#writings:all that glitters
mistressxminx · 6 years
All That Glitters || Mistress & the submissive
“Eyes open and use your voice boy,” Mistress demanded.  “Tell me what’s the matter.”  
The submissive opened his eyes, gazing into the Domme’s.  “In hopes that I might find some Dominant, such as yourself, who might want to take me home and fuck me, before getting dressed I...” he struggled with the admission, “...put in a plug.”  The submissives eyes moved back down to his feet.
“Eyes back up here,” Mistress demanded.  “There are so many Dominants here this evening, but none quite as beautiful or demanding as me, is what you meant to say,” she teased with a knowing smirk.  “And look at you, being all proactive.  I wonder if you will truly get to enjoy your efforts tonight.”  She stepped back, dropping her hand, and gathering one side of her skirt, flipping it to reveal how high it allowed access.  The Domme took another sip of champagne.  
There was nothing quite like a formal bow tie and white tails event to bring out the most glamorous and outrageous fashions.  The only thing that could have satisfied Mistress more was if it had been a masqued event as well.  A survey of her closet and Mistress pulled out a dress in a gold silk.  It draped and wrapped around her frame, the wrap of the skirt giving easy access should it be desired, without the gaudiness of a daring open slit.  
Mistress loved nothing more than beautiful people dressed up in beautiful clothes; men in well cut suits being a particular craving she loved to indulge.  The champagne was flowing, the music easy enough on the ears, and Mistress was enjoying herself.  Her eyes scanned the crowd, looking for her next victim dance partner.  The Domme spied him out on the terrace, and grabbing two fresh glasses of champagne from a waiter’s tray, she strode confidently across the room and out onto the terrace.  
“I thought you could use a drink.” Mistress said, holding out a flute while taking a sip from her own.  “Imagine my surprise and disappointment, to discover one of the best dressed, and good looking submissive men out here alone on the terrace and not inside dancing.  Please don’t disappoint me and tell me you don’t dance,” she teased.  
The submissive took the champagne flute from the Domme with a tilt of his head. “Thank you Mistress,” he said, mind reeling at the idea of this beautiful creature having sought him out; quite sure there must be some other reason for it.  “Just getting some air.  Haven’t had many requests to dance yet this evening.”  
“No?” The Domme asked with a tilt of her head moving closer.  “Then consider that tragedy rectified.  When we’ve finished our champagne, we will dance,” she instructed.  The Domme let her hand trail across the submissive’s shoulder and down his arm to his elbow.  “It is ever so discouraging to see people missing the true diamonds in the rough.  But I suppose I shouldn’t complain all too much since it allows me to occupy your time without too much fight.”
“No fight at all Mistress,” the submissive said, before swallowing a mouthful of champagne.  He shivered at her light touch, like electricity pricking from her fingertips to the nerves under his skin.  It made him painfully aware of the device he was wearing, and shifted, a pleasant sort of wince crossing his face.
Noticing his distress, the Domme immediately turned, hand coming up to tilt his chin up.  “Are you alright boy?”  she demanded.  
Eyes closed, the submissive nodded his head, willing his body to not betray him, and cause further embarrassment.
“Eyes open and use your voice boy,” Mistress demanded.  “Tell me what’s the matter.”  
The submissive opened his eyes, gazing into the Domme’s.  “In hopes that I might find some Dominant, such as yourself, who might want to take me home and fuck me, before getting dressed I...” he struggled with the admission, “...put in a plug.”  The submissives eyes moved back down to his feet.
“Eyes back up here,” Mistress demanded.  “There are so many Dominants here this evening, but none quite as beautiful or demanding as me, is what you meant to say,” she teased with a knowing smirk.  “And look at you, being all proactive.  I wonder if you will truly get to enjoy your efforts tonight.”  She stepped back, dropping her hand, and gathering one side of her skirt, flipping it to reveal how high it allowed access.  The Domme took another sip of champagne.  
The submissive nodded.  “Of course Mistress; I’m sorry.”  He watched, swallowing a thick lump as she stepped back, her touch and closeness immediately missed, and smooth skin revealed between folds of golden silk.  Damn, fucking hell, he thought, squeezing his eyes shut and biting into his lip until he tasted the familiar tang of blood, shifting against the plug in his ass.  
Mistress tsked lightly.  “Whatever am I going to do to keep your eyes open boy?” she leaned in to whisper against his ear.
The warmth of her breath against his ear pulled another shiver, even as the submissive opened his eyes.  “I don’t know Mistress.  It’s not like you could very well spank me here.”
“Couldn’t I?” Mistress laughed.  “If I demanded you drop your pants right now, and leaned over the railing, and showed off that plug in addition to other things, would you not obey me?”
“Of course Mistress”, he groaned.  “Are you demanding that of me?  What would you use to strike me?”
“That’s much better boy,” Mistress mewled.  She stepped forward, the hint of a strap under his jacket.  She slipped one beautifully manicured finger under  the strap of the suspenders and pulled it up an inch before releasing it.  “With your pants around your ankles you won’t have the need for suspenders now will you?”
“No, I wouldn’t Mistress,” the submissive agreed, yelping slightly as his suspenders clapped back against his skin.  “You still didn’t answer if this is what you want.”
“What I want is for you to finish your champagne so we can dance,” Mistress said, deciding the submissive was far too interested in the idea for it to be an effective punishment at the moment.  “Can’t give you absolutely everything you want when you want it, now can I?”
The submissive deflated where he stood, but he gulped down the flute of champagne, watching as the Mistress sipped the rest of hers.  Once he finished his champagne, the submissive held out his hand.  “May I have this dance Mistress?”
Mistress finished her champagne, and set down the glass, taking the submissive’s as well, and setting them on the railing.  “You may indeed beautiful boy,” she said, offering her hand, and pulling his own with hers up towards his mouth, indicating he should kiss her hand.  
The submissive’s cheeks burned red at the missed cue but he followed quick and brought her hand to lips, pressing a kiss to the top of her hand.  “Thank you Mistress, you are far too kind,” he said, leading them expertly back into the ballroom and onto the dance floor.  The submissive easily pulled the Domme into his arms.  He was keenly aware of the the feel of his work labored hands against the Domme’s silky skin.
“And you’re even more beautiful in that particular shade of red,” Mistress cooed.  She was impressed with his skills on the dance floor as he pulled her into his arms. The skin on his hands was rough, no doubt from years of farm work, but Mistress found she didn’t mind it.  Especially the hand that slid to the small of her back, and the exposed skin from the open back of her dress.  “Where did you learn to dance like this?”
The submissive shook his head.  “I don’t know.  I think it must be you, Mistress,” he smiled.  
“Oh is that so now,” Mistress smiled.  “Flatterer.”
“It’s not flattery if it’s true.” 
“Oh hush boy before I do something to shut you up,” Mistress instructed quietly.  She squeezed his hip.  
“I am not opposed to that at all,” the submissive replied, eyes glinting.  
Mistress chuckled.  “And didn’t we just go over how I’m not going to give you everything you want, when you want it.  If you’re not careful, you’re going to have nothing but that plug in your ass tonight,” she pressed up against the submissive’s lean frame to whisper in his ear.  The Domme felt him shiver against her again, and as he spun her around, his leg sliding between his, she ground down onto his thigh, rolling her hips against his.  
“Mistress,” the submissive whined as she rubbed against his leg.  He could feel his cock begin to swell with arousal, and he shifted as his ass clenched around the plug.  
Mistress let her hand wander up, fingers carding through the submissive’s hair, fingers gripping the strands and tugging gently.  “Yes boy?” she whispered into his ear again.  Her fingers continued to tease his hair.  
The submissive titled his head back into her tug, not at all embarrassed that he moaned softly and missed a step.  “Sorry,” he murmured, tightening his grip on the Domme, and pulling her a little closer determined to finish this dance and be everything Mistress wanted so she might help him with what he wanted most.  “You just feel really good,” the submissive said softly.  
“So do you,” Mistress agreed.  “And you’re so responsive and make such beautiful sounds.  I want to hear them again,” she said tugging his hair again. 
The submissive moaned again, this time having just enough warning to bury his head into the Domme’s shoulder.   He somehow kept them moving around the dance floor.
“Beautiful, beautiful,” Mistress cooed.  “Keep being this good of a boy and I’m definitely going to bring you home with me tonight,” she whispered into his ear.  “I’m going to get you to drop those pants to your ankles.  Can you just picture how the skirt of my dress is going to billow out when I crouch down, and take your cock into my mouth while my hands reach around and play with that plug?”
The submissive was painfully hard now, the mere thought of Mistress’ mouth on his cock driving him insane; let alone her hands playing with the plug in his ass. “I can,” he nodded eagerly.  “I can picture it.  I can almost feel it,” he drawled.  
Mistress let her mouth ghost over the submissive’s pulse point on the side of his neck.  “Can you feel that?”
“Yes Mistress,” the submissive replied lowly, wishing the song to just end already.  He spun them both around again, watching as the skirt of the Domme’s dress fluttered around them.  As the song came to an end, the submissive dipped the Domme.  
Mistress raised her leg and hooked it over the submissive’s hip as he dipped her.  The back of the heel of her foot slid over his ass and hopefully pushed on the plug.  She was rewarded with a grunt from the submissive before she straightened back up and brushed an air kiss to his cheek.  “I must make some rounds and socialize, and you should too,” the Domme instructed.  “See you in a little bit.”
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