dragons-eat-people · 9 months
Season's Eatings
Christmas was always one of my favorite holidays, but even more so for my little brother, Everett. He's an absolute Christmas nut, having become obsessed with the holiday. He sings all the songs that the humans do around this time of year with a friend of his, a little French dragon named Wattson. He's a good kid, and the pair are rather inseparable.
Though, this little holiday tale isn't about the two little dragons. Ever heard the saying that "Christmas is about giving"? That's the little moral of this story. After all, the greatest gifts are the ones that wind up on your doorstep.
Our home, whether you'd like to call it Dragonland, or the Alterlands, which is the proper name...but it's separated into sectors. That's how the tribes are separated and such. In our sector, which is called Kulia Forest, we have a...lovely section that I named myself!
Bandit's Run.
The name is more literal than you think. Bandits, thieving humans love to scour own home for ancient treasures. This isn't particularly common during the winter, but...I think you can tell where I'm going with this.
One particular human so far has escaped me. The only exception, he was armed and I had Everett with me at the time, so he's just lucky. Though, you can only imagine the look on my face when an enemy I loathed appeared right on our doorstep...
The season's about giving. Thanks for giving yourself up to me. I pounced forward, latching onto his shoulders with my claws, pinning him down in the snow. He yells, instinctively, struggling against my grip and such. He manages to reach into his pocket, dammit. He still has his gun. My adversary managed to aim at me, clenching his hand around the grip and trigger.
He shoots.
The bullet...misses. What a shame. He curses, right as I wrestle the firearm out of his hands. Here comes the fun part. I smirk voraciously as I open my maw, quick to shove him inside. His screams turn muffled as he enters my mouth, sliding towards the back of my maw, down my throat. My esophagus bloats with his form, sinking down the abyss that was myself. I swallow him in one go, relishing in my prey's frantic kicking and shoving as he travels to my stomach.
My belly expands a bit, and I can already feel the wriggling too. What a treat. I stand smug over my prey, before being caught off guard by a lone voice. One too familiar, but the situation alone is enough to send a chill down my spine. I don't spook easily.
"Sis? Are you alright?" My little brother calls me, walking to the front door to meet me there. I stand up, turning back to see him. His gaze was soft and thoughtless, such an innocent being. I laugh softly, approaching him. "Yes, little one. It's Christmas, you shouldn't be awake this early...did the noise wake you?" I ask, enveloping his little being. I wrap my tail around him, lifting the little dragonet up with ease. Shutting the cold out, the door closes behind us once we're both inside. I navigate the dark room to find our couch, bringing Everett along with me. All the while, my prey is fighting me from within, and I just hope he doesn't notice. We lay down together, almost cuddling.
Everett nestles into my fur without a word. He sighs, closing his eyes. Perhaps he's too disoriented to take in the fact that I've devoured someone, and my belly is a noisy mess. I shake my head. Even if he does know, it doesn't particularly matter. I lean forward, nuzzling him with my snout.
"Merry Christmas."
To all of you as well, thank you so much for all the support here on this blog of mine. I hope everyone has a wonderful Christmas and a very safe holiday. I'm looking forward to what I'll have planned in the coming year of 2024 too. I will be announcing the start of new blogs as well, so stay tuned for that announcement, probably within the coming week or the next. Once again, thanks for everything. Your support is what drives me, and I couldn't ask for a better gift for the holidays.~
Unless...some of you are feeling bold and would like to be stocking stuffers? I can dine on wonderous little treats such as yourselves, and maybe a few candy canes too~
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dragons-eat-people · 11 months
Tricked, Treated
Regaining consciousness, are we? Let's recall this tale from the beginning: A Chilling Journey into Misty's World...
The moon hung low in the ink-black sky and the eerie winds whispered secrets and ghostly chants into the night, the fluffy dragoness was ready to spread her yearly mischief on her favorite night.
Her own little game of "Trick Or Treat".
With her powers at their peak, her heart raced with anticipation, mischief, and excitement. Misty prowls the darkened streets, her fur shimmering like fresh-fallen snow in and out of view. The darkness aids in her traversal. Unsuspecting trick-or-treaters are met with her hypnotic gaze, and fresh souls are drawn into the world of shenanigans and trickery.
Reading into their greatest fears was the fun part, using such information to get good scares out of her victims, but all for good fun, of course. She loved to tease, making her unfortunate victims squirm and wriggle with anticipation. On the surface, Misty emits an aura of playfulness and eager righteousness, but this is all just a simple lure into a coy trap. Deep down, she simply craved all the fear, screams, and absolute shivers that ran down the spines of the ones she scared.
Who'd think? All this fun crammed into one simple holiday...
Of course, you're oblivious to all this. Having known Misty for a couple months, you'd had no idea about what could happen tonight. You knew she'd show up to see you, but when...?
Then, as if on cue, there was a knock on the front door. Three, in fact. All singular, spaced apart in time. Ominous.
You get to your feet, thinking nothing of it. It's probably just some trick-or-treater. Right? As you open the door, you're met with nothing but the silence and desolate sight of your front lawn, minus the inflatable skeleton and black cat. Just then...there's a subtle breathing down your neck. A simple turn is all it takes...
Nothing. You shrug it off, closing the door behind yourself before returning to the couch. There's no need for distractions on your laid-back night, you're too busy watching Monster House.
Perhaps it was a prank. She might've teased you about showing up, even if that was unlike her. Oh well. At least there's more popcorn and candy for yourself. You continue to watch your film for a while before an unsettling feeling of being watched fills your mind. Shake it off! Surely, it's just a simple trick or two. Surely...
It's not long until that same breathing from before returns. It's a lot closer this time, with the addition of smelling quite...minty. Uh oh.
You are only offered a quick glance before a damp mint-green-colored tongue is lassoed around your waist, yanking you up off your spot on the couch. Her jaws open wide, surrounding your form. A small but powerful swallow is all it takes to send you disappearing into her bottomless depths. The medium-sized bulge of your body accompanied from outside, making Misty purr as you sank, sliding into her belly, rounding it out quite a bit.
You've received quite the Trick this year...but don't worry. Halloween only lasts a couple more hours...
Happy Halloween!
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dragons-eat-people · 2 years
Gingerbread's New Home: Misty Story
Another year, another delightful Christmas, huh. You were always quite the lovely festivities the holiday season brought, and your recent mastery in the culinary arts brought your enjoyment to an entirely new level. It's turned into a hobby at this point, but you construct lively gingerbread houses. Some for display in the shop, some for friends and family, and some even to make some extra christmas cash. This year you thought, could be different. Why not make one for yourself? Well, that would be an excellent idea. Key word: Would. You had just one tiny problem. Well, realistically, it was a huge problem, and it was resting on your couch eyeing your every move.
Misty. A dragoness with quite the - more so unfortunate for you - sweet tooth. That's what stood in your way. For a few moments, you two make eye contact. "[Name]!, cmon. Go ahead and show me your craft! I promise I won't do anything mischievous." Misty gently pleaded, being dramatic. You roll your eyes, entering the kitchen. "That's very believable, Misty. I need to get to work though, so I can't let your promises interfere with my work." You say. You hear her giggle across the room, very faintly. But like you said, you've got to get to work now! Gathering all the necessities you need: Graham Crackers, icing, you name it. Even a batch of gingerbread men was baked a few hours in advance. You took your work quite seriously, and it definitely showed in your craft. As you work silently and carefully, Misty finds herself joining you within the kitchen, quite close to your creation.
"Too close missy." You mutter. Turning your back on the house. Just then, you'd placed a few gingerbread there too, about three. A small family! You gather a bit more icing and some sweets to top the house off. Turning to face the gingerbread house again though, the residents seem to be gone. You clear your throat, eyeing the dragon. "Misty?" You call. "Where are the gingerbread people?" The question seems to fly right through her ears, but she lacks a response. "Hmm? What gingerbread? I don't remember seeing any." Misty replies, sounding sincere. You don't buy it, however. You definitely know that she's up to something. This process continues for a few minutes. Gingerbread is brought out, only to disappear. Honestly, maybe she wants this. To toy with you on your favorite holiday. Determined to defeat her in the strange game, you retaliate.
"Alright Misty, that's enough-" you begin to yell, but managed to catch her in the act. She's got her claws on your little cookie people as you speak. Stopping in place, you cross your arms. The large dragoness shifts a bit. She'd been caught. "Well then. You can go ahead and hand the cookie over, Misty. Jigs up." You instruct, holding your hand out for her to return it. "Cmon. To be fair, I wasn't born yesterday. Perhaps I was just fueling your shenanigans. So be good and-" you didn't get to finish that sentence in time. She was already motioning toward her mouth, attempting to devour your cookie person. "Nope! Not this time, you pesky dragon!" You shout, lunging forward, only to overextend. Terribly overextend...
Misty's maw, unluckily enough, was opened just enough to fit you inside. Stuck, you try your best to pry yourself free. This lacks any sort of effectiveness. Sensing your unlucky position, the dragoness took her advantage over you. She easily began to pull you into her throat, effectively swallowing you down. One mighty gulp later, you were downed. Misty sat back against the nearby counter, rubbing her stomach carefully. "Now, was that worth it?" Misty asked, giggling. You sigh, shaking your head. "Unfortunately not. At least I've discovered all the whereabouts of the other cookies. Guess I'm stuck here for a while?" You regrettably ask. Misty only sighs in bliss. "Merry Christmas, [Name.] Merry Christmas. Being completely honest with you, I think your gingerbread belong in a better home. My belly!" She teased. You sigh, settling into your ideal resting place for the next few hours.
Some Christmas this was..
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