#misuse of the words predator and groomer
rubberduckyrye · 2 years
Man I had someone RB my post about the Japanese Fandom mass blocking Antis (people they call "Feelings Yakuza" in their culture and look down upon) with the tags "I finally know what Proship means"
And that does remind me about how Antis have like. Actively rewritten fandom history SO many times. They've redefined words that weren't theirs to redefine. And people are believing them.
So here's a couple of things that Antis have tried to rewrite aside from misusing alarm triggers like Predator (censored P) and abuser and groomer and stuff.
(And this is coming from someone who has seen this shit go down for ten years)
-Originally named themselves. They called themselves "Anti-(shipname)" which is why the full term is Anti-shipper. This is why you might see some older Proshippers (Pro-shipping, like "I'm pro shipping, I support shipping," not "Problematic Shipping" like Antis want you to believe) call themselves Anti-Antis. They originally coined the term Anti-anti, as in anti, anti shipper. Because it was confusing, they later started to use Proship instead. Regardless Antis like to insist that they didn't name themselves and that they are "normal people actually" to try to distance themselves from the label they themselves tarnished and redefine the labels to their benefit.
-Have completely rewritten/erased the "Needle in the Cookie Incident." Like what it says on the tin, an Anti had given a person who shipped a controversial ship a batch of cookies and one of the cookies had a needle in it. This caused a big stink on tumblr, and Antis at the time would defend the action of the offender because the victim shipped the ship. Now, they insist that it never happened like people remember it, if they admit to it happening at all.
-Klance shippers, very specifically antis who hated Shieth, harassed a woman named Karen Lance who took the profile name k.lance to try and make her delete her account so they could take it. She rightfully called the cops instead.
And these are just, the things I can remember off of the top of my head. I bet if i did some actual digging I could find more crap because Antis (or feelings Yakuza) are actually insane.
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discoursecatharsis · 5 years
I'm 19 and I find a 17 year old attractive and I'm honestly kind of scared that it makes me a pedophile since they're still a minor
You are NOT a pedophile. Oh my goodness, this is why I can’t stand antis overusing and misusing that word. A pedophile is attracted to prepubescent children. That 17 year old is NOT prepubescent. You two are almost the same age, for heaven‘s sake. You could both be in the same college class. You both probably even LOOK the same or similar in ages, if y’all stood next to each other, a stranger might think you two are the same age.
The only thing that might be illegal is having sex with a 17 year old, depending on where you leave. And that’s only because you’re legally an adult and they’re legally a minor. But even then, it wouldn’t make you a pedophile, or even a predator or a groomer or any other nonsense that antis spew.
You’re only two years apart. You’re both in you’re late-teens/in the same age range. It’s perfectly fine to find them attractive. Like you’re not even talking about dating or having sex, you just think they’re good-looking. There is nothing wrong about that at all. Crushing on someone two years younger than you isn’t a crime, that’s normal haha.(And there’d be nothing wrong with dating them either if their parents were cool with it.) You have nothing to be scared of. Please please don’t listen to antis and their idiocy
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