deltabrony7 · 7 years
MLP Season 7 Adventures: Human Delta’s New Magic and Chat with Starlight Glimmer and The Ponies
*In Camp Everfree, Human Delta is done picking up the trash, and Gloriosa and Timber thanked him for that*
[Gloriosa Daidy] “You did a wonderful job on helping us.”
[Timber Spruce] “Never could have done it without you.”
[Human Delta] “Phew. That was a hard job, but I got it done just in time.”
[Gloriosa Daisy] “Oh, the campers are heading back to Canterlot High.”
[Human Delta] “Hmm... guess they are done having fun at the camp. Oh... um... sorry for what I did. I was obsessed with equestrian magic, and I took things literally.”
*Sunset and Twilight and the others were on the bus talking about Human Delta*
[Sunset Shimmer} “Well, I guess he is learning his lesson after all.”
[Human Twilight] “I’m pretty sure that he can redeem himself.”
[Gloriosa Daisy] “Apology accepted Delta. But please don’t become crazy with all the magic that you used on us.”
[Human Delta] “Likewise... (gasp)
*Suddenly, Human Delta look at his hand and sees a powerful light on it.*
[Human Delta] “This... can’t be!! I wasn’t expecting this.”
[Timber Spruce] “Me neither... I never seen something like this from you.”
[Human Delta] “Hahahaha!! This is amazing!! Sparkling stars that is surrounding my hand. Gloriosa, I must go asap.”
[Gloriosa Daisy] “You may be dismissed. Come again soon.”
*Human Delta walks and head back to town and tests out his new magic.*
[Human Delta] “How is this even possible?!! There is no way I can still have magic like this.”
*Human Delta channels his power and throws it at a tree, and the magic explods on impact, and sparkling glitter scatters around*
[Human Delta] “This is amazing!! I have some magic!! Oh my goodness, wait until Joshua sees this.”
[Human Joshua] “I’m right here.”
[Human Delta] “Josh!! Never thought you came to see me again.”
[Human Joshua] “I see that you are excited and was mentioning about magic.”
[Human Delta] “You never gonna believe what you are about to see.”
*Human Delta charges up his magic on his hand and showing it to Human Joshua*
[Human Joshua] “No WAY!! This is... rad!! Delta, don’t tell me you have magic from Midnight Sparkle.”
[Human Delta] “That was the past. This time... I have good magic. Sparkling glitter and light appears on my hand everytime I channel myself. It’s like casting a spell.”
[Human Joshua] “Wow!! Can you do a little research on yourself?”
[Human Delta] “Although, I need your help on this one.”
[Human Joshua] “Don’t worry, as Gloriosa would say... I got this.”
*Meanwhile at Twilight’s Castle, Delta Brony talked to Starlight Glimmer about the events he been through*
{Delta Brony] “So I fought an evil pony named Twivine Sparkle, she had the magic from Twilight, Luna, Celstaia, and Cadance. I am the only unicorn who defeated her and returned the magic to the princesses.”
[Starlight Glimmer] “Wow!! I can’t believe that you were very heroic.”
[Delta Brony] “That’s before she used Tirek’s power to transform into a hybrid. Then me, the Mane 6, and the princesses defeated her again and we managed to reform her during the time Omega Brony was here.”
[Starlight Glimmer] “Omega?”
[Delta Brony] “Very long story Glim Glam.”
[Twilight Sparkle] “Starlight, you also distracted Princess Dark Matter and we was able to defeat her as well.”
[Starlight Glimmer] “Isn’t that the girl who took your cutie mark, and transformed into a powerful being and was planning to take over Equestria?”
[Twilight Sparkle] “That’s right. She used the negative power of our cutie marks, but thanks to its positive power, we regain our cutie marks back.”
[Rainbow Dash] “Yeah. We couldn’t have done it without Megan.”
[Starlight Glimmer] “Wow. Seems that you ponies have some special tasks.”
[Delta Brony] “The Mane 6 will do anything to spread the magic of friendship in Equestria. And you will do the same if you keep this up.”
[Starlight Glimmer] “Well, I still have some friendship lessons that I need to learn from Twilight.”
[Twilight Sparkle] “So Delta, are you learning some new spells?”
[Delta Brony] “Nothing new, but I did learn how to do this.”
*Delta Brony channels her magical ability to create a golden shield.*
[Delta Brony] “The shield spell, the one that you and Starlight has.”
[Twilight Sparkle] “Very nice Delta.”
[Delta Brony] “Thanks. I’m starting to get the hang of it. Especially when I am an alicorn. Well then... I guess I better meet Pinkie Pie to get some desserts.”
[Twilight Sparkle] “Alright. See you later.”
*Delta Brony leaves the castle looking excited.”
[Delta Brony] “Hahaha!! I live for a good friendship between me, and the Mane 6, or... 7 because of Starlight. Silly me.”
*Suddenly, Darcy was hiding in the bushes, looking at Delta with a smug.”
[Darcy] “Well now, I see that a pony is trotting in the town. and he is mentioning about the others. It’s time for me to dig in.”
*While Delta Brony is walking, he meets the Cutie Mark Crusaders*
[Apple Bloom] “You met Rainbow Dash’s parents?!! That is amazing!!”
[Sweetie Belle] “Never thought you went to Cloudsdale Scootaloo.”
[Scootaloo] “Trust me, I squealed whan I saw them.”
[Delta Brony] “Crusaders!! You seem to be excited.”
[Apple Bloom] “How’s it going Delta Brony?”
[Delta Brony] “It’s going pretty well, just left the castle a few minutes ago.”
[Scootaloo] “You never gonna believe what I just met.”
[Delta Brony] Babs Seed?”
[Scootaloo] “No silly. This!!”
*Scootaloo shows a picture of Rainbow Dash’s Parents, Bow Hothoof and Windy Whistles. Delta becomes shocked.*
[Delta Brony] “EGADD!! Is that.... Rainbow Dash’s parents?!!”
[Scootaloo] “Yes!! I was so enthusiastic when I first saw them!! I was doing a school report during that time.”
*Delta Brony becomes speechless in a few seconds and starts to shout RD’s name.*
To Be Continued...
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