mikia87 · 1 year
I started several otome games & one of them is Butterfly's Poison; Blood Chains (Chou no Doku). I heard it was really good, but really sad too. I enjoy it so far, but damn I’m crying…😭
I’m angry they censored the switch version, I really wanted to play the original R18 version! It’s unfair!😫 But I'm glad I found & saw some of the original scenes.😏 The censored version removed a lot from the story & the characters’ personalities. It's really disappointing and annoying. And they also completely changed some scenes!!😣
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I started with Mizuhito. It was pure drama & tragedy!😭 I was so sad & anxious for him & Yuriko the whole story. Poor boy, he really needs help.😞 I'm glad he's better, at least at the end of his route. The bad endings were really sad & even the good ending was bittersweet.🥺 I just want them to finally be happy.😥
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Then I played Shiba's route. I really didn't like him at first. He’s a brute & he’s disrespectful.😠 He thinks he can buy anything with money, even Yuriko! He even forced himself on her!!!😩 He really disgusted me, but in the end we know more about his story & his personality. Despite his flaws, his story becomes cute & sweet.
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After, I finished Hideo’s route. I love him! His story is the most natural & best choice for Yuriko so far. I love them together so much!🥰 But his bad endings are so sad. When they found THE picture in his pocket after finding him.🥺 I completely broke…😭😭😭😭😭
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Then, I did Fujita’s route. I enjoyed it more than I thought. I was sad for him throughout his story.🥺 His good ending is sweet🥰, but I would have liked him to finally call Yuriko by her name. And I really hate his bad endings, both the original versions & the new ones!😨😣
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I just finished Majima & Kyoko’s stories. Other than a few interesting story elements, I didn't really like their routes. I understand Majima's motives, but I disagree with his actions. Even his good ending is bad (and has the bad ending theme song). Knowing what he did in all the stories, I can't like him.🙁 As for Kyoko, she's a strong woman, she knows what she wants and it's great! But I'm just not a fan of her story.😐
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otomegmr · 2 years
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More Mizuhito ‘brotherly’ shenanigans. This is one of those scenes that got me interested in looking up the original PC content. 🫣😳
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ikemenfangirl · 1 year
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🦋 Butterfly's Poison; Blood Chains - English Version (Steam PC / Steam Deck)
โอโตเมะเกมคอม พิษรักผีเสื้อ Chou no Doku, Hana no Kusari (蝶の毒 華の鎖) แปลอังกฤษ
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Title: Butterfly's Poison; Blood Chains
Languages: English, Japanese
Rated : Mature, Cero D (17+)
Steam : https://store.steampowered.com/app/2249450/Butterflys_Poison_Blood_Chains/
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Junichi Shiba CV: Chasuke
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Mizuhito Nomiya CV: Tatsuya Hirai
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Hitoshi Fujita CV: Sandayu Chianoze
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Hideo Ozaki CV: Kiya Suga
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Yoshiki Majima CV: Keizo Oishi
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Kyoko Amami CV: Nekomiai
(Fully voiced)
Tokyo, 1918.
World War I is coming to an end. Yuriko Nomiya, aristocratic by birth, is suddenly struck by a series of misfortunes.
Is this fate brought about by the changing times, or is someone plotting against her? The dark, bittersweet tale of Yuriko and five young men is about to unfold...
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🦋 eShop : (Nintendo Switch)
🦋 Steam : (PC)
coming soon!
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atopearth · 1 year
Butterfly’s Poison; Blood Chains (Chou no Doku) Part 2 - Hitoshi Fujita Route
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Oh dang, so even if you choose Fujita, he can't go on the outing with Shiba because he's just a servant, so Yuriko still ends up getting kissed by Shiba! I don't like that😭 I like how Yuriko refused to take no for an answer and said Fujita must eat out with her next time haha. I guess she will have to be the forceful one since Fujita would never overstep his boundaries. Men who make warm drinks for the girl at night when she can't sleep or have no appetite are always the best!! It's funny because I had hot chocolate right before reading this so I can feel how warm it is haha! It's quite cute to see different sides to Yuriko. With Shiba, she's snarky and now with Fujita, she's a bit bratty that it's actually quite adorable haha. It was so cute how excited she was to go watch a movie with Fujita that she even said he's not allowed to refer to her formally and they're to hang out like friends haha, he definitely has his work cut out for him. It must suck to not be able to watch a movie comfortably if you're too short and people in front of you are too tall, I know the feeling for subtitled movies haha, but I get no Fujita who will carry me to see better lol. Considering how Fujita has been beside her for most of her life (I think?), it'll probably take both of them some time to see each other as something more. Feeling them at close proximity is definitely one way for that to occur haha. It's sad that Fujita enjoys spending time with Yuriko but feels like he shouldn't because they are master and servant. I was happy when he asked if there was any way he could help console her when her mother died though. I have to agree with Fujita that the Yuriko in this route really has boundless amounts of energy hahaha, the song definitely fits her, she's never ready to sit still when it comes to wanting to go out and play with Fujita and other things lol.
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A common but sad story for Fujita's family that his mother fell in love with a sailor, gave birth and then got left behind when his father returned to his homeland. It's heartbreaking to think of the women left behind having to fend for themselves with a baby, it's probably even worse because Fujita's mother was rich but got disowned because of this. At least she was able to earn a living through teaching piano. It's kinda funny to think about a young Fujita who had such a sweet tooth that his mother had to hide sweets away from him and only give them to him as a reward hahaha. Well, if she says it like that (saying she would be all alone in this house if Fujita keeps treating her like a stranger), of course Fujita can't put her at a distance, especially since her parents passed away so quickly and suddenly, and Mizuhito is never here. It's really cute how Yuriko can so honestly act like a child towards Fujita and so innocently hug him in happiness because he agreed to talk more about himself to her. I think it's so endearing, and honestly, I would be so touched if I was Fujita. I think of myself as a boring person as well, so if I saw someone so genuinely happy that I agreed to tell them more about myself, I think I wouldn't be able to stop myself from feeling happy and appreciated too. Hahahah, I didn't expect to see Fujita in a frilly white apron! That's so cute lmao. The Nomiya family really are so blessed to have Fujita as their butler. He has no qualms for doing anything and everything even if it is outside of his role as a butler. He truly serves the family because he genuinely wants to help them out as much as he can. It seems that discrimination against his mixed blood is a bigger deal than expected, so Fujita has been eternally grateful towards Yuriko's father for employing him and even making him the head of the servants. It's really sweet of Yuriko tell Fujita that he's family and that she wishes for his happiness just as he does for her and her family. It was heartbreaking to hear him so bluntly reject the notion of her considering him family. Like, I understand his perspective but like Yuriko, it definitely hurt.
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I am surprised Fujita agreed to go back to his hometown with Yuriko. I don't know how it feels to go back to your hometown to find no traces of the space you spent your childhood because it got demolished but I do know the nostalgic feeling of going back somewhere you used to always be feeling like it never happened and that your past didn't exist and it's a very melancholic feeling, so I would think Fujita feels worse but at least he had Yuriko with him. It's true that we can't prevent change and it's for the best usually when it improves the town but as Fujita said even if the house is gone, his memories with his mother are in his heart. The only sad thing is that when even your memories become fuzzy, and that's when you feel like you're a horrible person for forgetting even if it can't be helped. For me, I feel like there are so many things I've forgotten that I shouldn't have and it hurts to think that I can only remember a bit, it makes me feel heartless for my mind to think it wasn't useful and to forget it, but no matter how hard I try to remember, I can never again clearly grasp how I really felt when it came to these memories. I used to be proud of how good my memory was, but as I got older, I find it difficult to remember many things I feel like I should remember.
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It was really sweet when Fujita said people can always create new memories, and that coming here with Yuriko has now become one of his important memories of this town. I would feel really honoured if I was Yuriko haha. I actually quite enjoy how Yuriko is experiencing the tumultuous emotions of love when it comes to Fujita, especially being a bit frightened at the fact that she realises she can also be so rash and do things without thinking of the consequences just because she's so mad at Fujita for being so expressionless towards her potential marriage with someone else. As someone who also vividly remembers how love can make you do the most silly and irrational things, I couldn't help but empathise. It's interesting that if it isn't Shiba's route, he doesn't cause a fuss in public in front of Iida when he sees them but instead visits her home to question her about it. I was super cheering Yuriko on when she expressed her frustration about how Fujita hasn't reacted to anything and then clearly confessed her feelings for him, like dang you go girl! If he didn't kiss her, I would have been mad because it's about time he cracked haha. I get it but it was pretty funny to see Fujita be the one to run away after kissing her, and Yuriko be the one baffled as to what just happened lol.
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Mizuhito has played with the maids before too? Dang, thought it was just outside. I don't blame Fujita, he's been thrown away by the women he's dated so many times, he feels tired and scared, but I really like Yuriko's attitude towards it. She's so tired of Fujita not doing anything, she tells him to make advances on her and try to make her change her mind and not leave instead of merely accepting that things are as it is. She wants him to more aggressively pursue her and make it that she can't live without him and I guess that's what he has always been lacking towards his partners - he has never showed them how much he really likes and wants them. But considering how tough of a life he had to see his mother lead, I'm sure that's also a part of the reason why he refuses to go against the status quo. I'm glad Fujita has come around after the debacle with Majima, but their debts really were resolved so easily with the debt certificates returning to them after Majima bought them and gave it back to the house for some reason? Maybe we'll get more elaboration on that in another route lol, like why did Majima do that? To give Fujita a happy ending?🤣 LMAO at Yuriko wondering how Fujita handled his libido before they got married and when he was single because of his sexual appetite😂😂 I think it's sweet that on the outside Yuriko has been isolated from her relatives because she married a butler, but everyone actually still very much cares for her and understands her choice by sending them gifts, that's cute. I knew there would be an ending where Fujita would basically be like a mistress but I feel bad for Shiba. He wanted Yuriko so much, he agreed to her having another partner. I also feel sorry for Fujita, like omg, to see him so openly cling to Yuriko in front of other servants? Yuriko really does seem to have broken him with how sadistic she is. When Mizuhito first came back with money, I was suspicious, but I didn't want to accept that he was prostituting himself, that's just so so sad... I'm not sure what to think of the private club ending because it didn't have much to do with Fujita unless I'm missing something? The CG was pretty even though it was disgusting though lol.
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Overall, if I were to describe Shiba's route as a rollercoaster where I was excited in the beginning when he saved her, and then I fell into the abyss when he started being quite a jerk, and then I liked him again after he confessed properly, then I'll have to describe Fujita's route to be as if you're enjoying a boat ride on a lake, pretty calm and peaceful most of the route with no high or lows. I didn't mind the route but I can see why people would view it as boring because Fujita is a very passive man that refuses to do anything and show his feelings towards Yuriko until pushed to the brink. Even though he was like that though, I did enjoy their little dates going back to his hometown and getting to know each other better outside of their master and servant relationship. I also liked how Yuriko acted very bratty in this route, it was pretty fun to see a different side to her that's childish and impulsive, especially the tragic ending, like dang that was unexpected haha. The relationship really felt like the cute kind of age gap love where the younger one does their best to break down the barriers of the older one into accepting a relationship that they couldn't view as socially acceptable, so it has all the angst, rejection and tantrums thrown and pain that comes with the rollercoaster of emotions of wanting the other to reciprocate and just abandon all social responsibilities and views. I guess it's kinda cute lol, but nothing special or different, so yeah, it's not a bad route for me haha, especially since I did enjoy the peaceful beginning.
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Chou no Doku Translation-Mizuhito: Secret Accomplices [ENDING]
I’m tanstaling all the sexy scense that are not in the Switch version of the game, Enjoy~!
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Yuriko didn't know she was so easily influenced until she got into this relationship with her brother.
After eating lunch, she went back to her brother's room as he told her to, and even though it was still light outside and Fujita was downstairs, he gently hugged her.
Since the sound of the bed echoe, she quietly and slowly exchanged acts on the chair where she was sitting as a model.
Perhaps because it was done secretly and carefully, it felt even more obscene than last night, and although Yuriko was a virgin until yesterday, she had already felt the pleasure of being a woman.
And then there were days like that.
Yuriko spends most of her time in Mizuhito's room and enjoys her secret love affair with her brother.
Mizuhito: "Fufu...you're still open. Right here..."
Yuriko: "Ah, no... don't trace it, ah, brother..."
Mizuhito: "You can't close your legs... it's strictly forbidden for a model to move..."
After deeply kissing Mizuhito's lips, he was observing her hidden part with her legs on both sides of the chair.
On top of that, Mizuhito was having fun, playfully using a soft brush to trace Yuriko's still wet spots.
Mizuhito: "Oh, it spilled again... I think I can draw something with this honey."
Yuriko: "B-Brother... uh, ah, ah, you're terrible... stop it, already..."
Mizuhito: "Why? Is this tickling brush not enough?"
Mizuhito chuckled and continued playing with Yuriko.
Every time the soft tip of the brush traced her labia and tickled around her clitoris, Yuriko trembled at the playful sensation.
Certainly, this is a life-or-death situation. She wants a clearer feeling of pleasure.
But she couldn't say it. It was still too difficult for Yuriko to directly ask her brother for things on her own.
However, she is nearing the limit of her patience. Perhaps Mizuhito knew about her sister's condition and was playing around with her.
Mizuhito: "Hmm...? What do you want? If you don't tell me, I won't know."
Yuriko: "Uh... Brother, you're so mean... You’re terrible, this is terrible."
Mizuhito: "What's wrong? Just say the word and I'll do anything you want."
Yuriko: "Mmn..."
Mizuhito: "Hey... what's wrong? You're my little sister, so it's okay to be spoiled by your brother, right?"
Yuriko realizes that Mizuhito has no intention of stopping this child's play until she asks her brother to do so.
Biting her lip, Yuriko hesitated, but finally surrendered.
Yuriko: "I-I..."
Mizuhito: "Hmm? What was that?"
Yuriko: “…Brother, I-I want you…”
Mizuhito: "Me?... What about me?"
Yuriko: "Ngh..."
Yuriko couldn't stand her brother's teasing, and she immediately clung to his head.
Mizuhito: "Ahaha, I'm sorry, I went too far."
Yuriko: "Brother, you big, big idiot!"
Mizuhito: "Fufu... I wonder if this has angered the princess.”
Mizuhito gently stroked Yuriko's hair and hugged her back.
And then, pressing his lips to her ear, he whispered with a smile.
Mizuhito: "Will you accept my apology...?"
Yuriko nodded without saying a word.
She has already passed her limit. She couldn't help wanting her brother.
Staring at each other as the tip of their noses touched, they shared a deep kiss.
And when her brother took out something from below, Yuriko almost came just by looking at it.
However, just when she was on the verge of getting that long-awaited pleasure.
Hideo: "...You two, what do you think you're doing?!"
Yuriko: "Huh...?"
Mizuhito: "Hideo..."
Suddenly, the door opened.
And beyond the door stood Hideo, still in his military uniform.
Yuriko and Mizuhito were both frozen by the sudden intrusion and couldn't move for a while.
Hideo's face turned pale, he stepped into the room and violently closed the door.
Hideo: "...I thought it was strange."
After Hideo's intrusion, Yuriko finally came to her senses and hurriedly fixed her kimono.
Mizuhito also grooms himself and leaves Yuriko. Then he tried to walk up to Hideo.
Then suddenly Hideo stepped back and put his hand on the sword on his waist.
Hideo: "Don't get any closer!! You filth!!"
Yuriko: "Hideo..."
Yuriko was taken aback by Hideo's actions.
In response to that reaction, Mizuhito seemed rather calm and asked in a calm voice.
Mizuhito: "...Why are you here? What happened to Fujita?"
Hideo: "....When I heard at the entrance that you guys have been in the same room lately, I had a bad feeling about it. I was allowed to go up here directly, after saying that I had received your permission."
Mizuhito: "...Lying to be let in, huh? That's quite a dirty trick."
Hideo: “Are you going to preach a sermon while acting like a beast…!”
Hideo is shaking with anger.
Yuriko turned pale and stiffened as it seemed that he was about to draw a sword.
She never thought that Hideo would see such a scene...
Hideo: "I've always thought you were a worthless man, but I never thought you'd even get your hands on your own little sister... I should have done more research back then...!"
Yuriko: "B-Back then...? What are you talking about, Hideo-san..."
Hideo: "When you asked me to run an errand for the entertainment district..."
Hideo narrowed his eyes and glanced at Yuriko.
Hideo: "This is just too funny... I was foolish enough to help you guys back then, even though I felt suspicious feelings for your brother..." "Ever since then, I've been curious about you, so I did some research… and then I found out something terrifying… what happened to this demonic brother!"
Mizuhito: "...What the hell are you talking about?"
Hideo: "Do you want me to say it? In front of your beloved sister? Oh, I'll say it!!"
Hideo doesn't stop. With a demon-like expression, he looked like he was about to burst into flames.
Hideo: "Listen close, Yuriko!! Your brother is the most filthy man in the world!" "Your brother sells his body to a woman... he's a male prostitute!"
Yuriko: "!?"
Yuriko was stunned by his outlandish words.
Is her brother a male prostitute? Is he selling his body to women?
What the hell is he talking about? This doesn't make sense.
Yuriko: "What...? H-Hideo...what are you talking about...?"
Hideo: "What, can't you believe it? Well, listen. It's only because there's a Russian woman who has a ‘dog’ with a nice coat..."
Hideo looks at Yuriko with a mixed expression of sympathy and anger. He begins to speak in an excited tone.
Hideo: "Of course, it's not an open rumor. Lately, I've been hearing from people in the red light district who have come to visit me often." "At first, I had a slight premonition. Normally, I wouldn't be interested in this story, but I was curious about it. I was allowed to investigate."
Mizuhito: "...Enough already. I get it."
A quiet but intimidating voice interrupts Hideo's speech.
Mizuhito leaned against the wall and looked at his childhood friend in military uniform with his usual languid eyes.
Mizuhito: "So? Because I'm an obscene male prostitute, did you come to see my sister out of concern?"
Hideo: "That's about it. I found out about this this morning. I was nervous because I wanted to check on you guys as soon as possible."
Hideo glared at Mizuhito with an annoyed look.
Hideo: “I always thought it was strange that you were so obsessed with your little sister.”
Yuriko: "Hideo, that's...! My brother and I aren't in a forced relationship!"
Hideo: "You are being deceived!! By this guy's pretty words!!"
Yuriko: "No, don't say that, Hideo!"
She desperately tries to clear up the misunderstanding, but seeing the scene of a brother and sister's love affair is not very persuasive.
Yuriko was impatient. Hideo is visibly agitated, and at this rate she doesn't know what he's going to do.
Mizuhito, on the other hand, was just staring straight at the listeners with cold eyes.
However, maybe he got fed up with Hideo and Yuriko's back-and-forth argument, and he finally opened his mouth with an annoyed tone.
Mizuhito: "...Listen, Yuriko. What Hideo is saying is true. I'm actually in a situation where I have no choice but to sell myself."
Yuriko: “Brother... you're really... a male prostitute?”
Mizuhito: "I had no choice. It was an order from my creditor. I would do anything to protect you and this life."
Hideo: "Is it to protect your sister's life ... ha! You're such a narcissist."
Mizuhito: "A narcissist? Whatever do you mean..."
Hideo: "That's right! The best thing a guy like you can do to find a good marriage partner, is to marry yourself!" "Selling your own body just because you want to keep her by your side… it's so disgusting that it makes me sick!"
Yuriko: "No... stop it, Hideo..."
Hideo: "No, I won't stop. I'm doing this for you, Yuriko!!" "This man will close your future and ruin your whole life!" "Today I learned...that my biggest mission right now is to separate you from this house!"
Mizuhito: "...Pfft"
Suddenly, Mizuhito burst out laughing.
Hideo's bloodshot eyes move.
Hideo: "What's so funny…?"
Mizuhito: "Hey, Hideo-kun... Isn't that strange. Calling me a narcissist, huh?" "I wonder if that's really something you can say..."
Hideo: "Wh-what do you mean..."
Mizuhito: "You liked her, didn't you? You've always loved my sister."
Hideo: "...!"
Yuriko: "...Huh?"
What did her brother say just now?
Yuriko stare at the frozen Hideo.
Mizuhito looked satisfied with Hideo's reaction and smiled.
Mizuhito: "I've been with Yuriko all this time. That's why I know everything about my sister. And I also know who's staring at my sister." "You're too easy to understand. If you had honestly told her that you liked her, she wouldn't have been robbed by someone like me by now, and you maybe even got married."
Hideo: "D-Don't say another word..."
Mizuhito: "Why? You just barged in on your own and said all that stuff about me and now you’re expecting me not to talk?" 
Hideo: "S-Shut up... Shut up, SHUT UP!!!"
Hideo cried out with a bright red face.
Hideo: "I can't stand listening to you. You are a corrupt male prostitute that tampered with your little sister!" "I can't stand it anymore... I can't keep her in such a dangerous mansion! I'll take her right away!! I'll talk to my relatives later! Prepare yourself!!"
Yuriko: "...W-Wait, Hideo!!"
Hideo violently grabs Yuriko's arm and tries to drag her out of the room.
Hideo is serious. At this rate, she will really be torn apart from her brother.
Yuriko's hair stood up in fear. She never imagined that the happiness she had worked so hard to achieve would be destroyed in such a way.
What should she do, what could she do..."
She tries to think of something, but the furious Hideo's power is relentless, and Yuriko is about to be lifted up like that, and involuntarily screams.
Yuriko: "No! Brother, help me, brother...!"
Mizuhito: "...Hold on, Hideo."
Hideo: "Don't call my name! You disgraced noble!!"
At that time, Hideo turned around vigorously to curse.
With unexpected agility, Mizuhito moved quickly. It was exactly the appearance of being taken by surprise.
The moment when Yuriko wondered what she was going to do.
Hideo: "Ugh..."
Yuriko: "...!?"
Mizuhito: "...You're too violent in someone's room, you..."
Hideo fainted immediately after her brother pressed a white cloth from his bosom to Hideo's nose.
Yuriko is surprised and stumbles when Mizuhito embraces her.
Mizuhito: "Are you alright?"
Yuriko: "Oh, brother... What did you just do?"
Mizuhito: "I let him smell a medicine that makes you sleep a little."
Yuriko: "Where did you get such a thing..."
Mizuhito: "...I'm 'Russia's dog,' after all. I can do something like that."
Yuriko: "..."
With mixed feelings, Yuriko looked down at the silent Hideo.
Come to think of it, Hideo said that her older brother sold his body to a woman. And even her brother said it was true.
Of course, she was shocked by that fact. However, the appearance of Hideo disturbed Yuriko's chest like a storm, to the extent that such a thing was overshadowed.
Yuriko: (Hideo-san saw me... He said Hideo liked me... Brother put Hideo-san to sleep with medicine...) (...Why the hell did this happen...)
At that moment, she could hear footsteps approaching the room.
Yuriko was startled... These are Fujita's footsteps.
Fujita: "Excuse me, my lord, I heard a loud noise earlier..."
Mizuhito: "Don't worry. Everything is fine." 
Fujita: "...Is lord Hideo still there?"
Mizuhito: "That's right... We are having a little discussion right now. Even if it gets a little loud, please don't mind it."
Fujita: "...Understood."
Then, the footsteps grew farther away.
Fujita is a man who is loyal to the head of the family. Even if he's suspicious, he doesn't express his feelings.
Now, she was grateful for his thoroughgoing loyalty to his master.
Of course, it would be a tragedy for Hideo.
Looking down at her childhood friend sprawled on the floor, Yuriko felt guilty again.
Yuriko: "But what are you going to do...? You've put Hideo to sleep..."
Mizuhito: "...For the time being, let's get him off the floor. Shall we let him sleep in bed?"
Yuriko: "O-Okay... I'll help you."
Agreeing with her brother's suggestion, Yuriko helped carry Hideo's body.
However, the unconscious body of an adult man was heavier than she had imagined, and Mizuhito struggled to finally lift him onto the bed.
Her brother, who is a man, also had sweat on his forehead. Yuriko becomes exhausted and almost sits on her floor.
Mizuhito: "Hmm...he is quite heavy...he looked slender, but as expected of a soldier, he seems to be well-trained."
While saying that, Mizuhito dragged something out of the back of the cupboard.
It was a thick rope. Why is there such a thing in her brother's room?
Yuriko has a bad feeling and inadvertently asks.
Yuriko: "B-Brother... what are you doing?"
Mizuhito: "Oh? You mean this?"
Her brother smiled with his usual gentle face.
Mizuhito: "I'm going to tie Hideo up of course."
Yuriko: "W-why...!?"
Mizuhito: “…Yuriko, do you want to be separated from me?”
Yuriko: "Well, of course I don't like that... but what are you going to do with Hideo-san tied up...?”
Mizuhito: "...Make him our accomplice."
Yuriko: "Accomplice...? What do you mean..."
Mizuhito: "...Involving himself in what he calls filthy deeds."
Yuriko: "....!"
Yuriko understood what her brother meant.
The fastidious Hideo would probably go through hell.
And it should be a memory that he can never tell to others.
That means that Yuriko and Mizuhito cannot be exposed either. Because it also leads to exposing his own shame.
Yuriko understood this and stared in horror at her brother as he deftly tied up Hideo's body.
And then, suddenly, she realized the abnormalities of her brother's act of playing with her secret place with a brush earlier.
Yuriko: (...Since when did brother become so broken...)
His act towards Yuriko, and this idea towards Hideo, are not normal things to do.
Is it the result of Mizuhito's own spirit being undermined little by little by what Hideo said about him being a male prostitute?
However, it was undoubtedly her fault that she let her brother go that far.
Even if she realized that now, Yuriko didn't have the option of leaving her brother.
Hideo called Mizuhito a narcissist, and Mizuhito also ridiculed Hideo for also being a narcissist.
And maybe Yuriko herself is one as well...
Hideo: "...Mnn..."
She can hear Hideo moaning after being gagged
Yuriko was taken aback. She shuddered with chills as her skin sensed an uneasy presence.
Her brother looks at her and smiles with a dark look in his eyes.
Mizuhito: "Well then... let's get started."
Yuriko: "...What should I do?"
Mizuhito: "Let's see... I don't think Hideo has any experience with women."
Mizuhito glanced at Hideo with a pleasant look.
Mizuhito: "Considering his personality, he probably never hangs out with geisha in the red light district. That's why I think you should be Hideo's first woman."
Yuriko: "What..."
Yuriko was terribly surprised by Mizuhito's remark.
She thought we were in love until a while ago, but could it be that her brother didn't care about her?
Mizuhito: "Oh, don't get me wrong."
As if sensing Yuriko's anxiety, Mizuhito shook his head.
Mizuhito: "What we do to Hideo is just a way to get him to keep a secret. The fact that you and I only love each other doesn't change... right?"
Yuriko: "B-But... brother... I only want you..."
Mizuhito: "It's okay."
Mizuhito smiled softly and kindly.
Yuriko's heart fluttered painfully. It was a beautiful smile that seemed to be out of this world.
Mizuhito: "Leave it to me. If you do what I say, I'm sure everything will be fine.”
Yuriko: "R-Really...?"
Mizuhito: "Of course... Do you doubt your brother...?"
Yuriko hurriedly shook her head at her brother, who had a slightly sad look on his face.
Hideo: "Hm...gu, mnn"
Yuriko was taken aback by Hideo's groans.
Hideo, opening his eyes wide, is squirming on the bed.
Mizuhito: "...Come, Yuriko…"
Yuriko: "Okey..."
Yuriko approached Hideo as if being manipulated.
Hideo, who isn't fully conscious, does not react much to Yuriko's appearance in his field of vision.
Mizuhito: “Take out his shaft... It must be your first time, so please lick it gently with your mouth.”
Guided by her brother's soft voice, Yuriko opens the front of Hideo's uniform with slightly trembling fingertips.
She quietly unties the exposed loincloth and undresses Hideo, who probably doesn't know the touches of a woman yet.
Hideo: "Hmm...mnn...?"
His lower abdomen touched the air directly, and Hideo shook his hips fidgeting as if he had regained full consciousness.
Yuriko was shocked, and before she was completely awake, she immediately cringed and put it in her mouth.
Hideo: "Nhg...!?"
Yuriko: "Hmm... Ah..."
Hideo: "Uhg...! Mnn..."
This time, Hideo woke up.
He found Yuriko's head moving up and down between his crotch and opened his eyes wide.
Mizuhito: "Ahaha! Oh, that's funny... I've never seen Hideo's face like that. You're always so stoic."
Hideo: "Agh! N-Ngh!!"
Hideo is ridiculed by Mizuhito, his face flushes bright red and he groans violently.
If he raises his voice too loudly, Fujita will enter the room.
As if scolding Hideo, Yuriko sucked in Hideo's shaft.
Hideo: "Hmmm!! Mnn... mgh…!"
Yuriko: "Hm...mmm, uh..."
Hideo suddenly becomes quiet and begins to tremble.
The things in Yuriko's mouth became harder and harder, and eventually became too big to hold in her mouth.
Hideo: "Hmgh, fu, uh, nk, uh"
Mizuhito: "Oh, I can't believe it. It seems you really don't know women." "Ah, or is it because of Yuriko that you are so sensitive?"
Hideo: "Nuu! Ngu, mnn, uu!"
Hideo raised his voice as if to argue against Mizuhito's teasing tone.
However, because Yuriko constantly sucks on his erect part, his waist softens and his snort becomes rough.
As Mizuhito watched his little sister dutifully serve his childhood friend, he let out an annoyed sigh with blank eyes.
Mizuhito: "Hey, what do you think...? What does Hideo taste like?"
Yuriko: "Ah..., w-what... brother..."
Mizuhito: "Wait a minute, doesn't it stink? You're probably sweating on your way home from military service, and you're a virgin anyway... so I don't think you've washed it much."
Hideo: "!! Hmm... mgh... hm"
Mizuhito: "Ahaha! Are you concerned now? But Hideo... the woman you love is licking your dirty and smelly part...?" "Isn't that wonderful? You should be thanking me."
Mizuhito smiles cheerfully and walks up behind Yuriko, who is using her mouth with all her might.
As she was doing that, he rolled up the hem of her kimono.
Yuriko: "B-Brother...?"
Mizuhito: "I'll moisten you too... as a reward for your hard work..."
Immediately, Yuriko felt Mizuhito's moist breath, sending shivers down her spine.
The wet and warm feeling of the tongue envelops her female genitals that are flushed.
Yuriko: "Ahhh! Ah, uh...fu..."
Mizuhito: "Oh, you're so wet... As expected, my sister is so adaptable..."
With a giggle, Mizuhito carefully puts his tongue between her labia, then erects and gently puts the coral ball with her foreskin on his tongue.
And, as he played with that bulging thing with the tip of his tongue, Yuriko looked up and gasped.
Yuriko: "Haa!! Ha, ah, fuhi, fu, ah, ah!"
Hideo: "Hmmgh! Ku, u, nu, u, u"
Due to her brother's caress, Yuriko involuntarily puts her teeth on Hideo's tip.
However, instead of withering away, Hideo's hardness increased remarkably, and the dew of the advance was overflowing.
Yuriko has no choice but to writhe in pleasure while clutching Hideo.
Yuriko: "Huh, ah, ah, brother, ah, with this, I can't concentrate, ah."
Mizuhito: "Fufu...it's already simmering...you're so sensitive..." "But today I'll make you feel better...I'll show you a world you never knew..."
Yuriko: "Ah..."
Right after that, she felt something slipping into her vagina.
Mizuhito pushes it all the way in with his finger and gropes the mucous membrane as if to rub it inside.
Yuriko: "B-Brother... what are you doing..."
Mizuhito: "It's a medicine that makes you feel good... you can get pleasure like you've never felt before..."
Yuriko: "Eh... what? It's scary..."
Gradually, the inside of her body became hot as if a vague fire had been lit.
Her heart beat faster and she felt slightly dizzy.
Hot, sticky sweat erupts from her skin, and she feels her whole body becoming sharper.
Mizuhito: "Don't be afraid, it's okay... Now get on top of him..."
Yuriko: "O-Okay..."
Mizuhito: "I am with you... right...?"
Following Mizuhito's words, she slowly straddled Hideo's erection.
At that time, Yuriko knew that she was wet as if she had a rough round before.
The moment she opened her crotch on Hideo, there was a loud noise, and an abnormal amount of love juice spilled out and slipped down her thighs.
Yuriko: "Oh, wow, what's going on with me..."
Mizuhito: "It's okay...just sit back..."
Yuriko: "Ah, b-brother, agh..."
Half forcibly, Yuriko's waist was lowered by Mizuhito's hand.
Hideo, who was easily buried in Yuriko, was surprised by that first sensation, and his body stiffened.
Hideo: "Agh...!! Mn...mn..."
Yuriko: "Haa... haa... ah, it's kind of weird...."
The mucous membrane inside her honey pot was so hot that it was unbearable.
She wants to rub her insides as soon as possible... Her primitive and intense desire drives Yuriko into a corner.
Hideo: "Agh! Ah, ha, ha, hah!!"
Yuriko: "Ah, hah, hah, ah, no, no, I, ah, I'm scared, what should I do, brother, brother."
She can't stop her waist. She can't stop.
It's unbearable to have Hideo's erect shaft roll up her mucous membrane and have it pushed up into her womb.
Her insides are moving so much that even she can be conscious of it. Trying to squeeze out the man's semen, it moves like a different creature.
Hideo: "Agh, hah, ah, ha"
Yuriko: "Ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah"
Hideo: "Haguu, ugh, hu, ah, hu, ah, ah!!"
Hideo suddenly convulsed.
Then, it pulsates in the flesh of Yuriko and spits out semen.
In an instant, Hideo ejaculated.
Mizuhito: "Oh...that was really early."
While gently stroking Yuriko's flushed body, Mizuhito whispered in a slightly hoarse voice.
Mizuhito: "But what do you think, Hideo... you don't seem to be withering...?"
Hideo: “Ugu...Uh... ah....”
Certainly, there was no sign of Hideo shrinking inside Yuriko.
Despite ejaculating, it's getting harder and harder, and it's hot inside Yuriko.
Mizuhito: "Fufu... You  were rubbed by the medicine-soaked mucous membrane... It has that kind of effect..."
Yuriko: "B-Brother, what should I do..."
Yuriko shed tears before she knew it, but she still couldn't stop moving her hips and wriggled loosely.
Mizuhito: "I wonder... how far it is opened..."
After muttering that, Mizuto slowly put his finger into Yuriko's vagina, which was still holding Hideo inside her.
Then, it will be buried without any resistance.
Just like that, Mizuhito put a few fingers into it as if to test it.
Yuriko: "Ah... b-brother... what are you doing..."
Mizuhito: "Amazing...it's already wide open..."
Mizuhito smiled bewitchingly and licked his red lips.
Mizuhito: "It seems that Hideo alone isn't enough for you here..."
Yuriko: "Eh... wh-what do you mean..."
Mizuhito: "Come on, Yuriko... Lean your body forward a little... Stick your butt out... That's it..."
With a blank mind, Yuriko obediently followed her brother's instructions.
With Hideo still inside her, Yuriko's back was gently hugged by Mizuhito as she slumped forward as if to fall onto the chest that was tied in front of her.
Mizuhito: "...Chew this..."
Yuriko: "Huh...? What..."
Mizuhito pushed a towel into Yuriko's mouth.
Just when she was wondering what it was for, Mizuhito's fingers pried open Yuriko's wet vagina.
Yuriko: "Mnn...!?"
Hideo: "H-Hmgh!!"
Yuriko: "Ngh...!!!"
Sparks flew in front of her eyes.
A violent shock, like tearing.
Her vision bursts into pure white. She felt like all the pores of her whole body were open.
She heard a sound from her lower limbs like she had never heard before.
Another phallus screwed deep inside.
Mizuhito: "Haa...haa, this is amazing...hey..." "But... it's all wet... it's moving inside... How is it? Isn't it great?"
Yuriko: "Mgh...mnn,ng...ha..."
Yuriko was no longer able to reply.
Her stomach was filled with two cocks in her vagina and she felt like she was going crazy with the sensation of an abnormally expanded entrance.
She didn't know what the medicine Mizuhito used was, but her love juices overflowed endlessly, and the spread of the penis felt so good that she could die.
Mizuhito: "You've gotten used to it...then it'll work..."
Yuriko: “Ngu...!? Agh, ah, ha, ah, ah, haaaah!!"
Hideo: "Ukuuu!! Uku, auguu, nguu!!"
She felt the two shafts rub against each other inside her body.
As Mizuhito moved, Yuriko's hips shook, and Hideo's penis was also rubbed by the entwined mucous membrane and Mizuhito's genitals, and it got excited.
Yuriko: "Gugh, Ugu, mnn, ha, hah, AAAAAAHHH"
Mizuhito: "Haa, haa, ah, fufu,  what an amazing voice, ah, ah, it's unbearable, ah, ah, ah"
Hideo: "Uh, uh, uh, fu, n, kuuh, uh"
She can't think of anything.
Her whole body becomes a volcano of pleasure, as if she existed for nothing else.
Rubbing her forehead against Hideo's chest, Yuriko rolled her eyes and squealed like a pig.
Already, there was no shame.There was no reason.
Mating here are three beasts.
They fell into Sodom, the city of immorality. But why does this pleasure feel like paradise?
Mizuhito: "Ha, ah, ku, ha, ah, ha" "Nkuh, ah, ah, ah, ah, I should also come inside once, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah."
Yuriko: “Hmm!! Mmn, mgh, nm, ngh!!"
Hideo: "Haa, ah, fu, n, uh, fu, uku!"
Mizuhito: "Kuh, ha, ah, ha, ah" "Ah, ah, ah, coming, coming, ah, ah" "Aaaah...!!"
Mizuhito hugged Yuriko tightly as he came inside her.
At the same time, Yuriko is attacked by a sensation of a small amount of water leaking out.
But it doesn't smell like ammonia. Somehow, something else seems to have erupted from her pubic region.
The semen that drips and flows into the interior of the vagina.
Under Yuriko, Hideo is also cramping. Apparently, he had come as well.
Mizuhito: "Oh... you've spewed tide... fufu... you're so cute..."
Yuriko: "...Ngh...mnn...hmm..."
Mizuhito: "Does it feel good...? Hey...you're amazing, Yuriko..." "See...I'm still fully erect… I wonder how long we can stay connected...? Shall we try..."
Yuriko, who was messed up with semen for two people, is still happily licking and sucking their cocks.
The penis, which had remained stiff and erect, began to move again.
Yuriko let out strange animal-like sounds, drooled, and spouted many tides with her love juice.
...Ah. How long will this feast last?"
When will the hideous, hellish rituals of keeping secrets end?
However, her body, shivering with chills, also felt dreadful excitement.
It wasn't just the drugs, it wasn't just physical pleasure, it was the kind of excitement that welled up from the depths of her heart.
Madness can be contagious.
From Mizuhito to Yuriko. And maybe to Hideo too...
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cocotome · 2 years
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Can y’all believe Chou no Doku Hana no Kusari will be available in English on the Switch next month?! According to Prototype’s twitter post, we can expect a free (according to the tweet) update on the Nintendo eShop that will add English to the Japanese game!
There are a few things to note, however: We all know this was originally a R-18 game but since it’ll be on the Switch, they edited the content to make it slightly less adult. It’s also worth mentioning that it hasn’t been confirmed if the translation for this version will be using the same machine translation from the mobile version that was released in English a few years back. If you check the tweet, you’ll see there’s a few screenshots with English text and the wording doesn’t look too bad but, it’s hard to tell.
Synopsis from VNDB:
Yuriko, a noblewoman in the Taisho Era, has a big party on her birthday. She then discovers her father is trying to find her a rich husband at the party, but she doesn't want to have that fate. Suddenly, some rogues break into her place and start trashing the place. She grabs a wooden sword so she can fight them, but a man saves her...
Now for the cast!!
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^Wealthy trader, 28 yrs old, Shiba Junichi cv. Katou Masayuki^
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^Heroine’s older brother, 22 yrs old, Nomiya Mizuhito cv. Hirakawa Daisuke^ you already know his route is gonna be effed up XD
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^Nomiya family servant, age 25, Majima Yoshiki cv. Kondou Takashi^
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^Nomiya family butler, 37 yrs old, Fujita Hitoshi cv. Yasumoto Hiroki^
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^Army lieutenant and oldest son of a baron, 24 yrs old, Ozaki Hideo cv. Majima Junji^
I’m super excited for more games with Hirarin being localized! With my backlog, I just got around to playing Pyschedelica of the Ashen Hawk on Steam but, this will be moved up the listed because I can’t wait haha! An interesting thing mentioned on the Japanese website is that the original game on pc was made in 4:3 aspect ration but the Switch version is 16:9. This means you won’t be able to see some parts of the CG’s but you’ll be able to scroll around using the left analog or d-pad to view the entire image.
I did a quick search on ebay for used physical copies of the game and the cheapest I could find at the time of posting this was $90 usd (including shipping)! I’d suggest grabbing a digital copy from the Japanese eShop for just under $40 usd although the digital version will be released worldwide according to Prototype!
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benichi · 4 years
I played Chou no Doku (so you don’t have to) - Mizuhito’s Route Part 4
The Finale. Let’s finally get this over with. Here’s the link to the [last part].
Yuriko made her way to Majima’s quarters in order to ask him about going to the Brothel in Mizuhito’s stead. Majima remarks that it would be better to just let her Brother know about what’s going on, but Yuriko starts freaking out and acting like a jealous child again. She sure got a lot of trust for her beloved Brother. Ultimately Majima agrees to go and Yuriko ends up reminiscing about the feelings she used to harbor towards him
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Sure, it’s his fault now.
On the next day Kyoko decides to pay the siblings a visit, however, she requests to only speak with Yuriko. With just the two of them she reveals that Kyoko’s well aware of the things that are going on between our Brother and Sister.
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Her “romance senses” were tingling apparently. Though to be honest considering how the two of them are acting you don’t need to be a genius to figure out what’s going on. Kyoko also reveals that she a... relationship dealer? Basically she arranges fake marriages that allow cover ups for illict relationships of whatever sort. Mizuhito eventually shows up and pretty much kicks Kyoko out. Which has Yuriko frantically going after her, since she does consider her offer. Outside she meets Majima who’s back from his “errand”, stating that the Geisha did in fact not have one of Mizuhito’s belongings but simply wanted to get him to visit. She gave Majima a comb that he’s supposed to pass on to Mizuhito. Yuriko goes inside to hide the comb but meets Mizuhito on the way
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She slips it into her... Ouch. That’s dedication.
They have another painting session, but Mizuhito soon starts asking questions about their current situation.
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Romantic. Obviously she doesn’t tell him that though, but the following:
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Me avoiding my responsibilities. She literally dodged his question because she knows she wouldn’t have. While trying to get up Yuriko ends up dropping the comb and Mizuhito immediately recognizes it. Though not mad he does confront her and Yuriko laments that she was scared of losing him forever.
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No, he doesn’t talk about eloping Yuriko. It’s coming guys: close your eyes, hide your children. The moment this game has been building up for has come: The smex. And while we don’t get the full smex we do get enough to count our lucky stars that we don’t have to sit through the entirety of the “act”.
Things you should say before smex:
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Things you should not say before smex:
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Followed by things you should not say during smex:
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Concluded by things you should not say after smex:
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Kinda? Luckily that’s it (for now at least).
The following day Mizuhito holes himself up in his room to finish the painting. When Yuriko calls him for dinner he suggests they go out to eat something. On their way they run into the Proprietress of the Brothel he used to frequent. She remarks that she noticed something odd about Majima when she saw him a few days ago and that he may be involved in dangerous affairs, such as dealing with Opium. After the Proprietress excused herself Yuriko noticed that Mizuhito did not introduce her as his sister.
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Because these two go so well together.
They conclude that confronting Majima head on is a bad idea. Mizuhito eventually tells Yuriko to head back without him first. She decides that this is the time to play Detective and find out more about Majima. Fujita says that he actually doesn’t know much about Majima either. Apparently he does fequently take time off however, so Fujita says it’s not impossible he’s doing something on the side. 
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Yeah mess with the potentially dangerous guys room. Great idea. So Yuriko starts sniffing around (quite literally) .
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So apparently Yuriko goes around sniffing men’s rooms in her pastime if she’s got that much ground for comparison. But moving on, obviously she doesn’t find anything just lying around. What a shocker. Her “I’m the Heroine of this story” genes kick in however, so as she knocks one of his Kimonos to the ground something falls out of it. Mind you, that is a pretty dumb hiding spot so I guess she wasn’t that far off after all. We don’t get to find out what she found yet though, because she’s interrupted by a loud noise.
Once outside Yuriko finds that the entire Manor is on fire. Majima magically appears and seems rather calm as Yuriko freaks out. He steadies her but is quickly interrupted by Mizuhito who screams at him to let her go. Majima taunts him by saying that he didn’t even think it possible that Mizuhito can run.
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Hello 911. There’s a fire and a murder.
Mizuhito reveals that all of the things the Proprietress said are true. In fact he’s not just any Opium dealer, Majima is referred to as the “King” (agshskdl sorry I had to laugh). He got the information from one of his previous clients, revealing that Mizuhito would sell his body a times in order to protect his sister and help with the debt. Majima comments on the relationship between the two “siblings” and becomes super mad about it.
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Tbh when I read this for the first time I had to read it twice to check if it’s really Majima speaking. His reaction makes more sense if you know the grand scheme of the game (I’ll add a link with my verdict later). But yeah moving on Mizuhito exclaims that the only filthy one is him and that Yuriko is a pure Maiden (are you sure about that.png). She concludes by telling Majima that they’re not biological siblings (why didn’t you just say that from the start lol) which seems to soothe Majima. He exclaims that “the curse never touched” her and yeets himself into the fire with these words. 
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And dead. But that’s beside the point apparently.
Some time later we see Yuriko who’s currently in Paris (paint me like one of your french girls coming full circle). She’s looking out on a balcony while thinking about the past. After the fire some random “stranger” got rid of their debt, which gave Mizuhito the opportunity to study art. His creations were not well received in Japan however (you mean people DIDN’T like him painting pictures of his Sister 24/7) so he went to France. For some magical reasons his art became a big hit over there and now they’re living a luxurious life.
Also the thing she found in Majima’s Kimono was a Chinese Bellflower. Yuriko still wasn’t sure if Majima killed her parents or not despite stating herself that these don’t grow where they live (girl wut).
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What’s with that random paranthesis. Mizuhito says that there are always a lot of people looking at Yuriko during the parties, and that they want to “own” her by buying his paintings (which is not weird at all).
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You’d think that they would see this as a chance to get out of this “sibling” relationship but apparently not. Also HER HAIR IS NOT BLACK FOR FU-...
Anyways. Yuriko says that she ran into Shiba which makes Mizuhito grrr horny so he throws her onto the bed.
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Is it cringe? Yes. Is it an upgrade to “my little sister”?... Maybe. I’ll take it I guess.
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Bruh. But Mizuhito wouldn’t be Mizuhito if he didn’t have an excellent plan, he even has two: either pretend you adopted the child from an Orphanage OR from distant relatives. Whta a grand idea that child will be so happy being lied to in order to hide their parents relationship.
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That’s not how marriage works. Anyways that’s the end, thanks for sticking around. I hope you had a good time, I’ll be adding a small “review” like thing as a reblog later. I’d like to end this post with the following words:
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otomechuchu · 5 years
Ripple Effect Stories - Chou no Doku character teaser #3
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Mizuhito Nomiya is the 3rd character to be teased in Chou no Doku.
“ Beautiful and libertine. He cherishes you and he is always willing to protect you... “
Again, I’m super busy these days with exams, so I’ll have to put off making proper posts for these two games a few days, sorry!
Pre-register here (just click like on the post)
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phantasmaphoria · 4 years
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So... this is Mizuhito Suke (anglicized: Suke Mizuhito), one of my impulse-OCs! I occasionally (read: a lot) draw random characters, slap on a name and a couple of headcanons, and call it a day an OC.
Anyway! Mizuhito's quirk: Whirlpool!
"The user is able to create swirling pools of water around their hands and feet! These whirlpools draw on the moisture in their body and in the air, so they have to stay hydrated in order for their quirk to be effective!
They're also able to adjust the force/speed/trajectory of their whirlpools. Overuse (using their quirk too much in a small span of time or making the whirlpools too large) can cause dehydration."
Mizuhito wears glasses/contacts! They dislike the glasses, though, and would rather suffer through their day with blurry vision than wear them. (It's because the water around them condensates easily, essentially forming dewdrops on the glasses. Very irritating.)
They don't talk much -- it's not because they don't have anything to say, but rather because they aren't super used to talking, and much prefer silence. They're also rather sensitive to loud noises, so they tend to stay away from super energetic/loud people.
Mizuhito doesn't like seafood. It makes them feel... icky. Maybe it's because they don't like the texture/taste, or maybe it's because they feel a connection to marine life due to their quirk. Whatever it is, they will absolutely not touch that sashimi.
They're very chill! Mizuhito generally goes with the flow, and they love being around/interacting with children and animals! (They'd probably kill God for their little sister, tbh.)
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shazzeaslightnovels · 5 years
Reading Long - March 2019
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Volume’s read: 12
As per usual, no spoilers unless otherwise tagged and I obtained all of these volumes in Japanese from Bookwalker.
Saenai Heroine no Sodatekata 8 by Fumiaki Maruto
A welcome breather after the last few volumes of non-stop drama. It felt a lot more like the early volumes but I enjoyed it anyway. I swear Katou’s relationship with Eriri is the true love story of this series. Even though it’s only been a couple of months since I read the first two volumes, I couldn’t help but be nostalgic about the events in them along with the characters, as if a year had really passed for me too.
Sword Art Online: Mother’s Rosario by Reki Kawahara
Since I read the interview with Kawahara Reki where he talks about wanting to write a proper yuri series someday, my interest in this series was renewed. I rewatched the anime and genuinely enjoyed the first two seasons, though I still dislike Phantom Bullet arc (mostly because GGO just doesn’t look like much fun to me) so I wanted to read some of the light novel and figured I’d start with my favorite arc.
Even though this volume doesn’t hit me as hard as it did when I read it in English as a teenager, I still really like this volume. I’m one of those people who was annoyed by how little presence Asuna has in Fairy Dance and Phantom Bullet so I always liked that this volume gives her a lot of focus. And I LOVE Yuuki. One of Kawahara’s strengths has always been his ability to make the reader care about a character with only a couple of pages. Despite how little time she has, Yuuki still means a lot to me and I love her relationship with Asuna so much. One issue I did have with this book though was how many pages at the beginning were dedicated to recount the events of previous volumes. I already know all this and I doubt there are many readers who didn’t know all this. The other issue I had with this volume is how the last chapter tries to tie the arc into the main story. It didn’t need to and I think it shifts the focus of the arc away from Asuna and Yuuki’s relationship too much. And, as much as I enjoyed reading it, I think the anime surpassed it. Aoi Yuuki’s performance as Yuuki is breathtaking and the action scenes are so brilliantly animated. I did like having more insight into Asuna’s thoughts though so if you liked this arc in the anime, definitely check out the light novel!
This volume was published in English by Yen-Press as Sword Art Online: Mother’s Rosary so check it out if you’re interested!
Saenai Heroine no Sodatekata 9 by Fumiaki Maruto
I’m not sure what to say other than that this keeps up the quality of the series? It was a good volume.
Saenai Heroine no Sodatekata: Girls Side 2 by Fumiaki Maruto
Well this was a surprisingly satisfying read. Like the first volume, this volume is split into two parts with the first part taking place after volume 8 and the second after volume 9. The first part has three stories in it all focusing on characters and relationships that don’t get much focus in the main series. For example, the first story focuses on a conversation between Michiru and Utaha who I don’t think have had a real interaction since vol. 4. Even though these stories aren’t very plot relevant, I enjoyed them anyway. The second part is much more plot relevant and has some really good character moments for Izumi, Eriri, Megumi and Michiru and also includes a guest appearance by Mayu (from Koisuru Metronome manga)! The stories here were really good and the epilogue really tied them together nicely. I’m not sure whether this volume will be necessary to understand the story of future volumes but I get the feeling that the events that happen in the volume will be necessary to understand the characters and their relationships with each other.
Saenai Heroine no Sodatekata 10 by Fumiaki Maruto
Once again, Maruto takes a typical light novel volume premise and quickly turns it into a dramatic affair. The cover and the colour illustrations are a lie! This isn’t a beach/swimsuit volume but it is an Utaha volume and a good one. It made me remember why I loved Utaha in Koisuru Metronome and why I still do. I’m a bit anxious about vol. 11 given that the cover and the colour illustrations show Megumi being embarrassed which is very out of character for her.
Saenai Heroine no Sodatakata 11 by Fumiaki Maruto
Welp, Maruto finally did it. He finally made Megumi into a boring heroine for me. I can’t get into too much details about what I disliked about this volume without spoilers but I think one thing that was really missing was scenes without Tomoya in them. I get that he’s the protagonist and the narrator but in the first few volumes, there sections that were just dialogue that showed Megumi interacting with people who weren’t Tomoya. I think we haven’t had a scene like that since vol. 7 and GS doesn’t fully replace it. Those scenes made Megumi feel like a full character and they were needed here. The reader needs to be shown that she has a life outside of Tomoya.Without that, she’s boring.
This is the last volume in the series that I own so I won’t be reading the last four volumes (including FD and GS) until Bookwalker has them on sale again.
Iriya no Sora, UFO no Natsu 1 by Mizuhito Akiyama
A few years ago I read The Picture of Dorian Gray. It was the first time I had read any novel that was written before I was born and I remember being so amazed at how paragraphs could last an entire page. Reading Iriya gave me a similar feeling to that, even if it’s not nearly as old as Dorian Gray. It’s amazing to see how much the light novel medium has changed since the first volume was released in 2001. There were so many descriptions of settings and movements and some of these lasted for more than a page. Due to this, I had a tough time reading this volume. There were a few times where I lost the plot and had to go back and read the scene from the start again. The writing style is smooth and the relationship between the two leads is cute but I can’t say I found the plot very interesting. I don’t quite understand what most people find charming about this series yet but I’m looking forward to possibly finding out in volume 2.
As for the anime, I saw it a long time ago and barely remember it and don’t have easy access to rewatch it. Looking at the episode summaries from Wikipedia, the first episode adapts around 170 pages so I’d imagine it’s pretty rushed.
Torikago Miko to Seiken no Kishi by Izuki Kougyoku
A short ~90~ page story from the author of Mimizuku to Yoru no Ou. It’s a pretty standard fantasy story about a legendary knight and I can’t say I cared for it. I didn’t really buy the relationship between the two leads but I did really like the ending. Even if I didn’t care much for it, I’d still recommend it to people who liked Mimizuku.
Kidou Shitsuji by Takeshi Matsuyama
Well, this was a pleasant surprise! This is by the author of Ame no Hi no Iris and Koori no Kuni no Amaryllis and the English title is Robot Butler but the titular character is not the funniest thing about it. Instead, most of the scenes I found humorous involved the female lead, Liese and her attempts to get Bel to notice her through the use of shoujo manga tropes. Of course, they all backfire on her. She tries to wink flirtatiously at him and he just asks if she has dry eye. She tries to run into him with a piece of toast in her mouth… only, they’re in the middle of a hallway and he catches her effortlessly when she tries to run at him. Liese’s cluelessness when it comes to romance is genuinely charming and of course I loved her relationship with her best friend, Flora, who introduced her to the concept of shoujo manga in the first place and encourages her every step of the way. The other notable character is Flora’s robot butler, Victoria who seems to be the only one who knows how much of an idiot Bel actually is. In addition to how funny it is, the volume has some surprisingly tight world-building and chapter six is truly awesome. There are so many things that get revealed and there’re big epic fights! I liked it a lot. Unfortunately, I didn’t care for the ending. I thought it was a bit of a cop-out though I suppose it did end it cleanly in the way that I am not desperately wanting a second volume. Anyhow, I’d highly recommend it and I’m looking forward to reading more of Maruyama’s works in the future.
Iriya no Sora, UFO no Natsu 2 by Mizuhito Akiyama
Despite my lukewarm opinion of the first volume, I actually quite enjoyed this volume. Surprisingly, Iriya isn’t in this volume much and the volume instead gives the reader some insight into some of the side characters thoughts, particularly Akiho. My favorite part of the volume was when we got to experience the school’s cultural festival through the eyes of the Asaba parents. It was an interesting choice and one that I quickly got behind. Rather than being just background dressing, Asaba’s parents are actually pretty interesting and fun without being too eccentric and silly. One thing I think this series does really well is that I never feel like the author is treating the characters like adults. A huge issue with a lot of fiction is that they tend to think of teenagers as adults instead of just a pile of people who are still growing and learning how to make decisions. (Saekano has this issue too, btw.) But these characters are still in their first year of middle school and they act like it. I think I’m starting to get the charm of this series now. This volume was very fun to read and I enjoyed it enough that I started volume 3 right away.
Iriya no Sora, UFO no Natsu 3 by Mizuhito Akiyama
I’m starting to realize that I like this series the most when it’s not being told from Asaba’s POV. I still like his character and a lot of the impactful scenes come from his POV but the most memorable part of this volume was chapter 1 where Akiho and Iriya have an eating competition and become friends. I liked it a lot, especially since Akiho kind of becomes Iriya’s “Mum friend” afterwards and Kiyomi starts affectionately calling Iriya “Kana-bu” which I thought was pretty darn cute. One thing that I really like about the dynamic between Akiho and Iriya is that Akiho is never portrayed as a straight-up bitch trying to get between Asaba and Iriya. Instead, she’s just a girl learning how to deal with her feelings. And Iriya is never portrayed as just a victim of Akiho’s attitude. Iriya is strong in her own way and can be very determined when it comes down to it. But enough about them, this volume had a lot of character development for Asaba. I really liked that he asked Iriya what she wants. Does she want to keep things the way they are? Or does she him to help her? He asks and I really liked that. I also think the way he runs to the bathroom in uncomfortable social situations is hilarious and adorable. In general, despite this volume having pretty heavy plot developments, I just found all the characters to be really cute. Anyway, I’ll be taking a short break before reading the final volume but I am really enjoying this series so far.
Ankoku Kishi wo Nugasanaide 1 by Shinichi Kimura
From the author of Kore wa Zombie desu ka? this story starts when a high school student called Najima’s class gets a new transfer student who just looks like a suit of armour wearing a female uniform. Honestly, I found it boring which is why I’m not putting much effort into the premise summary. It was fine, I guess, but I didn’t laugh at all and I found the characters to be bland. But I bought the first three volumes when they were first released so I kinda have to read them.
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sinful-liesel · 5 years
ReFlap Startup Song Entertain Regular Edition / Type B (Hinata Takamiya, Mizuhito Washino ver.)
Title: ReFlap Startup Song Entertain 通常盤B(陽向&瑞人ver.) Release Date: 2019.12.25 Type: Character Song (🗣 + 🎶)
Ommggg I love Fly! Those 2 are far from being my favorite characters, so I didn’t expect for their song to be this good lol I think it might be my favorite out of all of them!! 😍 
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vgperson · 7 years
I'm often moved to tears by films and songs, but it's not that I especially like sad stories or songs; I'm just moved by "the right things being in the right places." The right words being in the right positions, the right sounds playing at the right time... I have a weakness for those micro-level miracles. That's exactly the way Mizuhito Akiyama's writing feels, too.
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otomegmr · 2 years
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OMGGG a sliver of happiness from our beloveds. 🥹🥰
What a great game. What an ending. What fun after stories. 🤣 Mount Shiba, Majima’s ‘gardener route’, Lady Kyoko’s party tricks, may their shenanigans reign forever! Ohhh recently found out this game had a fan disk made!!! LIKE WTF, I need this localized ASAP. 😭
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Carte blanche online per Dance and Media Japan
Carte blanche di Augenblick nella line-up dell'International Dance Film Festival Online 2020 a cura di Dance and Media Japan. In programma in streaming il 29 aprile e 2 maggio 2020 all'indirizzo http://www.dance-media.com/videodance/online2020/index.html. Thanks to Naoto Iina and Mizuhito Kuroda.
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atopearth · 1 year
Butterfly's Poison; Blood Chains (Chou no Doku) Part 1 - Junichi Shiba Route
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Yuriko seems like a really fun heroine, love how ready she was to jump onto a tree from her balcony to escape her birthday party. It seems that Yuriko is quite taken by Majima though! Mizuhito is an LI isn't he? Dang, we've got an incest route? Never really experienced that in an otome game before so that will be interesting, I mean I'm sure it turns other people off but I think it's quite interesting in fiction🫣 Oh, it's really sad to know that because Mizuhito was forced to give up on his dreams of being a painter and going abroad for it, he's lost his ambition and just sleeps around with nothing he's particularly interested in anymore. It's terrible when you actually have a dream but can't go for it. Oooh okay, Mizuhito is the son of a servant and Yasuyuki, Yuriko's father, no wonder Shigeko, Yuriko's mother doesn't seem to like him at all. The maid that likes Majima is crazy, what makes her think she'll be more desirable to him if she tells him that she's been sleeping with Saburo?? And Saburo looks very creepy so that's even worse! Fujita is an older man! I like them older so I'll be very interested in his route! I'm actually surprised that Yuriko hasn't caught on that this birthday party is most likely a party hosted to "marry" her off to a rich family. Fujita giving Yuriko chocolate to cheer her up was cute. Hmm Hideo is the childhood friend huh~ It doesn't seem like they have a nice relationship anymore because he's apparently changed though?🤔 Wow, Hideo seems like a jerk that's taking out his anger towards Yuriko's parents looking down on his family on Yuriko.
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I'm actually really sad that Majima is basically her first love and the one she likes but she's going to be with someone else. How do I do these routes knowing she likes Majima but feels like she can't be with him because he's just a gardener? Although I guess it's realistic... Kyoko is so beautiful! Hmm, Yuriko smells strongly of the flower in her name - Yuri aka lily, I wonder what that means. I'm glad Hideo apologised because he really was quite hurtful. Wow, Yuriko really was so reckless, she's really lucky that this guy saved her. Anyway, that was a terrible end to her birthday party. Not only did people end up ambushing it with weapons trying to kill those related to politics, but Yuriko's father got killed and her mother seems to know who the killer might be but is so frightened that she's going nuts.  I don't know what's going to happen to Yuriko's family now though. Her mother continues her lavish spending to seemingly get away from everything, her brother is the new head of the household but has no heart to do anything for it. The guy who saved her is Shiba, our first route! Not sure what to think of him though lol.
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Well, I didn't think Shiba would be so interested in Yuriko, but I guess he's the rich businessman LI who saves her family, not sure how I feel about him describing how much he wants to touch her, veryyyy inappropriate. Totally understand why Yuriko is so put off by him. I can't even blame Mizuhito for hating this house considering he never got to do what he really wanted to do and their house is still wasting away because of his parents. It made me happy to see him so adamantly against marrying Yuriko off to Shiba for money and ruining her life. Even though I can understand why Shiba hates on the nobility, he really has no manners or common sense tbh lol! He really wanted to drag Yuriko out by herself without anyone else?? Never, I tell you!! That's like releasing a little lamb to a wolf lol. I'm sure he won't do anything but she hasn't even accepted his marriage proposal yet so it's definitely not fine for her to be out with a guy by herself. Too bad that choosing Shiba as my first route means we pick no one to accompany Yuriko which is wild lol, I demand Majima😭
Anyway, it seems like Hideo has also caught on to Mizuhito's supposed "feelings" towards Yuriko... Does Shiba know Yuriko from somewhere? Anyway, even though Shiba is frustrating to deal with, I do like how Yuriko so straightforwardly shows her dislike and disgust towards him, she really doesn't mince her words haha. Well, those kisses were wild! He really went for it and wouldn't take no for an answer! I mean, it's great that he's honest but whoa lol. Kyoko is very amusing, gotta love how honest she is about not recommending having children lmao, poor kid though, he can probably tell his mother never wanted him and was forced to have him. Good that Shiba apologised but he's very shameless to say he's sorry but that he doesn't regret it lol. I am so glad that Kyoko told Shiba that women are not weak and are not possessions of men because dude, this guy really hasn't given much respect to Yuriko and women much at all! But they did it playfully so I guess Shiba isn't thaaaat much of a jerk but he still can be lol. Shiba's rough around the edges and lacks understanding of social cues around nobility I guess but it did kinda hurt to see him so distraught over Yuriko not wanting to accept his pearl necklace. It was obvious that it was going to break but I'm kinda glad Yuriko at least got to tell him that she felt like she was getting bought by him rather than loved by him with all these gifts and stuff he's doing.
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Hmm I'm not sure and I'll feel bad if I'm wrong but it feels like Majima is related to why people broke in on the day of the party and this possibly revenge plot against Yuriko's parents? Personally, I don't really feel the romance between Shiba and Yuriko but I guess I can understand how Yuriko would feel silly for believing he loves her when he kissed Kyoko, and then he pushes her down now too! Glad he stopped because I was very worried for Yuriko. Shiba was probably mad to see Yuriko at a marriage interview and that's why he said what he said but that was very disrespectful to Yuriko for sure. And honestly I don't really blame Yuriko for doing what she did, because it is difficult for her to believe in his feelings for her. I'm glad though that Yuriko understands that accepting this marriage interview in anger was disrespectful to Katsuie and his family who are serious about looking for a partner. It's nice to know that even though Shiba's confident, he was still anxious about Yuriko getting married to this guy, enough that he's been lacking sleep anyway. Now that they're both a little bit more open with what they want to say to each other without Yuriko displaying outright disgust and Shiba being a bit more honest about his feelings without other pretenses and jokes, I do like how they interact with each other. Communication really is the best.
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I really loved how he finally told Yuriko about their real first meeting being when he was trying to survive as a teenager committing crime, but meeting the young Yuriko who helped him made him want to live up to her standards and be suitable to be beside her. It's crazy to think that she was basically his whole reason for living all these years and that's the depth of his love for her and that's why he finds it difficult to hold himself back lol. Their honest conversation really made me see him in a better light for sure. Definitely didn't expect them to be wild enough to do it in her bedroom just because Mizuhito wasn't home though haha. I loved how they went back to where they first met. Even though it obviously affects Shiba more, being able to come back with the one he's been chasing after all his life, but I liked how instead of forcing Yuriko to think about their first meeting that she barely remembered, she instead reminisced about the peaceful days when her family was wealthy. As for Majima possibly being the head of an opium trafficking organisation? That is pretty scary😮 Majima must hate her family quite a bit if he wants Yuriko to suffer so much, although it feels like he does like her and that's why he wanted to bring her to Shanghai and torment her next to him. I wonder if Mizuhito not being able to fulfil his painter dreams was partly because of him doing something?
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Anyway, Yuriko really is reckless but seeing Shiba with tears in his eyes when she woke up after jumping out of Majima's car and throwing herself into the ocean to escape was really sweet. After their feelings became mutual, it's been really nice to see how genuine Shiba is and how much he sincerely cares for and loves her to not even hesitate jumping into the ocean to save her at night. Shiba being the director of an orphanage and hoping to build a school for children like him is something I expected him to do, he's just that kind of guy. Now that we have a bit more context as to why he said you could buy anything with money, yeah he's right in that context of having more opportunities and choices in the future etc haha. He really was insufferable when he first said it though haha! Dang, didn't expect how bad the ending could be with Yuriko accepting Iida's proposal and how it causes such tragedy… Not only did Iida's business basically go down, Mitsuhito "suicided" and if Yuriko tries to follow him, Shiba saves her and she loses her eyesight, what hell…lt honestly sucks because she's basically trapped and can only "see" Shiba but all he does is touch her thinking that's the only way he can have her. The ending where Yuriko seeks revenge on Shiba is so sad but I really liked it. It felt so terrible to see how happy Shiba was going home to her knowing that she was poisoning him everyday but it didn't matter to him as long as he got to live happily with her. He wasn't even the one who drove Iida's business down and made her family's debts worse, he just became the most likely suspect and never denied it making Yuriko misunderstand, that's just so sad. Reading his diary expressing his neverending love for her was so sweet, yet so tragic. The Shanghai Doll ending is amusing, I guess going blind and deaf is the only way for Majima to feel like he can be with her without feeling guilty?
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Overall, Shiba's route was all right. The first half really wasn't the best because Shiba really wasn't communicating properly and was to an extent insufferable with the way he said things and how he treated her by always touching her inappropriately without her consent. I mean, I understand how desperate and happy he was since he finally reached her "level" and was able to see her and interact with her but he really didn't have the best impression haha. I mean, I still enjoyed how snappy she was towards him and enjoyed their interactions to an extent but it was still too much for me. However, once their feelings were mutual, I really enjoyed the rest of the story! I liked how Shiba finally could be a bit more honest and express himself in a way that made you understand better why he said things the way he did before, and seeing how kind he was made you understand how deep his love was for Yuriko. I enjoyed how cute they were, and it felt good to see how genuine Shiba's feelings were for her in contrast to how playful he was in the beginning, and how it felt like we could never really see what his purpose was even though he did seem to like Yuriko. I really liked the poison ending and feel like that might be my favourite just because I love the regret and pain, but also the different way the ending was able to portray Shiba's love for Yuriko. Tragic but sweet, my favourite thing to read haha!
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For the people who want the sexy stuff, here is Chou no Doku - Mizuhito:Secret Accomplices [ENDING], WITH the sexy stuff~!
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