victorystalline · 3 months
area zero but it's an rpg dungeon yes this was inspired by nico's fc, before you ask,
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victorystalline · 5 months
For every “⏳” I receive, my muse will openly talk about a bit of their backstory.
"I don't really know why I get sick around terra energy. Some kind of weird sensitivity, I guess?"
A lie. He knows exactly why. But that's not something he's willing to share at the moment, especially not when he's trying to talk battles.
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"I never terastallize my pokémon, even back in Paldea. I didn't see the point in going out of my way if it was just going to make me miserable. Sure, it's an advantage, but not as big of one as you might think."
Type advantage was all well and good, but there were plenty of other weaknesses to exploit during a battle. With the other students, they always seemed to get cocky when they pulled out their tera orbs, like it was some secret weapon. It got a bit more complicated in gym battles, but hey, that was already a game of puzzles and strategy.
"I guess some people would call it impressive... I just think of it as the normal way of doing things, though. I mean, most of the world doesn't do terastallizing. If anything, it's like everyone else decided to use a cheat code."
...Was he using that phrase right? He'd heard Penny say it before, but he honestly couldn't say he knew what it meant.
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victorystalline · 5 months
For every “⏳” I receive, my muse will openly talk about a bit of their backstory.
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victorystalline · 5 months
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the complete nico compilation is finally done
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victorystalline · 5 months
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Nico was sort of the de-facto leader of his little gang he used to run with. While his physical skills were pretty average, he generally had a reputation as the best at planning and coordinating everybody, which ended up with him leading the charge more often than not. It's a skill that served him very well in modern day when he got into pokémon battling - he's good at reading a scenario and figuring out who's strengths will work best in a given situation. As a consequence, he's also pretty good at telling people to shut the hell up and work together. While he's not amazing at his own interpersonal relationships, he's pretty good at identifying tension points between others.
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victorystalline · 6 months
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Years of running from the cops has trained him for this. He's already gone.
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victorystalline · 6 months
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April Fools. Steals your wallet and runs.
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victorystalline · 6 months
...Yeah, he's not even sure where to start with all of that.
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"It's... a sport. You know, for fun? I'm in school. Most of my battles are happening at school. Why the hell would someone try to murder my pokémon at school? That's like pulling out a gun when you're losing a race and shooting the guy in front of you. Even if you beat him, you definitely aren't gonna win at that point. Anyway, it's kind of stupid that they don't have a failsafe built in."
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"They die. You didn't know that? If a Poké Ball gets smashed the Pokémon in it is straight up dead. That was one of the first things I learned as a kid. They're really, really hard to break for that reason, but I've been around the block when it comes to fighting to kill--I've seen people aiming moves and smashing all of another Trainer's Poké Balls within seconds of a fight beginning. Given you're a Champion-ranked Trainer, I'm surprised no one has tried to do anything like that to you already."
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victorystalline · 6 months
honestly i don't even think nico necessarily cares about the whole "champion rank" thing. he enjoys battling but the competition and rank aspect of it doesn't really factor into it for him. he doesn't really care about the hard numbers.
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victorystalline · 6 months
I feel like Nico has a vague interest in photography. Moreso after meeting Perrin, but the concept is really fascinating and enjoyable to him on a conceptual level and I can imagine him getting really into learning camera technique and all that
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victorystalline · 6 months
For every “⏳” I receive, my muse will openly talk about a bit of their backstory.
"There were some other kids I used to run with before I started school. I wouldn't really call them friends... we were all just sort of in the same situation, I guess?"
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It had mainly been a matter of convenience. It's easier to get by with a crew than it is on your own. Someone to help distract a crowd while you pick their pockets. Or to back up your story to the cops. His old crew weren't going to sell one another out to the police or anything, but... none of them were above cutting anybody loose to save their own hides, either. That was pretty much an unspoken truth between all of them. At the end of the day, it was every man for himself. They only shared as much as anyone had rightfully earned—if you don't help out with a score, you don't eat, plain and simple.
Still... Nico can't help but think about them from time to time. Especially now that he's made friends here, in this Paldea. About just how fucked up they'd really had it. He probably would've been friends with them, if they weren't all just out to survive. Maybe he had actually been friends with a couple, when he really thought about it...
"We split up when I left. Haven't spoken to them since. I mean, I wouldn't even know how to track them down if I wanted to. But sometimes I wonder how they ended up doing after that..."
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victorystalline · 6 months
starter/plotting call? prioritizing ppl I haven't interacted with yet
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victorystalline · 6 months
things he will take: keys, pocket change, pens and pencils, basically anything that is inconvenient to lose but not the end of the world. he would never steal another student's pokeballs unless they, like, REALLY had it coming. and that's only if he was 100% assured he wouldn't get caught for it.
I say nico doesn't steal anymore but that's not 100% true. He does pickpocket people on occasion, but only for the purposes of fucking with them. Usually if someone gets on his bad side they'll find their dorm key missing later. He returns the stuff, or at least gives it to the school desk staff to return to the student in question when they come looking for it. Usually.
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victorystalline · 6 months
Nico's worst subject is math. He's a very practical person who relies heavily on his ability to assess things in the moment - so while he has a good grip on the fundamentals, the sort of things that are really easy to ground in observable terms - the more complicated stuff later down the line gets him. The concept of, say, fractions or exponents? That's easy enough to grasp. But functionally, using them and understanding formulas? It's too abstract for him to really put to use. His best classes are battle studies (naturally) and home economics. His cooking is middling to fine but this boy can sew like nobody's business.
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victorystalline · 6 months
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"Wow. What a completely non-sinister, very normal and trustworthy old man."
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victorystalline · 6 months
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He's staring really, really hard at a pokéball.
"What happens if your pokéball breaks while the pokémon is still in it?"
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victorystalline · 6 months
its pretty common to see foreign language board games but man does it take me a fucking minute to realize that game is Not English and not just a funny font sometimes
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