#mixing 70s and steampunk is kinda weird
applestruda · 2 years
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dumbledoom · 6 years
Love, Death + Robots Opinion
So this show popped up on Netflix not too long ago and I was enticed by the trailers and the fact that they were all animated shorts. I truly love animation and I think it is such an incredible platform for creativity and art and it truly is limitless. I often wish animation was more appreciated and taken more seriously, as I feel like a fair amount of people usually think of children's movies when they hear the word animation. Now, there is nothing wrong with that association, but the platform is not limited to children's movies or shows and I wish more people understood that. It can be utilized for very serious and complex stories, yet people often overlook it because, "oh its animation, must be for kids", like no...fuck off with that attitude. Animation is for everyone and can be used for anything and it's beautiful and painstaking work and it should be appreciated as such. This collection is the perfect example of that! I decided to give it a go and watch the anthology (which is just a fancy word for a collection of short stories).
This collection is so...unique...its not really like anything I've ever watched before. Each story is different, none of them are connected (which is the point of an anthology), they all have different kinds of animation, and they all vary in length.
Let me just start off with the simple statement that this show has several sexual/nude scenes (yes animated nudity and sex, almost to the point of softcore porn maybe? depending on your perception of it), so it is definitely NSFW, depending on the episode. Also shoutout to the creators for including both full-frontal male and female nudity and not keeping it onesided, respect dude, cuz a lot of the time it's just women you see fully nude and its refreshing to see men included now. Also the show has quite a bit (and by this, I mean a lot) of graphic gore and (as the title would suggest) very graphic scenes of death. If you don't respond well to that kind of stuff, maybe this isn't your cup of tea (cuz seriously some of it is brutal, even for me and I'm pretty desensitized to it for the most part).
The animation styles are beautiful. They had quite a few episodes that were motion-capture animation over actors and it was super cool to see the style and creativity. (Episodes: Sonnie's Edge, The Witness, Beyond the Aquila Rift, Shape-Shifters, Helping Hand, Lucky 13, and The Secret War) These were by far my favorite episodes out of the collection just because of how well done they were with the animation. Sonnie's Edge is the first episode and you dive right in to the blood and gore and graphicness of it, and it also introduces you to the nudity you'll see throughout the different episodes. Beyond the Aquila Rift is probably one of my favorite episodes because of how intense the motion-capture animation is. It's really good, the story is good too, kinda like a Passengers-vibe to it, but different. Also probably one of the more softcore porn episodes, but it's nothing crazy. I thought it was tasteful for the maturity of it, no full-frontal male nudity like in other episodes, but it does have a sex scene. Shape-Shifters was really good too. I liked it a lot, it is quite graphic with blood and gore, but it works really well. I liked the story idea behind it too, so go check it out. Either way these episodes were truly just incredible, almost like the animation for the cutscenes of new videogames these days, but even better. It was also super hard to tell if it was live action or not and honestly I love that kind of animation because it just invites future creativity.
(I'm getting sidetracked, but like think about it as a filmmaker, if you wanted to create some crazy sci-fi or bring a fantasy book to the screen, you could do this kind of animation and not be limited to the limitations live-action films face and still be taken seriously and not as kids movie just cuz its animated).
The motion-capture animation is beautiful, I love it. They had a few episodes that were like a mix of motion-cap and 3-D computer animation. (Episodes: Three Robots, The Dump, Blindspot, Fish Night) These episodes were fun and reminded me a lot of the new Disney and Pixar animation styles, but some were even more elevated in quality. Each story was super different, but they were kind of like wandering soul-type themes. They had some really good humor, especially Three Robots, those guys were really funny and the end of it has a fun twist.
Then they have some episodes that are kind of like a comic-book style animation and it's really fun to watch. (Episodes: Suits and Zima Blue) Suits reminds me a lot of Into the Spiderverse for its animation, but its story reminds me of A Quiet Place. Zima Blue is kind of 2-D-ish and its retro which is a lot of fun, the color and story of it is really deep.
You have a few episodes that seem kind of like anime, but they're not. (Episodes: Sucker of Souls and Good Hunting) These episodes were really unique because they did have a very strong anime-feel to them, but they were still different. They weren't the over-the-top dramatic fashion that like normal Japanese anime has, but almost kinda like Avatar: The Last Airbender anime, if you know what I'm talking about. I really enjoyed them, they were really artistic. Sucker of Souls was a bit graphic and dark, while Good Hunting was graphic in it's own sense with nudity both male and female. It was definitely steampunk inspired to my eye, which I liked.
Then there is one or two episodes that are straight-up 2-D animation, which was fun for the episode it covered. (Episodes: Alternate Histories and When The Yogurt Took Over) These episodes were really funny and reminded me a lot of like the quickdraw animated style you see in YouTube videos or on Snapchat. They were pretty funny and light-hearted for the most part, but definitely strange and weird in a fun way. Super quirky.
Then they had a single episode that had live action in it. Topher Grace and a fellow actress were responding to an ever changing civilization stuck in this old antique freezer that came with the house they were moving into. I really enjoyed this episode cuz it was just funny and set apart from the others (plus I love Topher Grace cuz of That's 70's Show).
So overall the collection was just really quirky. I wasn't really sure how to feel about it all once I finished it. It was kinda like, "what the hell did I just watch" but at the same time, "they were all really good and I kinda wanna watch it all again." If you're into weird and quirky shows that are different, go for it. Its definitely strange and not something I personally was used to, but I enjoyed it either way. I really appreciate the animation styles the most out of it all and the fact that Netflix was ballsy enough to put something so unique, graphic, and sexual on their platform. Way to go, Netflix.
Soooo...yeah...that's all I got to say about that.
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