#misunderstand me not; i am in favor of ditching useless china
theradioghost · 1 year
thanks to craigslist it looks like I may be achieving my lifelong dream of owning a fancy antique china cabinet and can I just say. my fellow zilennials. you have got to get on these things. people literally cannot give them away because no one is buying collections of china they never use anymore, and as a result the internet is full of offers for FREE beautiful giant cabinets that are the world's best display for All Of Your Favorite Weird Shit. I intend* to fill mine with figures, fossils, weird antique ephemera and fake taxidermy**, and frankly I cannot wait
*actually right now I'm going to be using it as a dresser because I don't currently have one since the cross-continental move, but the oddities WILL be showcased eventually
** don't own any real taxidermy except for a sheep skull but IDK if Shaun counts since I just bought him off an old lady at a village fair and bleach treated him myself
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