#mitsuishi orihime
hothotmiso · 6 months
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vanillachilipepper · 10 months
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Masquerade Glitter Hime Coord & Masquerade Glitter Miya Coord renders
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mahoutoons · 2 years
i wanna kiss orihime mitsuishi from aikatsu
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caramella120 · 10 months
I feel like Hime is gay for Ringo but that's just me I guess
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fairygeek777 · 18 days
I watched all of Cosmos in English 😭😭😭
ITS REALLY OVER. I have no more Sailor Moon 😭😭😭😭😭😭
This movie was a damn work of art, and everyone who brought it to existence deserves some damn credit.
That was like my 10th time overall watching it, but like it's been 8 times for the Japanese audio, and once per movie for the subtitles and English dub.
Anyway, I'm about to give my thoughts on the dub under the cut, so read dat if you want :p
If not, I'll be off to go cry about my love for this series and how I missed the entirety of it's fandom life.
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Stephanie Cheh deserves like some real props for her voice acting as Usagi/Sailor Moon/Princess Serenity/Neo-Queen Serenity AND CHIBI CHIBI AND SAILOR COSMOS LIKE DUDE
I have only ever known her as Hinata or Orihime- both slightly damsel in distress, Shonen female leads/love interests. But after binging the hell out of Crystal and 90s for the last year, she is MY Usagi Tsukino. She owned the hell out of that role. (Of course I mean in English. Of course Kotono Mitsuishi will always be the true Usagi. They both got a deed to the role if you ask me)
I was particularly hoping for a great delivery on the scene just before Galaxia leads her to the galaxy couldron since reading those pages in my head ("A destroyer like you could never understand!") HIT and I wanted Stephanie to live up to it. Well, deliver she did.
Cherami had the hardest line as Galaxia Cuff Sailor Venus- "Looks like we're your enemy now. Nice to see you again, Sailor Moon." CAN SHE PLAY MORE VILLIANS?! LOL.
Once again Robbie Daymond putting his heart into playing Evil Mamo. He literally said at a con recording of Braving the Elments, that he likes to play villians and that showed here lol. He sounded kinda tired during the airport scene and the opening date scene. I dunno.
Okay actually everyone who had a vilian roll clearly had fun.
Idk who voices Galaxia by name, but damn
Yaten's va is amazing. Sailor Kakyuu gave me princess Celestia vibes, which then made me think Galaxia sounded like Trixie and one of the gardeners sounded like Icy from Winx
*sigh* why didn't they record an English song for Search for Your Love? Like- I appreciate the Japanese lyrics but it's the same thing that happened with all of Uta's music in Film Red. It sounds good but then it's a very sudden language shift.
Anyyyywhooooo the movies were great. I sincerely love em. Dub had some hiccups here and there, but for the most part, I was quite pleased.
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ancient-pokehistorian · 10 months
Bio: Jules
Name: Jules Saint-Michelle
Gender: Female (she/her or they/them)
Age: 27
Birthday: November 19th
Occupation: Journalist for Lumiose Press
Height: 5’ 7”
Orientation: Pansexual
Hometown: Geosenge Town, currently residing in Lumiose City
Personality: Sophisticated, fun-loving, and exuberant, Jules loves to be the center of attention. Sometimes she can be a little overbearing with her flirty and open ways, but that doesn’t stop her from being professional when she needs to be. She enjoys the simple things in life, especially good friends and good coffee, and is fiercely loyal to those she cares about. As one who wears her heart on her sleeve, she can be moody and sharp-tongued when angered, in addition to struggling when she feels alone or abandoned.
History: Jules’ childhood was a happy one, if not somewhat bland. Her mother is an ex-Pokémon trainer and her father, a business man who works primarily in Hoenn. Although she was, and still is, ‘daddy’s little girl’, she was raised mostly by her mom, who gave her freedom to roam up and down the west coast of Kalos. For the most part she could be found on Route 10, wrestling and playing with a flock of wild Hawlucha, whose company she preferred to that of other children.
However, after a strange accident one night when she was 8, Jules was found wandering the beach south of Cyllage City in the dead of night, dazed and unable to remember how she got there. To this day she has no memory of that night, or even the days following, but it changed something in her. She panicked whenever left alone, becoming very clingy to anyone who showed her affection. Even stranger, her memory was weak, to the point that she often struggled to remember even the events of the day prior. Between this her and mother becoming more resistant to let her wander off down the coast again, she spent more time indoors, where she found the company of both people and Pokémon a welcome distraction. At the suggestion of a doctor she took up journalism to aid her memory, and quickly found a natural gift for writing.
Time passed, and the once-adventurous girl who wrestled with Hawlucha chose not to travel Kalos and take on the Gym Challenge, instead devoting her time to school work and improving her writing skills. At 18 she submitted an application for an internship with Lumiose Press, but was rejected, only to try again a year later and be accepted. With high spirits she moved to Lumiose City to pursue a career in journalism.
Jules was absent during the activation of the Ultimate Weapon, an event that she remains bitter about, especially having previously been a major supporter of Lysandre Labs.
Faceclaim: Orihime Mitsuishi (Aikatsu!)
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meikov1 · 4 years
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tiara admires orihime but is close enough with her to tease her
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Stars shine because they are gazed upon by others. (Episode 36)
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Hello there "Hime" Orihime Mitsuishi fans.
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sky-lani · 3 years
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photokatsu-update · 7 years
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【Event Notice】 New event “Under the Mask of Masquerade” is scheduled to start from 03/20! The event song for this Medley Event is “wake up my music”.
                                            Scouting Cards
Mizuki (Premium Rare) Ichigo (Super Rare) Orihime (Super Rare)
                                               Event Cards
Point Cards; Miya (Super Rare) Ran (Rare)
Tier Cards; Aoi (Super Rare) Hikari (Rare)
Special Reward PR; Sakura PR can be obtained through Points(only one copy) and Tiers(five copy’s)!
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hothotmiso · 7 months
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jajachanx3 · 7 years
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When you login today you will get 3 Anna SRs and 1 Orihime R! ^^
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prettyallfriends · 2 years
Aikatsu! Cinderella Lesson English Translation Part 1
Before the readmore, I would like to thank everyone who has followed me and enjoyed my Pretty Series translations, unfortunately I am hereby cancelling them. I know this is disappointing, I hope you can all understand that it's hard to translate these games and having low motivation makes that 100x harder. So instead I'm moving over to Aikatsu
(If you just want to read my extended goodbye to Pretty Rhythm, scroll down to the last paragraph)
(This game isn't as much of a visual novel as the Pretty Series 3DS games; you can't re-read the story etc. and you progress the story by choosing where to go in the school. New scenes will be in (bold and italics in brackets), while transitions within the same scene, as well as notes, will just be in (italics in brackets). Choices will be clearly laid out, chosen choice will be in bold.
You’re asked for your full name at the start. Henceforth we shall be known as… ‘Character Player’ (Japanese name order). I guess. Sorry I know this is ‘Player-chan’ x500. She’s a singer (you can choose between actress, singer and model, IDK if the choice has any effect.)
Part 1: My first Aikatsu!
(At the Starlight School park)
Player: Wow, so this is Starlight School!? Gosh, it’s gorgeous! I really didn’t expect to get in since I kinda just entered on a whim… Even so, I’ll be taking part in idol activities from today on. I’m work hard and become like my favourite idols! ...Wait, is that… No, it couldn’t be Kanzaki Midzuki!? That top idol!?
Midzuki: …….
Player: This is so cool! So idols really do attend this school just like anyone else! Will I… be okay here…?
Player: Hm? Wait, where am I…? I need to greet the Headmistress as soon as possible… but I’m totally lost.
???: Oh, would you happen to be the transfer student?
Player: Huh?
??? (Orihime): So you’re Character then. I’m glad I was able to find you. I thought you might’ve gotten lost, so I was looking for you.
Player: Oh, um, th-thank you very much.
??? (Orihime): You’re very welcome. I’m just glad I could meet with you before having to start at work.
Player: (Okay, cool, except… who even is this?)
??? (Orihime): This is a very large school, so you’re not the first to get lost. Try your best not to get lost again tomorrow, though. You’ll find rooms that regular schools wouldn’t have, called salons and lesson rooms, in this area of the building. It would be a good idea to go around and familiarise yourself with the area.
Headmistress: Oh, I’ve gotten ahead of myself. I am the Headmistress of this school, Mitsuishi Orihime.
Player: (Wait, so she’s… the Headmistress!?)
Headmistress: Welcome to Starlight School. From today onwards, you can consider yourself a member of the student body. Today will also mark the anniversary of starting your idol activities, or in other words, your Aikatsu! First of all, I’ll give you this Aikatsu! Card to mark the occasion. Cards are the lifeblood of entertainers. All of your peers in aiming to become top idols self-produce with these cards. Coordinate with these cards, and aim to create a coord that reflects who you are. Should you pass auditions using your cards, you’ll surely become even more motivated. Cards are the most important item to Aikatsu! So make sure to treasure each and every one you collect.
Headmistress: And next is this. (Received Student ID and Aikatsu phone) It would be best to keep your Student ID on your Aikatsu phone. You can also put your AIkatsu! Cards on your Aikatsu phone, and create your own coordinates whenever you want.
Player: (I can’t wait to give it a go later!)
Headmistress: To check your Aikatsu phone, just tap the Aikatsu phone icon. It has a lot of other functions too, so be sure to check them later. Oh, that’s right. You should know that we’re holding our culture festival soon. I know that this is quite sudden as you’ve just transferred, but make sure to take this chance and enjoy yourself, okay? You’ve only just entered the world of idols, so do your best from here on out. I have high hopes for you.
(And she zooms away)
Player: Ah, the Headmistress was wonderful… Well, next I should be getting to the classroom!
Player: Was someone meant to have told me what to do…? But no-one’s here yet…
??? (Deformed Johnny-sensei): Sorry, sorry! Hope you haven’t been waiting long. Nice to meetcha, I’m this classes’ base teacher, Johnny Beppu.
Johnny-sensei: You’re obviously Player, the transfer student, right?
Player: Huh? Oh, yes, that’s me! (This guy’s my base teacher!?)
Johnny-sensei: You prob’ly have a lot of stuff you still need to find out… but it’s better to learn from doing! Do your best! By the way, did the Headmistress already tell you about the culture festival? Our class is doing a play, but we don’t have enough people yet. So, you’ll be taking part! Here’s the script. I already highlighted all of your lines for you, so you can’t back out!
Player: Huh!? (My role sure has a LOT of lines! What do I do…!?)
Johnny-sensei: I did a play too when I was your age, and had a tonne of lines too. Acting lessons can really help! I’ll give you this card, so give it your all. Well, for now if you practise for the culture festival, your efforts will also help with Special Auditions.
Player: Um… what are Special Auditions…?
Johnny-sensei: Hey, hey, c’mon now. How could you have missed such an important part of being an idol? Well, I’ll explain for you. This school allows you to take Special Auditions during normal class periods. You can get idol work this way. Your upcoming Special Audition will be “Acting Recruitment”. This is your current objective, so good luck!
Player: So I can take the audition even though I’ve just transferred?
Johnny-sensei: ‘Course. By becoming a Starlight student, you’re just as much of an idol as any of your classmates. As long as they meet the entry requirements, anyone can take an audition. The entry requirements are to have Aikatsu! Cards and to increase your Tension Gauge. Your Tension Gauge raises when you challenge yourself in lessons. If you want to do your best and pass auditions, taking lessons will help raise your confidence and help your performance. What cards will you need for this audition… oh, the Headmistress should know that, actually. But first of all, let’s make the culture festival a success! The culture festival and your Special Audition both involve acting, so if you do well in the festival you’ll definitely pass your audition with flying colours too! Well, you should get going and take a lesson. You should be able to take a lesson in the salon now.
Player: So this is the salon… What kind of lesson do they put on here…? Hm? That girl…
??? (Ichigo): Oh! Hey, you were in the assembly hall during the transfer exam, right?
Player: Yup.
Ichigo: I’m Hoshimiya Ichigo, I’m a transfer student too!
Player: I’m Player, nice to meet you.
Ichigo: Yeah, nice to meet you too!! Oh, hey, did you know? Well, I just heard about it myself, but we’re doing a play for the culture festival, right? Well, everyone who’s acting in the play has to do their own makeup!
Player: Huh!? I’m acting in the play, but I don’t know the first thing about makeup!
Ichigo: Right? Me neither. Which is exactly why I’m here for a makeup lesson. Hey, wanna take the lesson together?
Player: Yeah, sounds great!
(Makeup lesson minigame)
Ichigo: Woah, you’re amazing, Player-chan! You did so well for your first time! I’ll try to follow your lead!
Johnny-sensei: You did pretty well, huh? Your reward is this Aikatsu! Card. Looks like you’re all set to do your makeup for the culture festival. By the way, the cards you’ll need for your Special Audition are special rewards like the one I just gave you. You can also get Aikatsu! Cards by working your ass off in lessons. When you get heaps of Lesson Points, you’ll get a card. Work hard and collect a lot of Aikatsu! Cards! And now it’s time to work hard for the culture festival. Later!
Johnny-sensei: Hey, Player. Workin’ hard at your lessons?
Player: Ah, y-yes!
Johnny-sensei: Hmmm? You’re acting kinda suspicious~…Well, don’t over-exert yourself!
(Corridor, after using the password system in the Aikatsuphone to unlock Kaede, Sakura and Midzuki)
Player: Hm? That person over there… No way, is that Midzuki-san from Tristar!?
Midzuki: Hello. You must be Player-san.
Player: Oh, uh, yes!
Midzuki: My name is Kanzaki Midzuki. It’s nice to meet you! I feel like we’ve met before. I think we bumped into each other when you’d just transferred. I thought you weren’t quite like everyone else… and that you’d become a wonderful idol!
Player: Th-thank you so much!
Midzuki: Let’s take a lesson together sometime, okay?
(Corridor again; these introduction events just happen without player input)
Player: …ah!
??? (Kaede): Woah, careful! You alright? We were super close to bashing into each other, huh.
Player: Oh, yeah, I’m alright. Thanks. …Wait, you wouldn’t happen to be Kaede-san from Tristar!?
Kaede: Oh, you’re that girl I’ve been hearing about!
Player: Wait, you know who I am?
Kaede: Yup! You really stand out, being a transfer student and all, so I kinda remembered you. Um, so, I’m Ichinose Kaede. Nice to meetcha!
Player: Oh, so that’s why you recognised me. I’m Player!
Kaede: Player… huh. Gotcha. Hey, so we should be friends! Let’s take a lesson together when you’ve got time!
Player: Really!? Wow, that’s so nice of you! I’d love to be friends!
(Would you believe it… we transition into the corridor once again)
???: Um, excuse me!!
Player: Hm? Who was that?
Sakura: Um… My name is, uh, Kitaooji Sakura. Would you be so kind as to tell me yours?
Player: M-me? Uh, I’m Player.
Sakura: Player-senpai, then! I’m so glad I could talk to you. I have seen you around recently, and noticed your beautiful skin. Perhaps we could take lessons together, if it wouldn’t trouble you? Well then, I hope to see you soon! Until then, please excuse me.
Player: …Aaaand she’s gone. What a polite girl…
(Special Hall)
Headmistress: Ah, Character. Have you come for a lesson to prepare for the culture festival play? Because you won’t find that here. Here is where Special Auditions take place. Should you do well in the play and clear your objectives, come back here to take a Special Audition. And if you still need to improve on something, I can let you know what to improve on. You’ve been preparing for the culture festival, so have you taken any acting lessons?
Player: No, not yet.
Headmistress: In that case, I’ll make preparations for an acting class you can take. Let’s go to the lesson hall.
(Lesson hall)
Headmistress: This is the lesson hall. You can take acting lessons here whenever you like. I’ll be watching from over there for now, so please do your best.
Player: Acting lessons, huh? I wonder what that’ll involve… Hm? That girl… Hey, nice to meet you. I saw you at the transfer entrance exam, right?
??? (Aoi): Nice to meet you. Yeah, we were in the same classroom for the written exam, right?
Aoi: I’m Kiriya Aoi.
Player: I’m Player. Is it alright if I just call you Aoi?
Aoi: Of course! So, are you going to take an acting lesson here, Player?
Player: Yep! I have to practise for the culture festival so I thought I might as well.
Aoi: Makes sense. I’m also here for an acting lesson. Hey, why don’t we take one together?
Player: Sounds great!
(ok so this minigame is um. U need to remember your lines (in pink) and then just choose the 2 options that make up ur lines. So if ur playing along at home, just take pics of ur lines i guess)
Aoi: You’re amazing, Player! You might even be top idol material!
Headmistress: You did well, Character. Looks like there’s no need to worry about your acting skills. I’m looking forward to your performance at the culture festival. Here’s a reward for your hard work.
Player: Yaaay! Thank you so much. I think I’m ready for the culture festival now! I should probably head to the classroom.
(Ooooor talk to Midzuki in the corridor)
Player: Ahh… What should I do next? A lesson might be good…
Midzuki: Player-san?
Player: Ah, Hello, Midzuki-san!
Midzuki: Are you free right now? If so, would you like to take a lesson with me? I have a gap in my schedule right now.
Player: Y-yes! That would be great. (I get to take a lesson with a top idol like Midzuki-san! But will it go well…? I’m super nervous, but… it’ll be a great learning experience.)
Midzuki: Hehe, then let’s get going.
(Lesson hall)
Midzuki: Well, let’s start our lesson. Are you okay with an acting lesson?
Player: Yes!
Midzuki: Great answer. I have high expectations for you, so do your best.
(hell. Aka acting lesson. I will forgive u for this transgression miduki but sleep with one eye open)
Midzuki: Thank you for that. Doing a lesson together sure is fun, right? Let’s work hard at our lessons from now on.
Player: Th-thank you very much!
(...........sakura wants to hang out in the corridor too. Are we never going to do the culture festival)
Sakura: Player-senpai… You seem quite busy.
Player: Yeah, I’m working hard at auditions lately.
Sakura: Is that so? I’ll take a leaf from your book and do my best too, Senpai!
Midzuki: You’ve this really intense look on your face, Player-san.
Player: Oh, Midzuki-san…
Midzuki: …Listen. An idol can’t forget to smile, as a smile is what makes an idol. Our smiles have the power to make everyone happy, after all. But idols are human too, and we have hard times just like anyone else. And in those times, I think it’s best to tell our friends about our troubles. It’s like, if you’re not smiling, I’ll also start to feel sad.
Player: Midzuki-san… I’m sorry for looking all bummed out. Thank you for your advice!
(FINALLY. Bunkasai babey. In the classroom)
Johnny-sensei: How goes your prep for the culture festival?
Player: I’ve taken makeup and acting lessons.
Johnny-sensei: In that case, you’ll be totally fine. I’m looking forward to the festival.
(It is now the day of the culture festival)
(lesson hall)
Ichigo: Hmmmmmmm… It’s almost upon us! I hope I haven’t forgotten anything. Hey, Player-chan, does my makeup look okay?
Choice: Yeah, it’s perfect! / Oh, your lips are a bit, uh…
Player: Hm, the product’s a bit thin? Did you put on enough lipgloss?
Ichigo: Oh, I forgot lipgloss! Thanks for telling me!! I’ll just fix it real quick!
Player: Okay, seeya in a bit. I wonder if my makeup’s okay too? I put on lipgloss, and my foundation’s even. Okay, looks like I’m good.
Aoi: How are ya feeling, Player?
Player: I think I’m alright.
Aoi: You should probably practise reading your script beforehand.
Choice: I already know all my lines! / Thanks.
Player: I’m so nervous I’ve been worrying about insignificant things instead of my acting.
Aoi: Well, I’m pretty nervous too, y’know. So let’s do our best together!
Player: Okay, I’m fully prepared thanks to Ichigo and Aoi! Gotta do my best for the real thing, too!
Player: The culture festival was a huge success thanks to the help I got from Ichigo and Aoi during our lessons!
Johnny-sensei: Okay, quiet down, guys. You all did well, we put on an amazing culture festival. Here’s a reward for everyone in the class.
Player: Wow, a new card!
Johnny-sensei: With that card, you now have three, right? Those are the required Aikatsu! Cards for the upcoming Special Audition. Since you now have all the cards you need, head on down to the special hall once you raise your Tension Gauge. If it’s not full enough, just do some lessons first. The culture festival’s over and done with, so now you can focus on your Special Audition.
---END OF PART 1---
and end of everything april fools pretty rhythm for life!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! the way i couldve just put 'april fools' under a readmore lmaooooo. honestly though this games kinda fun... maybe ill keep going someday if anyone is interested in a badly written story that doesnt even introduce new characters?? anyway in my defence of translating this instead of pretty rhythm, all for a april fools joke, um. i have no defence
oh also!! so. midzuki and beppu. yea so a lit of ppl would spell it mizuki, but that would kinda suggest ず, when its づ, japanese ppl would typically romanize the second one as 'du' so i took the middle ground i guess? and yea i didnt actually know johnnys surname was beppu like the prefecture, i kind of thought that Might be it but this games the first time i actually saw his name in kanji. anyways yea stickin to my guns on these romanizations 😤😤
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meikov1 · 4 years
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rare hime polaroid from the masquerade archives
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Seeing a side of someone that you haven’t seen yet makes you more interested in them. (Episode 41)
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