#miya osamu x malereader
remuswriting · 11 months
When Sugawara has to retire from being a camp counselor after getting a teaching position, Y/N meets his new co-counselor Miya Osamu.
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WORD COUNT: 3,581 words
TAGS: Camp Counselor AU; First Meetings; Pre-Relationship; Fluff
NOTES: To be honest, I want to write a longer camp counselor au because I think it'd be really fun, but we have this instead. Also, I attended summer camp for like 5 years as a kid, but idk a lot about everything camp counselors do. So if there's anything they do that's not accurate, then pretend it is. We're here for the vibes.
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Y/N’s summers growing up had always consisted of summer camp.  He went away for a week, lived in a cabin, swam in the lake, did arts and crafts, sang corny songs, and became friends with everyone he met.  Most people came back every summer like he did, so he always knew someone after his first summer.  It had been something he looked forward to and absolutely loved.  Core happy childhood memories.
When he learned his old summer camp was hiring camp counselors, he applied and got accepted the summer before his second year at university.  With university being more stressful than he expected, he missed the happy atmosphere and memories he got every summer as a kid.  There aren’t any summer camps for university students—or none that he knows of—so why not become a camp counselor and hope it’s just as fun as being a camper.
Sugawara trained him his first summer.  They already knew each other from when they were younger, so it was easy to reconnect.  By the end of the first summer, it felt more like best friends going to camp together instead of being camp counselors.  Maybe it was because Y/N has gone there for years and already understood the basics of most things.  The next summer, they’re paired up again, and things are just as fun.  But then Sugawara leaves because he’s graduated and got a teaching position, so he no longer has the time during the summer to be a camp counselor.
Administration decides Y/N is ready to train someone after only two years of being there, even though they usually wait until someone has been there for four years.  It’s just that anyone with eyes knows he can train someone since he and Sugawara always divided responsibilities evenly, sometimes switching who did what.  He’ll never say he can do it alone, because he can’t, but he wouldn’t be completely helpless if left alone.
Kousaka, the camp director, sent out emails about things people needed to bring and who was being paired up with who.  They’re getting five new camp counselors, which is a little lower than normal. (Their average is 10 new ones every year, so it’s not too much lower.) Y/N doesn’t know if the slight drop is because summer camps may not be popular anymore or people don’t know about it.  Whatever it is, it’s fine because they have enough counselors for the number of campers they’ll have.
The beginning of assignments happens about the moment you get to the lodge with your things.  Cabin assignments change every year, even though he wishes they didn’t.  His first year as a counselor he had cabin five, which is near the pool, where there are actual toilets, but the next year they put him near the lodge (that he can’t break into to use the bathroom).  He crossed his fingers and silently prayed that he’d get the cabin five again, even though he doubts it a little.
He opens one of the side doors to the lodge and walks in.  Not all the tables have been put out.  Only two, probably for people to do paperwork if the line gets too long.  However, about no one is in there right now.  He adjusts his duffle bag over his shoulder and looks for Kousaka.
“L/N-kun!” Kousaka calls out, and he looks over at the staircase leading to her room.  Her, her daughter, and the nurse are the only ones who stay in the lodge.  They really only use the building for inside activities, the cafeteria, and the nurse’s office, which became fairly big after a flu outbreak several years ago. (Thankfully, Y/N hadn’t been there for that.)
He hurries over to her, knowing she has roughly 40 other people to talk to and so much more to do. “Kousaka-san, how are you?” he asks, and she smiles.  She had pulled her black hair into a bun, but it’s slowly graying with gentle streaks.  She doesn’t look old, though.  There’s not a single wrinkle on her face.
“I’m doing well.  A bit stressed, but you know how it is the first couple days of training,” she says, and he chuckles.
“As well as every day of training and camp.”
She laughs a little, her smile fond. “I have everything where I usually do, so if you’ll follow me.”
The process of getting everything sorted out isn’t hard.  He’ll fill out a couple of things, go to the nurse for a physical, and then get his cabin key.  Later on, there will be rosters of all his campers and anything else that isn’t important enough to happen from the beginning.
Kousaka hands him a couple of forms to fill out, shooing him off to a table to do so, and then gives him a key when he gets back. “It’s Cabin 16, which you know where that is,” she says, and he nods, internally groaning since that’s the farthest cabin from the lodge. “And you’ll be training someone this year, which I told you over email.  His name is Miya Osamu.”
“That name sounds familiar,” Y/N says as he fidgets with the cabin key.
“He went here for two summers when he was really young,” she says, and Y/N nods.  Most likely knew him from then, but only having a name doesn’t mean he’ll remember. “He’s really sweet, but seems to be a bit quiet.”
“Is he already here?”
“Yes.  He’s with the nurse, doing his physical, which you need done as well,” Kousaka says, pulling out another form for him.  It was just the physical form. “Have him wait for you and you can bring your forms up together.”
Y/N nods. “Alright.  Will do,” he says before picking his duffle bag off the ground and heading to the nurse’s office.
For once, there isn’t anyone waiting in the hall.  He either got here really early this year or “late.”  He assumes early since Kousaka still has so many counselor folders out.  The nurse’s office is in the basement at the end of a never-ending hallway.  Several twists and turns in order to get there.  If he hadn’t been here before, he would’ve gotten lost with the number of rooms there were.  Some used to be dorm rooms, but after kids kept sneaking out and breaking into the kitchen, they stopped letting them dorm there.
The guy who walks out of the nurse’s office is tall and his shoulders are broad.  His hair is black and messy, like he’d been running his fingers through it repeatedly.  His outfit is normal for summer camp—khaki shorts and T-shirt, but his shirt has a volleyball reference on it.  He’ll probably love the volleyball competition they have by the lake and in the pool.
“Hey,” Y/N says when he was close enough he doesn’t need to scream.  The guy looks up from his phone at him. “Are you Miya-san?”
He nods with a small smile, as if he’s been caught doing something he wasn’t meant to. “Yeah.  I’m Miya Osamu, but everyone calls me Osamu.”
Y/N nods. “I’m L/N Y/N.” He stops walking once they were near each other. “Everyone calls me L/N.”
Osamu chuckles and rubs the back of his neck. “Sorry, it’s kinda a habit since I’m a twin,” he said, and Y/N smiled a little. “People tend to think I’m just really friendly.”
“Are you not friendly?” Y/N teases, and while some would panic slightly, Osamu doesn’t.  He just chuckles.  He’s probably used to any form of teasing if he’s a twin. “Also, I’ve never met a twin before, which I bet you hear that a lot.”
“Ya’ve got no idea,” Osamu says.  It’s easy talking to Osamu, which Y/N isn’t surprised by.  He finds talking to people to be easy.  This is just different.  Osamu turns his head, looking over his shoulder, and points at the nurse’s office with his thumb. “Do ya need to get your physical done?”
Y/N nods. “Yeah.  Kousaka-san asked for you to wait with me so we can go back up there together.”
Osamu nods. “Sounds good to me.”
Y/N goes to set his stuff down before looking at Osamu. “Is it alright if I put my stuff here while I’m in there?”
“Course,” Osamu says with an amused smile. “I’ll guard it with my life.”
Y/N rolls his eyes, but he smiles with him. “You don’t need to go that far, but thanks.”
Osamu motions for him to hurry. “Hurry, I wanna check out our cabin.”
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It’s easy being paired with Osamu.  Y/N doesn’t have an issue talking to him, and it seems like they’re always on the same page.  They’ve already planned several pranks they’re going to pull on their campers.  Something Sugawara never let Y/N do, even though he wanted to as well.  They probably never did it because Sugawara doesn’t know how to be subtle with the majority of things and would’ve taken it just a little too far.
Y/N likes hanging out with Osamu.  He never finds himself getting annoyed and having to wander the woods to cool off. (Which only happened once with Sugawara after a long, extremely hot day where no one was in a good mood.  But still, it happened.) He’s really happy that Osamu is his co-counselor.
There are three days until the campers show up, meaning they’ve known each other for almost two weeks now.  They’re in their team building group when Osamu sits next to Y/N, scooting his chair closer to Y/N.  He’s said it’s to make sure everyone knows they’re friends, which Y/N finds endearing.  He just hopes that Osamu means that and it’s not just a joke.
“Alright, everyone has had time to get to know their co-counselors,” Kousaka says as she stands in the middle of the chair circle. “I’ve got some worksheets for bonding questions.  Nothing intense.  Just asking each other some questions, writing their answers, and bringing it here tomorrow.  It’s not a grade.  I just need to see you’ve done them.”
Y/N knows they’re only doing this because there are counselors not getting along.  He has his suspicions, but he’s not 100 percent certain of who, though.  He’ll have to ask Akaashi later since Akaashi seems to always know everything.  He literally writes things down in his notes app so he doesn’t forget.
They pass papers around, and they get through the rest of the group talking about scenarios of what to do when campers aren’t getting along.  Then they’re sent back to their cabins to get ready for dinner and night meetings after.  The bonding exercise worksheet sits comfortably in a folder in his backpack, along with Osamu’s.  Osamu forgot to pack his folder before lunch, meaning Y/N got to carry around the paperwork.
“Didja look at what was on the worksheet?” Osamu asks as they trek past everyone.  Y/N really hates that their cabin is the farthest away from the lodge.
“Nope.  We can look at it when we get to the cabin or after night activities,” Y/N says, and he grips the straps of his backpack. “I imagine it’s nothing intense.  Probably get to know me questions, like favorite color.”
Osamu chuckles. “Yeah, you’re right.” It’s quiet for a second. “Who do ya think is why we’re doin’ it?”
Y/N looks at him. “Okay, so I’m planning on asking Akaashi-san later, but I have a feeling it may be Kageyama-san and Oikawa-san.  They’ve been at each other’s throats.  I don’t know why they’ve not been assigned to different counselors.”
“Thank, God. I thought I was just imaginin’ the tension,” Osamu says, and Y/N shakes his head with a small laugh.
“No, it’s definitely there, and it’s suffocating.”
“How many more bonding exercises are we gonna have ‘cause of them?”
Y/N looks back at the path ahead of them. “Too many.”
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It’s late once they’ve gotten back to their cabin, and Y/N is ready to just belly flop on his bed and sleep until his alarm goes off at 6 A. M., but he doesn’t get that privilege since they have several things they need to fill out before meetings tomorrow.  So, he plops down on his bed, the wooden frame creaking a little.
“Me too,” Osamu says, and he’s not sat down yet.  He’s putting his stuff up first, which is apparently because his twin—Atsumu—isn’t necessarily messy, but he’s driven Osamu to become organized. “But we’ve gotta get things done first.”
“Wanna do everything for me?” Y/N asks, and Osamu rolls his eyes with a laugh.
“And suffer?  No thanks.”
Osamu pulls his folder out of his bag.  (It was the first thing he grabbed before they left for dinner earlier.) Then he’s pulling out pencils and pens.  Y/N doesn’t even want to open his bag.  He doesn’t want to do anything but sleep.  But he slowly opens his bag, though, only because of Osamu.
“Wanna do the bonding exercise worksheet first?” Osamu asks, and he’s pulling it out of his folder. “It says we’ve gotta be somewhere we both feel comfortable, though.”
Y/N’s eyes light up. “Do you think Kageyama-san and Oikawa-san are at the volleyball net at the lake?”
Osamu looks at him, and he has that smile that says exactly what Y/N is thinking.  They should go see.  This is the only time that Y/N likes that they’re in this cabin, since it’s closest to the lake.  The only issue with going to check is that the lake is at the bottom of a steep hill that’s terrible to walk up and down in the daylight. (Kageyama and Oikawa are probably down there anyway because they’re both ridiculous.)
Y/N is shoving his folder back into his bag and getting up while Osamu just grabs two pens and his folder to put in his bag.  Then they’re out of the cabin, hurrying over there.  From the top of the hill, they see several lights on, meaning someone is definitely down there.  Y/N can’t hear anything, though.  If they walk down the hill with their flashlights, they’ll definitely get caught.  There’s no way in hell either of them will walk down the hill without a flashlight.
After a minute, he hears what sounds like a ball hitting the ground. “I thought you weren’t going to use that serve!” a voice yells, and Y/N is pretty sure it’s Kageyama.  Yeah, they’re down there.
“Wanna go down there?” Osamu asks, and Y/N looks at him.  His face is barely illuminated by their flashlights pointed at the ground. “Or do ya want to go over to the amphitheater?”
“Amphitheater,” Y/N says without a second thought. “I need to see what talent you’ll bring to the talent show this year.”
Osamu rolls his eyes. “I’m gonna blow yer socks off.”
The walk isn’t long, but it’s done in silence.  It’s mainly because the path can be so difficult to see so they want to focus on making it without getting hurt.  There’s also the fact that they’re out past curfew.  Maybe if they say it’s because of the bonding exercise worksheet, Kousaka would let it pass.  Also, it’s not like Y/N minds the silence.  He just finds it nice being able to do this with Osamu—hang out.  It’s funny because he never thought sneaking around would appeal to him.
“We’re here,” Osamu says, and the amphitheater is poorly lit from the one light pole there.  There aren’t many around the camp, but there’s one here because of how many kids apparently kept getting hurt from being there in the dark. “Let’s get to bonding.”
Y/N grimaces a little. “Please don’t say it like that.”
“I’ll say it however I want,” Osamu says, and Y/N rolls his eyes as they find somewhere to sit. “Alright, question one: What do ya wanna do with your life?”
“Damn, that’s a heavy question,” Y/N says with a slight laugh. “What do I want to do with my life?” He looks over into the darkness for a moment. “Travel.  I have a friend traveling the world right now, and he’s never been happier.”
“Good answer,” Osamu says as he writes it down, his handwriting sloppy from not being able to hold the paper down.
Y/N takes the flashlight from Osamu, shining it down on the paper for him. “What about you?”
Osamu looks up at him, and his face is fully illuminated now.  His gray eyes are such a stark difference from his black hair right now. “I wanna open a restaurant.”
Y/N’s eyes widen, because he wasn’t expecting that answer.  He’s not sure what he thought Osamu would say.  He has a vibe about him that makes it hard to pin down exactly who he is.
“What kind?” Y/N asks, and Osamu takes the flashlight from him so he can write.
“Onigiri.  Maybe other stuff in the future, but right now, that’s what I wanna make,” he says, and Y/N can’t look at him while the flashlight is shining at him because it’ll hurt his eyes.  He wants to look at him.  He finds that he never grows tired of looking at Osamu.
“You’ll have to cook for me sometime,” Y/N says with a smile, and Osamu chuckles.
“Come to Osaka, and you’ve got yourself a deal.”
Y/N looks down at the next question. “Why did you decide to apply?  Make sure to give at least two sentences.” He lowers the flashlight a little, and Y/N looks up at Osamu. “You got an answer?”
From what Y/N can see behind the bright light, Osamu looks embarrassed—shy?  It’s a strange look on him.  He’s not sure if there’s a reason that’ll call for embarrassment.
“I… I was lonely,” Osamu says, and Y/N is quiet.  What is he supposed to say to that?  Question him on why or remind him he needs two sentences? “I’ve told ya how Atsumu went pro this last year, and I thought it’d be fine, but we weren’t talkin’ as much as we used to.  And then I saw a photo of us when we were kids here and thought ‘might as well’…” Osamu falls quiet. “I thought comin’ here would help me not feel so lonely.”
“Did it?” Y/N asks, not writing anything down. “Make you not feel lonely?”
Osamu nods a little. “Yeah.  It did.”
It’s quiet for a moment, crickets chirping around them and the flashlight no longer being pointed at anyone but instead pointed at the ground.  Y/N knows if he looks up, the stars will be vibrant, even with the shitty light pole that actually needs to be replaced, but won’t since they don’t have the money.
“What about you?” Osamu asks, and Y/N can merely only see the outline of his currently. “Why'd Ya come to camp?”
There’s the reason Y/N tells himself that he missed it, which is true.  It’s a valid reason, but it’s not the reason he supposes.
“Life is really fast paced,” Y/N says, and Osamu just stares at him. “I got really burned out two years ago, and everything was just tiring.  Then I came across a picture of Suga and me from camp when we were kids, and I remember being tired back then, but it was a fun tired.” He pauses. “I think I just wanted to experience that tiredness again.”
“Do ya think everyone’s reasons are as sappy as ours?” Osamu asks, and Y/N chuckles a little.
“No, but I imagine we’re not the only ones.”
The crickets chirp around them, and Y/N likes it.  He likes the nighttime atmosphere.  He likes that he gets to share it with Osamu, who hasn’t written Y/N’s answer down, just like Y/N hasn’t written his answer.
“So, what’re we gonna write down?” Osamu asks.
“I wanted a change in scenery, which camp brings me,” Y/N says as he takes the flashlight from Osamu to shine it on his paper. “Just make it two sentences.”
“I dunno how,” Osamu says after he’s tried writing the beginning of the sentence three times. “Uh.  Life got chaotic and overwhelming, so he looked back on the past at camp.  He thought that chaos would be better.”
“Works for me,” Y/N says, and Osamu takes the flashlight from him. “How about I write: He missed camp and all the friends it brought him.  So he came back to make more?”
Osamu laughs a little. “Terrible, but great.”
Y/N pouts slightly as he writes. “I’m trying to not give away all your secrets, Osamu.”
Osamu doesn’t respond at first before he quietly says, “Yeah, I know.  Thank you.”
“Okay, now, question three.  Will it ask us to share childhood trauma?” Y/N looks at question three. “What are your hobbies?”
Osamu laughs a little, and Y/N joins in with him.  It’s funny how that’s the question after two vulnerable questions.  After a few minutes, their laughter dies down as they breathe.  Osamu looks at him.
“Wanna head back to the cabin?” he asks, and Y/N looks around them for a moment.  He looks at the wooden benches that make up the amphitheater, the shitty lamp post that needs a better light, and the “stage” that’s only the ground itself but is the focal point.
He looks back at Osamu with a soft smile. “Sure, but you better have the coolest hobbies ever.”
He sees Osamu’s smile, the same one he had whenever he said he’d protect Y/N’s duffle bag with his life. “I’m gonna blow ya away with my hobbies. Just ya wait.”
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