#mizuno kaya
mikacchi0 · 1 year
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the guy
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jujumin-translates · 6 months
Tsuzuru Minagi | [SSR] MANKAI Feature | Today’s Star: Merlin - Part 1
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Tsuzuru: Haah…
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Tsuzuru: (Just what am I gonna do…)
Tsuzuru: (My spin-off project…!)
· • —– ٠ ✤ ٠ —– • ·
Tsuzuru: Huh!? What do you mean Merlin won for the spin-off project…!?
Izumi: Actually, we didn’t even put Merlin as an option on the survey, but he was still the most requested.
Izumi: I’m inclined to go ahead with doing Merlin if we can, but because of copyrights, we can’t do it just based on our own decision…
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Tsuzuru: Well, it’s just not even realistic…
Citron: Even so, I think Merlin would be good! We must respect everyone’s feelings.
Izumi: Right… I’ll see what we can do about it.
*Flashback end*
· • —– ٠ ✤ ٠ —– • ·
Tsuzuru: (--Tch, I spent so long just thinking about it that I’m already here.)
· • —– ٠ ✤ ٠ —– • ·
Tsuzuru: (Guess I ended up leaving too early for my part-time job today because it’s my first time going there.)
Tsuzuru: (I’ll just go to a nearby café to kill some time.)
Tsuzuru: (Hm…? Over there, is that…)
Tsuzuru: Hey, Mizuno.
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Mizuno: T-Tsuzuru-kun!?
Tsuzuru: Same as usual, huh. Are you in the middle of work right now, Mizuno?
Mizuno: Y-Yes, I am. I have a meeting with someone I’ve never met before, so I thought I’d give myself plenty of time to get there, but I ended up arriving too early.
Tsuzuru: Haha, same here.
Tsuzuru: Why don’t we kill some time at that café over there? If you want to, of--.
Mizuno: I’d love to!
Tonooka: …
· • —– ٠ ✤ ٠ —– • ·
Tsuzuru: Anyway, what a coincidence for us to run into each other like this.
Mizuno: …
Tsuzuru: Mizuno? You good?
Mizuno: I may be… slightly not okay.
Tsuzuru: Jeez.
*Shop bell rings*
Tonooka: Mind if I sit next to you?
Tsuzuru: Ah, sure… wait, what!?
Mizuno: Is this an acquaintance of yours, Tsuzuru-kun?
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Tsuzuru: No, well, I mean, we are acquainted, but…
Tonooka: My apologies. Here’s my business card.
Mizuno: Thank you so much. Tonooka-san, correct?
Mizuno: As for me… I’m Kaya Mizuno of MIZUNO Enterprises.
Tonooka: Pleased to meet you.
Tonooka: MIZUNO Enterprises… huh.
Tonooka: What kind of relationship do you two have?
Tsuzuru: I guess you could call us… childhood friends.
Mizuno: I-I’m just a fan of his…
Tsuzuru: You’re still saying that?
Tonooka: I see…
Tsuzuru: (I mean, I guess while he’s here… it couldn’t hurt to try asking him about it.)
Tsuzuru: Um… I actually have a quick question for you, Tonooka-san.
Tonooka: Oh, what kind of question?
Tsuzuru: Actually, right now, we’re talking about staging a spin-off story about Merlin for our fan-voted spin-off project.
Tsuzuru: But, we obviously can’t just do that by ourselves.
Tsuzuru: But if we got an okay from Hoshii-san, then…
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Tonooka: …
Tonooka: I see… Hoshii seems to have been much more open to media mixes after the KniRoun stageplay.
Tonooka: If I talk with him, I might be able to work things out for you.
Tsuzuru: Huh, you mean…
Tonooka: However, if you’re going to do it, you have to take it seriously. And I’d be interested in seeing the spin-off as well.
Tsuzuru: Thank you…!
Tonooka: However, there is one other condition you must accept. If you have no problems with that, then I’ll begin the discussions.
Tsuzuru: That is…?
Tonooka: I’d like for the spin-off to be distributed through the cooperation of MIZUNO Enterprises. Do we have a deal?
[ Next Part ⇢ ]
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icharchivist · 1 year
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New Event Cards for the Dandelion + Zafra units!
Featuring SSR Tsuzuru and guest staring Mizuno, SSR Citron guest staring Tangerine, and SR Guy guest staring Mika.
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asordinaryppl · 5 months
A3! Main Story: Part 4 - Act 13: Budding Spring - Episode 14: The New RomiJuli
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Masumi: (I have to go to Building A for the next lecture…)
Masumi: ?
Masumi: (“Recruiting participants for a summer internship”... Though most people who participate in this kind of thing are third years.)
[Flashback starts]
Misaki: “Is this something you should be taking so leisurely? Students who take it seriously have their eyes set on an internship the moment they enroll.”
[Flashback ends]
Masumi: …
Masumi: (Our company’s name is in the list of companies with past success…)
Masumi: (Come to think of it, the company’s got a promotion department. If I go there, maybe I can learn things that will be of help to the Director.)
Masumi: (If I ask Father, he’ll probably let me participate, but…)
[Flashback starts]
Izumi: I appreciate the offer, but this requires a certain kind of knowledge. Right now, I’d rather you focus on yourself and the Spring Troupe, rather than me.
[Flashback ends]
Masumi: …
Mizuno: Please excuse me.
Mizuno: Oh?
Masumi: Ah…
Mizuno: Hello. So you’re a student at Fuyou University.
Masumi: Why are you at the Career Center?
Mizuno: Our company will also be accepting internships this year. I was in a meeting about that.
Masumi: Why are you doing that?
Mizuno: I want to gain as much experience as possible while I’m still young, so I poke around various departments.
Mizuno: It’d be rather troubling if I took over the company and knew next to nothing.
Masumi: … Is that something you absolutely have to do right now? Even if it takes up your free time as a university student?
Mizuno: It’s not that I absolutely have to do it. I’ve just always had an interest in this to begin with.
Mizuno: But I’m glad to be doing it, because this way I’m of help to people important to me.
Masumi: … I see.
Mizuno: It seems like it’s been difficult for theater companies, too, what with the announcement of the New Fleur Award.
Mizuno: If there is any way I can be of help, please let me know any time.
Masumi: Sure... Ah, Tsuzuru’s script writing is going smoothly. He’s more enthusiastic than usual, and he’s not pushing himself too hard.
Mizuno: Eh?
Masumi: I’m repaying you for answering my questions.
Mizuno: Thank you very much. I’m looking forward to your next play.
Masumi: (Since Tsuzuru’s progress is going well, I’m sure it’s about time…)
Tsuzuru: … How is it?
Izumi: … Yes, it’s good! It feels like a new RomiJuli!
Izumi: I hadn’t even considered this while thinking of how the sequel would turn out.
Izumi: What I like most is that Sakuya-kun, Masumi-kun and Chikage-san–
Sakuya: We all have two roles!?
Sakuya: This is the first time I play two leading roles, it seems very rewarding!
Masumi: We absolutely wouldn’t have been able to do this during our debut.
Izumi: Right. It’s got a very ‘we can only do this because we got this far’ feel to it.
Itaru: So the amount of characters has increased accordingly because the stage features both Verona’s present and past?
Chikage: Looks like I’m in charge of connecting the past and the present. That’s quite the responsibility.
Sakuya: It suits you very much, in a way!
Izumi: That’s certainly true.
Citron: I’m happy my lines have increased~!
Itaru: The two who ran away coming back all grown is a heartwarming classic.
Tsuzuru: This is my first time writing a sequel, so I wasn’t sure how to go about it, but I felt like it should be something that addresses the root of the problem.
Tsuzuru: I thought the most Spring Troupe-like resolution would be for the two to return from their trip and have their big happy ending.
Izumi: I agree, I think this is a very Spring Troupe-like RomiJuli, let’s hurry and bind a few copies and—
Tsuzuru: Ah, no… I’d like to adjust it while watching the practice, so could I ask you to wait?
Izumi: Then, let’s not print a full script today. Let’s make it so that Tsuzuru-kun can adjust it until he’s satisfied.
Masumi: Isn’t that a good thing. Both Sakuya and Tsuzuru can work flexibly because of who they are now.
Tsuzuru: You don’t have to emphasize the “because of who they are now”.
Sakuya: Ahaha, that’s true.
Tsuzuru: But, well, I’ll accept your praise.
Izumi: (It looks like they’ve finally gone back to normal.)
Izumi: (They were so conscious of the New Fleur Award’s ranking system that it was making them nervous, so I’m glad.)
Izumi: (I hope our preparations continue smoothly…)
previous episode | masterpost | next episode
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fea-therlight221 · 9 months
Not that I don't get it but why are none of the Tsuzuru fans (in-game) ever normal about him. Syu's the only OG leader who doesn't have the strongest connection to the troupe he was once in because that's not where "the great Minagi-sensei" is and he wants to start a fanclub. Meguru pretty much admitted that Tsuzuru is his favorite brother while having like 10 others and even went on to specify that he doesn't care about looking cool in front of them or their parents but does when it comes to Tsuzuru. Mizuno... well. Mizuno is Mizuno, I don't think I even need to elaborate on this one.
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rentokinozaki · 2 years
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since my beloved miss july still isnt back i present to you a summer troupe(?) play! a diner owner (july) notices that the "college student" (rento) who's been frequenting the diner is actually an investigator who suspects their place of being a mafia front. i mean yeah, it totally is, but mind your own business?
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yuanpng · 2 years
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no straight man would fall off their chair at the sound of their childhood friend's voice
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ginjithewanderer · 2 years
A3! Home Screen Lines - Mizuno's Birthday 2023
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Note: Mizuno's birthday was on February 19th, but the team forgot to add his lines until two days later, and I'm only getting to them now 🙇‍♂️
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crawlspacefics · 6 months
Fragments of Us
For the @sailormoonrarepairweek Day 6: Break Up prompt
"I've never regretted marrying him. We had some really good years, and I got Ami out of it. And though I don't miss my husband, some days I do miss my friend."
Kaya never thought she'd be so happy to have Mizuno Suoh falling across her light in the library. But there he was, all his roguish charm centered on her. And it felt good not to be lonely anymore. Picking up immediately after Setsuna is called back to The Gate, we follow Ami's parents as they meet again and renew their friendship, through their marriage and Ami's first few years, to their eventual divorce. This piece fits between "That Night Beneath the Moon" and "While You Were Gone."
I was a little late for the prompt day, but I finally finished it. I had a timeline for Ami's parents bullet-pointed out, along with a lot of mental fill-in for the moments that took them from college friends to divorced parents. I hadn't planned on writing any of it out, but the break up prompt was all the encouragement I needed. Bonus points for it starting with Kaya's break up with Setsuna. 😅
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makoami · 10 months
Okay so admittedly I'm kind of stumped on what kind of design to base Ken off of for the fancomic adaptation of The Cruelty of Fairness and Fate fanfiction. I'm looking through some photos of Sailor Moon side characters and I'm thinking of basing him off of this guy's design?? But older looking since he's supposed to be around Saeko/Kaya Mizuno's age. Idk though, this design looks a lot like Haruka. I'll figure it out later. But if you guys have any ideas, I'm open to take suggestions.
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mikacchi0 · 2 years
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a3! art dump !!!!!!!!!!!!
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jujumin-translates · 5 months
★ Main Story | Act 13 - Budding Spring | Chapter 14 - New RomiJuli
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Masumi: (My next lecture was moved to Building A…)
Masumi: ?
Masumi: (Recruitment for summer internships, huh… Usually third years are the ones doing this kind of thing, though.)
· • —– ٠ ✤ ٠ —– • ·
Misaki: “Now’s not the time to be so leisurely. Students who are seriously considering things have their eyes set on getting an internship from the moment they enroll.”
*Flashback end*
· • —– ٠ ✤ ٠ —– • ·
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Masumi: …
Masumi: (Dad’s company’s name is on the list of companies that have done well in the past…)
Masumi: (Now that I think about it, they do have a promotion department. Maybe I can learn something useful for Director there.)
Masumi: (I could probably ask Dad to get me in, but…)
· • —– ٠ ✤ ٠ —– • ·
Izumi: “I appreciate the sentiment, but that requires a certain amount of knowledge to do, and right now you need to focus on yourself and Spring Troupe’s performance rather than on me, Masumi-kun.”
*Flashback end*
· • —– ٠ ✤ ٠ —– • ·
Masumi: …
Mizuno: Now then, if you’ll excuse me.
Mizuno: Huh?
Masumi: Ah…
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Mizuno: Hello. I didn’t know you were a Fuyou University student.
Masumi: Why are you at the Career Center?
Mizuno: Our company will be accepting interns this year. I came to do a briefing session regarding that.
Masumi: You’re the one doing that kind of thing?
Mizuno: I want to gain as much experience as I can while I’m still young, so I like to go around to all different kinds of departments.
Mizuno: It’d be rather troublesome if I didn’t know anything about the company when I eventually take over.
Masumi: …Do you really have to do that right now? Doesn’t it take up your free time as a college student?
Mizuno: It’s not necessarily a matter of having to do it. For me, it’s in part because I was interested in doing it to begin with.
Mizuno: But I’m glad I’m doing this because it lets me help the people I care about.
Masumi: …I see.
Mizuno: Seems like it’s a bit of a rough time for theater companies, with the details of the new Fleur Award having been announced.
Mizuno: If there’s anything I can do to help, please do let me know.
Masumi: Okay… Ah, the script’s been going well for Tsuzuru. He’s even more fired up than usual and he’s not overworking himself either.
Mizuno: Huh?
Masumi: It’s payment for answering my questions.
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Mizuno: Thank you very much. I’m looking forward to your next performance.
Masumi: (Tsuzuru’s making good progress, so I’m sure it’s almost time to…)
· • —– ٠ ✤ ٠ —– • ·
Tsuzuru: …What do you think?
Izumi: It’s really interesting! It definitely feels like a new RomiJuli!
Izumi: I had my ideas of what a RomiJuli sequel might be, but I never even considered something like this.
Izumi: What I like the most is that Sakuya-kun, Masumi-kun, and Chikage-san all have--.
Sakuya: We all have two roles!?
Sakuya: I’ve never had two roles as the lead before, but it seems like it’ll be a really fun challenge!
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Masumi: It’s definitely something we couldn’t have done back during our first performance.
Izumi: For sure. It really feels like something we could only do now that we’ve made it this far.
Itaru: So there’s more characters this time because it’s set both in the past and the present in Verona?
Chikage: I never thought I’d be playing a role that connects the past to the present. I’ve got quite the responsibility.
Sakuya: It’s kinda fitting of you, in a way, Chikage-san!
Izumi: That’s definitely true.
Citron: I am happy that I have many more lines~!
Itaru: The two who ran away coming back all grown up is a simple approach, but definitely heartwarming.
Tsuzuru: This was my first time doing a sequel, so I wasn’t entirely sure what direction to take, but I wanted it to be something that deals with the root of the main conflict.
Tsuzuru: I thought that a happy ending after the two return home from their trip would be the most Spring Troupe-like conclusion for it.
Izumi: Yeah, I think it’s a very Spring Troupe-like RomiJuli sequel. Let’s get some copies together right aw--.
Tsuzuru: Ah, wait… I’d like to watch the rehearsals a bit more to get a better feel for things, so can we hold off on that?
Izumi: Alright, we’ll go ahead without printing the script in full. No matter how long it takes, let’s make this into something Tsuzuru-kun’s satisfied with.
Masumi: Fine. It’ll let Sakuya and Tsuzuru be more flexible with things considering how they’re “like that” now.
Tsuzuru: You don’t have to emphasize “like that” so much.
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Sakuya: Ahaha, that is true.
Tsuzuru: Well, whatever, I’ll take it as a compliment.
Izumi: (I think we’re finally starting to see our usual Spring Troupe again.)
Izumi: (They were so nervous about the Fleur Award rankings, so it’s good to see them like this again.)
Izumi: (Let’s just hope all our preparations continue smoothly all the way up until the performance…)
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icharchivist · 1 year
Next event will come with different group songs
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one of those, "Spring color flower" will be a duet between Tsuzuru and Mizuno!
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Another will be "Wind Traveler", a duet between Guy and Citron!
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And finally, "Accord" a group song for the Same Age Group gang, with Tasuku, Tsumugi and Itaru!
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taruchisguide · 2 years
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A visual and text chart of all the cards available in this year's anniversary revival token pool. Earned tokens can be used up until February 17 13:59 JST. Huge thanks to Fal, who helped double check all of this again.
Twitter Version Here
↓↓↓ Text version below!  ↓↓↓    
🌸 Spring Troupe Revival Token Cards 🌸
Sakuya Sakuma: Beast's Beloved Child (Ayakashi Midnight Three), No SR, Lighting the Guiding Lantern (LANTERN NIGHT)
Masumi Usui: No SSR, Cool×Rocker (69'n' Roll 4ever!), Sinking in the Abyss of Longing (Fated Battle)
Tsuzuru Minagi: Holding up a Hollyhock (SUMMER YUKATA COLLECTION), No SR, Run around the field. (Us Back Then)
Itaru Chigasaki: No SSR, Rabbit Hatter (The Dreams that Eggs See), Thankful Pink Rose (POETIC ROSE)
Citron: Midnight Shootout (AGENT NEON), No SR, Royal Style (Beautiful Country)
Chikage Utsuki: No SSR, A Capable Man’s Morning Preparations (Morning Routine), Emerald Palette (Beautiful eyes)
🌻 Summer Troupe Revival Token Cards 🌻
Tenma Sumeragi: My Glittering LIVE! (Our 1st LIVE), No SR, Laundry Incident! (WASH & DRY)
Yuki Rurikawa: No SSR, Proud Purple Rose (POETIC ROSE), Big Heart Balloon (Today's Special)
Muku Sakisaka: Yearning for Adulthood (FAVORITE SHOES COLLECTION), No SR, First Crush Baseball (First Crush Baseball (Second Half))
Misumi Ikaruga: No SSR, Dahlia Aloha (SPF50+/PA+++), Sleepy-eyed Morning (Morning Routine)
Kazunari Miyoshi: Welcome to Miyoshi Farm ♪ (YABATAN VEGETABLE), No SR, Summer Vacay Memory (Midsummer Paradise)
Kumon Hyodo: No SSR, First, Let Me See Your Ticket (All aboard!), Enjoy My Finest Work! (SUSHI KUINĒ!)
🍁 Autumn Troupe Revival Token Cards 🍁
Banri Settsu: Sweet Addiction (99% CACAO:HOLIC), No SR, MANKAI☆New Year (New Year's Bonus 2020)
Juza Hyodo: No SSR, Relaxing Slow Life (The Place Where the Animals Live), The Ideal Part-timer (Graceful tailor)
Taichi Nanao: Scarlet Fantasy (Beautiful eyes), No SR, A Story I Want You to Hear (BROWN WEAR COLLECTION)
Omi Fushimi: No SSR, Thoughtful Gift (MY FAVORITE FRAGRANCE), Lively Dhol Player (FOOL'S PARADISE)
Sakyo Furuichi: Wishing You a Pleasant Trip (All aboard!), No SR, The Satisfaction of Being a Mechanic (Have a good flight!)
Azami Izumida: No SSR, Lucky Bag - Cosmetics (VELUDO WINTER COLLECTION), Vitamin Fruits Ice Cream (Toppings of Your Choice)
❄️ Winter Troupe Revival Token Cards ❄️
Tsumugi Tsukioka: Kind Postman (My dear postman), No SR, An Angel Who Knew Love (The MANKAI Dorm in Those Days: Autumn-Winter Edition)
Tasuku Takato: No SSR, Called by Someone (BROWN WEAR COLLECTION), Threatening Arnold (PULL THE TRIGGER!)
Hisoka Mikage: Tempting Wedding Cake (June Tuxedo), No SR, Gourmand Note (MY FAVORITE FRAGRANCE)
Homare Arisugawa: No SSR, Encounter with the Unknown (Jurassic Memoir), The Assassin Who Was Sent (Lawless District)
Azuma Yukishiro: Elegant Ankh (FOOL'S PARADISE), No SR, Bewitching Veteran Dancer (Welcome to BURLESQUE)
Guy: No SSR, Handling the Scattered Red Leaves (Fated Battle), A Heartfelt Hymn (Gloria!)
🎭 Other Revival Token Cards 🎭
Isuke Matsukawa: No SSR, No SR, The Prince of April 1st (April Fool's 2017)
Ken Sakoda: The Newcomer Host of April 1st (April Fool's 2018), No SR, No R
Yuzo Kashima: The Champion of April 1st (April Fool's 2019), No SR, No R
Tetsuro Iwai: April Fool's Carpenter (April Fool's 2020), No SR, No R
Kaya Mizuno: The Company President of April 1st (April Fool's 2021), No SR, No R
Madoka Ikaruga: Wizard of April First (April Fool's 2022), No SR, No R
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fea-therlight221 · 9 months
Has anyone seen a translation of the Tsuzumizu song (the Spotlight one). Can anyone tell me what they're singing about.
0 notes
fantomcomics · 2 years
What’s Out This Week? 10/5
Everybody’s wild and rockin’, wearin’ out their Sunday stockings, doin’ the Werewolf Rock.. 
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Saga Vol 10 TP - Brian K. Vaughan & Fiona Staples
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Canis Dear Hatter GN Vol 1 -  Zakk
After taking him in on that rainy day, the mysterious Ryou now lives with the mad hatter, Kutsuna. With his stellar staff's help, business has been booming. However, one fateful day, Kutsuna's rival and long-time friend Gotou informs him that he has been entered into New York Fashion Week. Initially Kutsuna was hesitant to travel, but over time he steels his resolve. Once in New York, Kutsuna encounters some of Ryou's old acquaintances.
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3Keys #1 (of 5) - David Messina
Did the inhabitants of another dimension flee into our reality to save themselves from the terrible wrath of the Great Old Ones...or to help prepare us for a final devastating invasion? And what if humanity's only chance against these Great Old Ones is an impetuous, mischievous young woman and her sardonic, furry, and surprisingly violent mentor?
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Air Book One TP - G. Willow Wilson & M. K. Perker
A new edition of the first of four thrilling volumes in this mind-bending, Eisner-nominated series! Acrophobic flight attendant Blythe has just fallen for a mysterious traveler-who may or may not be a terrorist-and she's about to embark on the strangest journey of her life. Searching for him, Blythe will crash-land into a web of technological conspiracies, dark politics and secret organizations. When she learns that she is the only person able to control flight and reality, with science so advanced it might be magic, she'll have to break the rules of time and space for answers.
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Dark Ride #1 - Joshua Williamson, Andrei Bressan & Adriano Lucas
WELCOME TO THE SCARIEST PLACE ON EARTH!? Devil Land has been the world's premiere horror-themed amusement park for over 50 years, home to the scariest ride ever created - The Devil's Due.? But when lifelong fan Owen Seasons begins his first day on the job, he will discover the true horrors happening behind the scenes, the truth about the park's reclusive creator Arthur Dante, and that the job of his dreams might just be a living nightmare.
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Be Very Afraid Of Kanako Inuki! GN - Inuki Kanako
From the mind of Japan's "queen of horror manga" comes a short story collection sure to put a grin on your face and send a chill down your spine. For more than 30 years, Inuki Kananko has been terrorizing girls and boys with twisted catch-22s and ghoulish monsters. Discover one of the best-kept secrets of global horror with this selection of some of Inuki's most popular short comics. The six hair-raising stories feature an array of unnerving characters and scenarios brought to life in Inuki's signature art style, in the tradition of Junji Ito, Kazuo Umezu, Shintaro Kago, and Junko Mizuno.
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The West Moon Chronicles #1 - Frank Jun Kim & Joe Bocardo
The elusive creatures of mud and blood known as the dokkaebi live just off of Route 4 in east Texas, in the ancient pine forest known as the Tanglechase. Joon-Ho, a Korean immigrant with a shadowy past, and his estranged grandson Jae-Sun are the only people in the nearby town of Vane who know the true nature of the dokkaebi. Together, they must figure out what's causing the creatures to turn hostile. Perhaps it has something to do with the interdimensional portal at the heart of the Tanglechase, for it is from here that the past comes knocking, demanding a reckoning from both men.
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40 Seconds TP - Jeremy Haun & Christopher Mitten
A science fiction/fantasy adventure about a brave team of science explorers traveling through a series of alien gateways to answer a distress call a galaxy away. They find themselves jumping across the universe through strange and beautiful landscapes only to be hunted by a vast, inexplicably unstoppable and dangerous horde. Amazing truths lie at the final gate. If only they can make it in time . . .
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Kaya #1 - Wes Craig
A jam-packed series premiere with 31 gorgeous story pages, plus bonus material and a Jack Kirby-inspired variant cover by DEADLY CLASS co-creator WES CRAIG!
After the destruction of their village, a young girl with a magic arm and a fighting spirit is tasked with delivering her little brother to a faraway safe haven. There, he's destined to discover the secret to overthrowing the all-powerful empire that destroyed their home.
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Night Of The Ghoul #1 (of 3) - Scott Snyder & Francesco Francavilla
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Unbreakable Red Sonja #1 - Jim Zub, Giovanni Valletta & Lucio Parrillo
As we head toward the 50th anniversary of the She-Devil With a Sword in 2023, Dynamite Entertainment is proud to present a sweeping story of sword and sorcery and high adventure by writer Jim Zub (Conan the Barbarian, Dungeons & Dragons, Avengers) and artist Giovanni Valletta (John Wick, James Bond)! In this debut issue, Red Sonja carries a hazy vision that lurks just out of reach in her memories. The answer to that mysterious moment will unlock a journey of forbidden magic and searing steel as Sonja's past and present collide in a quest beyond anything our scarlet-haired hero has faced before!  
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Revolvers #1 (of 4) - John Zuur Platten, Christian Dibari, & Simon Gough
Hampton Wales, a Detroit homicide detective, finds himself trapped in a mysterious and violent reality, only to find himself dead while attempting to solve a seemingly average and routine homicide. Confronted by an immortal tormenter known as La Piton (the Python), Hampton begins a dark and twisted quest to find out why and how he died. To do so, he must face off against a legion of gun-toting, deceased Revolvers within the Moratorium, a hellish version of Purgatory. Hampton will need to "kill or be killed" to have enough time to unravel his demise and discover it was by his own hand, someone else, or something more sinister.
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Leonide The Vampyr: Miracle at The Crow’s Head one shot -  Mike Mignola & Rachele Aragno
A small, coastal village is home to normal people living quiet and simple lives--until a shipwreck brings a small coffin and its smaller occupant into their midst. What begins as a miracle soon takes a turn toward the horrible in this ghostly tale from celebrated Hellboy creator Mike Mignola and artist extraordinaire Rachele Aragno (Mel the Chosen)! The first issue of a new series of stories, Leonide the Vampyr is shiveringly spectacular.  
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Imaginary GN Vol 1 -  Niiro Ikuhana
A gorgeously illustrated tale about childhood friends, unrequited love, and the power of imagination! Back when Tasuku was a kid, he harbored a secret: he was in love with his friend Maika. But Maika moved away for school before he could gather his courage and confess. Now, as adults, they've reconnected as friends, and being together brings memories of their shared past rushing back. It was so easy to fantasize about wild things when they were children, but as adults, what are their fantasies now? This inventive and beautifully illustrated romantic drama explores the fantastical moments hiding in the everyday, and how a rich inner life can be a guide to a different future.
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Monkey Meat TP - Juni Ba The Monkey Meat company made a fortune selling cans of...well, monkey meat. They're now ruling over a corporate empire and an island where they run all sorts of wacky supernatural experiments in a hyper-capitalist landscape. Follow the adventures of the citizens of Monkey Meat Island in this five-story anthology. Collects MONKEY MEAT #1-5.
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Junkyard Joe #1 - Geoff Johns, Gary Frank & Brad Anderson
Throughout history, unlikely and strange heroes have risen and fallen, their identities and lives a secret. But for a Great Evil to be stopped, their stories must be told. They are The Unnamed fighting The Unknown War.
From the explosive pages of GEIGER comes JUNKYARD JOE! The world knows him as the comic strip by cartoonist Muddy Davis, but the truth stretches back to the Vietnam War. This is their story of sacrifice and brotherhood. 
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Joe Hill’s Rain TP - Joe Hill, David M. Booher & Zoe Thorogood On a seemingly normal August day in Boulder, Colorado, the skies are clear and Honeysuckle Speck couldn't be happier. She's finally moving in with her girlfriend Yolanda. But their world is literally torn apart when dark clouds roll in and release a downpour of nails-splinters of bright crystal that shred the skin of anyone not safely under cover. RAIN makes vivid this escalating apocalyptic event, as the deluge of nails spreads across the country and around the world, threatening everything young lovers Honeysuckle and Yolanda hold dear.
Whatcha snagging this week, Fantomites? 
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