neednottoneed · 3 years
if it wouldnt take too long how would you personally rank the songs in rebecca? :)
OOH here we go!!!
Songs automatically at the bottom:
Frank's song (unnecessary)
All 3 of Ben's 'Sie's fort' (only one was necessary)
Eine Hand Wäscht die andere Hand (Favell's song)
Ensemble songs like Petit Dejeuner
Ranking (Last to first)
- Die stärke einer Frau (just,,, not my fave and feels weird in context)
- Sie War Gelohnt, Gelibt Zu Werden - Love Danny being gay in this song but Favell... meh
- Zauberhaft Natürlich - honestly I get bored during this song.
- Ich habe geträumt von Manderley - great beautiful opener but like, not as memorable as the rest.
- Du wirst niemals eine Lady - fun times, love van Hopper
- I'm an American Woman - likewise not super necessary but a fun time.
- Gott Warum - this song slaps but is not my fave of Maxim's
- Was ist nur los mit ihm - honestly this song bores me but Kerstin's voice is lovely
- Und das und das und das - I think this is a fun song for Ich and I love the implication of her confessing things only for Danny to be listening.
- Mrs de Winter bin ich! - gives me What is this Feeling vibes, a fun time if both Ich and Danny can belt and are almost trying to outsing each other.
- Zeit in einer Flasche - not a super super memorable song but it's beautiful for the Ichs (plus I love singing it)
- Rebecca (1) / Finale Erster Akt - ranking these together because I love them (so gay) and I love the key of the Act 1 finale with Danny triumphant on the stairs (in the Stuttgart version)
- Kein Lächeln War Nie so Kalt - look regardless of how I feel about Maxim as a character this song SLAPS.
- Sie ergibt sich nicht - it's beautiful it's melancholy the melody resonates throughout most of the show it's GAY we stan
- Rebecca (Reprise) - Stunning, gorgeous, showstopping, LOVE a belt on it, love the gay Korean versions and Pia's unhinged terror and belt in Stuttgart
- Ich hör dich singen - I mean COME ON "Ich liebte sie doch sie hat mich verratteeeeeeeeen" give Pia a Tony award for that alone.
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thegirlisuedtobe · 3 years
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@mlletina CHECK MATE she can hold three children at one time
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sincerelybluevase · 3 years
Careful, Madam Chapter Seven
A/N: Here it is, the final chapter! Thank everyone for being so patient with this one (the first chapter was published in June 2020, insane how time flies) and for the lovely comments; they mean a lot to me! For a gorgeous preview made by @thegirlisuedtobe, click here. Tagging @alice1nwond3rland, @need-not, @mlletina, @msmaryadmitrievna, @solattea, @halewynslady.
Maxim was the first to speak. “Steady, Mrs Danvers. You wouldn’t want to shoot me.”
Mrs Danvers did not waver. She held the gun steady. Not a muscle in her face moved so that she seemed hard and resolute to me, marble-made. “Let go of Mrs de Winter, sir.”
He released my arm with a theatrical motion, raising splayed hands in mock surrender.
“Come to me, Madam.”
I went so quickly I nearly stumbled. I wished to clutch her arm, to feel the reassuring solidness of her long lean limbs, but I was afraid of what might happen; I didn’t want to set off the gun by accident.
Maxim looked at us with hatred. His face had turned cold and masklike with it. “Now what?” he asked. “You’ll shoot me, Mrs Danvers?”
“I will if you force me, sir,” she said.
“And then what, Mrs Danvers? What happens then? Have you thought about that? Should you kill me, you will hang; the law won’t take pity on you for being a woman. They’ll string you up by that thin neck of yours until you are dead.”
“They won’t if they know what you are, sir.”
“And what am I?”
She glanced at me, at my reddening cheek. “A murderer and a wife-beater.”
He laughed coldly. “That’s no reason to shoot me, now is it, Mrs Danvers? I think you and I and the law can all agree on that.”
“It is if you provoked me, if you threatened your wife and unborn child, sir.”
The laughter petered out. Still he smiled, showing his sharp canines. “You’d have to aim well then, Mrs Danvers, and kill me with one shot, because if you leave me well enough to talk, you’ll be done for. Who do you think the police and lawmen will believe: me, a gentleman with an impeccable reputation, or you, a mad, old, sexually-frustrated maid with unnatural tendencies?”
I wished to speak so I could defend her, but fear held me in its grip, petrifying and silencing me.
Mrs Danvers set her jaw and tightened her grip around the gun. “I’m a good marksman, sir. If I aim to kill, I shall.”
“Perhaps,” Maxim jeered, “but are you certain? And are you absolutely certain that, even if you kill me, you won’t go to prison? They’re harsh places, prisons. Do you want to spend the rest of your life in a cold, damp room, with only a strip of sky to remind you of what lies outside?”
Still Mrs Danvers held the gun steady, her joints seemingly locked into place. “Here’s what men like you don’t understand,” she said softly, “I gave the best years of my life to your first wife; I’m willing to lay down what years remain to me for your second.”
My love for her made a pain rise in my throat. I swallowed against the tears. I looked at Maxim, thinking he would refute her or curse at her. He did no such thing. Instead, he began to yawn, making a great show of it, his mouth opened so wide I could see the fillings in his molars. When he was done, his eyes watered. He brushed the tears away with a fingertip, then turned to me. “You shall stop this nonsense right now,” he said. He spoke as if I was a naughty child.
I shook my head. I could not speak.
A vein at his temple began to throb. I could see it jump around under the skin, writhing like a worm. “Oh, but you shall. You shall stay here, with me, and we shall forget this moment of madness. Mrs Danvers shall have to go, of course, no sane man would keep a housekeeper who pulled a gun on him, but I shan’t press charges. I’ll even give her a good reference. A woman with her qualities can work for any fine family in England. But you, my little darling, shall remain here, by my side, as my wife and the mother of my children.”
“No,” I whispered.
“No? What do you mean, ‘no’?”
“I don’t want to stay.”
He laughed in disbelief. “You don’t want to stay? Do you understand what you’re saying? Before you met me, you had no friends or kin, money, no prospects. You were an old lady’s plaything, her little whipping boy. I raised you up out of darkness. I gave you a name, a house, a reputation to uphold. Without me you have nothing and you are no one, just a grubby little schoolgirl with bad nails and a name no one can spell. Do you hear me? You are nothing!”
“She won’t be nothing. She’ll be my mine,” Mrs Danvers said.
With a roar, Maxim lunged at her. She pulled the trigger, but he knocked the gun out of her hand. The shot went wild, the bullet damaging one of the plaster leaves on the ceiling, causing crumbs to rain down dryly. The gun fell to the floor, skidded, came to rest not a step away from me.
Maxim punched Mrs Danvers in the face, once, twice, thrice. Her head snapped back. She staggered. Blood poured down her mouth and chin. She made a soft choking sound, coughed. Drops of blood flew from between her lips.
“Stop!” I meant to scream it, but it came out as a whisper.
Again Maxim struck her. This time she stumbled and fell, her skirts billowing around her like black sails. He bent over her and continued to beat her. His fists came down on her face and throat again and again and again, dull slaps of flesh against flesh.
“Maxim! Maxim, stop! You’ll kill her!” I screamed. The sound carried, though for all the good it did, I might well have kept my tongue; Maxim continued to brutally, systematically beat Mrs Danvers. She tried to sit up to fend him off, but he pushed her down. Again she rose, again he beat her down.
As a child, I had witnessed our cat playing with a mouse. It would let it run, only to smack it down with its paw before it could get away. The mouse didn’t stand a chance, yet it persisted hopelessly, just as Mrs Danvers would persist in trying to sit up until she could rise no more.  
There was only one thing to do. I bent down and took hold of the gun. It was still cool despite Mrs Danvers’ grip. I raised it and found it surprisingly heavy for its size; it almost slipped out of my clammy hand. With one eye closed I aimed the gun at Maxim, but I was shaking and dared not fire for fear of hurting Mrs Danvers.
I brought the gun to my temple instead. “Maxim, look at me,” I shouted. “I’ll kill myself! I’ll kill myself and your unborn child if you don’t stop!”
He looked over his shoulder. His face was spattered with blood, his lip curled into a snarl. He let go of Mrs Danvers’ dress, causing her to thud to the ground, and came to his feet. “Don’t!” he said. “Don’t you dare!” He stumbled to me, his hands outstretched to wrest the gun from me.
I pointed the gun at him, closed my eyes, and shot.
All of this happened many years ago. My life now is very different from the one I led at Manderley. I’ve said goodbye to England and now have no estate to call my home, no husband to lord over me. Here, my name means nothing, and my face, once plastered over every English newspaper, is just another face, easily forgotten. No one need know that I once was the second Mrs de Winter, the one who everyone knows because she killed her husband. An act in which she was justified, of course, since he had murdered his first wife and now wished to kill her, too, before putting a bullet through his own brain, but that never made the case any less sensational. Whenever I think of it – which, when I am honest, is seldom but still too often for my taste – I can’t help but smile wryly. After all, there is a cruel sort of irony to the whole affair; Maxim killed Rebecca to safeguard Manderley’s reputation, but her murder proved to be the first link in a chain of events that would lead to a nationwide scandal. If I close my eyes, I can still see the reporters pressed against the gates, pen and notepad in hand, clamouring to see me.
There are no reporters in my new life. They do not know where I am, and to the local ones I am of no interest. I live in a cool little cottage, painstakingly paid for with the money I earn with my drawing lessons; I have given away everything I inherited upon Maxim’s death, for I never desired his money even before it became tainted with murder and madness.
Every day is much the same, but that I don’t mind. There’s comfort in familiarity, safety in routine, and after all that we’ve lived through, Danny and I have a certain hankering for comfort. Besides, raising a child together provides plenty of challenges and excitement, we’ve found.
Dear Danny. She’s wonderfully patient with me. I fear I am not always easy to live with. For all my efforts, I’ve not been able to banish the past completely. It still inhabits and possesses a part of me, one that I can fight when awake but must succumb to in slumber, so that, at night, I walk the grounds of Manderley once more. In my dreams, the house and grounds have fallen victim to rot and ruin. The lawn has gone to seed, sickness has turned the chestnut tree into a bleached husk, and the rhododendrons have reared to the fantastic heights of fairy-tale briars. The house itself sags to the side, its walls pockmarked by sour rain, the windows dirty and broken.
But for all its neglect, it is not uninhabited. I do not talk of the birds and bats roosting in the rafters, nor of the mice living underneath the floorboards and the silverfish who slowly eat away the wallpaper.
The library, with its masculine smell of leather and smoke and newspaper ink, is his domain in death as it was in life. There, he paces up and down, up and down. All that pacing has worn the carpet to threads. Each night I must go to him. It does not matter that I am unwilling; my mind and feet betray me, and take me to him. He knows that I am coming and awaits me with impatience, smoking cigarettes in quick succession, littering the ground with ash and butts. His face, once so handsome in a peculiar, medieval way, is ruined by the shot that killed him. It turned his left eye to pulp and smashed the orbital bones to pieces so that the area around the eye is curiously dented.
There must have been no time for Maxim to realise my betrayal; the bullet bored itself into his brain, killing him instantly. The Maxim of my dreams, though, gives me an amused, cruel little smile. Then – just as my life has become routine, my dreams have, too, and so this next moment never varies – he opens his arms to me. I don’t want to, but I must step into his embrace. He pulls me close to him until my head rests against his chest, against the fabric of his tweed jacket turned sodden by blood and the jelly leaking from his burst eye.
“My little love,” he murmurs as he strokes my hair, his breath stinking of the grave, “you didn’t think you’d ever be free of me, now did you? I shall never let you go.”
It is then I wake, gasping and sobbing.
Danny aims to soothe me, kissing my face and folding her long arms around me. I cling to her so tightly it must hurt. She’s no longer as strong as she used to be. No one would be after what Maxim did to her. He damaged her left eye to the point of blindness. During the years, it has turned milky white. She has taken to wearing a velvet eyepatch over it to keep out the light, for even the flame of a candle upon her left eye can trigger a mighty headache. Even covered up it pains her, but she never complains.
She holds me well after the shaking has subsided, kissing my hair. I kiss her throat in return, her chin, her cool sweet mouth. I always hesitate when I reach the scars Maxim left on her face. He embossed her cheek with his signet ring, the M and W intertwined. Yet whenever I hesitate, she brings her mouth to my ear. “No need to be careful, Madam,” she whispers, and then I know.
I have someone in this world to call my own.
I have someone to love.
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solarsunhae · 3 years
“Tag 9 people you want to get to know better!”
Tagged by @mlletina .Thanks for tagging me! :D
Favourite colour: Red
Currently reading: Pride and Prejudice. I wanna finish it so bad but I keep getting distracted by other things oh my gosh.
Last song: Karakuri Pierrot by 40mP (sung by Hatsune Miku). I love love love this song so much.
Last movie: Luca. I thought it was cute. I cried at the end.
Last series: Mine (kdrama). Please watch this show. It’s so good. It’s about women protecting and supporting other women and being powerful. (basically, milfs)
Currently craving: French fries
Tea or coffee: Both but I like and drink tea more. I only drink coffee when I'm sleepy.
Currently working on: trying to fuking finish reading pride and prejudice so i can read other books lmaoo. I don’t really like reading multiple books at the same time.
open tag! If you see this post and wanna do this go ahead :)
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thegirlisuedtobe · 3 years
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The second part of @mlletina and I’s art collab~!
The concept was to imagine Danny in a costume for the ball at Manderley, I did the lineart and gave the colouring up to tina with these words, “half danny half rebecca (manderley on fire) cupid,” and suffice to say she did not disappoint 😤😤
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sincerelybluevase · 3 years
okay don’t get excited people but I am working on Careful, Madam again
Currently writing the ending first, though, so it might be a little while before the fic actually updates, but hopefully something fun for danvich shippers to look forward to
@alice1nwond3rland @thegirlisuedtobe @need-not @halewynslady @mlletina @solattea  @msmaryadmitrievna (and whoever else I might’ve forgotten to tag)
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sincerelybluevase · 3 years
Thank you @mlletina for the tag!
Favourite colour: oh I can’t choose, I actually love a lot of colours! I guess red and blue if really pressed.
Currently reading: <i> Medusa’s Ankles </i> by A.S. Byatt
Last song: Jonathans Versprechen from the German musical Dracula
Last movie: Pet Sematary (2019). It wasn’t worth it, guys.
Last series: Currently watching the final season of Grace and Frankie, but if we’re talking about a series I actually finished, it has to be Self Made.
Currently craving: My girlfriend.
Tea or coffee: I’m a tea gal, though I can like coffee every now and then too.
Currently working on: a number of things. I want to get my student debt paid off and then save money for a house for my girlfriend and me to live in; working on writing some academic articles to keep the option of a PhD open; and I am (sort of) writing a novel, because I do so want to be a published author.
I dont know who has been tagged and who hasn’t, so anyone who wants to do it, please feel free!
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thegirlisuedtobe · 3 years
“Tag 9 people you want to get to know better!”
Thank you for the tag @mlletina ~! I have some free time since we’re getting individual feedback in class atm
Favourite colour: Orange <3
Currently reading: Beloved by Toni Morrison! But I just finished a graphic novel, Cyclopedia Exotica by Aminder Dhaliwal in like a day and I’ve been following this series for forever on their insta so happy to have finally received my preorder copy.
Last song: I’ve been replaying SZA’s Ctrl album working on design class assessments all week. So technically “20 something” but I love replaying "Drew Barrymore.” I keep mistaking the lyrics for it LMAO
Last movie: The last one I remember was Nausica but I’m sure I watched something else with my family more recently. I think it might be Forrest Gump? We’ve been watching old movies together, the classics^tm, but i’ve never watched em till now.
Last series: Fairy Tail LMAO It was on Netflix and I needed something playing on the TV to eat food with. But such a nostalgia trip, I am so WHIPPED for Erza ✌😔 it’s really too unreal even now, like full on red ears, I’m sorry,,, we’re also canonically the same age now and ummm miss scarlet if u are free this weekend,,, 👉👈
Currently craving: I want a sausage and egg mcmuffin with a choc frappe, chicken and cheese on the side and a small sundae (from maccas if anyone wants to uber it for me dkjgkdg)
Tea or coffee: Coffee, I don’t like tea, I’m sorry I don’t get the appeal outside of I guess homemade iced tea. But I only drink coffee if I’m feeling constipated LMAO so its soft drinks if anything.
Currently working on: Uni assessments, been sneaking in Rebecca as well for my VFX assessment but otherwise just grinding on work. I finished a vogue cover for my series but since I post in couples I still gotta do the second one.
I do not have anyone else to tag so I’ll end the fun here ✌😔
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