. “I… I… can’t control it. I’ll destroy you.” You whimpered, eyes aimed at the floor in shame.
Kahlan’s eyes narrowed as she remained silent for a few seconds, deep in thought before she suddenly gasped and her eyes lit up, as if she had only just recognised you. “Y/N?” She asked, reaching out to stroke your shoulder comfortingly. You nodded, hesitantly offering a small smile. “You know her?” Cara asked, now watching you and the mother confessor more intently. “Yes... I last saw her when she was only nine, when she taken away from Thandore. She was wearing the radahan even then.” She turned away from you, not wanting you to overhear what she told the others next. “Her ability was uncontrollable, even a slight brush of her hand was enough to confess someone.”
“Alright child, we’ll keep this key safe. I think it is time to get you safely away from here,” Zedd said, as the others began to leave. Kahan helped you stand, and allowed you to lean heavily on her as you limped along to get safely into the forest. Once you were far enough away, safely hidden in amongst the trees, Richard and Cara set up a campfire for the evening. Kahlan helped you sit down, as Zedd (while keeping a respectful distance from you) began trying to heal you more properly. Kahlan provided you with water and a light broth to help bring your strength back up, giving you gentle touches of reassurances and smiles. With the mother confessor watching over you, you finally felt safe enough to rest.
As you lay your head down to rest, the group waited patiently until they were certain you were asleep by the soft, steady rising and falling of your chest, before they began to talk about what to do with you. “Having another confessor will be useful,” Cara started, thinking how much quicker combat would be if they had a confessor whose one touch could enslave their enemies. “Y/N is clearly not capable of defending herself, let alone anyone else,” Zedd argued, looking in pity at your weak-looking stature. “She doesn’t need to fight, all she has to do is poke them, Kahlan said so herself!” Cara replied, gesturing towards the confessor exasperatedly.
“We must take her to Aydindril to be trained. She shouldn’t have to live in fear of her power.” Kahlan sighed, looking at you sadly. “She would be too unpredictable to help us. Its more important for her to be capable of fulfilling the role confessors must play, and be able to ensure the survival of the confessor race.” Cara shook her head disapprovingly. “Aydindril is the opposite direction to where we’re supposed to be going!” Richard pulled out his compass, not at all surprised that the direction it was pointing in had changed. “Apparently not.” He burst out before Kahlan had a chance to reply back. “It’s pointing towards Aydindril,” Zedd noted, “I suggest we rest up tonight and allow Y/N a chance to recover, and then we’ll set off for Aydindril at a slow pace tomorrow.”
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sachinskarnik · 4 years
Death’s Mistress
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Death’s Mistress: Sister of Darkness launches The Nicci Chronicles, Terry Goodkind’s entirely new series with a cast of characters centered on one of his best-loved characters in the now-concluded Sword of Truth.
One-time lieutenant of the evil Emperor Jagang, known as “Death’s Mistress” and the “Slave Queen”, the deadly Nicci captured Richard Rahl in order to convince him that the Imperial Order stood for the greater good. But it was Richard who converted Nicci instead, and for years thereafter she served Richard and Kahlan as one of their closest friends―and one of their most lethal defenders.
Now, with the reign of Richard and Kahlan finally stabilized, Nicci has set out on her own for new adventures. One of her jobs will be to keep her travelling companion, the unworldly prophet Nathan, out of trouble. But her real task will be to scout the far reaches of Richard Rahl’s realm. This will take her and Nathan to visit the mysterious witch-woman Red, to tangle with the street life of the port city of Tanimura, to fight lethal battles on the high seas, and ultimately to a vast magical confrontation far from home…with the future of life itself, in the Old World and the New, at stake.
Full of life and story, this is a sweeping, engaging tale in the grand Goodkind manner
terrygoodkind # Niccichronicles #bestseller #originalnicci
from WordPress https://ift.tt/3uTm3fu via IFTTT
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omgsquee2001 · 6 months
Chapter 1: The Proposal
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Centuries had passed since the king and his men had tried to slay the beast and its daemon. Our story now, takes place in a small kingdom, far to the north. By summer, it is blessed with beautiful trees and blossoming wild flowers. By winter, the kingdom is ravaged by harsh winters and the people are pushed to the extremes of starvation. The winters have gotten much worse.
The grunt of a young maiden was heard as the wood of a cut down tree was split in half. Elodie Bayford, oldest daughter to Lord and Lady Bayford, breathed heavily with exhaustion as she cut the last of the firewood. Her daemon, Xena, taking the form of a snow leopard, lay next to her mistress's feet, a bit away from the axe and the wood pile. Elodie glanced at Xena.
"Xena, you could be helping me, you know." Elodie said. Her red, intricately braided hair blowing in the cold wind. Xena looked up at her mistress.
"Oh? I thought I was helping you. You know, providing you with company so you don't get bored." Xena said, humor behind her words. A smile graced Elodie's lips.
"Oh ha ha." Elodie said. Xena chuckled. Her head turned towards the sound of a tree branch scraping across the ground. Elodie's younger sister, Floria Bayford and her daemon, Valerie, also in the form of a snow leopard, walked up, Floria dragging a dead tree branch behind her.
"The last Val and I could find." Floria said to her older sister. Xena stood, stretching out her front and back legs. She shook out her fur. Her fur seemed to have light blue undertones to the black spots and gray fur. Xena looked at Valerie.
"Did you and Floria take the tapestries into town like Lord Bayford and Kahlan asked?" Xena asked. Xena's voice was young, but still deep, filled with much wisdom and experience. Valerie nodded.
"This morning." Valarie said. Valerie's voice was young, filled with less experience, unlike her sister's. Though they were two separate beings, belonging to two separate people, Xena and Valerie still though of each other as sisters. Xena looked up at Elodie.
"We should take the furs too, Elodie." Xena said. Elodie nodded, looking down at her daemon.
"Right. And the drapes." Elodie said, leaning down to pick up the firewood. Floria frowned.
"Not the drapes!" She protested. Valerie looked up at her young mistress.
"Floria, we hate that pattern in our room anyway. We keep begging Lord Bayford and Kahlan to sell them." Valerie reasoned. Floria sighed and looked down at her daemon.
"They serve a purpose." Floria said. Elodie sighed.
"Floria," she said, making her sister look at her. "Our people are freezing. And starving." Elodie said. Floria sighed. She looked down at her daemon and stroked Valerie's head. Valerie closed her eyes and let out a purr of comfort. Xena's ears twitched, hearing something in the distance. She looked up and saw a golden carriage, being pulled by a team of horses, heading towards the castle where the sisters lived.
"Elodie." Xena said, not looking at her mistress. Floria, Elodie, and Valerie all looked in the direction Xena was looking. Floria shielded her eyes from the sun with her hand. The two sisters looked towards the carriage in confusion.
"Who'd come this far north?' Elodie asked. Xena looked back at her mistress.
"We should take the supplies back into town and check in on your father." Xena said. Elodie nodded.
"Right. Let's go." She said.
The sisters, holding hands, and their daemons, walking on either side of them, walked up a muddy, snowy road, towards a small village. A group of people and their daemons, in various forms of snow leopards and wolves, walked away from the village.
"Elodie, why are they leaving?" Floria asked.
"There's nothing left form them or their daemons here, Floria." Elodie said. Xena stopped and looked at the group, sighing in sadness. It pained her that her mistress's people had to leave this good kingdom. The kingdom in which Elodie, Floria and their daemons lived in was very poor, barley having enough money for the Bayford family, the Lords and Ladies of the kingdom, to feed themselves. That meant that their people were starving, and fighting everyday just to survive. Elodie looked behind her.
"Xena." She called. Xena looked towards her mistress, then trotted, catching up to them. As they walked through the court yard, most of the people were lined up, hoping to get even some stale bread to eat. Off to the side, an older man and a younger man were arguing over some of the food the older man had gotten. Their daemons, timber wolves, were growling and snarling at each other. Elodie, Floria and their daemons walked up to one of the guards and his daemon.
"Could you see who it was?" Elodie asked the guard.
"A stranger, my lady." The guard said. People started to line up for firewood. Elodie turned her back to the guard, allowing him to take the pack of wood off her back.
"They may take whatever wood they can carry." Elodie said. The guard nodded.
"I'll see to it." He said. Elodie turned to Floria.
"Come on, Flor. Xena, with me." Elodie said. Xena let out a soft growl as she followed after her mistress.
"Val, come." Floria called. Valerie followed after they younger Bayford. As the two sisters and their daemons walked into the hall of the castle, they were met with the two familiar forms of their father, Lord Bayford, and their Step Mother, Lady Bayford. By the Lord and Lady's side, stood their daemons; Kahlan and Arya. There was, however, a new figure that the sisters and their daemons had never seen before. She was, what seemed to be, a Priestess. She was clothed in blood red garments, also wearing a head piece covered in red cloth. By her side, stood a golden lioness.
"I want to meet them first." The Priestess said.
"Father?" Elodie asked as they entered the hall. The three figures and their daemons turned to see the young girls. The Priestess and her daemon turned to look at the girl and her daemon.
"You must be Elodie." The Priestess said. Her eyes landed on Xena. "And this must be your daemon, Xena." She said. Elodie nodded, walking down the steps cautiously.
"That's right." She said. The Priestess and her daemon walked up to the girl and her daemon. Xena's fur wavered. Something wasn't right. After a few moments of the Priestess staring at Elodie and Xena, she and her daemon turned to Lord and Lady Bayford.
"They will do." The Priestess's daemon said. Lord Bayford sighed softly, looking at Lady Bayford. The Priestess walked over to the Lord, handing him a letter.
"We await your decision." The Priestess said. Lord Bayford took the letter.
"Thank you, Your Holiness," Lord Bayford said. He turned to his Daemon. "Kahlan, show our guests out." Lord Bayford said. Kahlan nodded.
"Understood. Right this way, Your Holiness." Kahlan said, inclining his head in respect. The Priestess nodded and looked to her daemon.
"Come, Leona." The Priestess said. With a growl, Leona followed after her mistress. Xena side eyed the lioness, giving a small growl of warning. Elodie glanced down at Xena.
"Xena, hush." Elodie said quietly. Xena stopped growling and remained quiet. Not giving the snow leopardess a second glance, Leona followed after her mistress. Kahlan stopped at the entrance to the hall. He turned and walked back to his master. Quickly, Lord Bayford cut the seal of the letter with a knife. He opened the letter.
"Father, what's happening?" Elodie asked. Lord Bayford lifted up his hand, asking for a moment of silence. Not that his daughter listened. "Who is that?" Elodie asked further. Lord Bayford read the the letter by light of the fire. Xena looked to Lord Bayford's daemon.
"Kahlan, do you know anything?" Xena asked. Kahlan looked at the younger snow leopardess. Elodie turned to her Step Mother and her daemon for answers.
"Step Mother, Arya?" Elodie asked. Kahlan sighed and looked at the young girl and her daemon.
"Elodie, Xena, patience. Wait for My Lord's response." Kahlan said. Lord Bayford read the letter, muttering to himself.
"Just as Kahlan has said, Elodie, Xena. Await Lord Bayford's response." Arya said. Elodie sighed slightly, not getting the answer she wanted. Elodie turned back to Lord Bayford.
"From the Queen of Aurea," Lord Bayford said finally. Lord Bayford chuckled softly. He turned to face the others in the room, gesturing to the letter. "A proposal." Lord Bayford said. Lady Bayford gasped. Both Arya and Kahlan looked astonished. Xena looked up at her mistress, worry in her eyes. Lord Bayford looked at his wife. "I have made a match." Lord Bayford said.
"May I?" Lady Bayford asked, gesturing to the letter. Lord Bayford nodded.
"Uh-huh." He said. Lady Bayford took the letter, holding a candle close as to read it. Lord Bayford turned to Elodie and Floria.
"He is a Prince." He said. Floria looked at her father in astonishment.
"A prince?" She asked. Lord Bayford nodded. He looked to Elodie again.
"I know you and Xena have always wished to travel, as did your mother and Emery." Lord Bayford said. "Go. See the world." He encouraged. Elodie did not seem as enthused as her father, nor did Xena. "This man, he has a fleet of ships. Carriages of gold." Lord Bayford said. Lord Bayford seemed much more excited about this than his daughter. Elodie held her head high.
"That's no reason to marry." Elodie said. Lord Bayford sighed.
"We need this. Our stores are empty. We will not make it to the thaw." Lord Bayford said. He gestured to his daughter's daemon. "Think of Xena. She needs food. You know wild daemons feed on the dust of other daemons. Our daemons, they feed on food, just as any animal does. You don't want her to starve, do you?" Lord Bayford asked. Xena growled slightly.
"That's not fair." She growled. She didn't want Lord Bayford to use her to guilt Elodie into marrying. All because of gold. Kahlan stepped forward and growled at Xena.
"Enough, Xena." He growled. Both human and daemon were fiercely protective of one another. Kill the human, you kill the daemon. You kill the daemon, you kill the human. The same went for all the animals that had human daemons as well. Both daughter and father looked at their daemons.
"Xena." They said together, silencing their daemons. Lord Bayford looked up at his daughter, sighed and tried again.
"Your people need you," he said. He gently lifted Elodie's chin. "This is who we are." He said, and smiled encouragingly at his daughter.
//Here's chapter 1. Let me know what you think about it. While likes are appreciated, please don't forget to reblog as well. I intentionally left this chapter short as to give a little taste. Next chapter will be longer. I hope you all like it.//
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terapsina · 7 years
| dec 1 | fandom advent calendar: greeting/introduction
fandom: lots | ship: kahlan/cara | type: fic
- ao3 -
A Confessor cannot read a Mord-Sith’s soul, to Kahlan it feels as if there is nothing there. And so it is easy to forget they have souls at all.
When Kahlan meets Cara it is no different at first.
She is a necessary ally, but one whose heart is beyond Kahlan’s power to view. It is as much that lack of ability as the blood on Cara’s hands that make Kahlan distrust and dislike her.
/there is blood on Kahlan’s hands too, blood and so many hearts she could weep if she ever let herself. The hearts are the worst, she can wash off the red from her blades and know that they deserved their deaths, but the worship in their eyes sticks to her. She hates how much she loves it/
And then she learns that her sister had died to Cara’s hands and rage consumes Kahlan whole.
/it crawls from the inside out, black like storm clouds of a hurricane, as powerful as an earth shake that levels mountains. It’s her, it’s still her, it’s the darkness lurking at the edge of her mind coming forth to make these children drop to their knees in front of their goddess. To rip to shreds the soul that robbed this world of her sister/
She almost refuses to see the crack in Cara’s armor, as she stands over her, her neck under Kahlan’s hand, the power of confession at the tips of her fingers, boiling to get out and consume Cara whole. The hunger to watch this woman, this monster - this hurt little girl, - writhe in pain and beg her Mistress to forgive her as she dies is all consuming.
But Kahlan sees it, sees the open agony in Cara’s eyes.
/did her sister have eyes like that as the light left them? She could ask and she’d answer, between the screams, she would answer/
She still cannot read her, not in the way of a Confessor, even now in this moment the wall of a Mord-Sith holds. But she’s seen eyes like that a hundred times, they are grief and loss and regret. They are… shame.
The Mord-Sith do not feel shame. And yet Cara does, Kahlan can see it burning Cara from the inside out.
And she cannot kill her, not kill her and expect to still call herself Mother Confessor.
Confessors are justice, not vengeance.
/they’re vengeance too. When that’s all that’s left, they’re the retribution, the judgement. And the executioner/
The hunger of the Con Dar is still there, it doesn’t care that Cara’s crying with regret. 
But she’s not just that one side of herself, she’s Kahlan Amnell too and she is unwilling to betray herself in this way.
/her sister is dead, all her sisters are dead, and she will not let this Mord-Sith finish the job. She is the Last Confessor and if she did this she would never be able to wear white again, and she must, it is her duty to their memory/
She stands back but does not break her eye contact with the woman who is more than her red leathers after all and it’s here that Kahlan truly meets Cara for the first time. She might have seen Lord Rahl’s warrior by the Boxes of Orden, been introduced to an ally of the Seeker by Richard.
But it is then, as the truth of everything lays like broken, scattered toys between them, that Kahlan Amnell meets Cara Mason.
/there is wonder in Cara’s eyes, not worship, and something inside her thrums at it: in anger or pleasure, hatred or a greeting. Not in forgiveness though. Never that/
/not yet/
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lawofnines · 5 years
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Legend of the Seeker - S2xE19 - (Extinction) ~ Original Air Date: May 1, 2010
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                                @wolfshroud​  ||  a memory from their past 
She saw it, the truth in his eyes long before her hand ever touched his neck. But the crowd behind her would not take her word for it, would not believe his innocence. Children from the village, raped and murdered. And the man standing before her was the accused. The pain in his eyes was obvious, that the people he’d lived alongside his whole life would believe such a crime to be his. But fear drove people to cling to an easy solution. And he had been the unfortunate one to face their wrath. 
Of course, he vehemently denied that he could do such things, and Kahlan could see in his eyes that he was telling the truth. She’d never had to speak up for the innocent before, having only ever been summoned to confess the guilty. But speak up she did, finding her voice amongst the crowd. Still though, they did not believe her, demanded his confession. 
Torn, she turned to Giller, her wizard and travelling companion - it wasn’t safe for a Confessor to travel alone these days. Especially not a young one such as herself. All he had to offer her was tightening of his lips. Swallowing the lump in her throat, she stepped up to the man, who was nodding at her firmly. To him, wearing this crime was worse than confession, and if that’s what he had to do to prove his innocence, he was willing. 
Blue eyes flicked up to meet his, and she wished she could draw strength from the conviction she saw there. However, she could only match it with tears, welling in her eyes as her hand lifted, wrapping loosely around his throat - she needed not grip him fiercely. With a breath, time became hers, Kahlan letting go of the constant control she held over her powers. The shattering force emanated from every pore of her skin, thunder without sound rocking the ground, knocking back those who stood too close. 
He fell from her hand, his knees hitting the ground as those words left his lips. “Command me, Confessor.” It took her a moment to find her voice, quietly asking him to tell her her the truth - and it was all he could offer. His min was hers now, bound to him and her every wish. His words gushed forth, that he had never touched the children, had not been responsible for their fates. 
Kahlan barely heard the gasps from the crowd, those who had just convicted an innocent man of confession, though she slowly became aware that they mutter among themselves. Hushing the man, she turned to them. “When a Confessor assures you of one’s innocence, in the future, you will listen to her, will you not?” There were nods, before the people began to shuffle away, no longer wanting anything to do with the scene before them. 
“Giller…” Her voice was quiet, though pleading as she turned to her wizard. “I don’t…what do I do with him?” She’d confessed the guilty in the past, and order them to good deeds in service of their village as payment for their crimes…but this. This man did not deserve this. With shattering realisation, Kahlan remember that she hadn’t even asked him his name. 
“Brophy, my mistress. Though you may call me whatever you wish.” Cringing at that, she returned her gaze to Giller, who seemed to be thinking. “There is something, though it is rarely used…It will not cure him of confession - that is impossible, but it may…it may help.”  
She was already nodding, following along when Giller led them away from the village square, Brohpy at her heels. He stood over her protectively when they stopped, Kahlan not having the strength to command him otherwise, simply sitting while the wizard went to work with his spell. When he gestured for the man, Kahlan had to ask him to enter the circle Giller had prepared in the dirt - though Brophy’s eyes never left her. A gaze Kahlan found hard to meet. She’d done this, stripped him of his life. She only prayed Giller could do something for him. 
She couldn’t follow the wizard’s chant, though within seconds, the man before them was surrounded in a eerie white light. It grew until Kahlan had to look away, flinching when a sharp cry burst from the man’s mouth. The long sound twisted, morphed until it was something else entirely, a low howl. 
The light winked out, the young Confessor horrified at what stood before her - a wolf, larger than anything that naturally lived in the Midlands. “Giller! What have you done?” The wolf seems alert, glancing down at himself as if taking in his new form. But surely that couldn’t be true. 
“My lady, please, do not be alarmed...” The words nearly caused her to fall backwards, perfectly formed from the wolf’s mouth. Her eyes flicked between Brophy and Giller, the wizard explaining that the new form would lessen her hold on the man’s mind - that like this he should at least be able to live his life as he chose, though it would no longer be a human life. 
“Brophy, I’m so sorry,” Her head shook as she sank to her knees, feeling a soft muzzle pressed against her cheek a moment later. “Do no be, Mistress. I chose confession - I did not commit those crimes, and I could not live with everyone thinking that I had. I’m grateful to you for granting me my innocence. I would have lived happily in your servitude.” 
Her hand came up, threading into her fur. “You didn’t deserve this.” The nuzzle against her cheek pushed her back slightly, until she could look into his eyes. Eyes that didn’t show simple, blind adoration, but something deeper, and she relished in seeing it. “I will happily live like this. Perhaps the wolves will treat me better than my people did. Mistress, I can feel freedom - I can stray from you if you let me. Though, I am still yours. Should you ever need me, I will be there, under your command.” 
A nod, though Kahlan can’t imagine ever calling on him for such a thing. He had every right to live a free life, as free as he could get. Shakily, the young Confessor took her feet, brushing off her dress. A stain stuck to the white silk, one not so easily brushed away, and it nearly brought fresh tears to her eyes. She had changed today, had lost yet another sliver of her childhood innocence, just as she had been warned she would. She was the most powerful being in the Midlands, and yet she was at the beck and call of those who requested use of her powers…whether that use be right or wrong. 
Swallowing, Kahlan’s hands clasped in front of her, gaze meeting the bright eyes of the wolf. “Brophy, I…command you to find your freedom, you use it as you wish..” The wolf bowed, a flick of his tail as he turned and trotted into the forest, leaving Kahlan feeling somewhat alone in the world. Until a hand found her shoulder, strong and reassuring. “Goodbye, Brophy.”
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jiyongisbae · 7 years
Better Than You
Chapter 2
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The clash of weapon to weapon rang in her ear as she passed the training room along with the sounds of soft grunts and cries of pain when someone was struck down. A small smile came to her face, out of courtesy and respect, as one of her trainers came to her a look of disappointment on her face.
“Mistress Cara, another one of our trainees has passed away, she wasn’t strong enough for the first breaking, and her heart gave way under the Agiel.”
Cara sighed in disappointment and asked, “Did you give her the breath of life?”
The lady nodded her head vigorously, “Yes Mistress, I tried to bring her back but she was too far gone.”
Cara nodded her head and told the lady to bury the body of the young girl. She was disappointed, but this wasn’t the first time. Many young girls aren’t strong enough to make it through the vigorous training the Mord’ Sith receive. This was a tradition held out through the ages, one that was too ingrained in Cara for her to walk away. Kahlan had told Cara to try to live like a normal woman but it was impossible for her, if Kahlan knew what she was doing she would do everything in her power to stop Cara. However, Cara could not help it even though she tried to change, this is who she was. Although Cara wanted to know what it would be like for her if she were an ordinary girl, she wasn’t and she was glad. She was happy with who she was and wouldn’t have it any other way, she wouldn’t pretend to be apologetic for being what she is.
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The light from the fire torches lining stonewalls danced in a warm fury as cold air blew soft blonde hair into Cara’s face. She looked out the open window into the night sky blanketing the mountains in a layer of darkness, the moon the only source of light to battle total blackness. This was her favourite time, the night was beautiful to her and she welcomed the darkness, after all there was plenty of it in her heart. She closed her eyes and breathed in the fresh, cool night air, when they opened again she saw a plane flying way too low for a passenger flyer not to mention the size. The small plane landed just outside her hidden complex and her eyebrows shot up in surprise. No one ever came here. She was sure this was hidden to most people and anyone who did wander down wasn’t ever lucky enough to get away. Her eyes narrowed and three men got out of the plane, two carried machine guns and the other wore a fancy suit and fixed his tie as they made their way to her. She shook her head, her lips pressed into a tight line and she made her way to the front entrance to meet them.
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“Looks like you men are a little lost, I can’t see any reason for you to be here.” She said when she was close enough for them to hear her.
“Cara Mason is it?” The man with the tie asked her making her raise her eyebrow at him.
“I don’t know, who’s asking?” “I am Randy Lincoln, I work for the best interest of the USA, unfortunately, I can’t tell you exactly what I do but I know about you.”
“Read about me in the local paper, did you? Or did you send one of those little drones out to see if there was anything going on in the most random areas of the mountains, you people really don’t have anything better to do, do you?” The men beside him raised their guns and her hands moved to the weapons in her belt her eyes narrowing. Mord’ Sith usually only carried one Agiel, the one they were trained with. However, Cara was twice broken and therefore carried two, which was very rare, so much so that she is the only one.
“My darling, I’m not here to fight you or question what you’re doing here, even though it is illegal in every way. I am here because I know what you do. I have heard about you and your women assassins and we were hoping to employ you. We would, of course, pay you handsomely.”
She scoffed and shook her head laughing, “What makes you think I’m going to waste my time with you, you think I need money?”
“No, but I am a very influential man and if you don’t help me I can put an end to your whole operation.”
“That darling is if you make it out of here alive, which I’m not so sad to tell you isn’t going to happen.” Cara pulled her Agiels out and stood ready.
“Well, I’ve already recruited your friend so if you don’t want anything bad to happen to her I’m afraid you’re going to have to listen to what I have to say anyway.” Cara gaped at him and quickly composed herself.
“What do you mean, what friend?”
“I believe her name is Amnell? It starts with K… Kayla? Kaylan? Something rather.” As he looked at the sky thinking about whether he had the name right, acting like a right git. She knew there was a possibility of him lying about having her, but knowing Kaylan, it wasn’t a stretch for her to want to help the “good guys”.
“What do you want?” she asked and he smiled widely.
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After the liberation of the midlands from the keeper of the underworld and the imperial order in the land Cara and Kaylan were originally from they were on a mission to help a nightwisp, a creature of magic, get to its home. They stumbled upon a portal that appeared as the nightwisp died forbidding it from warning them not to go through the portal. Cara and Kaylan knew better than to walk through a portal that was not meant for them, and to this day they do not know why or how the portal was there as they tried very hard to go back to their home. Kaylan had tripped over a vine and fell into the portal by mistake. Leaving the nightwisp, Cara followed after her and they landed in America. They were lost for a good while until they found a wizard from their world who had also fallen through the portal to this world. They had no luck in finding their way back even with the Wizard and were now stuck in this world where magic was to be hidden, but it still existed, that is how Cara’s Agiel a weapon of magic, still worked. Cara had all the Agiels of the Mord’ Sith that were ordered to be stripped of their power in her land, she was going to carry out the command of her master but falling into the new world the Agiels all recognised Cara as their new master. Kaylan had told her to get rid of them, but instead, she hid them. She had tried to be a “normal” person with Kaylan but Cara couldn’t live that way. She made an excuse of getting a new job to Kaylan and moved away from her to create her own Order here, of the Mord’ Sith. Cara hadn’t seen Kaylan for almost a year and she would see her now, in her Mord’ Sith uniform and ask questions. Cara was hoping to avoid this meeting but knew it would happen someday.
Cara had been staring at the white interior of the plane above her for what seemed like hours, though it hadn’t been very long, she diverted her attention to the man, Randy, sitting across from her who was on his phone. She cleared her throat, her arms lightly resting on her armrests, legs outstretched in front of her with her head on the seat. She sat up and leaned in closer to him when he looked at her.
“So I’m here, yet you still haven’t told me exactly what you want from me.”
He nodded nonchalantly and waved his hand, “The details will be explained later all you need to know right now is that I have a job that requires the skills of someone like you.” As he finished speaking Cara felt the plane descending and she looked out the window to see where they were.
“Where are we going?”
“You’ll see.”
As the plane landed Cara looked out the window and saw they were in a clearing surrounded by trees, she followed the man as he stood and they exited the plane.
“There is a small cottage a few kilometres southwest of this clearing, there is a package that I need you to collect from there. You’ll know it when you see it. You will go alone. I need to know that I can count on you to do your job so you will bring the package back here. If you fail, I will terminate you.”
She chuckled and shook her head, “We’re back to that are we?” Rolling her eyes Cara stepped passed Randy and made her way down the stairs and southwest to complete her so called task. She had walked for what seemed like a good twenty minutes before she could see a cottage in the distance. She didn’t understand what he was trying to accomplish with this mission, there was absolutely no trouble getting there. When she was just a few yards away from the cottage that was passed a ditch she heard someone huffing in frustration at something. When Cara was close enough to the ditch she could see who it was without giving herself away and she smiled fondly. Cara knelt on the side and held her hand out to the woman trying to climb the ditch. The woman saw Cara’s hand and looked up quickly then took it as she smiled. 
“Cara?” she asked.
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“Nice to see you again, Kahlan” Cara said as she hauled her old friend up onto the higher ground and embraced her briefly before pulling away and asking how they got into this situation.
“Why did you agree to help these government cronies?”
“Cara if you are here to tell me not to help then I’m sorry but-“ Cara cut her off.
“Kahlan you’ll never change.”
Kahlan looked Cara up and down and gave her a small smile, “It looks like you won’t change either. I see you still have your Mord’ Sith suit.”
Cara blinked and then shrugged, turning to the path leading back to the plane, “Yeah well, you never know when it’ll come in handy… like now.”
Cara and Kahlan both walked briskly back to the plane to carry out whatever work the government had laid out for them, Cara decided that it couldn’t hurt to do something if not for the mere fact she was bored at the training facility, and she could spend some time with Kahlan, as long as Kahlan didn’t find out that Cara failed at being “normal”.
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“How’s the normal life going Cara, how is your new job?” Kaylan asked. Cara looked at her and saw that she was genuinely asking, no suspicion in her eyes. Cara looked down, the unfamiliar feeling of disappointment in herself bubbling up in her. She didn’t want to lie to Kaylan, but she was the only familiar person in this world and her oldest friend.
“Yeah, you know boring as always, I still can’t get used to it. How’s that guy you were seeing when I left?”
Kaylan frowned a little and shrugged, “I tried Cara I really did, but you know how I felt about Richard, I don’t think I’ll ever feel that way again. There was nothing there so I quickly broke it off.”
“Kaylan, you know we aren’t ever going back there, we’ve tried, Richard is gone. You need to move on.” What a hypocrite, Cara thought to herself.
When the girls arrived at their destination the men blindfolded them justifying their actions by saying that they needed to keep this location a secret. They were then led into a building; they followed carefully until they could finally remove the blindfolds. They were in an investigation room at some government facility, there were computers and big tables filled with stacks of papers to the side there was a meeting room closed off with glass where three men were tied to their chairs, two were passed out while the other was looking at the table with his hands in fists.
“This way,” Randy said pointing in the direction of the meeting room, “Please have a seat.”
Cara and Kahlan walked into the room and the man who was staring blankly at the table looked up at them and raised an eyebrow, he looked at Randy, “Who the hell are they and when are you going to untie me?” Randy looked at his other men, the ones who must have brought these guys in and shook his head, “Is this the way you treat old friends? Sorry G Dragon, I’ll get those off for you.”
Cara raised an eyebrow at Jiyong as she took her seat, “G Dragon? What’s that supposed to be? A stage name? I guess a pretty boy like you is expected to go for a stupid name like that.”
“Oh Boy…” Randy muttered under his breath.
A/N: So this is the vague introduction of the two main female characters in the fic. I have taken these characters from The Sword of Truth series. I love those books and the way they protrayed Cara on the show holy fuck. She is my all time favourite fictional character, she’s fucking great and I wanted to do a story with her, being her so yeah.... I hope you like it, and I hope I manage to do her justice.
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house-of-rahl · 7 years
35 Things I Thought While Rewatching Legend of the Seeker S1E01 Prophecy
this opening scene is seriously beautiful
god bless this cinematography
sometimes I forget how beautiful bridget regan is...jk I never forget, her beauty is eternal
why was this show cancelled again?
damn that boundary just pops up out of nowhere. giant magical barrier that you can’t see until you run smack into it
oh look at that horribly rendered cgi plant/ conveniently placed plot device
“she’s got magic!” well no shit, random d’haran #3, she’s a confessor you idiot
hello shirtless richard
building a bridge never looked so good
I love how richard shared his apple with his horse
it’s ok richard, if I saw bridget regan running through the forest I would stop and stare too
kahlan looks so confused/offended by richard’s presence, oh girl you’ve got a storm coming
I love how in the confession scene there’s no “command me mistress” or anything, gotta keep that element of mystery
beautiful girl pulls a knife on him and richard’s first reaction is “did I do something wrong” well CLEARLY
CHASE! he’s so underappreciated 
you can tell richard is the favorite child
“don’t worry clara, supper will never be you” the best line in the whole damn show tbh
“prophecy be damned” yeah good luck with that zedd
RAHL! (lol if someone told me I would love rahl this much when I watched this for the first time I would have thought they were crazy)
poor richard is questioning his entire existence
haha richard you don’t want to know who your biological father is right now, that’s a life crisis that can wait till later
“I wouldn’t be a blazing arrow pointing the way to you- apparently that’s what confessors are for” the sass is real. kahlan and zedd really didn’t get along at first
ok but what if richard was straight up illiterate...would he still be able to read the book of counted shadows? probably cause.. magic
kahlan went from “this schmuck can’t possibly be the seeker” to “give him the sword” real quick
“and with it you will kill darken rahl” HAHAHA more like ‘with the sword of truth darken rahl will accidentally kill himself and tear the veil to the underworld’...but whatever
if I was richard I would probably be way more freaked out by the bloodflies than by the gar
I forgot the tragic fate of richard’s horse :(
kahlan looks so unimpressed by zedd’s wizard’s fire
gotta love the fantasy trope of killing off the protag’s adoptive father and burning down his childhood home
look at richie already getting consumed by the sword’s rage
ya know zedd, if you had given richard a heads up about all this shit years ago he might not have gone off the rails now
richard knocking fane’s sword away with the sword of truth, we’ll see that move again. I love how we already get a sense for richard’s fighting style, even so early on
“but I’ve lost everything” “no you have me, and kahlan, and most importantly you have yourself” aahh it’s like a major sentiment of the show in one line. lean on your friends and family, but don’t forget to trust yourself and your own capabilities 
when zedd names richard the true seeker and theme plays and you super emotional cause you just love this show and these characters so much
aaand then we get that awkwardly close close-up of rahl’s face......
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buhosbookreview · 8 years
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Now that the Sword of Truth series has wrapped up, Goodkind has created a new series focusing on some fan favorite characters. 
I was so lucky to receive a finished copy of the book in exchange for an honest review. I absolutely loved this book and I will post my full review this after noon.
But here is the official synopsis: 
One-time lieutenant of the evil Emperor Jagang, known as “Death’s Mistress” and the “Slave Queen”, the deadly Nicci captured Richard Rahl in order to convince him that the Imperial Order stood for the greater good. But it was Richard who converted Nicci instead, and for years thereafter she served Richard and Kahlan as one of their closest friends—and one of their most lethal defenders.
Now, with the reign of Richard and Kahlan finally stabilized, Nicci has set out on her own for new adventures. One of her jobs will be to keep her travelling companion, the unworldly prophet Nathan, out of trouble. But her real task will be to scout the far reaches of Richard Rahl’s realm. This will take her and Nathan to visit the mysterious witch-woman Red, to tangle with the street life of the port city of Tanimura, to fight lethal battles on the high seas, and ultimately to a vast magical confrontation far from home…with the future of life itself, in the Old World and the New, at stake.
Full of life and story, this is a sweeping, engaging tale in the grand Goodkind manner.
Terry Goodkind is the author of the worldwide bestsellers making up the Sword of Truth, and the #1 New York Times bestseller The Omen Machine.
The book is now available and I can’t recommend it enough. I hope you pick it up.
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sachinskarnik · 4 years
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https://amzn.to/2OjN1Mr Death's Mistress: Sister of Darkness launches The Nicci Chronicles, Terry Goodkind's entirely new series with a cast of characters centered on one of his best-loved characters in the now-concluded Sword of Truth. One-time lieutenant of the evil Emperor Jagang, known as “Death’s Mistress” and the “Slave Queen”, the deadly Nicci captured Richard Rahl in order to convince him that the Imperial Order stood for the greater good. But it was Richard who converted Nicci instead, and for years thereafter she served Richard and Kahlan as one of their closest friends―and one of their most lethal defenders. Now, with the reign of Richard and Kahlan finally stabilized, Nicci has set out on her own for new adventures. One of her jobs will be to keep her travelling companion, the unworldly prophet Nathan, out of trouble. But her real task will be to scout the far reaches of Richard Rahl’s realm. This will take her and Nathan to visit the mysterious witch-woman Red, to tangle with the street life of the port city of Tanimura, to fight lethal battles on the high seas, and ultimately to a vast magical confrontation far from home…with the future of life itself, in the Old World and the New, at stake. Full of life and story, this is a sweeping, engaging tale in the grand Goodkind manner #terrygoodkind # Niccichronicles #bestseller #originalnicci
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fic-dreamin · 6 years
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It just goes to show you; great stories never truly end! In the spirit of his epic SWORD OF TRUTH series, Goodkind surges forward with a new spin-off; DEATH’S MISTRESS. Nicci is arguably my favorite supporting character, and this only proves why. For an author choosing to continue a saga after the conclusion, they must have a hero/heroine with an incomplete character arc that screams amazing potential. It’s true that Nicci already made the leap from the ‘dark side’ in my all-time favorite book, FAITH OF THE FALLEN – but I always knew she was a powder keg that had yet to be lit. Terry Goodkind’s ability to draw the reader into his world of realistic tribulations and inner dialogue, was a huge inspiration for me to begin writing in the fantasy genre back in the early 90’s. For whatever it’s worth, I highly recommend DEATH’S MISTRESS to anyone who hates letting go. Go to Amazon
Terry Goodkind Lite I have been reading Terry Goodkind since 1995. I have read every book he's ever written and this was not as close to the standard of writing that I fell in love with. This was Terry Goodkind lite. There was almost zero character development. The story was flat, lacking the intelligence and richness that was so prevalent in his other books. I hope this was an aberration. Go to Amazon
Better than expected Better than I expected given the previous Richard and Kahlan trilogy. I didn't had high expectations with this book, although I was curious about the potential both main characters had. I ordered the book as soon as I was released and enjoyed it. As mentioned by previous reviewers, it's still a real page turner and looks like the series has a real potential. The main characters are shallower than in earlier books of the main series, while the story itself is also a bit linear and a lot of potential development appear to have been shed to the side to curtail the book's' length. The Old World remains mostly unexplored in the main series and I hoped this time we would have a more thoughtful and deeper journey through this vast area and the main characters move around at lightning speed until they reach the Phantom Coast far and away from the areas already explored in the mains series. Some new foes/creatures are introduced which are potentially very interesting but are not too developed in this book, although I hope in later books in the series these will receive a better development. The new main character isn't so far of great interest but, again, he'll probably flourish in later installments. Compared with earlier works, this books appears to be artificially short which may explain the problems with shallower character and world development. Go to Amazon
Nicci at her best Death's mistress indeed. This Is a dark journey to spread the truth of lord rahl and freedom. Nicci, Nathan and a cast of characters set out to spread the good news of freedom but find themselves on a quest to save the world. Go to Amazon
I love being back in Richard Rahl’s Sword of Truth world I love being back in Richard Rahl’s Sword of Truth world. Nicci and Nathan are an interesting pairing for an adventure but it works, especially with the addition of naive bumpkin Bannon. As they set off to tell the outlying areas about Richard’s new order, they are also following Red’s dictate to recover Nathan’s control of his magic and help Nicci to save the world. Can’t wait to see what trouble arises in #2. Go to Amazon
Great book, my wife and I both loved it Let's get this straight: I love the overall series as a whole and Terry would really have to screw something up horribly for me to say something terrible.....like opening the Boxes of Ordin and just "poof", bad people gone......something like that. Go to Amazon
Did Goodkind actually write this book? Seems like a ghostwriter tackled this. I hope so. I'm an avid Goodkind fan and this doesn't seem like his voice at all. The characters lack the depth that is so often a hallmark of his work. And Nicci's character is one dimensional in this book, a departure from previous works. Go to Amazon
Some light spoilers I was highly disappointed with this book, everything from the characters to the story itself seemed empty. It was hard to form any emotional attachment to the people or care what happened to them. The characters include Nicci a powerful sorceress possessing the gift of multiple wizards yet still can barely hold her own in a fight, motivated only out of a need to serve Richard and help fulfill his dream. The wizard Nathan who has lost his gift yet is somehow a master swordsman capable of teaching someone else. Although he himself never had a chance to learn and carried a sword because he thought it made him look dashing. His motivation in this book seems to be to dress nicely and to get his gift back. Bannon, a boy with a tragic childhood that deludes himself at every possible chance into thinking everything is alright. Together these three travel the old world getting into trouble at every turn but always manage to solve it in an anticlimactic way. One example of this would be when they are on a ship being attacked by monsters and fight until they are the last ones left then decide to throw a perl into the water which ends the fight. I feel as if im rambling now but that is how the book goes time after time something big happens and they solve it in the most boring way ever. Go to Amazon
Great story about Nicci Great read. Enjoyable reading I can't put into words how disappointed I am with this Five Stars Five Stars So sad Five Stars Five Stars Clear your calendar, Terry Goodkind has delivered another book that you won’t want to put down!!
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