#mistressxminx writings
mistressxminx · 6 years
All That Glitters || Mistress & the submissive
“Eyes open and use your voice boy,” Mistress demanded.  “Tell me what’s the matter.”  
The submissive opened his eyes, gazing into the Domme’s.  “In hopes that I might find some Dominant, such as yourself, who might want to take me home and fuck me, before getting dressed I...” he struggled with the admission, “...put in a plug.”  The submissives eyes moved back down to his feet.
“Eyes back up here,” Mistress demanded.  “There are so many Dominants here this evening, but none quite as beautiful or demanding as me, is what you meant to say,” she teased with a knowing smirk.  “And look at you, being all proactive.  I wonder if you will truly get to enjoy your efforts tonight.”  She stepped back, dropping her hand, and gathering one side of her skirt, flipping it to reveal how high it allowed access.  The Domme took another sip of champagne.  
There was nothing quite like a formal bow tie and white tails event to bring out the most glamorous and outrageous fashions.  The only thing that could have satisfied Mistress more was if it had been a masqued event as well.  A survey of her closet and Mistress pulled out a dress in a gold silk.  It draped and wrapped around her frame, the wrap of the skirt giving easy access should it be desired, without the gaudiness of a daring open slit.  
Mistress loved nothing more than beautiful people dressed up in beautiful clothes; men in well cut suits being a particular craving she loved to indulge.  The champagne was flowing, the music easy enough on the ears, and Mistress was enjoying herself.  Her eyes scanned the crowd, looking for her next victim dance partner.  The Domme spied him out on the terrace, and grabbing two fresh glasses of champagne from a waiter’s tray, she strode confidently across the room and out onto the terrace.  
“I thought you could use a drink.” Mistress said, holding out a flute while taking a sip from her own.  “Imagine my surprise and disappointment, to discover one of the best dressed, and good looking submissive men out here alone on the terrace and not inside dancing.  Please don’t disappoint me and tell me you don’t dance,” she teased.  
The submissive took the champagne flute from the Domme with a tilt of his head. “Thank you Mistress,” he said, mind reeling at the idea of this beautiful creature having sought him out; quite sure there must be some other reason for it.  “Just getting some air.  Haven’t had many requests to dance yet this evening.”  
“No?” The Domme asked with a tilt of her head moving closer.  “Then consider that tragedy rectified.  When we’ve finished our champagne, we will dance,” she instructed.  The Domme let her hand trail across the submissive’s shoulder and down his arm to his elbow.  “It is ever so discouraging to see people missing the true diamonds in the rough.  But I suppose I shouldn’t complain all too much since it allows me to occupy your time without too much fight.”
“No fight at all Mistress,” the submissive said, before swallowing a mouthful of champagne.  He shivered at her light touch, like electricity pricking from her fingertips to the nerves under his skin.  It made him painfully aware of the device he was wearing, and shifted, a pleasant sort of wince crossing his face.
Noticing his distress, the Domme immediately turned, hand coming up to tilt his chin up.  “Are you alright boy?”  she demanded.  
Eyes closed, the submissive nodded his head, willing his body to not betray him, and cause further embarrassment.
“Eyes open and use your voice boy,” Mistress demanded.  “Tell me what’s the matter.”  
The submissive opened his eyes, gazing into the Domme’s.  “In hopes that I might find some Dominant, such as yourself, who might want to take me home and fuck me, before getting dressed I...” he struggled with the admission, “...put in a plug.”  The submissives eyes moved back down to his feet.
“Eyes back up here,” Mistress demanded.  “There are so many Dominants here this evening, but none quite as beautiful or demanding as me, is what you meant to say,” she teased with a knowing smirk.  “And look at you, being all proactive.  I wonder if you will truly get to enjoy your efforts tonight.”  She stepped back, dropping her hand, and gathering one side of her skirt, flipping it to reveal how high it allowed access.  The Domme took another sip of champagne.  
The submissive nodded.  “Of course Mistress; I’m sorry.”  He watched, swallowing a thick lump as she stepped back, her touch and closeness immediately missed, and smooth skin revealed between folds of golden silk.  Damn, fucking hell, he thought, squeezing his eyes shut and biting into his lip until he tasted the familiar tang of blood, shifting against the plug in his ass.  
Mistress tsked lightly.  “Whatever am I going to do to keep your eyes open boy?” she leaned in to whisper against his ear.
The warmth of her breath against his ear pulled another shiver, even as the submissive opened his eyes.  “I don’t know Mistress.  It’s not like you could very well spank me here.”
“Couldn’t I?” Mistress laughed.  “If I demanded you drop your pants right now, and leaned over the railing, and showed off that plug in addition to other things, would you not obey me?”
“Of course Mistress”, he groaned.  “Are you demanding that of me?  What would you use to strike me?”
“That’s much better boy,” Mistress mewled.  She stepped forward, the hint of a strap under his jacket.  She slipped one beautifully manicured finger under  the strap of the suspenders and pulled it up an inch before releasing it.  “With your pants around your ankles you won’t have the need for suspenders now will you?”
“No, I wouldn’t Mistress,” the submissive agreed, yelping slightly as his suspenders clapped back against his skin.  “You still didn’t answer if this is what you want.”
“What I want is for you to finish your champagne so we can dance,” Mistress said, deciding the submissive was far too interested in the idea for it to be an effective punishment at the moment.  “Can’t give you absolutely everything you want when you want it, now can I?”
The submissive deflated where he stood, but he gulped down the flute of champagne, watching as the Mistress sipped the rest of hers.  Once he finished his champagne, the submissive held out his hand.  “May I have this dance Mistress?”
Mistress finished her champagne, and set down the glass, taking the submissive’s as well, and setting them on the railing.  “You may indeed beautiful boy,” she said, offering her hand, and pulling his own with hers up towards his mouth, indicating he should kiss her hand.  
The submissive’s cheeks burned red at the missed cue but he followed quick and brought her hand to lips, pressing a kiss to the top of her hand.  “Thank you Mistress, you are far too kind,” he said, leading them expertly back into the ballroom and onto the dance floor.  The submissive easily pulled the Domme into his arms.  He was keenly aware of the the feel of his work labored hands against the Domme’s silky skin.
“And you’re even more beautiful in that particular shade of red,” Mistress cooed.  She was impressed with his skills on the dance floor as he pulled her into his arms. The skin on his hands was rough, no doubt from years of farm work, but Mistress found she didn’t mind it.  Especially the hand that slid to the small of her back, and the exposed skin from the open back of her dress.  “Where did you learn to dance like this?”
The submissive shook his head.  “I don’t know.  I think it must be you, Mistress,” he smiled.  
“Oh is that so now,” Mistress smiled.  “Flatterer.”
“It’s not flattery if it’s true.” 
“Oh hush boy before I do something to shut you up,” Mistress instructed quietly.  She squeezed his hip.  
“I am not opposed to that at all,” the submissive replied, eyes glinting.  
Mistress chuckled.  “And didn’t we just go over how I’m not going to give you everything you want, when you want it.  If you’re not careful, you’re going to have nothing but that plug in your ass tonight,” she pressed up against the submissive’s lean frame to whisper in his ear.  The Domme felt him shiver against her again, and as he spun her around, his leg sliding between his, she ground down onto his thigh, rolling her hips against his.  
“Mistress,” the submissive whined as she rubbed against his leg.  He could feel his cock begin to swell with arousal, and he shifted as his ass clenched around the plug.  
Mistress let her hand wander up, fingers carding through the submissive’s hair, fingers gripping the strands and tugging gently.  “Yes boy?” she whispered into his ear again.  Her fingers continued to tease his hair.  
The submissive titled his head back into her tug, not at all embarrassed that he moaned softly and missed a step.  “Sorry,” he murmured, tightening his grip on the Domme, and pulling her a little closer determined to finish this dance and be everything Mistress wanted so she might help him with what he wanted most.  “You just feel really good,” the submissive said softly.  
“So do you,” Mistress agreed.  “And you’re so responsive and make such beautiful sounds.  I want to hear them again,” she said tugging his hair again. 
The submissive moaned again, this time having just enough warning to bury his head into the Domme’s shoulder.   He somehow kept them moving around the dance floor.
“Beautiful, beautiful,” Mistress cooed.  “Keep being this good of a boy and I’m definitely going to bring you home with me tonight,” she whispered into his ear.  “I’m going to get you to drop those pants to your ankles.  Can you just picture how the skirt of my dress is going to billow out when I crouch down, and take your cock into my mouth while my hands reach around and play with that plug?”
The submissive was painfully hard now, the mere thought of Mistress’ mouth on his cock driving him insane; let alone her hands playing with the plug in his ass. “I can,” he nodded eagerly.  “I can picture it.  I can almost feel it,” he drawled.  
Mistress let her mouth ghost over the submissive’s pulse point on the side of his neck.  “Can you feel that?”
“Yes Mistress,” the submissive replied lowly, wishing the song to just end already.  He spun them both around again, watching as the skirt of the Domme’s dress fluttered around them.  As the song came to an end, the submissive dipped the Domme.  
Mistress raised her leg and hooked it over the submissive’s hip as he dipped her.  The back of the heel of her foot slid over his ass and hopefully pushed on the plug.  She was rewarded with a grunt from the submissive before she straightened back up and brushed an air kiss to his cheek.  “I must make some rounds and socialize, and you should too,” the Domme instructed.  “See you in a little bit.”
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mistressxminx · 6 years
Fuck you, fuck me || Minx & S
Excerpt: Mistress pulled back from the kiss with a soft whine. “You make me want so much I can get overwhelmed and forget for a minute what we were doing,” she said softly, pulling her body back up off his. “Are you doing okay S,” the Domme asked. “If I told you I’m not even going to touch you anymore, apart from gripping your hips, do you think I could still make you come?” Mistress pulled back slowly, bringing the strap on almost all the way out of S, before pushing back in with a little more force. Her hands gripped his hips almost possessively. 
WARNINGS: Bondage, rimming, pegging, and lots of sex 
Mistress: arrived home from her run, a banana mango smoothie in her hand, having forgone strawberry due to S’s allergies. She barely walked in through the door, stopping to run a damp cloth over her face and neck before there was a knock. She opened the door with a smile, leaning in to steal a surprise kiss from the submissive. “Perfect timing Sweetheart. How are you?”
S: was more than a little eager to see Mistress. Once he knew she was headed home, he finished the work he’d brought home quickly and headed over to her place. He smiled into the surprise kiss. “Much better now, Darling. But it was still a good day.”
Mistress: “I like good days,” she said, her hand finding S’s and pulling him into the apartment. “Are you enjoying your internship?” Mistress took a sip of the smoothie again, leading S towards the couch. She waited for him to sit before she sat down and swung her legs up into his lap, as she frequently did, she couldn’t help but feel like it was a part of them and it brought her comfort each time she was able to do so.
S: squeezed Mistress’s hand as she pulled him inside. “I am. It’s a great place to be. A lot of work but that’s what interning is about.” He shrugged and followed her to the couch. Not at all surprised when her legs draped over him. It was part of them now. His hands immediately went to one shapely leg and began to massage her calf gently. “What about you? Good day? Good run?”
Mistress: “It’s also about learning a lot and making good impressions, which I’m sure you are,” she said. Her eyes fluttered closed and a soft moan escaped as S’s fingers began to work on the muscle of her calf. It felt amazing to have someone to do that for her. “You do that so well Sweetheart. Thank you,” Mistress said. “It was a good day. Things are busy because of the Event.” Mistress offered S a sip of her smoothie. “My run was good. I’m enjoying this actually and I think the race is going to be a lot of fun. In addition to the funds they’ve raised by the entry fee, it’s one of those color runs,” she explained. “Do you think I’ll look good in rainbow?”
S: nodded. “If I hadn’t made a good impression already, I wouldn’t be there. But yes, you are correct,” he nodded. He bit his lip as Mistress’s moan reached his ears. “You are very welcome,” he replied, moving his hands to her other leg. He nodded as she talked about her work. Both their lives seemed to be revolving around it these days. Not that that was a bad thing. “And I’m sure you are doing an amazing job at keeping everything running smoothly,” he said. He took a sip of the offered smoothie and hummed happily at the taste before handing it back. S suddenly wished he liked to run. “Oh, that’s something I’d love to see, actually. You are going to look so adorable drenched in different colors,” he teased.
Mistress: “That is true, but then you were just a volunteer, a student at that. Now you are an intern. It’s a different impression and their expectations would probably be higher of you now,” Mistress mused out loud. “I might have to see if the hotel I’m staying at has a masseuse on staff for after my run,” she teased him. “That or a couple of hours in the hot tub.” Mistress shrugged her shoulders. “It’s going. Tucker has no complaints, or if he does, he hasn’t voiced them. It’s a bit of a learning curve, but I like the challenge, and honestly, each day is something new. I really like that too.” The Domme reached over and ruffled S’s hair affectionately. “I’ll send you a picture when I’m done okay Sweetheart. And I’m hoping you’ll send me a picture of you all dressed up for the Event once I get settled into my hotel in Dallas. You know what you in suit does to me,” Mistress growled softly.
S: shrugged. It didn’t matter if their expectations were different. He always had the highest expectations of himself. He looked over and wrinkled his nose at her at the mention of a masseuse. The idea of someone else’s hands doing what he was currently doing bugged him. Even if it was a professional. “Tucker doesn’t strike me as someone who’d hold back if he had a complaint,” he replied, running his fingers along her calf muscle. “It’s obvious you love what you are doing. That’s important.” If anyone else had reached over and messed with his hair like that, he would have balked. As it was, he just grinned. "I can’t wait to see you. And of course I will. As much as I am glad you are going to enjoy your run, I still wish you were going to be there.”
Mistress: noticed the way his nose wrinkled and she tilted her head, leaning in to cup his check and rub her nose against his. “You’re cute. Of course I’d much rather if you were there to do this again,” Mistress said softly. She nodded at his assessment about Tucker but she had a feeling he was a little off his game, but she wasn’t about to gossip about her friend and employer like that. “I do love it; and I really enjoy my work. Just the mixture of people around all the time, it’s really great. And kind of rare, I think, to see people come together in so many different ways from so many different walks of life.” She pursed her lips. “The closer we get to the Event, and the closer /we/ get the more I wish that as well. I have a feeling it’s going to be a very magical evening. I tip my hat to the head organizer.”
S: chuckled and kissed the tip of her nose as she drew back. There was no denying it once he was caught. “It’s true,” he nodded. He’d felt a tad separate from it as of late, if only because he was spending so much time at the legal offices. But he’d been pleasantly surprised by the people he’d met and the connections he’d made. While he was glad to hear Mistress say she wished she would be there too, he didn’t want to delve too much farther into it. He wasn’t going to jeopardize their evening discussing his own plans for the evening with two other women.  “Well, someone did mention a little getaway. I’m more than sure we can create our own magical evening or two.”
Mistress: smiled at the kiss. “Ah, you did remember,” she laughed. “I keep running away weekends, I might have to push that back a little before people start speculating that I’m fleeing for some specific reason each weekend.” She ran one finger along his cheekbone. “Who says we have to leave here to have a magical evening though? We have a whole list of magical things we could do together. You’ve been working hard Sweetheart, you’ve been pleasing me so well with these leg massages and our nights together. I think it’s time I /please/ you,” she whispered seductively.
S: gave a mock-frown. “So I have to wait even longer to go away with you,” he pouted. That simple touch sent a shiver down his spine. Her whispered words caused is blood to heat. “Well, I’d certainly be a fool to turn /that/ down, darling,” he murmured back.
Mistress: giggled softly. “Oh that pout is dangerous. How ever am I supposed to resist you when you turn that on me,” she teased. “How about the weekend after the long weekend?” As Mistress thought about the calendar though she made a mental note to plan something for the third Sunday in June too, just to keep S’s thoughts off of it. “Good boy,” Mistress purred. “We still have that toy we went shopping for. I want to use it. I want to make sure you do nothing but enjoy this experience. Let me do that for you S?” she asked. Mistress stood up, holding out her hands for S’s to pull him along to the bedroom. “Get undressed for me S, and kneel on the bed, on all fours, while I get ready?” Mistress said arching one eyebrow at the submissive.
S: couldn’t help letting his pout turn into a smirk. “That is very good information to have,” he teased back. “I think that works great.” He was very much itching to get away with Mistress. The praise kicked off that familiar bubble of warmth in him, while Mistress’s purr went straight to his cock. “Yes, Miss, Please,” he said, voice already dropped an octave lower and eyes darkened by lust. He took her smaller hands in his and let her lead him. He nodded, submissive instincts all on high alert. “Yes, Miss.” He took off his clothes and folded them methodically before crawling on to the bed on all fours.
Mistress: loved the way S’s body responded to her request; from the darker look in his eyes, to the lower voice, and when he called her Miss she felt like she could fly. Mistress moved to open a drawer in her dresser, taking out something, before going to her small closet and taking out something else. She slipped into the bathroom while S was still undressing, and she made a note to praise him for how he’d taken care with his clothes, folding them. Mistress shucked off her running clothes, hanging them on a hook on the back of the door for tomorrow, and slipping into some new lingerie. The set was light lilac lace boy short with a demi cup bra, her modest breasts barely spilling out over the top. Mistress stepped into the harness of the strap on, leaving the toy on the counter for now. She unfastened her braid, finger combing it out and letting it fall in waves around her face. She pulled it back enough to keep it mostly out of her face, but left the rest down. Topping her lips with a light sheen of a clear gloss, Mistress picked up the dildo and walked back into her bedroom. “Such a good boy S,” Mistress announced from the door. “I especially like that you folded everything so neatly. What a thoughtful boy.” The Domme moved closer to the bed, opening the bottom drawer of her night table and pulling out three sets of cuffs with chains. “You’re going to let me take complete control right S? I remember your safe word, and you are free to use it, or traffic lights, red to stop, yellow to slow down and discuss, or green to keep going, whenever you want. I won’t be upset,” Mistress instructed. She slipped one cuff around a wrist then fed the chain through the slats on the headboard before fastening the other cuff to the other wrist. Then she moved to his legs, cuffing each ankle and then anchoring the other end of the cuff on the longer chain, to the end posters of the bed. Mistress went over to her jewelry box and pulled out a key on a chain, slipping it over her head. “How’s that feel S?”
S: was pulled from his thoughts by Mistress’s voice coming from the doorway. It was instinctual to look over. Catching sight of her, he felt his breath catch. Mistress was breathtaking and very much in control. If he wasn’t already on his knees he would have dropped to them and worshiped at her feet. Again, the praise washed over him and his reaction was intense. “Yes, Miss. You have complete control. I will use my safe word or stop lights if I need to slow down or stop,” he repeated, ensuring that she knew he was present and doing this because he wanted it. He groaned pleasure as the first cuff encircled his wrist. Bondage always immediately grounded him. “It feels good, Miss. Amazing.”
Mistress: felt the intensity of S’s submission wash over her like a wave of warmth. She took his chin in her hand, forcing his eyes to look up at her. “Such a good boy,” she punctuated with a brief chaste kiss to his lips. She took out some lube and put it on the bed, getting up on it behind S. The Domme draped her body over the submissivees and began slowly peppering kisses down his spine, her lips mouthing over each knob of his spine. Her hands were on his hips, thumbs massaging the twin indents at the top of his ass as she worked her way down. When she got to the bottom of his spine, Mistress moved her hands, using them to pull S’s cheeks apart. She blew a puff of warm air over him, before lowering her mouth, pressing her lips against his skin and then letting her tongue lave over his puckered hole. Mistress reached for the lube and put some on her fingers, rubbing them together to warm them as she continued to get S ready.
S: whimpered into the kiss, sinking further into submission. The feeling of her body against his and lips moving along his skin was alighting every nerve ending in his body. Those delicate hands massaging him and gripping his hips were more than enough to command him; demand his obedience. He drew in a harsh breath as she parted his ass, exposing his hole. A louder gasp followed as she lowered her mouth to him, and that wicked tongue licked over his entrance. That was a surprise; a shock that sent him reeling. His body began to quiver with need the longer she spent preparing him.
Mistress: was holding so tight to S that she felt his reactions to the things she was doing to him and it was a heady feeling to command this from the submissive. “Do you like that my good boy,” Mistress asked before she started licking and sucking, her tongue working all around before finally pressing against and into him. Using her head to keep his cheeks open, Mistress let one hand drop under S. Her fingers trailed down his chest and over his cock, her palm feeling the weight of his balls as her tongue continued to work. Once she was satisfied her tongue couldn’t do much more, Mistress brought her hand back up to keep his cheeks parted as two lubed fingers circled and pressed against his hole. “You’re doing so good S. Such a good boy for me,” the Domme praised.
S: couldn’t respond with more than a murmured, “fuck yes.” His brain had completely short circuited. If not from the delicious torture of Mistress’s mouth, then from her use of ‘my’. That was something he could very much get used to. He dropped his head in a long, loan moan as her tongue darted into him and her hand moved over his body. His cock was heavy, hard and leaking already. “Thank you Miss,” he managed, panting as he tried to calm a bit.
Mistress: loved that even in a submissive head space, she could still coax a very S verbal reaction from the submissive, such as the “fuck yes”. It felt so real, and empowering that she couldn’t even find it in her to mind. Mistress knew some Dominants that would chastise for language like that, but in this case, with this submissive, it only fueled her own desire. Her one hand kept S’s cheeks open, watching as she rocked the two fingers slowly in and out of him. Once she had them both in past the second knuckle, Mistress twisted and scissored the fingers, her hand that had been keeping his cheeks open sliding down to slowly, and gently stroke him. “You feel so good S,” Mistress confessed, her hand gliding easily thanks to his already leaking cock. “I’m going to make you feel so good tonight,” she whispered. “But I might want to hear you beg a little first S. Tell me, tell your Miss exactly what you want,” Mistress commanded as she began to twist and scissor her fingers in earnest while pumping them in and out. She had to take her hand away from his cock to add a little more lube to his hole and get ready to push a third finger inside.
S: moaned and gasped with absolutely no inhibitions. He typically had no shame and there was none to be had in this moment. Not with the gorgeous Domme doing everything in her power to drive him mad. When her delicate fingers closed around his cock, he let out a strangled noise of pleasure. He alternatively wanted to fuck back on her fingers and into her fist. “Want you to fuck me, Miss,” he said, the words coming out between panted breaths. “Want you to take me, Miss. /Please/…please. Want to cum from you fucking me.”
Mistress: pushed three fingers inside, her own breath coming fast and heavy thanks to the pleasured sounds S continued to make. “Good boy S,” she mewled, “so good. And fortunately for you, I want to do exactly that. ” She pumped her fingers in and out of him, her free hand going back to his cock, and squeezing gently. “I’m going to need a moment to get ready though. And you’re going to both be quivering with anticipation, and whining from the loss of me touching you. I know this. Because you’re letting me get to know you.” Mistress started scissoring her fingers. “Thank you… for that,” she said placing a kiss to one of his cheeks. She gave her fingers one last twist, and his cock one last stroke before she pulled her fingers out slowly, wiping them against her leg. Mistress picked up the dildo and fastened it to the harness she was wearing and grabbed the lube, slicking the toy liberally.
S: whined loudly as a third finger entered the fray. “Thank you…” he panted, “Thank you…Miss.” He would have done far more begging if she’d desired. Anything to get /more/. More praise, more touching. More her. Her words were prophetic. As soon as she’d pulled her fingers from his body and released his cock he was whining from the loss. He dropped his head again and willed himself to calm. He didn’t want this to be over too soon. The sound of her lubing the toy was obscene and pulled an anticipatory moan from his throat.
Mistress: tipped her head back in silent ecstasy at the sound of that moan, hoping that S didn’t see the brief flash of her own desperation. She brought a cupped hand down on one cheek with a firm swat, that echoed in the room. “You sound so needy S,” Mistress announced. “Keep it up. I like it.” She positioned the tip of the toy near his entrance and began to tease it up and down his crack, the nubbly teeth on her end rubbing against her clit.
S: yelped at the swat, cock jerking almost violently in response and dripping precum on to the bed. He was going to have no problem fulfilling that demand. He /was/ needy. Submitting to Mistress was fulfilling every submissive desire he’d ever contemplated and in ways he hadn’t thought possible. The teasing was drawing out ever more needy sounds. “Miss, /please/,” he pleaded, unable to stop from asking for what he was so desperate for.
Mistress: ran a hand up S’s back, fingers tangling in his hair, massaging at his scalp. She was using everything she knew about the submissive. Her other hand held the toy in position as she slowly began to push against S, pushing past that initial ring of muscle. Mistress let out slow, even breaths, taking care and time as she slowly pushed all the way into S and stopping, draping her body across his back. She gave a slight tug on his hair, turning his head to kiss him desperately.
S mewled as Mistress’s hand wound unto his hair. It was clear she knew his every weakness. Part of him wished he could see her and how beautiful she must look as she commanded his body. The toy was merely an extension of her control and he gasped as it breached him. The feeling was nearly overwhelming. He poured himself into the kiss, needing Mistress to know his heart was in her hands as well as his body.
Mistress: pulled back from the kiss with a soft whine. “You make me want so much I can get overwhelmed and forget for a minute what we were doing,” she said softly, pulling her body back up off his. “Are you doing okay S,” the Domme asked. “If I told you I’m not even going to touch you anymore, apart from gripping your hips, do you think I could still make you come?” Mistress pulled back slowly, bringing the strap on almost all the way out of S, before pushing back in with a little more force. Her hands gripped his hips almost possessively.
S: felt something in his chest catch at the words. No one had ever made him want so much. He liked that she was as overwhelmed as he was. “I am good, Miss,” he said softly. “I don’t think it, I know you will.” He was so hard and so needy there was no way he wasn’t going to come. A strangled moan fell from his lips as she thrust.
Mistress: “Good boy,” she said praising him as he answered her. She began to thrust into him in earnest then, her fingers, her nails digging into the flesh of his hips. “I can only imagine how you would feel,” she breathed. “Tight, hot, clenching all around.” Mistress was thankful for an active imagination that would let her extrapolate from other experiences and fill her senses with an idea as to what this would be like. The Domme put a hand on S’s back, pushing lightly to encourage him to lean down against the mattress, with his ass up higher. It would change the angle of her thrusts.
S: groaned as she began to thrust faster and her nails bit into his skin. Listening to Mistress describe how he would feel was beyond hot. Her imagination was divine and he was more than grateful it had turned toward him. He went readily as she pushed him into a new position. The new angle meant that the toy was going to more easily hit his prostate. The first brush to that sensitive area pulled a loud cry from him.
Mistress: The cry S gave was one that Mistress was sure she’d remember for a long, long time. It was pleasure-filled and her body responded appropriately, wetness beginning to seep down her thighs. Still, the Domme checked in with S. “Are we still good S?” Mistress slowed her thrusts for a moment waiting for his response. “You’re doing so well. Such a good boy; taking me so well.” There was a heaviness in her chest that despite having pegged other submissives and even with all the bondage and S submitting to her as Domme, this felt more intense in a way she didn’t want to examine at just that moment.
S: felt Mistress slow down and nearly sobbed. “Yes, good…so good, please Miss, don’t stop,” he begged, nearly out of his mind with pleasure. He had a lot of experience, some good and some bad; but this was incomparable. There was nothing in his experience that prepared him for how amazing this felt.  And he knew it all had to do with the woman behind him. He tugged slightly at the bonds, as if testing that they were still there and still keeping him anchored.
Mistress: Could feel the sweat beading on her forehead, in her hairline and S’s body was covered with a glistening sheen as well. “Damn,” she whispered softly before gripping his hips tightly again and giving him everything she had. “I’m not going to stop S,” Mistress told the submissive. “I’m not going to stop until you safeword, my good boy, my amazing boy,” she panted. The Domme noticed how he tested the restraints and she reached up to give them a tug as well. “I’ve got you S,” Mistress said, the hand that had just tugged on the wrist cuffs now tugging on his hair. “I’ve got you my boy.”
S nearly sobbed with pleasure as Mistress’s body slammed against him. He was no longer just a 'good boy’ he was Mistress’s good boy. And fuck if that possessive my wasn’t everything in that moment. With every reassurance he fell farther and felt more; pleasure spiraling out of control even as his submission deepened. He was so close to falling over the edge. “Please…Miss…/Michaela/…”
Mistress: felt tears prick at her eyes as S called her by her name. She moaned softly from the combination of everything, feeling her body clench around nothing, desperate to feel S as well. Having the submissive call her by her first name, the one she rarely shared with people, pulled her out of her strictly Dominant state and she leaned over to press a kiss to back of his neck. “Cum for me Sweetheart,” she said softly, thrusting into him over and over. “Make me so proud of you, and show me how much you’ve enjoyed this.” Her body craved him, she craved him, and that was practically bringing her to tears.
S: trembled at the press of her lips to his neck. Her soft moan was only fuel to the fire that was already burning so brightly in him. He was all too ready to obey. He clenched around the toy, every muscle in his body tightening before he came with a wail, sobbing out his release her name falling from his lips reverently.
Mistress: felt S’s body tense before he came, under the grip she had on his hips where she wondered if her fingers would leave little bruises, marks of her upon his skin. She let go of his hips and wrapped her under his arms, holding him tightly. “You’re okay, ” she breathed against his ear. “You did so good. So good S,” Mistress murmured, slowing her hips but continuing to fuck him through his release. “I love the way my name falls from your lips,” she confessed between pants of breath. The toy was doing little to quench her own desire, only bringing and keeping her right at the edge, as it rubbed against her clit.
S: let Mistress’s words sink in and help him calm. They also took his breath away. He’d not even realized he’d used her name until she mentioned it. But damn, he’d say it over and over if she loved it. He could hear her arousal and wanted to drown in it. It didn’t matter that he was exhausted from his own intense release. He wanted more than anything to feel her tremble and moan for him.
Mistress: “Just breathe for me Sweetheart,” she instructed as she prepared to pull out of him. She stumbled out of the harness as best as she could one handed, the other stroking up and down his back in a comforting manner. “Just wait a moment, and then you can lay down, ” Mistress instructed him. She quickly disappeared to the bathroom and came back with with a warm damp cloth and a towel. She wiped over S gently with the cloth, leaning in to peck his lips, even though she was practically vibrating with need. Then she dabbed at the bed clothes beneath him and laid the towel down. “You can lay down now, like this on the towel, and I’ll get you out of those restraints, or you can lay down on me, and I’ll keep you tied up for just a little bit longer,” Mistress groaned.
S: did as he was told and breathed deeply as she pulled from him. He whimpered as she withdrew the toy. He hated feeling empty after being so deliciously full. He did his best to calm while she took care of cleaning him and the bed up. The choices she gave were truly a no-brainer for him. “On you. Want to lay down on you,” he managed, catching her eyes and hoping she could see the need there.
Mistress: lifted one of S’s arms and slid onto the bed beneath him. She settled, bringing her own legs up over his hips, her eyes locking on with his. “You did so well S, and personally, this was my number one choice too,” the Domme hummed contentedly. “I need to get a mirror or set up a camera to a tv, or something. Because next time, I definitely want to see you while I’m doing that.” Mistress arched her back up off the bed, pressing her body completely against his. “And as wonderful as it was… I’m still wanting, needing more Sweetheart. I want you, need you,” she purred. “Are you up to still being my very good boy?”
S: couldn’t look away if he tried once Mistress locked their gazes. He was very happy to hear it was her number one choice. A very audible groan escaped as she mentioned wanting to see him while she fucked him. The feel of her gorgeous body against his own was amazing. She set off all his nerve endings when she arched into him. “Yes, Miss. Very much want to be your very good boy,” he said, still a bit breathless.
Mistress: pushed a hand through S’s hair. “Take a couple of breaths for me, get your breathing back under control. I’m not going anywhere,” she whispered. With the other hand, the Domme reached out for the drawer of the bedside table and pulled out a condom. “Seeing as though your hands are a little occupied, we have two choices here my boy. Your wonderfully talented mouth and tongue, or I can get you hard again and you can fuck me.” Mistress’s voice cracked at the last bit, but the Domme couldn’t find it to care.
S: closed his eyes for a moment when Mistress’s hand raked through his hair. He took a moment to breath and get himself back under control. As delicious as she was, he was not going to turn down an opportunity to be inside of her. Not when she’d just wrecked him. “Need to be inside you. Want to fuck you, Miss,” he said, registering the crack in her voice and knowing he made the right decision.
Mistress: groaned softly at S’s words, eyes closing. “That’s my good boy, S. I want that too, need it, you, if I’m completely honest,” she said still not opening her eyes. Mistress rocked her body against his, the wet lace of her boy shorts rubbing against his still semi hard cock, her legs wrapping around his waist. “Having you restrained like this, at my will, is so beautiful Sweetheart. Thank you for trusting me with this, with you like this,” she murmured between labored breaths as her arousal continued to grow.
S: felt his chest tighten with emotion as Mistress said she needed it; needed him. No one had ever really needed him. Not like that and if they had, they’d never said it. He groaned as she rocked her damp core against him, the lace wet enough not to abrade his cock but give it delightful friction. “Trust you completely,” he whispered, never so sure of anything in his life. He was already hardening again. Soon he’d be straining to be inside of her.
Mistress: leaned up, capturing S’s lips in a kiss. The Domme still almost couldn’t wrap her head around it, around how they’d come to be this, the closest thing to a couple that Mistress had been in for years. It made her head spin and her heart thump loudly in her chest. She reached down, her hand slipping between their bodies and wrapping around S, stroking him gently. “You’re wonderful,” Mistress whispered.
S: moaned into Mistress’s mouth as her hand wrapped around his semi-hard cock and started stroking. Just her touch was guaranteed to bring him back fully in mere seconds. He couldn’t help the bit of a smirk at the comment. “Darling, I couldn’t be this wonderful if you weren’t as well,” he said, a little awe in his voice.
Mistress: smiled at his comment, that and his reaction leaving the Domme feeling positively light headed. “Flatterer,” she teased him, but there was no denying how genuine her smile was. It wasn’t long before she was reaching for the condom, tearing the packet open and rolling it down over S’s length. Then her hands went to the lace on her hips, pushing them down far enough that she could slide one leg, then the other out of them.  Her lips moved over his again, just the lightest brush, a plead. “Sweetheart,” Mistress urged him.
S: gave her a brilliant smile in return about to tease her back but then she was rolling the condom over his fully hard member and he was groaning again in pleasure. When she whispered that endearment, he would give her anything she wanted. He moved to position himself correctly, without the use of his hands it was a bit difficult but he managed to nudge at her entrance, slipping in slowly.
Mistress: took immense satisfaction from the groan that tumbled from his lips although she knew her own pleasure would be abundantly clear, and vocal once he was finally inside her. With his hands bound it was perhaps difficult to line himself up with her, still S was persistent and Mistress found his efforts pleasantly teasing. The Domme gasped with pleasure as he slowly entered her, and once he was completely surrounded by her, she moaned his name. With his hands bound, he wouldn’t be able to tease at her clit but Mistress knew she wouldn’t need that. Not this time. It was almost enough just to have him completely inside her to bring the Domme over the edge. But she fought to stave of her orgasm just a little longer. Her leg wrapped around his hips, pushing him impossibly closer, as if she couldn’t get enough of him.
S: loved the sound of her moaning his name. It had taken a moment to find his way inside her but it was totally worth the effort. He moaned wantonly as he pressed into her. When she wrapped her legs around him, he couldn’t help but move, a languid thrust as he kept his eyes locked on her.
Mistress: ’s hands reached out to touch S, one hand pushing though his hair, the other soothing down his back, along his spine, before grabbing one of his ass cheeks. She groaned in deep satisfaction as he thrust inside of her. “Just like that Sweetheart,” she nodded, breathy pants interspersed with her words. His movement was deliberate, but slow, and yet somehow forceful. Mistress couldn’t tear her eyes away from his, and she’d never felt so naked as she did in that moment waiting for S to move again, and set some sort of pace that she could match, rocking against his body.
S: was completely lost in the feeling of being inside her. She surrounded him, filling all of his senses. She used her body, her touch, and her gaze to keep him anchored and in the moment. She made him feel impossibly greedy. He wanted every pleasured sound she made. He set a steady, rhythmic pace. He savored each movement anticipating which one would be the one that made her fall apart underneath him.
Mistress: groaned in deep satisfaction as S began to move in earnest. She was dangerously close and being completely wrapped up in the feeling of being with S as if somehow they were the only two existing in that moment. And inside her tiny apartment, they were. The Dominant bit down on her own lip, almost enough to draw blood, just before he gave a thrust that sent her over the edge. “Sweetheart,” she cried, body quivering against his, her nails drawing up his back until her fingers tangled in his hair and tugged. She arched off the mattress, and up against his body, whimpering his name over and over.
0 notes
mistressxminx · 6 years
Climax|| Minx & S
EXCERPT:   Mistress leaned in and whimpered against S’s ear. “You sound so hot right now, even hotter when you say fuck.” She gasped as he pinched and rolled at her nipple again and moved a hand to the back of his head, and guided his head closer to her breast. “Need to feel your mouth on me Sweetheart,” Mistress purred, fingers pushing through his hair. It had been a while since Mistress had been with someone in this way; perhaps that’s why she didn’t need anything but the feel of S beneath her. At some point though, she wanted to feel his fingers, his tongue, his cock, deep inside of her. Mistress pushed her body flush against S’s and wrapped her legs around his waist tightly, pulling him in while she bucked her hips against his. “Yes S,” she moaned. “Such a good boy, pleasing me this way.”
WARNINGS: Frank discussion of sex, toys, discipline, and a scene with another dominant.
With one final kiss to his lips, Mistress stood up her body already missing the contact. She slipped her shoes back on, only so she could return them to her closet. “Why don’t you go lock the door, bring your bag and your present, and meet me in the bedroom,” Mistress said with a tilt of her head towards the bedroom. She moved into her room and toed off her shoes again, pushing them with her feet into her closet. She lifted one arm, undoing the zipper that went from under her arm to her hip.
S took just a moment to breathe after Mistress slid from his lap. “Yes, Miss,” he said simply and rose to follow her instructions. He locked the door and gather his bag and present before heading to the bedroom. The sight that greeted him was more than welcome. “Do you need help, Miss?”
Mistress smiled at S as he entered the room. She gave him a soft smile. “No, I am good,” Mistress said, holding her dress against her frame. She picked up a pair of grey shorts with a lilac pinstripe and a lilac tank from the chair. “I’m just going to get a little more comfortable. And you should do the same. Take off that shirt and your pants for me Sweetheart. And I’ll help you with your present when I return.” She leaned forward and pressed a kiss to his cheek.
S should have known that she was going to ensure he didn’t get everything he wanted. “Yes, Miss,” he smiled, stripping the shirt from his frame while she kissed his cheek. He didn’t bother waiting until she’d completely disappeared before stripping his pants as well. She hadn’t asked him to do anything else, so he waiting, arms behind his back in a submissive posture. He would have knelt for her, but that would have obscured the view of him standing, black boxer briefs pulled tight over his erection and ass.
Mistress came back into the room, legs as bare as they had been on the couch, her shorts barely covering everything, even low on her hips, a strip of skin showing between the band of the shorts and the hem of her tank. She was rolling a bottle of lube between her hands, warming it up. “So beautiful,” Mistress said, her eyes flicking up and taking in S. She pressed a kiss to his lips, running her hand up his chest. “Go ahead and bend over the edge of the bed for me Sweetheart,” she instructed. “Pull down your underwear, and tell me where your present ended up.”
S sucked in a deep breath as Mistress returned, looking just as stunning in her barely there pajamas as she did in her elegant dress. That tantalizing bit of skin showing at her stomach had him nearly salivating with the need to drop to his knees and worship every inch of her. “As are you, Miss,” he countered to her compliment. Her hand sent ripples of pleasure down his spine and straight to his cock. He moved to do as she wished quickly and without any hesitation. “The end of the bed, Miss,” he pointed to where his present lie in wait. He slid down his boxer briefs as he bent over her bed, ass on display.
Mistress quickly moved to the bottom of the bed, and took out the smallest plug and moved to stand behind S. She put the plug and the lube on the bed beside him, her hands cupping his ass gently. Mistress leaned over S and began to pepper kisses along the back of his neck, across his shoulders and then down his spine. She opened the lube and spread some on her fingertips before swiping one single finger along the crack of his ass. She stopped her kisses at the small of his back, straightening up, but using her other hand to rub soothingly up and down his back. “Relax for me Sweetheart and think about how good I’m going to make you feel.”
S wanted to press against Mistress’s soft hands as they cupped his ass. It was with great effort that he remained still and let her work her magic on his skin. He couldn’t help the small noises of pleasure that left his lips as she worked over his shoulders and down his back. The cold swipe of her finger along his ass was borderline overwhelming. “Fuck,” he hissed, willing the tension from his limbs as she told him to relax. “Yes, Miss.”
Mistress pressed her hand against the small of his back and leaned in to whisper in his ear. “Yes eventually S, that’s exactly what I’m going to do to you.” She continued to let her finger move up and down, from just above the pucker of his hole to just behind his balls. “Breath in and let it out slowly. I can count it for you if you want,” Mistress suggested. “Tonight I’m just going to get you accustomed to me being back here, and start to open you up nice and slow, and put the first plug in while we fool around.” She stopped for a moment, and reached out to touch his face with her hand. “Do you need to cum first Sweetheart?”
S wasn’t sure why he hadn’t registered what his name sounded like coming from her but fuck if it wasn’t the most amazing thing. Maybe it was the way her breath ghosted over his ear. He let his breath slow as she requested. It wasn’t like he hadn’t been fucked before but this was a whole different experience. And it had been awhile since he’d bottomed. “I understand, Miss,” he whispered, looking up to catch her eyes as she asked her question. “No, no, Miss. I’m good,” he said. He was close, it was true, but he wanted to be full. But, mostly, he wanted to see her face when he came with her for the first time.
The look in S’s eyes in that moment was a bit like kryptonite to her and she couldn’t help but groan softly before pressing another kiss against his lips. “You really are so, so good, S,” Mistress praised him. She increased the pressure of her finger, her other hand rubbing a small circle at the small of his back. Her finger started circling his hole, and she took a moment to drizzle a little more lube at the intended area. Mistress listened carefully to his breathing and on the next breath out she pushed the tip of her finger into him, exhaling deeply as she did so.
S was certain he’d already become addicted to the press of Mistress’s lips against his. When she praised him, it made his breath hitch. She was so sincere that any doubts he had about his ability to /be good/ actually disappeared in the face of it. He whined a bit when she pressed against his hole, knowing he had taken far more. But somehow this was even more overwhelming, simply because it was /Mistress/. When her finger finally slipped inside him, he let out a loud gasp, head dropping to calm himself.
“That’s it Sweetheart,” she cooed, pushing further into him. She began to move her finger in and out, her other hand still continuing to rub his back. He was so warm around her, and she bit her lip as she added a little more lube, pulling her finger out and then pushing in with two. Mistress scissored them lightly, not needing much for the plug. “You feel so amazing,” she said, leaning down to press a kiss to his spine.
S would have sworn in that moment that he’d never been so hard in his life. Even two fingers wasn’t a lot, but she felt completely and utterly amazing as she opened him for the smallest plug. The gentleness in every movement was such a change from what he was used to that it was quickly short circuiting his brain. “So do you, Miss,” he breathed, still trying to maintain some semblance of control.
“I need to be looking at you,” she said softly, as her fingers continued to move in and out of him. “I need to be looking at you, I need to be kissing you.” Her skin was pebbled with gooseflesh, nipples hard against the thin cotton of her shirt, heat and moisture both developing between her legs. She pulled her fingers out, picking up the plug and quickly coating it in lube.
S was fighting with all his might not to rock back on her fingers. He could hear the need in her voice and it matched his own. That was enough to make his heart skip a beat. “God yes,” he hissed, “All of that. Need it, /please/.” S’s voice rarely took on a plaintive quality but it would for her and he knew it wouldn’t be the last time. The loss of her fingers made him sigh. He hated that feeling even when he knew they were about to be replaced.
Mistress closed her eyes against the pleading in S’s voice; it was beautiful, almost melodic. She pressed the plug against him and bent down to litter the back of his neck with kisses as she moved the toy in and out of him. Mistress pushed the pug in until the base was flat against him, and then gently patted his hip before reaching to pull up his boxer briefs. “Turn over for me Sweetheart. Turn over and sit on the edge of the bed.”
S let out a strangled moan as Mistress pressed the plug into his body and began to move it inside him. It wasn’t large and she finally pressed it in to the hilt, he sighed at the sensation. The kisses strewn across his back reminded him of who exactly was in charge. Even the delicate slide of the soft material of his boxer briefs was overwhelming against his erection which was leaking copiously. He moved into the position she requested slowly, happy to have his eyes on her again.
Mistress grabbed a tissue from the bedside table and wiped her fingers as best as she could while S moved to sit on the bed. Even with the boxer briefs back on, there was no hiding how aroused S was and she licked her lips, moving to straddle his legs and sitting down in his lap again. Mistress’s hands went to S’s hips, and slowly pushed up along his ribs and then up to cup his neck and jaw. She kissed him hard and deep then, moaning against his lips. She ached to feel him; to have him touch her, caress her skin.
S wasn’t sure he could have stopped himself from moving his hands to Mistress’s waist and sliding his fingers along that sliver of skin that was revealed between her tank top and shorts. He want to pull her closer, feel her body heat against him but he contented himself with the feel of her skin under his fingers. He let out a sound that sounded suspiciously like whimper into her mouth.
Mistress leaned back into his touch, arching her back slightly and letting out a breathy gasp as she broke the kiss. She shuffled her knees more forward, bringing them closer together. Mistress reached for one of his hands, at her waist, and slid it up the side of her body, encouraging him to touch as he wished. “Are you still with me Sweetheart?” she asked softly, one hand slowly travelling down the center of his chest, coming to rest just above his black boxer shorts.
S wanted to hear that gasp again and again. Given the non-verbal okay, S slid his hand up further, caressing her side gently before moving further to cup her breast and brush his thumb across her already hardened nipple. Her question managed to bring a small smile to his lips. “You are the only thing I can see.” His focus was narrowed to just her. A visible shudder overtook him as her hand settled just above his crotch.
Mistress mewled softly as S’s large warm hand cupped her breast, even over her tee shirt. The cotton and feel of his thumb electrifying the sensitive nub. Mistress grinned back at him. “As it should be. That’s exactly as it should be.” She let her fingers skirt further down, skimming over the hard outline of his cock in the black briefs. She let her hand wrap around him and she gave him a couple of strokes, her own body desperate to feel him against her. The Domme shuffled forward again, moving her hand away, but grinding her hips down onto his and capturing his lips with hers again.
S felt like a teenager with a hair-trigger when Mistress’s fingers slipped down his cloth covered cock. He tossed his head back in a ragged moan as she stroked him over his underwear, hand still massaging her breast. He brought his eyes back to hers as she slid forward and ground into him. The hand not occupied at her breast slipped around and cupped her ass as she caught his lips again. He poured every bit of his need into that kiss, hoping she could feel it.
“That’s it Sweetheart,” she said when S moaned. It was the most intoxicating sound and the fact that she’d brought this attractive, intelligent man to his metaphorical knees felt amazing. Mistress gasped again as S gripped her ass. She kissed him again, thrusting her tongue into his mouth and asserting her dominance as her hips continued to grind against his. The more she moved, the more she could feel a growing dampness between them and Mistress was sure it was from both of them. There were so many things she wanted to do; could do, to S, and have him do to her.
S felt a swell of pride at the praise; pleasing Mistress could quickly become an addiction, if it hadn’t already. The way she moved her hips against his was downright sinful. He had no idea how he’d managed to not come already though he assumed it had everything to do with wanting to please the delicious creature in his lap. He could feel the heat and wetness from her own arousal seeping through his own briefs. “/Darling/…” It was a whispered plea for either more or mercy, he wasn’t sure.
“Yes Sweetheart…,” she murmured against his lips, practically panting with desire. “Do you want to come for me S? Right here, just like this? Just like two naughty teenagers getting caught up in a moment.” Mistress’s voice was breathy and high, and as much as she wanted to, she couldn’t stopped grinding her hips against S, so close to her own climax as his cloth covered cock pushed through the damp fabric of her shorts lining her lips, the head brushing against her clit.
S could not have ever imagined that endearment sounding so amazing before. His breathing matched her own. “Fuck, yes, Miss, /please/,” he begged. He’d begged before, in scenes when it felt like it was an act. But this was no act. Even more than wanting his own release, he needed to feel hers. His thumb and index finger rolled her nipple over the fabric, plucking it gently as she continued to grind on his cock. “Need to feel you come, darling. /Please/.”
Mistress leaned in and whimpered against S’s ear. “You sound so hot right now, even hotter when you say /fuck/.” She gasped as he pinched and rolled at her nipple again and moved a hand to the back of his head, and guided his head closer to her breast. “Need to feel your mouth on me Sweetheart,” Mistress purred, fingers pushing through his hair. It had been a while since Mistress had been with someone in this way; perhaps that’s why she didn’t need anything but the feel of S beneath her. At some point though, she wanted to feel his fingers, his tongue, his cock, deep inside of her. Mistress pushed her body flush against S’s and wrapped her legs around his waist tightly, pulling him in while she bucked her hips against his. “Yes S,” she moaned. “Such a good boy, pleasing me this way.”
S wanted to keep pull everything he could from Mistress. Even small gasps sent him reeling. The words at his ear made him shudder. He eagerly moved with her guiding hand, pulling down the material of her tank to get to her breast. He moaned as sucked the hard pebble between his lips, flicking it lightly with his tongue before sucking harder. He continued his ministrations as he felt her strong legs wrap around him. He whimpered against her breast as his cock pressed even harder against her heated core. He tugged at her nipple gently with his teeth as she praised him, so so close to release he felt like he was walking a tightrope, only narrowly avoiding falling off.
Mistress  groaned as she felt the warm heat of S’s mouth on her breast. She tugged at his hair, moaning as his mouth worked her nipple. Her shorts were now completely wet from where she was rutting against S. Mistress gasped, her body tightening against S’s as she edged ever closer. “It’s okay Sweetheart, let go for me. Let go /with/ me,” she whimpered with a press of her lips to his forehead.
S had never felt anything hotter than Mistress bringing herself off against his clothed cock. It was insane how erotic the moment was. He could feel the moment when Mistress realized that she was close, her body tensing against him. He echoed her gasp as she gave her permission and let himself go. Only a few second more of delicious friction and his own body tensed in preparation of a spectacular release. His cock jerked against her heat as he spilled, coming with her name a gasp on his lips.
Mistress felt S’s cock jerk, and the warm, wetness that signaled his release before her name tumbled from his lips. It was music to her ears, and a welcome feeling against her heated core; Mistress grinding her hips down a final time and burying her face in S’s neck as she cried his name with her release. She held him close, her hand rubbing up and down his back, before she kissed up his neck, along his jaw and to his lips. “Oh Sweetheart,” she sighed softly, “we’re definitely doing that again.”
S felt his breath coming hard at Mistress’s breast as she buried her face against his neck. He kissed above her breast and up to her neck as he wrapped his arms around her tightly. He was struggling to calm his breathing as her hand soothed over his back. He couldn’t help but smile against her lips when she reached them again. “Yes, please,” he sighed in return. He had no words for how amazing it all had been and he was afraid to even try for fear he would break the spell.
Mistress gently guided S back against the bed. “My breasts might require that kind of attention on a regular basis,” she teased with a chuckle, curling against S’s side as they both worked to regain their breathing. “That…,” Mistress shook her head, “if something like that doesn’t impress the hell out of the other Dominant, I don’t know what will.” Her fingers ghosted over S’s chest, “you were wonderful S. And in a minute I’ll get up and get us some water and something to clean up with. Did you bring a change of clothes?”
S went gratefully to lie against Mistress’s bed. He smirked at the teasing and kissed the top of Mistress’s dark head, arm curling around her form curled next to him. “Honestly, I forgot about the other Dominant,” he chuckled. It had been a long time since he had a moment in which he was totally content and he savored it. “Thank you, Miss. I have no words for what you were,” he said honestly. “I did bring a change of clothes. Like I said. I was hopeful.”
“Oh…. I like the sounds of that too,” she teased. “Just focused on you and I huh? Can’t say that’s not a big boost to my ego.” She hummed contentedly as S kissed the top of her head and pulled her closer with his arm. “You are most welcome S, but thank you too. To be frank, it’s been a while since I’ve had an orgasm that wasn’t of my own doing.” Mistress smiled. “Good. Stay with me tonight then Sweetheart, like this. In the morning, I need to go to Yoga but after that, and a quick shower, we can go shopping.”
S chuckled. “Ego boost or no, it is simply the truth. Everything else ceased to exist,” he teased back. He was admittedly surprised at her confession. “If that is the case, I have to believe that is of your choice. I was surprised to not see a line of willing switches and submissives at your door.” He smiled and let his hand drift over her side. “Of course, darling. I would love to stay with you tonight.”
Mistress reluctantly got up, grimacing slightly at the wet, and now cool feeling between her legs. “It was mostly my choice. But it still doesn’t make what we just shared any less.” She tilted her head and smiled softly at S. “Oh, I sent them all home because I knew you were coming,” the Dominant said with a roll of her eyes. Mistress disappeared into the hallway for a moment, before coming back with a warm damp cloth and a clean towel. “I’ll leave you to clean up, while I do the same, unless you’d like to take a shower?” She moved to her dresser and opened a drawer, pulling out another pair of shorts, this time pink, and a black tee shirt.
“Oh, nothing could make what we just shared any less,” he admitted quietly, looking up at her from his still prone position on the bed. He chuckled as she rolled her eyes at him. “Unless you are offering to shower with me, then I’ll clean up here,” he smirked, moving to strip his soiled briefs with a grimace of his own.
Mistress  laughed softly. “Trying to get me even more wet and naked S? You’ve got to let me maintain a little mystery for a little while longer,” she teased again before disappearing again. In the small bathroom, Mistress cleaned herself up, and set her soiled shorts to soak in the sink while she went to get a couple of bottles of water. “Want me to soak those, and leave to dry with mine overnight?” she asked handing S a bottle of water.
S knew he’d be turned down but that was fine, he could wait. If the glimpse he just had was anything to go by, it would definitely be worth it. He stood and stretched before accepting the bottle of water, the plug still inside him shifting pleasantly. “Please,” he nodded and handed her his soiled garment before uncapping the bottle and taking a swallow. He moved to his bag to pull out a pair of sweats and pulled them over his long legs.
Mistress couldn’t help licking her lips as S stood, fully naked, and stretched. Her cheeks burned slightly, like she knew he’d done that for her benefit, but still feeling a bit like she shouldn’t be looking. She took the soiled garment and looked at him with a raised eyebrow. “Keeping the plug in Sweetheart? Otherwise we might as well take it out and I can clean it.” Mistress was almost sad to see him pull the sweats on, enjoying the sight quite a bit.
S smirked at the raised eyebrow. “You didn’t ask me to remove it, Miss. But if you would like to assist me in removing in, I would appreciate it.” He moved quickly to bend over the bed and pulled his sweatpants just under his ass. He glanced over his shoulder and caught her eyes with a mischievous look.
Mistress laughed again at S’s mischievous look. She moved behind him, hands smoothing over his ass before she leaned up against him. “I could make you keep it in all night,” Mistress whispered. “So that every single movement makes you think of me.” She swatted at S’s ass with her hand. “Oh but you do look beautiful like this, bent over my bed, your ass on display, Sweetheart.”
S hummed happily as Mistress’s hands smoothed over his ass, enjoying her weight as she leaned against him. “And I would do so gratefully, darling,” he whispered back. The swat pulled a delighted moan from him. “Thank you, Miss. I did hope you would enjoy the sight. I’ve been told that it looks quite lovely shaded red.”
“Well, that’s a very interesting tidbit to know,” she said, giving his ass another swat. “I might be interested in testing that out and seeing it just for myself. Especially if you plan on being so naughty and mischievous,” Mistress said with a smirk. She cupped his ass with both hands again, giving each cheek a firm squeeze and pulling them apart slightly, noticing the base of the plug that way. “Then guess this is staying in for the night,” Mistress said, giving it a little twist before pulling it out just a little and then pushing it back in.
S grinned. “I thought so,” he said, another moan for the second swat. “I do hope that is something you decide you’d like to see.” The idea of her spanking him, or using an implement on him was something he’d already contemplated. Often. “Well, I’ve definitely been called incorrigible.” Fuck, she was going to have him hard again. He pressed back just slightly into her grip. He couldn’t say he was disappointed that he’d be plugged overnight. He enjoyed feeling full. “Yes, Miss, as you wish,” he groaned as she pulled and twisted the toy.
Mistress shivered slightly with anticipation. This was a bit nuts, unless her body, and her biology were reacting to her having someone so willing and able to submit to her in all the ways she wanted. “You are definitely incorrigible,” Mistress agreed with a laugh. “Pull up your pants S and make yourself comfortable while I take care of a few things. There is a remote on the night stand, turn on whatever you want.” She picked up the discarded briefs again, as well as the soiled cloths which she put in the laundry, and then she soaked the other with her shorts before wringing them out and hanging them to dry over the rod of her shower. This Switch was far too tempting in all the right ways.
S moved slowly to pull up his sweats. When Mistress left the room, he crawled back on to the bed and stretched out. He sighed happily as his head hit the pillow. He didnt even bother turning on the television. He wouldn’t have heard it anyway.
Mistress returned to the room to find S stretched out, and to the looks of it, well on his way to dream land. Knowing her way around well enough, she shut off the light and crawled into bed beside S. She pushed her fingers through his hair and pressed a kiss to the top of it. “Sleep well Sweetheart,” Mistress murmured.
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