choudoku · 3 years
Audio de Shiba Junichi
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¿Me odias? ¿Así que no me odias?
Sólo puedo decir esto con seguridad. Puedo hacerte feliz.
Haré que te enamores de mí. Así es lo locamente enamorado que estoy de ti.
¿Por qué? El amor no tiene nada que ver con el tiempo. Por eso dije que te lo demostraría. *la envuelve en sus brazos*
No huyas, no haré nada.
Te deseo. Deseo ser uno contigo.
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benichi · 4 years
I played Chou no Doku (so you don’t have to) - Mizuhito’s Route Part 4
The Finale. Let’s finally get this over with. Here’s the link to the [last part].
Yuriko made her way to Majima’s quarters in order to ask him about going to the Brothel in Mizuhito’s stead. Majima remarks that it would be better to just let her Brother know about what’s going on, but Yuriko starts freaking out and acting like a jealous child again. She sure got a lot of trust for her beloved Brother. Ultimately Majima agrees to go and Yuriko ends up reminiscing about the feelings she used to harbor towards him
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Sure, it’s his fault now.
On the next day Kyoko decides to pay the siblings a visit, however, she requests to only speak with Yuriko. With just the two of them she reveals that Kyoko’s well aware of the things that are going on between our Brother and Sister.
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Her “romance senses” were tingling apparently. Though to be honest considering how the two of them are acting you don’t need to be a genius to figure out what’s going on. Kyoko also reveals that she a... relationship dealer? Basically she arranges fake marriages that allow cover ups for illict relationships of whatever sort. Mizuhito eventually shows up and pretty much kicks Kyoko out. Which has Yuriko frantically going after her, since she does consider her offer. Outside she meets Majima who’s back from his “errand”, stating that the Geisha did in fact not have one of Mizuhito’s belongings but simply wanted to get him to visit. She gave Majima a comb that he’s supposed to pass on to Mizuhito. Yuriko goes inside to hide the comb but meets Mizuhito on the way
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She slips it into her... Ouch. That’s dedication.
They have another painting session, but Mizuhito soon starts asking questions about their current situation.
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Romantic. Obviously she doesn’t tell him that though, but the following:
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Me avoiding my responsibilities. She literally dodged his question because she knows she wouldn’t have. While trying to get up Yuriko ends up dropping the comb and Mizuhito immediately recognizes it. Though not mad he does confront her and Yuriko laments that she was scared of losing him forever.
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No, he doesn’t talk about eloping Yuriko. It’s coming guys: close your eyes, hide your children. The moment this game has been building up for has come: The smex. And while we don’t get the full smex we do get enough to count our lucky stars that we don’t have to sit through the entirety of the “act”.
Things you should say before smex:
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Things you should not say before smex:
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Followed by things you should not say during smex:
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Concluded by things you should not say after smex:
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Kinda? Luckily that’s it (for now at least).
The following day Mizuhito holes himself up in his room to finish the painting. When Yuriko calls him for dinner he suggests they go out to eat something. On their way they run into the Proprietress of the Brothel he used to frequent. She remarks that she noticed something odd about Majima when she saw him a few days ago and that he may be involved in dangerous affairs, such as dealing with Opium. After the Proprietress excused herself Yuriko noticed that Mizuhito did not introduce her as his sister.
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Because these two go so well together.
They conclude that confronting Majima head on is a bad idea. Mizuhito eventually tells Yuriko to head back without him first. She decides that this is the time to play Detective and find out more about Majima. Fujita says that he actually doesn’t know much about Majima either. Apparently he does fequently take time off however, so Fujita says it’s not impossible he’s doing something on the side. 
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Yeah mess with the potentially dangerous guys room. Great idea. So Yuriko starts sniffing around (quite literally) .
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So apparently Yuriko goes around sniffing men’s rooms in her pastime if she’s got that much ground for comparison. But moving on, obviously she doesn’t find anything just lying around. What a shocker. Her “I’m the Heroine of this story” genes kick in however, so as she knocks one of his Kimonos to the ground something falls out of it. Mind you, that is a pretty dumb hiding spot so I guess she wasn’t that far off after all. We don’t get to find out what she found yet though, because she’s interrupted by a loud noise.
Once outside Yuriko finds that the entire Manor is on fire. Majima magically appears and seems rather calm as Yuriko freaks out. He steadies her but is quickly interrupted by Mizuhito who screams at him to let her go. Majima taunts him by saying that he didn’t even think it possible that Mizuhito can run.
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Hello 911. There’s a fire and a murder.
Mizuhito reveals that all of the things the Proprietress said are true. In fact he’s not just any Opium dealer, Majima is referred to as the “King” (agshskdl sorry I had to laugh). He got the information from one of his previous clients, revealing that Mizuhito would sell his body a times in order to protect his sister and help with the debt. Majima comments on the relationship between the two “siblings” and becomes super mad about it.
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Tbh when I read this for the first time I had to read it twice to check if it’s really Majima speaking. His reaction makes more sense if you know the grand scheme of the game (I’ll add a link with my verdict later). But yeah moving on Mizuhito exclaims that the only filthy one is him and that Yuriko is a pure Maiden (are you sure about that.png). She concludes by telling Majima that they’re not biological siblings (why didn’t you just say that from the start lol) which seems to soothe Majima. He exclaims that “the curse never touched” her and yeets himself into the fire with these words. 
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And dead. But that’s beside the point apparently.
Some time later we see Yuriko who’s currently in Paris (paint me like one of your french girls coming full circle). She’s looking out on a balcony while thinking about the past. After the fire some random “stranger” got rid of their debt, which gave Mizuhito the opportunity to study art. His creations were not well received in Japan however (you mean people DIDN’T like him painting pictures of his Sister 24/7) so he went to France. For some magical reasons his art became a big hit over there and now they’re living a luxurious life.
Also the thing she found in Majima’s Kimono was a Chinese Bellflower. Yuriko still wasn’t sure if Majima killed her parents or not despite stating herself that these don’t grow where they live (girl wut).
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What’s with that random paranthesis. Mizuhito says that there are always a lot of people looking at Yuriko during the parties, and that they want to “own” her by buying his paintings (which is not weird at all).
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You’d think that they would see this as a chance to get out of this “sibling” relationship but apparently not. Also HER HAIR IS NOT BLACK FOR FU-...
Anyways. Yuriko says that she ran into Shiba which makes Mizuhito grrr horny so he throws her onto the bed.
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Is it cringe? Yes. Is it an upgrade to “my little sister”?... Maybe. I’ll take it I guess.
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Bruh. But Mizuhito wouldn’t be Mizuhito if he didn’t have an excellent plan, he even has two: either pretend you adopted the child from an Orphanage OR from distant relatives. Whta a grand idea that child will be so happy being lied to in order to hide their parents relationship.
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That’s not how marriage works. Anyways that’s the end, thanks for sticking around. I hope you had a good time, I’ll be adding a small “review” like thing as a reblog later. I’d like to end this post with the following words:
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cleaetpauline60 · 5 years
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possessedbyadisease · 4 years
Anybody here know where I can download the PC version of Chou no Doku?? I considered getting the Switch version, but I'm assuming it's going to be censored. And I dont want to download the new mobile app, cuz from what I hear it's an incomplete product.
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lifesmanga · 3 years
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revolve-around-art · 4 years
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isuka01 · 4 years
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ikemenfangirl · 5 years
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[Chou no Doku for Nintendo Switch]
Chou no Doku Hana no Kusari
(蝶の毒 華の鎖~大正艶恋異聞~)
Platform: Nintendo Switch (17+)
Language: Japanese
Release: 2020
Website: https://www.prot.co.jp/switch/choudoku/index.html
**Romantic drama, english game app upcoming in 2020**
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jrocknews · 5 years
XaaXaa celebrates 5th anniversary with "Choudoku Shoujo -ni-" best of album
XaaXaa announced that a best-of album titled Choudoku Shoujo -ni- (中毒症状〜ニ〜) will see the light on December 11 in celebration of their fifth anniversary. The album includes all the singles released by the band since drummer An joined the line-up back in 2017. A total of 26 songs will be equally distributed in a two-disc…
XaaXaa celebrates 5th anniversary with “Choudoku Shoujo -ni-” best of album
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foxstens · 3 years
choudoku sure is on every platform
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choudoku · 4 years
Kokorosora (心空) (Ending de Chou no doku hana no kusari)
Traducción al inglés de IMY (Youtube).
Traduccion al español de IsuKa.
(No resubir sin permiso)
Corazón desierto*
La flor mustia
No puede florecer de nuevo
Incluso los pocos gozos que tengo
Están también cubiertos por innumerables hojas
Desde lo lejos, escuché
Una voz diciendo mi nombre
[Caerá] un corazón desierto
Por favor, abrázalo gentilmente
Me encomendaré al destino
Al igual que esta flor
La cadena de penas está lentamente
Derrumbándose y derritiéndose diestramente
Un anhelo sin forma dentro de mí
Nace y (mis deseos) serán colmados
Desde este corazón amado por tí
He aprendido lo que es el amor eterno
La apertura de las encantadoras flores
Cautivará profundamente todo
Incluso esos descoloridos-ilusorios sueños
Deja que la luz ilumine todos ellos
Mis recuerdos de tristeza de repente se tambalean
Y grácilmente se convierten en el pasado
[Caerá] un corazón desierto
Por favor, abrázalo gentilmente
Me encomendaré al destino
Al igual que esta flor
La cadena de penas está lentamente
Derrumbándose y derritiéndose diestramente
*La traducción literal sería "Corazón vacío" pero he optado por poner "desierto" ya que considero que se adapta mejor a los elementos de la canción (flores y paisajes). Recordemos que las flores tienen un papel clave para el desarrollo de la historia (las campanillas chinas), además de que la familia de Yuriko se dedica a los arreglos florales.
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benichi · 4 years
I played Chou no Doku (so you don’t have to) - Mizuhito’s Route Part 3
I had planned for this to be the last part but I can’t cut everything down as much as I wanted to so the suffering shall end not just yet. Since I took such a long break I actually had to replay the latter half of the game cause my brain has rejected most of those memories to save at least a bit of the sanity I have left lol. But I promised to do this and I’m commited to see it through! I am the top Chou no Doku blog after all 😂 Also SPOILER warning. I put it under the read more last time but since it’s a thing they talk about constantly now I can’t do that anymore.
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When we left off the last time Majima and Yuriko were having a ... sensual? moment in the garden with some vegetables. Apparently their... activities left her feeling invigorated.
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After coming to the conclusing that that the vegetables made her feel alive (and definitely not the BJ instructions Majima gave her on a cucumber) Yuriko retreats to her room. While thinking about her brother she’s interrupted by a visitor: and who else could it be but Shiba. Mizuhito has also come to entertain said man (or rather to mark his territory) As usual the two men end up bickering like 5 year olds as Mizuhito tries to display how poor the family is doing in order to ward Shiba off. Since Yuriko tries to smooth things over at least a little bit her “brother” decides to run off to a Brothel once again.
Yuriko is irritated since he’s about to break his promise and ends up chasing him down. As I said this is like watching a bunch of children squabble.
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If only it were just siblings being dramatic.
Here’s where the magic happens. Yuriko spends paragraphs explaining that her brother is still her family - even if they’re not related by blood and so on.
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Can’t I just become a single old cat lady
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I love how she calls him Brother in the same sentence that’s supposed to sell me that she loves him romantically.
But one choice later she’s all over him and saying stuff like “I’ve finally caught him” I mean wtf girl you promoted him from family to Lover in under a minute. So they end up huddling close together and Yuriko once again has her “mmm gotta talk about smell” moment. I think this gives us a pretty good idea what the sax scenes in the original are like lol.
Shiba eventually stumbles upon them and is obviously not happy with what he’s seeing. He parts ways with Yuriko by whispering into her ear that this Brother of hers is her biggest flaw. I mean he’s dishing out the truth, let the man talk.
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I felt that.
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I’m gonna puke. Cue gross moment of “Ohhh I’m a bad big brother because I want to kiss my little sister” “Noo we can’t to that Onii-chan” “Aww let’s at least try to see if we feel ~g u i l t y~” like my dude wtf. Honestly this scene was gross imo because he totally coaxed her into this and she just kind of convinces herself that kissing him is so  a w e s o m e despite initially being totally against it like yikes.
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Voila, I told you.
Despite what one may think he doesn’t want to draw her nude yet. Since he makes such a big deal out of her being his ~innocent~ little sister Yuriko survived this encounter with her innocence still intact.
On the next day their Grandma pays them a visit to assess the current situation. Obviously the 1. solution to every problem in this game is either murder or getting hitched to someone that’s wealthy. Grandma proposes the latter.
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They can’t decline her proposals immediately to avoid suspicion but to the two of them it’s clear that they want to keep their “relationship” going. Or maybe it’s not so clear because Mizuhito starts acting like a jelly 5 year old again.
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Maybe it would help if you stopped calling him Brother with every breath you take.
Afterwards Yuriko models for him, but Mizuhito soon becomes distracted because he knows that even if they reject the current marriage proposals there will always be new ones incoming. He says that it will ~break him if Yuriko were to marry another Man (my dude let me tell you: you were just fine in the other routes I’ve played so far).
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This shit so stupid even the game can’t take all of it.
A few days later Kyoko invites the two for dinner at her house. When Mizuhito leaves the room for a bit and after Yuriko whines about that:
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Seriously why does everyone here have the mind of a child.
Kyoko takes the chance to tell Yuriko about the Geisha that her ... Brother... Lover?! what do I even call these two lol. The one her BroLover had been visiting frequently. Apparently she still posseses something that belong to Mizuhito and Kyoko wants to (find out if Yuriko and Mizuhito are facking) figure out how to relay this information to him. Obviously Yuriko with her 5 year old mind doesn’t want her lover visiting the Geisha so she asks Kyoko to keep it a secret.
On the way home we are subjected to another make out scene because Mizuhito got h*rny from Yuriko’s gaze. This scene is more “intense” to tell us that the frick frack is coming up soon but not quite yet.
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If I took a shot every time she says Brother or Family then maybe I wouldn’t have to suffer like this.
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I don’t know about you but I certainly don’t exchange gentle kisses with my older Brother.
After calming his raging... emotions Mizuhito says that they shouldn’t go too far since he thinks of Yuriko as special. Yuriko however feels “betrayed” by this like heavens forbid he didn’t rip her clothes off and bonk her in a dark dirty alleyway. How dare he.
In order to prevent Mizuhito from potentially bonking that Geisha who still has one of his “things” in a dark dirty alleyway instead Yuriko concludes that sending someone else to visit the Brothel is a great idea. She decides to ask Majima, her first love in case you forgot, and goes to visit him. When Mizuhito questions where she’s going in the middle of the night she comes up with the most convincing excuse ever:
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We’ll leave things here for now. So how will Yuriko’s first love react to this odd request? And how does this clusterfuck of a story end? You’ll find out in the (this time for real) final next part!
(The last part will definitely be up before Thursday cause I’ll be focused on Collar x Malice Unlimited then)
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mangaredditdotcom · 4 years
Chihiro-Kun Wa, Atashi Holic.
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Alternative: Chihiro-kun wa, Atashi Choudoku ; 千紘くんは、あたし中毒
Description : "I’ve been searching all this time. You’re my muse.” A super serious and pushy high school student designer, Chihiro, falls in love at first sight with Michi.  Every time she was touched and praised by Chihiro, she finds that her “real self” that she never knew existed begins to shine.  Taking her measurements with just the two of them in the classroom, kissing her hand,  and when she thinks he’s aggressive, he turns shy…!? Her heart pounds by the unpredictable Chihiro-kun! A dramatic doting love starts!!! #MangaReddit.com, #ReadFreeMangaOnline Read Free Manga Online at MangaReddit.com: https://mangareddit.com/p/chihiro-kun-wa-atashi-holic-1600575700.html
Read more.
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mangafeeds · 4 years
Chihiro-kun wa, Atashi Holic.
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Alternative : Chihiro-kun wa, Atashi Choudoku ; 千紘くんは、あたし中毒
Chihiro-kun wa, Atashi Holic summary: "I’ve been searching all this time. You’re my muse.” A super serious and pushy high school student designer, Chihiro, falls in love at first sight with Michi.  Every time she was touched and praised by Chihiro, she finds that her “real self” that she never knew existed begins to shine.  Taking her measurements with just the two of them in the classroom, kissing her hand,  and when she thinks he’s aggressive, he turns shy…!? Her heart pounds by the unpredictable Chihiro-kun! A dramatic doting love starts!!! #MangaFeeds.com, #ReadFreeMangaOnline MangaFeeds.Com: Read manga online the latest manga comic book, updated daily: https://mangafeeds.com/post/chihiro-kun-wa-atashi-holic-1600575953
Read more.
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lifesmanga · 4 years
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revolve-around-art · 4 years
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